Unit 5 Food I like 第一课时课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Food I like 第一课时课件+教案
格式 zip
文件大小 4.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-06-18 09:43:44


Unit 5 Food I like 第一课时 教学设计
1、 认知内容: 学习本单元四个食物词汇,达到认读程度;拓展及复习已学食物词汇;学会句子Do you like…? Yes/No.及延伸的情景对话。
3、情感态度: 培养学生合作学习的能力、培养学生外出就餐交际能力。
学生在上一单元已经掌握了句型I like….的句型并接触了What do you like?句型,并且在食物词汇上也复习及新学习了部分食物词汇,其中也包括本单元新词。因此在本课时单词教学弱化,只通过在句型学习前的进一步监控过关情况,并根据学生掌握情况再在课堂中机制处理。Do you like…? Yes/No.句型为一般疑问句,虽然句型较难懂,但是句子简单,在情景下运用也比较容易,因此句型的学习不太难,特别是答句,为了让语言的交流更贴近生活,本课时在教材原有内容的基础上拓展答句,从Yes./No.拓展为Yes, I like ….或No, I don’t like….还延伸对话Here you are. Thank you. Taste it ,please. Hmm, yummy, yummy!等复习旧知识,形成生活化的情景对话。
本课时重点为四个食物的单词sweet, biscuit, ice cream, jelly的教学及单、复数形式的运用和一般疑问句Do you like…? Yes/No.难点为biscuit的发音以及单词单复数的区分运用。
活动1【导入】Step 1: warm up
1. Greeting
2.Sing a song
Apple red, apple round
活动2【导入】Step2: Revision
1.Play the PPT Sharp eyes. Review the words of food and fruit. Ask the students to say out quickly. 2. Ask and answer What do you like? I like….s.
活动3【讲授】Step2: Revision
. Show a picture of Eddie.
T: Today is Eddie’s Birthday. He’s going to have a party.
Show a picture with food.
Q:What do you like?
Ask another student.
Q: S1 likes apples. Do you like apples?
Teach the student to answer: Yes, I like apples. Practice this question with different food.
2. Show another picture. (PPT 6)
Teach the students how to make dialogue.
3. Teach new words in dialogues. Show a picture with a gift.
A: Teach the new word biscuit.
Q: Eddie got a gift. Guess what is it? (Hide the biscuit and ask some students to smell and guess.) Teach the plural form biscuits and make sentences with it.
Ask and answer with biscuit.
B:Teach the new word ice cream.
T: Eddie got another gift. What is it?
Play a short movie and lead in the word.
Teach a chant of Page 23.
Teach the adjective cold and sweet. Show some pictures to make the students understand the meaning of “sweet”.
C:Teach the new word sweet.
T: sweet has another meaning.
Show the picture and teach the word.
Make sentences and dialogue with this word.
D: Teach the word jelly.
Show a picture of Page 20. Lead students to dialogue.
Q: What will Kitty and Ben say? (Practice the dialogue.)
Change the chant. Use the chant of page 23.?
Ask the students to make a new chant.
Pair work. Practice the dialogue with partner.
活动4【练习】Step 4: Consolidation
1. Read the new words again.
2. Make a new chant with these new words. Practice in pair.
3. Pair work. Show more food and ask the students to make dialogue with partner.(Take out their word cards)
4. Sing a song. Do you like....?
活动5【作业】Step 5: Homework
1. Listen to the tape and read the words.
2. Sing the song ‘ I like ice cream’.
3. Share the rhyme with your classmates
课件30张PPT。Apple round, apple red.
Apple juicy, apple sweet.
Apple, apple, I love you.
Apple sweet, I like to eat. Eddie's birthday!Mumbiscuitbiscuits--- How many biscuits?
--- _____ biscuits.ice creamDo you like biscuits?Yes, I like biscuits.Here you are.Thank you!Taste it, please.Hmm,.......No, I don't like biscuits.It’s and .coldsweetsweetsweets--- How many sweets?
--- _____ sweets.Do you like sweets?No. I don't like sweets.jellyI like .
I like .
and .
and .
I like .
I like .
and .
and .
Do you like jelly? Yes, I like jelly. Here you are. Thank you.
Taste it, please.
Hmm, !
Apple pie, banana pie,
Jelly and sweet, jelly and sweet.
Biscuit, biscuit, biscuit, biscuit.
Ice cream——, ice cream——. : Do you like ? : Yes, I like . No, I don't like . :Hmm, !
:Taste it, please.
: Here you are. : Thank you. Do you like...?
Yes. I like....
No. I don't like...1.Listen to the tape and read the words.
2.Sing the song ‘ I like ice cream’.
3.Share the rhyme with your classmates.