Module
Book
Listening
and
Vocabulary
&
Everyday
English
一、课程分析
1.
学习内容
本节课的学习内容是Module
Two中的Vocabulary
and
Listening以及Everyday
English部分。听力内容是关于一位英语老师和学生之间在课堂上进行的对话,涉及到有关课堂学习的新词汇以及表达偏爱的句型。Everyday
English来自听力材料中的一些习语。
2.
学习重点
通过本段材料的听力训练使学生能够在对话和语段中识别新学词汇和短语,在听懂原文的基础上获取信息并能运用它们。
3.
学习难点
运用所学所听词汇和句型谈论课堂学习。
二、学情分析
教学对象为高中一年级学生,他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,但是还没有很好地形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此本节课特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。本模块的话题是学生非常熟悉和感兴趣的,在这个前提下通过适当的引导,使他们在提高听力能力的基础上,能够运用所学知识用英语就他们所熟悉的课堂学习和课程项目展开讨论,使他们的学习自主性得到加强,能够主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强与他人交流合作的能力。不过,本班学生的水平参差不齐,有些差距还相当大。因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。
三、设计理念
本着以培养学生的综合语言运用能力而不仅仅局限于听力训练为目标,鼓励学生通过体验、讨论、和探究等方式进行学习,从而激发学生学习本课的兴趣。改变以往教师在课堂教学中“穿新鞋、走老路”的教学方式,发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,使学生有机会提高联想、思维和归纳等思维活动,用英语思考问题、分析问题和解决问题,获得深刻的、真实的、有效的语言体验。做到知识能力和语言应用能力的整体统一,构建出和谐高效的课堂模式。教学流程由Pre-class,
Lead-in,
Listen
for
the
general
idea,
Listen
for
detailed
information,
Listen
for
Everyday
English,
Group
work
and
Homework组成。
四、学习目标
1、知识和能力目标:学生能根据语境学习新单词,在听懂对话的基础上获取信息并运用所学所听词汇和句型谈论课堂学习。
2、情感目标:加深对老师的热爱和对课堂学习的兴趣,使课堂教学更加高效和谐。
五、教学流程
1.课前准备
Step
1:
Pre-class
Ask
the
students
to
collect
as
many
words
about
school
life
and
classroom
study
as
possible
and
then
exchange
in
groups.
点评:学生在学习了本模块的Reading
and
Vocabulary之后已经掌握了一些描写学校生活和老师的表达,让学生课前搜集关于学校和课堂学习的相关词汇可以为下面的课堂学习作好准备。同时可以培养学生自主学习的习惯,激发学习的积极性。
2.新课导入
Step
2:
Lead-in
1.
Present
some
new
words
(revision,
translation,
headmaster,
headmistress,
period,
timetable)on
the
screen.
Then
let
the
students
listen
to
what
the
teacher
says
carefully
and
find
the
meanings
of
the
words
according
to
the
context.
For
example:
Usually,
when
we
finish
a
module,
we
do
some
revision,
then
we
start
a
new
module.
And
we
also
do
revision
before
an
exam.
Can
you
guess
the
meaning
of
the
word
“revision”
2.
Ask
the
students
to
discuss
the
following
questions
in
English
in
pairs.
(1)
How
much
revision
do
you
do
before
an
exam
(2)
Do
you
do
a
lot
of
translation
in
your
language
classes
(3)
Do
you
have
any
free
periods
in
your
timetable
(4)
Is
the
head
of
your
school
a
headmaster
or
a
headmistress
(5)
How
much
time
do
you
spend
in
the
school
library
(6)
Do
you
do
different
topics
in
your
language
classes
(7)
Do
you
have
a
choice
about
which
language
to
study
(8)
How
much
vacation
do
you
have
(The
answers
depend
on
their
own.)
点评:这是任务前阶段,目的是激发兴趣与导入主题。通过给出学生英语语境来学习新单词,不仅加强了听的实践,为下面的听力练习作一些理解上的准备,而且可以培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯,培养学生的猜词能力。随后的问题讨论让学生进一步巩固了对新学词汇的理解,为理解好听力对话扫清了认知障碍。
Step
3:
Listen
for
the
general
idea
1.
Tell
the
students
they
are
going
to
hear
a
conversation
and
before
listening,
just
predict
what
the
conversation
is
about.
2.
Ask
some
students
to
give
their
predictions.
3.
Play
the
tape
and
ask
the
students
to
listen
to
the
conversation
between
an
English
teacher
and
his
students
carefully
and
get
the
general
idea
to
test
their
predictions.
Then
call
back
the
answer
from
the
class.
点评:让学生在听前先预测对话内容(因为有了之前的导入部分这个预测应该不会很难),然后带着问题听录音,捕捉文章大意,提高了学生整体理解文章的能力。
Step
4:
Listen
for
detailed
information
1.
Get
the
students
to
listen
to
the
conversation
again.
This
time
they
have
to
catch
the
detailed
information.
Tell
them
to
take
notes
while
listening.
After
listening,
they
should
finish
the
following
exercises.
Exercise
I.
Complete
the
sentences
with
the
words
they
have
heard.
(1)This
afternoon
I’m
going
to
give
you
a
________.
(2)We
can
either
do
some
________or
we
can
do
some___________.
(3)Firstly,
have
you
all
got
your
new__________
(4)At
present,
you
have
a
free
________
on
Tuesday
afternoons.
(5)The
________
wants
to
see
everyone
in
the
school_________.
Exercise
Choose
the
right
answers.
(1)What
will
students
have
soon
A.
vacation.
B.
Exams.
C.
test.
(2)What
do
most
of
the
class
want
to
do
A.
Revision.
B.
Translation.
C.
Comprehension.
(3)What
is
the
topic
that
most
students
want
to
study
A.
Life
in
the
Future.
B.
Travel.
C.
Life
in
the
Past.
(4)What
are
students
going
to
have
on
Tuesday
afternoons
A.
Geography.
B.
History.
C.
French.
(5)When
does
the
headmaster
want
to
see
the
students
A.
At
three
o’clock.
B.
At
two
o’clock.
C.
At
one
o’clock.
2.
Get
the
students
to
discuss
the
answers
and
check
with
their
partners.
3.
Play
the
tape
again
for
a
final
check
and
meantime
let
them
prepare
themselves
for
retelling
the
conversation.
4.
Divide
the
students
into
several
groups
to
practise
retelling
the
conversation.
5.
Ask
some
students
to
come
to
the
front
to
act
out
the
conversation.
点评:学生先浏览了问题,然后带着问题认真听对话,抓住信息才能得到准确答案,通过问题检测学生对材料的细节理解,训练学生获取信息和运用词汇的能力。让学生以小组形式进行对话复述并表演锻炼了他们的表达能力并对表达偏爱的句型和课堂学习词汇有了进一步的巩固和加深。
Step
5:
Listen
for
Everyday
English
Play
the
tape
a
fourth
time.
This
time,
the
students
have
to
complete
the
conversations
with
the
proper
expressions
that
they
hear
in
the
conversation
(1)—Shall
go
to
the
meeting
—You
decide—__________________.
(2)—
______________at
this
picture.
Isn’t
it
beautiful
—Yes,
it’s
lovely.
(3)—There
are
_____________
need
to
do.
—Do
you
need
help
with
them
(4)—
Your
history
classes
are
now
on
Monday
at
eleven,
Tuesday
at
three
and
Friday
at
9:30._____________________
—No,
could
you
repeat
it
please
(5)—So
_______________,
we’ll
start
at
nine
tomorrow.
—Fine,
nine
tomorrow.
(6)—Come
on
_________,
let’s
go.
—Wait
for
me!
点评:Everyday
English中所呈现的习语来自听力对话中,经过前面的听力训练学生对对话内容已经熟悉,如何在没有选择范围的情况下把听到的习语表达正确地运用到另一个新的语境中是学生面临的一个新挑战。学生喜欢挑战,在这样的挑战训练中他们的语言运用能力会得到提高和锻炼,真正做到学以致用。
Step
6:
Group
work
The
students
discuss
in
groups
about
what
they
think
the
most
difficult
area
and
the
easiest
area
of
English
and
give
their
reasons,
then
complete
the
charts.
The
most
difficult
area
Language
area
Numbers
of
persons
Main
reasons
Grammar
Vocabulary
Conversation
Translation
Reading
Listening
Writing
The
easiest
area
Language
area
Grammar
Vocabulary
Conversation
Translation
Reading
Listening
Writing
点评:在进行了有关课堂学习的听力训练后让学生通过讨论写出英语学习中最困难和最容易的项目,对于讨论的结果,教师不作肯定或否定的评价,让学生在讨论中自己发现问题解决问题。
Step
7:
Homework
Get
the
students
to
think
out
the
words
and
phrases
to
describe
Mr.
Stanton’s
teaching
style
based
on
what
they
have
heard.
Then
write
sentences
with
these
words
and
phrases.
According
to
the
sentences,
the
students
write
and
discuss
whether
they
would
like
to
have
Mr.
Stanton
as
their
teacher
and
why.
点评:课后作业是课堂学习的有效延伸和补充,通过设置这样的作业可以帮助学生理解和分析听到的内容,在此基础上进行写作训练,可以达到很好的效果。同时可以帮助学生了解外国教师的教学风格,培养学生的文化意识。学生可以加深对老师和其教学风格的了解和认识,改进自己的学习风格,从而建立更加融洽的师生关系。
六、课后反思
教学实施过程中成功之处是引导学生由浅到深、由难到易、循序渐进地从根据情境猜测生词—预测听力内容—听录音获取对话大意—听录音捕捉对话具体信息—日常用语运用—讨论交流—写作训练,使学生的能力逐渐提高。在这个过程中,学生进行小组讨论和展示表演,都能够积极地参与,表现出了很高的学习热情。最具创新的部分应该是Everyday
English,没有像课本上那样先呈现所选习语然后填写的方式,而是学生根据所听对话,用听到的合适的词句完成6个对话,这样增加了语言运用的灵活性。不足之处是听力材料的复述对于某些英语基础较差的学生难度有些大,不能很好地把对话内容表达出来;一些学生在讨论的过程中没有尽可能多地用英语讨论;给学生提供的上台展示机会不够多,致使有的学生做了充分准备却没有一试身手。
针对教学实施过程中存在的问题和不足,我调查了解了一些学生并分析了原因。一些学生平时在英语学习过程中不愿意用英语进行交流,觉得自己英语水平差,信心不足;一些学生词汇量不够丰富,在交流的过程中经常卡壳,影响了学习的积极性;根据这些问题,在今后的教学中我要鼓励学生敢于张口说英语,不要怕出错,不学哑巴英语;指导他们通过多阅读来扩大扩大词汇量;在课堂上设计多层次的问题,满足不同认知水平的学生的需要,使更多学生有参与讨论和发表意见的机会,善于发现学生的优点,及时给予表扬,让学生充满自信地学英语。
七、总体点评
这节课不仅仅是一节听力课,作者在教学实施过程中很好地贯彻了培养学生的语言综合运用能力这一理念,不仅训练了学生的听力水平,而且其它能力也得到了提高。循序渐进的教学过程使学生在环环相扣的节奏中顺利地由输入的过程转到了自然有效的输出过程。学生在课堂上表现积极,提高了自主学习和合作学习的能力。真正做到了在课堂上师生互动但教师要“少动”,学生要“多动”,展现出了“和谐高效”的课堂氛围。最后的Homework由单词到句子再到短文的写作形式为本节课划上了一个完美的句号。
点评人:海阳市教研室
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