年份 卷别 话题
2024 新高考I&II卷 诚信回报陌生司机相助
浙江卷1月卷 突破自我脑图定位找目标
2023 新高考I&II卷 在老师的鼓励下参加作文比赛
浙江卷1月卷 “我”与蜂鸟的神奇邂逅
2022 新高考I&II卷 鼓励身残志坚男孩继续参加越野赛
浙江卷6月卷 为无家可归的人们发放食物
浙江卷1月卷 与“最不合拍”搭档成为好友
题型 真题示例
读后续写 【新高考I&II卷】Paragraph 1: I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
考点揭秘 读后续写的语篇类型一般是记叙文,或叙议结合。故事通过设置较为真实的问题情境,考查考生能否运用英语基础知识准确理解文章故事情节,并结合所给文本材料及两个段落首句,分析篇章结构、情节脉络,发挥其独立思考能力,展开合理想象。运用英语词汇、语法等基础写作知识技能,完成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。读后续写题型创造性地将“阅读”与“写作”深度结合,能够更加有效地考查考生的综合语言运用能力、思维能力、学习能力和书面表达能力。反映考生在面对生活实践或学习探索问题情境时,能否在正确的思想价值观念指导下合理运用思维方法,有效整合英语语言学科知识,具备高质量地认识问题、分析问题和解決间题的综合素质。这个新题型能较全面容观地反映高考评价体系中“四层”的考查内容和“四翼”的考查要求。 从选材上来看,语篇选材情节曲折,逻辑性强。读后续写所提供的语篇材料一般是具有正能量而且故事性比较强的文章。一般来说,文章内容通俗易懂,故事线素的逻辑性较强,写作要求续写的部分多是故事的高潮或结局。例如2022年全国新高考I卷的读后续写,所给文章讲述了作者在一次越野赛跑前发现学生David打算放弃比赛。续写部分内容大致为了解清楚原因之后,在作者的鼓动下,David勇敢地参加了比赛。 从语言特点上来看,读后续写原材料一般是记叙文,或夹叙夹议类体裁,叙述性语言和描写性语言相结合。语言生动、细腻、富有感情,简洁朴素,画面感强。因此,考生在续写过程中,应该体会原材料故事中的语言特点,继而完成语言风格契合度高的短文。
技巧解读 (一)把握故事主题 续写故事应符合积极的世界观和价值观取向,逻辑合理,情节连费。要阅读语篇,从人与自我、人与社会、人与自然三个主题语境进行分析,把握故事主题,防止主题跑偏和故事情节离奇荒诞。 (二)学会分析情节 分析故事情节一般从故事六要素着手,即 who, when, where, what, why, how。然后理顺故事情节发展线和主人公的情感变化线。这样,故事的人物、事件和主要人物的心理变化就会一目了然,为接下来的续写做好准备。 (三)构思续写情节 1. 分析段首句,根据段首句的关键信息,提出问题,预设故事情节发展走向。 2. 关注段首句和续写部分的衔接,思考续写第一段和第二段的衔接,思考故事如何结尾,如何与前文做好首尾呼应,逻辑性应强,体现故事主题。 (四)优化语言表达 1.教学过程中,教师应该重视故事阅读,重视优质文本材料的开发和解读,引导学生积累有效的语言素材。 2.语言提升可以从场景描写、人物动作描写、情感情绪描写、人物心理活动描写、神态肖像刻画等方面分类整理,进行微情境训练,提升语言表达的质量。
【模板01 场景转换的过渡句】
1. Pushing the door open, a warm breeze greeted him/her, and he/she stepped out into the bright sunlight, leaving the stuffy room behind.(推开门,一阵温暖的微风迎面吹来,他 / 她走进明亮的阳光中,把闷热的房间抛在了身后。)
2. After finishing the work indoors, he/she couldn't wait to get outside. As he/she walked through the door, the fresh air of the garden filled his/her lungs.(在室内完成工作后,他 / 她迫不及待地想要出去。当他 / 她走出房门时,花园里清新的空气充满了他 / 她的肺部。)
1. As the sun gradually set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, the day was coming to an end, and the night was about to take over.(随着太阳渐渐落下,天空被染成了橙色和粉色,白天即将结束,夜晚即将来临。)
2. The bright sunlight slowly faded away, and the first stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky. It was time to say goodbye to the day and welcome the tranquility of the night.(明亮的阳光渐渐消失,第一批星星开始在渐暗的天空中闪烁。是时候和白天说再见,迎接夜晚的宁静了。)
Without hesitation, he/she got on the bus and headed towards the destination. A few hours later, he/she arrived at the small town, which was completely different from the bustling city he/she left behind.(他 / 她毫不犹豫地上了公共汽车,前往目的地。几个小时后,他 / 她到达了这个小镇,这里与他 / 她离开的繁华城市截然不同。)
Following the map closely, they walked along the winding path for a long time. Finally, they reached the hidden cave, which was exactly as described in the legend.(他们紧紧跟着地图,沿着蜿蜒的小路走了很久。最后,他们到达了那个隐蔽的洞穴,和传说中描述的一模一样。)
【模板02 事件发展的过渡句】
Just as everything seemed to be going smoothly, a new problem emerged, throwing their plans into chaos.(正当一切似乎都进展顺利时,一个新问题出现了,把他们的计划打乱了。)
However, their joy was short - lived. Soon, they realized that there was a more serious situation waiting for them.(然而,他们的喜悦是短暂的。很快,他们意识到有一个更严重的情况在等着他们。)
Encouraged by the support from their friends, they decided to take the next step and carried out the plan with more determination.(在朋友们的支持鼓舞下,他们决定迈出下一步,更加坚定地执行计划。)
With the help of the kind - hearted people around, they managed to overcome the difficulties one by one and made significant progress.(在周围好心人的帮助下,他们设法一个一个地克服了困难,取得了重大进展。)
They had expected an easy victory, but to their surprise, the opponent turned out to be much stronger than they had imagined.(他们原本期望轻松获胜,但令他们惊讶的是,对手比他们想象的要强大得多。)
It seemed that all hope was lost. However, a sudden change occurred at the last moment, bringing them a glimmer of hope.(似乎所有的希望都破灭了。然而,在最后一刻突然发生了变化,给他们带来了一线希望。)
【模板03 过渡句之常用细节描写句】
The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm golden glow over the entire village.(太阳从云层中探出脑袋,给整个村庄洒下温暖的金色光辉。)
Dark clouds gathered rapidly, and soon the sky was overcast, as if a huge gray curtain had been drawn across it.(乌云迅速聚集,很快天空就阴沉沉的,仿佛拉上了一幅巨大的灰色幕布。)
A gentle breeze blew, carrying the fresh scent of blooming flowers and making the leaves on the trees rustle softly.(微风轻拂,带着盛开花朵的清新香气,让树上的叶子沙沙作响。)
1.In spring, the fields were carpeted with colorful wildflowers, creating a vivid and charming landscape.(春天,田野被五彩斑斓的野花覆盖,形成了一幅生动迷人的景象。)
2. Summer arrived with its scorching heat, and the air was filled with the buzzing of cicadas, making the afternoons seem even more languid.(夏天带着酷热来临,空气中弥漫着蝉鸣声,让午后显得更加慵懒。)
3. Autumn painted the world in warm hues of red and gold. The leaves on the trees fluttered down like dancing butterflies, covering the ground with a thick layer of foliage.(秋天用温暖的红色和金色描绘世界。树上的叶子像飞舞的蝴蝶一样飘落,给地面铺上了一层厚厚的树叶。)
4.Winter spread its white blanket over the land. The snow - covered trees sparkled in the sunlight, like a world made of crystal.(冬天给大地铺上了白色的毯子。被雪覆盖的树木在阳光下闪闪发光,就像一个水晶世界。)
The old cottage, with its thatched roof and wooden door, stood quietly at the edge of the forest, exuding a sense of tranquility.(那座古老的小屋,有着茅草屋顶和木门,静静地矗立在森林边缘,散发着宁静的气息。)
The classroom was filled with the chatter of students. Colorful posters decorated the walls, and sunlight streamed in through the clean windows, creating a warm and lively atmosphere.(教室里充满了学生们的欢声笑语。彩色的海报装饰着墙壁,阳光透过干净的窗户洒进来,营造出温暖而活泼的氛围。)
The beach was deserted, with only the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The soft sand felt warm underfoot, and seagulls soared overhead, their cries echoing in the vast expanse.(海滩空无一人,只有海浪拍打着海岸的声音。脚下的软沙感觉很温暖,海鸥在头顶翱翔,它们的叫声在广阔的天空中回荡。)
She had long, flowing hair as black as a raven's wing, and her big, bright eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.(她有着如乌鸦翅膀般乌黑的长发,大大的明亮眼睛像夜空中的星星一样闪烁。)
He was a tall and lanky boy, with freckles sprinkled across his nose like a dusting of cinnamon. His unruly brown hair stuck out in all directions, as if it had a life of its own.(他是个瘦高的男孩,鼻子上布满了雀斑,就像撒了一层肉桂粉。他那乱蓬蓬的棕色头发四处竖着,仿佛有自己的生命。)
A broad smile spread across his face, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth. His eyes crinkled at the corners, showing his genuine happiness.(一个灿烂的笑容在他脸上展开,露出一排洁白的牙齿。他的眼角微微皱起,显示出他由衷的快乐。)
Her brows furrowed in confusion, and her lips pursed slightly as she tried to figure out the difficult problem.(她困惑地皱起眉头,嘴唇微微噘起,试图解开这个难题。)
She tiptoed across the room, trying not to make a sound, as if she were afraid of disturbing some invisible presence.(她踮着脚尖穿过房间,尽量不发出声音,好像害怕打扰到某个看不见的存在。)
He clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white with the force, as he prepared himself for the upcoming challenge.(他紧紧地握住拳头,指关节因为用力而泛白,为即将到来的挑战做好准备。)
She gently stroked the cat's fur, and the cat purred contentedly, rubbing its head against her hand.(她轻轻地抚摸着猫的毛,猫满足地咕噜着,用头蹭着她的手。)
Her heart was filled with a sense of elation, like a balloon filled with helium, ready to soar into the sky. She couldn't stop smiling at the thought of the wonderful news.(她心中充满了喜悦,就像一个充满氦气的气球,随时准备飞向天空。一想到这个好消息,她就忍不住微笑。)
He felt a rush of happiness wash over him, as if he had just won the lottery. Every cell in his body seemed to be dancing with joy.(他感到一阵幸福涌上心头,就好像刚刚中了彩票一样。他身体的每个细胞似乎都在欢快地跳舞。)
Fear gripped her heart like a vice, making it difficult for her to breathe. Her hands trembled involuntarily as she stared at the dark figure in the corner.(恐惧像钳子一样紧紧抓住她的心,让她难以呼吸。当她盯着角落里的黑影时,双手不由自主地颤抖着。)
His heart pounded wildly in his chest, as if it were trying to break free. He was filled with a sense of dread, imagining all the worst - case scenarios.(他的心在胸腔里狂跳,仿佛要挣脱出来。他充满了恐惧,想象着所有最糟糕的情况。)
She was torn between two choices, like a boat caught in a storm, not knowing which direction to take. One part of her wanted to take the risk, while the other urged her to play it safe.(她在两个选择之间左右为难,就像一艘在暴风雨中迷失的船,不知道该驶向哪个方向。她一方面想冒险,另一方面又敦促自己谨慎行事。)
He hesitated, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Should he tell the truth and face the consequences, or keep silent and avoid the trouble (他犹豫不决,脑海里思绪万千。他是应该说出真相面对后果,还是保持沉默避免麻烦呢? )
【模板04 过渡句之16大提分句式】
句式1:With +复合结构”又称为“with结构”
At the thought of the fact that she didn’t have lucky spikes, she felt more anxious with her heart beating fast and her feet sweating.一想到自己没有幸运的钉子,她就更加焦虑,心跳加速,脚出汗。
Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。
1. 那女孩张大了嘴巴,打开了她的礼物盒。(with +宾语+adj.open)
2. 女孩心怦怦直跳(beat wildly),打开(unwrap)了她的礼物盒。(with +宾语+分词)
3. 他的妻子伤心极了,眼里满是泪水(full of tears/filled with tears)
4. 那个人躺在地上,双手颤抖着。(on the ground, tremble)
The girl unwrapped the gift box with her mouth wide open.
The girl unwrapped the gift box with her heart beating wildly.
His wife was extremely sad, with eyes full of tears / with tears rolling down her face
句式2 :并列谓语,细化动作 A, B and C
When the announcer said “Next up is the girls’ 100-meter hurdles”, Jodie took a deep breath and walked to the starting line slowly.当播音员说“接下来是女子100米栏”时,朱迪深吸一口气,慢慢地走到起跑线上。
句式3 :句子+ing/ed或ing/ed+句子用于表示动作伴随,原因或结果
Jodie wore her brand-new spikes, waiting for her turn nervously and anxiously. Jodie穿着她崭新的钉子,紧张不安地等待着轮到她。
句式4 巧用生动的无灵主语: A strong/intense sense of delight took hold of me the moment I heard the news.
Relieved(=breathing a sigh of relief), Eric thanked the man and switched the frequency back, “Mac, help is coming!” But there was no response.埃里克松了一口气,向那个人表示感谢,并将频率调回,“麦克,救命来了!”但没有回应。
句式5 :情感形容词+句子
Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。
After what seemed like a century, Eric heard another voice. It was Slide Mountain Rescue who finally came!好像经历了一个世纪之后,埃里克听到了另一个声音。终于来了,是雪山救援队!
句式7:. “一……就……”的表达法:as soon as, hardly/scarcely…when…, no sooner… than…, the moment/minute/second/instant, immediately/instantly/directly, on/upon+n.doing。
The moment the announcer announced “Number 11, Jodie Nymble, takes the gold for Riverside Middle School”,thunderous cheers and laughter filled the Hidden Park. 当播音员宣布“11号,Jodie Nymble,为Riverside Middle School夺金”的那一刻,雷鸣般的欢呼和笑声充满了 Hidden Park.
At the thought of the fact that she didn’t have lucky spikes, she felt more anxious with her heart beating fast and her feet sweating.一想到自己没有幸运的钉子,她就更加焦虑,心跳加速,脚出汗。
句式9 :主句,which从句(定语从句)
格式:_______主句________,which 第二句话;
例句:玛丽打开门看到了小女孩,她有着令她熟悉的眼睛和黑色的头发。Mary opened the door and saw the little girl,who had familiar eyes and black hair.
结构2:格式:_______主句________,which enable/ forced/ allowed sb to do;_______主句________,which made/forced/allowed sb 感情词
例句:就在这时,我们听到了Uncle Paul远处传来的微弱声音,这重新点燃了我们回家的希望。
Just at the moment, we heard the faint voice in the distance from Uncle Paul, which allowed us to light the hope returning home.
句式10 :描写气氛或者氛围的句子。(情感词+ fill +地点)
Worry and anxiety filled the air.空气中弥漫着忧虑和焦虑。
Jodie was so excited and refreshed that she yelled out “My lucky spikes”.朱迪非常兴奋,神清气爽,她大叫“我的幸运钉”。
1.兴奋:I was so excited/thrilled that I gave a jump in the air.我动得跳了起来
2.开心:I was so happy/cheerful that I jumped up and down.我高兴得上跑下跳
3.感动:I was so moved that I failed to say a word.我感动得一句话也说不出来
4.悲伤:I was so sad that I hid my face in my hands.我难受得用手捂住了脸。
5.(生气)I was so angry that I failed to say a word.我气得一句话也说不出。
6.(害怕) I was so scared/frightened that my palms sweated and my heart pounded.我害怕得手心汗,心怦怦直跳。
7.(羞愧) I was so ashamed that I could feel my face burning.我羞愧得感觉自己的脸在燃烧。
So shocked was I that I was frozen to the spot the moment I heard the news.(当我听到消息时候,我太震惊了以至于呆在原地)
(1)Jodie wore her brand-new spikes, waiting for her turn nervously and anxiously. Jodie穿着她崭新的钉子,紧张不安地等待着轮到她。
(2)When the announcer said “Next up is the girls’ 100-meter hurdles”, Jodie took a deep breath and walked to the starting line slowly.当播音员说“接下来是女子100米栏”时,朱迪深吸一口气,慢慢地走到起跑线上。
(3)Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie.激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。
Not until then did Jodie realize that luck would always favor her as long as she spared no effort to do it.直到那时,朱迪才意识到,只要她不遗余力地去做,运气总是会眷顾她。
My teacher’s encouraging words still echoed/ lingered/ rang out in my ears, bringing me a glimmer/ ray/ beam of hope.
It was my mother who taught us to hold a positive attitude to life.是我的妈妈一直教导我们要对困难保持乐观的态度。
It was love that makes the world go around.正是爱让/使这个世界运转起来
She said that it was my company and encouragement that not only made her happy but also improved her confidence.(她说正是我的陪伴和鼓励不仅使我快乐而且提高了我的信心)
She took money with shaking hands, tears welling up in her eyes.
结构1:It is +adj for sb that…
结构2:what I could do/say/… is to
what (counts/matters/impress me) most is that … =it is important that…
What make me anxious is that >>>>
What we could do was to go back along the previous track.
What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the past.
1. Without delay/ hesitation/ a second thought
2. Could not/ hardly wait to do sth
1. 在一个下雪的冬天早上,水冰冷刺骨,但那个年轻人毫不犹豫/迟疑地跳进水里,伸手去够我儿子。
Ona snowy winter morning with the freezing/ bitterly cold water, the young man jumped into the river without delay/ hesitation/ a second thought, reaching for my son.
2. 我迫不及待地想把这个好消息告诉妈妈。
I could hardly wait to inform my mother of this good news.
I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September. I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half. I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought. That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadn't heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car. Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "We made it," he said. Just then I realised that I had in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bank card. He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out. At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
→ ATM故障 → 危机升级(排队者减少)
→ Gunter必然反应(符合"silent sentinel"等前文铺垫的性格特征)
→ 合理解决方案(呼应"细节银行"中"矛盾修饰法",如"trembling hands that handed over money")
→ 回电必然引出反转(呼应前文伏笔:Gunter未听清公交站名却成功抵达)
→ 道德升华点(体现奥地利人文化特质,如"help without expectation")
符号呼应:Gunter两次微笑形成闭环结构(第一次是"we made it",第二次是"it's a small thing")
Paragraph 1:
I ran back to Gunter, my breath forming tiny clouds in the icy air, and relayed the news. His face paled momentarily, the Vienna sunset casting long shadows across his furrowed brow. "Stuck again " he muttered, fingers drumming the steering wheel—a nervous tic I hadn’t noticed before. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he pulled out a leather wallet from his suit pocket. "Austria Card," he declared, sliding his own credit card through the machine with practiced ease. My eyes widened as the green light flashed, the sound of coins clinking in the fare box ringing through the chaos.
Paragraph 2:
The line had vanished by the time we boarded, the bus’s engine roaring like a sleeping giant awakening. Four days later, as I dialed the number engraved on his business card, a warm Austrian accent greeted me. "Miss, you owe me thirty euros and a proper dinner." We laughed, recalling how he’d secretly photographed my boarding pass to ensure I reached Prague. "No," I insisted, "you taught me that some connections aren’t about transactions—they’re about people who make time stand still."
感官叠加:视觉("leather wallet"/"green light")+听觉("coins clinking"/"engine roaring")
人物塑造:通过"nervous tic"深化Gunter的立体形象
文化映射:"Austria Card"暗示当地移动支付习惯差异
隐喻闭环:以"make time stand still"呼应开篇"last bus"的时间压力
地域文化元素(Vienna businessman card/移动支付细节)
Lucy and her friend Jack loved being at school every day because they both really enjoyed music lessons. Lucy began playing two instruments, the piano and the violin, but she enjoyed singing more. She dreamed of being a pop star like Alex Pepper one day. Jack had a guitar and played pop and rock music very well. He wanted to be the coolest guitar player in the world.
One day, their music teacher, Mr. Brown, said to the class, “We’re going to have a music competition here at school next Friday. If you want to enter, you must sing or play a song on the school stage. Alex Pepper will be here that day for his concert at City Stadium, so I wrote to his manager and asked him to come and give you some guidance. He’ s going to decide the best performer and invite him or her to his concert.”
Lucy and Jack determined to take part in the competition as a team. They chose a song called I’ll help you! They practiced on the playground in their spare time. Lucy made such great progress that Jack was deeply absorbed in her singing and often said admirably, “How sweet your voice is!” While they pracitced, the branches of the trees around the playground were swaying(摇摆) in the wind as if they were enjoying their performance.
On the afternoon of the competition, all the students were waiting in the school hall for Alex Pepper to arrive. When he walked in with Mr. Brown, everyone clapped. Alex smiled and waved and then he and Mr. Brown sat down on special seats in front of the school stage.
Then the competition started. Lots of other students sang before Jack and Lucy. An older girl named Mary sang very well. Some students shouted “More! More!” when she finished. “She’s going to win,” thought Lucy. Soon Mr. Brown pointed to Jack and Lucy and called out that it was their turn.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Lucy began to tremble unknowingly when she stood in the middle of the stage.
Paragraph 2:
The big moment came.
核心矛盾:舞台紧张感(Lucy发抖) vs 团队默契(Jack支持)
伏笔呼应:前文"树梢像享受表演般摇晃"暗示观众期待,Alex Pepper作为专业评委的权威性
→ 紧张具象化(琴弦断裂/歌词卡壳) → 对比描写(Lucy颤抖 vs Jack镇定)
→ 危机解决(即兴发挥/乐器互动) → 观众反应升级(从屏息到欢呼)
→ 评委反应(非语言动作:眯眼聆听/手指轻敲) → 价值升华(音乐本质超越胜负)
→ 文化映射(美国音乐学院推荐信呼应"best performer"评价体系)
2. 细节对位技巧
动词升级:"strummed urgently"替代"played quickly","muttered reassurance"体现口语化互动
Paragraph 1:
Lucy’s trembling hands clutched the microphone stand, her knees knocking rhythmically against the riser. The spotlight felt like a furnace, roasting her face as she opened her mouth. A note cracked horribly, and her memory snapped—she’d forgotten three lines of the chorus. Panic clawed at her chest when Jack’s guitar suddenly emitted a sharp screech, its strings vibrating wildly like protesting creatures. But then his familiar grin cut through the chaos. “Just follow my chords!” he muttered, strumming urgently while Lucy squeezed out fragmented lyrics. Their voices wove strangely together, Lucy’s soprano fluttering over Jack’s steady rhythm, until the audience erupted in applause, unaware of the disaster they’d just witnessed.
Paragraph 2:
When Alex Pepper stood to speak, the hall fell silent. His fingers drummed the armrests thoughtfully before leaning forward. “This isn’t about perfection,” he declared, his Texas accent thickening, “it’s about raw passion.” He pulled out a business card from his pocket and slid it across the table. “I’ll write you both letters of recommendation—for Berklee College of Music.” Lucy’s eyes welled up as Jack’s jaw dropped. Later, while packing their instruments, they discovered the judges’ notes scrawled on the back of their scores: “Best collaboration we’ve heard in years. You saved each other.”
感官风暴:舞台高温("furnace")、琴弦震颤("like live creatures")、掌声层次("erupted"→"thunderous")
人物弧光:Jack从"cool guitarist"到"problem-solver"的成长,Lucy从"nervous singer"到"confident performer"的蜕变
文化密码:Berklee音乐学院(美国顶尖音乐院校)呼应前文Alex Pepper的明星身份
符号闭环:前文"swaying branches"预示自然共鸣,结尾"judges’ notes"形成艺术与真实的互文
团队精神具象化("saved each other"呼应歌名"I’ll help you!")
Passage 1
Like many others, I had the burning dream of becoming a sportsman. However, due to my middle-class family background, buying sports equipment was just a luxury I couldn’t afford. But I was determined not to give up and continued to pursue my dream.
One day, while I was practicing athletics, a sudden sharp pain shot through my knee. I fell to the ground, clutching my knee tightly. That severe knee injury crushed my dream of becoming a good athlete. The doctor advised me firmly not to play sports anymore. My parents gently comforted me, “We know how much you love sports, but your health comes first,” their eyes filled with worry and concern. I hung my head in despair, tears welling up in my eyes. I knew I had no choice but to sacrifice it for my health. Although I never played sports again, that dream still lingered in my heart like a flickering flame.
Another incident that changed my life was when my father had a severe heart stroke. I remember that day vividly. I was at home when I heard a strange noise from my father’s room. I rushed in and saw him lying on the bed, struggling to breathe. Without hesitation, I called the ambulance, my hands shaking uncontrollably as I dialed the number. Fortunately, he was safe after getting timely treatment. But when the doctor said to me, “You brought him in time. Otherwise, things would be very different.” Hearing this, I fell into a deep dilemma. Looking at my weak father I thought about my long-cherished dream of going abroad for higher studies. Finally, I gave up my dream and decided to stay with them, feeling a complex mixture of sadness and determination. I knew it was a difficult choice, but I also knew it was the right thing to do.
Moreover, my sister’s troubled marriage had a profound impact on our family. There were constant quarrels in her house and ours, the sound of angry shouts and sobs filling the air, which made my parents mentally disturbed for 5 years. To take care of them, I gave up the opportunity to relocate for higher studies and better job opportunities. I couldn’t abandon my parents in their time of need.
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2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Luckily, now I can feel a glimmer of happiness after these sacrifices.
My family’s journey has witnessed the power of love and sacrifice.
Passage 2
In a small town, there lived an old woman named Mrs. Thompson who was known for her kind heart. However, she had been living alone since her husband passed away and her reclusive (隐居的) nature kept her a bit apart from others. She lived a lonely life, with her well-tended garden as her only comfort. The garden was an abundance of colors, filled with roses, daisies, and various herbs. Each plant was cared for with her full love and attention.
One day, a young girl named Lily moved into the neighborhood. Lily was a curious and friendly child, but she had been through a difficult time as she was recovering from a serious illness and was often sad and lonely.
One afternoon, Lily was walking past Mrs. Thompson’s house and was attracted by the beautiful garden. She pecked over the fence and saw Mrs. Thompson tending to the flowers. Mrs. Thompson noticed Lily and invited her in. Lily was hesitant at first but then walked in with a shy smile.
Mrs. Thompson showed her around the garden and told her about the different plants and their uses. She picked a few herbs and made a cup of tea for Lily, saying it was good for her health. Lily drank the tea and felt a warmth and comfort she hadn’t felt in a long time.
As the days passed, Lily became a frequent visitor to the garden. Mrs. Thompson taught her how to plant seeds, water the plants, and take care of them. Lily’s health gradually improved, and she started to smile and laugh more.
However, one day, Mrs. Thompson fell ill and was hospitalized. Learning of this, Lily rushed to the hospital to ensure her well-being. During their conversation, she knew Mrs. Thompson was worried about her garden, fearing that without her care, the flowers and herbs she cherished would wither (枯萎).
1. 续写词数应为150个左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Lily decided to take up the responsibility in her place.
Accompanied by Lily, Mrs. Thompson returned home.
Passage 3
For Jake, the journey from high school to college had never seemed so challenging. The real world— the campus life he had heard so much about, the decisions on what to study, what career to pursue, and how to find his place— felt like a heavy weight on his chest. He had no clue what his future held.
One afternoon, Jake’s mom suggested he spend some time volunteering at the community center. “It might be a good way to take your mind off things,” she said. At first, he resisted. Volunteering didn't sound like the right way to prepare for college. He needed to focus on his future, not wasting time helping others. But eventually, he agreed unwillingly.
When Jake first arrived at the center, the atmosphere felt unfamiliar but warm. It was a small, comfortable space with colorful walls, art supplies, and kids playing in the corner. He was assigned to help with the kids’ art class. The first few days were uneventful. Jake just sat back, passing out crayons, organizing the art supplies, and occasionally offering a word of encouragement to the kids.
But one particular day, a girl caught his attention. Her name was Layla, and she was sitting in the corner, quietly staring down at a blank canvas (画布), with her hands wrapped tightly around a paintbrush. Her brush paused above the canvas as if she were waiting for permission to make the first mark.
Jake had no experience with art and didn’t know how to guide Layla. But something about her hesitation touched his heart. He walked over to her and asked, “Hey, Layla, what's going on Why aren't you painting ” She looked up at him with large brown eyes, then down at her hands, which were holding the paintbrush tightly but not moving. “I’m not good at it,” she replied. “I don’t know how to make it look like what’s in my mind.”
Jake sat beside her, smiling.
As Layla’s confidence grew, Jake felt a shift within himself.
Passage 4
Summer vacation starting, Steve and I planned to play baseball every day, aiming to join the freshman team. “If you make it into the team, I’ll buy you a new baseball glove as a present.” My mom’s promise echoed in my mind as I excitedly waited for Steve, staring at my worn-out glove.
But today I had to clean Mrs. Thompson’s garage first. She was weakened by old age, so my mom always volunteered me to help her. Mom wouldn’t let me accept any money, thinking she didn’t have much, and literally, I never minded — after all, Mrs. Thompson had knitted me five sweaters and always made me cakes. Most importantly, it was the right thing to do.
Steve came rushing out of his house, and I explained the situation. As expected, he immediately said, “Alright, I’ll help.”
We instantly got to work. The garage was a mess of boxes, but we gathered all our energy and soon brought the cleanup to an end. When arranging the last box, however, I nudged the shelf accidentally. Before I could react, a vase fell and crashed to the ground, broken into pieces.
I froze, my heart pounding. The vase was beautiful with delicate designs, which must have cost a fortune. Glancing at the open garage door, I suggested, “Maybe I can just sweep this up. Mrs. Thompson won’t even notice.” I responded fast and piled the pieces into the trash bin. But Steve’s expression darkened. “That’s not how it works. You should tell her what happened.”
I tried to justify myself, telling all the chores I’d done for Mrs. Thompson without pay. I even argued that it wasn’t my responsibility to pay for something I didn’t destroy on purpose. However, Steve wasn’t buying it, his voice firm. “You’re better than that. Be responsible.”
We stood there in silence, the weight of the moment hanging between us. Just then, Mrs. Thompson walked in, giving us a scare. She smiled warmly, unaware of the whole thing. “Boys, I baked a chocolate cake. Now come in for a piece. I really appreciate all your help.”
Hesitantly, we entered the room and I noticed a gift box on the table beside the cake.
Having said that, I waited nervously for Mrs. Thompson to speak up.
Passage 5
Forty or so years ago, Andreas was born in a little village in Northern Greece, Macedonia, a village where old stone buildings could tell stories of a thousand years past and where tradition stayed strong and religious festivities are upheld with the highest honor. Andreas’ parents gave it all to support his brother to go to a medical college, which made life difficult for this family. When other children in the village played with toys, the only “toys” Andreas had access to were his brother’s medical textbooks. His mother often sat by the flickering candlelight, telling stories of bravery and hope. His father worked tirelessly to support the family.
When I first met Andreas, it was Christmas day this year. For Andreas, a dedicated doctor, it was simply another day spent in a white-walled hospital. In the corner of Andreas’ office sat an evergreen tree decorated with ribbons and fairy lights. But for Andreas, just like last Christmas, he would rather not enjoy the Christmas lights. Instead, he was surrounded by flashes of red from arriving ambulances and beeping bedside monitors.
He shared with me his childhood hatred towards Santa Claus. “But, why did you hate Santa Was it because you knew he wasn’t real ” I asked Andreas. “No!” Andreas laughed out loud. “It was because Santa never brought me Christmas gifts! Santa brought the other children gifts, but nothing for me. Never. Nothing!” He threw his head back, and I couldn’t help but join the broken heart of the boy who hated Santa Claus.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
With a hint of sadness, Andreas continued to explain, “During my childhood, my parents couldn’t afford to buy me gifts.”
His appetite for reading and the example his brother set inspired him to study hard and become a doctor.
Passage 6
My tears flowed when the commercial came on again. It seemed like the station was playing this commercial every fifteen minutes, and I couldn’t bear to see it again. I don’t know what the advertisement was trying to sell, but a large, lovely family was gathered around a long table with a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone was talking, laughing, and beaming happily at one another.
That was my family once. Those were such happy times, and I never thought about the time when they would be just a memory. For the past three years, there has only been me. This Thanksgiving, Iplanned to open a can of soup and sit alone at my kitchen table again. It would just be me and my memories.
The next morning, I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things. Most of the other shoppers were putting huge turkeys and hams in their carts, preparing for Thanksgiving Day. I stood looking at the cans of soup while people with carts full with all kinds of wonderful things passed me. I sighed. “You can do a little better than this,” I said to myself, looking at the turkey in my hand.
On my way out of the store, I stopped by the bulletin board where people posted things for sale,odd jobs they needed done, babysitter want ads, and so forth. I paused in front of the bulletin board as an idea formed in my mind. Before I could talk myself out of it, I fished around in my purse for the paper and pen. There was a bench nearby, and I sat down to carefully compose my note. It had to sound sincere.
My heart raced as I wrote it:
Are you going to be alone on Thanksgiving Day So am I. But we don’t have to be. Let’s get together and share a meal, some conversations, and some companionship. Everyone who is interested is encouraged to reply. No restrictions of any kind. Any age, sex, race, religion, etc. If you, like me, don’t look forward to being alone on Thanksgiving Day, please call.
But on my way home, I regretted writing that note.
On the fifth day, I had ten people eager to be a part of the Thanksgiving dinner.
Passage 7
My younger sister Lily is a picky eater — she sticks mostly to pasta and fruit—and can be hesitant to try new things. She often says she’s afraid of unfamiliar experiences, but I think it’s just shyness.
Last year, Lily and I were preparing for our winter break trip together. I came up with a fun rule: we would say yes to everything. I wanted to encourage her to be more adventurous, but I didn’t want to use the usual “You’ll regret it if you don’t try it” line. So, I borrowed the idea of a “Yes Day” from a movie we had seen. We agreed that for the entire trip, we would say yes to everything — whether it was food, activities, or new experiences.
We started saying yes before we even left our hometown. At the train station, we stopped at a food court, and I decided to try a local snack that looked strange. Lily, who usually avoids anything unfamiliar, agreed to take a small bite. Neither of us went back for more, but we both agreed that it wasn’t as bad as we had expected.
Later in the trip, we decided to try a yoga class at our hotel. Lily was skeptical at first, but she agreed to join. It was our first time trying yoga, and we ended up laughing through the whole thing. It was awkward, but fun, and neither of us had ever felt so relaxed and silly at the same time. We also took up a cooking class. Neither of us was great in the kitchen, but we worked together and it ended up being delicious!
When we got back home, we learned that our school was holding a singing competition in the coming semester. At first, I wasn’t sure if Lily would want to participate, especially since she had always been shy about performing in front of a crowd. I really hoped that she could take up the challenge with me, knowing that she has a beautiful voice.
I reminded her of our “Yes Day” rule from the trip.
On the day of the talent show, we were nervous but ready.
Passage 8
It was a cold November night. The air was fresh, and the autumn leaves made a pattern of red and yellow on the streets. I was walking home from school, my mind lost in thoughts of upcoming exams, when I noticed an elderly man struggling with a heavy box at the corner of the street. He was out of breath, his face flushed (红) from the effort, and it was clear he needed help.
I approached him, my heart filled with sympathy. “Sir, do you need some assistance ” I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible. The man looked up, his eyes meeting mine with a mix of relief and gratitude.
“Could you please help me carry this box to my apartment It’s just around the corner,” he replied, his voice shaky but warm. I nodded and, together, we lifted the box and began our slow journey to his home.
As we walked, I learned that his name was Mr. Chen, and he had recently moved into the neighborhood. His children lived far away, and he was trying to settle into his new home alone. The box contained his most treasured belongings, books and photographs that held memories of a lifetime.
Our path was not easy. The box was heavy, and the streets were wet from rain. We slipped once or twice, but we managed to keep our footing and our spirits high. Mr. Chen told me stories of his youth, and I shared my dreams for the future. It was a strange connection, formed in the struggle of a single moment.
Finally, we reached his apartment building, and I helped him carry the box up the stairs. He insisted that I come in for a cup of tea as a thank-you. Over hot drinks, I told him that all of my family members are literature enthusiasts. My uncle works at a publishing house. He said he loves writing poetry. Then we exchanged contact information with each other.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As I left, Mr. Chen handed me a pile of papers, on which were poems from his youth.
Upon hearing this good news, I contacted Mr. Chen to inquire if he would be willing to publish it.
Passage 9
Life was peaceful in the town of Willow Creek. But one chilly autumn morning, a new neighbor moved in across the street. He was a college student. He had brought with him a beer-pong table, which was set on his front lawn.
The beer-pong table was within full view of my kitchen window. It was a tool for the noisy, late-night parties by college students. I knew that all too well from once living near a university.
Remembering the sleepless nights caused by the sound of bouncing balls and the noises, I felt a burst of anger bubbling up like a storm. So I walked right up to the student’s house, and knocked on the door. I told him that it had to go. Instead of apologizing, he returned my anger in kind. “Who the hell are you ” he asked. “And what gives you the right to make such a ridiculous demand ”
His challenging gaze and aggressive tone added fuel to the flames of my anger. My sharp and cutting words hung in the air. I could feel the heat of my anger, and a red veil clouded my face.
The next day, I felt ashamed. Why didn’t other women get angry like me Why couldn’t I keep it altogether Why couldn’t I find some useful way to release the aggression
I thought of the cookies I had made recently — big, peanut butter chocolate cookies. I had made them to apologize to a friend. Some of the dough was still in the freezer. I hadn’t intended to save the cookie dough balls for future apologies. But it was handy to have them sitting there, waiting to make things right. I decided to bake the cookies and offer them to my neighbor as a peace gesture. As the cookies baked, the house was filled with a warm, inviting smell. I placed the cookies on a plate, took a deep breath, and walked across the street.
注 意 :
The door opened, and I was greeted by a pair of curious eyes.
We shared a smile, and I felt a weight lifted off my heart.
Passage 10
The sun was setting, giving a warm light over the neighborhood as Ethan walked home from school. The air was fresh with the sweet smell of flowers, and the distant sound of cars brought a sense of calm. His backpack, full of books and dreams, swung with each step, marking the end of another school day.
Spotting a shiny object on the roadside, Ethan bent down and picked up a stylish new smartphone. It looked almost untouched, and his heart raced as he realized how valuable it was. For a moment, he imagined the happiness it would bring to his tech-loving little brother or how it could ease his parents’ financial load. But a quiet voice within urged him: “Do the right thing.” The smartphone, once a lucky find, now felt like a test of his integrity.
With determination, Ethan decided to find the phone’s owner. He searched for any contact information or recent calls, his fingers carefully tapping the screen. He felt a sense of duty — this small act would speak volumes about who he was. Taking a deep breath, he dialed a number, his hand shaking slightly with a mix of nerves and the weight of doing the right thing. The phone rang, and with each ring, his resolve grew stronger. When Mr. Thompson finally answered, Ethan’s voice, though young, was firm as he explained the situation.
Mr. Thompson was overjoyed, his gratitude evident in his voice. They arranged to meet at the local café, a place where they could both feel comfortable and at ease. As Ethan hung up, a smile spread across his face. The walk to the coffee shop was a journey of reflection. Ethan passed by familiar scenes, neighbors tending their gardens, and children playing in the fading light. Each scene was a glimpse of life, simple yet profound, reminding him of the community he was part of.
At the coffee shop, the meeting was brief but heartfelt.
As Ethan walked home, he felt lighter, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Passage 11
It was an ordinary Saturday morning. The sun was peeking through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the park. Emily was running in the park. She loved running because she believed that after a tough week at work, running could not only help her exercise her body but also free her mind from stress and exhaustion.
There were a lot of people in the park. Children were running around and playing, the elderly were leisurely practicing Tai Chi, and young couples were strolling by the lake. Emily was enjoying the lively and pleasant atmosphere. Her steps were light and rhythmic, and every breath made her feel more comfortable, filling her lungs with the fresh scent of the blooming flowers.
Suddenly, there was some noise not far away. Emily looked in that direction and saw a crowd gathering, looking panicked. She ran over to see what had happened. There was an old woman lying on the ground, her face pale as a sheet and her lips slightly purple and quivering. Beside her, another old woman shouted anxiously, “She’s having a heart attack! What should we do Who can help ” Everyone around looked troubled. Some were calling an ambulance on their phones, but no one knew how to help the old woman before the ambulance arrived.
Emily’s friend Jane is a nurse. The hospital where she works once held public welfare activities for CPR (心肺复苏) training in Emily’s community. Emily attended this event only because she was more interested in the free snacks and small gifts provided than the training itself. Never had she imagined there would be a day when she would use this skill.
(1)续写词数应为 150 个左右;
Calming herself down, Emily offered to have a try.
Finally, the old woman woke up.
Passage 12
Growing up, the first day of school was always exciting — new clothes, supplies, and classes. But at twenty-three, the first day of school had me in a panic. I was the new teacher.
I had just celebrated my birthday, the new year, and my divorce. Unloved and unneeded, the rejection of a failed marriage still hurt. I had graduated in December, and a school more than sixty miles from my apartment had hired me to teach a class of twenty-two fifth graders.
As the principal Mrs. Bright walked me to my classroom, I asked, “What happened to the last teacher ” She answered, “She left just a week after the school year started. There have been thirteen replacement teachers since then. You are the fourteenth one, Sylvia.”
As I entered the classroom, I said with a sweet smile, “I’m your teacher for the rest of the year.” The kids were excited to meet me, but they quickly became restless. Some sat wherever they wanted, while others talked or passed notes. One girl called Tracy crawled under her desk, and a boy named Kyle began crying for no reason. The rest of the day was chaotic-fights broke out, and some kids refused to talk to me. As the final bell rang, I collapsed into my chair, exhausted.
Later, during my conference period, Mrs. Bright told me, “Tracy can’t read and doesn’t pay attention. Just leave her alone, and make up a grade.” I was shocked. “What about Kyle ” I asked. “He’ll be fine. He is just lonely. His mom is a single mother working around the clock.”
Through our exchange, I came to understand that most of these kids had been kicked out of other schools. No one came to their rescue. They were the ones no one else wanted. These kids, like me, were used to rejection. The pain of my own divorce made me realize how much they deserved better.
注意 :
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
I decided to do something for these rejected kids.
Paragraph 2:
Gradually, the students realized that I cared for them.
年份 卷别 话题
2024 新高考I&II卷 诚信回报陌生司机相助
浙江卷1月卷 突破自我脑图定位找目标
2023 新高考I&II卷 在老师的鼓励下参加作文比赛
浙江卷1月卷 “我”与蜂鸟的神奇邂逅
2022 新高考I&II卷 鼓励身残志坚男孩继续参加越野赛
浙江卷6月卷 为无家可归的人们发放食物
浙江卷1月卷 与“最不合拍”搭档成为好友
题型 真题示例
读后续写 【新高考I&II卷】Paragraph 1: I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
考点揭秘 读后续写的语篇类型一般是记叙文,或叙议结合。故事通过设置较为真实的问题情境,考查考生能否运用英语基础知识准确理解文章故事情节,并结合所给文本材料及两个段落首句,分析篇章结构、情节脉络,发挥其独立思考能力,展开合理想象。运用英语词汇、语法等基础写作知识技能,完成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。读后续写题型创造性地将“阅读”与“写作”深度结合,能够更加有效地考查考生的综合语言运用能力、思维能力、学习能力和书面表达能力。反映考生在面对生活实践或学习探索问题情境时,能否在正确的思想价值观念指导下合理运用思维方法,有效整合英语语言学科知识,具备高质量地认识问题、分析问题和解決间题的综合素质。这个新题型能较全面容观地反映高考评价体系中“四层”的考查内容和“四翼”的考查要求。 从选材上来看,语篇选材情节曲折,逻辑性强。读后续写所提供的语篇材料一般是具有正能量而且故事性比较强的文章。一般来说,文章内容通俗易懂,故事线素的逻辑性较强,写作要求续写的部分多是故事的高潮或结局。例如2022年全国新高考I卷的读后续写,所给文章讲述了作者在一次越野赛跑前发现学生David打算放弃比赛。续写部分内容大致为了解清楚原因之后,在作者的鼓动下,David勇敢地参加了比赛。 从语言特点上来看,读后续写原材料一般是记叙文,或夹叙夹议类体裁,叙述性语言和描写性语言相结合。语言生动、细腻、富有感情,简洁朴素,画面感强。因此,考生在续写过程中,应该体会原材料故事中的语言特点,继而完成语言风格契合度高的短文。
技巧解读 (一)把握故事主题 续写故事应符合积极的世界观和价值观取向,逻辑合理,情节连费。要阅读语篇,从人与自我、人与社会、人与自然三个主题语境进行分析,把握故事主题,防止主题跑偏和故事情节离奇荒诞。 (二)学会分析情节 分析故事情节一般从故事六要素着手,即 who, when, where, what, why, how。然后理顺故事情节发展线和主人公的情感变化线。这样,故事的人物、事件和主要人物的心理变化就会一目了然,为接下来的续写做好准备。 (三)构思续写情节 1. 分析段首句,根据段首句的关键信息,提出问题,预设故事情节发展走向。 2. 关注段首句和续写部分的衔接,思考续写第一段和第二段的衔接,思考故事如何结尾,如何与前文做好首尾呼应,逻辑性应强,体现故事主题。 (四)优化语言表达 1.教学过程中,教师应该重视故事阅读,重视优质文本材料的开发和解读,引导学生积累有效的语言素材。 2.语言提升可以从场景描写、人物动作描写、情感情绪描写、人物心理活动描写、神态肖像刻画等方面分类整理,进行微情境训练,提升语言表达的质量。
【模板01 场景转换的过渡句】
1. Pushing the door open, a warm breeze greeted him/her, and he/she stepped out into the bright sunlight, leaving the stuffy room behind.(推开门,一阵温暖的微风迎面吹来,他 / 她走进明亮的阳光中,把闷热的房间抛在了身后。)
2. After finishing the work indoors, he/she couldn't wait to get outside. As he/she walked through the door, the fresh air of the garden filled his/her lungs.(在室内完成工作后,他 / 她迫不及待地想要出去。当他 / 她走出房门时,花园里清新的空气充满了他 / 她的肺部。)
1. As the sun gradually set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, the day was coming to an end, and the night was about to take over.(随着太阳渐渐落下,天空被染成了橙色和粉色,白天即将结束,夜晚即将来临。)
2. The bright sunlight slowly faded away, and the first stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky. It was time to say goodbye to the day and welcome the tranquility of the night.(明亮的阳光渐渐消失,第一批星星开始在渐暗的天空中闪烁。是时候和白天说再见,迎接夜晚的宁静了。)
Without hesitation, he/she got on the bus and headed towards the destination. A few hours later, he/she arrived at the small town, which was completely different from the bustling city he/she left behind.(他 / 她毫不犹豫地上了公共汽车,前往目的地。几个小时后,他 / 她到达了这个小镇,这里与他 / 她离开的繁华城市截然不同。)
Following the map closely, they walked along the winding path for a long time. Finally, they reached the hidden cave, which was exactly as described in the legend.(他们紧紧跟着地图,沿着蜿蜒的小路走了很久。最后,他们到达了那个隐蔽的洞穴,和传说中描述的一模一样。)
【模板02 事件发展的过渡句】
Just as everything seemed to be going smoothly, a new problem emerged, throwing their plans into chaos.(正当一切似乎都进展顺利时,一个新问题出现了,把他们的计划打乱了。)
However, their joy was short - lived. Soon, they realized that there was a more serious situation waiting for them.(然而,他们的喜悦是短暂的。很快,他们意识到有一个更严重的情况在等着他们。)
Encouraged by the support from their friends, they decided to take the next step and carried out the plan with more determination.(在朋友们的支持鼓舞下,他们决定迈出下一步,更加坚定地执行计划。)
With the help of the kind - hearted people around, they managed to overcome the difficulties one by one and made significant progress.(在周围好心人的帮助下,他们设法一个一个地克服了困难,取得了重大进展。)
They had expected an easy victory, but to their surprise, the opponent turned out to be much stronger than they had imagined.(他们原本期望轻松获胜,但令他们惊讶的是,对手比他们想象的要强大得多。)
It seemed that all hope was lost. However, a sudden change occurred at the last moment, bringing them a glimmer of hope.(似乎所有的希望都破灭了。然而,在最后一刻突然发生了变化,给他们带来了一线希望。)
【模板03 过渡句之常用细节描写句】
The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm golden glow over the entire village.(太阳从云层中探出脑袋,给整个村庄洒下温暖的金色光辉。)
Dark clouds gathered rapidly, and soon the sky was overcast, as if a huge gray curtain had been drawn across it.(乌云迅速聚集,很快天空就阴沉沉的,仿佛拉上了一幅巨大的灰色幕布。)
A gentle breeze blew, carrying the fresh scent of blooming flowers and making the leaves on the trees rustle softly.(微风轻拂,带着盛开花朵的清新香气,让树上的叶子沙沙作响。)
1.In spring, the fields were carpeted with colorful wildflowers, creating a vivid and charming landscape.(春天,田野被五彩斑斓的野花覆盖,形成了一幅生动迷人的景象。)
2. Summer arrived with its scorching heat, and the air was filled with the buzzing of cicadas, making the afternoons seem even more languid.(夏天带着酷热来临,空气中弥漫着蝉鸣声,让午后显得更加慵懒。)
3. Autumn painted the world in warm hues of red and gold. The leaves on the trees fluttered down like dancing butterflies, covering the ground with a thick layer of foliage.(秋天用温暖的红色和金色描绘世界。树上的叶子像飞舞的蝴蝶一样飘落,给地面铺上了一层厚厚的树叶。)
4.Winter spread its white blanket over the land. The snow - covered trees sparkled in the sunlight, like a world made of crystal.(冬天给大地铺上了白色的毯子。被雪覆盖的树木在阳光下闪闪发光,就像一个水晶世界。)
The old cottage, with its thatched roof and wooden door, stood quietly at the edge of the forest, exuding a sense of tranquility.(那座古老的小屋,有着茅草屋顶和木门,静静地矗立在森林边缘,散发着宁静的气息。)
The classroom was filled with the chatter of students. Colorful posters decorated the walls, and sunlight streamed in through the clean windows, creating a warm and lively atmosphere.(教室里充满了学生们的欢声笑语。彩色的海报装饰着墙壁,阳光透过干净的窗户洒进来,营造出温暖而活泼的氛围。)
The beach was deserted, with only the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The soft sand felt warm underfoot, and seagulls soared overhead, their cries echoing in the vast expanse.(海滩空无一人,只有海浪拍打着海岸的声音。脚下的软沙感觉很温暖,海鸥在头顶翱翔,它们的叫声在广阔的天空中回荡。)
She had long, flowing hair as black as a raven's wing, and her big, bright eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.(她有着如乌鸦翅膀般乌黑的长发,大大的明亮眼睛像夜空中的星星一样闪烁。)
He was a tall and lanky boy, with freckles sprinkled across his nose like a dusting of cinnamon. His unruly brown hair stuck out in all directions, as if it had a life of its own.(他是个瘦高的男孩,鼻子上布满了雀斑,就像撒了一层肉桂粉。他那乱蓬蓬的棕色头发四处竖着,仿佛有自己的生命。)
A broad smile spread across his face, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth. His eyes crinkled at the corners, showing his genuine happiness.(一个灿烂的笑容在他脸上展开,露出一排洁白的牙齿。他的眼角微微皱起,显示出他由衷的快乐。)
Her brows furrowed in confusion, and her lips pursed slightly as she tried to figure out the difficult problem.(她困惑地皱起眉头,嘴唇微微噘起,试图解开这个难题。)
She tiptoed across the room, trying not to make a sound, as if she were afraid of disturbing some invisible presence.(她踮着脚尖穿过房间,尽量不发出声音,好像害怕打扰到某个看不见的存在。)
He clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white with the force, as he prepared himself for the upcoming challenge.(他紧紧地握住拳头,指关节因为用力而泛白,为即将到来的挑战做好准备。)
She gently stroked the cat's fur, and the cat purred contentedly, rubbing its head against her hand.(她轻轻地抚摸着猫的毛,猫满足地咕噜着,用头蹭着她的手。)
Her heart was filled with a sense of elation, like a balloon filled with helium, ready to soar into the sky. She couldn't stop smiling at the thought of the wonderful news.(她心中充满了喜悦,就像一个充满氦气的气球,随时准备飞向天空。一想到这个好消息,她就忍不住微笑。)
He felt a rush of happiness wash over him, as if he had just won the lottery. Every cell in his body seemed to be dancing with joy.(他感到一阵幸福涌上心头,就好像刚刚中了彩票一样。他身体的每个细胞似乎都在欢快地跳舞。)
Fear gripped her heart like a vice, making it difficult for her to breathe. Her hands trembled involuntarily as she stared at the dark figure in the corner.(恐惧像钳子一样紧紧抓住她的心,让她难以呼吸。当她盯着角落里的黑影时,双手不由自主地颤抖着。)
His heart pounded wildly in his chest, as if it were trying to break free. He was filled with a sense of dread, imagining all the worst - case scenarios.(他的心在胸腔里狂跳,仿佛要挣脱出来。他充满了恐惧,想象着所有最糟糕的情况。)
She was torn between two choices, like a boat caught in a storm, not knowing which direction to take. One part of her wanted to take the risk, while the other urged her to play it safe.(她在两个选择之间左右为难,就像一艘在暴风雨中迷失的船,不知道该驶向哪个方向。她一方面想冒险,另一方面又敦促自己谨慎行事。)
He hesitated, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Should he tell the truth and face the consequences, or keep silent and avoid the trouble (他犹豫不决,脑海里思绪万千。他是应该说出真相面对后果,还是保持沉默避免麻烦呢? )
【模板04 过渡句之16大提分句式】
句式1:With +复合结构”又称为“with结构”
At the thought of the fact that she didn’t have lucky spikes, she felt more anxious with her heart beating fast and her feet sweating.一想到自己没有幸运的钉子,她就更加焦虑,心跳加速,脚出汗。
Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。
1. 那女孩张大了嘴巴,打开了她的礼物盒。(with +宾语+adj.open)
2. 女孩心怦怦直跳(beat wildly),打开(unwrap)了她的礼物盒。(with +宾语+分词)
3. 他的妻子伤心极了,眼里满是泪水(full of tears/filled with tears)
4. 那个人躺在地上,双手颤抖着。(on the ground, tremble)
The girl unwrapped the gift box with her mouth wide open.
The girl unwrapped the gift box with her heart beating wildly.
His wife was extremely sad, with eyes full of tears / with tears rolling down her face
句式2 :并列谓语,细化动作 A, B and C
When the announcer said “Next up is the girls’ 100-meter hurdles”, Jodie took a deep breath and walked to the starting line slowly.当播音员说“接下来是女子100米栏”时,朱迪深吸一口气,慢慢地走到起跑线上。
句式3 :句子+ing/ed或ing/ed+句子用于表示动作伴随,原因或结果
Jodie wore her brand-new spikes, waiting for her turn nervously and anxiously. Jodie穿着她崭新的钉子,紧张不安地等待着轮到她。
句式4 巧用生动的无灵主语: A strong/intense sense of delight took hold of me the moment I heard the news.
Relieved(=breathing a sigh of relief), Eric thanked the man and switched the frequency back, “Mac, help is coming!” But there was no response.埃里克松了一口气,向那个人表示感谢,并将频率调回,“麦克,救命来了!”但没有回应。
句式5 :情感形容词+句子
Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie 激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。
After what seemed like a century, Eric heard another voice. It was Slide Mountain Rescue who finally came!好像经历了一个世纪之后,埃里克听到了另一个声音。终于来了,是雪山救援队!
句式7:. “一……就……”的表达法:as soon as, hardly/scarcely…when…, no sooner… than…, the moment/minute/second/instant, immediately/instantly/directly, on/upon+n.doing。
The moment the announcer announced “Number 11, Jodie Nymble, takes the gold for Riverside Middle School”,thunderous cheers and laughter filled the Hidden Park. 当播音员宣布“11号,Jodie Nymble,为Riverside Middle School夺金”的那一刻,雷鸣般的欢呼和笑声充满了 Hidden Park.
At the thought of the fact that she didn’t have lucky spikes, she felt more anxious with her heart beating fast and her feet sweating.一想到自己没有幸运的钉子,她就更加焦虑,心跳加速,脚出汗。
句式9 :主句,which从句(定语从句)
格式:_______主句________,which 第二句话;
例句:玛丽打开门看到了小女孩,她有着令她熟悉的眼睛和黑色的头发。Mary opened the door and saw the little girl,who had familiar eyes and black hair.
结构2:格式:_______主句________,which enable/ forced/ allowed sb to do;_______主句________,which made/forced/allowed sb 感情词
例句:就在这时,我们听到了Uncle Paul远处传来的微弱声音,这重新点燃了我们回家的希望。
Just at the moment, we heard the faint voice in the distance from Uncle Paul, which allowed us to light the hope returning home.
句式10 :描写气氛或者氛围的句子。(情感词+ fill +地点)
Worry and anxiety filled the air.空气中弥漫着忧虑和焦虑。
Jodie was so excited and refreshed that she yelled out “My lucky spikes”.朱迪非常兴奋,神清气爽,她大叫“我的幸运钉”。
1.兴奋:I was so excited/thrilled that I gave a jump in the air.我动得跳了起来
2.开心:I was so happy/cheerful that I jumped up and down.我高兴得上跑下跳
3.感动:I was so moved that I failed to say a word.我感动得一句话也说不出来
4.悲伤:I was so sad that I hid my face in my hands.我难受得用手捂住了脸。
5.(生气)I was so angry that I failed to say a word.我气得一句话也说不出。
6.(害怕) I was so scared/frightened that my palms sweated and my heart pounded.我害怕得手心汗,心怦怦直跳。
7.(羞愧) I was so ashamed that I could feel my face burning.我羞愧得感觉自己的脸在燃烧。
So shocked was I that I was frozen to the spot the moment I heard the news.(当我听到消息时候,我太震惊了以至于呆在原地)
(1)Jodie wore her brand-new spikes, waiting for her turn nervously and anxiously. Jodie穿着她崭新的钉子,紧张不安地等待着轮到她。
(2)When the announcer said “Next up is the girls’ 100-meter hurdles”, Jodie took a deep breath and walked to the starting line slowly.当播音员说“接下来是女子100米栏”时,朱迪深吸一口气,慢慢地走到起跑线上。
(3)Thrilled and joyful, Jodie hugged her teammates tightly with tears rolling down her face.Jodie.激动而高兴,紧紧地拥抱着队友,泪水从脸上滑落。
Not until then did Jodie realize that luck would always favor her as long as she spared no effort to do it.直到那时,朱迪才意识到,只要她不遗余力地去做,运气总是会眷顾她。
My teacher’s encouraging words still echoed/ lingered/ rang out in my ears, bringing me a glimmer/ ray/ beam of hope.
It was my mother who taught us to hold a positive attitude to life.是我的妈妈一直教导我们要对困难保持乐观的态度。
It was love that makes the world go around.正是爱让/使这个世界运转起来
She said that it was my company and encouragement that not only made her happy but also improved her confidence.(她说正是我的陪伴和鼓励不仅使我快乐而且提高了我的信心)
She took money with shaking hands, tears welling up in her eyes.
结构1:It is +adj for sb that…
结构2:what I could do/say/… is to
what (counts/matters/impress me) most is that … =it is important that…
What make me anxious is that >>>>
What we could do was to go back along the previous track.
What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the past.
1. Without delay/ hesitation/ a second thought
2. Could not/ hardly wait to do sth
1. 在一个下雪的冬天早上,水冰冷刺骨,但那个年轻人毫不犹豫/迟疑地跳进水里,伸手去够我儿子。
Ona snowy winter morning with the freezing/ bitterly cold water, the young man jumped into the river without delay/ hesitation/ a second thought, reaching for my son.
2. 我迫不及待地想把这个好消息告诉妈妈。
I could hardly wait to inform my mother of this good news.
I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September. I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half. I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought. That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadn't heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car. Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "We made it," he said. Just then I realised that I had in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bank card. He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out. At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
→ ATM故障 → 危机升级(排队者减少)
→ Gunter必然反应(符合"silent sentinel"等前文铺垫的性格特征)
→ 合理解决方案(呼应"细节银行"中"矛盾修饰法",如"trembling hands that handed over money")
→ 回电必然引出反转(呼应前文伏笔:Gunter未听清公交站名却成功抵达)
→ 道德升华点(体现奥地利人文化特质,如"help without expectation")
符号呼应:Gunter两次微笑形成闭环结构(第一次是"we made it",第二次是"it's a small thing")
Paragraph 1:
I ran back to Gunter, my breath forming tiny clouds in the icy air, and relayed the news. His face paled momentarily, the Vienna sunset casting long shadows across his furrowed brow. "Stuck again " he muttered, fingers drumming the steering wheel—a nervous tic I hadn’t noticed before. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he pulled out a leather wallet from his suit pocket. "Austria Card," he declared, sliding his own credit card through the machine with practiced ease. My eyes widened as the green light flashed, the sound of coins clinking in the fare box ringing through the chaos.
Paragraph 2:
The line had vanished by the time we boarded, the bus’s engine roaring like a sleeping giant awakening. Four days later, as I dialed the number engraved on his business card, a warm Austrian accent greeted me. "Miss, you owe me thirty euros and a proper dinner." We laughed, recalling how he’d secretly photographed my boarding pass to ensure I reached Prague. "No," I insisted, "you taught me that some connections aren’t about transactions—they’re about people who make time stand still."
感官叠加:视觉("leather wallet"/"green light")+听觉("coins clinking"/"engine roaring")
人物塑造:通过"nervous tic"深化Gunter的立体形象
文化映射:"Austria Card"暗示当地移动支付习惯差异
隐喻闭环:以"make time stand still"呼应开篇"last bus"的时间压力
地域文化元素(Vienna businessman card/移动支付细节)
Lucy and her friend Jack loved being at school every day because they both really enjoyed music lessons. Lucy began playing two instruments, the piano and the violin, but she enjoyed singing more. She dreamed of being a pop star like Alex Pepper one day. Jack had a guitar and played pop and rock music very well. He wanted to be the coolest guitar player in the world.
One day, their music teacher, Mr. Brown, said to the class, “We’re going to have a music competition here at school next Friday. If you want to enter, you must sing or play a song on the school stage. Alex Pepper will be here that day for his concert at City Stadium, so I wrote to his manager and asked him to come and give you some guidance. He’ s going to decide the best performer and invite him or her to his concert.”
Lucy and Jack determined to take part in the competition as a team. They chose a song called I’ll help you! They practiced on the playground in their spare time. Lucy made such great progress that Jack was deeply absorbed in her singing and often said admirably, “How sweet your voice is!” While they pracitced, the branches of the trees around the playground were swaying(摇摆) in the wind as if they were enjoying their performance.
On the afternoon of the competition, all the students were waiting in the school hall for Alex Pepper to arrive. When he walked in with Mr. Brown, everyone clapped. Alex smiled and waved and then he and Mr. Brown sat down on special seats in front of the school stage.
Then the competition started. Lots of other students sang before Jack and Lucy. An older girl named Mary sang very well. Some students shouted “More! More!” when she finished. “She’s going to win,” thought Lucy. Soon Mr. Brown pointed to Jack and Lucy and called out that it was their turn.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Lucy began to tremble unknowingly when she stood in the middle of the stage.
Paragraph 2:
The big moment came.
核心矛盾:舞台紧张感(Lucy发抖) vs 团队默契(Jack支持)
伏笔呼应:前文"树梢像享受表演般摇晃"暗示观众期待,Alex Pepper作为专业评委的权威性
→ 紧张具象化(琴弦断裂/歌词卡壳) → 对比描写(Lucy颤抖 vs Jack镇定)
→ 危机解决(即兴发挥/乐器互动) → 观众反应升级(从屏息到欢呼)
→ 评委反应(非语言动作:眯眼聆听/手指轻敲) → 价值升华(音乐本质超越胜负)
→ 文化映射(美国音乐学院推荐信呼应"best performer"评价体系)
2. 细节对位技巧
动词升级:"strummed urgently"替代"played quickly","muttered reassurance"体现口语化互动
Paragraph 1:
Lucy’s trembling hands clutched the microphone stand, her knees knocking rhythmically against the riser. The spotlight felt like a furnace, roasting her face as she opened her mouth. A note cracked horribly, and her memory snapped—she’d forgotten three lines of the chorus. Panic clawed at her chest when Jack’s guitar suddenly emitted a sharp screech, its strings vibrating wildly like protesting creatures. But then his familiar grin cut through the chaos. “Just follow my chords!” he muttered, strumming urgently while Lucy squeezed out fragmented lyrics. Their voices wove strangely together, Lucy’s soprano fluttering over Jack’s steady rhythm, until the audience erupted in applause, unaware of the disaster they’d just witnessed.
Paragraph 2:
When Alex Pepper stood to speak, the hall fell silent. His fingers drummed the armrests thoughtfully before leaning forward. “This isn’t about perfection,” he declared, his Texas accent thickening, “it’s about raw passion.” He pulled out a business card from his pocket and slid it across the table. “I’ll write you both letters of recommendation—for Berklee College of Music.” Lucy’s eyes welled up as Jack’s jaw dropped. Later, while packing their instruments, they discovered the judges’ notes scrawled on the back of their scores: “Best collaboration we’ve heard in years. You saved each other.”
感官风暴:舞台高温("furnace")、琴弦震颤("like live creatures")、掌声层次("erupted"→"thunderous")
人物弧光:Jack从"cool guitarist"到"problem-solver"的成长,Lucy从"nervous singer"到"confident performer"的蜕变
文化密码:Berklee音乐学院(美国顶尖音乐院校)呼应前文Alex Pepper的明星身份
符号闭环:前文"swaying branches"预示自然共鸣,结尾"judges’ notes"形成艺术与真实的互文
团队精神具象化("saved each other"呼应歌名"I’ll help you!")
Passage 1
Like many others, I had the burning dream of becoming a sportsman. However, due to my middle-class family background, buying sports equipment was just a luxury I couldn’t afford. But I was determined not to give up and continued to pursue my dream.
One day, while I was practicing athletics, a sudden sharp pain shot through my knee. I fell to the ground, clutching my knee tightly. That severe knee injury crushed my dream of becoming a good athlete. The doctor advised me firmly not to play sports anymore. My parents gently comforted me, “We know how much you love sports, but your health comes first,” their eyes filled with worry and concern. I hung my head in despair, tears welling up in my eyes. I knew I had no choice but to sacrifice it for my health. Although I never played sports again, that dream still lingered in my heart like a flickering flame.
Another incident that changed my life was when my father had a severe heart stroke. I remember that day vividly. I was at home when I heard a strange noise from my father’s room. I rushed in and saw him lying on the bed, struggling to breathe. Without hesitation, I called the ambulance, my hands shaking uncontrollably as I dialed the number. Fortunately, he was safe after getting timely treatment. But when the doctor said to me, “You brought him in time. Otherwise, things would be very different.” Hearing this, I fell into a deep dilemma. Looking at my weak father I thought about my long-cherished dream of going abroad for higher studies. Finally, I gave up my dream and decided to stay with them, feeling a complex mixture of sadness and determination. I knew it was a difficult choice, but I also knew it was the right thing to do.
Moreover, my sister’s troubled marriage had a profound impact on our family. There were constant quarrels in her house and ours, the sound of angry shouts and sobs filling the air, which made my parents mentally disturbed for 5 years. To take care of them, I gave up the opportunity to relocate for higher studies and better job opportunities. I couldn’t abandon my parents in their time of need.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Luckily, now I can feel a glimmer of happiness after these sacrifices.
My family’s journey has witnessed the power of love and sacrifice.
【答案】One possible version:
Luckily, now I can feel a glimmer of happiness after these sacrifices. My father’s health has improved significantly, and my sister’s marriage has stabilized, bringing peace back to our home. The sacrifices have strengthened our family bonds, and I find joy in seeing my loved ones happy and healthy. I’ve learned to find contentment in the small moments of life, cherishing the time spent with my family.
My family’s journey has witnessed the power of love and sacrifice. We have faced challenges together and emerged stronger. My parents’ gratitude and my sister’s appreciation have filled my heart with warmth. I’ve realized that sometimes, the greatest achievements are not personal accomplishments but the happiness and well-being of those we love. My sacrifices have taught me the true meaning of family and the strength that comes from standing together in times of need.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:作者感到幸福——父亲和妹妹的情况——作者的满足——家庭见证爱和牺牲的力量——父亲和妹妹的感受——作者的感悟
3. 词汇激活
④源自:come from/originate from/stem from
【点睛】[高分句型1] I’ve learned to find contentment in the small moments of life, cherishing the time spent with my family. (现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] My sacrifices have taught me the true meaning of family and the strength that comes from standing together in times of need. (that引导限制性定语从句)
Passage 2
In a small town, there lived an old woman named Mrs. Thompson who was known for her kind heart. However, she had been living alone since her husband passed away and her reclusive (隐居的) nature kept her a bit apart from others. She lived a lonely life, with her well-tended garden as her only comfort. The garden was an abundance of colors, filled with roses, daisies, and various herbs. Each plant was cared for with her full love and attention.
One day, a young girl named Lily moved into the neighborhood. Lily was a curious and friendly child, but she had been through a difficult time as she was recovering from a serious illness and was often sad and lonely.
One afternoon, Lily was walking past Mrs. Thompson’s house and was attracted by the beautiful garden. She pecked over the fence and saw Mrs. Thompson tending to the flowers. Mrs. Thompson noticed Lily and invited her in. Lily was hesitant at first but then walked in with a shy smile.
Mrs. Thompson showed her around the garden and told her about the different plants and their uses. She picked a few herbs and made a cup of tea for Lily, saying it was good for her health. Lily drank the tea and felt a warmth and comfort she hadn’t felt in a long time.
As the days passed, Lily became a frequent visitor to the garden. Mrs. Thompson taught her how to plant seeds, water the plants, and take care of them. Lily’s health gradually improved, and she started to smile and laugh more.
However, one day, Mrs. Thompson fell ill and was hospitalized. Learning of this, Lily rushed to the hospital to ensure her well-being. During their conversation, she knew Mrs. Thompson was worried about her garden, fearing that without her care, the flowers and herbs she cherished would wither (枯萎).
1. 续写词数应为150个左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Lily decided to take up the responsibility in her place.
Accompanied by Lily, Mrs. Thompson returned home.
Lily decided to take up the responsibility in her place. Equipped with the skills Mrs. Thompson had taught her, Lily began to tend the garden. She watered the plants gently, making sure each one got the right amount and carefully removed the weeds that threatened the flowers. Lily treated the garden as if it were her own, determined to keep it blooming until Mrs. Thompson recovered. She even made herbal tea and took it to the hospital, hoping it could also help Mrs. Thompson recover faster. When seeing the tea, Mrs. Thompson smiled an understanding simile and drank it. With time passing by, Mrs. Thompson was getting better and the day of her hospital release arrived. Lily went to collect her merrily.
Accompanied by Lily, Mrs. Thompson returned home. As she stepped into her beloved garden, she was amazed to see how well-maintained it was. The flowers were blooming beautifully, and the herbs were flourishing. She felt a warm glow in her heart, knowing that Lily had taken great care of her precious garden in her absence. Mrs. Thompson expressed her sincere gratitude, tears blurring her eyes. From that day on, Lily continued to visit Mrs. Thompson and help her with the garden. Their bond grew stronger, and they became like family to each other. They no longer felt lonely and enjoyed together the beauty and tranquility the garden brought to them.
①看见:see/catch sight of
②确保:make sure/ensure
③照顾:tend/take care of/care for
【点睛】[高分句型1] When seeing the tea, Mrs. Thompson smiled an understanding simile and drank it. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] She felt a warm glow in her heart, knowing that Lily had taken great care of her precious garden in her absence. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
Passage 3
For Jake, the journey from high school to college had never seemed so challenging. The real world— the campus life he had heard so much about, the decisions on what to study, what career to pursue, and how to find his place— felt like a heavy weight on his chest. He had no clue what his future held.
One afternoon, Jake’s mom suggested he spend some time volunteering at the community center. “It might be a good way to take your mind off things,” she said. At first, he resisted. Volunteering didn't sound like the right way to prepare for college. He needed to focus on his future, not wasting time helping others. But eventually, he agreed unwillingly.
When Jake first arrived at the center, the atmosphere felt unfamiliar but warm. It was a small, comfortable space with colorful walls, art supplies, and kids playing in the corner. He was assigned to help with the kids’ art class. The first few days were uneventful. Jake just sat back, passing out crayons, organizing the art supplies, and occasionally offering a word of encouragement to the kids.
But one particular day, a girl caught his attention. Her name was Layla, and she was sitting in the corner, quietly staring down at a blank canvas (画布), with her hands wrapped tightly around a paintbrush. Her brush paused above the canvas as if she were waiting for permission to make the first mark.
Jake had no experience with art and didn’t know how to guide Layla. But something about her hesitation touched his heart. He walked over to her and asked, “Hey, Layla, what's going on Why aren't you painting ” She looked up at him with large brown eyes, then down at her hands, which were holding the paintbrush tightly but not moving. “I’m not good at it,” she replied. “I don’t know how to make it look like what’s in my mind.”
Jake sat beside her, smiling.
As Layla’s confidence grew, Jake felt a shift within himself.
Jake sat beside her, smiling. “You know, Layla,” he said gently, “art isn’t about making something look perfect. It’s about expressing what’s inside you. There’s no right or wrong way to paint. Just close your eyes and think about that beautiful thing in your mind, then let the brush move freely on the canvas.” Layla listened intently, her eyes fixed on Jake. Slowly, she took a deep breath and made the first stroke. Jake watched with encouragement, nodding and offering words of praise for each new color she added. Bit by bit, a beautiful landscape emerged on the canvas.
As Layla’s confidence grew, Jake felt a shift within himself. He realized that helping others could bring such a sense of fulfillment. The joy on Layla’s face when she finally saw her completed painting was like a light bulb going off in his head. He understood that his own future didn’t have to be a burden. Just as he had guided Layla to express herself, he could also find his own path step by step. Volunteering wasn’t a waste of time at all. It was a chance to learn, grow, and see the world from a different perspective. From that day on, Jake was no longer weighed down by the unknowns of his future. Instead, he was excited to explore new possibilities and make a difference, just like he did for Layla.
①由第一段首句内容“Jake微笑着在她身旁坐下。”可以预测续写这段主要内容: Jake坐在Layla身旁温柔鼓励她,在Jake的鼓励下,一幅美丽风景画在画布上逐渐呈现。
2.续写线索: Jake坐身旁——温柔鼓励Layla——美丽风景画呈现—— Jake的感悟
①.说: say/utter
②.意识到……:realize that/be aware that
①.快乐: joy/delight/happiness
【点睛】[高分句型1]. It’s about expressing what’s inside you. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. Layla listened intently, her eyes fixed on Jake. (运用了“名词+过去分词”的独立主格结构)
[高分句型3]. Jake watched with encouragement, nodding and offering words of praise for each new color she added. (运用了现在分词作状语)
Passage 4
Summer vacation starting, Steve and I planned to play baseball every day, aiming to join the freshman team. “If you make it into the team, I’ll buy you a new baseball glove as a present.” My mom’s promise echoed in my mind as I excitedly waited for Steve, staring at my worn-out glove.
But today I had to clean Mrs. Thompson’s garage first. She was weakened by old age, so my mom always volunteered me to help her. Mom wouldn’t let me accept any money, thinking she didn’t have much, and literally, I never minded — after all, Mrs. Thompson had knitted me five sweaters and always made me cakes. Most importantly, it was the right thing to do.
Steve came rushing out of his house, and I explained the situation. As expected, he immediately said, “Alright, I’ll help.”
We instantly got to work. The garage was a mess of boxes, but we gathered all our energy and soon brought the cleanup to an end. When arranging the last box, however, I nudged the shelf accidentally. Before I could react, a vase fell and crashed to the ground, broken into pieces.
I froze, my heart pounding. The vase was beautiful with delicate designs, which must have cost a fortune. Glancing at the open garage door, I suggested, “Maybe I can just sweep this up. Mrs. Thompson won’t even notice.” I responded fast and piled the pieces into the trash bin. But Steve’s expression darkened. “That’s not how it works. You should tell her what happened.”
I tried to justify myself, telling all the chores I’d done for Mrs. Thompson without pay. I even argued that it wasn’t my responsibility to pay for something I didn’t destroy on purpose. However, Steve wasn’t buying it, his voice firm. “You’re better than that. Be responsible.”
We stood there in silence, the weight of the moment hanging between us. Just then, Mrs. Thompson walked in, giving us a scare. She smiled warmly, unaware of the whole thing. “Boys, I baked a chocolate cake. Now come in for a piece. I really appreciate all your help.”
Hesitantly, we entered the room and I noticed a gift box on the table beside the cake.
Having said that, I waited nervously for Mrs. Thompson to speak up.
Hesitantly, we entered the room and I noticed a gift box on the table beside the cake. “Could it be for me ” I wondered. Mrs. Thompson read my thoughts, “Your mom mentioned you’ re training for the baseball team, so I prepared this for you. Open it!” I unwrapped the box and a brand-new baseball glove was in sight! Immense guilt grew when I recalled all she did for me. Steve’s words also struck me, urging me to admit the mistake. I said in a low voice, “Mrs. Thompson, I’m sorry for breaking your vase in the garage by accident. I should pay for it.”
Having said that, I waited nervously for Mrs. Thompson to speak up. However, instead of disappointment, she just laughed. “Oh, that old vase was just a cheap thing I picked up at a dollar store. It is far less precious than your help and honesty. Don’t worry about it. Let’s enjoy the cake!” A bit relieved, I exchanged a look with Steve, eager to break in my new glove on the field and expecting another visit to Mrs. Thompson’s house. In his eyes, this time, shone a bright glimmer approving of my recovered sense of responsibility.
①.打开礼盒:unwrap the box/open the gift/unfold the package
②.承认错误:admit the mistake/confess the error
③.交换眼神:exchange a look/exchange glances/share a look
①.愧疚:immense guilt/deep regret/a sense of shame
【点睛】【高分句型1】Immense guilt grew when I recalled all she did for me.(使用了when引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】Steve’s words also struck me, urging me to admit the mistake.(使用了现在分词短语作状语)
Passage 5
Forty or so years ago, Andreas was born in a little village in Northern Greece, Macedonia, a village where old stone buildings could tell stories of a thousand years past and where tradition stayed strong and religious festivities are upheld with the highest honor. Andreas’ parents gave it all to support his brother to go to a medical college, which made life difficult for this family. When other children in the village played with toys, the only “toys” Andreas had access to were his brother’s medical textbooks. His mother often sat by the flickering candlelight, telling stories of bravery and hope. His father worked tirelessly to support the family.
When I first met Andreas, it was Christmas day this year. For Andreas, a dedicated doctor, it was simply another day spent in a white-walled hospital. In the corner of Andreas’ office sat an evergreen tree decorated with ribbons and fairy lights. But for Andreas, just like last Christmas, he would rather not enjoy the Christmas lights. Instead, he was surrounded by flashes of red from arriving ambulances and beeping bedside monitors.
He shared with me his childhood hatred towards Santa Claus. “But, why did you hate Santa Was it because you knew he wasn’t real ” I asked Andreas. “No!” Andreas laughed out loud. “It was because Santa never brought me Christmas gifts! Santa brought the other children gifts, but nothing for me. Never. Nothing!” He threw his head back, and I couldn’t help but join the broken heart of the boy who hated Santa Claus.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
With a hint of sadness, Andreas continued to explain, “During my childhood, my parents couldn’t afford to buy me gifts.”
His appetite for reading and the example his brother set inspired him to study hard and become a doctor.
【答案】One possible version:
With a hint of sadness, Andreas continued to explain, “During my childhood, my parents couldn’t afford to buy me gifts.” I felt deep sympathy for Andreas as I imagined what it was like for him to watch all the other kids open their Christmas gifts. But his eyes softened as he recounted the memories of his childhood, “My parents gave me the greatest gift of all — love and perseverance.” A gentle smile played on his lips, reflecting a deep sense of gratitude and contentment. In the years without Christmas gifts, he passed the time reading his brother’s medical textbooks.
His appetite for reading and the example his brother set inspired him to study hard and become a doctor. Andreas excelled in his studies, fueled by the desire to change his fate. He pored over his brother’s medical textbooks, dreaming of one day wearing the white coat of a doctor. Now, Andreas is a senior surgeon, working tirelessly in the hospital. His busy figure embodies a firm belief that the greatest joy doesn’t come from receiving but from giving — saving lives, easing pain and bringing hope to those in despair.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:Andreas解释圣诞礼物的事——作者感到同情——Andreas谈到自己的收获——Andreas渴望成为医生——Andreas努力学习——Andreas现在的成就
3. 词汇激活
【点睛】[高分句型1] I felt deep sympathy for Andreas as I imagined what it was like for him to watch all the other kids open their Christmas gifts. (as引导时间状语从句、what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] His busy figure embodies a firm belief that the greatest joy doesn’t come from receiving but from giving — saving lives, easing pain and bringing hope to those in despair. (that引导同位语从句)
Passage 6
My tears flowed when the commercial came on again. It seemed like the station was playing this commercial every fifteen minutes, and I couldn’t bear to see it again. I don’t know what the advertisement was trying to sell, but a large, lovely family was gathered around a long table with a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone was talking, laughing, and beaming happily at one another.
That was my family once. Those were such happy times, and I never thought about the time when they would be just a memory. For the past three years, there has only been me. This Thanksgiving, Iplanned to open a can of soup and sit alone at my kitchen table again. It would just be me and my memories.
The next morning, I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things. Most of the other shoppers were putting huge turkeys and hams in their carts, preparing for Thanksgiving Day. I stood looking at the cans of soup while people with carts full with all kinds of wonderful things passed me. I sighed. “You can do a little better than this,” I said to myself, looking at the turkey in my hand.
On my way out of the store, I stopped by the bulletin board where people posted things for sale,odd jobs they needed done, babysitter want ads, and so forth. I paused in front of the bulletin board as an idea formed in my mind. Before I could talk myself out of it, I fished around in my purse for the paper and pen. There was a bench nearby, and I sat down to carefully compose my note. It had to sound sincere.
My heart raced as I wrote it:
Are you going to be alone on Thanksgiving Day So am I. But we don’t have to be. Let’s get together and share a meal, some conversations, and some companionship. Everyone who is interested is encouraged to reply. No restrictions of any kind. Any age, sex, race, religion, etc. If you, like me, don’t look forward to being alone on Thanksgiving Day, please call.
But on my way home, I regretted writing that note.
On the fifth day, I had ten people eager to be a part of the Thanksgiving dinner.
【答案】One possible version:
But on my way home, I regretted writing that note. “Who do you think wants to have Thanksgiving dinner with strangers You’re foolish. What if some annoying person show up at the door ” I felt a little frustrated. However, I didn’t go back to the supermarket to tear my note off the board, thinking no one would take it seriously. Two days passed, and I didn’t hear from anything. Then, on the third day, I got a call from a retired schoolteacher. On the fourth day, I got three more calls.
On the fifth day, I had ten people eager to be a part of the Thanksgiving dinner. There were five retired women, three retired men, a construction worker and a nurse’s assistant. Ten people are enough for the Thanksgiving dinner, so I decided that it was time to take down the note. When the Thanksgiving day came, I baked a huge turkey and everyone else contributed what they could. Although the atmosphere was a little embarrassing at first, soon everyone was laughing, talking, and having a good time. I glanced around and smiled. Once again, my house was filled with chatter and laughter.
①出现:show up/turn up
②撕掉:tear off/rip off
③接到电话:get a call/receive a call
④决定:decide/make up one’s mind
②使人尴尬的:embarrassing /awkward
【点睛】[高分句型1] However, I didn’t go back to the supermarket to tear my note off the board, thinking no one would take it seriously. (运用了现在分词thinking作伴随状语和省略引导词that的宾语从句作thinking的宾语)
[高分句型2] Ten people are enough for the Thanksgiving dinner, so I decided that it was time to take down the note.(运用了hat引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型3] Although the atmosphere was a little embarrassing at first, soon everyone was laughing, talking, and having a good time. (运用了although引导的让步状语从句)
Passage 7
My younger sister Lily is a picky eater — she sticks mostly to pasta and fruit—and can be hesitant to try new things. She often says she’s afraid of unfamiliar experiences, but I think it’s just shyness.
Last year, Lily and I were preparing for our winter break trip together. I came up with a fun rule: we would say yes to everything. I wanted to encourage her to be more adventurous, but I didn’t want to use the usual “You’ll regret it if you don’t try it” line. So, I borrowed the idea of a “Yes Day” from a movie we had seen. We agreed that for the entire trip, we would say yes to everything — whether it was food, activities, or new experiences.
We started saying yes before we even left our hometown. At the train station, we stopped at a food court, and I decided to try a local snack that looked strange. Lily, who usually avoids anything unfamiliar, agreed to take a small bite. Neither of us went back for more, but we both agreed that it wasn’t as bad as we had expected.
Later in the trip, we decided to try a yoga class at our hotel. Lily was skeptical at first, but she agreed to join. It was our first time trying yoga, and we ended up laughing through the whole thing. It was awkward, but fun, and neither of us had ever felt so relaxed and silly at the same time. We also took up a cooking class. Neither of us was great in the kitchen, but we worked together and it ended up being delicious!
When we got back home, we learned that our school was holding a singing competition in the coming semester. At first, I wasn’t sure if Lily would want to participate, especially since she had always been shy about performing in front of a crowd. I really hoped that she could take up the challenge with me, knowing that she has a beautiful voice.
I reminded her of our “Yes Day” rule from the trip.
On the day of the talent show, we were nervous but ready.
I reminded her of our “Yes Day” rule from the trip. “Remember how much fun we had on vacation, trying new things together ” I said. “This could be just another adventure!” After a few moments of silence, Lily looked up at me and nodded slowly, with a smile on her face. “Okay,” she agreed. “I’ll do it with you.” With her decision made, we immediately began to prepare for the competition. Every day after school, we practiced together. We spent hours practicing our song, and I could tell that Lily was beginning to feel more confident with each passing day. Slowly but surely, we became a team, united by our shared goal.
On the day of the talent show, we were nervous but ready. Standing backstage, our hearts raced, but I squeezed Lily’s hand, encouraging her. As we walked onto the stage, I looked at her and felt a wave of confidence. Together, we sang, and Lily’s beautiful voice filled the room. It didn’t matter that we didn’t win; the experience of trying something new together was unforgettable. We had pushed ourselves, worked as a team, and, most importantly, had fun — just like we did during our vacation adventures.
【导语】本文以人物关系为线索,讲述了姐姐通过“YES DAY”规则成功鼓励内向的妹妹突破自己、参加歌唱比赛的故事。
①由第一段首句内容“我提醒她我们在旅行中定下的“YES DAY”规则。”可知,第一段通过回忆旅行中尝试新事物的经历,描写妹妹由迟疑到练习的成长过程