Unit 3 Could you please clean your room 单元概览+分课时学历案+单元学后反思 + 单元作业检测-2025春人教八下


名称 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room 单元概览+分课时学历案+单元学后反思 + 单元作业检测-2025春人教八下
格式 docx
文件大小 1.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教新目标(Go for it)版
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-03-03 08:43:00



单元名称:Could you please clean your room
姓名 学科/年级/设计者 英语 /八年级/
教材 人教版Go for it! 对应章/课时 Unit 3/6
你敢挑战吗? 设想一下,你正步入一个充满魔法与挑战的神奇领域,在这里,每位居民都拥有一个独特的能力——仅通过简单的家务劳动,便能开启生活中的无限潜能。欢迎加入人教版八年级英语下册第三单元的奇妙旅程,我们的主题是:“Could you please clean your room ” 这句话不仅仅是一个简单的请求,它是一把钥匙,能够开启独立、责任与成长之门。 在本单元的学习中,你将探索议论文的构成要素和写作特色。此外,你还将有机会为Sunday Mail magazine撰写一封信,深入阐述你对“小孩子是否应该在家承担家务”这一议题的观点。你是否已经准备好迎接这个挑战了呢?
期望你学会什么? 能听懂关于家务劳动的简短对话;会用情态动词could 征询许可及礼貌地提出请求;能读懂有关家务看法的文章;熟练地运用与家务琐事相关的词汇及表达法。(语言能力) 通过听、说、读、看、写等各项技能策略的感悟、体验和学习,如听前预测、获取和梳理语篇的主旨要义和关键细节等。(学习能力) 通过本单元的听说、阅读和写作训练学生的英语综合技能。发展学生的逻辑思维和辩证思维能力。(思维品质) 利用话题内容引导学生探索,讨论家庭亲情及家庭义务的重要性,学生应对独立承担帮助父母做适当的家务持有积极的态度。(文化意识)
给你支招 议论文的三要素分别是论点、论据以及论证。论点,即议论文的核心,它通常是一个简洁明了的陈述句,明确的表达了作者对某个问题的立场和观点。论点的提出应当具有针对性、正确性和明确性,能够引领全文的论述方向。论据是用来证明论点的材料,他可是是事实论据,如具体的实力、统计数字等,也可以是道理论据,如名人名言、格言警句等。论证是运用论据来证明论点的过程和方法,它通常包括立论和驳论两种方式。立论是从正面阐述自己的观点,通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来证明论点的正确性;驳论则是针对对方的论点进行反驳,通过解释对方论点的错误或漏洞来确立自己的观点。 在阅读议论文的时候,你需要学会借助金字塔图的可视化思维工具来梳理议论文的不同要素,这可以帮助你更好的理解文章的框架结构和主要内容。 文章越来越长了,你要做好预习工作,上课的时候才不会掉队。下面是给你的一些预习小建议,要尝试运用哦: 快速浏览一遍文章,了解文章的主题、结构和基本情节,对文章的主旨和框架有个大致把握; 细读文章,用彩色笔标注出文章不认识的单词和不懂得短语,查阅字典,记录下他们的中文意思、词性以及例句,减少阅读障碍; 逐句读文章,尝试用自己的话翻译课文,检验自己的理解程度; 对于文中理解不了的句子,尤其是长难句,做好标记,上课时重点听老师讲解; 找到与文章的听力视频或音频,观看或收听,并跟着模仿朗读、增强语感; 完成老师下发的预习清单。
授课教师 班级 姓名
Could you please clean your room 第一课时 听说课(一)
【学习目标】 通过情境体验学习,能够记住不同家务表达,并用英语提出请求和回答。 通过听力训练,能够听懂有关做家务的对话并使用听力预测策略。 通过创编对话,能够了解大家做家务的情况,形成帮助家长做家务的意识。 【评价任务】备注:完成每项任务后,在符合你情况的括号中打勾。 1. Task 1-3(目标 1);2.Task 4-5(目标 2);3.Task 6(目标 3) 【本课重难点】重点:掌握做家务的英文表达,并用英语提出请求和回答;难点:正确使用目标语言。
Task 1. (1)Let’s watch and say. ▲(2)Translate the following phrases.[学法建议:预习书 P17-1a 写出下列短语的英文表达] 倒垃圾___________________________ 2. 打扫客厅_____________________________ 3. 扫地_____________________________ 4. 整理床铺_____________________________ 5. 洗碗_____________________________ 6. 叠衣服_______________________________ (3)Finish 1a. Task 2. (1)Finish 1b. (2)Listen again and fill in the blanks. Mom: Peter, we need to clean the house. Your grandma is coming over at seven. Peter: Sure, but I need to do my homework first. Mom: OK. Then after you finish your homework, let’s ______________________. I can do the dishes and ____________________. Could you please _____________________ Peter: Sure, Mom. Mom: Good. And could you please make your bed and _____________________ Peter: All right. Mom: And let’s see... I have to _______________________ before your grandma arrives.
▲(3)Let’s learn.[学法建议:预习书 P17句型,尽可能多的写出句式] 如何礼貌地提出请求?如何回答? 提出请求(make request):____________________________________________ 接受请求(accept request):__________________________________________ 拒绝请求(refuse request):___________________________________________
Task 3. Finish 1c.
▲Task 4.(1) Predict [学法建议:看书 P18-2a图,回答下列问题] How many people are there in the picture What’s their relationship _________________________________________________________________ (2)Finish 2a. (3) Finish 2b. (4)Read the conversation. ▲(5)Let’s learn.[学法建议:预习书 P17、18句型,尽可能多的写出句式] 如何请求对方允许自己做某事?如何回答? 请求允许(ask for permission):___________________________________ 同意(agree):__________________________________________________ 反对(disagree):_______________________________________________
(6)Fill in the blanks according to 2a&2b and retell. Peter wants to ___________________ with his friends tonight. His father says “Sure”. And peter wants to ___________________ after that. His father says “Yes”. But Peter can’t __________________ because he needs to __________________ for tomorrow’s _________________. Then Peter wants to ______________ to town, but his father doesn’t agree because his father has _______________ to do. So Peter will call Alan to see if Alan’s dad can give him a ride.
(7)Finish 2c. Task 5. (1)Let’s predict. (2)Listen and check the things that girl asks Tony to do. (3)Role-play the conversation.
Task 6. Let’s report.[学法建议:一名同学充当记者,通过所学句型与组内同学问答做家务的情况,并记录下来进行报告] e.g. Hello, everyone. Let me tell you something about my group. In my group, XXX sometimes ...For XXX, he/she usually ... And... NameChores
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有什么疑惑呢?听我来给自己讲一讲。 【课后作业】 作业本:①根据1c编对话(5组);②2d对话1:1:1 ③润色Task 6的report并写在作业本上。
授课教师 班级 姓名
Could you please clean your room 第二课时 阅读课
【学习目标】1.能够梳理并归纳出本新闻的主要信息,理解文章细节; 2.能利用思维导图和填空复述文章。3.能够学会帮助家人分担家务,形成正确的价值观。 【评价任务】1.Task 1-2(目标1);2.Task 3(目标2);3.Task 4(目标3) 【本课重难点】重点:归纳梳理语篇关键信息并正确复述;难点:运用所学语言正确描述设置目标的相关信息,有理有据,条理清晰。
Task 1. Watch and say. ▲Task 2. (1)Read the passage quickly and answer questions. 1. How was the text written a. In logical (逻辑的)order. b. In space order. c. In time order. 2. What kind of passage is it a. News. b. Story. c. Ad. d. Poster. ▲(2)Read the passage carefully and complete the chart. ▲(3)Read the passage again and put the pictures in order.[学法建议:根据p19 3a课文内容,将下列图片排序] ▲(4)Read the passage again and complete the storyline. (5)Let’s role play the conversation.[学法建议:两人一组模仿课文音频,将p19 3a中的对话声情并茂地表演出来] ▲(6)Read again and answer questions. 1. Why didn’t Nancy take the dog for a walk _____________________________________________________________ Why was Nancy’s mom angry with her _____________________________________________________________ Did they solve the problem How _____________________________________________________________ ▲(7)Finish 3b.[学法建议:读句子,并在文中画出同意表达] ▲(8)Finish 3c.[学法建议:判断括号中的单词是动词还是名词,如果是动词,请用其名词意义造句;如果是名词,请用其动词意义造句]
Task 3. Retell the passage. Last week, when Nancy came home from school, the dog ______________ her. _______________ Nancy sat down in front of the TV, her mom ____________ and asked her to take the dog for a _______. Nancy thought she was _______________ her mother. Because she also worked all day at school. _____________ Nancy ________ her mother did any housework for a week. Finally, Nancy ________________ that she needed to do the housework together to have a _____________ and _____________ home.
Task 4. Let's discuss:What do you learn from Nancy’s story From the passage, I have learned that __________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有什么疑惑呢?听我来给自己讲一讲。 【课后作业】 作业本:①课文1:1:1 ②将迁移创新的内容写下来;
授课教师 班级 姓名
Could you please clean your room 第三课时 语法课
【学习目标】1.通过观察例句,梳理归纳语法点;2.通过归纳,能够掌握如何询问许可、用could表达询问许可的问答、情态动词could的用法。3.通过练习,能够灵活运用情态动词could,提高交际能力。 【评价任务】1.Task 1-2(目标1);2.Task 3-5(目标2);3.Task 6(目标3) 【本课重难点】重点:掌握情态动词could的用法以及询问许可和回答句式; 难点:正确使用情态动词could。
Task 1. Let’s watch a video. Task 2. Let’s listen and fill in the following sentences. ▲Task 3. Complete the sentences.[学法:预习p20完成下列句子。] --我可以和我的朋友们出去吃饭吗? ______ I go out _____ dinner ____ my friends --当然可以,没问题。Sure, that _______ ____ OK. --我们看完电影后可以去喝点什么吗? Could we ____ something to drink ______ the movie --不行,你明天有篮球比赛。 No, ______ ________. You have a _________ ________ _________. --可以麻烦你去遛狗吗?_______ you _____ take the dog ____ ___ ____ --可以,但我想先看个节目。OK, ____ I want ____ _______ one show ______. --可以请你倒下垃圾吗?Could you please _____ ___ ___ _________ --可以,当然。Yes, _____.
▲Task 4. Grammar Learning 情态动词could的用法 [学法建议:观察p20 GF句子和以下例句,结合第一课时所学完成表格] ①用于有礼貌地提出请求: 问句:_____________________/______________________/_______________________ 肯定回答:_____________/____________/_____________/_____________/ ____________/____________ 否定回答:____________________/___________________/__________________②用于请求对方允许自己做某事: 问句:_______________________ 肯定回答:___________________/_________________/__________________ 否定回答:____________________/___________________/__________________③作___________的过去式,表示_______(时态)的_______。 e.g. The little boy could speak English when he was four.④表示__________,意为___________。 e.g. This could be the best way to solve the problem now.⑤表示________、_________等,用于________句和________句中,语气比can_______。 e.g. I think the news couldn’t be true. e.g. Who could have taken them
▲Task 5. Let’s practice 【学法建议:请你根据本节课所学内容认真完成课本4a和4b的练习题。】
Task 6. Finish 4c [学法建议:加入你的小组去野营,要准备一些物品。请根据4c对话询问小组成员,决定谁做什么,并填在右侧表格中,最后进行汇报] g. Hello, everyone. Let me tell you something about the preparation of the camping trip in our group.
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有什么疑惑呢?听我来给自己讲一讲。 【课后作业】 作业本:①Grammar Focus句子1:1;②将task 6的报告写下来
授课教师 班级 姓名
Could you please clean your room 第四课时 听说课
【学习目标】 1.通过情景体验学习,能够用不同短语、情态动词could等请求同意和提出要求。 2.通过听力练习,能够听懂谈论请求同意和提出要求的对话,掌握听力预测策略。 3.通过能够学会礼貌请求同意和提出要求,做文明守礼高情商的新时代中学生。 【评价任务】 Task 1-2(目标1);2.Task 3-6(目标2);3.Task 7(目标3) 【本课重难点】 重点:有关日常生活中请求同意和提出要求的简单对话;关于请求同意和提出要求的清楚表达; 难点:清楚区分请求同意和提出要求的句型;能有逻辑地、清楚地表达请求同意和提出要求的句型。
▲Task 1. Try to translate the phrases. 1. buy some drinks and snacks 买一些饮料和零食2. borrow some money __________________ 3. clean your room ____________________4. invite my friends to a party ___________________ 5. go to the store ____________________6. use your CD player ____________________ 7. take out the rubbish ____________________8. make your bed ___________________ Task 2. (1)Let’s watch a video. (2)Let’s guess. ▲(3)Finish 1a[学法建议:预习p21 1a内容,在父母要求孩子完成的事后面写parents,在孩子寻求许可的活动后面写teenagers]
Task 3.(1)Finish 1b. (2)Finish 1c. Task 5. (1)Finish 1d. (2)Retell. E.g. Hi, everyone. Let me tell you something about Sandy’s party. Sandy wants to... So she will... Task 6. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Sandy: Could I __________ my friends to a party on Saturday, Mom Mom: Of course! That sounds like fun. Sandy: Yeah. Um ... could I ___________ some money Mom: What for Sandy: I need to buy some drinks and __________. Could I __________________ Mom: Well, I’m going tomorrow, and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you. Sandy: Oh, good. Thanks, Mom. Mom: You’re welcome. Oh, could you clean your room Sandy: I cleaned it last week. Mom: You need to clean it again for your party. Sandy: OK. At the party, could I use your CD __________ Mom: Yes, if you’re ___________ with it. Sandy: Don’t worry, Mom! Mom: Now, there are a few other things I want you to do before the party. Could you please ________ the big chairs to the bedroom and __________________________ Sandy: Sure. Dave is coming early on Saturday, so he can help me.
Task 7. Finish 1e. [学法建议:如果你要办一场派对,请礼貌询问你小组的同伴们可否帮忙准备。最后向大家作总结报告] e.g. Hello, everyone. I want to hold a party(办一场派对) . My group members will help me with it. XXX said he will ... XXX can ... /XXX is happy to ... /XXX would like to ... but he is... so I asked XXX...and
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有疑惑呢?想一想再和大家交流一下吧! 【课后作业】 练习册:完成第四课时 作业本:润色Task 7报告并写下来;
授课教师 班级 姓名
Could you please clean your room 第五课时 阅读课
【学习目标】 能够梳理并归纳出Ms. Miller和Mr. Smith的观点及理由,理解文章的细节; 2.能利用思维导图复述文章。 3.能够正确认识青少年做家务的必要性,提升自己的信念价值观;能够用辩证的思维对待客观事物,结合生活学习提升自己的思辨品质。 【本课重难点】 重点:归纳梳理语篇关键信息并正确复述; 难点:运用所学语言正确描述设置目标的相关信息,有理有据,条理清晰。
Task 1. Watch a video and answer the questions. Task 2. (1)Finish 2a. (2)Finish 2b.[学法建议:快速阅读p22两篇文章,完成填空] I’m Ms. Miller. I ___________(agree/disagree) that young people should do chores at home. I’m Mr. Smith. I ___________(agree/disagree) that young people should do chores at home. (3)Finish 2c.[学法建议:阅读p22两篇文章,将两人对于孩子在家做家务的pros(利)和cons(弊)分别写在书上的表格中] (4)Read the passage carefully and choose the right answers. 1. What do the two letters mainly discuss Parents’ opinions on whether students should spend more time on study. Students’ views on whether they should do chores at home. Parents’ views on whether students should do chores at home. Students’ opinions on whether they should spend more time on study. 2. What does Ms. Miller think students should do Students should spend all their time on study. Students should help with housework and chores at home. Students should spend more time on study. Students should do housework to release (释放) their pressure. 3. According to Mr. Smith, which one is true Getting good grades is not important for students. Doing chores is a good way to make students independent. It’s unfair for students to share housework at home. Parents should keep the house clean and tidy. 4. Mr. Smith mentioned his neighbors’ son to tell readers ___________. Students can’t get good grades if they don’t do chores at home. Doing chores help students to look after themselves well. Doing chores at home can help students to be independent. Student should take good care of themselves when they go to college. 5. According to this passage, what may Mr. Smith do Help his son to make the bed. Ask his son to do the dishes. Ask his son to spend all of the free time on study. Allow his son not to finish his homework. (5)Read the first passage carefully and finish the mind map. (6)Read the second passage carefully and finish the mind map. (7)Finish 2e.
▲Task 3. Retell Ms. Miller’s and Mr. Smith’s opinions according to the mind maps. e.g. Everybody has different ideas on whether young people should do chores at home. Here are Ms. Miller’s and Mr. Smith’s opinions. Ms. Miller thinks... and Mr. Smith thinks...
Task 4. Let’s debate(辩论). Whether kids should do chores at home . My opinion: My reasons:
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有疑惑呢?想一想再和大家交流一下吧! 【课后作业】 作业本:①2b课文1:1:1; ②Finish 2d. ③将复述的课文内容写下来
授课教师 班级 姓名
Could you please clean your room 第六课时 写作课
【学习目标】 1.能够了解议论文要素,说明自己对孩子是否该做家务这件事的看法和依据。 2.能够起草和修改作文,培养语言的运用能力。 【评价任务】 Task 1-2(目标1);2.Task 3(目标2);3.Task 4(目标3) 【本课重难点】 重点:综合运用本单元所学完成以己对孩子是否该做家务这件事的看法为主题的作文; 难点:将本单元重点表达有效融入作文,条理清晰,语言准确。
Task 1. Let’s review. ▲Task 2. (1)Let’s think. 1. What kind of passage are they What should you mention(提及) first when you write this kind of article 2. How should you support your opinion ▲(2)Structure leaning.[学法建议:参考2a阅读,议论文需要哪些要素 ] ____________ ____________ Argumentation ____________ (议论文) ____________ ▲Task 2.(1)Finish 3a.[学法建议:你认为孩子应该做家务吗?结合所学将相应的原因填入书上表格中] ▲(2)Finish 3b.[学法建议:将书上的句子填写完整,并思考每一部分在表达什么,然后进行结构划分] ▲(3)Conclude.[学法建议议论文的每一部分可以用到哪些句式?请参考3b总结] Express opinions(表达观点): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Giving reasons(列举原因): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Give examples(举例): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Conclusion(总结): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Task 3. Writing example 有人认为小孩应该在家做家务,因为做家务可以增强小孩子的责任感。你怎么认为?请你写一篇80词左右的文章表达你的观点。 ▲(1)Let’s think. 文章时态:__________ 文章人称:___________ 文章体裁:_______ ▲(2)Writing sample.[学法建议:阅读以下作文,在文章右边写出优点] Should children do chores at home I agree that children should do chores at home. I don’t think children should spend all their free time on studying. First, doing chores at home helps to develop children’s responsibility(责任). They should know that everyone should play a part in keeping the house clean and tidy. Second, helping parents with some housework can also make children be more independent. When they go to college or when they go far away from home, they will know how to take care of themselves. Third, doing chores at home promotes parent-child relationship. Children will understand their parents better when they know that it’s not easy for their parents to do housework. One of my sisters worked in Shanghai two years ago, but she couldn’t look after herself well. Finally, she gave up her job in Shanghai and went home. Now, she is working in our small city. In a word, it is important for children to learn to do chores at home. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.
Task 4. Writing 假如你是李阳,请你写一封信给Sunday Mail magazine,告诉他们你对“小孩子是否应该在家做家务”这个问题的看法。 要求:1.80词左右; 2.清楚阐述理由;3.可以适当举例。 Dear Sir/Madam, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Yang
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有疑惑呢?想一想再和大家交流一下吧! 【课后作业】 1.作业本:修改后完成作文;2.书p24所有习题
三、单元学后反思 + 单元作业检测
【单元学后反思】 一、借助图表分类梳理本单元呈现的主要内容,包括话题、词汇、及重点语法知识。(共25分)
二、学完本单元后,你有哪些收获呢?有没有遗憾的地方呢?请你认真思考并撰写单元学后反思。 【单元作业检测】 【基础检测】 一、单词拼写 1.Drinks and (小吃) are served in the bar. 2.Chinese students need to spend time (发展) their skills for life. 3.(2021广西百色)56.Don’t ________ (浪费)food, you should eat up the food on the plate. 4. (两者都不) of us has a car. So we both take the bus. 5.The forest becomes home to new wildlife, and (提供) food and water for animals. 6.This idea probably won’t work, but let’s try it (即使这样). 7.(2023四川宜宾)43. Lin Tao usually ________ (折叠) the quilt after he gets up every morning. 8.One day the old man’s hand shook so terribly that he dropped his dish on the (地板). 9.(2024江苏南通)46. They _______ (借) all kinds of magazines from the library every Tuesday. 10.(2022广西河池)51.Linda, could you _____ (传递) me the dictionary, please 11.(2023江苏苏州)32. We offered to look after our ________ (邻居的) dog when she was away. 12.After he (扫) the leaves up into a pile, Jack went to school with his sister. 13.You shouldn’t (扔)any food or other things to the animals when you visit the zoo. 14.(2022广西百色)58.Alice has made many Chinese friends _____(自从) she came to our school. 15.(2021广西贵港)47.I want to look up the word. Could you ________(借给)me a dictionary 16.(2017江苏扬州 )53. The temperature ▲ a lot last night. (下降) 17.Your room is in a ________ (杂乱). I think you should tidy it up. 18.Many doctors were under ________ (精神压力) in the face of the serious epidemic. 19.________ (既然) everyone is here, let’s begin our class. 20.Are you getting used to separating ________ (垃圾) into different groups in your daily life 21.“Jenny, doing chores is everyone’s duty in the family, so it’s u to ask your sister to do all,” Mum said angrily. 22.When he was i in hospital, his classmates helped him with his studies every day. 23.The owner of the store is very kind, he p the homeless with hot water and food. 24.(2023四川甘孜)46. I forgot to bring my book to school, so I asked my friend if I could b hers. 25.(2021四川南充)40.These two sweaters are so expensive that I can afford n________ of them. 26.D on himself, the dog finally stood up and walked on his two legs after a month’s training. 27.Try to learn to be i so that we will be able to make a living by ourselves when growing up. 28.—Here are six apples. You can get three and the other three are for me. —Hmm, it’s an idea of f . 29.(2021江苏苏州)43.Kate wanted to turn the room into a study, w________ her husband preferred a kitchen. 30.(2024四川内江)40. —Oh, my pen is broken. Could you please l______ your pen to me —Of course. Here you are! 31.Tim never does any chores, she h to do them. 32.The COVID-19 doesn’t make the car factory put off d their new technology, and it has made great progress. 33.(2022四川宜宾)58.Have you ever thought about how to recycle the w________ things 34.(2020广西河池)54.The students s_____________ the floor after school every day. 35.Mr. Bill’s son Bob h vegetables very much. Mr. Bill and his wife didn’t know what to do to change his eating habit. 36.Mary has to help Bill f his golden fish. 37.His decision will d on how much money we can raise. 38.Mr. Smith is new here and he doesn’t know his n living around his house. 39.(2024四川德阳)40. Tom often does some housework. Now he is f______ the clothes. 40.(2024四川眉山)41. With the teachers’ help, we have greatly improved ourselves s________ we entered junior high schools three years ago. 41.The next day the boy got up early (borrow) money for his sick mother. 42.More and more Chinese parents are getting to know the importance of developing children’s (depend). 43.(2015上海)81.I think it’s ______ to judge a person before you really know him. (fair) 44.Linda, turn down the music. Our (neighbor) Mrs. Green and Mr. Smith can’t stand it. 45.Modern music was first (develop) in Italy. 46.The boy (throw) a small stone at a dog. And then he ran away. 47.(2024江苏扬州)49. Elena ________ the novel she was reading on the desk and looked out the window. (drop) 48.(2023黑龙江龙东)40. Peter, the floor is dirty. Could you please ________ (sweep) it 49.(2021内蒙古包头)54.Different areas have different colored soil(土壤). The color of soil ________ on many things. (depend) 50.I’m trying to sleep. Would you mind ________ (turn) down the music 二、选词填空 短文填空 all; help; room; garden; family; buy; rubbish; favorite; sure; but
The Black family like to do things together. Each Saturday they 51 each other with the work. Today Peter and Jean cleaned their 52 . They made the bed, swept the floor, cleaned the windows and took out the 53 . Then Jean put some beautiful flowers on the table. Dad went to the store to 54 food for next week. He knew about everyone’s 55 food in the family. He was 56 he would make everyone glad. Mom washed the clothes of all the 57 . That made her tired, 58 happy. Then Jean helped Mom water the flowers in the 59 . Peter helped Dad fix his bike. Soon they finished 60 the work. 三、短文填空 “Do the dishes. 61 (打扫) the floor. Take out the rubbish. 62 (叠) the clothes...” Do your parents say these things to you Of course they do. Why Well, someone has to do it. They are 63 (家务;杂务) — small everyday duties. You may get money for doing a chore or you may not. Parents and other people don’t always give orders. Sometimes they ask. How do you ask politely Well, in English, the word “ 64 (能;可以)” is often used for requests. When your mom says “Could you please 65 (整理床铺) ” she is asking you “politely” to do a chore. In fact, doing chores can help to develop children’s 66 (独立) and teach them how to 67 (照顾;照料) themselves. It can also help them to understand the idea of 68 (公平). After all, they can’t 69 (依靠) their parents too much all the time. When asking for permission, you can also use the word “could”. For example, you can say “Could I... ” when you want 70 (借) something from others. 四、完成句子 71.有人给我的一个好建议是拿上旧衣服,走后把它们扔掉。 One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just when you move on. 72.(2022辽宁朝阳)他总是给有需要的人提供帮助,大家都很喜欢他。 He always ________ help ________ people in need and everyone likes him very much. 73.我们测验过你的英语后再决定把你分在哪一班。 We before deciding which class to put you in. 74.直到中考结束, 李雷才放松下来。 Li Lei __________ relax himself __________ the entrance to high school exam ended. 75.在阅读周我们可以从校图书馆借各种图书。 We can ____________________ the school library during the Reading Week. 76.当我们一直处于低落的情绪时,我们将会生病。 When we are in a bad all the time, we could become . 77.在他疫情生病期间,他妈妈夜以继日地照顾他。(care) His mother him day and night when he was ill during the COVID-19. 78.我不知道你在这里。 I ________ ________ ________ that you were here. 79.例如,他们也可以学习烹饪。 , they can also learn to do some cooking. 80.为了早点回到家,他在路上都没有休息。 get home earlier, he didn’t rest on his way. 81.由于现代医学正在迅速地发展,大部分眼部疾病可以被治愈。 Most eye diseases can be cured since . 82.我们依靠丰富的自然资源生存。 We to live. 83.这条河气味难闻,必须阻止人们向河里扔脏东西。 The river smells terrible. People from dirty things into it. 84.鲍勃一直都很忙。 Bob has been busy . 85.如果她看到这一团糟,她将不会高兴的。 She happy she this mess. 【能力提升】 一、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。 In my family, we all share the housework. My father is good at 6_________. He often makes delicious meals for us. My mother usually 7_________ the rooms and washes the clothes. As for me, I 8_________ the rubbish and clean the living room. I think it's important for everyone in the family to do their part 9_________ housework. It teaches us responsibility and 10_________. When we work together, the housework becomes easier and more 11_________. Also, sharing housework helps to 12_________ a better relationship between family members. We can talk and laugh while working, and we 13_________ each other better. However, sometimes my brother 14_________ to do his part. He says he is too busy with his studies. But my parents tell him that everyone should share the responsibility. Finally, he 15_________ and starts to help with the housework. 6. A. cooking B. cleaning C. washing D. shopping 7. A. cleans B. builds C. paints D. decorates 8. A. take off B. take out C. take away D. take up 9. A. to B. for C. with D. in 10. A. independence B. kindness C. happiness D. patience 11. A. tiring B. boring C. fun D. difficult 12. A. break B. build C. change D. destroy 13. A. see B. hear C. understand D. notice 14. A. refuses B. agrees C. forgets D. remembers 15. A. gives up B. gives away C. gives out D. gives in 二、阅读下面三个语篇, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出各题的最佳选项。 A When Sara got home from school, she noticed that her mom was busy with a project for work. Without being asked, Sara decided to start on the housework. First, she emptied the dishwasher and put away the clean dishes. Then, she swept the kitchen floor. After that, she gathered the dirty clothes from her room and the bathroom and put them in the washing machine. As she was working, her younger brother, Ben, came in. At first, he just watched TV. But seeing Sara work so hard, he felt a bit guilty. So he asked Sara if he could help. Sara asked him to wipe the kitchen table and he happily agreed. By the time their mom finished her work, the house was clean and tidy. Their mom was so surprised and happy. She praised both Sara and Ben for being so helpful. 16. What did Sara do first when she got home A. She swept the kitchen floor. B. She emptied the dishwasher. C. She put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. D. She cleaned her room. 17. Why did Ben decide to help A. He was bored with TV. B. He wanted to play with Sara. C. He felt guilty seeing Sara work hard. D. His mom asked him to. 18. What did Ben do to help A. He swept the floor. B. He put away the clean dishes. C. He wiped the kitchen table. D. He took out the trash. 19. How did their mom feel when she saw the clean house A. Angry. B. Surprised and happy. C. Tired. D. Sad. B In the Miller family, there is a weekly housework schedule. On Saturdays, Dad is in charge of mowing the lawn and washing the car. Mom usually does the grocery shopping and then spends some time cleaning the bedrooms. Tom, the eldest son, has to vacuum the living room and stairs. His sister, Lily, is responsible for watering the plants and feeding the pet dog. One Saturday, Dad had an important meeting at work, so he couldn't do his housework. Tom and Lily decided to help. Tom mowed the lawn while Lily washed the car. Mom was very proud of them for being so responsible. 20. What does Dad usually do on Saturdays A. Do the grocery shopping. B. Vacuum the living room. C. Mow the lawn and wash the car. D. Clean the bedrooms. 21. What is Lily responsible for A. Vacuuming the living room. B. Watering the plants and feeding the dog. C. Mowing the lawn. D. Cleaning the bedrooms. 22. Why couldn't Dad do his housework one Saturday A. He was sick. B. He had a meeting. C. He went on a trip. D. He was too tired. 23. What did Tom and Lily do to help A. Tom washed the car and Lily mowed the lawn. B. Tom mowed the lawn and Lily washed the car. C. Tom did the grocery shopping and Lily cleaned the bedrooms. D. Tom cleaned the bedrooms and Lily did the grocery shopping. C Every Sunday afternoon, the Johnsons have a family clean - up time. Everyone has their own tasks. Grandpa likes to tidy up the bookshelf in the study. Grandma usually wipes the windows in the living room. Dad is responsible for cleaning the kitchen, including the oven and the refrigerator. Mom does the laundry and then irons the clothes. The children, Alex and Emily, work together. They clean their playroom, put away their toys, and sweep the floor. After they finish, they all sit in the living room, enjoying the clean and comfortable home. 24. What does Grandpa do during the family clean - up time A. Wipe the windows. B. Clean the kitchen. C. Tidy up the bookshelf. D. Do the laundry. 25. What does Mom do A. Clean the oven and the refrigerator. B. Wipe the windows. C. Tidy up the bookshelf. D. Do the laundry and iron the clothes. 26. What do Alex and Emily do A. They clean their playroom, put away toys and sweep the floor. B. They clean the kitchen. C. They wipe the windows. D. They do the grocery shopping. 27. How do the Johnsons feel after the clean - up A. Tired and angry. B. Sad and disappointed. C. Happy and comfortable. D. Bored and sleepy. 三、根据短文内容,从6个选项中选出能分别填入5个小题空白处的最佳选项。 In many families, sharing housework is not always easy. 28.______ Some children think housework is only for parents. 29.______ But in fact, sharing housework is good for everyone. It teaches children about teamwork and cooperation. 30.______ They may say they are too busy with their work or taking care of the kids. But if they divide the housework properly, it won't be so tiring. 31.______ For example, setting a schedule can help. Each family member can be responsible for certain tasks at different times. 32.______ When everyone in the family does their part, the house will be clean and tidy, and family members will get along better. A. This is a wrong idea. B. There are some ways to solve this problem. C. Housework is too difficult for children to do. D. Parents also sometimes have trouble sharing housework. E. However, it's important to make it a habit in the family. F. Most children like doing housework very much.