21.Which roof promotes the number of bees
A.Green Roof at WWF Headquarters.
B.Flying High at the Fairmont in Canada.
C.Bird's-eye View of Vancouver,Canada.
D.Top-floor Forest School in the UK.
22.The plants on the Vancouver Convention Centre roof are watered by
A.Natural spring water.
B.Honey-enriched water.
C.Collected rainwater.
D.Recycled wastewater.
23.What is unique to the top-floor forest at RISC compared with others
A.It offers biology classes to visiting students.
B.It takes advantages of rainwater to keep plants.
C.It serves for purpose of environmental education.
D.It supplies for more species of animals and plants.
While a green roof may seem like a simple action,there are so many benefits.These
eco-friendly features not only enhance urban landscapes but also address critical environmental
A Munich art museum worker has been fired for adding one of his own drawings to
issues..From reducing energy cost5 s to creating babitats for pollinators(授粉昆虫),green roofs
the collection without permission,which occurred in February.
are a powerful tool for sustainable urban development
The Pinakothek der Moderne showcases art by Salvador Dali,Pablo Picasso,Nam
Green Roof at WWF Headquarters
June Paik and Max Emst,among many others.The uninvited artist is not named in news
The WWF headquarters in Washington D.C.features a 23,000 m2 green roof with 53.000
accounts;the managers want to discourage others trying the same thing,unless,of course,
plants,reducing stormwater runoff by 3 million liters annually-equivalent to an Olympic pool.
they're Banksy.We know only that the unauthorized artwork was 23 by 47 inches.
The roof supports 1I plant species and attracts dragonflies and many other insects,promoting
Museums and galleries have limited space and budgets.and often display what they
biodiversiry and sustainable urban design.
Flying High at the Fairmont in Canada
know people want to see."Sometimes it can feel like it's the same 25 artists always being
The Fairmont Royal York botel in Toronto has a rooftop bee farm with 450,000 bees and
exhibited in museums,"Clara Lieu,a former Rhode Island School of Design professor,told
six queen bees.The hives help tackle Colony Collapse Disorder,a phenomenon affecting
us."I laughed softly when I saw this story,"she added."It's an exhibition opportunity that
honeybee populations in North America.By collaborating with local beekeepers,the hotel
has never crossed my mind."
supports environmental health and community engagement
Nevertheless.she hopes other artists won't follow with their own unapproved wall
Bird's-eye View of Vancouver,Canada
hangings,adding "Today,most of the time we look at artworks is on a phone.That makes
The 400,000 local plants and grasses on the living roof at the Vancouver Convention
Centre attract bees,butterflies,and birds like Canada geese,bald eagles,and owls.An
museums even more important,to create experiences where we can engage with art more
irrigation (system using recycled wastewater sustains the plants,while four beehives aid
deeply.But all artists have a fundamental desire for their artworks to be seen."
pollination and provide honey for the building's kitchen.
I wonder if museums and galleries might consider having Open Wall nights,the way
Top-floor Forest School in the UK
comedy clubs have Open Mie nights.Let pcople who paint,sculpt,knit,spray-paint,put
The Reading Intemational Solidarity Centre(RISC)in Berkshire transformed its roof into
their work on a real museum wall or base for a night,with permission.
a forest in 2002.Despite a shallow 30 cm soil layer,the 200 m2 space now hosts 1.8-m-tall
An Open Wall night might open a window through which more artists can be spotted
tees and 180 spccies of eatable and medicinpnts.The garden attracts native bees,blue tits
and reminds us,too,that creating something with the power to charm,dazzle,or fascinate
and goldfinches,provides insulation,absorbs 85%of rainwater,and serves as an educational
space,sbowcasing how to reduce environmental footprints.
is not as easy as just hanging art on a wall.