大题预测 06 七选五+完形填空(二)
【吉林省长春市实验中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期期末】Time and money are life’s most valuable
resources. One of the great laws of economics is that time equals money. The phrase “time is money” is usually
credited to Benjamin Franklin, who used it in an essay (Advice to a Young Tradesman.1748) 16 He
encouraged people to treat time like money. However, most people think about time and money in vastly different
Time is our most scarce (稀缺) resource. Poor or rich, we all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 17
In a world of scarcity, choosing one thing means not being able to do something else.
18 Time is relatively scarce for people with higher incomes, partly because their time is more
valuable. So, to have lots of time, rich people hire other people to do their household chores. However, a
non-working person may spend more time on household chores.
Time cannot be stored. One of the reasons we give little thought about how we use our limited resources is
that we cannot save time. Time moves on whether we choose to spend it or not. 19 However, when
people are made aware of their mortality (生命的有限), they wonder if they did make the most of their lives.
In sum, time is anything but free. As a non-renewable resource, time is quite expensive. 20 They
do their best to think of their time as unlimited, and unlimited goods have little value. Knowing that time is limited
encourages us to ask how we are using our time. Do we want to spend these precious moments on social media or
spend that time learning something new Skills and knowledge take time so the more time you spend on them, the
more you improve.
A.It cannot be bought at any price.
B.It means time is a valuable resource.
C.The value of time varies from person to person.
D.Some people fail to realize that time is scarce
E.Thus, each of us faces the choice of how to spend our time.
F.You can’t bottle time and exchange it for an object or event.
G.Actually, time and money are greatly different from each other.
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【江苏省苏州中学、海门中学、姜堰中学、淮阴中学等四校 2024-2025 学年高三下学期 2 月联考】
Caregiver stress is the name for a type of stress that affects caregivers specifically. 16 If you look after
someone and feel similar emotional experiences, then you may be suffering from caregiver stress and should get it
addressed as soon as possible.
Caregiver stress is all too common. 17 If you then need to cook for someone else, help them to
get dressed and take them to the doctor — everyday — you can end up totally exhausted. You might worry about
them whenever they are left alone. This then prevents you from doing the things you want to do. There are even
financial issues to consider. On top of this, you might feel unappreciated, arguing regularly with the person you’re
caring for. 18
When you ask for advice, you are likely to hear that you should send them into a home, hire extra care or get
assistance from other family members. If you can do this, you absolutely should, for the sake of you both.
19 Getting care can be very expensive and some dependents (被照顾者) will be resistant to the
idea. If you can’t change the situation, you need to protect yourself. Setting clear boundaries can help a lot. Find an
outlet, whether it be a walk in the park or a gym session. 20 While you might feel stressed doing these
things and your dependent might not like it, it is once again important for the health and safety of both you and
your dependent. If you burn out, then you won’t be any use to them.
A.Taking regular holidays is also important.
B.Is it any wonder that caregiver stress is such a big issue
C.First, acknowledge that you are experiencing caregiver stress.
D.The sufferers tend to feel exhausted, annoyed and even guilty.
E.But while this advice sounds good in theory, it is not that easy.
F.Your personal relationships suffer and you have no leisure time.
G.For most of us, looking after ourselves is stressful and tiring enough.
【江西省赣州市赣抚吉十五校联考 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月月考】Strong communication skills
can help you in both your personal and professional life. While verbal and written communication skills are
important, research has shown that nonverbal behaviors make up a large percentage of our daily interpersonal
communication. If you want to improve your ability to read other people’s nonverbal communication behaviors,
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these tips can help:
Pay attention to your own behaviors. Notice the gestures you use when you’re happy versus (对抗) when
you’re upset. 16 Being aware of your own nonverbal communication tendencies is the first step to
change the ones you want to change. It can also give you insight into how you’re feeling if you’re having trouble
putting it into words.
Become a student of others. 17 What do their facial expressions say What type of gestures do
they use Becoming familiar with their nonverbal communication patterns helps you recognize when they might be
feeling a certain way quicker because you’re actively watching for these cues. It can also help you recognize
nonverbal behaviors you may want to adopt yourself.
Think before you act. When a car cuts you off, especially your young child is in the back seat, your middle
finger seems to automatically fly up. 18 Train yourself to stop and think before you act. This can help
you eliminate or replace nonverbal behaviors that you’ve been wanting to change.
19 Certain types of nonverbal communication can mean different things in different cultures. They
can also vary based on someone’s personality. Before assuming that a person’s body language or tone means
something definitively, ask “I notice that you won’t look me in the eye when we speak. Are you upset with me ”
A.Ask before you assume.
B.Develop your emotional intelligence.
C.You can work to stop this reaction, or you will regret it as soon as it happens.
D.Paying closer attention to your nonverbal signals is an excellent place to start.
E.It can be helpful to consider how others around you communicate nonverbally.
F.Give them the opportunity to explain how they are feeling so you know for sure.
G.And then think about how you change the tone of your voice depending on your emotions.
【江西省吉安市六校协作体 2025 学年高三上学期 1 月联考】Whether it’s woodworking, sewing or
sculpting teeny cupcakes, making art is good for your mind and body. 36 And developing our creative side
can give us a stronger sense of agency — the ability to solve problems by imagining possible solutions.
But you don’t have to be a full-time artist to get in on those health benefits. All you need to do is just make
art. And the more you do it, the better. 37
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You don’t need to be an artist with a capital “A”.
We tend to think that only people who are very skilled at art can call themselves artists, but really, anyone
can be an artist. 38 In fact, research has shown that there are no differences in health outcomes between
those who identify as experienced artists and those who don’t. That means that no matter your skill level, you’ll be
able to feel all the good things that come with making art.
Figure out your mode of creative expression.
Start with whatever you enjoy. But keep an open mind. 39 You can do that through many activities:
finger painting, cooking, baking, oil painting, weaving — the sky’s the limit. And don’t feel like you have to stick
to one thing. Mix it up — do whatever you’re in the mood for.
Once you have your art materials, here comes the fun part. Mess around! Let yourself get lost in the process
and just play. Because it’s the physical act of making art that induces those feelings of stress relief and positive
energy — not what you make or how you make it.
A.Be ready to take others’ advice.
B.Take control of the waves of emotion.
C.Everyone is capable of creative expression.
D.Focus on the making and let go of expectations.
E.Anything that engages your creative mind is good for you.
F.The act of creation can reduce stress and anxiety and improve your mood.
G.Here are several things you need to know to kick-start your creative art habit.
【江西省九江市十校联考 2024-2025 学年高三下学期 2 月月考】Injuries at work can happen at any
moment so it’s important that you know what to do if you have sustained a work injury in order to obtain the
compensation for medical expenses and lost wages that you are due. Below we list some steps you should take if
you’ve been injured on the job.
Promptly (及时地) report the injury.
Often, work injury claims are denied by workers’ compensation insurance companies and employers if the
injury is not promptly reported. 16 . You should also provide as much detail as possible so that there is
evidence of when you reported your injury.
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Seek medical attention.
You should always seek the proper medical attention following an injury. 17 . And it’s especially
important that you consult with your doctor. This is because your doctor will provide argument later.
It’s also important that you tell your doctor your injury is work-related and to follow your doctor’s exact
instructions on caring for your injury.
Whenever you have an interaction with your employer or an insurance representative about your injury, you
need to record the date, time, and what was discussed. Keeping a record of these interactions can prove to be useful
if your workers’ comp claim is denied. 19 .
Fill a claim.
In most cases, your employer should be responsible for sending your claim form and all necessary
documentation to the workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Your employer may also be required to report your
injury to the state workers’ compensation board.
20 . If the claim is denied, you can request a reconsideration or file an appeal through your state
worker’ compensation commission.
A.Provide detailed information
B.Keep a record of interactions
C.When it comes to work injuries, this is no different
D.You should also keep a record of interactions with your doctor
E.You’d better report your injury to your family as soon as possible
F.Once your claim is filed, it will either be approved or denied by the insurer
G.That’s why it’s crucial to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible
【辽宁省丹东市五校协作体 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月月考】How to improve the taste of your drinking
Like many people, you may drink less plain water than you did when you were younger. There are a lot of
possible reasons for this: Your sense of thirst may become weaker with age. 36 Therefore, hydration (水合
作用) is crucial for good health, and there are plenty of ways to improve the taste of your drinking water.
Try a water filter pitcher
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A water filter pitcher can improve the taste and smell of what comes out of your tap. Consumer Reports tests
these products by adding water with nontoxic additives that copy the odor and flavor of rotten vegetables, damp
soil, metal or moldy compost (发霉的堆肥). 37
You might also think about buying an under-the-sink water filter. We’ve found that the under-the-sink filters
in Consumer Reports’ tests improve water’s taste and odor slightly better than water pitcher filters do.
Add flavor
If even filtered water doesn’t taste great, you can doctor it a bit. 39 Or fill a pitcher with fruits and
herbs you like: Citrus, cucumber, berries, melons, basil and mint are a few possibilities.
Make it sparkle
40 Dissolve it yourself with seltzer (苏打水) makers from brands like SodaStream and Drinkmate.
A.Consider an upgrade.
B.Check your water quality.
C.And some older adults may no longer find the taste of water appealing.
D.Leave your pitcher or glass out on the countertop or microwave it briefly to warm it.
E.A splash of 100 percent fruit juice can be a good way to add a little flavor to a glass of water.
F.Then a panel of professional tasters evaluates how well each filter removes unpleasant tastes and smells.
G.If you find bubbly water appealing, carbonation (炭化作用) is another way to improve water’s taste.
【山东省青岛市崂山区青岛第二中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 1 月期末】It happens from time to time
that after a whole morning of studying, you are tired in the afternoon. It is then that you may want to eat something
sweet, perhaps a sweet drink or a chocolate bar to lift your mood. 16
But a study suggests that sugar can make you feel worse rather than lift your mood. The German and UK
researchers collected data from 31 studies involving nearly 1,300 adults. 17 Those emotions include anger,
alertness, depression and tiredness. They found that people who have too much sugar become more tired and less
alert within an hour, and that these feelings become more intense over time.
According to researchers, when people take in sugar, their blood sugar levels rise rapidly, leading to a burst
of energy and a short “feel good” period. However, as they begin to digest the sugar, their blood sugar levels
decrease quickly, leading to a bad feeling. 18 As with caffeine, this prevents the body from relaxing,
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leaving people being tired and less alert.
19 According to WHO, it is healthy to have the sugars found naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk,
so long as they make up less than 5 percent of our daily total energy intake.
So the next time you feel tired and can’t concentrate on study and work, perhaps you should think twice
before you bite into a chocolate bar. There are still other ways to relieve tiredness. 20
A.Maybe a little exercise at midday is a better idea.
B.So cutting sweet food out of the diet is a good choice.
C.They studied the effect of sugar on some aspects of mood.
D.After all, it’s believed that a “sugar rush” gives you energy.
E.Sugar in any form is not necessarily good for the human body.
F.But the result of the study doesn’t mean giving up sweet food altogether.
G.To remain on a “high”, people may eat more sugar until they become addicted to it.
【2025 届黑龙江省“六校联盟”高三上学期联合适应性考试】Find an insect in your food can be a moment
of horror that kills the mood and you appetite immediately. But that might be about to change. 16
The market research predicts the global market for edible (可食用的) insects will grow sharply. So whats
behind this expected increase in appetite for insects 17 And the answer lies in understanding how insects
compare to other food types in terms of production and farming.
Insects produce less harmful gas than most mainstream farm animals per kilo of live weight. A cow, for
example, produces 2.8 kg of greenhouse gas per kilo of live body weight. Insects, on the other hand,produce just 2
grams. 18 Far each kilo it weighs, a cow needs 10 kg of feed. Insects, on the other hand,need just 1.7 kg.
Water, which is becoming an increasingly rare resource in some parts of the world and is used liberally in
intensive farming, offers another interesting comparison. To produce a single gram of insect protein, you’d need 23
litres of water. 19 But to get that same gram of protein from cattle, you need 112 litres of water.
20 Compared with raising traditional livestock (家畜) such as sheep, pigs or cattle, farming insects
generally means that there will be no more dealing with mud and dirt and an end to changing heavy bags of feed.
And forget about having to go outdoors in all weather conditions to manhandle livestock. The requirement for
investment in equipment will be different, too. This will be farming on a much smaller scale,reducing the need for
large and expensive machinery.
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It may not be too long before we can all buy bag of edible insects at our local grocery store.
A.That might sound like a lot.
B.There are a number of factors in play.
C.Possibly, well soon be voluntarily enjoying insects.
D.Insects weigh much less than traditional farm animals.
E.For farmers, raising insects can be much easier and save money.
F.The majority of individuals have a strong dislike for insects.
G.They also consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.
【2025 届山东省日照市高三下学期一模】Sophie Jones, 22, lives in Warrington, England. She has
overcome her fear of 21 by creating a list of challenges she has always 22 .
So far, she has completed 45 things, including 23 strangers to games of rock, paper, scissors and
asking to make pizza in a pizza kitchen. She said, “Doing things that frightened me 24 my life, and my
confidence has increased 25 .”
Sophie experienced a lot of rejection throughout her teenage years. She became 26 of
experiencing rejection and started 27 friendships and opportunities. She didn’t want to put herself
forward for things like new jobs or friendships due to low 28 . Later, she discovered a treatment called
“rejection therapy”. After 29 a woman online asking for a free coffee in a shop, she 30
her own “fear list”. Since discovering the 31 , Sophie has made her own ice cream in an ice cream
van (货车) and even climbed stairs on all fours.
Now Sophie receives fewer rejections. She has become more 32 . Without the anxiety of
rejection, she also 33 other people to try her method. She said, “I want everyone to 34
they can do anything they want. The greatest opportunities are just around the corner. Starting 35 ,
like asking for the bill at a restaurant, can be a good way to begin.”
21.A.failure B.rejection C.loss D.punishment
22.A.faced B.welcomed C.fought D.avoided
23.A.challenging B.accompanying C.attracting D.leaving
24.A.darkened B.threatened C.changed D.shortened
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25.A.thoroughly B.dramatically C.occasionally D.temporarily
26.A.scared B.aware C.tired D.ashamed
27.A.waiting for B.reflecting on C.making use of D.shying away from
28.A.self-discipline B.self-criticism C.self-respect D.self-doubt
29.A.seeing B.hearing C.stopping D.getting
30.A.found B.started C.replaced D.analyzed
31.A.opportunity B.secret C.instruction D.method
32.A.sensitive B.patient C.confident D.energetic
33.A.advises B.requires C.forces D.allows
34.A.ensure B.realize C.promise D.highlight
35.A.big B.slow C.quick D.small
【福建省泉州市四校联考 2024-2025 学年高三下学期开学】If you are looking for a role model, look no
further than Dwayne Johnson. The Dwayne story is one of 21 hard to create your opportunities. Dwayne
“The Rock” Johnson is a man who knows about the hard work needed for 22 . He also knows when to
23 his losses and change direction. Out of school, his first role was a college footballer. When the big 24
didn’t come his way in football, he didn’t waste his time chasing an impossible dream but 25 his attention
to a different area – professional wrestling. Johnson could have labeled himself a failed footballer and 26
for an unremarkable life. Instead, he 27 himself and set new goals. Then Dwayne worked hard to achieve
them. He accepted new 28 and walked through doors that opened for him through his enthusiasm and
effort. “With 29 and a bit of talent, you can move mountains.” said by Johnson. As a professional wrestler,
he 30 himself and created a figure — “The Rock” that proved 31 with fans. This experience
opened doors to another career as a film actor. From this start in films, he has 32 into producing and
writing. He earned the status of being one of the top 100 most influential men.
The Rock story is 33 because it is an honest picture of a man who knows what it takes to be
successful. Success isn’t 34 . It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before. It all 35 .
21.A.studying B.working C.training D.playing
22.A.glory B.fame C.success D.luck
23.A.cut B.suffer C.endure D.cover
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24.A.failures B.breaks C.news D.ideas
25.A.exchanged B.drew C.shifted D.focused
26.A.desired B.settled C.fought D.aimed
27.A.reacted B.recalled C.recovered D.refocused
28.A.challenges B.invitations C.requests D.offers
29.A.competition B.gratitude C.violence D.drive
30.A.reinvented B.admitted C.denied D.resisted
31.A.appealing B.familiar C.popular D.content
32.A.retired B.transformed C.spread D.expanded
33.A.fascinating B.admiring C.inspiring D.demanding
34.A.permanent B.overnight C.timely D.temporary
35.A.adds up B.picks up C.makes up D.takes up
【安徽省合肥市第一中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月阶段性诊断检测】It was a summer afternoon
in Arizona on Interstate 60. When I was 21 towards Tucson for an immediate conference call. My
motorcycle suddenly developed a front-end shake. Quickly, the shake 22 a terrible tank slap, where the
handlebars struck the gas tank, causing me to lose 23 .
Needless to say, both the motorcycle and I 24 . I don’t remember hitting the road, 25 I
recall rolling clearly. According to the police, I rolled 565 feet from where the motorcycle hit the road.
Later, as the first car passed by, the driver stopped and called 911, providing 26 and telling the
operator that I was 27 and talking. Soon after, two more cars stopped — some people 28 my
injuries while others gathered my 29 and motorcycle parts from the highway. In case I got sunburnt, they
even made 30 for me with umbrellas.
At about 11:00 pm in the hospital, I realized I needed my insulin pump (胰岛素泵) supplies which were still
with the motorcycle. My son contacted the owners of the repair factory, who, 31 the late hour, returned to
his yard to make the contents 32 to my son.
Without recognition or thanks, people stopped what they were doing and 33 their plans or schedules
to 34 a stranger. I prefer to refer to them as 35 heroes.
21.A.facing B.rolling C.speeding D.waving
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22.A.adjusted to B.developed into C.held back D.built up
23.A.control B.awareness C.support D.direction
24.A.recovered B.improved C.moved D.fell
25.A.and B.yet C.therefore D.besides
26.A.solutions B.updates C.backgrounds D.references
27.A.awake B.confused C.ashamed D.patient
28.A.passed over B.covered up C.tended to D.looked for
29.A.destination B.resources C.information D.belongings
30.A.pity B.preparations C.shade D.rules
31.A.for B.despite C.before D.though
32.A.accessible B.educational C.beneficial D.valuable
33.A.imagined B.determined C.shared D.postponed
34.A.teach B.aid C.introduce D.cure
35.A.potential B.honest C.nameless D.celebrated
【福建师范大学附属中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期期末考】It was a cold, rainy day, and I had no desire
to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she 18 that I come to see
something at the top of the mountain.
So here I was, 19 making the two-hour journey through thick fog. Nothing could be worth this, I
thought as I 20 along the dangerous highway.
Turning down a narrow track, we 21 and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old
pine needles. Huge black-green evergreens (常青树) 22 over us. Gradually, the peace and silence of the
place began to 23 my mind.
Then we turned a corner and stopped at the top of the mountain and I was entirely held in 24 . There
across fields and valleys were rivers of fully-opened yellow flowers from the light one to the most brilliant. It
looked as though the sun had tipped over and 25 the mountainside in gold.
26 occurred to my mind. Who created such beauty How When As we approached the house that
stood in the center of the property, we saw a 27 that read: “Answers to the Questions I Know You Are
Asking.” The first answer was: “One Woman —Two Hands, Two Feet and Very Little Brain.” The second was: “
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28 at a Time.” The third: “Started in 1958.”
As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen that I could 29 speak. “She changed the
world,” I finally said, “one small plant at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the 30 of
an idea, but she kept at it.”
The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if I’d had a dream and 31 it, just a little
bit every day, what might I have accomplished ” Carolyn looked at me sideways, smiling. “Start tomorrow,” she
said, “ 32 yet, start today.”
18.A.asked B.insisted C.commanded D.predicted
19.A.unwillingly B.undoubtedly C.unknowingly D.unexpectedly
20.A.walked B.wandered C.inched D.fled
21.A.turned up B.stepped down C.looked up D.pulled over
22.A.greeted B.towered C.reached D.flowed
23.A.admit B.slip C.fill D.read
24.A.amazement B.curiosity C.amusement D.confusion
25.A.pushed B.moved C.swung D.bathed
26.A.Questions B.Ideas C.Problems D.Requests
27.A.signal B.symbol C.symptom D.sign
28.A.Each B.Some C.One D.That
29.A.surely B.barely C.mostly D.instantly
30.A.beginning B.intention C.ending D.shortage
31.A.set off B.worked out C.set down D.worked at
32.A.Later B.Better C.Happier D.Harder
【广东省深圳市高级中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期第三次诊断考试】I knew my life was easier than
that of most single mothers. I was fortunate enough to have the basics (基本需求) 21 for my daughters and
me, but it was the unexpected costs that 22 at night. Sometimes, when I saw the sunrise in the morning, I
took a deep breath and encouraged myself to count it a day as long as I survived it till the night. If something broke
in our home, it was probably going to stay broken. What if we needed a new roof What if the car needed
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I thought I was doing a good job 24 my worries from my children, but I wasn’t. Children are very
25 to their parents’ moods, and they are often listening when we are not 26 . A neighbour had been
27 me to share the cost of a new fence, and I was talking about it with my sister on the phone, 28 how
I would cover the cost. After I got off the phone, my six-year old daughter 29 me and said ‘Mom, please
don’t worry! We may not have everything we want, but we do have everything we 30 .’
This statement, made by an innocent but 31 child, changed my perspective (观点). Whenever I
found myself overcome by 32 about finances, I would remember her words. I would focus on being 33
for the food on our table and the 34 over our heads. I’m thankful to my little girl for reminding me that we
often 35 wants with needs. Listen closely to children; it is from their hearts that we may learn great
21.A.chased B.invented C.covered D.acknowledged
22.A.raised me up B.talked me down C.kept me up D.turned me down
23.A.drivers B.repairs C.checks D.controls
24.A.removing B.stealing C.getting D.keeping
25.A.sensitive B.addicted C.identical D.connected
26.A.around B.awake C.away D.aware
27.A.pressuring B.allowing C.encouraging D.begging
28.A.debating B.recommending C.wondering D.questioning
29.A.questioned B.approached C.criticized D.answered
30.A.like B.desire C.deserve D.need
31.A.foolish B.annoying C.wise D.wealthy
32.A.anxieties B.complaints C.doubts D.distractions
33.A.hungry B.grateful C.hopeful D.greedy
34.A.sky B.shelter C.clouds D.trees
35.A.combine B.connect C.compare D.confuse
【河北省沧衡名校联盟 2024-2025 学年高三下学期开学考试】I was facing a difficult period in my life.
The job I loved had let me go, and my search for a new one was 21 walls. One afternoon, as I sat on the
edge of my sofa, staring 22 at the far wall, I realized I needed space. So, I did the 23 thing I could
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think of: I put on my shoes and went for a 24 .
The world outside was a palette (调色板 ) of greys, 25 my mood. But as I walked, the wind
whispered through the trees, and the sky began to 26 . I passed by neighbors, each with their own stories —
A young Mom with her kids, a man walking his dog, and an elderly couple holding hands. Life was 27 all
around me, and I was a part of it.
As I continued, my mind started to 28 . I thought about how every step I took was a choice — a
decision to keep going or backward. Walking wasn’t just about moving my body; it was about moving my 29
forward. I wasn’t 30 ; I was just standing still. And now, with each step, I was 31 a path.
By the time I got back home, my heart was 32 . Walking had given me a gift: a sense of 33
and the strength to keep on walking, even when the road ahead was 34 . It’s amazing what a little walk
can do — 35 the clouds, clear the mind, and remind you that every step is a new beginning.
21.A.building B.hitting C.breaking D.pulling
22.A.blankly B.carefully C.fearlessly D.nervously
23.A.funniest B.craziest C.simplest D.biggest
24.A.walk B.running C.dancing D.climb
25.A.adjusting B.defining C.tolerating D.mirroring
26.A.darken B.clear C.worsen D.pour
27.A.experimenting B.changing C.happening D.fading
28.A.wander B.doubt C.cease D.accept
29.A.secrets B.hobbies C.life D.business
30.A.hidden B.occupied C.torn D.stuck
31.A.creating B.assessing C.designing D.removing
32.A.emptier B.more anxious C.more burdened D.lighter
33.A.responsibility B.humor C.direction D.freedom
34.A.smooth B.uncertain C.well-established D.irreplaceable
35.A.hold back B.shake off C.come across D.watch over
【湖北省武汉市第一中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月联考】I had reached the age of twenty-eight.
Still, I 21 whether the letter from my past would make it to me, all these years later. It was a 22
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writing task from when I was eighteen. The teacher collected our letters to our future selves in self-addressed
envelope with stamps and promised to 23 them ten years later. But since so much time had passed, would
he even 24
Thinking back on the letter, I recalled giving my future self some advice. When you’re eighteen years old,
twenty-eight seems like a 25 age, but I wasn’t feeling as mature as I believed my younger self had 26
me to be.
When the letter finally reached me, I opened it 27 . It began, “How much do you bet this letter will
never get to you ” It continued to greet me casually 28 we were having an IM(instant messaging)chat. As
a senior in high school, facing the 29 SATS and college application, my eighteen-year-old self was so
30 ! She was apparently not quite happy and hoped I wouldn’t worry so much in the future, and that I wouldn’t
forget to be present and 31 my life!
Contrary to my belief, my eighteen-year-old self did not have any demands of me, or expectations I might
have 32 to meet. Instead, she wrote, “I’ll stand by whatever you do. Even if you are not the one I’m
imagining now, I’ll support you, because maybe the person I’m imagining is someone else, but you’re not someone
else, you’re me.”
I was 33 , and tears welled up in my eyes at this 34 through time. I had put a lot of pressure
on myself to be the best version of myself that I could be. 35 , I came to realize what I would have
accomplished in ten years would pale in comparison to how I’d feel and who I’d be.
21.A.believed B.bet C.doubted D.considered
22.A.hopeless B.creative C.urgent D.tough
23.A.correct B.mail C.answer D.write
24.A.remember B.understand C.mind D.remain
25.A.grown-up B.happy C.made-up D.promising
26.A.promised B.convinced C.encouraged D.expected
27.A.calmly B.cautiously C.eagerly D.naturally
28.A.even if B.so that C.now that D.as if
29.A.appointing B.appealing C.approaching D.approving
30.A.depressed B.ambitious C.carefree D.stressed
31.A.enjoy B.value C.start D.earn
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32.A.tried B.failed C.managed D.determined
33.A.guilty B.touched C.embarrassed D.nervous
34.A.self-acceptanceB.self-service C.self-defense D.self-concern
35.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Then D.However
【湖北省武汉中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月月考】I’d been exploring the 40-hectare woods around
our cottage my whole life and I knew the way well. So it was a 41 when I found myself lost there.
One dull cold February afternoon, I had a sudden 42 to hike the hill with my two daughters. Putting
on our snowshoes, we immediately 43 northwestward. While making our way up the hill, my daughters
stopped occasionally to investigate unknown plants and to look at the abandoned deer beds... These really made
their 44 .
As the shadows started to 45 , we moved further up. Soon, weariness (疲劳) began to 46
enthusiasm. We decided to return. Instead of backtracking over our 47 route, I chose to walk down the
steep side of the hill, 48 my general sense that ahead of us lay the stream that would guide us to the road.
But as the terrain (地形) leveled out, I had my first major moment of 49 : Where was the stream Were we
off course
I instinctively pulled out my phone to get my location, but it 50 in my hand in the cold air.
51 , I started feeling a bit panicky. However, I quickly 52 myself, reassuring my daughters to
continue walking. Focusing on the landmarks, I spotted a familiar tree and eventually 53 the road.
That winter’s day taught me a valuable lesson about habitual reliance on technology. If my phone had
54 then, I might have directly followed the GPS, ignoring the old 55 of depending on surroundings
and life skills.
41.A.challenge B.shock C.reward D.reminder
42.A.discovery B.response C.worry D.urge
43.A.escaped B.drove C.headed D.looked
44.A.reputation B.dream C.day D.way
45.A.lengthen B.swing C.emerge D.fade
46.A.fuel B.witness C.overlook D.outpace
47.A.original B.rough C.offbeat D.roundabout
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48.A.appreciating B.trusting C.visualizing D.assessing
49.A.curiosity B.comparison C.doubt D.anticipation
50.A.died B.slipped C.flashed D.rang
51.A.Reportedly B.Admittedly C.Seemingly D.Surprisingly
52.A.exposed B.gathered C.defended D.behaved
53.A.got off B.laid down C.came across D.made out
54.A.worked B.remained C.changed D.overheated
55.A.theory B.standard C.practice D.routine
17 / 17大题预测 06 七选五+完形填空(二)
【吉林省长春市实验中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期期末】Time and money are life’s most valuable
resources. One of the great laws of economics is that time equals money. The phrase “time is money” is usually
credited to Benjamin Franklin, who used it in an essay (Advice to a Young Tradesman.1748) 16 He
encouraged people to treat time like money. However, most people think about time and money in vastly different
Time is our most scarce (稀缺) resource. Poor or rich, we all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 17
In a world of scarcity, choosing one thing means not being able to do something else.
18 Time is relatively scarce for people with higher incomes, partly because their time is more
valuable. So, to have lots of time, rich people hire other people to do their household chores. However, a
non-working person may spend more time on household chores.
Time cannot be stored. One of the reasons we give little thought about how we use our limited resources is
that we cannot save time. Time moves on whether we choose to spend it or not. 19 However, when
people are made aware of their mortality (生命的有限), they wonder if they did make the most of their lives.
In sum, time is anything but free. As a non-renewable resource, time is quite expensive. 20 They
do their best to think of their time as unlimited, and unlimited goods have little value. Knowing that time is limited
encourages us to ask how we are using our time. Do we want to spend these precious moments on social media or
spend that time learning something new Skills and knowledge take time so the more time you spend on them, the
more you improve.
A.It cannot be bought at any price.
B.It means time is a valuable resource.
C.The value of time varies from person to person.
D.Some people fail to realize that time is scarce
E.Thus, each of us faces the choice of how to spend our time.
F.You can’t bottle time and exchange it for an object or event.
G.Actually, time and money are greatly different from each other.
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【答案】16.B 17.E 18.C 19.F 20.D
16.根据上文“One of the great laws of economics is that time equals money.(经济学的一条伟大定律是时间等于
金钱)”及下文“He encouraged people to treat time like money.(他鼓励人们把时间当作金钱来对待)”可知,经济
学认为时间就是金钱,设空处承上启下,B 选项“It means time is a valuable resource.(这意味着时间是一种宝
贵的资源)”符合题意。故选 B 项。
17.根据前文“Time is our most scarce (稀缺) resource. Poor or rich, we all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.(时
间是我们最稀缺的资源。无论贫穷还是富有,我们都有一天 24 小时,一周 7 天)”以及后文“In a world of
scarcity, choosing one thing means not being able to do something else.(在一个稀缺的世界里,选择一件事就意
味着不能做其他的事)”可知,此处讲述时间稀缺,应该如何选择度过,所以 E 项“Thus, each of us faces the
choice of how to spend our time.(因此,我们每个人都面临着如何度过时间的选择)”符合本段主题,和前文构
成因果关系。故选 E 项。
18.设空位于段首,为本段中心句,根据后文“Time is relatively scarce for people with higher incomes, partly
because their time is more valuable. So, to have lots of time, rich people hire other people to do their household
chores. However, a non-working person may spend more time on household chores.(对于收入高的人来说,时间
C 项“The value of time varies from person to person.(时间的价值因人而异)”符合本段主题,为中心句。故选 C
19.根据前文“Time cannot be stored. One of the reasons we give little thought about how we use our limited
resources is that we cannot save time. Time moves on whether we choose to spend it or not.(时间是无法储存的。
流逝)”可知,此处讲述时间无法储存,所以 F 项“You can’t bottle time and exchange it for an object or event.(你
不能把时间装在瓶子里,然后用它来交换一个对象或事件)”符合本段主题。故选 F 项。
20.根据前文“In sum, time is anything but free. As a non-renewable resource, time is quite expensive.(总之,时间
绝不是免费的。时间作为一种不可再生资源,是非常昂贵的)”以及后文“They do their best to think of their time
as unlimited, and unlimited goods have little value.(他们竭力认为自己的时间是无限的,而无限的商品几乎没有
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D 项“Some people fail to realize that time is scarce.(有些人没有意识到时间是宝贵的)”符合文意,承接上文,引
出下文。故选 D 项。
【江苏省苏州中学、海门中学、姜堰中学、淮阴中学等四校 2024-2025 学年高三下学期 2 月联考】
Caregiver stress is the name for a type of stress that affects caregivers specifically. 16 If you look after
someone and feel similar emotional experiences, then you may be suffering from caregiver stress and should get it
addressed as soon as possible.
Caregiver stress is all too common. 17 If you then need to cook for someone else, help them to
get dressed and take them to the doctor — everyday — you can end up totally exhausted. You might worry about
them whenever they are left alone. This then prevents you from doing the things you want to do. There are even
financial issues to consider. On top of this, you might feel unappreciated, arguing regularly with the person you’re
caring for. 18
When you ask for advice, you are likely to hear that you should send them into a home, hire extra care or get
assistance from other family members. If you can do this, you absolutely should, for the sake of you both.
19 Getting care can be very expensive and some dependents (被照顾者) will be resistant to the
idea. If you can’t change the situation, you need to protect yourself. Setting clear boundaries can help a lot. Find an
outlet, whether it be a walk in the park or a gym session. 20 While you might feel stressed doing these
things and your dependent might not like it, it is once again important for the health and safety of both you and
your dependent. If you burn out, then you won’t be any use to them.
A.Taking regular holidays is also important.
B.Is it any wonder that caregiver stress is such a big issue
C.First, acknowledge that you are experiencing caregiver stress.
D.The sufferers tend to feel exhausted, annoyed and even guilty.
E.But while this advice sounds good in theory, it is not that easy.
F.Your personal relationships suffer and you have no leisure time.
G.For most of us, looking after ourselves is stressful and tiring enough.
【答案】16.D 17.G 18.B 19.E 20.A
16.根据上文“Caregiver stress is the name for a type of stress that affects caregivers specifically.(照顾者压力是一
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带来的感受。故 D 选项“患者往往感到疲惫、烦恼甚至内疚”符合语境,故选 D。
17.根据上文“Caregiver stress is all too common.(照顾者的压力太普遍了)”以及下文“If you then need to cook
for someone else, help them to get dressed and take them to the doctor — everyday — you can end up totally
下文提到照顾别人会导致筋疲力尽,推测本句是在说明导致疲惫的其他因素,故 G 选项“对我们大多数人来
说,照顾自己已经够有压力、够累的了”符合语境,故选 G。
18.根据上文“If you then need to cook for someone else, help them to get dressed and take them to the doctor —
everyday — you can end up totally exhausted. You might worry about them whenever they are left alone. This
then prevents you from doing the things you want to do. There are even financial issues to consider. On top of this,
you might feel unappreciated, arguing regularly with the person you’re caring for.(如果你需要为别人做饭,帮他
B 选项“照顾者的压力是一个大问题,这有什么好奇怪的吗?”符合语境,故选 B。
19.根据下文“Getting care can be very expensive and some dependents (被照顾者) will be resistant to the idea.(获
到困难。故 E 选项“虽然这个建议在理论上听起来不错,但做起来并不容易”符合语境,故选 E。
20.根据上文“Find an outlet, whether it be a walk in the park or a gym session.(找一个发泄方式,无论是在公园
散步还是在健身房锻炼)”以及下文“While you might feel stressed doing these things and your dependent might
not like it, it is once again important for the health and safety of both you and your dependent. If you burn out, then
you won’t be any use to them.(虽然做这些事情你可能会感到压力,你的依赖者可能不喜欢,但这对你和你的
都是在说明照顾者如何照顾自我的建议,故 A 选项“定期休假也很重要”符合语境,故选 A。
【江西省赣州市赣抚吉十五校联考 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月月考】Strong communication skills
can help you in both your personal and professional life. While verbal and written communication skills are
important, research has shown that nonverbal behaviors make up a large percentage of our daily interpersonal
communication. If you want to improve your ability to read other people’s nonverbal communication behaviors,
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these tips can help:
Pay attention to your own behaviors. Notice the gestures you use when you’re happy versus (对抗) when
you’re upset. 16 Being aware of your own nonverbal communication tendencies is the first step to
change the ones you want to change. It can also give you insight into how you’re feeling if you’re having trouble
putting it into words.
Become a student of others. 17 What do their facial expressions say What type of gestures do
they use Becoming familiar with their nonverbal communication patterns helps you recognize when they might be
feeling a certain way quicker because you’re actively watching for these cues. It can also help you recognize
nonverbal behaviors you may want to adopt yourself.
Think before you act. When a car cuts you off, especially your young child is in the back seat, your middle
finger seems to automatically fly up. 18 Train yourself to stop and think before you act. This can help
you eliminate or replace nonverbal behaviors that you’ve been wanting to change.
19 Certain types of nonverbal communication can mean different things in different cultures. They
can also vary based on someone’s personality. Before assuming that a person’s body language or tone means
something definitively, ask “I notice that you won’t look me in the eye when we speak. Are you upset with me ”
A.Ask before you assume.
B.Develop your emotional intelligence.
C.You can work to stop this reaction, or you will regret it as soon as it happens.
D.Paying closer attention to your nonverbal signals is an excellent place to start.
E.It can be helpful to consider how others around you communicate nonverbally.
F.Give them the opportunity to explain how they are feeling so you know for sure.
G.And then think about how you change the tone of your voice depending on your emotions.
【答案】16.G 17.E 18.C 19.A 20.F
16.空前“Notice the gestures you use when you’re happy versus (对抗) when you’re upset.(注意你高兴和不高兴
时的手势)”说明要注意你自己高兴和不高兴时用的手势,高兴和不高兴都是情绪,空后“Being aware of your
own nonverbal communication tendencies is the first step to change the ones you want to change.(意识到自己的非
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步,空格处应该和“非语言沟通倾向”及“情绪”有关,G 选项“And then think about how you change the tone of
your voice depending on your emotions.(然后想想你是如何根据自己的情绪来改变语气的)”说明了想想自己如
何根据情绪来改变语气,“语气”是非语言沟通倾向,也提到了情绪,因此符合语境,故选 G。
17.空前“Become a student of others.(成为别人的学生)”说明了要向别人学习,E 选项“It can be helpful to
consider how others around you communicate nonverbally.(考虑一下你周围的人是如何用非语言交流的,这是
选 E。
18.空前“When a car cuts you off, especially your young child is in the back seat, your middle finger seems to
automatically fly up.(当一辆车挡住你,尤其是你的小孩坐在后座上时,你的中指似乎会自动翘起来)”举的是
一个人会冲动的例子,本段主旨句是“Think before you act.(三思而后行)”,说明本段是关于三思而后行的,
空后“Train yourself to stop and think before you act.(训练自己在行动之前停下来想一想)”说明了你可以在自己
冲动行事前先想一想,也就是你可以努力使自己停止冲动的行为,C 选项“You can work to stop this reaction,
or you will regret it as soon as it happens.(你可以努力阻止这种反应,否则一旦发生,你就会后悔)”说明了你可
以努力停止冲动的行为,承上启下,符合语境,故选 C。
19.空格处是本段主旨句,由空后“Before assuming that a person’s body language or tone means something
definitively, ask “I notice that you won’t look me in the eye when we speak. Are you upset with me ”(在假设一个
了吗?”)”可知,本段主要讲的是在猜测之前直接问,A 选项“Ask before you assume.(假设之前先问问)”说明
了在你做出假设之前先问,概括了本段主要内容,可作为主旨句,故选 A。
20.空前“Before assuming that a person’s body language or tone means something definitively, ask “I notice that
you won’t look me in the eye when we speak. Are you upset with me ”(在假设一个人的肢体语言或语气意味着
出假设前可以先问问,空格处应该说这么做的意义是什么,F 选项“Give them the opportunity to explain how
they are feeling so you know for sure.(给他们机会解释他们的感受,这样你就能确定)”说明了问他们的意义在
于给他们机会解释他们的感受,这样你就能确定,承接上文,符合语境,故选 F。
【江西省吉安市六校协作体 2025 学年高三上学期 1 月联考】Whether it’s woodworking, sewing or
sculpting teeny cupcakes, making art is good for your mind and body. 36 And developing our creative side
can give us a stronger sense of agency — the ability to solve problems by imagining possible solutions.
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But you don’t have to be a full-time artist to get in on those health benefits. All you need to do is just make
art. And the more you do it, the better. 37
You don’t need to be an artist with a capital “A”.
We tend to think that only people who are very skilled at art can call themselves artists, but really, anyone
can be an artist. 38 In fact, research has shown that there are no differences in health outcomes between
those who identify as experienced artists and those who don’t. That means that no matter your skill level, you’ll be
able to feel all the good things that come with making art.
Figure out your mode of creative expression.
Start with whatever you enjoy. But keep an open mind. 39 You can do that through many activities:
finger painting, cooking, baking, oil painting, weaving — the sky’s the limit. And don’t feel like you have to stick
to one thing. Mix it up — do whatever you’re in the mood for.
Once you have your art materials, here comes the fun part. Mess around! Let yourself get lost in the process
and just play. Because it’s the physical act of making art that induces those feelings of stress relief and positive
energy — not what you make or how you make it.
A.Be ready to take others’ advice.
B.Take control of the waves of emotion.
C.Everyone is capable of creative expression.
D.Focus on the making and let go of expectations.
E.Anything that engages your creative mind is good for you.
F.The act of creation can reduce stress and anxiety and improve your mood.
G.Here are several things you need to know to kick-start your creative art habit.
【答案】36.F 37.G 38.C 39.E 40.D
36.根据上文“Whether it’s woodworking, sewing or sculpting teeny cupcakes, making art is good for your mind
and body.(无论是木工、缝纫还是雕刻小蛋糕,艺术创作对你的身心都有好处)”和下文“And developing our
creative side can give us a stronger sense of agency—the ability to solve problems by imagining possible
知,上下文都在说明艺术创作的好处,所以空白处应承接上文,继续说明艺术创作的好处。选项 F“创作行
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为可以减轻压力和焦虑,改善你的心情”符合语境。故选 F。
37.根据上文“But you don’t have to be a full-time artist to get in on those health benefits. All you need to do is just
make art. And the more you do it, the better.(但你不必成为一名全职艺术家才能获得这些健康益处。你所要做
承接上文,具体说明如何进行艺术创作。选项 G“以下是你需要知道的几件事,以启动你的创造性艺术习惯”
引出下文进行艺术创作的方法,符合语境。故选 G。
38.根据上文“We tend to think that only people who are very skilled at art can call themselves artists, but really,
anyone can be an artist.(我们往往认为只有非常擅长艺术的人才能称自己为艺术家,但实际上,任何人都可以
成为艺术家)”和下文“That means that no matter your skill level, you’ll be able to feel all the good things that
come with making art.(这意味着,无论你的技能水平如何,你都能感受到艺术创作带来的所有好处)”可知,
上下文都在说明任何人都可以进行艺术创作,所以空白处应承接上下文,继续说明这一点。选项 C“每个人
都有能力进行创造性表达”符合语境。故选 C。
39.根据上文“Start with whatever you enjoy. But keep an open mind.(从你喜欢的任何事情开始。但要保持开放
的心态)”和下文“You can do that through many activities: finger painting, cooking, baking, oil painting,
weaving—the sky’s the limit. And don’t feel like you have to stick to one thing. Mix it up—do whatever you’re in
the mood for.(你可以通过许多活动来做到这一点:手指画、烹饪、烘焙、油画、编织——天空才是极限。而
动来进行艺术创作,所以空白处应承接上下文,继续说明这一点。选项 E“任何能激发你创造力的事情都对
你有好处”符合语境。故选 E。
40.空处为段落小标题。根据下文“Once you have your art materials, here comes the fun part. Mess around! Let
yourself get lost in the process and just play. Because it’s the physical act of making art that induces those feelings
of stress relief and positive energy—not what you make or how you make it.(一旦你有了艺术材料,有趣的部分
时要专注于创作本身,不要过多在意创作的结果或方式,所以空白处应引出这一观点。选项 D“专注于创作,
放下期望”符合语境。故选 D。
【江西省九江市十校联考 2024-2025 学年高三下学期 2 月月考】Injuries at work can happen at any
moment so it’s important that you know what to do if you have sustained a work injury in order to obtain the
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compensation for medical expenses and lost wages that you are due. Below we list some steps you should take if
you’ve been injured on the job.
Promptly (及时地) report the injury.
Often, work injury claims are denied by workers’ compensation insurance companies and employers if the
injury is not promptly reported. 16 . You should also provide as much detail as possible so that there is
evidence of when you reported your injury.
Seek medical attention.
You should always seek the proper medical attention following an injury. 17 . And it’s especially
important that you consult with your doctor. This is because your doctor will provide argument later.
It’s also important that you tell your doctor your injury is work-related and to follow your doctor’s exact
instructions on caring for your injury.
Whenever you have an interaction with your employer or an insurance representative about your injury, you
need to record the date, time, and what was discussed. Keeping a record of these interactions can prove to be useful
if your workers’ comp claim is denied. 19 .
Fill a claim.
In most cases, your employer should be responsible for sending your claim form and all necessary
documentation to the workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Your employer may also be required to report your
injury to the state workers’ compensation board.
20 . If the claim is denied, you can request a reconsideration or file an appeal through your state
worker’ compensation commission.
A.Provide detailed information
B.Keep a record of interactions
C.When it comes to work injuries, this is no different
D.You should also keep a record of interactions with your doctor
E.You’d better report your injury to your family as soon as possible
F.Once your claim is filed, it will either be approved or denied by the insurer
G.That’s why it’s crucial to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible
【答案】16.G 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.F
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16.根据上文“Often, work injury claims are denied by workers’ compensation insurance companies and employers
if the injury is not promptly reported.(通常,如果伤害没有及时报告,工伤索赔被工人赔偿保险公司和雇主拒
绝)”可知,上文提到没有及时报告知道被拒绝索赔,故本句是在强调及时报告的重要性。故 G 选项“这就是
为什么尽快向雇主报告你的受伤情况是至关重要的”符合语境,故选 G。
17.根据上文“You should always seek the proper medical attention following an injury.(受伤后,你应该及时就
医)”以及下文“And it’s especially important that you consult with your doctor. This is because your doctor will
provide argument later.(尤其重要的是,你要咨询你的医生。这是因为你的医生稍后会提供论据)”可知,本段
主要讲述受了工伤及时就医,前文讲了受伤就要就医,所以这里说到工伤也是如此,没有区别,故 C 选项“当
涉及到工伤时,这也不例外”符合语境,故选 C。
18.根据本段内容“Whenever you have an interaction with your employer or an insurance representative about
your injury, you need to record the date, time, and what was discussed. Keeping a record of these interactions can
prove to be useful if your workers’ comp claim is denied.(无论何时你和你的雇主或保险代表就你的伤害进行互
可知,本段主要讲解你和雇主以及保险代表的一切互动都要记录保留,故 B 选项“记录互动”符合语境,故
选 B。
19.根据上文“Whenever you have an interaction with your employer or an insurance representative about your
injury, you need to record the date, time, and what was discussed. Keeping a record of these interactions can prove
to be useful if your workers’ comp claim is denied.(无论何时你和你的雇主或保险代表就你的伤害进行互动,你
上文提到员工赔偿被拒绝需要记录互动,推测本句是在说明其他应该记录的互动。故 D 选项“你还应该记录
你和医生的互动情况”符合语境,故选 D。
20.根据下文“If the claim is denied, you can request a reconsideration or file an appeal through your state worker’
compensation commission.(如果索赔被拒绝,你可以要求重新考虑或向你所在州的工人赔偿委员会提出上诉)”
可知,下文提到了索赔被拒绝的情况,推测本句是在说明提出索赔后遭遇的情况。故 F 选项“一旦你提出索
赔,保险公司要么批准,要么拒绝”符合语境,故选 F。
【辽宁省丹东市五校协作体 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月月考】How to improve the taste of your drinking
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Like many people, you may drink less plain water than you did when you were younger. There are a lot of
possible reasons for this: Your sense of thirst may become weaker with age. 36 Therefore, hydration (水合
作用) is crucial for good health, and there are plenty of ways to improve the taste of your drinking water.
Try a water filter pitcher
A water filter pitcher can improve the taste and smell of what comes out of your tap. Consumer Reports tests
these products by adding water with nontoxic additives that copy the odor and flavor of rotten vegetables, damp
soil, metal or moldy compost (发霉的堆肥). 37
You might also think about buying an under-the-sink water filter. We’ve found that the under-the-sink filters
in Consumer Reports’ tests improve water’s taste and odor slightly better than water pitcher filters do.
Add flavor
If even filtered water doesn’t taste great, you can doctor it a bit. 39 Or fill a pitcher with fruits and
herbs you like: Citrus, cucumber, berries, melons, basil and mint are a few possibilities.
Make it sparkle
40 Dissolve it yourself with seltzer (苏打水) makers from brands like SodaStream and Drinkmate.
A.Consider an upgrade.
B.Check your water quality.
C.And some older adults may no longer find the taste of water appealing.
D.Leave your pitcher or glass out on the countertop or microwave it briefly to warm it.
E.A splash of 100 percent fruit juice can be a good way to add a little flavor to a glass of water.
F.Then a panel of professional tasters evaluates how well each filter removes unpleasant tastes and smells.
G.If you find bubbly water appealing, carbonation (炭化作用) is another way to improve water’s taste.
【答案】36.C 37.F 38.A 39.E 40.G
36.根据上文“There are a lot of possible reasons for this: Your sense of thirst may become weaker with age.(这有
觉。故 C 选项“一些老年人可能不再觉得水的味道有吸引力”切题。weaker with age 呼应 may no longer find the
taste of water appealing。故选 C 项。
37.根据上文“Consumer Reports tests these products by adding water with nontoxic additives that copy the odor
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and flavor of rotten vegetables, damp soil, metal or moldy compost(发霉的堆肥).(《消费者报告》通过向水中添
可知,选项承接上文说明专业品酒师的具体操作。故 F 选项“然后由专业品酒师组成的小组评估每种过滤器
去除难闻味道和气味的效果。”故选 F 项。
38.根据下文“You might also think about buying an under-the-sink water filter. We’ve found that the
under-the-sink filters in Consumer Reports’ tests improve water’s taste and odor slightly better than water pitcher
filters do.(你也可以考虑买一个水槽下面的水过滤器。在《消费者报告》的测试中,我们发现水槽下的过滤
器改善水的味道和气味的效果略好于水罐式过滤器)”本段主要讲通过某种方式对水进行升级。故 A 选项“考
虑升级”切题,为本段的标题。故选 A 项。
39.根据下文“Or fill a pitcher with fruits and herbs you like: Citrus, cucumber, berries, melons, basil and mint are
a few possibilities.(或者在一个罐子里装满你喜欢的水果和草药:柑橘、黄瓜、浆果、瓜类、罗勒和薄荷都是
可能的)”可组织,下文与选项是选择关系都在说将果汁加入水中以此改善水的味道。故 E 选项“在一杯水中
洒上 100%的果汁是给水增加一点味道的好方法”切题。故选 E 项。
40.根据下文“Dissolve it yourself with seltzer (苏打水) makers from brands like SodaStream and Drinkmate.(用
SodaStream 和 Drinkmate 等品牌的苏打水自行溶解)”可知,选项承接下文说的是将水碳酸化。故 G 选项“如
果你觉得气泡水很有吸引力,碳酸化是另一种改善水味道的方法”切题。故选 G 项。
【山东省青岛市崂山区青岛第二中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 1 月期末】It happens from time to time
that after a whole morning of studying, you are tired in the afternoon. It is then that you may want to eat something
sweet, perhaps a sweet drink or a chocolate bar to lift your mood. 16
But a study suggests that sugar can make you feel worse rather than lift your mood. The German and UK
researchers collected data from 31 studies involving nearly 1,300 adults. 17 Those emotions include anger,
alertness, depression and tiredness. They found that people who have too much sugar become more tired and less
alert within an hour, and that these feelings become more intense over time.
According to researchers, when people take in sugar, their blood sugar levels rise rapidly, leading to a burst
of energy and a short “feel good” period. However, as they begin to digest the sugar, their blood sugar levels
decrease quickly, leading to a bad feeling. 18 As with caffeine, this prevents the body from relaxing,
leaving people being tired and less alert.
19 According to WHO, it is healthy to have the sugars found naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk,
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so long as they make up less than 5 percent of our daily total energy intake.
So the next time you feel tired and can’t concentrate on study and work, perhaps you should think twice
before you bite into a chocolate bar. There are still other ways to relieve tiredness. 20
A.Maybe a little exercise at midday is a better idea.
B.So cutting sweet food out of the diet is a good choice.
C.They studied the effect of sugar on some aspects of mood.
D.After all, it’s believed that a “sugar rush” gives you energy.
E.Sugar in any form is not necessarily good for the human body.
F.But the result of the study doesn’t mean giving up sweet food altogether.
G.To remain on a “high”, people may eat more sugar until they become addicted to it.
【答案】16.D 17.C 18.G 19.F 20.A
16.上文“It is then that you may want to eat something sweet, perhaps a sweet drink or a chocolate bar to lift your
要吃甜的东西来提升情绪,D 项“毕竟,人们相信“甜蜜冲刺”会给你能量。”说明人们想要吃甜的东西的原因,
承接上文,符合题意。故选 D。
17.上文“The German and UK researchers collected data from 31 studies involving nearly 1,300 adults.(德国和英
国的研究人员从包括近 1300 名成年人的 31 项研究中收集了数据)”说明研究人员收集了很多数据,以及下文
“Those emotions include anger, alertness, depression and tiredness.(这些情绪包括愤怒、警觉、沮丧和疲惫)”说
明其中包括一些消极的情绪,C 项中 They 指代上文中的 The German and UK researchers,C 项“他们研究了
糖对情绪某些方面的影响。”承上启下,符合题意。故选 C。
18.上文“However, as they begin to digest the sugar, their blood sugar levels decrease quickly, leading to a bad
时,血糖下降会导致不好的感觉,G 项“为了保持“高”,人们可能会吃更多的糖,直到上瘾。”说明人们对于
上文出现的情况采取的应对措施,承接上文,符合题意。故选 G。
19.下文“According to WHO, it is healthy to have the sugars found naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk, so long
as they make up less than 5 percent of our daily total energy intake.(据世界卫生组织称,水果、蔬菜和牛奶中的
天然糖分是健康的,只要它们占我们每日总能量摄入的比例不到 5%)”说明适量摄入天然糖分是健康的,F
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项“但研究结果并不意味着完全放弃甜食。”建议不要完全放弃甜食,引出下文,符合题意。故选 F。
20.上文“There are still other ways to relieve tiredness.(还有其他缓解疲劳的方法)”说明缓解疲劳还有其他方法,
A 项“也许中午做点运动是个好主意。”举例说明了缓解疲劳的方法,承接上文,符合题意。故选 A。
【2025 届黑龙江省“六校联盟”高三上学期联合适应性考试】Find an insect in your food can be a moment
of horror that kills the mood and you appetite immediately. But that might be about to change. 16
The market research predicts the global market for edible (可食用的) insects will grow sharply. So whats
behind this expected increase in appetite for insects 17 And the answer lies in understanding how insects
compare to other food types in terms of production and farming.
Insects produce less harmful gas than most mainstream farm animals per kilo of live weight. A cow, for
example, produces 2.8 kg of greenhouse gas per kilo of live body weight. Insects, on the other hand,produce just 2
grams. 18 Far each kilo it weighs, a cow needs 10 kg of feed. Insects, on the other hand,need just 1.7 kg.
Water, which is becoming an increasingly rare resource in some parts of the world and is used liberally in
intensive farming, offers another interesting comparison. To produce a single gram of insect protein, you’d need 23
litres of water. 19 But to get that same gram of protein from cattle, you need 112 litres of water.
20 Compared with raising traditional livestock (家畜) such as sheep, pigs or cattle, farming insects
generally means that there will be no more dealing with mud and dirt and an end to changing heavy bags of feed.
And forget about having to go outdoors in all weather conditions to manhandle livestock. The requirement for
investment in equipment will be different, too. This will be farming on a much smaller scale,reducing the need for
large and expensive machinery.
It may not be too long before we can all buy bag of edible insects at our local grocery store.
A.That might sound like a lot.
B.There are a number of factors in play.
C.Possibly, well soon be voluntarily enjoying insects.
D.Insects weigh much less than traditional farm animals.
E.For farmers, raising insects can be much easier and save money.
F.The majority of individuals have a strong dislike for insects.
G.They also consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.
【答案】16.C 17.B 18.G 19.A 20.E
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16.由上文“Find an insect in your food can be a moment of horror that kills the mood and you appetite
immediately. But that might be about to change. (在食物中发现昆虫可能会立刻破坏心情和食欲,但这种情况可
能即将改变)”可知,人们对昆虫的态度可能会转变。C 选项“Possibly, we’ll soon be voluntarily enjoying insects.
能改变”的进一步说明,故选 C。
17.由上文“So what’s behind this expected increase in appetite for insects (那么,这种昆虫食欲预期增长的背
后是什么?)”以及下文“And the answer lies in understanding how insects compare to other food types in terms of
production and farming. (答案在于了解昆虫在生产和养殖方面与其他食物类型的比较情况)”可知,本空应回
答上文的问题,并引出对昆虫食欲增长背后原因的阐述。B 选项“There are a number of factors in play. (有许
多因素在起作用)”能很好地承接上文的问题,并引出下文对因素的说明,符合语境,故选 B。
18.由下文“Far each kilo it weighs, a cow needs 10 kg of feed. Insects, on the other hand, need just 1.7 kg. (每公斤
体重,一头牛需要 10 公斤饲料。另一方面,昆虫只需要 1.7 公斤)”可知,本空应强调昆虫消耗的资源比
其它家畜少。G 选项“They also consume fewer resources than traditional livestock. (它们也比传统家畜消耗更少
的资源)”能引出下文,符合语境,故选 G。
19.由上文“To produce a single gram of insect protein, you’d need 23 litres of water. (要生产一克昆虫蛋白,你
需要 23 升水)”可知,上文谈论生产昆虫蛋白所需的水量,本空应强调这些水量给人的感觉。A 选项“That
might sound like a lot. (那可能听起来很多)”中的 That 指代上文提到的“23 litres of water”,能承接上文,符合
语境,故选 A。
20.由下文“Compared with raising traditional livestock (家畜) such as sheep, pigs or cattle, farming insects
generally means that there will be no more dealing with mud and dirt and an end to changing heavy bags of feed.
重的饲料袋)”可知,本空应强调养殖昆虫对农民来说的好处。E 选项“For farmers, raising insects can be much
easier and save money. (对于农民来说,养殖昆虫可以更容易并且省钱)”是对下文内容的概括,符合语境,故
选 E。
【2025 届山东省日照市高三下学期一模】Sophie Jones, 22, lives in Warrington, England. She has
overcome her fear of 21 by creating a list of challenges she has always 22 .
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So far, she has completed 45 things, including 23 strangers to games of rock, paper, scissors and
asking to make pizza in a pizza kitchen. She said, “Doing things that frightened me 24 my life, and my
confidence has increased 25 .”
Sophie experienced a lot of rejection throughout her teenage years. She became 26 of
experiencing rejection and started 27 friendships and opportunities. She didn’t want to put herself
forward for things like new jobs or friendships due to low 28 . Later, she discovered a treatment called
“rejection therapy”. After 29 a woman online asking for a free coffee in a shop, she 30
her own “fear list”. Since discovering the 31 , Sophie has made her own ice cream in an ice cream
van (货车) and even climbed stairs on all fours.
Now Sophie receives fewer rejections. She has become more 32 . Without the anxiety of
rejection, she also 33 other people to try her method. She said, “I want everyone to 34
they can do anything they want. The greatest opportunities are just around the corner. Starting 35 ,
like asking for the bill at a restaurant, can be a good way to begin.”
21.A.failure B.rejection C.loss D.punishment
22.A.faced B.welcomed C.fought D.avoided
23.A.challenging B.accompanying C.attracting D.leaving
24.A.darkened B.threatened C.changed D.shortened
25.A.thoroughly B.dramatically C.occasionally D.temporarily
26.A.scared B.aware C.tired D.ashamed
27.A.waiting for B.reflecting on C.making use of D.shying away from
28.A.self-discipline B.self-criticism C.self-respect D.self-doubt
29.A.seeing B.hearing C.stopping D.getting
30.A.found B.started C.replaced D.analyzed
31.A.opportunity B.secret C.instruction D.method
32.A.sensitive B.patient C.confident D.energetic
33.A.advises B.requires C.forces D.allows
34.A.ensure B.realize C.promise D.highlight
35.A.big B.slow C.quick D.small
【答案】21.B 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.A 30.
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B 31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她通过列出自己一直避免的挑战清单,克服了对被拒绝的恐惧。A. failure
失败;B. rejection 拒绝;C. loss 损失;D. punishment 惩罚。根据后文 “Sophie experienced a lot of rejection
throughout her teenage years.”可知,苏菲在青少年时期经历了很多拒绝,她克服的是对“被拒绝(rejection)”
的恐惧。故选 B 项。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她通过列出自己一直避免的挑战清单,克服了对被拒绝的恐惧。A. faced 面
对;B. welcomed 欢迎;C. fought 斗争;D. avoided 避免。根据上文“She has overcome her fear”提到克服了对
被拒绝的恐惧可知,她列出自己一直避免的挑战清单。故选 D 项。
23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,她已经完成了 45 件事,包括挑战陌生人玩石头、剪刀、布的
游戏,以及要求在披萨厨房做披萨。A. challenging 挑战;B. accompanying 陪伴;C. attracting 吸引;D. leaving
离开。根据空后的“strangers to games of rock, paper, scissors”提到玩石头、剪刀、布的游戏,可知,苏菲向陌
生人挑战玩剪刀石头布游戏。故选 A 项。
A. darkened 使变暗;B. threatened 威胁;C. changed 改变;D. shortened 缩短。 根据上文提到她克服恐惧去
做一些事情,以及下文“and my confidence has increased”可知,做这些让她害怕的事情改变了她的生活。故
选 C 项。
A. thoroughly 彻底地;B. dramatically 显著地,大幅度地;C. occasionally 偶尔;D. temporarily 暂时地。根据
上文“Doing things that frightened me ____4____ my life”提到做让她害怕的事情改变了她的生活,以及“and
my confidence has increased”可知,她的自信大幅提升。故选 B 项。
26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她开始害怕被拒绝,开始回避友谊和机会。A. scared 害怕的;B. aware
意识到的;C. tired 疲惫的;D. ashamed 羞愧的。根据上文“Sophie experienced a lot of rejection throughout her
teenage years.”可知,因为经历了很多拒绝,她变得“害怕(scared)”再次被拒绝。故选 A 项。
27.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她开始害怕被拒绝,开始回避友谊和机会。A. waiting for 等待;B. reflecting
on 反思;C. making use of 利用;D. shying away from 回避,躲避。根据上文“She became ____6____ of
experiencing rejection”提到她害怕经历拒绝,以及下文“friendships and opportunities”可知,她开始回避友谊和
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机会。故选 D 项。
28.考查名词短语辨析。句意:由于缺乏自尊,她不想为新工作或友谊等事情付出自己的努力。A. self-discipline
自律;B. self-criticism 自我批评;C. self-respect 自尊心;D. self-doubt 自我怀疑。根据上文“She didn’t want
to put herself forward for things like new jobs or friendships”可知,她不想主动争取新工作或友谊,因为她的自
尊心低。故选 C 项。
A. seeing 看到;B. hearing 听到;C. stopping 停止;D. getting 得到。根据下文“a woman online asking for a free
coffee in a shop”可知,是在网上“看到(seeing)”一个女人在商店要免费咖啡。故选 A 项。
A. found 发现;B. started 开始;C. replaced 代替;D. analyzed 分析。根据前文“After ____9____ a woman online
asking for a free coffee in a shop”提到她看到网上的行为受到启发,可知她“开始(started)”列自己的“恐惧清
单”。故选 B 项。
爬楼梯。A. opportunity机会;B. secret秘密;C. instruction指示;D. method方法。根据上文“Later, she discovered
a treatment called “rejection therapy”.”提到她发现了一种叫做“拒绝治疗”的治疗方法。可知,这里指自从发现
了这个方法,苏菲就开始行动起来。故选 D 项。
32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她变得更加自信了。A. sensitive 敏感的;B. patient 耐心的;C. confident
自信的;D. energetic 精力充沛的。根据上文“and my confidence has increased”以及“Now Sophie receives fewer
rejections.”可知,她变得更加自信了。故选 C 项。
33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有被拒绝的焦虑,她还建议其他人尝试她的方法。A. advises 建议;B. requires
要求;C. forces 迫使;D. allows 允许。根据语境以及下文“other people to try her method”可知,她没有了被
拒绝的焦虑,也建议其他人尝试她的方法。故选 A 项。
34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说:“我希望每个人都能意识到他们可以做任何他们想做的事。”A. ensure
确保;B. realize 意识到;C. promise 承诺;D. highlight 强调。根据句意以及下文“they can do anything they want”
可知,她想让每个人“意识到(realize)”他们可以做任何想做的事。故选 B 项。
35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从小事做起,比如在餐馆付账,是一个很好的开始。A. big 大的;B. slow
慢的;C. quick 快的;D. small 小的。根据下文“like asking for the bill at a restaurant”提到在餐馆付账,可知,
苏菲是从小事开始做起。故选 D 项。
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【福建省泉州市四校联考 2024-2025 学年高三下学期开学】If you are looking for a role model, look no
further than Dwayne Johnson. The Dwayne story is one of 21 hard to create your opportunities. Dwayne
“The Rock” Johnson is a man who knows about the hard work needed for 22 . He also knows when to
23 his losses and change direction. Out of school, his first role was a college footballer. When the big 24
didn’t come his way in football, he didn’t waste his time chasing an impossible dream but 25 his attention
to a different area – professional wrestling. Johnson could have labeled himself a failed footballer and 26
for an unremarkable life. Instead, he 27 himself and set new goals. Then Dwayne worked hard to achieve
them. He accepted new 28 and walked through doors that opened for him through his enthusiasm and
effort. “With 29 and a bit of talent, you can move mountains.” said by Johnson. As a professional wrestler,
he 30 himself and created a figure — “The Rock” that proved 31 with fans. This experience
opened doors to another career as a film actor. From this start in films, he has 32 into producing and
writing. He earned the status of being one of the top 100 most influential men.
The Rock story is 33 because it is an honest picture of a man who knows what it takes to be
successful. Success isn’t 34 . It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before. It all 35 .
21.A.studying B.working C.training D.playing
22.A.glory B.fame C.success D.luck
23.A.cut B.suffer C.endure D.cover
24.A.failures B.breaks C.news D.ideas
25.A.exchanged B.drew C.shifted D.focused
26.A.desired B.settled C.fought D.aimed
27.A.reacted B.recalled C.recovered D.refocused
28.A.challenges B.invitations C.requests D.offers
29.A.competition B.gratitude C.violence D.drive
30.A.reinvented B.admitted C.denied D.resisted
31.A.appealing B.familiar C.popular D.content
32.A.retired B.transformed C.spread D.expanded
33.A.fascinating B.admiring C.inspiring D.demanding
34.A.permanent B.overnight C.timely D.temporary
35.A.adds up B.picks up C.makes up D.takes up
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【答案】21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.
A 31.C 32.D 33.C 34.B 35.A
21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Dwayne 的故事是一个努力创造机会的故事。A. studying 学习;B. working
工作;C. training 训练;D. playing 玩耍。根据后文“to create your opportunities”可知,此处指 Dwayne 努力工
作创造机会。故选 B 项。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson 是一个深知成功需要努力工作的人。A. glory
光荣;B. fame 名声;C. success 成功;D. luck 运气。根据后文“Dwayne worked hard to achieve them”可知,
此处指 Dwayne 知道成功需要努力工作。故选 C 项。
23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他也知道什么时候该减少损失,改变方向。A. cut 削减;B. suffer 遭受;C.
endure 忍受;D. cover 覆盖。根据后文“and change direction”可知,此处指 Dwayne 知道什么时候该减少损失。
cut one’s losses 为固定短语,意为“减少损失;终止亏损”。故选 A 项。
现的梦想,而是把注意力转移到了一个不同的领域——职业摔跤。A. failures 失败;B. breaks 机会;C. news
新闻;D. ideas 想法。根据后文“didn’t come his way in football”可知,此处指他在足球方面没有取得突破。
breaks 在此处表示机会或突变。故选 B 项。
现的梦想,而是把注意力转移到了一个不同的领域——职业摔跤。A. exchanged 交换;B. drew 吸引;C. shifted
转移;D. focused 集中。根据后文“his attention to a different area”可知,此处指 Johnson 把注意力转移到了摔
跤上,没有为平淡无奇的生活妥协。故选 C 项。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:约翰逊本可以给自己贴上失败足球运动员的标签,过上平凡的生活。A. desired
渴望;B. settled 定居;C. fought 战斗;D. aimed 瞄准。根据前文“Johnson could have labeled himself a failed footballer”
可知,此处指他本可以接受现状。settle for 为固定短语,意为“勉强接受,将就”。故选 B 项。
27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反,他重新调整了自己的注意力,设定了新的目标。A. reacted 反应;B.
recalled 回忆;C. recovered 恢复;D. refocused 重新聚焦。根据后文“set new goals”可知,此处指他重新定位
了自己。故选 D 项。
challenges 挑战;B. invitations 邀请;C. requests 请求;D. offers 提供。根据后文“and walked through doors that
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opened for him”可知,此处指他接受了新的挑战。故选 A 项。
29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:约翰逊说:“有了动力和一点天赋,你就能移山。”A. competition 竞争;B.
gratitude 感激;C. violence 暴力;D. drive 动力。根据后文“and a bit of talent, you can move mountains”可知,
此处指有动力和天赋才能移山。故选 D 项。
丝们的欢迎。A. reinvented 重新发明;B. admitted 承认;C. denied 否认;D. resisted 抵抗。根据后文“created
a figure – ‘The Rock’”可知,此处指他重塑了自己。故选 A 项。
粉丝们的欢迎。A. appealing 吸引人的;B. familiar 熟悉的;C. popular 受欢迎的;D. content 满意的。根据后
文“with fans”和“opened doors to another career”可知,他的摔跤手形象受到了粉丝们的欢迎和喜爱。故选 C
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从电影事业的开始,他扩展到了制作和编剧。A. retired 退休;B. transformed
转变;C. spread 传播;D. expanded 扩展。根据后文“into producing and writing”可知,这里指的是拓展到其他
领域,从演员到制作和写作领域的扩展。故选 D 项。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Rock 的故事之所以鼓舞人心,是因为它真实地描绘了一个知道如何成功
的人。A. fascinating 迷人的;B. admiring 钦佩的;C. inspiring 鼓舞人心的;D. demanding 要求高的。根据后
文“it is an honest picture of a man who knows what it takes to be successful”可知,此处表述为激励人心的故事,
强调影响力和激励作用。故选 C 项。
34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:成功不是一蹴而就的。A. permanent 永久的;B. overnight 一夜之间;C. timely
及时的;D. temporary 暂时的。根据后文“It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before. (这是当
你每天都比前一天好一点的时候。)”可知,这里强调的是成功需要时间。故选 B 项。
35.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一切都会累积起来。A. adds up 累积;B. picks up 捡起;C. makes up 组成;
D. takes up 占据。根据前文“It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before. (这是当你每天都比前
一天好一点的时候。)”可知,这里指的是积累到一定程度就会有结果,强调长期进步积累的效果。故选 A
【安徽省合肥市第一中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期 12 月阶段性诊断检测】It was a summer afternoon
in Arizona on Interstate 60. When I was 21 towards Tucson for an immediate conference call. My
motorcycle suddenly developed a front-end shake. Quickly, the shake 22 a terrible tank slap, where the
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handlebars struck the gas tank, causing me to lose 23 .
Needless to say, both the motorcycle and I 24 . I don’t remember hitting the road, 25 I
recall rolling clearly. According to the police, I rolled 565 feet from where the motorcycle hit the road.
Later, as the first car passed by, the driver stopped and called 911, providing 26 and telling the
operator that I was 27 and talking. Soon after, two more cars stopped — some people 28 my
injuries while others gathered my 29 and motorcycle parts from the highway. In case I got sunburnt, they
even made 30 for me with umbrellas.
At about 11:00 pm in the hospital, I realized I needed my insulin pump (胰岛素泵) supplies which were still
with the motorcycle. My son contacted the owners of the repair factory, who, 31 the late hour, returned to
his yard to make the contents 32 to my son.
Without recognition or thanks, people stopped what they were doing and 33 their plans or schedules
to 34 a stranger. I prefer to refer to them as 35 heroes.
21.A.facing B.rolling C.speeding D.waving
22.A.adjusted to B.developed into C.held back D.built up
23.A.control B.awareness C.support D.direction
24.A.recovered B.improved C.moved D.fell
25.A.and B.yet C.therefore D.besides
26.A.solutions B.updates C.backgrounds D.references
27.A.awake B.confused C.ashamed D.patient
28.A.passed over B.covered up C.tended to D.looked for
29.A.destination B.resources C.information D.belongings
30.A.pity B.preparations C.shade D.rules
31.A.for B.despite C.before D.though
32.A.accessible B.educational C.beneficial D.valuable
33.A.imagined B.determined C.shared D.postponed
34.A.teach B.aid C.introduce D.cure
35.A.potential B.honest C.nameless D.celebrated
【答案】21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.
C 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C
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摇晃。A. facing 面对;B. rolling 滚动;C. speeding 快速移动;D. waving 挥手。根据后文的“for an immediate
conference call”可知,作者要去参加紧急会议,推测作者此时是在快速行驶中。故选 C。
A. adjusted to 适应;B. developed into 发展成;C. held back 阻碍;D. built up 建立。根据前文“My motorcycle
suddenly developed a front-end shake.”以及后文的“a terrible tank slap, where the handlebars struck the gas tank”
可知,摩托车先是出现前端震动,接着很快就发展成了更严重的油箱撞击情况。故选 B。
A. control 控制;B. awareness 意识;C. support 支持;D. direction 方向。根据前文“the handlebars struck the gas
tank”可知,由于车把撞击油箱,所以作者无法控制摩托车了,lose control 意为 “失去控制”。故选 A。
24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不用说,摩托车和我都摔倒了。A. recovered 恢复;B. improved 提高;C.
moved 移动;D. fell 摔倒。根据前文“the handlebars struck the gas tank, causing me to lose __3__ .”以及后文“I
rolled 565 feet from where the motorcycle hit the road.”可知,作者失去对摩托车的控制,撞到路面,说明作者
和摩托车都摔倒了。故选 D。
25.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我不记得撞到路面了,但我清楚地记得我在翻滚。A. and 和;B. yet 但是;
C. therefore 因此;D. besides 而且。根据前文“I don’t remember hitting the road”以及后文“I recall rolling clearly”
可知,前后文为转折关系,即作者不记得撞到了路上,但是清楚地记得滚动了。故选 B。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,当第一辆车经过时,司机停下来打了 911,提供了最新情况,并告诉
接线员我醒着,在说话。A. solutions 解决方案;B. updates 最新情况;C. backgrounds 背景;D. references 参
考。根据后文“telling the operator that I was __7__ and talking”可知,司机是在给接线员提供最新的情况。故
选 B。
27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:后来,当第一辆车经过时,司机停下来打了 911,提供了最新情况,并告
诉接线员我醒着,在说话。A. awake 醒着的;B. confused 困惑的;C. ashamed 羞愧的;D. patient 有耐心的。
根据后文的“and talking”可知,此时作者是醒着的。故选 A。
从公路上收集我的财物和摩托车零件。A. passed over 略过;B. covered up 掩盖;C. tended to 照料;D. looked
for 寻找。根据后文的“my injuries”以及语境可知,此处是指有人照料作者的伤口。故选 C。
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从公路上收集我的财物和摩托车零件。A. destination 目的地;B. resources 资源;C. information 信息;D.
belongings 财物。根据后文的“and motorcycle parts from the highway”可知,此处是指有人帮助作者从公路上
收集散落在高速公路上的个人物品。故选 D。
30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:以防我被晒伤,他们甚至用伞为我遮挡阳光。A. pity 遗憾;B. preparations
准备;C. shade 阴凉处,荫;D. rules 规则。根据前文“In case I got sunburnt”可知,此处是指他们为作者遮挡
阳光,以防作者被晒伤。make shade for sb.“为某人遮挡阳光”。故选 C。
给我儿子。A. for 为了;B. despite 尽管;C. before 在……之前;D. though 虽然。根据后文“the late hour, returned
to his yard”可知,尽管时间很晚,修理厂老板还是回到院子里拿东西。故选 B。
拿给我儿子。A. accessible 可获得的;B. educational 有教育意义的;C. beneficial 有益的;D. valuable 有价值
的。根据前文“My son contacted the owners of the repair factory”可知,作者儿子联系了修理厂老板,所以此处
是指修理厂老板回到院子里,使得作者可以拿到这些东西。make sth. accessible to sb. 表示“使某物对某人来
说可获取”。故选 A。
生人。A. imagined 想象;B. determined 决定;C. shared 分享;D. postponed 推迟。根据前文“people stopped
what they were doing”及后文“their plans or schedules”可知,此处是指人们为了帮助作者,推迟了他们的计划
或日程安排。故选 D。
帮助一个陌生人。A. teach 教;B. aid 帮助;C. introduce 介绍;D. cure 治愈。根据前文“the driver stopped and
called 911”以及“Soon after, two more cars stopped — some people __8__ my injuries while others gathered my
_9__ and motorcycle parts from the highway.”可知,这些陌生人停下来是为了帮助作者这个陌生人。故选 B。
来帮助一个陌生人。A. potential 有潜力的;B. honest 诚实的;C. nameless 无名的;D. celebrated 著名的。根
据前文“Without recognition or thanks”可知,这些人在作者遇到危险时伸出援手,但是人们没有寻求认可或感
谢,且作者并不认识他们,所以此处是指作者宁愿称这些人为无名英雄。故选 C。
【福建师范大学附属中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期期末考】It was a cold, rainy day, and I had no desire
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to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she 18 that I come to see
something at the top of the mountain.
So here I was, 19 making the two-hour journey through thick fog. Nothing could be worth this, I
thought as I 20 along the dangerous highway.
Turning down a narrow track, we 21 and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old
pine needles. Huge black-green evergreens (常青树) 22 over us. Gradually, the peace and silence of the
place began to 23 my mind.
Then we turned a corner and stopped at the top of the mountain and I was entirely held in 24 . There
across fields and valleys were rivers of fully-opened yellow flowers from the light one to the most brilliant. It
looked as though the sun had tipped over and 25 the mountainside in gold.
26 occurred to my mind. Who created such beauty How When As we approached the house that
stood in the center of the property, we saw a 27 that read: “Answers to the Questions I Know You Are
Asking.” The first answer was: “One Woman —Two Hands, Two Feet and Very Little Brain.” The second was: “
28 at a Time.” The third: “Started in 1958.”
As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen that I could 29 speak. “She changed the
world,” I finally said, “one small plant at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the 30 of
an idea, but she kept at it.”
The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if I’d had a dream and 31 it, just a little
bit every day, what might I have accomplished ” Carolyn looked at me sideways, smiling. “Start tomorrow,” she
said, “ 32 yet, start today.”
18.A.asked B.insisted C.commanded D.predicted
19.A.unwillingly B.undoubtedly C.unknowingly D.unexpectedly
20.A.walked B.wandered C.inched D.fled
21.A.turned up B.stepped down C.looked up D.pulled over
22.A.greeted B.towered C.reached D.flowed
23.A.admit B.slip C.fill D.read
24.A.amazement B.curiosity C.amusement D.confusion
25.A.pushed B.moved C.swung D.bathed
26.A.Questions B.Ideas C.Problems D.Requests
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27.A.signal B.symbol C.symptom D.sign
28.A.Each B.Some C.One D.That
29.A.surely B.barely C.mostly D.instantly
30.A.beginning B.intention C.ending D.shortage
31.A.set off B.worked out C.set down D.worked at
32.A.Later B.Better C.Happier D.Harder
【答案】18.B 19.A 20.C 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.
D 28.C 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.B
18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她坚持要我来看山顶上的东西。A. asked 问;B. insisted 坚持;C. commanded
命令;D. predicted 预测。根据上文的“I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter
Carolyn’s house.”和空格前的 but 可知,肯定是女儿的坚持才让作者跟女儿去山顶。再由下文的 come 可知,
come 前面省略了 should,所以空格处应该用 command 或 insist,根据作者和女儿的身份关系以及句意,此
处不能用 command。故选 B 项。
19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以我来到这里,不情愿地在浓雾中进行两小时的旅行。A. unwillingly 不
情愿地;B. undoubtedly 毫无疑问地;C. unknowingly 不知不觉地;D. unexpectedly 出乎意料地。根据下文的
“Nothing could be worth this, I thought as I ___3___ along the dangerous highway.”可知,作者是不情愿来这儿的。
故选 A 项。
20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我在危险的公路上缓慢前行时,我想,没有什么值得这样做了。A. walked
步行;B. wandered 游荡;C. inched 缓慢移动;D. fled 逃离。根据下文的“the dangerous highway”可知,公路
很危险,所以作者在路上开得很慢。故选 C 项。
21.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们拐进一条狭窄的小路,把车停在路边,下了车。A. turned up 出现;B.
stepped down 退下;C. looked up 查阅;D. pulled over 靠边停车。根据下文的“got out”可知,作者把车停下了。
故选 D 项。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:巨大的墨绿色常青树高耸在我们头顶。A. greeted 打招呼;B. towered 高于,
屹立;C. reached 到达;D. flowed 流动。根据句意和下文的“over us”可知,这些树是高耸在我们头顶上。故
选 B 项。
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23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:渐渐地,这个地方的平静和寂静开始充斥着我的脑海。A. admit 承认;B. slip
滑动;C. fill 填充;D. read 读取。根据后文“my mind”可知,此处是指这个地方的平静和寂静开始充斥着我
的脑海。故选 C 项。
24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我们拐了个弯,停在山顶上,我完全被惊呆了。A. amazement 惊讶;
B. curiosity 好奇心;C. amusement 娱乐;D. confusion 混乱。根据后文“There across fields and valleys were rivers
of fully-opened yellow flowers from the light one to the most brilliant. It looked as though the sun had tipped over
and ___8___ the mountainside in gold.”可知,作者被这儿的景色惊呆了。故选 A 项。
25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:看起来就像太阳翻了过来,把山腰沐浴在金色之中。A. pushed 推动;B. moved
移动;C. swung 摆动;D. bathed 沐浴。根据上文的“tip over”和下文的“in gold”可知,此处指山坡阳光沐浴着。
故选 D 项。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的脑子里出现了一些问题。A. Questions 问题;B. Ideas 想法;C. Problems
麻烦;D. Requests 请求。根据下文的“Who created such beauty How When ”可知,作者脑中出现了一些问
题,应用 questions。故选 A 项。
问的问题的答案。”A. signal信号;B. symbol符号;C. symptom症状;D. sign标牌。根据后文“that read: “Answers
to the Questions I Know You Are Asking.” The first answer was: “One Woman—Two Hands, Two Feet and Very
Little Brain.””可知,此处说的应该是标牌上的内容。故选 D 项。
28.考查限定词词义辨析。句意:第二个(答案)是:“一次一棵”。A. Each 每个;B. Some 一些;C. One
一个;D. That 那个。根据下一段的“one small plant at a time.”可知,此处指的是每次种一棵。故选 C 项。
29.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在开车回家的路上,我被眼前的景象感动得几乎说不出话来。A. surely 当然;
B. barely 几乎不;C. mostly 主要地;D. instantly 立即。根据上文的“As we drove home, I was so moved by what
we had seen that”可知,作者感动得几乎说不出话来。故选 B 项。
30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她大约在 40 年前就开始了,可能开始只是一个想法,但她坚持了下来。A.
beginning 开始;B. intention 意图;C. ending 结束;D. shortage 缺乏。根据句意和句中的“started”以及“kept
at it”可知,此处指的是可能开始只是一个想法,但她坚持了下来。故选 A 项。
会取得什么样的成就呢 ”A. set off 出发;B. worked out 制定;C. set down 放下;D. worked at 致力于。句中
的 it 指的是上文的 dream,work at the dream 指的是“为梦想而努力”。故选 D 项。
32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“明天开始,”她说,“今天就开始更好。”A. Later 稍后;B. Better 好的;
27 / 40
C. Happier 更快乐的;D. Harder 更困难的。根据上文的“Start tomorrow”和空格后的“start today”可知,此处是
说今天开始更好,所以应该用 better yet(更好的是)。故选 B 项。
【广东省深圳市高级中学 2024-2025 学年高三上学期第三次诊断考试】I knew my life was easier than
that of most single mothers. I was fortunate enough to have the basics (基本需求) 21 for my daughters and
me, but it was the unexpected costs that 22 at night. Sometimes, when I saw the sunrise in the morning, I
took a deep breath and encouraged myself to count it a day as long as I survived it till the night. If something broke
in our home, it was probably going to stay broken. What if we needed a new roof What if the car needed
I thought I was doing a good job 24 my worries from my children, but I wasn’t. Children are very
25 to their parents’ moods, and they are often listening when we are not 26 . A neighbour had been
27 me to share the cost of a new fence, and I was talking about it with my sister on the phone, 28 how
I would cover the cost. After I got off the phone, my six-year old daughter 29 me and said ‘Mom, please
don’t worry! We may not have everything we want, but we do have everything we 30 .’
This statement, made by an innocent but 31 child, changed my perspective (观点). Whenever I
found myself overcome by 32 about finances, I would remember her words. I would focus on being 33
for the food on our table and the 34 over our heads. I’m thankful to my little girl for reminding