Unit 4 Sharing
Using Language: Listening and Speaking教学设计
该部分活动聚焦学生志愿者,以“与学生志愿者会面” (Meet student volunteers )为活动主题,通过学生在志愿者社团中的对话,展现学生志愿者应有的精神风貌和各种具体的志愿服务活动,引导学生主动探索志愿者应具各的素质和参与志愿服务的方式,提出可行的方案或建议。
本课是本单元的第四课时,属于Listening and Speaking板块。主要由听和说两个大的活动组成。该文本是一段三人对话,主要内容是美国在华留学生 Tony打算在中国参与志愿服务活动,因此向所在学校的学生志愿者社团了解相关情况。对话中,学生们一边讨论、交流志愿服务的活动形式,一边互相启发、提出活动建议。听力对话中有较多句式用于提出建议,与该板块中所提示的语言功能项目形成呼应,例如:“May I suggest that ...” “Perhaps we could” “Wouldn't it be better if …” It might be a good idea to ...” “How about” “I was also thinking we could…”,等等。学生讨论结束时的一句话可谓点睛之笔,明确表达了志感服务的意义,即“Volunteering is something we should all do.”除此之外,还融入一项听力技巧——辨别举例的话语标记。
步骤 教学活动 设计意图
Step 1 4 mins CW GW 1. T introduces the teaching objectives of this lesson. 2. T guides Ss to talk in pairs about the experience of their or their peer’s being a volunteer, focusing on its purpose, place and activities. 1.激活学生有关青少年志愿的相关背景知识;引导学生分享自己或他人志愿服务的经历和故事,进入主题语境; 2.通过记录志愿者活动的目的、地点和具体活动内容,为听力活动做好内容和话题词汇的铺垫; 3.锻炼学生的语言表达能力。
Pre-listening: Predict the content of the listening material
Step 2 2 mins CW 1. T guides Ss to view the picture and read the table to predict what they are going to hear by focusing on the general content of the table and the specific examples it may follow; 2. T guides Ss to find out the discourse markers that introduce an example, which serves as the listening strategy of Unit 4. 1.引导学生看课本插图和表格内容,预测听力内容; 2.引导学生关注用于说明志愿服务活动内容例子的话语标记,为听力活动做准备。
While-listening: Listen for the gist and the details
Step 3 5 mins CW IW 1. Ss listen to the conversation for the first time to check their prediction on the gist and to complete the table for the details, applying and practicing the listening strategy learned in Step 2; 2. T explains the meaning of the word donation and charity; 3. Ss report what they grasped and check the answer with the class. T guide Ss to complete it with question chains. 学生记录对话中具体信息,以检验预测,操练识别举例的听力策略,获取听力的主旨大意和细节信息。
While-listening: Listen for more details
Step 4 5 mins CW IW 1. T guides Ss to underline the keywords before listening. 2. Referring to the table in Activity 2, Ss listen to the conversation for the second time and answer the following questions of Activity 3: ① Why does Tony want to join the meeting for student volunteers ② What is the objective of the meeting today ③ What kind of volunteer work did the students do last year ④ What kind of volunteer work does Tony’s entire school do every year ⑤ Who suggests going to the children’s hospital for this year’s volunteer project 3. Ss report what they grasped and check the answer with the class. T guide Ss to complete it with question chains. 引导学生进一步理解听力文本,继续操练本单元听力策略,以及获取细节的相关听力技巧,如标记问题关键词等。
Step 5 5 mins CW IW 1. Ss listen to the conversation for the last time and try to catch the communicative function achieved by ①using the words that express “giving suggestions”; ② using the words that express “giving responds”. 2. T guides Ss to understand how to make suggestions in a more polite way by using the expressions they just found. 1. 引导学生利用获取提建议及回应的相关表达; 2. 学会有礼貌地提建议,培养学生语用能力。
Step 6 6 mins PW 1. T guides Ss to think about the following question and discuss the ideas in pairs: ① Do you think students doing volunteer work is of any use Why or why not ② In your opinion, which is better, giving people things, time, or money Why do you think so 2. T shows the suggested answers for reference. 1. 引导学生正确认识志愿活动工作的价值,并批判性讨论志愿者提供什么样的援助更为合适,培养学生高阶思维能力; 2. 锻炼学生的语言表达能力。
Step 7 6 mins IW GW 1. T guide Ss to review the structure of volunteer work displayed in Lead-in. 2. Ss discuss the following questions in groups: ① What kinds of help do you think people need ② How do you think volunteers could help with the table providing four different places. 2. T shows the suggested answers for reference. 1. 引导学生回顾志愿活动的内容要点; 2. 学生探讨志愿服务的活动形式,用表格梳理志愿者能为社区、学校、城镇和国家做些什么,为最终产出提供语言结构脚手架。
Step 7 6 mins GW 1. Ss brainstorm and discuss the question in groups: What kinds of skills and qualities could you offer as a volunteer 2. T supplies some expressions for reference. 学生联系自己实际,反思自己作为志愿者具备的技能和品质。
Summary and Homework
1 min CW 1. Ss summarize what they have learnt in the lesson. 2. T assigns homework: ① Design a volunteer activity for your community, calling on people to donate old clothes to help people in need. Bring it to share with your class. ② Finish the Pronunciation exercise on Page 43 and the Workbook exercise on Page 84 学生总结本课学习内容。
Ss: Students T: Teacher IW: Individual Work PW: Pair Work
GW: Group Work CW: Class Work