选择性必修四Reading and Thinking 1教学设计
Jo的自述。作者在第一篇博客中描述了支教一个月左右后的经历和困难,以及产生的困惑和动摇,这对于初来乍到的志愿者来说是很正常的。文章第一段描写了Jo收到家里包裹时的惊喜,这说明了当地交通的不便与物资的匮乏。第二段和第三段详细地描写了学校简陋的设施和教学条件,但是学生的精神面貌积极向上,让人感到欣慰;然而化学实验课上的意外让作者感到措手不及,也很无奈,甚至怀疑自己支教的意义。第二篇博客讲述的是Jo第一次到一个偏僻村庄展开家访的经历。作者与另一名老师一起,翻山越岭才到达目的地,虽然看到的只是简陋的屋子和陈设,也无法通过语言和当地人交流,但是有学生Tombe为他们充当翻译,而且村民和学生家长的热情也深深打动了她。当她第二天早上告别这些热情的村民和学生家长的热情也深深地打动了她。当她第二天早上告别这些热情的村民,拖着疲惫的身体再次长途跋涉回到自己的住处后,Jo感到愉悦和满足。文章最后通过对比,烘托了志愿者心态上的积极变化。实际上,文章的明线是在讲述志愿者支教的经历和困难,暗线体现的是Jo积极乐观、善良坚毅的性格特点。文章多处语言描述都体现了任务的性格和品质,比如:“…it’s always nice to get mail!”, “… up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,…”, “I loved listening to the family talking softly to each other in their language, …” it was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.”等等。
步骤 教学活动 设计意图
Step 1 5 mins CW GW IW 1. T introduces the teaching objectives of this lesson. 2. T shows the picture on the opening page to Ss and asks Ss to discuss the two questions concerning the content of the picture. 3. T guides Ss to read the quote on the opening page and enjoy the poem from Sam Levenson. 4. T presents some background information about Papua New Guinea. 1.引导学生通过阅读主题图和主题引言,引出单元话题; 2.激活学生有关援助,志愿者等背景知识,并欣赏相关诗句,唤起学生情感共鸣; 3.帮助学生做好单元阅读语言和话题的准备,并形成阅读期待; 4.锻炼学生的语言表达能力
Reading-Skim for the genre and the structure of the passage and adjust reading speed
Step 2 10 mins CW IW 1. T guides Ss to read the title of the passage including the picture. 2. Ss answer 3 questions to identity the genre and the language feature of the passage. 3. Ss finish Activity 1 on page 38 to get the background information and predict the passage. 4. T guides Ss to adjust their reading speed to suit their reading purposes. 1.引导学生通过标题,文章形式,图片等预测文章内容; 2.引导学生根据自己的阅读目的以及文章难度调整自己的阅读速度。
Reading-read for the main idea of each part and answer questions
Step 3 10 mins CW IW 1. T divides 8 paragraph into 5 parts, and Ss are required to read carefully to find out the main idea of each part. 2. Ss scan paragraph 1 and underline the main sentences. They are also required to pay attention to the expression of Jo’s feelings, such as “I’ve been dying…” and learn to read between lines by answering questions like “Why would Jo feel that way What can you infer from the reasons ” 3. Ss read paragraph 2 and 3 and learn about the environment of the bush school. Bedsides the factual information, Ss also need to focus on the writing techniques in two paragraphs. 4. Ss conclude from Jo’s experience that she felt discouraged and doubtful at this time. 1. 引导学生概括段落大意。 2. 引导学生关注作者情感的变化。本文是由相隔时间上相隔一月余的两篇博客构成,且反映了作者不同的感彩,体现了作者对新环境的适应,以及作者乐观积极的品质,因此需要同学们重点关注。 3. 引导学生关注作者的写作手法。作者在第二段用听觉,触觉,视觉;第三段用了对比的写作手法,充分反映了当地环境的恶劣以及作者的迷惘。
Step 4 10 mins CW IW GW 1.Ss read the second blog and pay attention to Jo’s feelings. By using words “fantastic”, “delicious”, “love” etc. Ss conclude that Jo felt happy and satisfied about the visit to Tombe’s home. 2. Ss feel the primitive environment and simple life style of Tombe’s family by knowing the accommodation, possession, diet and belief of the local family. 3. Ss are required to discuss in group about the change of Jo’s feelings, and conclude that Jo is a optimistic and warm-hearted person. 4. Ss read the passage again and finish the exercise 4 on page 39. This time Ss should view the passage as a whole and find out the positive aspects as well as the negative aspects about volunteering in the bush. 1. 引导学生感受Jo的感情变化并思考背后的原因,以及Jo的个性特质。 2. 引导学生感受当地简单,和谐的生活方式和文化特征。 3. 引导学生总结前一部分梳理的文章内容,总结归纳出在当地支教的好处和坏处。
Summary- Review the structure and the content of the passage
Step 6 5 mins IW PW 1. Ss retell the passage by using the mind map. 2. T makes a summary of the passage. 1.引导学生回顾文本重点内容,为下一课时的思考部分做好铺垫。 2.引导学生内化并运用本节课所学知识进行输出,提升语言综合运用能力。
Search the Internet to find out what you can do to help students in remote and undeveloped area. Write a short blog about your own experiences of helping others. Pay attention to both the story and feelings.
Ss: Students T: Teacher IW: Individual Work PW: Pair Work
GW: Group Work CW: Class Work