

名称 2025年高考英语答题技巧与答题模板(全国通用)模板22读后续写之结尾模板(学生版+解析)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-03-20 12:40:09


模板22 读后续写之结尾模板
年份 卷别 话题
2024 新高考I&II卷 诚信回报陌生司机相助
浙江卷1月卷 突破自我脑图定位找目标
2023 新高考I&II卷 在老师的鼓励下参加作文比赛
浙江卷1月卷 “我”与蜂鸟的神奇邂逅
2022 新高考I&II卷 鼓励身残志坚男孩继续参加越野赛
浙江卷6月卷 为无家可归的人们发放食物
浙江卷1月卷 与“最不合拍”搭档成为好友
题型 真题示例
读后续写 【新高考I&II卷】Paragraph 1: I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
考点揭秘 读后续写的语篇类型一般是记叙文,或叙议结合。故事通过设置较为真实的问题情境,考查考生能否运用英语基础知识准确理解文章故事情节,并结合所给文本材料及两个段落首句,分析篇章结构、情节脉络,发挥其独立思考能力,展开合理想象。运用英语词汇、语法等基础写作知识技能,完成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。读后续写题型创造性地将“阅读”与“写作”深度结合,能够更加有效地考查考生的综合语言运用能力、思维能力、学习能力和书面表达能力。反映考生在面对生活实践或学习探索问题情境时,能否在正确的思想价值观念指导下合理运用思维方法,有效整合英语语言学科知识,具备高质量地认识问题、分析问题和解決间题的综合素质。这个新题型能较全面容观地反映高考评价体系中“四层”的考查内容和“四翼”的考查要求。 从选材上来看,语篇选材情节曲折,逻辑性强。读后续写所提供的语篇材料一般是具有正能量而且故事性比较强的文章。一般来说,文章内容通俗易懂,故事线素的逻辑性较强,写作要求续写的部分多是故事的高潮或结局。例如2022年全国新高考I卷的读后续写,所给文章讲述了作者在一次越野赛跑前发现学生David打算放弃比赛。续写部分内容大致为了解清楚原因之后,在作者的鼓动下,David勇敢地参加了比赛。 从语言特点上来看,读后续写原材料一般是记叙文,或夹叙夹议类体裁,叙述性语言和描写性语言相结合。语言生动、细腻、富有感情,简洁朴素,画面感强。因此,考生在续写过程中,应该体会原材料故事中的语言特点,继而完成语言风格契合度高的短文。
技巧解读 (一)把握故事主题 续写故事应符合积极的世界观和价值观取向,逻辑合理,情节连费。要阅读语篇,从人与自我、人与社会、人与自然三个主题语境进行分析,把握故事主题,防止主题跑偏和故事情节离奇荒诞。 (二)学会分析情节 分析故事情节一般从故事六要素着手,即 who, when, where, what, why, how。然后理顺故事情节发展线和主人公的情感变化线。这样,故事的人物、事件和主要人物的心理变化就会一目了然,为接下来的续写做好准备。 (三)构思续写情节 1. 分析段首句,根据段首句的关键信息,提出问题,预设故事情节发展走向。 2. 关注段首句和续写部分的衔接,思考续写第一段和第二段的衔接,思考故事如何结尾,如何与前文做好首尾呼应,逻辑性应强,体现故事主题。 (四)优化语言表达 1.教学过程中,教师应该重视故事阅读,重视优质文本材料的开发和解读,引导学生积累有效的语言素材。 2.语言提升可以从场景描写、人物动作描写、情感情绪描写、人物心理活动描写、神态肖像刻画等方面分类整理,进行微情境训练,提升语言表达的质量。
【模板01 精彩主旨升华句】
1. The cracked ballet shoes, ribbons frayed like wounded wings, whispered a truth: true flight begins when we stop counting the falls.
(舞鞋破损 → 失败与成长)
His trembling fingers finally released the crumpled speech draft, setting free not just paper, but the crippling fear of imperfection.
(揉皱的演讲稿 → 克服完美主义)
Sweat blurred the equations on the chalkboard, transforming them into hieroglyphs of perseverance only the brave could decipher.
(黑板汗渍 → 坚持的意义)
The marathon medal left an icy imprint on her chest - a winter sun melting the frost of self-doubt.
(奖牌冰凉触感 → 自信觉醒)
1. Grandpa's pocketwatch, its cracked glass clouded with age, ticked louder than words: love outlives time itself.
(怀表裂痕 → 永恒亲情)
Mom's apron pockets, perpetually stuffed with band-aids and candy, became living proof that superheroes wear floral prints.(围裙口袋 → 母爱伟大)
The half-carved wooden duck, abandoned on the workbench, grew truer wings in Dad's unfinished love than any finished craft.(未完成木雕 → 父爱无言)
1. The wheelchair's chrome rims caught sunset fire, forging wheels of phoenix rising from ashes of despair.
(轮椅反光 → 逆境重生)
Her stuttering shadow on the debate stage stretched taller with each deep breath, painting courage in silhouettes.
(影子变化 → 自我超越)
The rescue dog's chewed leash, teeth marks scoring leather, became battle scars of trust reclaimed.
(狗绳牙印 → 治愈创伤)
1. Maple seeds helicoptering downward taught her the paradox: sometimes surrender is the bravest form of flight.
(枫树种子飘落 → 生命哲理)
Tadpoles wriggling in the jar cast moonlit hieroglyphs on her wall - living proof that magic thrives in ordinary containers.(蝌蚪游动 → 平凡中的奇迹)
The snapped sapling bent toward sunlight, its scar tissue forming a wiser smile than straight trunks ever could.
(断树向阳 → 创伤与成长)
1. Shared earbuds dangling between desks wove invisible threads, proving friendship needs no grand declarations.
(共用耳机 → 默契友情)
Her doodle-covered cast became a canvas of solidarity, each marker stroke a silent "I'm here".
(石膏涂鸦 → 陪伴力量)
The half-melted crayons in their secret box blended colors beyond rainbow - the exact hue of childhood promises kept.
(融化蜡笔 → 纯真约定)
1. Great-grandma's embroidery hoop held captive starlight, each stitch a constellation of fading traditions demanding resurrection.(刺绣绷架 → 文化延续)
2. The cracked clan ledger's tea-stained pages breathed ancestral sighs, turning genealogy into living poetry.
(族谱茶渍 → 家族记忆)
Grandpa's dented harmonica, rusted but resonant, played tunes that rebuilt bombed cities note by note.
(口琴锈迹 → 历史回响)
1. Freckles reflected in the pond multiplied into star maps - she finally saw celestial beauty in earthly imperfections.
(水中雀斑 → 外貌接纳)
The abandoned piano's dusty keys bloomed under hesitant fingers, composing redemption sonatas in minor scales.
(钢琴积灰 → 重拾初心)
Razor-scarred wrists now bore henna vines, pain transformed into gardens where hope took root.
(纹身遮盖伤疤 → 自我疗愈)
1. ICU monitors' green waves mirrored the willow outside, both whispering: fragility is just intensity in disguise.
(心电图与柳树 → 生命真谛)
Grandma's last knitting needle still held unraveled yarn - not unfinished business, but life's insistence on open-ended miracles.
(未完成毛线 → 生死哲思)
The hospice butterfly perched on her IV pole, its brief visit rewriting endings as winged beginnings.
(蝴蝶停留医疗设备 → 生命轮回)
1. The homeless man's library card, worn smoother than coins, proved poverty can't censor hungry minds.
(破损借书证 → 精神尊严)
Protest placards abandoned in rain bled colors into gutters - paint becoming the veins of change.
(褪色标语牌 → 社会变革)
Braille menus at the café folded/unfolded like origami swans, giving flight to inclusion.
(盲文菜单折痕 → 平等包容)
1. The janitor's keychain, heavy with classroom ghosts, unlocked more wisdom than any textbook.
(钥匙串声响 → 平凡伟大)
Faded lunchbox stickers chronicled a migrant worker's journey - each cartoon character a mile marker of resilience.
(饭盒贴纸 → 奋斗历程)
The bus driver's rain-streaked windshield framed a thousand life stories, each drop a liquid chapter.
(车窗雨痕 → 人间百态)
【模板02 高分结尾句】
They stood there for a moment, side by side, waiting for the rushing holiday current and for their place in it. Then the daughter glanced over and momentarily regarded her mother. And slowly, almost reluctantly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mother’s shoulders and gently guided her back into the deluge.
His hard work paid off! Holding the soda tin firmly, Reuben rushed for the shop to buy the brooch. The moment he got the beautiful brooch, he burst through the front door and placed it in Dora’s hand. Never had Dora received such a gift. Speechless and happy, she held her son tightly into her arms, with tears welling up in her eyes.
The butterfly cleaned her tears on the face,“No.” God felt a bit relieved and said,“Tomorrow you can become human again.” But she shook her head and said, “No, I want to be a butterfly for the rest of my life...” Then the butterfly would stay together with her lover forever. On the top of the mountain, she seemed to enjoy the sunrise and the sunset happily with them.
蝴蝶擦干了脸上的眼泪,说,“不。”上帝松了一口气,说。“明天你就可以变回人类了。”但她摇了摇头说,“不,我想做一辈子蝴蝶... ”然后蝴蝶就会永远和她的爱人在一起。在山顶上,她似乎和他们一起快乐地享受着日出和日落。
读后续写精彩结尾 02:画面定格——特殊寓意的写景画面
The sky was a billion pure eyes of light and the grass green underfoot, it was as if night and day had become one beautiful moment. Dawn had come.
Dawn sent shimmering rays over the placid ocean, bestowing a golden path from the shore to the horizon.
The crystal and cerulean water was gentle as I waded through it, the sunset like orange paint on a blue canvas.
The lingering sunlight was obliterated by the rapidly falling night,resembling a pitch-black curtain draped over the sky.
The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything.
Looking up, I saw the sun shine brighter than I ever knew before. I saw a tree in the distance glisten gently as it reflected the sun's rays. My consciousness ebbed away with the heat. I took a few blinks before I landed with a thud.
Dotted with glittering stars, the sky, midnight blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality.
The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight.
雨水打着窗户,向最后一缕阳光告别。 (雨水来临的画面)
Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. A dense earthly sweet smell rises from the ground, enveloping everything within its soft embrace.
The leaves crunched beneath my feet as I strolled down the street. Occasionally, one would fall past me, lightly swaying as the air gently carried it to the ground.
读后续写精彩结尾 03:对话结尾
Chester said his father told him he had tried to search for him and his brother, but both brothers had changed their last names. “He does remember me and my older brother and he told me that he’s been looking for us ever since we lost contact,” he said. Chester said his brother has since flown to Colombia to be reunited with Urrea as well. When asked how the reunion with his father will change his life, Chester said, “I got family everywhere, so it might lead to many more trips now.”
Chester 说他父亲告诉他,他曾试图寻找他和他哥哥,但两兄弟都改了姓。“他确实记得我和我哥哥,他告诉我,自从我们失去联系以来,他一直在找我们,”他说。Chester 说他哥哥也飞去哥伦比亚和 Urrea 团聚了。当被问及与父亲的团聚会如何改变他的生活时,Chester 说,“我的家人无处不在,所以现在可能会有更多的出行。”
What was most fascinating about the reunion is that Shavi also moves others. Nina’s family had moved to a bigger apartment. “I’ve heard amazing stories about dogs’ loyalty, but I never imagined this sort of thing would ever happen to me. Even now, I can hardly believe this dog traveled such a long distance to find us,” said Nina,“I would never give this kind of friend away again. I never grow tired of repeating this—animals are the most devoted and loving creatures. They need our love and care.”
Her husband spoke to the director of Heightvale, Dolores Haworth. Soon she offered him a job working for the company. She said,“He just had a brilliant working attitude and is definitely the type of employee we are looking for. I was told, ‘If he does this for free, imagine his jobs if he was being paid. ’I met him and he was a lovely and polite young man and he has already started working for us.”
她丈夫和 Heightvale 的主管 Dolores Haworth 谈过了。很快她就给了他一份为公司工作的工作。她说,“他的工作态度很好,绝对是我们要找的那种员工。有人告诉我,‘如果他这么做是免费的,想象一下他的工作是有报酬的。’我见过他,他是个可爱又有礼貌的年轻人,他已经开始为我们工作了。”
04They hung all the things back to the wall. Jack asked Paisley, “Are you really willing to lead a tough life with me?” She patted away the ashes on hands and looked at the walls with loads of stuff on them satisfactorily, saying,“Yes! For me,it is not a suffering to live.”
他们把所有的东西都挂回墙上。杰克问佩斯利: “你真的愿意和我一起过艰难的生活吗 ”她拍拍手上的骨灰,满意地看着墙上挂满东西的墙,说: “是的!对我来说,活着不是一种痛苦。”
I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September. I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half. I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought. That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadn't heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car. Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "We made it," he said. Just then I realised that I had in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bank card. He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out. At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
1. 情境分析与伏笔呼应
核心矛盾:支付失败(葡萄牙卡被拒) vs 时间紧迫(只剩2分钟)
2. 段落功能定位
Paragraph 1:危机爆发 → 解决方案铺垫(需体现人物成长/关系深化)
Paragraph 2:结果揭示 → 主题升华(善意无价/跨文化友谊)
Paragraph 1:I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.
对应模板:意外转折型 + 行动号召型
I ran back to Gunter, my breath forming tiny clouds in the icy air, trembling as I delivered the news. His face paled, the Vienna sunset casting long shadows across his furrowed brow. "Stuck again " he muttered, fingers drumming the steering wheel—a nervous tic I hadn’t noticed before. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he pulled out a leather wallet from his suit pocket. "Austria Card," he declared, sliding his own credit card through the machine with practiced ease. My eyes widened as the green light flashed, the sound of coins clinking in the fare box ringing through the chaos.
意外转折:用"nervous tic"暗示Gunter隐藏的不安,与后文果断行动形成反差
行动号召:Gunter主动提供解决方案,体现"Help without expectation"的主题
感官矩阵:"icy air"(触觉)+"green light"(视觉)+"coins clinking"(听觉)
Paragraph 2:Four days later, when I was back in Vienna...
对应模板:伏笔回收型 + 主题升华型
The line had vanished by the time we boarded, the bus’s engine roaring like a sleeping giant awakening. Four days later, as I dialed the number engraved on his business card, a warm Austrian accent greeted me. "Miss, you owe me thirty euros and a proper dinner." We laughed, recalling how he’d secretly photographed my boarding pass to ensure I reached Prague. "No," I insisted, "you taught me that some connections aren’t about transactions—they’re about people who make time stand still."
伏笔回收:前文Gunter"parked the taxi behind the bus"的细节,暗示他早有周全计划(拍boarding pass)
主题升华:用"connections aren’t about transactions"呼应首段storm中的人性温暖
文化映射:Austria Card(奥地利主流支付方式)与Portuguese卡的冲突,暗含跨文化互助主题
物理伏笔:Gunter的"leather wallet"(商务人士身份)
情感伏笔:前文他"smiled widely"预示其乐于助人的本质
使用"make time stand still"呼应开篇storm营造的时间紧迫感
I closed my eyes and lifted my face towards the sun. I breathed deeply, expanding my lungs with fresh spring air. I was alive.
I hadn’t been able to walk the entire distance around the lake a couple months before. I was just finishing up with treatments for stage three breast cancer when we started these walks. My body was weak and painful. My mind was foggy and forgetful. I would get lost easily if my husband wasn’t there with me.
My husband, who heard my big breath intake, asked if I was okay. I opened my eyes, looked at the concerned expression on his face and smiled. I reassured him that I was indeed fine; normal in fact. In that moment I felt happy.
As I was looking over at him, my eyes caught the sight of two women running. I focused on their movements. I watched with great attention as their feet hit the road in quickened movements. They wore black, pink and green athletic wear, smiling and laughing as they ran, they were happy that afternoon too.
Walking was getting easier for me now. It wasn’t getting my heart-rate up anymore. My doctor said I needed a good workout for my heart. In the days that followed, I couldn’t stop thinking about running. With encouragement from my husband, I signed up for a learn-to-run class.
On the first day of classes, we were to do intervals (间隙) of running one minute, followed by walking for two minutes. That sounded easy enough. My enthusiasm soon turned to shock and panic. About 30 seconds into the run, I couldn’t breathe. I was struggling to get enough air in. My heart was pounding. I could hear the pulses in my ears. Sweat was forming onto my forehead and under my arms, making me uncomfortable. How could this be healthy I wondered. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Doubt flooded inside my head. I was so out of shape and felt silly for being there.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I am not sure why I went back to the second class.
That race inspired something in me.
1. 核心矛盾与人物关系
深层矛盾:自我否定("felt silly for being there")与内在潜能的觉醒
2. 段落功能定位
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 1:I am not sure why I went back to the second class.
对应模板:行动号召型 + 矛盾修饰法
I trudged home that day, my legs burning with each step. Yet as dusk painted the sky in amber, I found myself pacing our living room, my fingers absentmindedly tracing the outline of my running shoes on the coffee table. When my husband returned, he immediately noticed the determined set of my jaw. "You’re thinking about it," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. His words struck a chord—a reminder that cowardice wouldn’t heal my body or soul. The next morning, without waiting for him to urge me, I laced up my sneakers and headed to the track.
行动号召型:用"pacing...table"/"laced up sneakers"等动作细节替代心理独白
矛盾修饰法:"burning legs"与"etermined jaw"形成身体痛苦与精神坚韧的张力
伏笔回收:前文丈夫的"concerned expression"在此转化为精神支持
Paragraph 2:That race inspired something in me.
对应模板:意象收尾型 + 主题升华型
Months later, as I crossed the finish line of my first 5K, the sun dipped below the horizon like molten gold. My喘息 echoed the rhythm of my pounding heart, yet this time, it wasn’t a battle against suffocation—it was a symphony of survival. Tears blurred my vision not from pain, but from the overwhelming realization that I’d outlived my prognosis by running. The race had become more than exercise—it was my declaration of defiance against a disease that sought to steal my breath, my joy, my very existence.
"molten gold"隐喻夕阳与重生希望的双重意象
"symphony of survival"将生理反应升华为精神胜利
用"declaration of defiance"将个人经历提升至生命抗争的高度
"steal my breath"呼应前文跑步时的窒息感,形成闭环结构
原文:"sweat forming onto my forehead"(触觉)
升华:"tears blurred my vision"(视觉)+"symphony of survival"(听觉通感)
"5K race"象征生命马拉松
Passage 1
Simon was the star of the school sports team. He loved the thrill of outrunning the wind and crossing the finish line first. His name was always on the tip of everyone’s tongue when it came to school sports events.
His little brother, Charlie, loved running too and had always been a fan of Simon. He admired his brother from the bottom of his heart, his eyes wide with excitement as Simon sped past everyone on the track. He wanted to be like Simon and feel the wind in his hair as he ran. Charlie’s dream of being a runner grew like a tiny seed, but was overshadowed by his brother’s bright light. He realized he could never run as fast as Simon did: His feet felt heavy on the track, and his heart was even heavier with fear.
As the annual school sports day approached, Charlie saw the notice on the school bulletin board. His heart did a little dance. A running race! He wanted to be a part of it, to feel the excitement that Simon felt. With a trembling hand, Charlie wrote his name on the list and signed up for the running race, which would take place in two weeks.
That night, he couldn’t sleep, his mind racing with worries. He tossed and turned, picturing himself tripping and falling. What if he lost What if everyone laughed at him He couldn’t contain himself and sobbed quietly. He felt as if he was a tiny bird trying to fly alongside an eagle.
When Simon found Charlie crying in his room, he knew something was up. “Hey buddy, what’s all this ” he asked softly, his face filled with concern. Charlie looked up at his big brother with a long sigh and said, “I am going to lose, Simon. I’m not like you. I will never run as fast as you do.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Para 1. Simon gave Charlie a pat on the back and smiled.
Para 2. Two weeks later, Charlie stood at the starting line.
【答案】One possible version:
Simon gave Charlie a pat on the back and smiled. He wiped away Charlie’s tears and said, “You know what, Charlie. What really matters is not about being the fastest. It is about giving it your all and surpassing your previous self.” He promised to train with Charlie together. From that day on, Simon woke up early to run with Charlie. Simon would teach Charlie all his secrets to running fast and staying strong. And with each passing day, Charlie’s confidence grew, and so did his speed. Charlie was no longer just a fan on the sidelines; he was a runner with his own dreams to chase.
Two weeks later, Charlie stood at the starting line. His legs were a little shaky but his heart was full of courage. With each breath, he remembered Simon’s words, “You’re not just running a race, Charlie. You’re running towards your courage.” Charlie’s feet found a rhythm on the track, and he ran with a determination that surprised even himself. The crowd around him faded away, and all he could hear was Simon’s cheers, guiding him to the finish line. It was a day Charlie would never forget, a day when he learned that with belief and brotherly love, he could have the strength to keep going on any race in life.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:Simon拍Charlie的背——Simon安慰Charlie——两人一起训练,Charlie取得进步——Charlie站在起跑线上——Charlie勇敢地奔跑——感悟
3. 词汇激活
③追求:chase/pursue/go after
④逐渐消失:fade away/die away
【点睛】[高分句型1] What really matters is not about being the fastest. (what引导主语从句)
[高分句型2] Charlie’s feet found a rhythm on the track, and he ran with a determination that surprised even himself. (that引导限制性定语从句)
[高分句型3] It was a day Charlie would never forget, a day when he learned that with belief and brotherly love, he could have the strength to keep going on any race in life. (关系代词引导限制性定语从句并被省略、when引导限制性定语从句、that引导宾语从句)
Passage 2
It was New Year’s Day. I made a resolution to find my stray (走失的) dog, Puppy-Rocky. In the morning, I could hear icy rain knocking the windows. I said a quick prayer for Puppy-Rocky. He was out there somewhere in the storm, and I could just feel it. Sure, it had been three months since he’d gone missing, but I still had faith. It was the season for miracles (奇迹).
That fall, Puppy-Rocky, my sweet dog, had disappeared from my parents’ house in California. He had been staying with them while I was between apartments. At the time, I lived and worked in New York City. I was staying with friends until I signed my lease (租约) on a new place. Puppy-Rocky had gotten out of my parents’ house two days before I was set to fly back home to pick him up.
My mom and I spent that entire visit searching for him. Mom was the family’s resident “realist”, which meant she spent a whole lot of time trying to prepare me for the worst. “He’s either been hit by a car or been taken in by someone who found him,” she said. I rolled my eyes. Mom always supported me, but this time she doubted. She could have done with a little more faith!
Besides, though I couldn’t explain it, I believed I’d see my Puppy-Rocky again. His barks never faded away. He’d been homeless when I first met him, a naughty little dog that had survived all on his own. If any dog could do the impossible, it was my Puppy-Rocky. Even after I returned to New York City without him and the weeks stretched into months, deep down I had this feeling that we’d be reunited.
Now, home again for the holidays, I was determined to pick up my search. I grabbed Puppy-Rocky’s carrier, loaded it into the car, and then asked my mom to drive me to the shelter for the homeless dogs, hoping he’d been found.
“Dave, you have to be realistic,” my mom said as we headed to the garage. “He’s been gone too long. You’re not going to find him.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“Don’t you believe in New Year miracles ” I asked.
When I stepped into the last room of the shelter, a familiar bark came into my ears.
“Don’t you believe in New Year miracles ” I asked. Rolling the eyes, Mom climbed into the driver’s seat, mumbling to herself, “There’s just no way. You’re not going to find him. Be realistic.” “Mom! It’s my Puppy-Rocky! Promise! I’m sure I will see him again!!!” I kept yelling on the way to the shelter. Upon arriving there, we walked through rows of cages from room to room. I carefully examined dogs of all colors, shapes and sizes. None! All our efforts were in vain. Hopeless as it might be, I went on searching, followed by my mom, who had been trying to prepare me for the worst.
When I stepped into the last room of the shelter, a familiar bark came into my ears. Following the sound, I spotted a little dog wagging the tail towards me. It was him I double-checked it… Exactly, my Puppy-Rocky! It was bonier than ever before. Excited tears welling up, I immediately opened the cage door. He jumped into my arms as usual. I held him closely as Mom looked on, mouth wide open. It was indeed the season of miracle: three months after separation, we reunited. Puppy-Rocky’s return did let me, and especially my mom, firmly believe: we can do with more faith!
②确定:be sure/be bound to
④继续:go on/carry on
Hopeless as it might be, I went on searching, followed by my mom, who had been trying to prepare me for the worst.(运用了as引导的让步状语从句,并使用了部分倒装,who引导非限制性定语从句)
Excited tears welling up, I immediately opened the cage door.(运用了现在分词的独立主格结构)
Passage 3
Jeremy, at 75, had become used to living alone in his quiet hometown with his wife gone for 10 years. He filled his days with housework, without any company, not even a pet. In winter, he often sat by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot milk, with loneliness filling every corner of the house.
Warned by the government, a snowstorm was approaching. Jeremy was just about to go to bed when he heard a strange noise from his backyard, cutting through the quiet evening.
Confused, Jeremy put on his thickest coat and went towards the backyard slowly. Then he found a dog, cold and hungry, lying at the corner. But as he reached out his hand, the dog’s eyes got wild and it gave a threatening growl (咆哮). Jeremy took a step back, afraid of being bitten, since no one would care for him if things went wrong. He went back into the house and closed the door. But he couldn’t just leave the dog out there in the freezing cold.
Gathering his courage, Jeremy stepped outside again. This time, he moved carefully. The dog was still there. But its attitude changed slightly. It wasn’t trying to threaten him; it was protecting something. Driven by curiosity, Jeremy went closer, speaking softly to calm the dog. “Easy there... I’m not here to hurt you,” he said. The dog’s eyes tracked his every move, but it didn’t growl this time. Instead, it showed something hidden under its belly (肚子) slowly. It was two tiny owlets (小猫头鹰). Their small, round bodies trembled slightly, but fortunately they were in good condition.
The dog lay on the floor, eyes half-closed and body still. It had clearly given everything it had to protect the owlets. Jeremy gently checked it for signs of life. It was very weak. Jeremy knew the animal rescue wouldn’t arrive in time because of the snowstorm. But he didn’t want to lose the dog.
Knowing he could only rely on himself, Jeremy took immediate action.
The next morning Jeremy went to check the little hero’s condition.
Knowing he could only rely on himself, Jeremy took immediate action. With the snowstorm intensifying, he knew he had to work fast. He carefully wrapped the dog and the two owlets in a thick blanket he had brought from his house and gently placed them near the fireplace. Then he heated some water on his stove and mixed it with some leftover dog food he had from a neighbor’s visit, hoping the warmth and nutrition would help revive the dog. As the dog began to lap up the food, Jeremy could see its strength slowly returning. The owlets, nestled close to the dog, seemed to be in awe of their protector’s recovery. Jeremy stayed up most of the night, monitoring the dog and the owlets, ensuring they were warm and comfortable.
The next morning Jeremy went to check the little hero’s condition. To his relief, the dog was now awake and alert, its tail giving a weak wag in recognition of Jeremy’s care. The owlets were chirping softly, their eyes wide with curiosity. Jeremy decided that the dog and the owlets would stay with him until he could find a more permanent solution. For the first time in a decade, the house was filled with sounds of life and companionship. The unexpected visitors had not only brought a change to his routine but also a renewed sense of connection and responsibility. As he looked at the dog and the owlets, he knew that his life was about to take a turn he had never anticipated, and he welcomed it with open arms.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:带进房屋——取暖——喂食——恢复——收留——改变
3. 词汇激活
②监视:monitor/keep an eye on
【点睛】[高分句型1]He carefully wrapped the dog and the two owlets in a thick blanket he had brought from his house and gently placed them near the fireplace.(省略that的定语从句)
[高分句型2]Jeremy decided that the dog and the owlets would stay with him until he could find a more permanent solution.(until引导的时间状语从句)
Passage 4
There was a time in my life when I enjoyed violin very much. But when it came to performing in front of other people, I always became nervous and got discouraged frequently with my inability to play as well as I could when practicing alone. The fear of making mistakes made my hand tremble, overshadowing the joy I found in music. I worried that a single wrong note would break the connection I hoped to create with my listeners.
Determined to overcome this fear, I joined my high school orchestra (管弦乐队) as a freshmen. At our first class, the conductor announced that we would have the opportunity to perform in San Antonio, and everyone was excited about the trip.
A few weeks before the actual trip, one of my friends sent me a video of Joshua Bell, a well-known violinist, performing at a subway station. I was particularly fascinated by one piece that he played for the passersby. And he earned $32.17 for that piece.
I was deeply moved by the emotional richness and complexity of the piece, and I felt a strong desire to express its beauty. I imagined myself performing it confidently, just like Bell. I started practicing it like crazy. However, the difficulty of the piece and the constant repetitions and adjustments wore me out to the point where I almost considered just giving up. But it was a worthy challenge and I thought I could master it, with my unique style.
Several weeks later, our orchestra group were staying at a hotel in San Antonio. As we were hanging out, we found a beautiful courtyard just in front of the hotel. The friend who sent me the video and I were talking about how Joshua Bell’s performance at the subway station went viral on the social media.
Suddenly, he suggested that I play for the hotel customers in the courtyard.
I tried not to mind the mistakes halfway through the performance as before.
【答案】Suddenly, he suggested that I play for the hotel customers in the courtyard. At first, I was hesitant. The fear of making mistakes and embarrassing myself in front of others welled up inside me. But then I thought of Joshua Bell’s performance in the subway station. He played with such passion and dedication regardless of the setting. I took a deep breath, nodded, and got my violin ready. I walked to the center of the courtyard, and as I started to play, all eyes turned towards me.
I tried not to mind the mistakes halfway through the performance as before. Instead, I focused on the music itself, on expressing the beauty and emotion that I had felt when I first listened to the piece. I remembered the countless hours of practice, the determination to master this challenge. Gradually, I lost myself in the music. When I finished, there was a moment of silence, and then warm applause filled the courtyard. I looked around, seeing smiles on the faces of the hotel customers. A sense of accomplishment washed over me. I had finally overcome my fear and connected with the audience through the music.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了 作者曾经热爱小提琴,但在人前表演时总会因害怕犯错而紧张,影响发挥。为了克服恐惧,作者高一加入了学校管弦乐队,并之后将有机会在圣安东尼奥演出。一次,朋友给作者发了著名小提琴家约书亚·贝尔在地铁站表演的视频,作者被他演奏的曲目打动,决定练习并以独特风格演绎。几周后,作者所在的管弦乐队在圣安东尼奥的酒店停留,作者和朋友聊起约书亚·贝尔在地铁站的表演,这时朋友提议作者在酒店庭院为顾客演奏。
【详解】 1.段落续写:
①集中于:focus on/concentrate on
【点睛】[高分句型1] I walked to the center of the courtyard, and as I started to play, all eyes turned towards me.(运用了as引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Instead, I focused on the music itself, on expressing the beauty and emotion that I had felt when I first listened to the piece.(运用了关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句和when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型3] When I finished, there was a moment of silence, and then warm applause filled the courtyard.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
Passage 5
I met Sam on a rainy, windy and chaotic morning in August. I had planned to take a train to Boston and then catch a coach to Harvard University for an important academic conference. Due to a track accident, my train was delayed by two hours. I arrived at the train station in Boston just 25 minutes before the departure of the last coach that could take me to the university on time. The moment I got off the train, I rushed like mad through the station building and jumped into the first car in the taxi queue (队列) without hesitation.
That was when I met Sam. I told him where I was going, but he said he wasn’t familiar with the nearest coach station to Harvard. I thought my explanation was not clear enough, so I provided more detailed information, including the names of nearby landmarks, but he still looked puzzled. When I was about to lose hope, Sam took out his smartphone and searched online. After a long and intense search that seemed like forever, Sam finally found the right route and started the car.
Finally, with just three minutes to spare we pulled into the coach station. Thankfully, there was a long line still waiting to board the coach. Sam parked the car nearby, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. “We made it,” he said.
Just then I realized that my wallet was left at home. I gave him an embarrassed and panicked look as I searched through my bag in vain. I had no cash and the mobile payment app on my phone was malfunctioning. A sense of hopelessness overwhelmed me as I saw the coach queue moving forward quickly.
At this moment, Sam pointed to a small convenience store beside the station, suggesting I could ask for help there. I rushed in, only to be told that they couldn’t offer any cash or bank card-related assistance.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I ran back to Sam and told him the bad news.
One day later, when I was back in Boston, I called Sam as promised.
I ran back to Sam and told him the bad news. “I left my wallet at home and I have no way to pay you right now,” I stammered, my voice shaking. Sam looked at me in disbelief for a moment, then his expression softened. Without hesitation, he pulled out some cash and handed it to me. “Here, this should cover your fare. Don’t worry about it. You can pay me later,” he said kindly, writing down his phone number. “Call me when you get the chance.” Overwhelmed with gratitude, I thanked him profusely and rushed to board the coach just in time.
One day later, when I was back in Boston, I called Sam as promised. He answered cheerfully and picked me up from the coach station. On the way to the train station, we chatted happily. I expressed my thanks again, telling him how his help had made the conference possible. Upon arrival, I paid him back the borrowed money along with a generous tip he declined. I also gave him a souvenir from the conference, which he accepted with delight. Our brief encounter had turned into a lasting friendship. We vowed to stay in touch, and I felt truly fortunate to have met such a warm-hearted friend like Sam.
②上车:board the coach/get on the bus
①满怀感激:overwhelmed with gratitude/filled with thanks
【点睛】【高分句型1】Call me when you get the chance.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】I also gave him a souvenir from the conference, which he accepted with delight.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
Passage 6
“The adventure race is starting in five minutes, everyone! Please get ready!” the teacher announced cheerfully. On a Saturday morning, I was stretching and warming up with the rest of my teammates as the cool morning breeze brushed against my skin. My school had planned an adventure race for my level and we were required to take pictures of our surroundings with a camera during the race.
Before I knew it, the adventure race was starting as teams started gathering at the checkpoints. It was not long before the sound of the whistle was heard. Determinedly, my team members, Irene, Jennie and Lucas started venturing out in the forest. Walking purposefully onto the path of the forest, we took numerous photographs of the greenery around us. Not too long after, we started feeling anxious as we could no longer see any trees that were marked, indicating that we lost the path we were supposed to follow.
Finding ourselves in a fix, we were worried about how we were going to get back on track and were panicking. “Perhaps... we can look through the photographs we took to see our previous location,” Jennie suggested while holding the camera. Needless to say, we readily agreed to her idea and started looking through the pictures. Little did we know that “someone” was stealthily spying us. Out of nowhere, our camera was suddenly taken away! Apparently nobody was there and we stood in shocked silence, feeling thunderstruck.
Just then, I heard the rustling (沙沙声) of trees. Confused, I looked up at the trees. Then, I saw it! A flash appeared on one of the tree branches, and I gestured my teammates to keep quiet. I was astonished by the sight that greeted me. A monkey was holding up our camera on the tree.
“How are we supposed to get back our one and only camera now ” Irene asked.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Quite coincidentally, we had been back on track.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“How are we supposed to get back our one and only camera now ” Irene asked. It was not long before we started our mission to distract the monkey. In a bid to get the monkey’s attention, I cautiously took out a banana from my backpack. The monkey instantly let go of the camera and its eyes lit up with joy. Meanwhile, Jennie was jumping around, trying her best to catch the camera. Without wasting a moment, we ran as fast as we could. It was some time later when we stopped running.
Quite coincidentally, we had been back on track. The marked trees came in our sight. Bearing in mind that we still needed to complete the adventure race, we made our way along the path. Eventually, we passed the finish line of the race and were excited with joy to have completed it despite the predicament that we were in. “That was surely an exciting adventure,” I commented with a cheerful smile as the rest shared the same opinion as I did. I would never forget my teammates and I working together despite the accident. Recalling the exciting adventure, I still swelled with pride.
②把……记在心上:bear in mind/keep in mind
【点睛】【高分句型1】Without wasting a moment, we ran as fast as we could.(运用了as引导比较状语从句)
【高分句型2】Eventually, we passed the finish line of the race and were excited with joy to have completed it despite the predicament that we were in. (运用了关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句)
【高分句型3】Recalling the exciting adventure, I still swelled with pride. (运用了现在分词短语作伴随状语)
Passage 7
In the eyes of some people, Tom was a kid who often caused trouble. He would secretly stick chewing gum (泡泡糖) on the hair of the girl sitting in the front row in the classroom; he would also scare the classmates passing by at the corner of the corridor. However, one thing changed people’s view on him.
Last summer vacation, Tom went to visit his uncle in Los Angeles with his mother. He was very excited all the way because he was going to see his cousin whom he hadn’t seen for many years. While waiting at the New York Airport, he kept asking his mother when they could board the plane. His mother simply said he should be patient. The fourth time he asked, a noise not far away attracted him. Pushing through the crowd, Tom saw a little boy lying on a trolley, looking a bit painful. Next to him, an older man was anxiously communicating with the staff. As he was eager to know when he could board the plane, Tom didn’t pay much attention to this incident. At this time, the airport broadcast announced that passengers bound for Los Angeles could board the plane. Tom couldn’t wait to pull his mother towards the boarding gate.
Soon, everyone got on the plane. Ten minutes later, the plane began to taxi, indicating that it was about to take off. Tom became even more excited. However, an action by the flight attendant made him a little confused. A staff member walked up to the passenger next to Tom and said, “A little boy who urgently needs to fly to Los Angeles for an operation must board the plane with his brother. But since the plane is full, the last two passengers who boarded need to get off the plane.”
Unfortunately, those two passengers and several others were part of a choir (合唱团), and they had an important performance the next morning, which meant none of them could be missing. So they were a little hesitant about this decision. But no one else on the plane offered to give up their seats.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
At that moment, what Tom did moved the people present.
Three days later, Tom received a call from the New York Airport.
【答案】One possible version:
At that moment, what Tom did moved the people present. He took a deep breath and untied his seatbelt. Standing up, he said firmly, “I’ll get off the plane.” His mother looked at him with a mixture of surprise and pride. The other passengers stared in disbelief as Tom collected his things. When arriving at the boarding gate, Tom saw the boy who he had noticed minutes before. The gratitude in the brother’s eyes was obvious as he thanked Tom and his mother repeatedly. Tom just smiled shyly, and cheered for them. The little boy and his brother boarded the plane at the last minute.
Three days later, Tom received a call from the New York Airport. The airport manager first informed him that thanks to his generosity, the boy was saved finally. Then the manager added that they were so touched by Tom’s kindness that they would offer him and his mother free round-trip tickets to any destination of their choice. Tom was overjoyed and employed that chance to get together with his uncle. Tom’s experience taught him that a single act of kindness could have a ripple effect, changing not only the lives of those he helped but also how the world saw him. From then on, he continued to look for chances to make a positive impact, proving that everyone has the potential for great good, no matter their past.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:Tom的行为感动在场的人——Tom主动提出下飞机——Tom收到小男孩的感谢,小男孩顺利登机——Tom接到机场的电话——Tom被告知小男孩顺利得救,被送上礼物——Tom的感悟
3. 词汇激活
③利用:employ/make use of
⑤寻找:look for/seek/search for
③狂喜的:overjoyed/on cloud nine/ecstatic
【点睛】[高分句型1] Then the manager added that they were so touched by Tom’s kindness that they would offer him and his mother free round-trip tickets to any destination of their choice. (that引导宾语从句、so… that…引导结果状语从句)
[高分句型2] From then on, he continued to look for chances to make a positive impact, proving that everyone has the potential for great good, no matter their past. (现在分词作状语、that引导宾语从句)
Passage 8
21 years after graduating from college, I became a high school English teacher. During my first term as an educator, the kids taught me about high school and life, and what was important to them. It had been 25 years since I graduated from high school, so I had a lot to learn. I listened, took notes, and asked many questions.
My students had more hardship (艰难) than what I had been familiar with at their age. Understanding their situations was not easy, but loving them came easily.
When my second term began, my classroom welcomed a group of new students, including one young man who lit up the space every time he passed through the door. David stood tall at six feet and four inches. His strong body gave him the appearance of a grown man. His wide smile and bright eyes charmed every person in the classroom.
He was smart, too. David seemed to know the answers to everything. For weeks, he controlled the atmosphere of my class. He was very active. He led group discussions, encouraged others to participate, and earned the highest grades. I was so impressed by him and his abilities that I didn’t ask many questions. I didn’t really take time to get to know him as I had to be with my first-term students.
A few weeks passed, and we entered the month of February. David walked quietly into the classroom. His usual smile disappeared, and he looked cold. I asked if he was okay, but he didn’t respond. I encouraged him to participate, but he refused. He was just silent and emotionless. I was puzzled, embarrassed, upset and also angry about his behavior in class.
Finally, I called another student to my office. I had noticed him often walking in the hallways with David. “Do you know what’s wrong with David ” I asked. He replied, “Oh, Mrs Green, his mom’s birthday is coming, but she was just found to have cancer.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I was shocked and sad.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________模板22 读后续写之结尾模板
年份 卷别 话题
2024 新高考I&II卷 诚信回报陌生司机相助
浙江卷1月卷 突破自我脑图定位找目标
2023 新高考I&II卷 在老师的鼓励下参加作文比赛
浙江卷1月卷 “我”与蜂鸟的神奇邂逅
2022 新高考I&II卷 鼓励身残志坚男孩继续参加越野赛
浙江卷6月卷 为无家可归的人们发放食物
浙江卷1月卷 与“最不合拍”搭档成为好友
题型 真题示例
读后续写 【新高考I&II卷】Paragraph 1: I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
考点揭秘 读后续写的语篇类型一般是记叙文,或叙议结合。故事通过设置较为真实的问题情境,考查考生能否运用英语基础知识准确理解文章故事情节,并结合所给文本材料及两个段落首句,分析篇章结构、情节脉络,发挥其独立思考能力,展开合理想象。运用英语词汇、语法等基础写作知识技能,完成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。读后续写题型创造性地将“阅读”与“写作”深度结合,能够更加有效地考查考生的综合语言运用能力、思维能力、学习能力和书面表达能力。反映考生在面对生活实践或学习探索问题情境时,能否在正确的思想价值观念指导下合理运用思维方法,有效整合英语语言学科知识,具备高质量地认识问题、分析问题和解決间题的综合素质。这个新题型能较全面容观地反映高考评价体系中“四层”的考查内容和“四翼”的考查要求。 从选材上来看,语篇选材情节曲折,逻辑性强。读后续写所提供的语篇材料一般是具有正能量而且故事性比较强的文章。一般来说,文章内容通俗易懂,故事线素的逻辑性较强,写作要求续写的部分多是故事的高潮或结局。例如2022年全国新高考I卷的读后续写,所给文章讲述了作者在一次越野赛跑前发现学生David打算放弃比赛。续写部分内容大致为了解清楚原因之后,在作者的鼓动下,David勇敢地参加了比赛。 从语言特点上来看,读后续写原材料一般是记叙文,或夹叙夹议类体裁,叙述性语言和描写性语言相结合。语言生动、细腻、富有感情,简洁朴素,画面感强。因此,考生在续写过程中,应该体会原材料故事中的语言特点,继而完成语言风格契合度高的短文。
技巧解读 (一)把握故事主题 续写故事应符合积极的世界观和价值观取向,逻辑合理,情节连费。要阅读语篇,从人与自我、人与社会、人与自然三个主题语境进行分析,把握故事主题,防止主题跑偏和故事情节离奇荒诞。 (二)学会分析情节 分析故事情节一般从故事六要素着手,即 who, when, where, what, why, how。然后理顺故事情节发展线和主人公的情感变化线。这样,故事的人物、事件和主要人物的心理变化就会一目了然,为接下来的续写做好准备。 (三)构思续写情节 1. 分析段首句,根据段首句的关键信息,提出问题,预设故事情节发展走向。 2. 关注段首句和续写部分的衔接,思考续写第一段和第二段的衔接,思考故事如何结尾,如何与前文做好首尾呼应,逻辑性应强,体现故事主题。 (四)优化语言表达 1.教学过程中,教师应该重视故事阅读,重视优质文本材料的开发和解读,引导学生积累有效的语言素材。 2.语言提升可以从场景描写、人物动作描写、情感情绪描写、人物心理活动描写、神态肖像刻画等方面分类整理,进行微情境训练,提升语言表达的质量。
【模板01 精彩主旨升华句】
1. The cracked ballet shoes, ribbons frayed like wounded wings, whispered a truth: true flight begins when we stop counting the falls.
(舞鞋破损 → 失败与成长)
His trembling fingers finally released the crumpled speech draft, setting free not just paper, but the crippling fear of imperfection.
(揉皱的演讲稿 → 克服完美主义)
Sweat blurred the equations on the chalkboard, transforming them into hieroglyphs of perseverance only the brave could decipher.
(黑板汗渍 → 坚持的意义)
The marathon medal left an icy imprint on her chest - a winter sun melting the frost of self-doubt.
(奖牌冰凉触感 → 自信觉醒)
1. Grandpa's pocketwatch, its cracked glass clouded with age, ticked louder than words: love outlives time itself.
(怀表裂痕 → 永恒亲情)
Mom's apron pockets, perpetually stuffed with band-aids and candy, became living proof that superheroes wear floral prints.(围裙口袋 → 母爱伟大)
The half-carved wooden duck, abandoned on the workbench, grew truer wings in Dad's unfinished love than any finished craft.(未完成木雕 → 父爱无言)
1. The wheelchair's chrome rims caught sunset fire, forging wheels of phoenix rising from ashes of despair.
(轮椅反光 → 逆境重生)
Her stuttering shadow on the debate stage stretched taller with each deep breath, painting courage in silhouettes.
(影子变化 → 自我超越)
The rescue dog's chewed leash, teeth marks scoring leather, became battle scars of trust reclaimed.
(狗绳牙印 → 治愈创伤)
1. Maple seeds helicoptering downward taught her the paradox: sometimes surrender is the bravest form of flight.
(枫树种子飘落 → 生命哲理)
Tadpoles wriggling in the jar cast moonlit hieroglyphs on her wall - living proof that magic thrives in ordinary containers.(蝌蚪游动 → 平凡中的奇迹)
The snapped sapling bent toward sunlight, its scar tissue forming a wiser smile than straight trunks ever could.
(断树向阳 → 创伤与成长)
1. Shared earbuds dangling between desks wove invisible threads, proving friendship needs no grand declarations.
(共用耳机 → 默契友情)
Her doodle-covered cast became a canvas of solidarity, each marker stroke a silent "I'm here".
(石膏涂鸦 → 陪伴力量)
The half-melted crayons in their secret box blended colors beyond rainbow - the exact hue of childhood promises kept.
(融化蜡笔 → 纯真约定)
1. Great-grandma's embroidery hoop held captive starlight, each stitch a constellation of fading traditions demanding resurrection.(刺绣绷架 → 文化延续)
2. The cracked clan ledger's tea-stained pages breathed ancestral sighs, turning genealogy into living poetry.
(族谱茶渍 → 家族记忆)
Grandpa's dented harmonica, rusted but resonant, played tunes that rebuilt bombed cities note by note.
(口琴锈迹 → 历史回响)
1. Freckles reflected in the pond multiplied into star maps - she finally saw celestial beauty in earthly imperfections.
(水中雀斑 → 外貌接纳)
The abandoned piano's dusty keys bloomed under hesitant fingers, composing redemption sonatas in minor scales.
(钢琴积灰 → 重拾初心)
Razor-scarred wrists now bore henna vines, pain transformed into gardens where hope took root.
(纹身遮盖伤疤 → 自我疗愈)
1. ICU monitors' green waves mirrored the willow outside, both whispering: fragility is just intensity in disguise.
(心电图与柳树 → 生命真谛)
Grandma's last knitting needle still held unraveled yarn - not unfinished business, but life's insistence on open-ended miracles.
(未完成毛线 → 生死哲思)
The hospice butterfly perched on her IV pole, its brief visit rewriting endings as winged beginnings.
(蝴蝶停留医疗设备 → 生命轮回)
1. The homeless man's library card, worn smoother than coins, proved poverty can't censor hungry minds.
(破损借书证 → 精神尊严)
Protest placards abandoned in rain bled colors into gutters - paint becoming the veins of change.
(褪色标语牌 → 社会变革)
Braille menus at the café folded/unfolded like origami swans, giving flight to inclusion.
(盲文菜单折痕 → 平等包容)
1. The janitor's keychain, heavy with classroom ghosts, unlocked more wisdom than any textbook.
(钥匙串声响 → 平凡伟大)
Faded lunchbox stickers chronicled a migrant worker's journey - each cartoon character a mile marker of resilience.
(饭盒贴纸 → 奋斗历程)
The bus driver's rain-streaked windshield framed a thousand life stories, each drop a liquid chapter.
(车窗雨痕 → 人间百态)
【模板02 高分结尾句】
They stood there for a moment, side by side, waiting for the rushing holiday current and for their place in it. Then the daughter glanced over and momentarily regarded her mother. And slowly, almost reluctantly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mother’s shoulders and gently guided her back into the deluge.
His hard work paid off! Holding the soda tin firmly, Reuben rushed for the shop to buy the brooch. The moment he got the beautiful brooch, he burst through the front door and placed it in Dora’s hand. Never had Dora received such a gift. Speechless and happy, she held her son tightly into her arms, with tears welling up in her eyes.
The butterfly cleaned her tears on the face,“No.” God felt a bit relieved and said,“Tomorrow you can become human again.” But she shook her head and said, “No, I want to be a butterfly for the rest of my life...” Then the butterfly would stay together with her lover forever. On the top of the mountain, she seemed to enjoy the sunrise and the sunset happily with them.
蝴蝶擦干了脸上的眼泪,说,“不。”上帝松了一口气,说。“明天你就可以变回人类了。”但她摇了摇头说,“不,我想做一辈子蝴蝶... ”然后蝴蝶就会永远和她的爱人在一起。在山顶上,她似乎和他们一起快乐地享受着日出和日落。
读后续写精彩结尾 02:画面定格——特殊寓意的写景画面
The sky was a billion pure eyes of light and the grass green underfoot, it was as if night and day had become one beautiful moment. Dawn had come.
Dawn sent shimmering rays over the placid ocean, bestowing a golden path from the shore to the horizon.
The crystal and cerulean water was gentle as I waded through it, the sunset like orange paint on a blue canvas.
The lingering sunlight was obliterated by the rapidly falling night,resembling a pitch-black curtain draped over the sky.
The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything.
Looking up, I saw the sun shine brighter than I ever knew before. I saw a tree in the distance glisten gently as it reflected the sun's rays. My consciousness ebbed away with the heat. I took a few blinks before I landed with a thud.
Dotted with glittering stars, the sky, midnight blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality.
The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight.
雨水打着窗户,向最后一缕阳光告别。 (雨水来临的画面)
Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. A dense earthly sweet smell rises from the ground, enveloping everything within its soft embrace.
The leaves crunched beneath my feet as I strolled down the street. Occasionally, one would fall past me, lightly swaying as the air gently carried it to the ground.
读后续写精彩结尾 03:对话结尾
Chester said his father told him he had tried to search for him and his brother, but both brothers had changed their last names. “He does remember me and my older brother and he told me that he’s been looking for us ever since we lost contact,” he said. Chester said his brother has since flown to Colombia to be reunited with Urrea as well. When asked how the reunion with his father will change his life, Chester said, “I got family everywhere, so it might lead to many more trips now.”
Chester 说他父亲告诉他,他曾试图寻找他和他哥哥,但两兄弟都改了姓。“他确实记得我和我哥哥,他告诉我,自从我们失去联系以来,他一直在找我们,”他说。Chester 说他哥哥也飞去哥伦比亚和 Urrea 团聚了。当被问及与父亲的团聚会如何改变他的生活时,Chester 说,“我的家人无处不在,所以现在可能会有更多的出行。”
What was most fascinating about the reunion is that Shavi also moves others. Nina’s family had moved to a bigger apartment. “I’ve heard amazing stories about dogs’ loyalty, but I never imagined this sort of thing would ever happen to me. Even now, I can hardly believe this dog traveled such a long distance to find us,” said Nina,“I would never give this kind of friend away again. I never grow tired of repeating this—animals are the most devoted and loving creatures. They need our love and care.”
Her husband spoke to the director of Heightvale, Dolores Haworth. Soon she offered him a job working for the company. She said,“He just had a brilliant working attitude and is definitely the type of employee we are looking for. I was told, ‘If he does this for free, imagine his jobs if he was being paid. ’I met him and he was a lovely and polite young man and he has already started working for us.”
她丈夫和 Heightvale 的主管 Dolores Haworth 谈过了。很快她就给了他一份为公司工作的工作。她说,“他的工作态度很好,绝对是我们要找的那种员工。有人告诉我,‘如果他这么做是免费的,想象一下他的工作是有报酬的。’我见过他,他是个可爱又有礼貌的年轻人,他已经开始为我们工作了。”
04They hung all the things back to the wall. Jack asked Paisley, “Are you really willing to lead a tough life with me?” She patted away the ashes on hands and looked at the walls with loads of stuff on them satisfactorily, saying,“Yes! For me,it is not a suffering to live.”
他们把所有的东西都挂回墙上。杰克问佩斯利: “你真的愿意和我一起过艰难的生活吗 ”她拍拍手上的骨灰,满意地看着墙上挂满东西的墙,说: “是的!对我来说,活着不是一种痛苦。”
I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September. I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half. I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought. That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadn't heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car. Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "We made it," he said. Just then I realised that I had in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bank card. He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out. At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.___________________
1. 情境分析与伏笔呼应
核心矛盾:支付失败(葡萄牙卡被拒) vs 时间紧迫(只剩2分钟)
2. 段落功能定位
Paragraph 1:危机爆发 → 解决方案铺垫(需体现人物成长/关系深化)
Paragraph 2:结果揭示 → 主题升华(善意无价/跨文化友谊)
Paragraph 1:I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.
对应模板:意外转折型 + 行动号召型
I ran back to Gunter, my breath forming tiny clouds in the icy air, trembling as I delivered the news. His face paled, the Vienna sunset casting long shadows across his furrowed brow. "Stuck again " he muttered, fingers drumming the steering wheel—a nervous tic I hadn’t noticed before. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he pulled out a leather wallet from his suit pocket. "Austria Card," he declared, sliding his own credit card through the machine with practiced ease. My eyes widened as the green light flashed, the sound of coins clinking in the fare box ringing through the chaos.
意外转折:用"nervous tic"暗示Gunter隐藏的不安,与后文果断行动形成反差
行动号召:Gunter主动提供解决方案,体现"Help without expectation"的主题
感官矩阵:"icy air"(触觉)+"green light"(视觉)+"coins clinking"(听觉)
Paragraph 2:Four days later, when I was back in Vienna...
对应模板:伏笔回收型 + 主题升华型
The line had vanished by the time we boarded, the bus’s engine roaring like a sleeping giant awakening. Four days later, as I dialed the number engraved on his business card, a warm Austrian accent greeted me. "Miss, you owe me thirty euros and a proper dinner." We laughed, recalling how he’d secretly photographed my boarding pass to ensure I reached Prague. "No," I insisted, "you taught me that some connections aren’t about transactions—they’re about people who make time stand still."
伏笔回收:前文Gunter"parked the taxi behind the bus"的细节,暗示他早有周全计划(拍boarding pass)
主题升华:用"connections aren’t about transactions"呼应首段storm中的人性温暖
文化映射:Austria Card(奥地利主流支付方式)与Portuguese卡的冲突,暗含跨文化互助主题
物理伏笔:Gunter的"leather wallet"(商务人士身份)
情感伏笔:前文他"smiled widely"预示其乐于助人的本质
使用"make time stand still"呼应开篇storm营造的时间紧迫感
I closed my eyes and lifted my face towards the sun. I breathed deeply, expanding my lungs with fresh spring air. I was alive.
I hadn’t been able to walk the entire distance around the lake a couple months before. I was just finishing up with treatments for stage three breast cancer when we started these walks. My body was weak and painful. My mind was foggy and forgetful. I would get lost easily if my husband wasn’t there with me.
My husband, who heard my big breath intake, asked if I was okay. I opened my eyes, looked at the concerned expression on his face and smiled. I reassured him that I was indeed fine; normal in fact. In that moment I felt happy.
As I was looking over at him, my eyes caught the sight of two women running. I focused on their movements. I watched with great attention as their feet hit the road in quickened movements. They wore black, pink and green athletic wear, smiling and laughing as they ran, they were happy that afternoon too.
Walking was getting easier for me now. It wasn’t getting my heart-rate up anymore. My doctor said I needed a good workout for my heart. In the days that followed, I couldn’t stop thinking about running. With encouragement from my husband, I signed up for a learn-to-run class.
On the first day of classes, we were to do intervals (间隙) of running one minute, followed by walking for two minutes. That sounded easy enough. My enthusiasm soon turned to shock and panic. About 30 seconds into the run, I couldn’t breathe. I was struggling to get enough air in. My heart was pounding. I could hear the pulses in my ears. Sweat was forming onto my forehead and under my arms, making me uncomfortable. How could this be healthy I wondered. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Doubt flooded inside my head. I was so out of shape and felt silly for being there.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I am not sure why I went back to the second class.
That race inspired something in me.
1. 核心矛盾与人物关系
深层矛盾:自我否定("felt silly for being there")与内在潜能的觉醒
2. 段落功能定位
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 1:I am not sure why I went back to the second class.
对应模板:行动号召型 + 矛盾修饰法
I trudged home that day, my legs burning with each step. Yet as dusk painted the sky in amber, I found myself pacing our living room, my fingers absentmindedly tracing the outline of my running shoes on the coffee table. When my husband returned, he immediately noticed the determined set of my jaw. "You’re thinking about it," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. His words struck a chord—a reminder that cowardice wouldn’t heal my body or soul. The next morning, without waiting for him to urge me, I laced up my sneakers and headed to the track.
行动号召型:用"pacing...table"/"laced up sneakers"等动作细节替代心理独白
矛盾修饰法:"burning legs"与"etermined jaw"形成身体痛苦与精神坚韧的张力
伏笔回收:前文丈夫的"concerned expression"在此转化为精神支持
Paragraph 2:That race inspired something in me.
对应模板:意象收尾型 + 主题升华型
Months later, as I crossed the finish line of my first 5K, the sun dipped below the horizon like molten gold. My喘息 echoed the rhythm of my pounding heart, yet this time, it wasn’t a battle against suffocation—it was a symphony of survival. Tears blurred my vision not from pain, but from the overwhelming realization that I’d outlived my prognosis by running. The race had become more than exercise—it was my declaration of defiance against a disease that sought to steal my breath, my joy, my very existence.
"molten gold"隐喻夕阳与重生希望的双重意象
"symphony of survival"将生理反应升华为精神胜利
用"declaration of defiance"将个人经历提升至生命抗争的高度
"steal my breath"呼应前文跑步时的窒息感,形成闭环结构
原文:"sweat forming onto my forehead"(触觉)
升华:"tears blurred my vision"(视觉)+"symphony of survival"(听觉通感)
"5K race"象征生命马拉松
Passage 1
Simon was the star of the school sports team. He loved the thrill of outrunning the wind and crossing the finish line first. His name was always on the tip of everyone’s tongue when it came to school sports events.
His little brother, Charlie, loved running too and had always been a fan of Simon. He admired his brother from the bottom of his heart, his eyes wide with excitement as Simon sped past everyone on the track. He wanted to be like Simon and feel the wind in his hair as he ran. Charlie’s dream of being a runner grew like a tiny seed, but was overshadowed by his brother’s bright light. He realized he could never run as fast as Simon did: His feet felt heavy on the track, and his heart was even heavier with fear.
As the annual school sports day approached, Charlie saw the notice on the school bulletin board. His heart did a little dance. A running race! He wanted to be a part of it, to feel the excitement that Simon felt. With a trembling hand, Charlie wrote his name on the list and signed up for the running race, which would take place in two weeks.
That night, he couldn’t sleep, his mind racing with worries. He tossed and turned, picturing himself tripping and falling. What if he lost What if everyone laughed at him He couldn’t contain himself and sobbed quietly. He felt as if he was a tiny bird trying to fly alongside an eagle.
When Simon found Charlie crying in his room, he knew something was up. “Hey buddy, what’s all this ” he asked softly, his face filled with concern. Charlie looked up at his big brother with a long sigh and said, “I am going to lose, Simon. I’m not like you. I will never run as fast as you do.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Para 1. Simon gave Charlie a pat on the back and smiled.
Para 2. Two weeks later, Charlie stood at the starting line.
Passage 2
It was New Year’s Day. I made a resolution to find my stray (走失的) dog, Puppy-Rocky. In the morning, I could hear icy rain knocking the windows. I said a quick prayer for Puppy-Rocky. He was out there somewhere in the storm, and I could just feel it. Sure, it had been three months since he’d gone missing, but I still had faith. It was the season for miracles (奇迹).
That fall, Puppy-Rocky, my sweet dog, had disappeared from my parents’ house in California. He had been staying with them while I was between apartments. At the time, I lived and worked in New York City. I was staying with friends until I signed my lease (租约) on a new place. Puppy-Rocky had gotten out of my parents’ house two days before I was set to fly back home to pick him up.
My mom and I spent that entire visit searching for him. Mom was the family’s resident “realist”, which meant she spent a whole lot of time trying to prepare me for the worst. “He’s either been hit by a car or been taken in by someone who found him,” she said. I rolled my eyes. Mom always supported me, but this time she doubted. She could have done with a little more faith!
Besides, though I couldn’t explain it, I believed I’d see my Puppy-Rocky again. His barks never faded away. He’d been homeless when I first met him, a naughty little dog that had survived all on his own. If any dog could do the impossible, it was my Puppy-Rocky. Even after I returned to New York City without him and the weeks stretched into months, deep down I had this feeling that we’d be reunited.
Now, home again for the holidays, I was determined to pick up my search. I grabbed Puppy-Rocky’s carrier, loaded it into the car, and then asked my mom to drive me to the shelter for the homeless dogs, hoping he’d been found.
“Dave, you have to be realistic,” my mom said as we headed to the garage. “He’s been gone too long. You’re not going to find him.”
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“Don’t you believe in New Year miracles ” I asked.
When I stepped into the last room of the shelter, a familiar bark came into my ears.
Passage 3
Jeremy, at 75, had become used to living alone in his quiet hometown with his wife gone for 10 years. He filled his days with housework, without any company, not even a pet. In winter, he often sat by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot milk, with loneliness filling every corner of the house.
Warned by the government, a snowstorm was approaching. Jeremy was just about to go to bed when he heard a strange noise from his backyard, cutting through the quiet evening.
Confused, Jeremy put on his thickest coat and went towards the backyard slowly. Then he found a dog, cold and hungry, lying at the corner. But as he reached out his hand, the dog’s eyes got wild and it gave a threatening growl (咆哮). Jeremy took a step back, afraid of being bitten, since no one would care for him if things went wrong. He went back into the house and closed the door. But he couldn’t just leave the dog out there in the freezing cold.
Gathering his courage, Jeremy stepped outside again. This time, he moved carefully. The dog was still there. But its attitude changed slightly. It wasn’t trying to threaten him; it was protecting something. Driven by curiosity, Jeremy went closer, speaking softly to calm the dog. “Easy there... I’m not here to hurt you,” he said. The dog’s eyes tracked his every move, but it didn’t growl this time. Instead, it showed something hidden under its belly (肚子) slowly. It was two tiny owlets (小猫头鹰). Their small, round bodies trembled slightly, but fortunately they were in good condition.
The dog lay on the floor, eyes half-closed and body still. It had clearly given everything it had to protect the owlets. Jeremy gently checked it for signs of life. It was very weak. Jeremy knew the animal rescue wouldn’t arrive in time because of the snowstorm. But he didn’t want to lose the dog.
Knowing he could only rely on himself, Jeremy took immediate action.
The next morning Jeremy went to check the little hero’s condition.
Passage 4
There was a time in my life when I enjoyed violin very much. But when it came to performing in front of other people, I always became nervous and got discouraged frequently with my inability to play as well as I could when practicing alone. The fear of making mistakes made my hand tremble, overshadowing the joy I found in music. I worried that a single wrong note would break the connection I hoped to create with my listeners.
Determined to overcome this fear, I joined my high school orchestra (管弦乐队) as a freshmen. At our first class, the conductor announced that we would have the opportunity to perform in San Antonio, and everyone was excited about the trip.
A few weeks before the actual trip, one of my friends sent me a video of Joshua Bell, a well-known violinist, performing at a subway station. I was particularly fascinated by one piece that he played for the passersby. And he earned $32.17 for that piece.
I was deeply moved by the emotional richness and complexity of the piece, and I felt a strong desire to express its beauty. I imagined myself performing it confidently, just like Bell. I started practicing it like crazy. However, the difficulty of the piece and the constant repetitions and adjustments wore me out to the point where I almost considered just giving up. But it was a worthy challenge and I thought I could master it, with my unique style.
Several weeks later, our orchestra group were staying at a hotel in San Antonio. As we were hanging out, we found a beautiful courtyard just in front of the hotel. The friend who sent me the video and I were talking about how Joshua Bell’s performance at the subway station went viral on the social media.
Suddenly, he suggested that I play for the hotel customers in the courtyard.
I tried not to mind the mistakes halfway through the performance as before.
Passage 5
I met Sam on a rainy, windy and chaotic morning in August. I had planned to take a train to Boston and then catch a coach to Harvard University for an important academic conference. Due to a track accident, my train was delayed by two hours. I arrived at the train station in Boston just 25 minutes before the departure of the last coach that could take me to the university on time. The moment I got off the train, I rushed like mad through the station building and jumped into the first car in the taxi queue (队列) without hesitation.
That was when I met Sam. I told him where I was going, but he said he wasn’t familiar with the nearest coach station to Harvard. I thought my explanation was not clear enough, so I provided more detailed information, including the names of nearby landmarks, but he still looked puzzled. When I was about to lose hope, Sam took out his smartphone and searched online. After a long and intense search that seemed like forever, Sam finally found the right route and started the car.
Finally, with just three minutes to spare we pulled into the coach station. Thankfully, there was a long line still waiting to board the coach. Sam parked the car nearby, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. “We made it,” he said.
Just then I realized that my wallet was left at home. I gave him an embarrassed and panicked look as I searched through my bag in vain. I had no cash and the mobile payment app on my phone was malfunctioning. A sense of hopelessness overwhelmed me as I saw the coach queue moving forward quickly.
At this moment, Sam pointed to a small convenience store beside the station, suggesting I could ask for help there. I rushed in, only to be told that they couldn’t offer any cash or bank card-related assistance.
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I ran back to Sam and told him the bad news.
One day later, when I was back in Boston, I called Sam as promised.
Passage 6
“The adventure race is starting in five minutes, everyone! Please get ready!” the teacher announced cheerfully. On a Saturday morning, I was stretching and warming up with the rest of my teammates as the cool morning breeze brushed against my skin. My school had planned an adventure race for my level and we were required to take pictures of our surroundings with a camera during the race.
Before I knew it, the adventure race was starting as teams started gathering at the checkpoints. It was not long before the sound of the whistle was heard. Determinedly, my team members, Irene, Jennie and Lucas started venturing out in the forest. Walking purposefully onto the path of the forest, we took numerous photographs of the greenery around us. Not too long after, we started feeling anxious as we could no longer see any trees that were marked, indicating that we lost the path we were supposed to follow.
Finding ourselves in a fix, we were worried about how we were going to get back on track and were panicking. “Perhaps... we can look through the photographs we took to see our previous location,” Jennie suggested while holding the camera. Needless to say, we readily agreed to her idea and started looking through the pictures. Little did we know that “someone” was stealthily spying us. Out of nowhere, our camera was suddenly taken away! Apparently nobody was there and we stood in shocked silence, feeling thunderstruck.
Just then, I heard the rustling (沙沙声) of trees. Confused, I looked up at the trees. Then, I saw it! A flash appeared on one of the tree branches, and I gestured my teammates to keep quiet. I was astonished by the sight that greeted me. A monkey was holding up our camera on the tree.
“How are we supposed to get back our one and only camera now ” Irene asked.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Quite coincidentally, we had been back on track.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Passage 7
In the eyes of some people, Tom was a kid who often caused trouble. He would secretly stick chewing gum (泡泡糖) on the hair of the girl sitting in the front row in the classroom; he would also scare the classmates passing by at the corner of the corridor. However, one thing changed people’s view on him.
Last summer vacation, Tom went to visit his uncle in Los Angeles with his mother. He was very excited all the way because he was going to see his cousin whom he hadn’t seen for many years. While waiting at the New York Airport, he kept asking his mother when they could board the plane. His mother simply said he should be patient. The fourth time he asked, a noise not far away attracted him. Pushing through the crowd, Tom saw a little boy lying on a trolley, looking a bit painful. Next to him, an older man was anxiously communicating with the staff. As he was eager to know when he could board the plane, Tom didn’t pay much attention to this incident. At this time, the airport broadcast announced that passengers bound for Los Angeles could board the plane. Tom couldn’t wait to pull his mother towards the boarding gate.
Soon, everyone got on the plane. Ten minutes later, the plane began to taxi, indicating that it was about to take off. Tom became even more excited. However, an action by the flight attendant made him a little confused. A staff member walked up to the passenger next to Tom and said, “A little boy who urgently needs to fly to Los Angeles for an operation must board the plane with his brother. But since the plane is full, the last two passengers who boarded need to get off the plane.”
Unfortunately, those two passengers and several others were part of a choir (合唱团), and they had an important performance the next morning, which meant none of them could be missing. So they were a little hesitant about this decision. But no one else on the plane offered to give up their seats.
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At that moment, what Tom did moved the people present.
Three days later, Tom received a call from the New York Airport.
Passage 8
21 years after graduating from college, I became a high school English teacher. During my first term as an educator, the kids taught me about high school and life, and what was important to them. It had been 25 years since I graduated from high school, so I had a lot to learn. I listened, took notes, and asked many questions.
My students had more hardship (艰难) than what I had been familiar with at their age. Understanding their situations was not easy, but loving them came easily.
When my second term began, my classroom welcomed a group of new students, including one young man who lit up the space every time he passed through the door. David stood tall at six feet and four inches. His strong body gave him the appearance of a grown man. His wide smile and bright eyes charmed every person in the classroom.
He was smart, too. David seemed to know the answers to everything. For weeks, he controlled the atmosphere of my class. He was very active. He led group discussions, encouraged others to participate, and earned the highest grades. I was so impressed by him and his abilities that I didn’t ask many questions. I didn’t really take time to get to know him as I had to be with my first-term students.
A few weeks passed, and we entered the month of February. David walked quietly into the classroom. His usual smile disappeared, and he looked cold. I asked if he was okay, but he didn’t respond. I encouraged him to participate, but he refused. He was just silent and emotionless. I was puzzled, embarrassed, upset and also angry about his behavior in class.
Finally, I called another student to my office. I had noticed him often walking in the hallways with David. “Do you know what’s wrong with David ” I asked. He replied, “Oh, Mrs Green, his mom’s birthday is coming, but she was just found to have cancer.”
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I was shocked and sad.
Hoping to comfort him, I asked,“Can I give you a hug ”
Passage 9
The boys in the block were going to have a roller-skating (滑旱冰) race next Saturday. They were divided into two teams: the Sunnysiders and the Shadysiders, with five boys on each team. Andy was on the Sunnysiders. They lost last year, so they were desperate to win this time. But Andy knew his short legs made it hard for him to skate fast.
One day, Andy was greeted by a pleasant “Hello” as he was putting on his roller-skates. He looked up and saw his new neighbor, Francis. “Hello! ” he replied cheerfully, noticing his neighbor’s long legs. “Wanna skate with me Look at your long legs! Just the right kind to make you a good skater.” “I’d love to. You know, I’m really good at roller skating and I used to help my team win.” Francis said, his tone now heavy with sadness. “But I lost my roller skates and my mom just cannot afford to buy me another pair.”
Andy thought it was a shame for Francis. As a new comer, there were undoubtedly many moments when he must have felt lonely. Andy thought to himself, wondering what he could do for Francis. But he had to say goodbye in a hurry since the team were meeting in the open space on the corner to talk over some plans.
When talking to the team captain, Andy suggested adding another boy to their team, Francis. But the captain said “No” as the team knew nothing about him. Besides, the Shadysiders wouldn’t let them take on an extra player.
In the following days, Andy practiced very hard with his team. Then came the day before the race when he saw Francis on the sidewalk, watching them skate past, his eyes filled with a sense of loss. Somehow it upset Andy, and his desire to help his new neighbor resurfaced. Then he thought of a way that could not only help his team win, but help Francis fit in.
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He rushed to Francis, excited to tell him his plan.
The next day, the race began as scheduled.
Passage 10
The side door of the small aircraft was opened wide, and the wind rushed through the cargo hold (货仓). Packed tightly were fourteen silent people. Two of them were my adult children. Holding themselves perfectly still, they stared out at the endless sky.
When we reached a height of 4,300 feet, my son’s face turned pale as he carefully inched next to the opening, leaned (倾斜) sideways, and fell out of the airplane. Something went cold in my heart when I realized he was gone. But, only seconds later, instructions were being barked, and my daughter suddenly appeared in the same space just occupied by my son. She seemed a little nervous and then fell away into the wild blue sky after her brother.
For a quick moment, a desperate fear overcame me, and I wondered if that was the last time I would see them and whether they would land safely. But the thought soon passed as I felt a strong pull on my pack and was moved into position by our instructor.
With a big birthday approaching, two of my adult children had chosen to surprise me with an unforgettable way. I’d wanted to chicken out once we reached the airport, but when I heard a woman celebrating her fiftieth wedding anniversary decided to skydive, I thought that I had the courage to do it, too.
The wind blew louder as we went up further, each second feeling like an eternity (永生). My heart pounded in my chest quickly. Below me, the world seemed so distant, a patchwork of green fields and shining water. As I watched my children disappear into the vastness, a part of me wanted to scream, to pull them back into the safety of the aircraft. But another part, a deeper part, understood the excitement they sought and the freedom they had although they were afraid before skydiving.
The instructor’s voice showed it was my turn.
My son and daughter rushed to me when I landed.