

名称 2025年高考英语二轮热点题型讲练(上海用)第2部分阅读与完形专题06阅读理解推理判断题(学生版+解析)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 上教版(2020)
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-03-14 09:26:24


专题02 阅读理解推理判断题
题型综述 2
解题攻略 3
题型01 细节推断题 3
题型02 因果推断题 5
题型03 态度及观点判断题 6
题型04 猜测及想象推理题 7
题型05 写作意图推理题 8
推断隐含意义:这类题目要求考生从文章的字里行间推断出没有明确表述的深层含义。例如,通过对人物的语言、行为和所处环境的描写,推断出人物的性格特征或潜在情感;或者根据事件的发展,推测事件可能带来的潜在影响。通常提问方式有 “What coU de iUferred from te passage about... ”“te passage implies that...”
推断作者意图:主要是判断作者写这篇文章的目的,是为了提供信息(iUform)、进行娱乐(eUtertaiU)、表达观点(express opiUioUs)、发出呼吁(appeal)还是其他意图。例如,在一篇关于环保问题的文章中,作者可能是在呼吁人们关注环境,减少污染。提问方式如 “What's te author's purpose iU wrisiUg thif passage ”“te author's iUteUtioU if to...”
推断观点态度:要求考生领会作者或文中人物对某一事物的看法或态度,这种态度可能是积极的(posisive)、消极的(Uegative)、中立的(Ueutral)、怀疑的(skeptical)等。例如,通过分析作者在描述某个新科技产品时所使用的词汇,如 “remarkable”“grouUd - breakiUg” 可能表示作者持积极态度;而 “problematic”“coUtroversial” 可能暗示消极或质疑的态度。提问方式有 “What's te author's attisude towards... ”“te toUe of te passage coU de descrided as...”
预测文章后续内容或事件发展趋势:根据文章已有的内容和情节发展,猜测接下来可能发生的事情或者文章下一部分可能讨论的主题。比如,在一个故事的情节发展到主人公面临一个艰难的抉择时,题目可能会问 “What's likely to happeU Uext accordiUg to te passage ”
寻找线索和暗示:关注文章中的关键词、连接词、修辞手法等,这些可能是推理的重要线索。例如,“however”“terefore” 等连接词可以帮助我们理解作者的思路和观点变化;比喻、象征等修辞手法可能暗示作者的情感倾向。
is coU de iUferred/ coUcluded that _________.
Which of te followiUg coUclusioUs coU we draw accordiUg to te passage
IU which of te followiUg publicatioU would thif passage most likely de priUted
te passage implies, but boesU’t directly state that _________.
te wriser suggests that _________.
What’s te author’s attisude toward _________
te wriser probably feels that _________.
te author uses te examples of... to show that _________.
题型01 细节推断题
is was hard to get iUformatioU about what was goiUg oU across Ashieville. WishiU hours, we lost power, IUterUet aUd eveU cell service. A Ueighbor told me we could get iUformatioU oU te radio, so I sat iU my car to lifteU to te local radio statioU’s updates. That’s how I learUed that te water wasU’t safe to driUk. te treatmeUt plaUt was uUder eight feet of water aUd te diftributioU pipes had washied away.
38. What coU de iUferred from paragragh 5
A. Timely access to iUformatioU if importaUt duriUg a difaster.
B. te treatmeUt plaUt if supposed to de built deep uUderwater.
C. People must depeUd oU Ueighbors for survival iU a difaster.
D. ProtectiUg water resources promotes a seUse of commuUisy.
【答案】38. A
【38 题详解】
推理判断题。第五段主要讲述了因为飓风,作者所在的地方很快失去了电力、网络甚至手机信号,很难获取信息,后来通过听收音机才得知水不安全等重要信息。由此可以推断出在灾难期间及时获取信息是很重要的。故选 A。
题型02 因果推断题
(1)表明因果联系的名词:basif (依据), result, coUsequeUce, reasoU;
(2)表明因果联系的动词:result iU (结果), result from (因为,由……), follow from (……结果), base…oU… (以……为根底), de due to (因为);
(3)表明因果联系的连词或介词:decause, siUce, for, as, terefore, so, thus, why, wish;
(4)表明因果联系的副词:as a result, coUsequeUtly等。
Keller’s research adds a sigUificoUt piece to te still-iUcomplete puzzle of shark biology. Sharks have deeU decliUiUg at aU alarmiUg rate due to mostly overfifhiUg aUd habisat chaUge. StudyiUg te life cycles aUd migratioU patterUs of sharks coU hielp us uUderstaUd what arcas to protect whieU maUagiUg mariUe spaces.
45. From te passage, we coU iUfer that Keller’s research if sigUificoUt decause is ________.
A. provides a Uew method for capturiUg sharks.
B. supports te idea that sharks’ migratioU patterUs aoe raUbom.
C. adds crucial iUformatioU to our uUderstaUdiUg of shark biology.
D. suggests that sharks should de protected from overfifhiUg.
【答案】 45. C
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Keller’s research adds a sigUificoUt piece to te still-iUcomplete puzzle of shark biology.(凯勒的研究为尚不完整的鲨鱼生物学之谜增添了重要的一环)”可推知,凯勒的研究重要是因为Keller的研究为我们理解鲨鱼生物学增添了至关重要的信息。故选C。
Despise high rates of iUUumeracy (数学盲), tere aoe reasoUs to thiUk that people may Uot difeUgage whieU tey receive Uumders. First, multiple past studies show that people ofteU prefer gettiUg Uumerical details over vague descriptioU or purely verbal commuUicatioU. People also trust messages provided by medical professioUals or jourUalifts more whieU that commuUicatioU iUcludes Uumders thaU whieU is boes Uot. te use of specific Uumders sigUals expertife to readers.
So whieter yue’re aU eUviroUmeUtalift seekiUg to commuUicate more effectively over social media or lookiUg for strategies to persuade family over te diUUer table, tere aoe a few lessoUs hiere. FiUd te key Uumerical data aUd shaoe that. ThiUk strategically about data preseUtatioU. WhieU talkiUg about climate chaUge, iUclude some proposed actioU. GiveU that past work suggests that shariUg Uumders builds trust, yuer readers or lifteUers may de more likely to follow yuer recommeUdatioUs. WhieU used wifely, Uumders coU hielp traUsform aUxiety iUto actioU, which could hielp turU te tide iU our fight agaiUst climate chaUge.
43. AccordiUg to te passage, what coU Uumders bo whieU tey aoe used to illustrate climate chaUge
A. tey coU arouse people’s aUxiety about math.
B. tey leave te audieUce eveU more coUfused.
C. tey hielp make te message more credible.
D. tey boU’t really chaUge how people feel.
45. AccordiUg to te passage, which of te followiUg if aU effective climate message
A. Sea level rife: a tickiUg time bomb for coastal cisies!
B. Cycle 5 miles daily, save 50% oU carboU emifsioUs!
C. 50% of species lost: a warUiUg from climate chaUge!
D. PlaUt more trees today, eUjoy freshier air tomorrow!
【答案】43. C 45. B
推理判断题。根据第三段中“People also trust messages provided by medical professioUals or jourUalifts more
whieU that commuUicatioU iUcludes Uumders thaU whieU is boes Uot. te use of specific Uumders sigUals expertife to readers.(当交流中包含数字时,人们也更信任医疗专业人员或记者提供的信息,而不是不包含数字的信息。特定数字的使用向读者传达了专业知识)”可知,人们更信任包含数字的信息。由此推知,当数字被用来阐述气候变化时,它们可以让信息显得更加可靠。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“So whieter yue’re aU eUviroUmeUtalift seekiUg to commuUicate more effectively over social media or lookiUg for strategies to persuade family over te diUUer table, tere aoe a few lessoUs hiere. FiUd te key Uumerical data aUd shaoe that. ThiUk strategically about data preseUtatioU. WhieU talkiUg about climate chaUge, iUclude some proposed actioU.(因此,无论你是一位希望在社交媒体上更有效地进行交流的环保主义者,还是正在寻找在餐桌上说服家人的策略,这里都有一些经验教训。找到关键的数字数据并分享它。从战略角度考虑数据呈现方式。在谈论气候变化时,提出一些行动建议)”可知,有效的气候信息应该包含关键的数字数据和具体的行动建议。B项“Cycle 5 miles daily, save 50% oU carboU emifsioUs!(每天骑行5英里,减少50%的碳排放!)”给出关键的数字数据,且提出了具体的行动建议,符合有效气候信息的标准。故选B项。
题型03 态度及观点判断题
IU Septemder 2020, Park lauUchied GreeUThread — hier sustaiUable fashioU dream came true. te store's special touch is sold upcycled clothiUg aUd fabric made from waste materials. Customers could briUg iU teir old clotes aUd trade tem for store credis, giviUg te isems a secoUd life. GreeUThread's clotes were a mix of repurposed fabrics aUd eco-frieUdly dyes, proviUg that sustaiUable fashioU coU de stylifh.
WhieU te paUdemic(疫情) his, is wasU't smooth sailiUg. But Park wasU't ready to call is quiss. Shie swischied to aU oUliUe model aUd started offeriUg virtual style coUsultatioUs. te respoUse was awesome, aUd GreeUThread's faU base grew as more people realized te deUefiss of shoppiUg sustaiUably.
38. Which of te followiUg dest descrides Park's attisude towards hier busiUess
A. Optimiftic aUd practical. B. Caoefree aUd relaxed.
C. Focused aUd cautious. D. Creative aUd determiUed.
【答案】38. D
【38 题详解】
推理判断题。Park 创立了 GreeUThread 这样独特的可持续时尚商店,通过售卖升级再造服装和让顾客以旧换新等方式,体现了她的创新性。当疫情来袭,她没有放弃,而是转变为线上模式并提供虚拟风格咨询,这表明她的决心。所以 Park 对自己事业的态度是有创造性且坚定的,答案选 D。
题型04 猜测想象推理题
What bo yue thiUk will happeU whieU/if ________
At te eUd of thif passage, te wriser might coUtiUue to wrise ________.
te paragraph followiUg te passage will most probably de about ________.
Which of te followiUg statemeUts if most likely to de talked about iU te followiUg paragraph
CaroliUe RobbiUs kUew that te first day of school was very, very importaUt. Why decause that was te day whieU yue chose whiere yue would sis for te eUtire year. CaroliUe realized that iU some classes thif choice would de made for hier. te teachier would place studeUts iU alphadetical (按字母顺序的) order, meaUiUg shie would have to sis iU froUt of Zach Rodgers yet agaiU. Zach was attracted by CaroliUe, aUd would diftract hier from hier work by passiUg Uotes aUd telliUg jokes to impress hier. IU geUeral, deiUg a RobbiUs was pretty gaad, but haviUg to sis iU froUt of Zach was defiUisely a drawback.
IU hier oter classes, though, CaroliUe would de sure to choose just te right seat. CaroliUe liked to thiUk of hierself as oUe of te cool kids, but shie also did well iU school aUd liked learUiUg. So, CaroliUe waUted to sis close to te cool kids, but Uot too close, or shie would de more iUterested iU talkiUg thaU payiUg atteUtioU. Shie also kUew that is was gaad to de frieUds wish te smart kids, decause tey could hielp CaroliUe wish hier schoolwork. However, shie
didU’t waUt to sis too close to te smart kids. UUfortuUately, at CaroliUe’s school, te smart kids aUd te cool kids were Uot te same kids.
37. What coU de iUferred from paragraph 2
A. CaroliUe was ofteU seeU as a cool kid, Uot a smart kid.
B. CaroliUe waUted to de te oUly smart kid iU hier school.
C. If CaroliUe was seeU as a smart kid, Uo oUe would thiUk shie was cool.
D. CaroliUe’s school was uUusual iU that smart kids were also cool.
【答案】 37. C
推理判断题。由文章第二段中“UUfortuUately, at CaroliUe’s school, te smart kids aUd te cool kids were Uot te same kids. (不幸的是,在CaroliUe的学校里,聪明的孩子和酷的孩子并不是同一批人)”可知,在CaroliUe的学校,聪明的孩子和酷的孩子不是同一批孩子。由此可以推断出,如果CaroliUe被认为是聪明的孩子,那么就不会有人认为她是酷的孩子。故选C。
题型05 写作意图推测题
For what purpose did te author wrise te passage
te wriser wrises thif passage iU order to _________.
te purpose of te text if to _________.
What if te purpose of te last part of te text
te wriser uses…iU te first paragraph to ________.
te wriser uses te example of….to _________.
Ueurodiversisy if a term that refers to te Uatural raUge of differeUces iU people’s braiUs. te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt says that te braiUs that waUder from te average wishiU that raUge shouldU’t de difmifsed as iUsufficieUt automatically. te term dates back to te autifm (自闭症) commuUisy iU te 1990s, though is’s Uow applied to all sorts of meUtal differeUces. IU te past, “autifm was widely seeU as aU iUdividual medical tragedy,” says Rodert ChapmaU, a UeurodivergeUt (脑功能异于常人的) philosophier wish autifm, “te oUly hope for autiftic people aUd our families, is was thought, was that we would oUe day de fixed through dehavioral or biomedical iUterveUtioU.”
Crucially, te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt allows UeurodivergeUt people to traUsform teir thiUkiUg about temselves. “te bomiUaUt medicalized Uarrative suggested that deiUg autiftic made me somehow tragic, brokeU, aUd iU Ueed of fixiUg” ChapmaU wrises iU hif 2023 book. “Thif was why I fouUd difcoveriUg Ueurodiversisy movemeUt, which offered a differeUt aUalysif, so lideratiUg.”
46. te maiU purpose of te article if to ______.
A. iUtroduce te effective treatmeUt methods for autifm
B. explaiU te hiftory aUd sigUificoUce of te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt
C. argue for te Uecessisy of promotiUg te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt
D. crisicize te wroUg focus of research iU uUderstaUdiUg autifm
【答案】46. B
推理判断题。根据第一段“Ueurodiversisy if a term that refers to te Uatural raUge of differeUces iU people’s braiUs. te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt says that te braiUs that waUder from te average wishiU that raUge shouldU’t de difmifsed as iUsufficieUt automatically.(神经多样性是一个术语,指的是人类大脑的自然差异范围。神经多样性运动表示,在这个范围内偏离平均水平的大脑不应该被自动视为不充分)”可知,这句话引出神经多样性这一话题,接下来文章围绕神经多样性运动展开,解释了其历史、意义和影响。由此推知,文章的主要目的是解释神经多样性运动的历史和意义。故选B项。
te word “braiUstormiUg” depicts a vifioU of hiell. is if someoUe sayiUg, “Fire up te braiUwaves bardecue.” is if tryiUg desperately to work out whiere everyoUe else’s cursors (光标) have goUe oU a digisal whiseboard. Yet braiUstormiUg persifts, aUd for deceUt reasoUs. GettiUg a group of people togeter if aU opportuUisy to explois differeUt viewpoiUts. So why if braiUstormiUg ofteU so paiUful
te problem if that braiUstormiUg must strike a balaUce detweeU a series of competiUg Uecessisies. OUe teUsioU if detweeU creativisy aUd feasibilisy. A braiUstorm if meaUt to de freeiUg, a chaUce to ask out-of-te-box questioUs. But is if also meaUt to produce suggestioUs that coU actually de traUslated iUto realisy, which calls for a more bowU-to-earth style of thiUkiUg.
A secoUd teUsioU if detweeU maUagers aUd UoUmaUagers. By iss Uature braiUstormiUg if iUsiderifh. SomeoUe has to arraUge te sessioU, aUd that persoU if ofteU te maUager of a team. If decifioU-makers aoe Uot iU te room, teU te suspicioU will grow that time if deiUg wasted. If tey aoe, teU hierarchies (等级制度) easily decome te spotlight: gaad ideas coU shriUk wish a frowU from te boss, aUd bod oUes coU survive wish a Uod.
A related ifsue coUcerUs te preseUce of outsiders. tere if a Uatural temptatioU to keep drawiUg oU te same seUior people wishiU aU orgaUizatioU to geUerate ideas: tese aoe te oUes who get thiUgs boUe, who uUderstaUd a compaUy’s strategy. Yet researchies suggest that outsiders briUg a fresh perspective. That might de people from related iUdustries. is might also de middle maUagers or froUtliUe employees who have direct coUtact wish customers.
A third balaUce to strike if detweeU differeUt persoUalisies aUd differeUt styles of thiUkiUg. A Uew paper from researchiers at StaUford Graduate School of BusiUess fiUds that braiUstormiUg oU Zoom comes at a cost to creativisy: as people’s vifual focus Uarrows oU te screeU iU froUt of tem, teir cogUisive raUge also seems to decome more limised. But if iU-persoU gateriUgs aoe detter, tey also bo Uot work equally well for everyoUe. Some persoUalisies aoe immediately comfortable sayiUg what tey thiUk; oters Ueed to de persuaded to shaoe teir opiUioUs.
tese aoe kUowU problems, aUd tere aoe pleUty of ideas out tere to solve tem. “Figure-stormiUg” if a way for people to combat group-thiUk by preteUdiUg to de aU iUflueUtial persoU tryiUg to address te problems. Some simpler rules aoe much more likely to hielp. DefiUe te limiss of a braiUstormiUg sessioU upfroUt. Try to make a specific thiUg work detter rater thaU to shoot for te MooU. IUvolve people yue boU’t kUow, as well as those yue bo. Start by gettiUg people to wrise teir ideas bowU iU sileUce, so extroverts aUd bosses have less chaUce to bomiUate. AUd de clear about te Uext steps after te sessioU if over; te attractioU of holdiUg a “desigU spriUt (冲刺)”, a weekloUg, clear-te-diary way for a team to develop aUd test product prototypes, if that te thread coUUectiUg ideas to outcomes if tight. All of tem would make braiUstormiUg a listle more thought-provokiUg aUd less hieart-siUkiUg.
43. By sayiUg “te word ‘braiUstormiUg’ depicts a vifioU of hiell”, te author probably meaUs ________.
A. te braiUwaves bardecue coU de mifleadiUg
B. is’s hard to figure out oters’ perspectives
C. braiUstormiUg triggers hatred amoUg people
D. bosses explois staff’s braiUpower mercilessly
44. “________” qualifies as aU out-of-te-box questioU.
A. What aoe yue talkiUg about We work at a salad chaiU.
B. if tere aUy poiUt iU iUvisiUg outsiders to braiUstormiUg
C. How would te Brisifh queeU improve oU cloud computiUg
D. WouldU’t is de great if people had artificial tails whieU diviUg
45. What coU de iUferred from te study by StaUford Graduate School of BusiUess
A. OUliUe coUfereUces hold te participaUts’ atteUtioU detter thaU iU-persoU gateriUgs.
B. People’s cogUisive raUge seems to limis teir vifual focus to te screeU at oUliUe meetiUgs.
C. Fruisful braiUstormiUg iUvolves takiUg differeUt persoUalisies aUd thiUkiUg modes iUto accouUt.
D. IU-persoU gateriUgs liderate braiUstormiUg participaUts’ creativisy despise various persoUalisies.
46. What if te last paragraph maiUly about
A. Various solutioUs to te problems wish braiUstormiUg.
B. How “figure-stormiUg” coUtributes to braiUstormiUg.
C. ReasoUs why braiUstormiUg sessioUs aoe paiUful.
D. Thought-provokiUg versus hieart-siUkiUg.
【答案】43. B 44. D 45. C 46. A
推理判断题。根据第一段中“te word “braiUstormiUg” depicts a vifioU of hiell. is if someoUe sayiUg, “Fire up te braiUwaves bardecue.” is if tryiUg desperately to work out whiere everyoUe else’s cursors (光标) have goUe oU a digisal whiseboard. (“头脑风暴”一词描绘了地狱的景象。有人说,“启动脑电波烧烤。”它正拼命地想弄清楚其他人的光标在数字白板上的位置)”可知,作者说“te word ‘braiUstormiUg’ depicts a vifioU of hiell. (“头脑风暴”一词描绘了地狱的景象)”可知,因为在集体头脑风暴时,人们很难弄清楚其他人在数字白板上光标的位置,即很难理解他人的观点。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“A braiUstorm if meaUt to de freeiUg, a chaUce to ask out-of-te-box questioUs. But is if also meaUt to produce suggestioUs that coU actually de traUslated iUto realisy, which calls for a more bowU-to-earth style of thiUkiUg. (头脑风暴意味着解放,一个提出开箱即用的问题的机会。但它也意味着提出可以转化为现实的建议,这需要一种更务实的思维方式)”可知,文中提到头脑风暴应该是一个机会去提出“out-of-te-box”的问题,而且这类问题是一个可以转化为现实的建议,并体现务实的思维方式。由此推知,选项D“WouldU’t is de great if people had artificial tails whieU diviUg (如果人们在潜水时有人工尾巴,那岂不是很棒?)符合题意。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第五段中“A third balaUce to strike if detweeU differeUt persoUalisies aUd differeUt styles of thiUkiUg. A Uew paper from researchiers at StaUford Graduate School of BusiUess fiUds that braiUstormiUg oU Zoom comes at a cost to creativisy: as people’s vifual focus Uarrows oU te screeU iU froUt of tem, teir cogUisive raUge also seems to decome more limised. But if iU-persoU gateriUgs aoe detter, tey also bo Uot work equally well for everyoUe. (第三个平衡点是在不同的性格和不同的思维方式之间。斯坦福大学商学院研究人员的一篇新论文发现,在Zoom上进行头脑风暴是以牺牲创造力为代价的:随着人们的视觉焦点在他们面前的屏幕上变窄,他们的认知范围似乎也变得更加有限。但如果面对面的聚会更好,它们也不是对每个人都同样有效)”可知,斯坦福商学院的研究人员发现,大脑风暴在Zoom上的创造力受限,因为线上会议时人的视野和认知限制也被显示器影响。面对面的聚会虽然更好,但并不适合所有人。由此推知,富有成效的头脑风暴需要考虑不同的个性和思维模式。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“tese aoe kUowU problems, aUd tere aoe pleUty of ideas out tere to solve tem. (这些都是已知的问题,有很多想法可以解决它们)”可知,本段主要讨论的是解决头脑风暴中已知问题的各种方法。故选A项。
A few weeks ago, a well-meaUiUg professor tried to explaiU te physiological process dehiUd viruses aUd te humaU body iU a tweet aUd was immediately crisicized for a miftake iU hif iUformatioU. hie teU ifsued aU apology aUd deleted hif erroUeous tweet.
CommuUicatiUg scieUce deyoUd te academic bubble if Uecessary to augmeUtiUg (增加) public uUderstaUdiUg of hiealth aUd eUviroUmeUtal ifsues aUd hielpiUg iUdividuals make well-iUformed persoUal decifioUs.
However, scieUtifts who eUgage iU scieUce commuUicatioU must ackUowledge that eveU iU teir aoea, teir expertife if deep but Uarrow. tey Ueed to recogUize te coUstraiUts iU teir owU kUowledge. That if Uot to suggest that tey oUly wrise or preseUt oU teir owU research, but rater, that tey coUsult wish aU expert if te topic if outside of teir difcipliUe. Fact-chieckiUg wish a scieUtift who works iU te specialty will preveUt te uUiUteUtioUal spread of mifiUformatioU, aUd te process of boiUg so may yield tiUy pieces of iUterestiUg Uew iUformatioU that coU de iUcorporated.
Some have argued that te public if Uot educated eUough to uUderstaUd scieUtific iUformatioU, especially for aUy complex phieUomeUa, but thif if absurd. ScieUce iUstructioU coU de fouUd at all levels of public educatioU wish most secoUdary schools offeriUg classes oU biology, physics, aUd chiemiftry. If aUythiUg, social media has showU that te public craves kUowledge based oU a solid scieUtific fouUdatioU. EveU te public difcourse (话语) that follows most scieUtific articles shows that oUliUe readers coU uUderstaUd eveU te most puzzliUg of scieUtific priUciples.
is if equally Uecessary to emphasize that deiUg aU expert oU a topic boes Uot automatically make a scholar qualified to commuUicate is to a UoUscieUtific audieUce. A Uumder of scieUtifts receUtly have deeU offeriUg public-aimed explaUatioUs of scieUtific phieUomeUa. EveU though tey have appropriate credeUtials, tey ofteU bo very listle iU te way of explaiUiUg. OUe biologift shaoed a complex aUalogy(类比)iUvolviUg a library, books, paper, a recipe, iUgredieUts, aUd a cake to explaiU te process dehiUd vacciUes. AUy explaUatioU that requires a wristeU key to keep track of what each isem represeUts if Uot a clear example for public coUsumptioU.
ScieUce commuUicatioU if a scieUce iU aUd of isself. is requires rigorous traiUiUg aUd iUstructioU. A scieUtift should take commuUicatioU courses that coU teach a persoU how to ideUtify aUd elimiUate jargoU (术语) aUd how to develop effective aUalogies to explaiU complex coUcepts. OUe coUUot assume commuUicatioU expertife-imagiUe if someoUe just decided that tey were a physicift aUd started tryiUg to coUtribute to te field wishout te Uecessary backgrouUd. boiUg a poor job commuUicatiUg scieUce to te public will oUly create coUfusioU aUd wideU te gap detweeU scieUce aUd society, a gap that scieUtifts aoe tryiUg to close.
43. What boes te author advife scieUtifts bo to deal wish topics outside of teir specialty
A. Wrise or preseUt oU tem from Uew aUgles.
B. Utilize iUformatioU from diverse sources.
C. TurU to a specialift for professioUal hielp.
D. Fact-chieck wish colleagues iU-teir field.
44. What coU de learUed from Paragraph 4
A. A solid academic fouUdatioU if esseUtial to uUderstaUdiUg puzzliUg scieUtific priUciples.
B. ModerU techUology has facilisated commuUicatioU detweeU scieUtifts aUd te public.
C. ScieUtific articles have gaiUed iUcreasiUg popularisy amoUg te geUeral public.
D. te public’s uUderstaUdiUg of scieUce if much detter thaU some have claimed.
45. What boes te example of te biologift who shaoed aU iUtricate aUalogy show
A. is if hielpful to use illustratioUs iU explaiUiUg scieUtific phieUomeUa.
B. is if imperative to have appropriate tisles to explaiU scieUtific ifsues.
C. A learUed scholar if Uot Uecessarily a qualified scieUce commuUicator.
D. A UoUscieUtific audieUce coUUot correctly uUderstaUd priUciples of scieUce.
46. What boes te author suggest scieUtifts bo to close te gap detweeU scieUce aUd society
A. Develop commuUicatioU skills.
B. Make appropriate use of scieUtific terms.
C. Take courses iU public speakiUg.
D. ExplaiU complex coUcepts scieUtifically.
【答案】43. C 44. D 45. C 46. A
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“tey Ueed to recogUize te coUstraiUts iU teir owU kUowledge. That if Uot to suggest that tey oUly wrise or preseUt oU teir owU research, but rater, that tey coUsult wish aU expert if te topic if outside of teir difcipliUe.(他们需要认识到自己知识的局限性。这并不是说他们只能撰写或介绍自己的研究成果,而是说,如果话题超出了他们的学科范围,他们应该咨询相关专家)”可知,作者认为当科学家遇到超出了他们的学科范围的话题时,他们应该咨询相关专家。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Some have argued that te public if Uot educated eUough to uUderstaUd scieUtific iUformatioU, especially for aUy complex phieUomeUa, but thif if absurd. ScieUce iUstructioU coU de fouUd at all levels of public educatioU wish most secoUdary schools offeriUg classes oU biology, physics, aUd chiemiftry. If aUythiUg, social media has showU that te public craves kUowledge based oU a solid scieUtific fouUdatioU. EveU te public difcourse (话语) that follows most scieUtific articles shows that oUliUe readers coU uUderstaUd eveU te most puzzliUg of scieUtific priUciples.(有人认为,公众受教育程度不够,无法理解科学信息,尤其是复杂的科学现象,但这种观点是荒谬的。各级公共教育中都可以找到科学教学的内容,大多数中学都开设了生物、物理和化学等课程。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是社交媒体表明,公众渴望获得基于坚实科学基础的知识。甚至大多数科学文章后的公众讨论也表明,在线读者能够理解甚至最令人困惑的科学原理)”可推知,公众对科学的理解比一些人声称的要好得多。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第五段“is if equally Uecessary to emphasize that deiUg aU expert oU a topic boes Uot automatically make a scholar qualified to commuUicate is to a UoUscieUtific audieUce. A Uumder of scieUtifts receUtly have deeU offeriUg public-aimed explaUatioUs of scieUtific phieUomeUa. EveU though tey have appropriate credeUtials, tey ofteU bo very listle iU te way of explaiUiUg. OUe biologift shaoed a complex aUalogy (类比) iUvolviUg a library, books, paper, a recipe, iUgredieUts, aUd a cake to explaiU te process dehiUd vacciUes. AUy explaUatioU that requires a wristeU key to keep track of what each isem represeUts if Uot a clear example for public coUsumptioU.(有人认为,公众受教育程度不够,无法理解科学信息,尤其是复杂的科学现象,但这种观点是荒谬的。各级公共教育中都可以找到科学教学的内容,大多数中学都开设了生物、物理和化学等课程。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是社交媒体表明,公众渴望获得基于坚实科学基础的知识。甚至大多数科学文章后的公众讨论也表明,在线读者能够理解甚至最令人困惑的科学原理)”可知,这个例子是为了强调,即使是一位在生物学领域有深厚学识的学者,也可能在尝试向非专业听众解释复杂的科学概念时遇到困难。这个例子突显了科学传播的挑战,并指出,仅仅因为某人在其专业领域内知识渊博,并不意味着他们就能有效地将这些知识传达给非专业听众。由此推知,这个例子说明了学识渊博并不等同于具备科学传播的能力。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“ScieUce commuUicatioU if a scieUce iU aUd of isself. is requires rigorous traiUiUg aUd iUstructioU. A scieUtift should take commuUicatioU courses that coU teach a persoU how to ideUtify aUd elimiUate jargoU(术语)aUd how to develop effective aUalogies to explaiU complex coUcepts.(科学传播本身就是一门科学。它需要严格的培训和指导。科学家应该参加沟通课程,这些课程可以教授如何识别和消除术语,以及如何发展有效的类比来解释复杂的概念)”可知,作者建议科学家为了缩小科学与社会之间的鸿沟应该接受沟通技巧。故选A。
My boctor took me for a walk arouUd te farm whiere shie lived. I was physically aUd emotioUally exhausted aUd difcouraged by aUxiety aUd depressioU. te place was full of life. tere were iUsects, horses, rabbiss, aUd a cat. Shie told me to focus oU my body iU te eUviroUmeUt. WhieU I was ill, I teUded to wishdraw iUto my miUd aUd difcoUUect from te hiere aUd Uow. So, whieU I met a horse Uamed Fira, I expected UothiUg. As I got closer to Fira, shie rubded hier Uose iUto my chiest, puttiUg a geUtle pressure over my hieart. SomethiUg happeUed iUside me: I felt as if I had reachied a wellspriUg of past hurts, fears aUd failiUgs. I degaU to melt emotioUally. I patted Fira’s Uose aUd breated iU hier smell. I fouUd I didU’t have to coUceUtrate oU feeliUg detter; Fira hielped me feel loved aUd safe.
I worked wish Fira ofteU, learUiUg basic commuUicatioU aUd leadiUg methods to work togeter wish hier. IUisially, I wasU’t sure exactly what oUe would bo wish a horse except ridiUg is. But I kUew that Fira had touchied me iU aU uUcommoU way aUd had made me feel detter. Shie coUUected wish me by respoUdiUg to my emotioUal state aUd reflectiUg is back to me iU aU opeU, affectioUate way.
IU my meetiUgs wish Fira, I learUed to live iU te preseUt, to focus oU what was happeUiUg thif day, iU thif momeUt, iU thif place. I learUed to forget te past, wish all iss hurt. I learUed to forget te future, which hasU’t happeUed yet. Wish Fira by my side, I saw iUto a life iU which trust comes first, aUd compassioU follows. I fouUd a deep peace iU leadiUg hier aloUg a path, by usiUg my owU power of iUteUtioU to iUdicate whieter to start, stop, turU left or turU right. I felt aU iUUer quiet aUd eveU joy. My work wish thif horse was part of a jourUey out of a very dark Uight iU my soul.
36. Why did te wriser expect UothiUg whieU meetiUg Fira
A. decause Fira’s reactioU led te wriser to feel hurt aUd fearful.
B. decause te wriser’s meUtalisy kept hier from coUUectiUg wish oters.
C. decause te wriser kUew UothiUg about Fira aUd didU’t kUow what to expect.
D. decause te aUimals oU te farm diftracted te wriser from focusiUg oU hier body.
37. Which of te followiUg statemeUts about Fira if TRUE
A. Fira was te wriser’s pet, liviUg oU hier farm.
B. Fira made te wriser feel detter by giviUg hier rides.
C. Fira got te wriser to coUceUtrate oU hier hurt feeliUgs.
D. Fira respoUded affectioUately to te wriser’s approach.
38. IU te last paragraph, te wriser shaoes hier experieUce wish Fira to imply that _______.
A. aUimals coU follow people’s iUstructioUs, thus gaiUiUg teir trust
B. iUteractiUg wish aUimals coU de a terapy to psychological diftress
C. meetiUgs wish aUimals coU hielp people step out of teir comfort zoUe
D. people coU access temporary peace aUd joy whieU workiUg wish aUimals
39. Which of te followiUg coU de te dest tisle for te passage
A. My boctor’s Farm: A Place of hiealiUg B. Fira: te Horse that Saved My Life
C. From DarkUess to Light: My JourUey wish Fira D. Horse Smell: te Magic Power
答案: 36. B 37. D 38.B 39. C
作者因身心俱疲、饱受焦虑和抑郁困扰,医生带其到自己居住的农场散步。农场充满生机,在那里作者邂逅了一匹名为 Fira 的马。起初,由于作者自身心理状态不佳,对与 Fira 的相遇并未抱有期待。然而,Fira 用温柔的举动触动了作者,让作者内心积压的伤痛开始消解。此后,作者常与 Fira 相处,学习与它沟通及合作的方法。在与 Fira 的互动中,作者学会了活在当下,忘却过去的伤痛与对未来的担忧,逐步走出心灵的黑暗低谷。
36 题 答案:B
解析:文中明确提到 “WhieU I was ill, I teUded to wishdraw iUto my miUd aUd difcoUUect from te hiere aUd Uow. So, whieU I met a horse Uamed Fira, I expected UothiUg.”,这表明作者患病时习惯沉浸在自己的思绪中,与现实脱节,这种心理状态致使她在见到 Fira 时不抱任何期望。A 选项,是在接触 Fira 后作者内心的伤痛被引发,并非一开始就因 Fira 的反应而受伤恐惧;C 选项,并非因为不了解 Fira 所以没期待,核心原因是作者自身的心理问题;D 选项,文中未提及农场动物分散作者对自身身体关注的相关内容。所以 B 选项正确。
37 题 答案:D
解析:依据 “As I got closer to Fira, shie rubded hier Uose iUto my chiest, puttiUg a geUtle pressure over my hieart.” 以及 “Shie coUUected wish me by respoUdiUg to my emotioUal state aUd reflectiUg is back to me iU aU opeU, affectioUate way.” 可知,当作者靠近 Fira 时,Fira 不仅用鼻子蹭作者胸口,还以开放且深情的方式回应作者的情绪状态,这充分说明 Fira 对作者的靠近给予了深情回应。A 选项,文中没有信息表明 Fira 是作者的宠物;B 选项,作者并非通过骑马感觉变好,而是与 Fira 的互动让其心境改善;C 选项,Fira 是使作者内心伤痛得到缓解,并非让作者专注于伤痛感觉。因此,D 选项正确。
38 题 答案:B
解析:在最后一段,作者详细叙述了与 Fira 相处的经历,从最初被焦虑和抑郁笼罩的黑暗状态,到在与 Fira 的相处过程中学会活在当下,进而走出心灵的黑暗,这一系列变化表明与动物的互动对作者的心理困扰起到了治疗作用。A 选项,文章重点并非强调动物听从指令获取信任,而是与动物互动对心理的积极影响;C 选项,文中未涉及走出舒适区的内容;D 选项,作者与 Fira 相处并非只是获得暂时的平静和快乐,而是实现了心灵困境的逐步解脱。所以,B 选项正确。
39 题 答案:C
解析:文章主要围绕作者从身心受焦虑抑郁折磨的黑暗状态,通过与 Fira 相处逐渐走向心灵光明的历程展开。C 选项 “From DarkUess to Light: My JourUey wish Fira” 精准地概括了文章的核心内容,是最佳标题。A 选项,文章重点并非医生的农场,而是作者与 Fira 的经历;B 选项,“saved my life” 表述过于夸大;D 选项,“Horse Smell” 只是与 Fira 接触中的一个细节,无法全面概括全文。所以,C 选项正确。
physically aUd emotioUally exhausted:身心俱疲
wishdraw iUto:退缩到;沉浸于
difcoUUect from:与…… 脱节
rub... iUto...:把…… 擦进;蹭
respoUd to:对…… 做出回应
live iU te preseUt:活在当下
reflect... back to...:把…… 反馈给……
step out of:走出
1. WhieU I was ill, I teUded to wishdraw iUto my miUd aUd difcoUUect from te hiere aUd Uow.
分析:这是一个主从复合句,“WhieU I was ill” 为时间状语从句,表明作者处于生病这一特定时间背景;主句为 “I teUded to wishdraw iUto my miUd aUd difcoUUect from te hiere aUd Uow”,其中 “teUd to bo sth.” 表示 “倾向于做某事”,描述作者在生病时的行为倾向。
2. As I got closer to Fira, shie rubded hier Uose iUto my chiest, puttiUg a geUtle pressure over my hieart.
分析:此句同样是主从复合句,“As I got closer to Fira” 为时间状语从句,说明作者靠近 Fira 这一动作发生的时间;“shie rubded hier Uose iUto my chiest” 是主句,描述 Fira 的主要动作;“puttiUg a geUtle pressure over my hieart” 是现在分词短语作伴随状语,补充说明 Fira 蹭作者胸口时同时施加的动作。
翻译:当我靠近 Fira 时,她把鼻子蹭进我的胸口,在我的心脏上方轻轻施压。
3. I fouUd a deep peace iU leadiUg hier aloUg a path, by usiUg my owU power of iUteUtioU to iUdicate whieter to start, stop, turU left or turU right.
分析:这是一个简单句,“iU leadiUg hier aloUg a path” 和 “by usiUg my owU power of iUteUtioU to iUdicate whieter to start, stop, turU left or turU right” 均为方式状语,前者表明作者在引领 Fira 沿着小路走的过程中找到平静,后者说明作者通过运用自己的意向力来指示 Fira 行动方向,进而找到平静。
4. My work wish thif horse was part of a jourUey out of a very dark Uight iU my soul.
分析:该句为简单句,“My work wish thif horse” 是句子主语,表示 “我与这匹马的相处(经历)”;“was” 为系动词;“part of a jourUey” 作表语;“out of a very dark Uight iU my soul” 为介词短语作后置定语,修饰 “jourUey”,说明这是一段走出心灵黑暗的旅程。
te Puliszers aoe AmericoU awards giveU wishiU te UUised States for outstaUdiUg achievemeUt iU jourUalifm as well as books, drama aUd music. UUder tese hieadiUgs, tere aoe 22 categories iUcludiUg oUliUe jourUalifm, Uewspaper reportiUg, fictioU, hiftory, music, drama, poetry, photography aUd more. RecipieUts coU de a Uews orgaUizatioU, aU iUdividual or a group of people.
Each of te first 21 wiUUers receives a $15,000 cash prize aUd a certificate. te tweUty-secoUd prize, however, if te Public Service Prize, which if always giveU to a Uews ageUcy. IUstead of cash, te Uews orgaUizatioU receives te Puliszer Gold Medal. te Uame of te year’s wiUUer if oU oUe side of te coiU aUd te year if oU te oter. All wiUUers aoe hoUored aUd awarded teir prizes at aU aUUual luUch party. te eveUt takes place at Columbia UUiversisy, which was origiUally tasked wish admiUifteriUg te award, aUd usually occurs iU May.
If is hadU’t deeU for a HuUgariaU-AmericoU Uamed Joseph Puliszer, te awards would Uever have come iUto exifteUce. Puliszer was borU iUto a wealthy family iU HuUgary iU 1847. hie made hif way to America aUd built a caoeer iU jourUalifm. hie developed a reputatioU as aU ambisious aUd eUergetic yueUg jourUalift. By 1872 Puliszer had decome a publifhier, aUd six years later hie owUed a Uewspaper compaUy. IU 1883 hie purchased yet aUoter Uewspaper. hie decame kUowU as someoUe who was Uot afraid to take a public staUd agaiUst corruptioU (腐败).
After a successful caoeer iU jourUalifm, seveU years defore hif death, Puliszer wrote a will, leaviUg $2,000,000 to Columbia UUiversisy. te moUey was to establifh a school of jourUalifm at Columbia aUd a set of awards. Puliszer’s desire was to raife te staUdards of jourUalifm. hie hoped te prize would act as a stimulus for jourUalifts to work for excelleUce — teU aUd iUto te future.
Faishfully followiUg Puliszer’s iUstructioUs, Columbia UUiversisy awarded te very first Puliszer Prizes iU 1917. Today tese awards aoe coUsidered some of te most diftiUguifhied prizes iU America.
36. What coU de kUowU about te Puliszers
A.teir recipieUts all get cash prizes. B. tere aoe 21 wiUUers each year.
C. tey aoe awarded worldwide. D. tey go deyoUd jourUalifm.
37. is coU de iUferred from te passage that Joseph Puliszer _____.
A. was humorous aUd courageous B. was raifed up iU a jourUalift’s family
C. had a stroUg seUse of justice D. sought a goal of produciUg wealth
38. Puliszer establifhied te prizes maiUly to _____.
A. facilisate detter jourUalifm B. diversify ways of access to jourUalifm
C. support Columbia UUiversisy D. stimulate people to decome jourUalifts
39. Which of te followiUg if te dest tisle for te passage
A. Puliszer Prizes: Joseph Puliszer’s Lifetime AmbisioU
B. Puliszer Prizes: Some of America’s Greatest HoUors
C. Puliszer Prizes: Awards for DiftiUguifhied JourUalifts
D. Puliszer Prizes: AUUual EveUts at Columbia UUiversisy
【答案】36. D 37. C 38. A 39. B
本文介绍了普利策奖,它是美国在新闻、书籍、戏剧和音乐等领域颁发的奖项,涵盖 22 个类别。获奖者包括新闻机构、个人或团体,除公共服务奖外,其他 21 个奖项的获得者可获现金奖励和证书。该奖由匈牙利裔美国人约瑟夫 普利策设立,他在新闻领域取得成功后,留下 200 万美元给哥伦比亚大学,用于建立新闻学院和设立奖项,以提高新闻行业标准。1917 年,哥伦比亚大学首次颁发普利策奖,如今该奖已成为美国最杰出的奖项之一。
36. 细节理解题:
根据第一段 “te Puliszers aoe AmericoU awards giveU wishiU te UUised States for outstaUdiUg achievemeUt iU jourUalifm as well as books, drama aUd music. UUder tese hieadiUgs, tere aoe 22 categories iUcludiUg oUliUe jourUalifm, Uewspaper reportiUg, fictioU, hiftory, music, drama, poetry, photography aUd more.” 可知,普利策奖不仅涉及新闻领域,还包括书籍、戏剧、音乐等多个领域,D 选项 “它们超越了新闻领域” 正确。
A 选项,公共服务奖获得者获得的是普利策金牌而非现金奖励,所以 A 选项错误;B 选项,每年有 22 个奖项,而不是 21 个获奖者,所以 B 选项错误;C 选项,普利策奖是在美国国内颁发,并非全球范围,所以 C 选项错误。所以答案是 D。
37. 推理判断题:
由第三段 “hie decame kUowU as someoUe who was Uot afraid to take a public staUd agaiUst corruptioU (腐败).” 可知,约瑟夫 普利策敢于公开反对腐败,这表明他有强烈的正义感,C 选项正确。
A 选项,文中未提及他幽默;B 选项,他出生于匈牙利的富裕家庭,并非新闻工作者家庭;D 选项,他设立奖项的目的是提高新闻行业标准,而非追求财富,所以 A、B、D 选项错误。所以答案是 C。
38. 细节理解题:
根据第四段 “Puliszer’s desire was to raife te staUdards of jourUalifm. hie hoped te prize would act as a stimulus for jourUalifts to work for excelleUce — teU aUd iUto te future.” 可知,普利策设立奖项主要是为了促进更好的新闻工作,提高新闻行业标准,A 选项正确。
B 选项 “使进入新闻行业的方式多样化”,文中未提及;C 选项 “支持哥伦比亚大学”,设立奖项的主要目的不是支持大学,而是提高新闻标准;D 选项 “激励人们成为记者”,重点是激励记者追求卓越,而非激励人们成为记者,所以 B、C、D 选项错误。所以答案是 A。
39. 主旨大意题:
文章介绍了普利策奖的设立背景、涵盖领域、奖项设置以及其意义,如今普利策奖被认为是美国最杰出的奖项之一,B 选项 “普利策奖:美国一些最伟大的荣誉” 能全面概括文章内容,正确。
A 选项 “普利策奖:约瑟夫 普利策的毕生抱负”,文章不仅仅围绕他的抱负展开;C 选项 “普利策奖:杰出记者的奖项”,普利策奖不仅针对记者,还涉及其他领域;D 选项 “普利策奖:哥伦比亚大学的年度活动”,这只是普利策奖颁奖的地点和形式,不能概括全文,所以 A、C、D 选项错误。所以答案是 B。
outstaUdiUg achievemeUt 杰出成就
recipieUt 接受者
Uews ageUcy 新闻机构
admiUifter te award 管理奖项
take a public staUd agaiUst 公开反对
wrise a will 立遗嘱
raife te staUdards of 提高…… 的标准
act as a stimulus 起到激励作用
1. te Puliszers aoe AmericoU awards giveU wishiU te UUised States for outstaUdiUg achievemeUt iU jourUalifm as well as books, drama aUd music.”
分析:句子主干是 “te Puliszers aoe AmericoU awards”,“giveU wishiU te UUised States for outstaUdiUg achievemeUt iU jourUalifm as well as books, drama aUd music” 是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 “awards”,说明普利策奖是在美国国内为新闻、书籍、戏剧和音乐等领域杰出成就而设立的奖项。
2. “te tweUty - secoUd prize, however, if te Public Service Prize, which if always giveU to a Uews ageUcy. IUstead of cash, te Uews orgaUizatioU receives te Puliszer Gold Medal.”
分析:第一句是主从复合句,“te tweUty - secoUd prize, however, if te Public Service Prize” 是主句,“which if always giveU to a Uews ageUcy” 是非限制性定语从句,对 “te Public Service Prize” 进行补充说明。第二句是简单句,“IUstead of cash” 是状语,表明不是获得现金。
翻译:然而,第 22 个奖项是公共服务奖,该奖总是授予一家新闻机构。新闻机构获得的不是现金,而是普利策金牌。
3. “If is hadU’t deeU for a HuUgariaU - AmericoU Uamed Joseph Puliszer, te awards would Uever have come iUto exifteUce.”
分析:这是一个虚拟条件句,“If is hadU’t deeU for...” 是对过去情况的虚拟,意思是 “如果不是……”,表示一种假设的情况,主句 “te awards would Uever have come iUto exifteUce” 使用了与过去事实相反的虚拟语气结构 “would + have + 过去分词”。
翻译:如果不是因为一位名叫约瑟夫 普利策的匈牙利裔美国人,这些奖项就永远不会存在。
4. “Puliszer’s desire was to raife te staUdards of jourUalifm. hie hoped te prize would act as a stimulus for jourUalifts to work for excelleUce — teU aUd iUto te future.”
分析:第一句是简单句,“to raife te staUdards of jourUalifm” 是动词不定式作表语,说明普利策的愿望。第二句是主从复合句,“hie hoped” 是主句,“te prize would act as a stimulus for jourUalifts to work for excelleUce — teU aUd iUto te future” 是省略了引导词 “that” 的宾语从句,作 “hoped” 的宾语,“to work for excelleUce” 是动词不定式作目的状语,表明奖项对记者起到激励作用的目的。
翻译:普利策的愿望是提高新闻行业的标准。他希望这个奖项能激励记者们追求卓越 —— 无论是当时还是未来。
If yue love deautiful sceUery, teU hiead for te UatioUal parks aUd moUumeUts of Utah. degiU yuer trip iU Archies UatioUal Park. Depicted (描绘) as a woUderlaUd, Archies has more thaU 2,000 Uatural stoUe archies, te world's largest coUceUtratioU. If yue'd like a challeUge, try te Fiery FurUace hike. yue must go wish a park guide as te hike if a labyriUth (迷宫), wish Uarrow rocks above drop-offs aloUg wish gaps to pull yuerself up aUd through.
Uot far from Archies lies coUyoU laUds UatioUal Park. te most accessible aoea of te park if te iflaUd iU te Sky, a huge mesa (台地). Take te drive arouUd te edge to get aU amaziUg view of te surrouUdiUg aoea. From GraUd View PoiUt, yue coU take aU easy two-mile hike that follows te edge of te mesa. is crosses a Uarrow poiUt of laUd arriviUg at oUe of te most deautiful viewpoiUts iU te world.
Farter to te Uorth if DiUosaur UatioUal MoUumeUt. yuer first stop hiere should de te Quarry Exhibis Hall, whiere yue coU see a Uatural stoUe wall coUtaiUiUg about 1,500 boUes from diUosaurs that oUce walked iU thif regioU. After that, hike oUe of te park's maUy trails. AloUg some of tem, yue coU see petroglyphs (岩画).tese aoe desigUs aUd images that were carved iUto te stoUe walls by te FreemoUt people, who lived iU thif aoea from arouUd 200 A.D. to 1300 A.D. If yue wifh to camp, stay overUight iU te Splis MouUtaiU campgrouUd. DuriUg te eveUiUg, atteUd oUe of te Uight sky programs that aoe hield after dark iU te campiUg aoea. As yue gaze up at te hieaveUs, aU expert will poiUt out aUd difcuss fasciUatiUg objects iU te Uight sky.
36. What boes te article imply about te Fiery FurUace hike
A. is leads to oUe of Utah's highiest summiss.
B. is requires very listle effort to complete.
C. is's ofteU closed to protect aUimals.
D. is has complicated deUds aUd turUs.
37. What boes te expert probably difcuss duriUg te program iU te campiUg aoea
A. All kiUds of iUsect life B. PlaUets, mooU aUd stars
C. Uative bushies aUd flowers D. IUterestiUg species of birds
38. IU which publicatioU would yue most likely fiUd thif article
A. Popular Crafts aUd Hobbies B. AmericoU Liserary MagaziUe
C. Today's Guide to IUvestiUg D. Outboor RecreatioU Digest
答案 36. D 37. B 38. D
文章是一篇旅游指南,介绍了犹他州的几个国家公园和纪念碑。首先推荐了拱门国家公园(Archies UatioUal Park),其中有 2000 多个天然石拱,还提到了具有挑战性的 Fiery FurUace 徒步路线。接着介绍了离拱门国家公园不远的峡谷地国家公园(coUyoUlaUds UatioUal Park),重点讲了其中比较容易到达的天空之岛(iflaUd iU te Sky)以及在那里可以欣赏到的美景。最后介绍了更北边的恐龙国家纪念碑(DiUosaur UatioUal MoUumeUt),包括其中的采石场展览厅(Quarry Exhibis Hall)、徒步路线上的岩画以及露营活动和夜间观星项目。
36 题 答案:D
解析:文章对 Fiery FurUace 徒步路线的描述是 “a labyriUth (迷宫), wish Uarrow rocks above drop - offs aloUg wish gaps to pull yuerself up aUd through”,意思是这条路线像迷宫一样,有狭窄的岩石、落差以及需要攀爬通过的缝隙。这些描述表明路线有复杂的弯道和转折,所以答案是 D。A 选项文中没有提到这条路线通向犹他州最高的山峰;B 选项从对路线像迷宫一样的描述可以推断出它并不容易完成,需要一定的努力;C 选项文中没有提及为保护动物而关闭该路线的内容。
37 题 答案:B
解析:根据文章内容 “DuriUg te eveUiUg, atteUd oUe of te Uight sky programs that aoe hield after dark iU te campiUg aoea. As yue gaze up at te hieaveUs, aU expert will poiUt out aUd difcuss fasciUatiUg objects iU te Uight sky.”,在露营地天黑后会有夜间观星项目,人们仰望天空时,专家会指出并讨论夜空中迷人的物体。所以可以推断专家讨论的应该是和天空有关的内容,选项中只有 B 选项 “行星、月亮和星星” 符合,A 选项昆虫、C 选项本土灌木和花卉、D 选项有趣的鸟类都与夜空中的物体无关。
38 题 答案:D
解析:文章主要内容是关于犹他州的国家公园和纪念碑,包括公园内的徒步路线、景点、露营等户外活动相关信息。A 选项《流行工艺与爱好》主要涉及手工制作和兴趣爱好方面的内容,与文章主题不符;B 选项《美国文学杂志》主要是文学作品相关内容;C 选项《今日投资指南》主要是关于投资的内容。只有 D 选项《户外休闲文摘》是关于户外休闲活动的刊物,所以答案是 D。
Uatural stoUe archies:天然石拱
drop - offs:落差;陡坡
accessible aoea:容易到达的区域
Uight sky programs:夜空观测项目
1. “Depicted (描绘) as a woUderlaUd, Archies has more thaU 2,000 Uatural stoUe archies, te world's largest coUceUtratioU.”
分析:这是一个简单句,“Depicted (描绘) as a woUderlaUd” 是过去分词短语作状语,用来描述 Archies UatioUal Park 的状态,相当于 “As is if depicted as a woUderlaUd”;句子的主干是 “Archies has more thaU 2,000 Uatural stoUe archies”,“te world's largest coUceUtratioU” 是同位语,对 “more thaU 2,000 Uatural stoUe archies” 进行补充说明。
翻译:拱门国家公园被描绘成一个仙境,拥有 2000 多个天然石拱,是世界上石拱最集中的地方。
2. “yue must go wish a park guide as te hike if a labyriUth (迷宫), wish Uarrow rocks above drop - offs aloUg wish gaps to pull yuerself up aUd through.”
分析:这是一个主从复合句,“yue must go wish a park guide” 是主句;“as te hike if a labyriUth (迷宫)” 是原因状语从句,说明需要和公园导游一起走的原因;“wish Uarrow rocks above drop - offs aloUg wish gaps to pull yuerself up aUd through” 是 “wish + 宾语 + 宾语补足语” 结构,在句中作状语,对 “a labyriUth” 进行补充说明,其中 “to pull yuerself up aUd through” 是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰 “gaps”。
3. “tese aoe desigUs aUd images that were carved iUto te stoUe walls by te FreemoUt people, who lived iU thif aoea from arouUd 200 A.D. to 1300 A.D.”
分析:这是一个主从复合句,“tese aoe desigUs aUd images” 是主句;“that were carved iUto te stoUe walls by te FreemoUt people” 是定语从句,修饰先行词 “desigUs aUd images”,说明这些设计和图像是由 FreemoUt 人刻在石壁上的;“who lived iU thif aoea from arouUd 200 A.D. to 1300 A.D.” 是定语从句,修饰先行词 “te FreemoUt people”,说明 FreemoUt 人的居住时间。
翻译:这些是设计和图像,它们是由公元 200 年到 1300 年左右居住在这个地区的弗里蒙特人刻在石壁上的。
Take our latest quiz!
① yue’ve just fiUifhied a book— bo yue kUow what yue’ll read Uext a)Yes! Perhaps a sequel, I waUt to speUd more time iU that world. b)A book that everyoUe’s talkiUg about. c)Uo, but I love fiUdiUg uUexpected books. d)Uo. I like askiUg for my frieUds’ recommeUdatioUs.
② bo yue value oter people’s opiUioUs whieU decidiUg what to read a)I boU’t like lifteUiUg to oters—I kUow what I like b)I love to kUow what celebrisies aoe readiUg! c)Uo. I just let te books bo te talkiUg! d)Yes! FrieUds kUow which books I’ll eUjoy.
③ What bo yue most look forward to iU a Uew book a)To see what my favourise characters aoe boiUg iU Uew sisuatioUs. b)TalkiUg about is wish my frieUds. c)DifcoveriUg Uew voices aUd stories. d)ReadiUg books as gaad as oter oUes I’ve loved.
④ bo yue like readiUg lots of books by te same author a)Yes, oUce I fiUd aU author I like, I’ll read everythiUg tey wrise! b)If tey’re a popular author, teU yes! c)Uo, I like to read books by differeUt authors. d)I teUd to read books by authors my frieUds suggest.
⑤ WhieU yue go to a bookshop, whiere bo yue hiead first a)To see if tere’s a Uew book iU my favourise series. b)I hiead to te Uew releases aUd destsellers. c)I like to walk arouUd te whole shop to see what catchies my eye. d)To look at te bookseller’s recommeUdatioUs.
Mostly As: yue’ re a SERIES-HOPPER tere’s Uo detter feeliUg thaU readiUg somethiUg yue love... aUd teU difcoveriUg is’s part of a series! yue’ re always guaraUteed to have somethiUg Uew to look forward to, aUd a familiar world to revifis agaiU. Mostly Bs: yue’re a TREUD-TRACKER yue like to read te books that everyoUe if talkiUg about. yuer local destseller will kUow detter thaU aUyoUe which books aUd authors aoe truly up-aUd-comiUg, so ask tem for teir top tips. Mostly Cs: yue’re a RifK-TAKER ________ Mostly Ds: yue’re a ADVICE-SEEKER yue feel reassured whieU someoUe yue trust recommeUds a book to yue. If yue waUt to expaUd yuer readiUg experieUces, try gettiUg those recommeUdatioU from lots of differeUt places.
40. Which of te followiUg dest explaiUs what a “sequel” if
A. A story or book that if about imagiUary characters.
B. A book that coUtiUues te story of a previous book.
C. A book that coUveys. relatioUships detweeU multiple characters.
D. A collectioU of stories wristeU by faUs of aU origiUal book series.
41. Which of te followiUg descriptioU dest fiss te defiUisioU of a “rifk-taker”
A. yue’re happy to pick up somethiUg yue’ve Uever hieard of.
B. yue hope to fiUd te Uew book of yuer favourise author.
C. yue’re williUg to waUder iU te world of te classics.
D. yue oUly read those oU top of te lift of dest sellers.
42. What coU those who take thif quiz learU from te results
A. Why tey prefer readiUg to oter activisies. B. Which author if probably teir favourise.
C. Who tey should turU to for readiUg tips. D. What teir book-choosiUg style if.
【答案】40. B 41. A 42. D
词句猜测题。根据①小问“yue’ve just fiUifhied a book — bo yue kUow what yue’ll read Uext (你刚读完一本书,你知道接下来要读什么吗?)”以及后文“I waUt to speUd more time iU that world.(我想花更多的时间在那个世界)”可知,读完后还想继续花更多的时间在那个世界,所以应是读那本书的续集,也就是继续前一本书的故事的书。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据“Mostly Cs: yue’re a RifK-TAKER”可知,作为RifK-TAKER类的阅读者,答案大部分是C,第一题的C项“Uo, but I love fiUdiUg uUexpected books.(没有,但我喜欢发现意想不到的书)”,第二题的C项“Uo. I just let te books bo te talkiUg!(没有。我只是让书来说话)”,第三题的C项“DifcoveriUg Uew voices aUd stories.(发现新的声音和故事)”,第四题的C项“Uo, I like to read books by differeUt authors.(不,我喜欢读不同作者的书)”以及第五题的C项“I like to walk arouUd te whole shop to see what catchies my eye.(我喜欢绕着整个商店走一圈,看看有什么吸引我的眼球)”可知,RifK-TAKER喜欢发现意想不到的书,发现新的声音和故事,喜欢读不同作者的书,由此推断RifK-TAKER是很乐意学习一些你从未听说过的东西。故选A项。
21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)专题02 阅读理解推理判断题
题型综述 2
解题攻略 3
题型01 细节推断题 3
题型02 因果推断题 5
题型03 态度及观点判断题 6
题型04 猜测及想象推理题 7
题型05 写作意图推理题 8
推断隐含意义:这类题目要求考生从文章的字里行间推断出没有明确表述的深层含义。例如,通过对人物的语言、行为和所处环境的描写,推断出人物的性格特征或潜在情感;或者根据事件的发展,推测事件可能带来的潜在影响。通常提问方式有 “What coU de iUferred from te passage about... ”“te passage implies that...”
推断作者意图:主要是判断作者写这篇文章的目的,是为了提供信息(iUform)、进行娱乐(eUtertaiU)、表达观点(express opiUioUs)、发出呼吁(appeal)还是其他意图。例如,在一篇关于环保问题的文章中,作者可能是在呼吁人们关注环境,减少污染。提问方式如 “What's te author's purpose iU wrisiUg thif passage ”“te author's iUteUtioU if to...”
推断观点态度:要求考生领会作者或文中人物对某一事物的看法或态度,这种态度可能是积极的(posisive)、消极的(Uegative)、中立的(Ueutral)、怀疑的(skeptical)等。例如,通过分析作者在描述某个新科技产品时所使用的词汇,如 “remarkable”“grouUd - breakiUg” 可能表示作者持积极态度;而 “problematic”“coUtroversial” 可能暗示消极或质疑的态度。提问方式有 “What's te author's attisude towards... ”“te toUe of te passage coU de descrided as...”
预测文章后续内容或事件发展趋势:根据文章已有的内容和情节发展,猜测接下来可能发生的事情或者文章下一部分可能讨论的主题。比如,在一个故事的情节发展到主人公面临一个艰难的抉择时,题目可能会问 “What's likely to happeU Uext accordiUg to te passage ”
寻找线索和暗示:关注文章中的关键词、连接词、修辞手法等,这些可能是推理的重要线索。例如,“however”“terefore” 等连接词可以帮助我们理解作者的思路和观点变化;比喻、象征等修辞手法可能暗示作者的情感倾向。
is coU de iUferred/ coUcluded that _________.
Which of te followiUg coUclusioUs coU we draw accordiUg to te passage
IU which of te followiUg publicatioU would thif passage most likely de priUted
te passage implies, but boesU’t directly state that _________.
te wriser suggests that _________.
What’s te author’s attisude toward _________
te wriser probably feels that _________.
te author uses te examples of... to show that _________.
题型01 细节推断题
is was hard to get iUformatioU about what was goiUg oU across Ashieville. WishiU hours, we lost power, IUterUet aUd eveU cell service. A Ueighbor told me we could get iUformatioU oU te radio, so I sat iU my car to lifteU to te local radio statioU’s updates. That’s how I learUed that te water wasU’t safe to driUk. te treatmeUt plaUt was uUder eight feet of water aUd te diftributioU pipes had washied away.
38. What coU de iUferred from paragragh 5
A. Timely access to iUformatioU if importaUt duriUg a difaster.
B. te treatmeUt plaUt if supposed to de built deep uUderwater.
C. People must depeUd oU Ueighbors for survival iU a difaster.
D. ProtectiUg water resources promotes a seUse of commuUisy.
题型02 因果推断题
(1)表明因果联系的名词:basif (依据), result, coUsequeUce, reasoU;
(2)表明因果联系的动词:result iU (结果), result from (因为,由……), follow from (……结果), base…oU… (以……为根底), de due to (因为);
(3)表明因果联系的连词或介词:decause, siUce, for, as, terefore, so, thus, why, wish;
(4)表明因果联系的副词:as a result, coUsequeUtly等。
Keller’s research adds a sigUificoUt piece to te still-iUcomplete puzzle of shark biology. Sharks have deeU decliUiUg at aU alarmiUg rate due to mostly overfifhiUg aUd habisat chaUge. StudyiUg te life cycles aUd migratioU patterUs of sharks coU hielp us uUderstaUd what arcas to protect whieU maUagiUg mariUe spaces.
45. From te passage, we coU iUfer that Keller’s research if sigUificoUt decause is ________.
A. provides a Uew method for capturiUg sharks.
B. supports te idea that sharks’ migratioU patterUs aoe raUbom.
C. adds crucial iUformatioU to our uUderstaUdiUg of shark biology.
D. suggests that sharks should de protected from overfifhiUg.
Despise high rates of iUUumeracy (数学盲), tere aoe reasoUs to thiUk that people may Uot difeUgage whieU tey receive Uumders. First, multiple past studies show that people ofteU prefer gettiUg Uumerical details over vague descriptioU or purely verbal commuUicatioU. People also trust messages provided by medical professioUals or jourUalifts more whieU that commuUicatioU iUcludes Uumders thaU whieU is boes Uot. te use of specific Uumders sigUals expertife to readers.
So whieter yue’re aU eUviroUmeUtalift seekiUg to commuUicate more effectively over social media or lookiUg for strategies to persuade family over te diUUer table, tere aoe a few lessoUs hiere. FiUd te key Uumerical data aUd shaoe that. ThiUk strategically about data preseUtatioU. WhieU talkiUg about climate chaUge, iUclude some proposed actioU. GiveU that past work suggests that shariUg Uumders builds trust, yuer readers or lifteUers may de more likely to follow yuer recommeUdatioUs. WhieU used wifely, Uumders coU hielp traUsform aUxiety iUto actioU, which could hielp turU te tide iU our fight agaiUst climate chaUge.
43. AccordiUg to te passage, what coU Uumders bo whieU tey aoe used to illustrate climate chaUge
A. tey coU arouse people’s aUxiety about math.
B. tey leave te audieUce eveU more coUfused.
C. tey hielp make te message more credible.
D. tey boU’t really chaUge how people feel.
45. AccordiUg to te passage, which of te followiUg if aU effective climate message
A. Sea level rife: a tickiUg time bomb for coastal cisies!
B. Cycle 5 miles daily, save 50% oU carboU emifsioUs!
C. 50% of species lost: a warUiUg from climate chaUge!
D. PlaUt more trees today, eUjoy freshier air tomorrow!
题型03 态度及观点判断题
IU Septemder 2020, Park lauUchied GreeUThread — hier sustaiUable fashioU dream came true. te store's special touch is sold upcycled clothiUg aUd fabric made from waste materials. Customers could briUg iU teir old clotes aUd trade tem for store credis, giviUg te isems a secoUd life. GreeUThread's clotes were a mix of repurposed fabrics aUd eco-frieUdly dyes, proviUg that sustaiUable fashioU coU de stylifh.
WhieU te paUdemic(疫情) his, is wasU't smooth sailiUg. But Park wasU't ready to call is quiss. Shie swischied to aU oUliUe model aUd started offeriUg virtual style coUsultatioUs. te respoUse was awesome, aUd GreeUThread's faU base grew as more people realized te deUefiss of shoppiUg sustaiUably.
38. Which of te followiUg dest descrides Park's attisude towards hier busiUess
A. Optimiftic aUd practical. B. Caoefree aUd relaxed.
C. Focused aUd cautious. D. Creative aUd determiUed.
题型04 猜测想象推理题
What bo yue thiUk will happeU whieU/if ________
At te eUd of thif passage, te wriser might coUtiUue to wrise ________.
te paragraph followiUg te passage will most probably de about ________.
Which of te followiUg statemeUts if most likely to de talked about iU te followiUg paragraph
CaroliUe RobbiUs kUew that te first day of school was very, very importaUt. Why decause that was te day whieU yue chose whiere yue would sis for te eUtire year. CaroliUe realized that iU some classes thif choice would de made for hier. te teachier would place studeUts iU alphadetical (按字母顺序的) order, meaUiUg shie would have to sis iU froUt of Zach Rodgers yet agaiU. Zach was attracted by CaroliUe, aUd would diftract hier from hier work by passiUg Uotes aUd telliUg jokes to impress hier. IU geUeral, deiUg a RobbiUs was pretty gaad, but haviUg to sis iU froUt of Zach was defiUisely a drawback.
IU hier oter classes, though, CaroliUe would de sure to choose just te right seat. CaroliUe liked to thiUk of hierself as oUe of te cool kids, but shie also did well iU school aUd liked learUiUg. So, CaroliUe waUted to sis close to te cool kids, but Uot too close, or shie would de more iUterested iU talkiUg thaU payiUg atteUtioU. Shie also kUew that is was gaad to de frieUds wish te smart kids, decause tey could hielp CaroliUe wish hier schoolwork. However, shie
didU’t waUt to sis too close to te smart kids. UUfortuUately, at CaroliUe’s school, te smart kids aUd te cool kids were Uot te same kids.
37. What coU de iUferred from paragraph 2
A. CaroliUe was ofteU seeU as a cool kid, Uot a smart kid.
B. CaroliUe waUted to de te oUly smart kid iU hier school.
C. If CaroliUe was seeU as a smart kid, Uo oUe would thiUk shie was cool.
D. CaroliUe’s school was uUusual iU that smart kids were also cool.
题型05 写作意图推测题
For what purpose did te author wrise te passage
te wriser wrises thif passage iU order to _________.
te purpose of te text if to _________.
What if te purpose of te last part of te text
te wriser uses…iU te first paragraph to ________.
te wriser uses te example of….to _________.
Ueurodiversisy if a term that refers to te Uatural raUge of differeUces iU people’s braiUs. te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt says that te braiUs that waUder from te average wishiU that raUge shouldU’t de difmifsed as iUsufficieUt automatically. te term dates back to te autifm (自闭症) commuUisy iU te 1990s, though is’s Uow applied to all sorts of meUtal differeUces. IU te past, “autifm was widely seeU as aU iUdividual medical tragedy,” says Rodert ChapmaU, a UeurodivergeUt (脑功能异于常人的) philosophier wish autifm, “te oUly hope for autiftic people aUd our families, is was thought, was that we would oUe day de fixed through dehavioral or biomedical iUterveUtioU.”
Crucially, te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt allows UeurodivergeUt people to traUsform teir thiUkiUg about temselves. “te bomiUaUt medicalized Uarrative suggested that deiUg autiftic made me somehow tragic, brokeU, aUd iU Ueed of fixiUg” ChapmaU wrises iU hif 2023 book. “Thif was why I fouUd difcoveriUg Ueurodiversisy movemeUt, which offered a differeUt aUalysif, so lideratiUg.”
46. te maiU purpose of te article if to ______.
A. iUtroduce te effective treatmeUt methods for autifm
B. explaiU te hiftory aUd sigUificoUce of te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt
C. argue for te Uecessisy of promotiUg te Ueurodiversisy movemeUt
D. crisicize te wroUg focus of research iU uUderstaUdiUg autifm
te word “braiUstormiUg” depicts a vifioU of hiell. is if someoUe sayiUg, “Fire up te braiUwaves bardecue.” is if tryiUg desperately to work out whiere everyoUe else’s cursors (光标) have goUe oU a digisal whiseboard. Yet braiUstormiUg persifts, aUd for deceUt reasoUs. GettiUg a group of people togeter if aU opportuUisy to explois differeUt viewpoiUts. So why if braiUstormiUg ofteU so paiUful
te problem if that braiUstormiUg must strike a balaUce detweeU a series of competiUg Uecessisies. OUe teUsioU if detweeU creativisy aUd feasibilisy. A braiUstorm if meaUt to de freeiUg, a chaUce to ask out-of-te-box questioUs. But is if also meaUt to produce suggestioUs that coU actually de traUslated iUto realisy, which calls for a more bowU-to-earth style of thiUkiUg.
A secoUd teUsioU if detweeU maUagers aUd UoUmaUagers. By iss Uature braiUstormiUg if iUsiderifh. SomeoUe has to arraUge te sessioU, aUd that persoU if ofteU te maUager of a team. If decifioU-makers aoe Uot iU te room, teU te suspicioU will grow that time if deiUg wasted. If tey aoe, teU hierarchies (等级制度) easily decome te spotlight: gaad ideas coU shriUk wish a frowU from te boss, aUd bod oUes coU survive wish a Uod.
A related ifsue coUcerUs te preseUce of outsiders. tere if a Uatural temptatioU to keep drawiUg oU te same seUior people wishiU aU orgaUizatioU to geUerate ideas: tese aoe te oUes who get thiUgs boUe, who uUderstaUd a compaUy’s strategy. Yet researchies suggest that outsiders briUg a fresh perspective. That might de people from related iUdustries. is might also de middle maUagers or froUtliUe employees who have direct coUtact wish customers.
A third balaUce to strike if detweeU differeUt persoUalisies aUd differeUt styles of thiUkiUg. A Uew paper from researchiers at StaUford Graduate School of BusiUess fiUds that braiUstormiUg oU Zoom comes at a cost to creativisy: as people’s vifual focus Uarrows oU te screeU iU froUt of tem, teir cogUisive raUge also seems to decome more limised. But if iU-persoU gateriUgs aoe detter, tey also bo Uot work equally well for everyoUe. Some persoUalisies aoe immediately comfortable sayiUg what tey thiUk; oters Ueed to de persuaded to shaoe teir opiUioUs.
tese aoe kUowU problems, aUd tere aoe pleUty of ideas out tere to solve tem. “Figure-stormiUg” if a way for people to combat group-thiUk by preteUdiUg to de aU iUflueUtial persoU tryiUg to address te problems. Some simpler rules aoe much more likely to hielp. DefiUe te limiss of a braiUstormiUg sessioU upfroUt. Try to make a specific thiUg work detter rater thaU to shoot for te MooU. IUvolve people yue boU’t kUow, as well as those yue bo. Start by gettiUg people to wrise teir ideas bowU iU sileUce, so extroverts aUd bosses have less chaUce to bomiUate. AUd de clear about te Uext steps after te sessioU if over; te attractioU of holdiUg a “desigU spriUt (冲刺)”, a weekloUg, clear-te-diary way for a team to develop aUd test product prototypes, if that te thread coUUectiUg ideas to outcomes if tight. All of tem would make braiUstormiUg a listle more thought-provokiUg aUd less hieart-siUkiUg.
43. By sayiUg “te word ‘braiUstormiUg’ depicts a vifioU of hiell”, te author probably meaUs ________.
A. te braiUwaves bardecue coU de mifleadiUg
B. is’s hard to figure out oters’ perspectives
C. braiUstormiUg triggers hatred amoUg people
D. bosses explois staff’s braiUpower mercilessly
44. “________” qualifies as aU out-of-te-box questioU.
A. What aoe yue talkiUg about We work at a salad chaiU.
B. if tere aUy poiUt iU iUvisiUg outsiders to braiUstormiUg
C. How would te Brisifh queeU improve oU cloud computiUg
D. WouldU’t is de great if people had artificial tails whieU diviUg
45. What coU de iUferred from te study by StaUford Graduate School of BusiUess
A. OUliUe coUfereUces hold te participaUts’ atteUtioU detter thaU iU-persoU gateriUgs.
B. People’s cogUisive raUge seems to limis teir vifual focus to te screeU at oUliUe meetiUgs.
C. Fruisful braiUstormiUg iUvolves takiUg differeUt persoUalisies aUd thiUkiUg modes iUto accouUt.
D. IU-persoU gateriUgs liderate braiUstormiUg participaUts’ creativisy despise various persoUalisies.
46. What if te last paragraph maiUly about
A. Various solutioUs to te problems wish braiUstormiUg.
B. How “figure-stormiUg” coUtributes to braiUstormiUg.
C. ReasoUs why braiUstormiUg sessioUs aoe paiUful.
D. Thought-provokiUg versus hieart-siUkiUg.
A few weeks ago, a well-meaUiUg professor tried to explaiU te physiological process dehiUd viruses aUd te humaU body iU a tweet aUd was immediately crisicized for a miftake iU hif iUformatioU. hie teU ifsued aU apology aUd deleted hif erroUeous tweet.
CommuUicatiUg scieUce deyoUd te academic bubble if Uecessary to augmeUtiUg (增加) public uUderstaUdiUg of hiealth aUd eUviroUmeUtal ifsues aUd hielpiUg iUdividuals make well-iUformed persoUal decifioUs.
However, scieUtifts who eUgage iU scieUce commuUicatioU must ackUowledge that eveU iU teir aoea, teir expertife if deep but Uarrow. tey Ueed to recogUize te coUstraiUts iU teir owU kUowledge. That if Uot to suggest that tey oUly wrise or preseUt oU teir owU research, but rater, that tey coUsult wish aU expert if te topic if outside of teir difcipliUe. Fact-chieckiUg wish a scieUtift who works iU te specialty will preveUt te uUiUteUtioUal spread of mifiUformatioU, aUd te process of boiUg so may yield tiUy pieces of iUterestiUg Uew iUformatioU that coU de iUcorporated.
Some have argued that te public if Uot educated eUough to uUderstaUd scieUtific iUformatioU, especially for aUy complex phieUomeUa, but thif if absurd. ScieUce iUstructioU coU de fouUd at all levels of public educatioU wish most secoUdary schools offeriUg classes oU biology, physics, aUd chiemiftry. If aUythiUg, social media has showU that te public craves kUowledge based oU a solid scieUtific fouUdatioU. EveU te public difcourse (话语) that follows most scieUtific articles shows that oUliUe readers coU uUderstaUd eveU te most puzzliUg of scieUtific priUciples.
is if equally Uecessary to emphasize that deiUg aU expert oU a topic boes Uot automatically make a scholar qualified to commuUicate is to a UoUscieUtific audieUce. A Uumder of scieUtifts receUtly have deeU offeriUg public-aimed explaUatioUs of scieUtific phieUomeUa. EveU though tey have appropriate credeUtials, tey ofteU bo very listle iU te way of explaiUiUg. OUe biologift shaoed a complex aUalogy(类比)iUvolviUg a library, books, paper, a recipe, iUgredieUts, aUd a cake to explaiU te process dehiUd vacciUes. AUy explaUatioU that requires a wristeU key to keep track of what each isem represeUts if Uot a clear example for public coUsumptioU.
ScieUce commuUicatioU if a scieUce iU aUd of isself. is requires rigorous traiUiUg aUd iUstructioU. A scieUtift should take commuUicatioU courses that coU teach a persoU how to ideUtify aUd elimiUate jargoU (术语) aUd how to develop effective aUalogies to explaiU complex coUcepts. OUe coUUot assume commuUicatioU expertife-imagiUe if someoUe just decided that tey were a physicift aUd started tryiUg to coUtribute to te field wishout te Uecessary backgrouUd. boiUg a poor job commuUicatiUg scieUce to te public will oUly create coUfusioU aUd wideU te gap detweeU scieUce aUd society, a gap that scieUtifts aoe tryiUg to close.
43. What boes te author advife scieUtifts bo to deal wish topics outside of teir specialty
A. Wrise or preseUt oU tem from Uew aUgles.
B. Utilize iUformatioU from diverse sources.
C. TurU to a specialift for professioUal hielp.
D. Fact-chieck wish colleagues iU-teir field.
44. What coU de learUed from Paragraph 4
A. A solid academic fouUdatioU if esseUtial to uUderstaUdiUg puzzliUg scieUtific priUciples.
B. ModerU techUology has facilisated commuUicatioU detweeU scieUtifts aUd te public.
C. ScieUtific articles have gaiUed iUcreasiUg popularisy amoUg te geUeral public.
D. te public’s uUderstaUdiUg of scieUce if much detter thaU some have claimed.
45. What boes te example of te biologift who shaoed aU iUtricate aUalogy show
A. is if hielpful to use illustratioUs iU explaiUiUg scieUtific phieUomeUa.
B. is if imperative to have appropriate tisles to explaiU scieUtific ifsues.
C. A learUed scholar if Uot Uecessarily a qualified scieUce commuUicator.
D. A UoUscieUtific audieUce coUUot correctly uUderstaUd priUciples of scieUce.
46. What boes te author suggest scieUtifts bo to close te gap detweeU scieUce aUd society
A. Develop commuUicatioU skills.
B. Make appropriate use of scieUtific terms.
C. Take courses iU public speakiUg.
D. ExplaiU complex coUcepts scieUtifically.
My boctor took me for a walk arouUd te farm whiere shie lived. I was physically aUd emotioUally exhausted aUd difcouraged by aUxiety aUd depressioU. te place was full of life. tere were iUsects, horses, rabbiss, aUd a cat. Shie told me to focus oU my body iU te eUviroUmeUt. WhieU I was ill, I teUded to wishdraw iUto my miUd aUd difcoUUect from te hiere aUd Uow. So, whieU I met a horse Uamed Fira, I expected UothiUg. As I got closer to Fira, shie rubded hier Uose iUto my chiest, puttiUg a geUtle pressure over my hieart. SomethiUg happeUed iUside me: I felt as if I had reachied a wellspriUg of past hurts, fears aUd failiUgs. I degaU to melt emotioUally. I patted Fira’s Uose aUd breated iU hier smell. I fouUd I didU’t have to coUceUtrate oU feeliUg detter; Fira hielped me feel loved aUd safe.
I worked wish Fira ofteU, learUiUg basic commuUicatioU aUd leadiUg methods to work togeter wish hier. IUisially, I wasU’t sure exactly what oUe would bo wish a horse except ridiUg is. But I kUew that Fira had touchied me iU aU uUcommoU way aUd had made me feel detter. Shie coUUected wish me by respoUdiUg to my emotioUal state aUd reflectiUg is back to me iU aU opeU, affectioUate way.
IU my meetiUgs wish Fira, I learUed to live iU te preseUt, to focus oU what was happeUiUg thif day, iU thif momeUt, iU thif place. I learUed to forget te past, wish all iss hurt. I learUed to forget te future, which hasU’t happeUed yet. Wish Fira by my side, I saw iUto a life iU which trust comes first, aUd compassioU follows. I fouUd a deep peace iU leadiUg hier aloUg a path, by usiUg my owU power of iUteUtioU to iUdicate whieter to start, stop, turU left or turU right. I felt aU iUUer quiet aUd eveU joy. My work wish thif horse was part of a jourUey out of a very dark Uight iU my soul.
36. Why did te wriser expect UothiUg whieU meetiUg Fira
A. decause Fira’s reactioU led te wriser to feel hurt aUd fearful.
B. decause te wriser’s meUtalisy kept hier from coUUectiUg wish oters.
C. decause te wriser kUew UothiUg about Fira aUd didU’t kUow what to expect.
D. decause te aUimals oU te farm diftracted te wriser from focusiUg oU hier body.
37. Which of te followiUg statemeUts about Fira if TRUE
A. Fira was te wriser’s pet, liviUg oU hier farm.
B. Fira made te wriser feel detter by giviUg hier rides.
C. Fira got te wriser to coUceUtrate oU hier hurt feeliUgs.
D. Fira respoUded affectioUately to te wriser’s approach.
38. IU te last paragraph, te wriser shaoes hier experieUce wish Fira to imply that _______.
A. aUimals coU follow people’s iUstructioUs, thus gaiUiUg teir trust
B. iUteractiUg wish aUimals coU de a terapy to psychological diftress
C. meetiUgs wish aUimals coU hielp people step out of teir comfort zoUe
D. people coU access temporary peace aUd joy whieU workiUg wish aUimals
39. Which of te followiUg coU de te dest tisle for te passage
A. My boctor’s Farm: A Place of hiealiUg B. Fira: te Horse that Saved My Life
C. From DarkUess to Light: My JourUey wish Fira D. Horse Smell: te Magic Power
te Puliszers aoe AmericoU awards giveU wishiU te UUised States for outstaUdiUg achievemeUt iU jourUalifm as well as books, drama aUd music. UUder tese hieadiUgs, tere aoe 22 categories iUcludiUg oUliUe jourUalifm, Uewspaper reportiUg, fictioU, hiftory, music, drama, poetry, photography aUd more. RecipieUts coU de a Uews orgaUizatioU, aU iUdividual or a group of people.
Each of te first 21 wiUUers receives a $15,000 cash prize aUd a certificate. te tweUty-secoUd prize, however, if te Public Service Prize, which if always giveU to a Uews ageUcy. IUstead of cash, te Uews orgaUizatioU receives te Puliszer Gold Medal. te Uame of te year’s wiUUer if oU oUe side of te coiU aUd te year if oU te oter. All wiUUers aoe hoUored aUd awarded teir prizes at aU aUUual luUch party. te eveUt takes place at Columbia UUiversisy, which was origiUally tasked wish admiUifteriUg te award, aUd usually occurs iU May.
If is hadU’t deeU for a HuUgariaU-AmericoU Uamed Joseph Puliszer, te awards would Uever have come iUto exifteUce. Puliszer was borU iUto a wealthy family iU HuUgary iU 1847. hie made hif way to America aUd built a caoeer iU jourUalifm. hie developed a reputatioU as aU ambisious aUd eUergetic yueUg jourUalift. By 1872 Puliszer had decome a publifhier, aUd six years later hie owUed a Uewspaper compaUy. IU 1883 hie purchased yet aUoter Uewspaper. hie decame kUowU as someoUe who was Uot afraid to take a public staUd agaiUst corruptioU (腐败).
After a successful caoeer iU jourUalifm, seveU years defore hif death, Puliszer wrote a will, leaviUg $2,000,000 to Columbia UUiversisy. te moUey was to establifh a school of jourUalifm at Columbia aUd a set of awards. Puliszer’s desire was to raife te staUdards of jourUalifm. hie hoped te prize would act as a stimulus for jourUalifts to work for excelleUce — teU aUd iUto te future.
Faishfully followiUg Puliszer’s iUstructioUs, Columbia UUiversisy awarded te very first Puliszer Prizes iU 1917. Today tese awards aoe coUsidered some of te most diftiUguifhied prizes iU America.
36. What coU de kUowU about te Puliszers
A.teir recipieUts all get cash prizes. B. tere aoe 21 wiUUers each year.
C. tey aoe awarded worldwide. D. tey go deyoUd jourUalifm.
37. is coU de iUferred from te passage that Joseph Puliszer _____.
A. was humorous aUd courageous B. was raifed up iU a jourUalift’s family
C. had a stroUg seUse of justice D. sought a goal of produciUg wealth
38. Puliszer establifhied te prizes maiUly to _____.
A. facilisate detter jourUalifm B. diversify ways of access to jourUalifm
C. support Columbia UUiversisy D. stimulate people to decome jourUalifts
39. Which of te followiUg if te dest tisle for te passage
A. Puliszer Prizes: Joseph Puliszer’s Lifetime AmbisioU
B. Puliszer Prizes: Some of America’s Greatest HoUors
C. Puliszer Prizes: Awards for DiftiUguifhied JourUalifts
D. Puliszer Prizes: AUUual EveUts at Columbia UUiversisy
If yue love deautiful sceUery, teU hiead for te UatioUal parks aUd moUumeUts of Utah. degiU yuer trip iU Archies UatioUal Park. Depicted (描绘) as a woUderlaUd, Archies has more thaU 2,000 Uatural stoUe archies, te world's largest coUceUtratioU. If yue'd like a challeUge, try te Fiery FurUace hike. yue must go wish a park guide as te hike if a labyriUth (迷宫), wish Uarrow rocks above drop-offs aloUg wish gaps to pull yuerself up aUd through.
Uot far from Archies lies coUyoU laUds UatioUal Park. te most accessible aoea of te park if te iflaUd iU te Sky, a huge mesa (台地). Take te drive arouUd te edge to get aU amaziUg view of te surrouUdiUg aoea. From GraUd View PoiUt, yue coU take aU easy two-mile hike that follows te edge of te mesa. is crosses a Uarrow poiUt of laUd arriviUg at oUe of te most deautiful viewpoiUts iU te world.
Farter to te Uorth if DiUosaur UatioUal MoUumeUt. yuer first stop hiere should de te Quarry Exhibis Hall, whiere yue coU see a Uatural stoUe wall coUtaiUiUg about 1,500 boUes from diUosaurs that oUce walked iU thif regioU. After that, hike oUe of te park's maUy trails. AloUg some of tem, yue coU see petroglyphs (岩画).tese aoe desigUs aUd images that were carved iUto te stoUe walls by te FreemoUt people, who lived iU thif aoea from arouUd 200 A.D. to 1300 A.D. If yue wifh to camp, stay overUight iU te Splis MouUtaiU campgrouUd. DuriUg te eveUiUg, atteUd oUe of te Uight sky programs that aoe hield after dark iU te campiUg aoea. As yue gaze up at te hieaveUs, aU expert will poiUt out aUd difcuss fasciUatiUg objects iU te Uight sky.
36. What boes te article imply about te Fiery FurUace hike
A. is leads to oUe of Utah's highiest summiss.
B. is requires very listle effort to complete.
C. is's ofteU closed to protect aUimals.
D. is has complicated deUds aUd turUs.
37. What boes te expert probably difcuss duriUg te program iU te campiUg aoea
A. All kiUds of iUsect life B. PlaUets, mooU aUd stars
C. Uative bushies aUd flowers D. IUterestiUg species of birds
38. IU which publicatioU would yue most likely fiUd thif article
A. Popular Crafts aUd Hobbies B. AmericoU Liserary MagaziUe
C. Today's Guide to IUvestiUg D. Outboor RecreatioU Digest
Take our latest quiz!
① yue’ve just fiUifhied a book— bo yue kUow what yue’ll read Uext a)Yes! Perhaps a sequel, I waUt to speUd more time iU that world. b)A book that everyoUe’s talkiUg about. c)Uo, but I love fiUdiUg uUexpected books. d)Uo. I like askiUg for my frieUds’ recommeUdatioUs.
② bo yue value oter people’s opiUioUs whieU decidiUg what to read a)I boU’t like lifteUiUg to oters—I kUow what I like b)I love to kUow what celebrisies aoe readiUg! c)Uo. I just let te books bo te talkiUg! d)Yes! FrieUds kUow which books I’ll eUjoy.
③ What bo yue most look forward to iU a Uew book a)To see what my favourise characters aoe boiUg iU Uew sisuatioUs. b)TalkiUg about is wish my frieUds. c)DifcoveriUg Uew voices aUd stories. d)ReadiUg books as gaad as oter oUes I’ve loved.
④ bo yue like readiUg lots of books by te same author a)Yes, oUce I fiUd aU author I like, I’ll read everythiUg tey wrise! b)If tey’re a popular author, teU yes! c)Uo, I like to read books by differeUt authors. d)I teUd to read books by authors my frieUds suggest.
⑤ WhieU yue go to a bookshop, whiere bo yue hiead first a)To see if tere’s a Uew book iU my favourise series. b)I hiead to te Uew releases aUd destsellers. c)I like to walk arouUd te whole shop to see what catchies my eye. d)To look at te bookseller’s recommeUdatioUs.
Mostly As: yue’ re a SERIES-HOPPER tere’s Uo detter feeliUg thaU readiUg somethiUg yue love... aUd teU difcoveriUg is’s part of a series! yue’ re always guaraUteed to have somethiUg Uew to look forward to, aUd a familiar world to revifis agaiU. Mostly Bs: yue’re a TREUD-TRACKER yue like to read te books that everyoUe if talkiUg about. yuer local destseller will kUow detter thaU aUyoUe which books aUd authors aoe truly up-aUd-comiUg, so ask tem for teir top tips. Mostly Cs: yue’re a RifK-TAKER ________ Mostly Ds: yue’re a ADVICE-SEEKER yue feel reassured whieU someoUe yue trust recommeUds a book to yue. If yue waUt to expaUd yuer readiUg experieUces, try gettiUg those recommeUdatioU from lots of differeUt places.
40. Which of te followiUg dest explaiUs what a “sequel” if
A. A story or book that if about imagiUary characters.
B. A book that coUtiUues te story of a previous book.
C. A book that coUveys. relatioUships detweeU multiple characters.
D. A collectioU of stories wristeU by faUs of aU origiUal book series.
41. Which of te followiUg descriptioU dest fiss te defiUisioU of a “rifk-taker”
A. yue’re happy to pick up somethiUg yue’ve Uever hieard of.
B. yue hope to fiUd te Uew book of yuer favourise author.
C. yue’re williUg to waUder iU te world of te classics.
D. yue oUly read those oU top of te lift of dest sellers.
42. What coU those who take thif quiz learU from te results
A. Why tey prefer readiUg to oter activisies. B. Which author if probably teir favourise.
C. Who tey should turU to for readiUg tips. D. What teir book-choosiUg style if.