课件31张PPT。 CountingUnit 8There are four steps for today. Step 2Step 4Step 3Step 1six five one two three four eight nine ten seven eleven twelve Step 1Let’s count .Step 1three + three =
one + four =
four + six =
five + three =
seven + two = Let’s count .sixtenninefiveeightStep 1How many can you get?Step 2Step 4Step 3Let’s learn. 13 14 Step 215 16 17 18 19 cherriesfourHow many cherries are there? cherries.ten There arefivetenfour?te neHow many cherries are there? There are fourteen cherries.How many strawberries are there?There are ________ strawberries. fifteentenfivete nefiffivetenHow many are there? peachesThere are _______ peaches. sixteeneighteen tthirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen fish 算一算。five + five =
nine + nine =
five + fourteen =
seven + eight =
eleven + two = teneighteenthirteennineteenfifteenStep 2Step 1How many can you get?Step 4Step 31、Listen and number.2、听录音,写数量。 ?18171614123414A:Hello!
A: What are these?
B: They’re clocks.
A: How many clocks are there?
B: There are 14 clocks.
A: Thank you!
B: You’re welcome!
B:______ !
A: What are these?
B: They’re ______.
A: How many _____ are there?
B: There are __ _____.
A: Thank you!
B: You’re welcome!3、Let’s enjoy a song.How many are there?
There are _____.
How many are there?
There are _____.
How many are there?
There are_____.
There are six ________.fourfivesixbananas Yoo hoo!
Yoo hoo!
Yoo hoo!
There are nine bananas.1, 2, 3!
4, 5, 6!
7, 8, 9!How many can you get?Step 2Step 4Step 3Step 1There are .
And there are .
A: How many apples are there?
B: There are ___________ apples.fourteenfive ninefive nine=fourteenCan you do it? Step 4There are .
And there are .
A: How many pencils are there?
B: There are ___________ pencils.seven six=thirteen???Step 2Step 4Step 3Step 1How many can you get?eighteen thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen fish 13~19 请你帮老师设计一道题。There are .
And there are .
A: _____ many balls are there?
B: ______ are ________ balls.Homework Thank you!
18172、 对话。 同桌两人A: What are these?
B: They’re clocks.
A: How many clocks are there?
B: There are 14 clocks.eighteen tthirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen fish A chant
Three + ten = thirteen
Four + ten = fourteen
Five + ten = fifteen
Six + ten = sixteeneighteen thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen fish