Module
Book
My
New
Teachers
一、课程分析
1、学习内容
本节课所授内容是本模块的阅读部分。重点谈了“我”升入高中年级后,对三位新教师的个性以及教师执教风格的描述。旨在让学生运用本模块所学词汇及表达“偏爱”的短语来描述自己的课堂感受,描述喜爱的老师,最终让学生提高表达“学校生活”的综合能力。
2、学习重点
学生在能准确地识读单词,记住释义及主要用法的基础上,能运用本模块所学词汇及短语表达偏爱;会用恰当的词汇描述自己的课堂感受和自己喜爱的老师;能听懂对教师特征及其风格的描述并获取信息。
3、学习难点
学生掌握描述教师特征及其风格的词汇或表达方式。
二、学情分析
高一学生具备一定的听说能力,但掌握的词汇量较少,阅读能力还有待提高,但学生的表现热情较高。本篇文章“My
New
Teachers”,是学生非常熟悉的话题,因为每年学生升入高一时,总会接触一些新教师。
三、设计理念
引导学生总结、运用新学词汇及短语,并以课外作业的形式,让学生通过其它资源获取更多介绍师生关系等方面的信息。本节教学过程由Lead-in,
Skimming,
Scanning,
Discussion
and
Acting
and
Homework组成。
四、学习目标
本节侧重训练学生的阅读技能,在保证学生理解课文的前提下,引导学生从自己的角度描述不同教师的执教风格,同学之间谈论对教师不同教学风格的偏爱,围绕“我最喜爱的教师”和“师生关系”等话题内容,展开讨论,让学生学会更好地理解别人,实现感情交流。
五、教学流程
1.课前准备
Step
1:
Lead-in
1.
Ask
some
students
to
show
their
graduation
pictures
and
introduce
their
teachers
to
the
class,
including
their
teachers’
teaching
subject,
personal
characters,
teaching
style,
etc.
2.
Show
three
teachers’
pictures(younger,
middle-aged,
older)to
the
students.
Supposing
they
are
the
students’
teachers,
ask
some
students
to
say
a
few
words
about
them.
Students
can
make
full
use
of
their
rich
imagination
and
ability
of
prediction.
3.
There
are
two
questions
for
the
students
to
answer.
Q1:
How
can
a
young
teacher
behave
if
this
is
the
first
time
that
he
or
she
teaches
a
lesson
A1:
Students’
opinions.
Q2:
Which
subject
do
you
like
most
Why
Is
there
any
reason
for
teachers
What
are
your
criteria
for
a
good
teacher
A2:
Students'
opinions.
点评:学生展示自己的毕业照,向其它同学介绍自己的教师,又通过教师图片的展示,学生所喜爱的教师的标准讨论,使学生感知、理解“教师”这一主题,及时认识本节课的任务并预测了课文内容。
Step
2:
Skimming
T:
Today
we
are
going
to
learn
a
text
about
the
description
of
three
different
teachers,
Mrs
Li,
Mrs
Chen
and
Mr
Wu.
Read
the
part
quickly
and
find
out
the
answers
to
the
questions.
Q1:
What
was
your
first
impression
of
Mrs
Li
Q2:
What
kind
of
person
is
she
Q3:
Mrs
Chen
is
strict,
but
some
students
even
admit
liking
her.
Please
give
your
reasons.
Q4:
What
do
you
think
of
Mrs
Chen
Q5:
Will
you
fall
asleep
in
Mr
Wu’s
class
Why
Q6:
What
is
the
main
idea
of
the
passage
待学生回答后用课件展示以下答案:
A1:
My
first
impression
of
Mrs
Li
was
that
she
was
nervous
and
shy.
A2:
She
is
kind
and
patient,
respecting
every
student.
A3:
Though
Mrs
Chen
is
strict,
she
is
admired
for
her
well
organized
and
clear
teaching.
So
a
few
students
even
admit
liking
her.
A4:
Mrs
Chen
is
serious
and
strict
but
a
very
good
teacher.
I’ll
do
well
in
the
exam
with
Mrs
Chen
teaching
me.
A5:
No.His
teaching
style
is
interesting.
When
we
are
getting
bored,
he’ll
think
of
ways,
such
as
telling
jokes
to
have
us
get
rid
of
it.
A6:
The
passage
tells
of
my
three
teachers
with
different
teaching
styles.
点评:让学生带着问题,快速阅读文章,培养学生在短时间内获取有用信息的能力,并初步了解课文的内容。通过问题检测学生对文章的表层理解,
侧重检查学生对课文中的事实、情节是否清楚。
Step
3:
Scanning
1.
Read
the
passage
again
and
finish
the
filling
of
the
table.
Teacher
Mrs
Li
Mrs
Chen
Mr
Wu
Age
Character
Teaching
subject
Whether
students
like
her/him
2.
Get
the
students
to
discuss
the
questions
in
groups
and
then
ask
them
to
answer
the
questions.
Paragraph
suggests
that_
A:
Mrs
Li
was
too
young
for
the
students
to
like.
B:
used
to
make
mistakes
and
pronounce
a
word
incorrectly,
so
didn’t
like
English
at
all.
C:
Mrs
Li
wanted
to
have
me
catch
up
with
others,
so
she
went
a
bit
too
slowly
for
the
faster
students.
②From
paragraph
2,we
can
infer_
A:
Mrs.
Chen
was
so
strict
as
to
be
hated
by
some
students.
B:
If
you
don’t
do
what
Mrs.
Chen
asks
you
to,
you
will
be
punished
for
sure.
C:
Though
Mrs.
Chen
is
strict
and
serious,
she
is
still
considered
to
be
a
good
teacher.
③Which
of
the
following
is
not
true
according
to
the
passage
A:
There
are
a
few
students
in
our
class
who
keep
coming
to
class
late
because
they
don’t
like
the
teacher
or
her
subject.
am
not
good
at
English,
but
I’m
making
progress
with
Mrs.
Li
teaching
me.
C:
Mr.
Wu,
full
of
energy,
is
probably
popular
with
all
the
students.
④Do
you
agree
with
the
summaries
A:
Mrs.
Li,
though
new
at
work,
is
kind
and
patient.
Her
clear
explanation
makes
English
grammar
understood.
B:
Mrs.
Chen,
my
physics
teacher,
who
is
serious
and
strict,
is
appreciated
by
most
students
for
her
well
organized
teaching
and
clear
explanation
of
the
happenings
during
scientific
experiments.
With
her
teaching
me,
my
work
is
surely
improving.
C:
good
teacher
must
like
his
students,
enjoy
teaching
and
especially
love
her
subject.
Such
is
Mr.
Wu.
So
he
is
popular
with
his
students.
点评:引导学生细读课文,捕捉关键信息,使学生在了解文章基本结构的前提下,学会利用细节重组信息,逐渐对文章进行深层理解。要求学生从字里行间分析情况,培养学生推理判断,分析作者意图以及对文章的概括能力。
Step
4:
Discussion
and
Acting
1.
Group
work:
the
students
choose
three
or
four
of
their
favourite
teachers.
Then
they
give
their
descriptions
to
other
students.
The
students
can
refer
to
the
contents
of
the
table.
Criteria
of
a
good
teacher
tick
cross
friendly
strict
and
not
smiling
give
us
a
lot
of
tests
play
games
tell
jokes
know
what
we
need
give
advice
funny
make
meaning
clear
try
to
be
one
of
us
know
much
about
other
subjects
let
the
students
do
themselves
explain
what
we
don’t
understand
clearly
kind
and
patient
smile
to
encourage
us
use
many
questions
give
us
notes
give
us
other
materials
ask
students
for
suggestions
always
let
us
listen
amusing
and
interesting
well
organized
always
give
marks
say
it
doesn’t
matter
when
we
make
mistakes
2.
Make
use
of
these
criteria
to
organize
the
students
to
give
comments
on
the
teaching
of
their
present
teachers.
点评:话题讨论是阅读课上的亮点,也是一种重要的语言输出形式。学生从小学、初中再到现在的高中,已经接触了相当多的教师,其中的一些优秀教师给学生留下了深刻印象。结合“Criteria
of
a
good
teacher”,确保了学生有话可说。这就为学生交流提供了一个平台,小组内的交流活动也锻炼了学生的合作交流能力。
Step:
Homework
1.
Try
to
retell
the
whole
passage.
2.
With
the
progress
of
society
and
the
development
of
education,
criteria
of
a
good
teacher
are
changing
as
well.
Go
to
the
library
or
online
to
find
out
the
different
criteria
of
a
good
teacher
between
years
ago,
years
ago
and
now.
Then
write
the
similarities
and
differences.
点评:课外作业是课堂教学的补充和延伸,以阅读→讨论→交流→写作这样一个过程,就比较圆满地完成了从语言输入到输出的任务。让学生通过不同的途径,了解了一个优秀教师的标准。学生通过这样的教学活动,加深了对教师的了解和热爱,既发挥了学习主动性也配合了教师的教学工作,使师生关系更加融洽,实现“和谐、高效课堂”的双赢。
六、课后反思
教学实施过程中的精彩片段就是Discussion
and
Acting,待学生熟练掌握了课文内容、对课文达到了一定的深层理解后,进行了“Criteria
of
a
good
teacher"这一话题讨论,并且设计得新颖别致,既唤起了学生共鸣的问题,又让学生从同一来源的信息中探求不同的答案,培养了学生积极求异的思维对话能力。在这一过程中,教师从“幕前”到“幕后”,学生完全变为实际参与的主体,他们熟练地运用课文知识并转化为己用,加大了英语信息输入量,使学生的英语语言知识更具交际性。也激发了学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,营造出了一种“和谐、高效”的快乐教育氛围。但是我在实施过程中也发现了一些存在的问题:阅读后的那部分设计的问题大多是Wh-问题,对阅读能力稍差的学生没有完全照顾到,有一些学生并未能在短时间内回答完所有问题;课文复述对能力稍差的学生难度大了些;有的学生在交流的过程中过多地使用母语。
针对实施过程中存在的问题,我课后了解到:有些学生英语基础差点,回答问题或讨论时,怕出错,怕同学笑话,所以就说汉语或者不积极参与;个别学生思维跟不上节奏,原因是课后没有很好地预习。根据这些原因,我在今后的工作中应该对学生更宽容一些,让学生敢于出错,告诉学生学习语言的过程中必然要经历一个不断犯错误的阶段,多一些鼓励、赞美的话语,让一些自卑的学生重新找回自信,让他们体验参与的乐趣和成功的快乐,多设计几个Yes/No的简单问题,多给与他们参与的机会。另外,我应该更好地指导学生认真预习,高中阅读课文长,难度大,抽象的东西多,预习就显得尤其重要。做好充分预习的基础上,可以适当地调整时间,兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们更好地跟上课堂节奏,融入到课堂气氛中来。
七、总体点评
这是一节新授课型的阅读教学,诚如作者设计说明中所言:以阅读→讨论→交流→写作这样一个过程,就比较圆满地完成了从语言输入到输出的任务。尤其是Scanning部分的问题设计,独具匠心,引导学生从对文章的表层理解逐渐走向深入,话题讨论部分更是这节课的亮点,把一种“和谐、高效”的课堂气氛更好地展现出来。可以说这是一堂很成功的阅读课。
点评人:海阳市教研室
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