Unit 8 Lesson 3 学案
White Bikes on the Road
Part 1: PreReading Activities
Activity 1: Brainstorming & Discussion
1. Group Discussion:
Are there shared bikes in your neighborhood or school List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of shared bikes.
Share your ideas with the class.
Activity 2: Vocabulary Preview
Match the words with their definitions:
1. convenient a. to keep something safe from harm
2. pollution b. easy to use or access
3. theft c. harmful substances in the environment
4. tracking d. stealing something
5. reduce e. following the movement of something
Part 2: Reading Comprehension
Activity 3: Read and Answer
Read the text “White Bikes on the Road” and answer the following questions:
1. Why is Amsterdam called “the City of Bicycles”
2. What problem caused the failure of the 1960s “white bikes” project
3. How did the 1999 version of “white bikes” solve previous problems
4. What global impact has the idea of “white bikes” had
Activity 4: Fill in the Table
Complete the Development of “White Bikes” table:
In the 1960s In 1999 Now
Activity 5: True or False
Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F):
1. Amsterdam is flat, making cycling difficult.
2. The 1960s “white bikes” were stolen quickly.
3. The 1999 bikes required a special card.
4. Bikesharing has only succeeded in Amsterdam.
Part 3: Language Focus
Activity 6: Verbs vs. Nouns
Identify whether the bold words are verbs (V) or nouns (N):
1. The group painted bicycles white. ( )
I need red paint. ( )
2. Place your bag here. ( )
They placed bikes everywhere. ( )
3. Record every move. ( )
Keep a record. ( )
Activity 7: Sentence Completion
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words from Activity 6:
1. She ______ (paint) her room blue last week.
2. Please ______ (place) the books on the shelf.
3. Did you ______ (record) the meeting
Activity 8: Word Builder
Add more verbnoun pairs (e.g., drive/driver).
Part 4: Critical Thinking
Activity 9: Group Debate
Topic: “Bikesharing programs are more beneficial than harmful.”
Divide into pros and cons groups. Use examples from the text and your city.
Activity 10: Flow Chart
Create a flow chart showing the development of “white bikes” in Amsterdam:
1960s: Purpose → Actions → Results
1999: Actions → Results
Global Influence
Part 5: Writing Practice
Activity 11: Summary Writing
Complete the summary using the text:
People in Amsterdam have been 1______ cycling for years. The city is flat, making it 2______. In the 1960s, cycling fans 3______ an idea to use free bikes. They aimed to 4______, 5______, and 6______. However, all bikes 7______. In 1999, bikes returned with 8______ and 9______. Thanks to efforts, bikesharing has 10______ globally.
Activity 12: Comparative Essay
Compare “white bikes” in Amsterdam and shared bikes in your city. Include:
Similarities (e.g., environmental benefits)
Differences (e.g., technology usage)
Part 6: Reflection & Extension
Activity 13: Think and Share
1. What does the title “White Bikes on the Road” symbolize
2. “Where will bikesharing go in China You decide.” What does this question imply
Activity 14: Future Predictions
Design a poster for a “Perfect BikeSharing System.” Include:
Features to prevent theft
Solutions for parking issues
Environmental benefitsAnswer
Part 1: Activity 2
1b, 2c, 3d, 4e, 5a
Part 2: Activity 3
1. Flat terrain, bike paths, 38% trips by bike.
2. All bikes were stolen.
3. Used tracking systems and special cards.
4. Inspired global bikesharing programs.
Activity 4: Table
1960s: Free bikes, stolen quickly 1999: Tracking system, special cards Now: Global bikesharing
Activity 5: 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F
Part 3: Activity 6
1. V, N 2. N, V 3. V, N
Activity 7: 1. painted, 2. place, 3. record
Part 5: Activity 11
1. enjoying, 2. convenient, 3. proposed, 4. save energy, 5. reduce pollution, 6. provide transport, 7. were stolen, 8. computer tracking, 9. system, 10. spread