鲁教版七年级英语上册:Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation?Grammar Focus --Section B 1d(课件40张PPT+教案+练习等9份打包)


名称 鲁教版七年级英语上册:Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation?Grammar Focus --Section B 1d(课件40张PPT+教案+练习等9份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 鲁教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-06-01 18:09:28


Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 学情分析
学生在第四单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。假期活动Such as;go abroad,go hiking,go hiking,summer camps,and so on接近学生的生活,They should be all interested in talking about it. 但是所上课的班级, 由于学生紧张的缘故,导致许多课堂活动开展的不够顺利,有些活动任务完成的有一定的瑕疵。这样的情形下, 就要求教师要有掌握全局的魄力,多关注学生的情感,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。切实作好本堂课的指导者,协作者
学生具有无限的潜力,需要教师适时、适当的引导,本节课虽然学生紧张,但是我尤其侧重引导学生自己说,自己真正的听,通过合作交流来完成本堂的教学任务。同时,我始终也在完善自己,让自己的课堂拥有独特的魅力、温馨、快乐与和谐。孩子们尽情地在课堂上交流,让孩子们能够“润物细无声”的接受知识。但是这种主体思想,因为学生的紧张, 完成度大大的打了折扣。
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 效果分析
本节课是一节以“度假”为话题的听说课,主要训练学生的听力和口语。同时, 将不定代词的语法教学分散融入到话题的各个任务中。利用生动有趣的各种游戏,来代替枯燥的语法演绎。
本节课由英文歌曲《爸爸去哪儿》导入, 吸引学生的注意力,让学生在五对星爸萌娃的带领下,根据图片回忆他们的各站之旅!在此过程中,学生们不自觉的会运用到刚学的一般过去式来提问关于星爸萌娃的度假情况, 比如:Where did you go? How was the food? How were the people? How was the trip? 学生们在寓教于乐的环境中,不自觉的就复习了本单元的重点句型和语法。但在实际的操作过程中,一开始上课, 很多同学看到2台摄像机“站”在那儿,慌了,也极度紧张, 上课时, 利用《爸爸去哪儿》图片进行复习时,很多同学只是机械的重复回答着“Yes””No”, 效果不够好, 在此过程中,教师应该及时随机应变,想办法调动学生学习的积极性,鼓励学生Don’t be nervous!Just say loudly and clearly.
在此后的“小记者采访“环节,扮演小记者的那位同学表现的落落大方, 口语流利, 达到了预期的效果。 但如果那位”小记者“能随机应变的多发挥一下,自由的问几个她想问的问题, 效果会更好!
关于听力方面, 通过前面《爸爸去哪儿?》旅游提问复习,小记者采访我的香港之旅, 已经把听力训练里面要用到的关键词, 关键句子做了相应的知识储备了, 学生已经比较熟悉了, 所以在这么多的铺垫之下,听力内容显得比较简单,连线轻而易举的解决了,后面的听力填空, 对初二学生来说, 有点难度,所以适时地加入了group discussion 来降低难度,并利用学生乐于展示的心理, 进行了板书展示, 达到了预期的一个效果。
由于本节课的关于度假的口语训练是一大重点,所以在教学过程中, 做了多重准备与铺垫!一开始利用《爸爸去哪儿》中无为星爸萌娃的旅游图片复习相关的单词句型,做了一重铺垫。 在听力训练时,通过小记者采访我的香港之旅后,让学生用对话形式运用一般过去式描述自己的旅游经历, 最后才是以文章的形式进行语言输出,写一篇关于自己和家人旅游的文章。 在层层铺垫之下,学生对本节课的重点语言已经烂熟于心, 写起文章来也是得心应手!口语训练效果几乎到达!但是小组讨论环节, 学生不敢张嘴, 口语训练效果不甚理想!
另外, 本节课除了口语训练外,还有一个简单的语法内容----复合不定代词的用法。 而其中关键是要明白复合不定代词的基本用法:Something 用于肯定句; anything 用于否定句和疑问句。由于单纯的语法学习太枯燥乏味,所以适当的运用了一首激情高昂的“不定代词“歌曲,来吸引学生的学习兴趣,并让学生集中精力听出歌曲中的歌词,并给出几个典型例句进行小组讨论,这样即变抽象为具体,让语法变得更加有趣味, 不枯燥, 不乏味!
为了给学生渗透“快乐学英语“的思想,整节课多方位运用了英语流行歌曲,视频, 听力, 小记者采访等等环节, 让学生在快乐的氛围中感受到学英语的快乐。”兴趣是最好的老师“,除了多鼓励学生出去看世界之外,更应该通过英文电影,英语歌曲, 英语绕口令等各种途径去感知英语!在兴趣的引导下快乐的学英语!
Unit 5
Where did you go on vacation?
Grammar Focus ---- Section B 1d

淄博市育才中学 段小丽
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation?
Grammar Focus --Section B 1d

教师寄语: Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.
Task1: Speaking:利用《爸爸去哪儿》歌曲视频图片, 练习Grammar Focus 和Section B
1a, 1b里的单词:delicious , exciting, terrible. expensive , cheap , boring .
Task2: Listening: 利用村长给出新的任务-----香港之旅, 通过小记者采访熟悉听力材料, 并进行听力训练, 并以“我的假期”对话的形式进行语言输出。
Task3:Practicing and writing : 利用不定代词歌曲导入语法, 并进行小组探究总结, 利用中考链接环节,进行巩固提高, 并利用口头作文的形式进行语言输出, 最后升华到保护我们美丽的大自然,享受快乐人生的情感主义教育。
教学目标 知识目标: 通过听,说和读使学生能熟练运用过去时谈论自己的假期活动。
情感目标: 能够使学生了解著名的游览胜地,享受假期,放松心情。
复合不定代词something, anything, nothing之间的区别。
Teaching procedures:教学步骤
Task 1. Speaking:
Step 1: Lead-in:快乐学英语:《爸爸去哪儿》 英文歌曲视频导入
设计意图: 因为学生们对《爸爸去哪儿》歌曲非常熟悉, 一放歌曲, 吸引学生们的注意力, 顺便引入“去哪度假”的话题。 在学案上, 附带了《爸爸去哪儿》的中英文歌词, 学生们可以看着歌词快乐学英文歌。
Step 2. 利用《爸爸去哪儿》相关图片信息, 回顾复习Grammar Focus 中Where did ...? What did ...? Did you ...?的句型并练习运用Section B 1a, 1b 的单词:delicious , exciting, terrible. expensive , cheap , boring .
A:Where did they go ? B:They went to New Zealand.
A:Is their trip exciting ? B:Yes, it is.
A: Did they go with anyone? B: Yes, they did. They went there with their fathers.
A: How was the food in Taiwan? B: It was very delicious.
A: Did they eat anything special? B: Yes, they did. They ate noodles.
A: Was the food expensive? B: No, it wasn’t. It was very cheap.
A: What about their houses? B: They were very terrible.
A: Did they have a good time? B: Yes, they did. Everything was excellent.
A: How was their trip? B : It was wonderful. It wasn't boring.
设计意图: 利用《爸爸去哪儿》相关图片信息,整合课本内容, 把Grammar Focus中的句子和Section B 1a, 1b 的单词:delicious , exciting, terrible. expensive , cheap , boring ,全部整合到学生比较感兴趣的的《爸爸去哪儿》里的对话活动, 并让学生进行pair work对话练习, 进一步运用目标语言。
Step 3:村长will give them a new task: They will go to Hong Kong. 香港
“香港”头脑风暴 Hong Kong?brainstorm 并观看视频
设计意图: 巧妙利用 《爸爸去哪儿》里村长发放新的任务卡,把话题带到新的度假地点——香港! 首先进行“香港”头脑风暴,让学生对香港有个大体的了解,观看香港宣传片视频后,学生更加了解了香港。
Step 4: 小记者采访“我的香港之旅” : An interview
Reporter: ----Hi. Long time no see. Where did you go on vacation?
Teacher: -- --
Reporter:-- --Did you go there with anyone?
Teacher: -- --
Reporter:-- --Did you do anything special there?
Teacher: -- --
Reporter:-- ---How was the food in Hong Kong?
Teacher: -- --
Reporter:-- ---How was the people in Hong Kong?
Teacher: -- --
Reporter:-- --Did you have a good time?
Teacher: -- --
设计意图:通过香港头脑风暴,香港宣传片的播放,引出我的香港之旅,让一个学生假扮记者对老师进行小记者采访。 考虑到听力对话里面的信息比较难, 所以转换视角, 让学生采访老师, 降低难度。 教师把听力里面用到的的句子口头表达出来,让学生对听力有个大概印象, 初步了解听力内容, 为之后的听力训练做好铺垫。
Task 2: Speaking :
Step1 : Listening practice : Lisa 的香港之旅
Listen to the dialogue and match them (听力连线)
What did Lisa say about…?
her vacation exciting
the fun park expensive
the stores friendly
the people delicious
the food. great
设计意图: 现在大家都了解了我的香港之行,让我们听听力了解一下Lisa 的香港之行。因为section B听力训练一开始的回答问题,填单词,对初二学生来说,有点难度,所以整合课本,换成了听力连线,听力填空,并把回答问题环节改成了对话的形式,这样更利于初二学生接受。
Step 2: Listen again and fill in the blanks. (听力填空) 录音原文:
Girl : Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?
Lisa : It was great! I went to __________ with my family
Girl : Really? Wow! Did you do __________ special there?
Lisa : Well, we went to a fun _________. It was really exciting.
Girl : Did you go shopping?
Lisa : Yeah, I did .
Girl : How were the stores?
Lisa : Oh, They were very expensive. but I did buy __________ for my best friend.
Girl : And how were the people? Were they friendly?
Lisa : Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents have some friends there, and we had dinner at their house.
Girl : How was the food?
Lisa: It was _________. I love their home cooking!
Girl: Did everyone have a good time?
Lisa: Oh, yes, we did. ___________ was excellent.
Step 3: Pair work. 模仿听力内容,同桌对话谈论一下自己的假期。
A: -- Hi. Long time no see. Where did you go on vacation?
B: -- I went to __________last summer vacation?
A: -- Did you go there with anyone?
B: -- Yes. I did. I went there with my ___________.
A: ---How was the food in ________?
B: ---It was _________.
A: -- How were the people in ________?
B: -- They were _____________.
A: -- Did you have a good time?
B: -- Yes, I did.
设计意图:听了两遍听力,如果再听第三遍回答问题, 效果不是很好, 而且对初二学生来说,听力回答问题太难, 所以转换思维, 换了一个pair work 根据听力内容进行一个语言运用, 自己模仿做小对话, 巩固语言!
Task 3 : Practicing and writing :
Step 1 : 新语法学习——不定代词 indefinite pronoun : Enjoy the song :
Step 2 复合不定代词
no one
Step 3: Group discussion:小组活动:读下列句子,并翻译总结用法。
肯:I bought something last Sunday.
否:I didn't buy anything last Sunday.
疑:Did you buy anything last Sunday?
肯: I bought nothing last Sunday.
总结: something 用在_______(肯定/否定)句中。anything 用在______句中。
设计意图:因为上面听力练习中, 出现了不定代词, 已经填空做了铺垫, 所以再用一首歌的音频引出不定代词,学生比较感兴趣。 总结讨论不定代词的用法,并进行填空练习。
Step 4 :Page 35 3a Fill in the blanks.请同学爬黑板书写答案。
设计意图: 通过让同学爬黑板展示答案,一是检验学生掌握如何,二是锻炼学生的自我展示能力。
Step 5: Page 35 3b Fill in the blanks. 村长给出新的任务卡, 要求宝贝们在一分钟之内完成E-mail 填空练习, 看谁能最快最准的完成任务。
设计意图:因为差不多到这个环节的时候, 学生情绪到了疲惫期, 突然屏幕上在弹出一张村长的任务卡, 学生眼前一亮, 立马来兴致, 保证最后学生们的听课效果。并利用竞争比赛的式样, 激发学生的斗志。
Step 6. 链接中考:
1. (2014·浙江中考)--Is _____ OK, Lucy?
 --No, my math is not as good as English.   A. everything??? B. something C. nothing D. anything
2. (2014·福州中考)--What's in the box?    -- It's empty. There is _____ in it.    A. something?? B. anything?? C. nothing D. everyone
Step 7:Group discussion:
读万卷书不如行万里路. Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.
My vacation 我的假期
Last summer vacation, I went to ________ with _________. Everything was great. The food was __________. The people were ________. The trip was _______.
I also bought ________ for my parents. We had a good time.___________(Everyone/ Someone)was very happy. And ___________ (nobody/nothing) was sad.
I had a wonderful vacation!
设计意图: 这节课,学生们的旅行已经到了台湾, 新西兰, 呼伦贝尔, 香港, 三亚等等世界各地,那各位同学一定也去过不少地方, 那就自我展示一下吧! 因为有了前面的单词, 句型, 小对话, 听力的积淀, 这次最后升华到文章的运用, 提高了档次和难度。
Step 8:情感升华教育
展示几张大家旅游之后的照片, 发现垃圾遍地, 河流污染, 我们大家的环保意识不够, 所以对学生
进行一个爱国主义情感教育: 无论去哪旅游, 一定保护好我们的大自然, 保护好我们的环境。
Protect the nature! Protect the world!! Protect ourselves!!!
Task 4: Summary and homework:
A: Remember the words, key phrases and sentences.
B: Write the passage : My vacation
C: Choose a good passage about vacation to share with your classmates tomorrow.
附: Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 导学案
淄博市育才中学 段小丽
教师寄语: Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.
Step1 :Listen to the dialogue and match them. (听力并连线)
What did Lisa say about…?
her vacation exciting
the fun park expensive
the stores friendly
the people delicious
the food. great
Step 2:Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. 录音原文:
Girl : Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?
Lisa : It was great! I went to _________________ with my family
Girl : Really? Wow! Did you do _______________ special there?
Lisa : Well, we went to a fun ________________. It was really exciting.
Girl : Did you go shopping?
Lisa : Yeah, I did .
Girl : How were the stores?
Lisa : Oh, They were very expensive. but I did buy __________ for my best friend.
Girl : And how were the people? Were they friendly?
Lisa : Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents have some friends there, and we had dinner at their house.
Girl : How was the food?
Lisa: It was _____________. I love their home cooking!
Girl: Did everyone have a good time?
Lisa: Oh, yes, we did. _______________ was excellent.
Step 3: Group discussion:小组活动:读下列句子,并翻译总结用法。
肯:I bought something last Sunday.
否:I didn't buy anything last Sunday.
疑:Did you buy anything last Sunday?
肯: I bought nothing last Sunday.
总结: something 用在_______(肯定/否定)句中。anything 用在______句中。
Step 4: 中考链接:
1. (2014·浙江中考)--Is _____ OK, Lucy?
 --No, my math is not as good as English.   A. everything??? B. something C. nothing D. anything
2. (2014·福州中考)--What's in the box?    -- It's empty. There is _____ in it.    A. something?? B. anything?? C. nothing D. everyone
Step5: My vacation 我的假期
Last summer vacation, I went to ___________ with ___________. Everything was great. The food was __________. The people were _______________. The trip was ______________.
I also bought ________ for my parents. We had a good time.___________(Everyone/ Someone)was very happy. And ___________ (nobody/nothing) was sad.
I had a wonderful vacation!

附: 快乐学英语 之 学唱英文歌爸爸去哪儿?歌词
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 一闪一闪亮晶晶
How I wonder what you are . 满天都是小星星
A1 See my daddy he looks so cool 我的家里 有个人很酷
Life with papa likes magic book 三头六臂 刀枪不入
Lovely father cooks tasty food 他的手掌 有一点粗
Teaching me everything to do 牵着我学 会了走路
A2 Baby as you come ,my life becomes full 谢谢你光顾 我的小怪物
You make me alright when I'm feeling blue 你是我写过 最美的情书
Connecting our home in a loving loop 钮扣住一个 家的幸福
Everything we are going through 爱着你呀 风雨无阻
A3 Papa, papa, when shall we travel far? 老爸 老爸 我们去哪里呀
Taking my telescope to see the star 有我在就天不怕地不怕
Baby, baby, taking the map you drew 宝贝 宝贝 我是你的大树
Follow me do as I do 一生陪你看日出
B1 I must be so strong to be your papa 这是第一次 当你的老爸
I learn to do well from the very start 我们的心情 都有点复杂
As time goes by ,you gradually grow up 你拼命发芽 我白了头发
Baby you are always my love 一起写下 一撇一捺
B2 Papa, papa, when shall we travel far? 老爸 老爸 我们去哪里呀
Taking my telescope to see the star 有我在就天不怕地不怕
Baby, baby, taking the map you drew 宝贝 宝贝 我是你的大树
Follow me do as I do 一生陪你看日出
RAP Funny papa runs very fast 我的老爸 是个神话
You are mommy's and my superstar 搞定老妈 绝代风华
You know why I love that cookie jar 就算有天你 掉光了牙
You're the best man always in my heart 我也可以 带你去 火辣辣!
B3 Papa , papa, when shall we travel far? 老爸 老爸 我们去哪里呀
Taking my telescope to see the star 有我在就天不怕地不怕
Baby, baby, taking the map you drew 宝贝 宝贝 我是你的大树
Follow me do as I do 一生陪你看日出
La la la la la ……. 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦
B4 Papa, papa, when shall we travel far? 老爸 老爸 我们去哪里呀
Taking my telescope to see the star 有我在就天不怕地不怕
Baby, baby, taking the map you drew 宝贝 宝贝 我是你的大树
Follow me do as I do 一生陪你看日出
B5 Papa , papa, when shall we travel far? 老爸 老爸 我们去哪里呀
I won't be afraid when sky's getting dark 你就是我的天大和地大
Baby, baby, you really did so great 宝贝 宝贝 时间的手一挥
You are forever my sweet! 你是永远的珍贵
La la la la la……… 啦啦啦啦......
Ending Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 一闪一闪亮晶晶
How I wonder what you are . 满天都是小星星
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 一闪一闪亮晶晶
How I wonder what you are? 满天都是小星星
课件40张PPT。Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 育才中学 段小丽Do you know this song?Lead-inDo you like this program?SunnyA: Where did they go ? B: They went to .....第一站重庆武隆 第二站 浙江建德 第三站 湖南怀化市 第四站四川都江堰A: Where did they go ? B: They went to .....第五站呼伦贝尔大草原第六站甘肃黄河石林 第七站 台湾 第八站 新西兰A: Where did they go ?
B: They went to New Zealand.
A: Was their trip exciting?
B: Yes, it was. New
新西兰adj.令人兴奋的Task 1:SpeakingA: Did they go with anyone?
B: Yes, they did. They went there with their fathers.
A: Were they happy?
B: Yes, they were. Look at their faces. Task 1:Speakinga:Taiwan
台湾A: How was the food in Taiwan?B: It was very delicious. adj. 美味的Task 1:SpeakingA: Was the food expensive ?
B: No, it wasn’t. It was very cheap.adj. 贵的adj. 便宜的SpeakingA: Did they eat anything special?B: Yes, they did. The ate noodles.SpeakingA: How were their houses?B: They were very terrible.adj. 糟糕的SpeakingA: Did they have a good time?B: Yes, they did. Everything was excellent. Speakingadj. 太好了A: How was their trip?
B: It was wonderful. It wasn't boring. Speaking 同位对话A: Where did they go?
B: They went to New Zealand.
A: How was the food?
B: It was very delicious.
A: How were the people?
B: They were very friendly and kind.
A: How was their trip?
B: It was wonderful.
Pair work :新任务
The New Task 1:
Hong Kong 香港游玩
村长李锐 Hong Kong
香港Hong Kong?brainstorm“香港”头脑风暴foodpeoplestores我的“香港之旅 ”小记者采访我的"香港之旅"Reporter: -- Hi. Long time no see. Where did you go on vacation?
Teacher: …
Reporter: -- Did you go there with anyone?
Teacher: …
Reporter: -- Did you do anything special there?
Teacher: …
Reporter: -- How was the food in Hong Kong?
Teacher: …
Reporter: -- How were the people in Hong Kong?
Teacher: …
Reporter: -- Did you have a good time?
Teacher: … InterviewLisa
Hong KongTask2: Listeningher vacation
the fun park the stores
the people the foodListen to the conversation and match them (听力连线)exciting
delicious greatWhat did Lisa say about…?Task2: ListeningListen again and fill in the blanks.
Pay attention to the listening skills
Task 2:ListeningGirl : Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?
Lisa : It was great! I went to with my
Girl : Really? Wow! Did you do special
Lisa : Well, we went to a fun . It was really
Girl : Did you go shopping?
Lisa : Yeah, I did .
Girl : How were the stores?
Lisa : Oh, They were very expensive. but I did buy
for my best friend.Hong KonganythingparksomethingGirl : And how were the people? Were they
Lisa : Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents
have some friends there, and we had
dinner at their house.
Girl : How was the food?
Lisa: It was _________. I love their home
Girl: Did everyone have a good time?
Lisa: Oh, yes, we did. __________ was excellent.Everything delicious模仿听力,和同桌谈论一下自己的假期。
A: -- Hi. Long time no see. Where did you go on vacation?
B: -- I went to __________last summer vacation.
A: -- Did you go there with anyone?
B: -- Yes. I did. I went there with my ___________.
A: ---How was the food in ________?
B: ---It was _________.
A: -- How were the people in ________?
B: -- They were _____________.
A: -- Did you have a good time?
B: -- Yes, I did. Pair workEnjoy the song你能说出歌曲中听到的.汉语或单词吗?复合不定代词代表人还是物?Group discussion:
肯:I bought something last Sunday.
否:I didn't buy anything last Sunday.
疑:Did you buy anything last Sunday?
I bought nothing last Sunday.something 用
(肯定/否定)anything 用在
Linda: Did you do ________ fun on your vacation, Alice?
Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya.
Linda: How did you like it?
Alice: Well, it was my first time there, so ___________ was
really interesting.
Linda: Did you go with ________?
Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister. 三亚之旅
Linda: Did you go shopping?
Alice: Of course! I bought _____________ for my parents,
but __________ for myself.
Linda: Why didn’t you buy ___________ yourself?
Alice: I didn’t really see __________ I liked.
3a小组合作:用不定代词填空anythingeverythinganyonesomethingnothinganythinganythingNew Task 2:
新任务 --- 去农场
比比谁最快做完 Dear Bill, 农场之旅
How was your vacation? Did you do _______ interesting? Did _______ in the family go with you? I went to a friend’s farm in the countryside with my family. __________ was great. We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was ________ much to do in the evening but read. Still _______ seemed to be bored. Bye for now! 3banythingeveryoneEverythingnothingno one读万卷书不如行万里路 Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.辞职信
世界那么大,我想去看看! New Task 3:
My vacation My vacation 我的假期 Last summer vacation, I went to ________
with _______. Everything was great. The
food was __________. The people were ________.
The trip was _______. I also bought ________ for
my __________. We had a good time.__________
(Everyone/ Someone) was very happy. But
______ (nobody/nothing) was sad.
I had a _________vacation!

..-- …....writingWherever we travel ,
we should protect the environment!We should enjoy our trip !
We should enjoy our life!享受假期,
享受人生Thanks a lot !Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 教材分析
本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语》七年级上册第5单元。本单元的核心话题是Holidays and vacations?,用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此“Where did you go on vacation?” “ Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did.No,I didn’t.”等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。
词汇:New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy, delicious,expensive,inexpensive.crowded.flew,kite,later,felt,little, corner, discuss,etc
句型: Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp.Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t.
1. Master the vocabulary
2. Master and use: Where did you go on vacation?
I went to summer camp? Did she go to Central Park?
Yes,she did.No, she didn’t
1.Vocabulary and Expressions
2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on vacation?I went to summer camp. Did she go on Central Park?Yes, she did. No, she didn’t Use the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in English with the following sentences: Where did you go on vacation? Did you go to…?Yes. … /No,…
(四)单元学情分析学生在第五单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。假期活动Such as; go abroad, go hiking, go hiking, summer camps, and so on. 接近学生的生活.They are all interested in talking about it.
Unit5 Where did you go on vacation?
因为刚刚播完星爸萌娃节目《爸爸去哪儿》,正好是关于度假旅游的, 所以结合本单元目标,通过展示爸爸去哪儿的图片, 回顾复习Grammar Focus 里面的重点句型, 从而导入课堂。
由于之前没接触过学生, 彼此之间不熟悉, 不了解, 所以通过图片复习重点句型时, 大多说学生只是回答yes, no 等无效回答, 没有真正活跃起来, 参与进课堂中。
教学观察员王军:课堂一开始, 可以先带领同学们玩个小的互动, 让彼此有个了解熟悉的过程,并且最好先让学生们互相讨论一下这个节目的先关内容, 以防有些同学没看过这个节目。 这样老师问问题的时候, 学生们就会有话可说, 师生互动就会活跃起来。
撑握了图片上的事件,最后就是应用:对话和写作练习如何度假。给出对话和作文的基本结构, 让学生利用填空的形式来回答自己如何度假的。同位对话练习口语交际能力, 写作练习学生的写作能力。
学生局限于老师所列的对话和写作内容,没有自己的发挥, 仅仅局限与老师的内容, 进行机械操练,没能达到练习学生自主学习的能力。
教学观察员翟凤琴:在以后的教学中,要注意全方位了解学生。学生要想什么时候,做什么,学生心情。教师必须有很强的洞察力。关心班上每一位学生。关心他们学习的进展, 这样才能做到有的放矢。
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation ?评测练习
习都是“度假”话题为主线贯穿始终的听说训练。同时, 将不定代词的语法教学分散融入到话题的各任务中。利用生动有趣的各种游戏,来代替枯燥的语法演绎。
Exercise 1 : Listening practice : Lisa 的香港之旅
Listen to the dialogue and match them (听力连线)
What did Lisa say about…?
her vacation exciting
the fun park expensive
the stores friendly
the people delicious
the food. great
精讲点拨: 关于Lisa 的香港之行,用连线的形式让学生对听力内容有个大体的理解, 练习听力技巧中抓关键词的能力。
设计意图: 现在大家都了解了我的香港之行,让我们听听力了解一下Lisa 的香港之行。因为section B听力训练一开始的回答问题,填单词,对初二学生来说,有点难度,所以整合课本,换成了听力连线,听力填空,并把回答问题环节改成了对话的形式,这样更利于初二学生接受。
Exercise 2: Listen again and fill in the blanks. (听力填空) 录音原文:
Girl : Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?
Lisa : It was great! I went to __________ with my family
Girl : Really? Wow! Did you do __________ special there?
Lisa : Well, we went to a fun _________. It was really exciting.
Girl : Did you go shopping?
Lisa : Yeah, I did .
Girl : How were the stores?
Lisa : Oh, They were very expensive. but I did buy __________ for my best friend.
Girl : And how were the people? Were they friendly?
Lisa : Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents have some friends there, and we had dinner at their house.
Girl : How was the food?
Lisa: It was _________. I love their home cooking!
Girl: Did everyone have a good time?
Lisa: Oh, yes, we did. ___________ was excellent.
精讲点拨: 通过完整的呈现录音原文, 让学生边听边看, 对整个听力内容有个比较全面的了解, 有利于听力训练能力的提高。
Exercise 3 : Grammar Focus: 复合不定代词
no one
Exercise 4 : Group discussion:小组活动:读下列句子,并翻译总结用法。
肯:I bought something last Sunday.
否:I didn't buy anything last Sunday.
疑:Did you buy anything last Sunday?
肯: I bought nothing last Sunday.
总结: something 用在_______(肯定/否定)句中。anything 用在______句中。
设计意图:因为上面听力练习中, 出现了不定代词, 已经填空做了铺垫, 所以再用一首歌的音频引出不定代词,学生比较感兴趣。 总结讨论不定代词的用法,并进行填空练习。
Exercise 5 : 3a Fill in the blanks.请同学爬黑板书写答案。
Linda: Did you do ________ fun on your vacation, Alice?
Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya.
Linda: How did you like it?
Alice: Well, it was my first time there, so ___________ was
really interesting.
Linda: Did you go with ________?
Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister. 三亚之旅
Linda: Did you go shopping?
Alice: Of course! I bought _____________ for my parents,
but __________ for myself.
Linda: Why didn’t you buy ___________ yourself?
Alice: I didn’t really see __________ I liked.
设计意图: 通过让同学爬黑板展示答案,一是检验学生掌握如何,二是锻炼学生的自我展示能力。
Exercise6 : 3b Fill in the blanks. 村长给出新的任务卡, 要求宝贝们在一分钟之内完成
E-mail 填空练习, 看谁能最快最准的完成任务。
Dear Bill, 农场之旅
How was your vacation? Did you do _______ interesting? Did _______ in the
family go with you? I went to a friend’s farm in the countryside with my family.
__________ was great. We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. They were so
cute! The only problem was that there was ________ much to do in the evening
but read. Still _______ seemed to be bored. Bye for now!
精讲点拨: 通过前面对话里面, 听力里面相关的不定代词知识点的渗透,到真正开始讲语法的时候, 学生就掌握的比较好了, 稍微一点拨, 加上定时训练和竞争比赛的训练,最后通过小组合作讨论, 爬黑板展示等环节,大部分学生会掌握的很好, 寓教于乐的教学方式还是很值得提倡的!
设计意图:因为差不多到这个环节的时候, 学生情绪到了疲惫期, 突然屏幕上在弹出一张村长的任务卡, 学生眼前一亮, 立马来兴致, 保证最后学生们的听课效果。并利用竞争比赛的式样, 激发学生的斗志。 把不定代词的用法彻底巩固好。
Exercise 7. 链接中考:
1. (2014·浙江中考)--Is _____ OK, Lucy?
 --No, my math is not as good as English.   A. everything??? B. something C. nothing D. anything
2. (2014·福州中考)--What's in the box? -- It's empty. There is _____ in it.    A. something?? B. anything?? C. nothing D. everyone
Exercise 8:Group discussion:
读万卷书不如行万里路. Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.
My vacation 我的假期
Last summer vacation, I went to ________ with _________. Everything was great. The
food was __________. The people were ________. The trip was _______. I also bought ________
for my parents. We had a good time.___________(Everyone/ Someone)was very happy. And
___________ (nobody/nothing) was sad.
I had a wonderful vacation!
设计意图: 这节课,学生们的旅行已经到了台湾, 新西兰, 呼伦贝尔, 香港, 三亚等等世界各地,那各位同学一定也去过不少地方, 那就自我展示一下吧! 因为有了前面的单词, 句型, 小对话, 听力的积淀, 这次最后升华到文章的运用, 提高了档次和难度。
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 评测练习
( )1.The boys are having great fun ______ in the waves.
A.play B.to play C.played D.playing
( )2、Thank you very much for _________us so well.
A .teach B. teaching C. teaches D. taught
( )3. How’s the weather in Shanghai ? _________.
A. It raining. B. It is rain C .It is rainy. D. It rainy.
( )4、It has five _______ years of history.
A. thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of
( )5.—When _______ a sports meeting? ---Last Monday.
A. had you B.do you have C.did you have D.will you have
( )6、How is it going? ______.
A. It's sunny. B.It's hot. C.It's right. D.It's pretty good
( )7.Listen! Who ________?
A. sings so well. B. is sing so well
C. is singing so well D. singing so well
( ) 8. “You are a very beautiful girl.” “________”
A. No, I’m not. B. Sorry, I don’t. C. Thank you. D. Yes, I do.
( ) 9 He didn’t have_____ money for a taxi, ______ he walked back to the hotel.
A. any, and B. much, because C. any, so D. some, so
( ) 10. On Sunday morning I helped my mother ____ the cooking.
A. do B. to doing C. does D. doing
( ) 11.---__________ ?
---He did some reading at home.
A. What does your father do yesterday evening
B .What does your brother do in the school
C. What did your brother do over the weekend
D. Where did your brother go last Sunday
( ) 12. I cleaned my classroom ____________.
A. with three hours B. three hours ago
C. in three hours D .three hours before
( ) 13. Did you go shopping yesterday? _________.
A Yes, I do B Yes, I did C Yes, I am D No, I couldn’t
( ) 14._______ you ________ soccer over the weekend?
A. Did, played B. Do, played C. Did, play D. Did, plaied
( ) 15.. ---What ______ they doing? ---They _____studying.
A. are, are B. is, is C. was, are D. are, do
  1. That made me f______ very happy.
  2. U______, my kite broke, so I didn’t have much fun.
  3. Today the w______ was cool, so we decided to play tennis.
  4. We played from breakfast t______ lunch.
  5. The food in the hotel is a______.
  6. Where did your family go on v______?
  7. Did Julie go to the m______ last Sunday?
  8. My vacation is p______ good. What about yours?
  9. —How was the museum? —It was b______.
  10. I walked back to the hotel so I was really t______. 
1.I can’t hear anything =I can hear_________.
2.There is__________on the floor. Please pick it up.
3.Did_____ go to play basketball with you?
4.I phoned you last night, but________answered it.
5.I don’t think___________telephoned.
6.Why don’t you ask_________to help you?
7.If you want__________,please let me know.
8.Shall we get_________to drink?
9.Don’t worry.There’s______wrong with your ears.
10.There’s__________in the box.It’s empty.
11.Maybe__________put my pencil_________.Ican’t find it___________.
能力训练 四、完形填空
Yesterday was Saturday. Mr. King __1__ his family to the People’s Park in the __2__. They got up early and had __3__ quickly. After that they went to the park __4__ their car. It was nine
o’clock when they got there. There were many __5 in the park. Lily __6__ the hill in the middle
of the park. Lucy flew a kite __7__ some other children. Mr. King and his wife were tired after
five days’ __8_. They sat under a tree and had a __9__. The King family had a __10__ time there.
( ) 1. A. told B. took C. called D. brought
( ) 2. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night
( ) 3. A. meal B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast
( ) 4. A. on B. by C. with D. in
( )5. A. people B. cars C. buses D. kites
( ) 6. A. saw B. climbed C. left D. found
( ) 7. A. behind B. after C. with D. before
( ) 8. A. time B. home C. work D. game
( ) 9. A. rest B. look C. work D. swim
( ) 10. A. hard B. good C. long D. short
Clark and Lucy like sports very much. In summer they swim and in winter they skate. They
are going skating this weekend, but they don’t know how the weather will(将会) be. It’s 7:35
now, they are watching TV. They are listening to the weather report(预报) for the weekend:
“Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it isn’t going to rain. The temperature(温度)is going
to be below (低于)zero. It’s going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday will be cold
and sunny.”
Now, Clark and Lucy are very happy. They think they will have a good time then.
1. Clark and Lucy like ______________ very much.
A. listening to the weather report B. watching TV
C. playing D. sports
2. They are going _____________ this Saturday and Sunday.
A. swimming in the river B. skating
C. have a party in the classroom D. to skating
3. They want to know about __________________.
A. the rain B. the food C. the weather D. the radio
4. It _____________ this weekend.
A. will rain heavily B. will be snowy
C. will be hot and cloudy D. will be cold and sunny
5. They are happy after they listen to the weather report, because ________________.
A. they want to see their good friend
B. they are going to have a picnic on the hill
C. they are going to have a football match in the open air
D. the weather will be fine and they can go skating
Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. It was sunny and hot. So they had
great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shops were crowded,
they didn’t really enjoy it.
The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a small boy
crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy.
But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel. That made him very tired.
On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played all morning. It was
really fun.
( )1. On Monday, Kim had fun going shopping.
( )2. It was very hot on Wednesday.
( )3. They went to a museum on Tuesday.
( )4. Kim helped a boy find his father and went back to the hotel by taxi.
( )5. They played tennis on a cool day.
Sam 昨天六点钟起床,然后骑自行车去公园,他在公园玩得很开心,中午和父母在麦当劳
午六点。晚饭后, Sam和父亲一起散步(go for a walk),父亲给他买了一张古典CD。这一天
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation ? 课后反思
本节课是《新目标英语》七年级上册第5单元Where did you go on vacation? 第二课时。本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。学生在第四单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。这课时又是本单元的的知识语言输出部分。句型操练是英语口语课堂教学的重要环节和必要手段,教师应遵循英语口语课堂教学的操练原则,从而提高学生的英语交际能力。本课是对section A部分所学句型的巩固和应用,因此本课进行了大量的听说练习和听力练习,以提高学生的听说技能。????????????????
创设教学情境是课堂生活化的基本途径。更是模拟生活,使课堂教学,更接近现实生活,使学生如临其境,如见其人,如闻其声,加强感知,突出体验的重要途径。教学情境还能够使学生在学习中产生比较强烈的情感共鸣,增强他们的情感体验。学习情境把抽象的知识转变成有血有肉的生活事件,而生活事件中均包含或强烈或含蓄的情感因素。所以本课设计了用对话形式, 作文的形式谈论了自己假期的角色扮演活动,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
本节课我是通过一首轻松诙谐的英文歌曲“Where is Papa?”进行导入,并利用《爸爸去哪儿》中六位星爸萌娃去旅游的相关图片信息, 回顾复习了 Grammar Focus 中Where did ...? What did ...? Did you ...?的句型并练习运用Section B 1a, 1b 的单词:delicious , exciting, terrible. expensive , cheap , boring . 因为大部分同学对《爸爸去哪儿》 非常感兴趣,这个巧妙的导入使学生学习的兴趣和积极性不知不觉的被调动起来。接下来,我巧妙利用 《爸爸去哪儿》里村长发放新的任务卡,把话题带到新的度假地点——香港! 首先进行“香港”头脑风暴,让学生对香港有个大体的了解,观看香港宣传片视频后,学生更加了解了香港。然后通过两张我们一家三口去香港度假的照片,引出我的香港之旅,让一个学生假扮CCTV-9的记者对“我”进行小记者采访。 考虑到听力对话里面的信息比较难, 所以转换视角, 让学生采访老师, 降低难度。 教师把听力里面用到的的句子口头表达出来,让学生对听力有个大概印象, 初步了解听力内容, 为之后的听力训练做好铺垫。这样,学生们在这种紧张的学习氛围中即学到了知识,又锻炼了自己的口语表达能力。在此环节,课后我询问学生了意见,学生们对我们一家三口在香港旅游的照片很感兴趣,但是由于图片很少,并且时间上的限制,此环节并没有更深入的展开,就觉得有点意犹未尽的感觉。对此环节,应多给学生时间展开更深入的讨论,不局限于就本单元的话题进行讨论,可以给学生更宽泛的选择,结合以往学过的知识来描述人物特征,描述天气情况等,用这样自由的讨论方式来练习对话,不仅能给学生提供更贴近生活的学习内容,更让学生在爱学,乐学的氛围中得到了全方位的锻炼。
现在大家都已经了解了我的香港之行,让我们听听力了解一下Lisa 的香港之行因为section B听力训练一开始的回答问题,填单词,对初二学生来说,有点难度,所以整合课本,换成了听力连线,听力填空,并把回答问题环节改成了对话的形式,这样更利于初二学生接受。听了两遍听力,如果再听第三遍回答问题, 效果不是很好, 而且对初二学生来说,听力回答问题太难, 所以转换思维, 换了一个pair work 根据听力内容进行一个语言运用, 自己模仿做小对话, 巩固语言!
因为上面听力练习中, 出现了不定代词, 已经填空做了铺垫, 所以再用一首激情澎湃的
“不定代词歌”的音频引出不定代词,学生比较感兴趣。 总结讨论不定代词的用法,并进行填空练习。通过让同学爬黑板展示答案,一是检验学生掌握如何,二是锻炼学生的自我展示能力。 但是由于时间的限制和学生本身的紧张情绪, 此环节处理的太仓促, 效果不是很好!需更加改进才好!
最后总结这节课,我作为一名导游, 已经带领大家到了新西兰, 香港, 三亚, 农场、
等等世界各地,那各位同学一定也去过不少地方, 那就自我展示一下吧! 因为有了前面的单词, 句型, 小对话, 听力的积淀, 这次最后升华到文章的运用, 提高了档次和难度。课堂中三位同学的自我展示效果比较好,口语流利,仪态大方自然,只是由于时间限制, 没有让学生进行实物投影展示, 只是口头上读了一下, 展示表演的成果展示效果大大打折了!
最后,展示几张大家旅游之后的照片, 发现垃圾遍地, 河流污染, 我们大家的环保意
识不够, 所以对学生进行一个爱国主义情感教育: 无论去哪旅游, 一定保护好我们的大自然, 保护好我们的环境。并以一句英文名言作为本节课的结束语“Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.”其句意是:读万卷书不如行万里路?。由于时间有限,学生就只读了一遍,不能很好的理解句意。课后,我也反思了此部分,觉得应该让学生通过反复读,大声读,和有感情的朗读等方式来加强学生朗读能力的训练和语感的培养。俗话说,“书读百遍其义自现。”这种每日一句英文名言的形式,即符合本节课的情感目标:“鼓励学生走出去,欣赏祖国的锦绣河山,”又符合英语新课堂改革后的要求,即引入异国文化到英语课堂中,扩宽学生的眼界和知识面,全面提高学生的综合素质能力和口语表达能力。
角色扮演就是把真实生活的情境带入课堂,让学生根据假设的情景,充分想象,充当不同的人物角色,做不同的事即席开展的交际活动,如以一个对话或课文作为框架基础,指导学生创造性地运用学过的语言材料进行交际。 听是学习语言的源泉和基础。听得清,才有模可仿,听得准,才能说得对。
把每节课开始后的三分钟固定为讲英语的时间,三分钟“Free talk”,让同学们轮流使用英语发言,谈天气,谈值日,也可以用英语表演小品、讲故事,或学唱一首英语歌曲,逐步培养学生课堂上学习英语的兴趣。同学们会积极准备,踊跃参加,会话能力大大提高。
运用小组合作活动,可以加快教学的节奏,加强训练密度和广度。在课堂上教师可以用快速反应的方式通过“pair by pair”的形式,有节奏地让学生练。这样无论学生成绩好、差,人人都能参与,学生在活动时都被一种积极的情感所支配,将大大激发他们参与课堂教学的热情,调动他们的积极性。以教师为中心的课堂教学模式转变为以学生为中心,学生成为教学的主体,让他们在一个近似自然的语言环境中运用语言进行交际,以达到学习语言的目的。
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 课标分析
Unit 5 Where did you go on vacation? 按照新课标要求,为了不仅完成正常的教学任务,同时又能培养学生自主学习合作交流的能力和创新精神,可以这样设计教学目标:
1 To learn how to talk about hobbies .
2 To grasp and use the key vocabulary or key phrases.
3 To understand sentence components and the sentence structures.
5 To practice the sentence structures and learn to make sentences with them。
5 Pronunciation: 能掌握一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的语调。
1.Listening:Listening for specific information about vacations and understanding the materials.
2.Speaking:Introduce your vacations and learn to ask others’ vacations.
3.Reading :Reading for specific information and dealing with unfamiliar words, Paying attention to the details about vacations.
4. Writing :Writing a passage about introducing classmate’s vacations , friend’s vacations or parents’ vacations.