【课题】
Culture1:
Study
Tour
班级
姓名
★★每日英语:Read
thousand
books,
travel
thousand
mile.读万卷书,行万里路。
【学习目标】
1.知识目标:
the
Yangtze
River,
Mount
Tai,Beijing
University,
Sha’anxi
History
Museum,
Australia,
Canada,
a
study
tour,an
Australia
family
2.能力目标:能朗读并理解P45对话。
【基础感知】
1.看看P44,P45的图片,你能说出这些地方的中文名字吗?请把它们翻译出来:
the
Yangtze
River___________________,
Mount
Tai___________________,
Beijing
University___________________,
Sha’anxi
History
Museum____________,
USA________________,
Australia_______________,
Canada_______________,
2.你还会用英语介绍那些地名,请写出来:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3.阅读P45对话。
【自主互学习】
1.学习小组互助认知地名。
2.熟悉各地名称,能熟练说出地名。
3.四人小组合作学习P45对话。
【课堂练习】
1.四人小组合作,模仿P45对话编对话。
A:
Hello.
What
are
you
going
to
do
during
your
vacation
B:
I’m
going
to______________.
And
you
A:
I’m
going
to
have
a
study
tour
in________.
B:
Great!
How
are
you
going
to_______
A:
I’m
going
by__________________.
B:
Where
are
you
going
to
stay
A:
I’m
going
to____________________.
2.表演对话。
【拓展延伸】
制定游学计划
四人小组讨论,制定游学计划。
根据讨论结果填写表格。
Where
to
go
How
to
go
Where
to
stay
③请写出你的游学计划:
Our
Study
Tour
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【Reading
for
fun快乐阅读】
Adding
Feet
to
a
Snake
One
day,
Mr.
Lion
holds
a
party.
Many
animals
come
and
drink
a
lot
of
wine.
At
last
there
is
a
pot
of
wine.
Who
can
drink
it
They
drink
out
an
idea
and
decide
to
have
a
match-Draw
a
snake.
If
you
finish
first,
you
can
get
it.
Soon
Mr.Wolf
finishes
drawing.
“Yeah,
I’ve
finished.
I’m
No.1,”
he
says.
But
he
draws
again
and
says,
“Oh,
let
me
add
feet
on
my
snake.”
At
the
time,
Mr.
Gorilla
also
finishes.
He
takes
away
the
pot
of
wine
and
drinks,
then
he
says,
“That
isn’t
a
snake.
Snakes
have
no
feet.
get
the
wine.”
请给这篇短文起一个中文题目:___________________________
参考词汇:hold举行
animal动物
wine酒
match比赛
Finish完成
draw画画
add添加
then然后