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Unit 4 The art of having fun教学设计外研版(2024)七下
课题 Unit 4 The art of having fun 单元 Developing idea 课型
使用教材 外研版 出版时间 2024 学科 英语 年级 七年级
教材分析 Get some information from the listening passage.
学习目标 1. Listen and get some information;2. Talk about having fun.3. Write a short passage about having fun.
重点 Write a short passage about having fun.
难点 Write a short passage about having fun.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入(5分钟) Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Look and answer . 看图并回答问题,发挥学生的想象力,发散学生的思维。
课前活动(10分钟) Search some information about Guinness World Record. Search some information. 了解吉尼斯世界纪录的有关知识,体会打破吉尼斯世界纪录的不容易。
课中活动(15分钟) Read the words and practise more words. 2.Listen to the news report and choose the main idea.Listen again and complete the table.4.Listen to the interview and complete the notes.Listen again. Then talk about how the interviewer changes the subject.Then talk about what they got from having fun. Read and practise。Listen and choose.Listen and complete.Listen to the interview and complete the notes.Listen and talk about.Talk about a healthy eating tip.Talk about what they got from having fun. 通过读单词,学会字母和字母组合的发音,学会音标。听对话获取短文的主要观点,提高学生的理解能力。听短文获取关键信息,提高学生获取信息都能力。听短文获取关键信息并记录关键信息,提高学生的理解和记录信息的能力。谈论采访者如何改变话题,提高学生的运用语言的能力。谈论从享受乐趣中获得什么。
课后活动(15分钟) Write a short paragraph about having fun in a balanced way. Write a short paragraph about having fun in a balanced way. 平衡享受乐趣,提高学生的表达能力,学会平衡生活和享受乐趣。
课堂总结 1. Listen and get some information;2. Talk about having fun.3. Write a short passage about having fun.
板书 Unit 4 The art of having funInformationHaving fun in balanced way
作业 According to the questions. Finish writing a short passage about having fun in a balanced way.
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