veloping ideas - Reading
胶州四中 万文静
What is the best university in China
National Southwestern Associated University
How is it different from today’s university
simple and shabby(简陋的)
the Qomolangma of China’s education
a The founding of Lianda
b The happy life after the war c The contributions of Lianda d The historic status of Lianda
e The victory of the Chinese Army
Focus on the first and last para First and last sentence of each para
Find the key words
to get the main idea
Read for general ideas
Skim and tick the ones mentioned in the text.
Tips :
Match the
with the
founding ,
contributions and historic
Read for structures
aggression of Japan
savin h ritage
Founding —— Contributions Historic Status
makinhgo n epic journey
Read for details(1-3)
school badge (校徽)
immense hardships and the daunting challenges
The Long March of China’s Education
Para.3 What figures of speech(修辞手法) are used
Professors and students alike in the three universities made an epic
journey over a distance of more than 2,000 kilometres, most of them on foot. Their bed was the dusty road and their roof was the open sky, often lit up by exploding Japanese bombs. Conditions were little better once they reached the remote and mountainous south-west part of China .
They had to live in rough buildings, packed 40 to a room, like
sardines. There were dire shortages of food, books, and equipment.
Furthermore, classes were frequently disrupted due to fierce air attacks
and often had to be held before 10 am and after 4 pm.
Learning to learn
Similes(明喻) and metaphors(暗喻) are two
commonly used, but easy to confuse, figures of speech.
Similes compare and show similarities in typically different things. Similes usually use connecting words such as like, as, so and resemble. For example, He is as cool as a cucumber. Unlike similes, metaphors make direct comparisons without using connecting words. For example, She has a heart ofa lion.
Para.3 What figures of speech are used
Professors and students alike in the three universities made an epic
foot. Their bed was the dusty road and their roof was the open sky, often
lit up by exploding Japanese bombs. Conditions were little better once
They had to live in rough buildings, packed 40 to a room, like
sardines. There were dire shortages of food, books, and equipment.
Furthermore, classes were frequently disrupted due to fierce air attacks
and often had to be held before 10 am and after 4 pm.
they reached the remote and mountainous south Simi e 明喻 hina .
journey over a distance of more than 2,000 Metaphor 隐喻 m on
Life is like a box of chocolates. My life is an open book.
That baby is as cute as a button! Baby, you’re a firework.
Here are some examples of similes and metaphors:
Metaphor Simile
静静的,在那被遗忘的山坡上, 还下着密雨,还吹着细风, 没有人知道历史曾在此走过, 留下了英灵化入树干而滋生。 Many students from Lianda joined in the army to
defend(保卫) our country. Many even sacrificed(牺 牲)their lives.
Softly, on the hillside forgotten by all,
A misty rainfalls in a gentle breeze;
There is no trace ofthe footprints of history;
Where brave souls once stood, breathing new life into the trees.
How do you understand the poem by Zha Liangzheng
Read for details(4-5)
Founding —— Contributions Historic Status
resisting invaders
Student soldiers and interpreters
an epic journey
immense hardships daunting challenges
aggression of Japan saving heritage
Para4. However, despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges, it was right in this place, over period of eight long years, that the nation's
intellectual heritage was not only guarded but fortified by the passion and belief of the worthy academics of Liand a. It is no wonder that many, if not most, of
China's leading scholars and scientists emerged at Liand a, including the two
Nobel Prize-winning physicists, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao. "Liand a laid the foundation for every achievement I have made, Yang recalled. He still
remembers learning in a temporary classroom that had no glass in the windows. "On windy days, we had to hold down the paper on the desk, which would
otherwise be blown away,"he said.
to the academics
Read for details(4-5)
Read for details(4-5)
Founding —— Contributions Historic Status
resisting invaders
Student soldiers and interpreters
an epic journey
immense hardships daunting challenges
intellectual heritage
scholars and scientists
aggression of Japan saving heritage
Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao Deng Jiaxian won “Two Bombs and won Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. One Satellite” Merit Medals (功勋奖章).
More than 170 academicians / k d m n/ (院士) graduated
from it.
Lianda has nurtured many famous scholars(学者)and
Some famous professors ever taught in this university.
Qian Zhongshu
Liang Sicheng
Hua Luogeng
Zhu Ziqing
Wen Yiduo
Xu Zhimo
80th anniversary of Lianda ’s founding
6. A product of the war, Lianda is now physically gone. But it has become the crowning glory of China's modern universities, not only because of its
prominent professors and talented students, but also because of the school's strong spirit of perseverance and dedication. In 2017, representatives from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University and Yunnan
Normal University gathered to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding.
7. More than eighty years on, the priceless contribution of Lianda still needs to be reaffirmed. It has become part of the collective memory of the Chinese nation, with its spirit as the blueprint for all universities in China in the
modern era.
What’s Liand a’s historic status Can you find two words from the passage to describe it
Read for details(6-7)
aggression of Japan intellectual heritage omplete
saving heritage scholars and scientists crowning glory
Founding Contributions Historic Status
an epic journey resisting invaders blueprint
immense hardships defending the honour the best example
daunting challenges or model
Read for details(6-7)
Think Share
What ’s the spirits of Lianda . Explain your evidence .
What do they have passion for What do they have belief in
What do they have commitment to
Suppose you attend the 100th anniversary as the
student representative (代表) . Discuss with your group members and give a speech.
1. Recall (回忆) the history and contributions of Lianda.
2. Introduce the spirits of lianda.
3. What will you do in the future.
100th anniversary of Lianda ’s founding
Group work
万里长征 ,辞却了五朝宫阙 暂驻足衡山湘水 ,又成离别
绝徼移栽桢干质 ,九州遍洒黎元血 尽笳吹 ,弦诵在山城 ,情弥切
1 . Write down and polish your speech .
2 . Search for more information online about Lianda after class .
A Place of Passion, Belief and Commitment