Answers: 1C, 2D, 3F, 4E, 5A, 6B
Task 4: Read and Answer
1. Born on 30 December 1930 in Zhejiang Province.
2. Studied medicine at Peking University Health Science Center.
3. Limited staff, poor lab conditions, and hundreds of failed experiments.
4. She volunteered to be the first human test subject.
5. Nobel Prize (2015), BBC’s most influential scientist (2019).
Task 5: Complete the Table
Birthdate: 30 December 1930
Birthplace: Zhejiang Province, China
Education: Peking University Health Science Center
Scientific Task: Find a cure for malaria
Key Discovery: Artemisinin
Attitude to Fame: Not interested in fame
Task 6: Identify Relative Clauses
1. (who was on the Nobel Prize Committee)
3. (whose goal was to cure malaria)
4. (why it was difficult)
Task 7: Sentence Combining
2. David is my friend with whom I often play tennis.
3. He has 20 books, only two of which are interesting.
4. This is the job for which I want to apply.
Task 9: Personal Qualities
2. Persistent — Continued research despite failures.
3. Innovative — Combined traditional Chinese medicine with modern methods.
Task 10: News Article Features
1. Formal structure with introduction, quotes, and conclusion.
2. Use of statistics and expert opinions (e.g., Nobel Committee statement).Unit 6 Lesson 1 学案
Part 1: PreReading Activities
Objective: Activate prior knowledge about malaria and introduce key vocabulary.
Task 1: Malaria Facts Check ( )
Read the following facts about malaria. Tick ( ) the three facts you find most surprising or interesting.
1. ( ) Malaria is a mosquitoborne and infectious disease.
2. ( ) The word “malaria” comes from the Latin word for “bad air”.
3. ( ) People suffer from high fever, vomiting, and headaches when infected.
4. ( ) Malaria kills over 1 million people annually, second only to AIDS.
5. ( ) Artemisinin is the most effective drug for treating malaria.
6. ( ) There is currently no effective malaria vaccine.
Pair Work: Discuss with a partner why you chose these facts. Use phrases like:
I found it interesting that...
It surprised me because...
Task 2: Vocabulary Matching
Match the Chinese terms with their English equivalents.
Chinese English
疟疾 A. vaccine
传染的 B. vomit
艾滋病 C. malaria
青蒿素 D. infectious
疫苗 E. artemisinin
呕吐 F. AIDS
Part 2: Reading Comprehension
Objective: Understand the article about Tu Youyou and answer questions.
Task 3: Predict Questions
Before reading, write three questions you expect the article to answer.
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
What challenges did Tu Youyou face during her research
Task 4: Read and Answer
Read the article about Tu Youyou and answer the following questions.
1. When and where was Tu Youyou born
2. What was her educational background
3. Why was her team’s research on malaria difficult
4. How did she test the safety of artemisinin
5. What international recognition has she received
Task 5: Complete the Table
Fill in the table with information about Tu Youyou.
Category Details
Birthdate ____________
Birthplace ____________
Education ____________
Scientific Task ____________
Key Discovery ____________
Attitude to Fame ____________
Part 3: Grammar Focus — Relative Clauses
Objective: Practice identifying and using relative clauses.
Task 6: Identify Relative Clauses
Read the sentences. Tick ( ) the sentences that contain a relative clause and underline the clause.
1. ( ) A scientist who was on the Nobel Prize Committee explained the discovery.
2. ( ) Tu Youyou thanked the Committee for the honour.
3. ( ) The team whose goal was to cure malaria faced many challenges.
4. ( ) The reason why it was difficult was limited resources.
Task 7: Sentence Combining
Join the pairs of sentences using relative pronouns (who, whom, which, whose, where).
1. We climbed to the mountain. We had a beautiful view from there.
→ We climbed to the mountain where we had a beautiful view.
2. David is my friend. I often play tennis with him.
3. He has 20 books. Only two are interesting.
4. This is a job. I want to apply for it.
Part 4: Speaking & Writing
Objective: Use relative clauses to describe Tu Youyou’s achievements.
Task 8: Persuasive Speech
Imagine your school is selecting role models. Persuade the committee to choose Tu Youyou. Use at least 3 relative clauses.
Tu Youyou is the scientist whose discovery saved millions of lives. She worked in a laboratory where resources were limited, but she never gave up.
Part 5: Critical Thinking
Objective: Analyze Tu Youyou’s qualities and the article’s structure.
Task 9: Personal Qualities
List three words/phrases that describe Tu Youyou’s qualities. Provide evidence from the text.
1. Brave — She volunteered to test artemisinin on herself.
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
Task 10: News Article Features
Identify features typical of a news article (e.g., headlines, quotes, factual language).
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________