Module
Book
Grammar
1:
The
–ed
form
Grammar
2:
Past
tense
time
expressions
一、课程分析
1.
学习内容
本节课的学习内容是Module
Three中的两个语法部分。语法一是动词-ed形式作定语,这是进入高中学段首次接触此类语法,需要系统讲解;语法二是动词过去时态,此类语法学生初中阶段接触过并比较熟悉,需要巩固和适当升华、加深难度。其中第一个语法涉及到动词作定语形式的选择以及非谓语动词的用法,是考试甚至高考常见的题型。
2.
学习重点
及物动词和不及物动词的-ed形式作定语表达意思的区别。
3.
学习难点
分词化形容词的辨别和用法以及前置后置定语的选择问题。
二、学情分析
教学对象为高中一年级的学生,他们的认知能力有了进一步的提高,分析句子能力进一步加强,学习英语的热情相对高涨,积极主动,对于非谓语动词这种语法有一定的掌握;但由于刚由初中进入高中,语法的学习需要衔接,并且相当一部分同学语法的薄弱阻碍了英语学习的进程;学生还没有更好地形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,综合能力有待提高。本课堂旨在理解的基础上进一步巩固学生对动词作定语基础,初步引入非谓语动词的用法,为动词作定语特别是-ed形式作定语打下坚实的基础。但是学生水平参差不齐,差距相当大。在教学过程中适时地分层教学,使各个阶段的学生都有所收获。
三、设计理念
采用“发现式”语言教学。在这种理念之下,语法教学用"观察——发现——讨论——归纳——巩固——运用”的常规教学模式。老师要引导学生仔细观察教材中的语言形式,在语言素材不充分的情况下老师还要补充一些语句,指点学生观察的方向,引导其主动学习。
1.在创造和谐高效课堂的理念指导下,通过导学的形式使学生形成适合自己学习特点的学习策略,引导学生主动学习,帮助它们形成以能力发展为目的的学习方式,为学生独立学习留有空间和时间,使学生增强自信,提高能力;
2.
通过探究的形式发挥学生的创造力和想象力,改变以教师为中心单纯传授书本知识的教学模式。增加任务型的教学,鼓励学生表达自己的观点。鼓励学生学会合作,发展与人沟通的能力。根据不同学生的情况设计不同的任务,使所有的学生都能进步;
3.
通过多媒体的展现,拓宽学生视野,改进学习方式,提高学生学习效率,丰富教学内容和形式,促进课堂学习,促进学生个性化学习。关注学生整体素质的提高。
四、学习目标
1.
知识和能力目标:学习-ed形式作形容词和过去时间的表达法;识别含有-ed的形容词并分析其功能;理解含有-ed句子和用法。能够写出含有-ed的句子和段落。辨别表达过去的时间状语;运用过去时间表达法回忆过去并成文。
2.
情感态度价值观目标:解除对英语语法的犯难,力求使语法生动展现;加深探究能力和对课堂学习的兴趣。
五、教学流程
Step
1:
-ed作定语
Leading-in
Look
through
the
text
and
find
the
sentences
containing
–ed
form
the
text.
Trained
camels
carried
food
and
other
supplies.
We
saw
abandoned
farms
which
were
more
than
a
hundred
years
ago.
We
ate
great
meals
cooked
by
experts.
Point
out
the
differences
and
similarities
of
the
underlined
words.(discussion)
After
discussion
students
conclude:
Similarities:
-ed
form;
-ed
form
as
adjective;
(补充)passive
voice
to
the
nouns;
all
of
the
verbs
are
vt.
Differences:
positions
to
the
nouns;
single
words
or
phrases
Summary:
动词-ed形式可以作定语,及物动词-ed作定语表示被动。此外不及物动词-ed表完成
被动意义:
an
honored
guest
一位受尊敬的客人
The
injured
workers
are
now
being
taken
good
care
of
in
the
hospital.受伤工人现正在医院受到良好的照料。
完成意义:
a
retired
teacher
一位退休的教师
They
are
cleaning
the
fallen
leaves
in
the
yard.
他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。
Exercises:
Translation:
我喜欢读马克吐温写的小说。I
like
reading
the
novels
written
by
Mark
Twain.
你的英语口语很好。Your
spoken
English
is
very
good.
那个受惊吓了的男孩吓得不能动了。The
frightened
boy
could
hardly
move
.
点评:通过让学生自己从所学的课文中找出含有该语法项目的句子,分析语言现象,这种方法可以让学生自己发现并指出如上的相同点和不同点,使学生在观察中了解语言现象,大大提高了学生的兴趣。并且学生能够在老师的引导下适时地总结补充其他的相同点,以下一阶段的展开做了铺垫。这种教学方法行之有效,值得借鉴。
Step
2:
作定语的位置
Leading-in
Give
the
students
some
more
examples.
We
ate
great
meals
cooked
by
experts.
like
reading
the
novels
written
by
Mark
Twain.
(后置)
Trained
camels
carried
food
and
other
supplies.
Your
spoken
English
is
very
good.(前置)
Summary:
单个词作定语常常前置,短语作定语常常后置
Step
3:
-ed作定语和-ing作定语的区别
Leading-in
Ask
the
students
to
translate
the
following
phrases.
boiled
water开水
boiling
water正沸腾的水
developed
countries发展的国家
developing
countries发展中国家
fallen
leaves落叶
falling
leaves
正在飘落的叶子
changed
condition改变了的情况
changing
condition变化着的情况
Summary
(pair-work):
Ask
the
students
to
summarize
the
rules.
过去分词作定语通常表示完成的或被动的动作;而-ing分词作定语可以表示正在进行的主动的动作。
Exercise:
a
piece
of
___________
news
使人失望的消息
in
the
__________
years
在后来的几年中
a
well
________
woman
衣着讲究的女士
a
car
_________at
the
gate
停在门口的小汽车
a
piece
of
disappointing
news(意同a
piece
of
news
which
disappointed
us)
in
the
following
years(意同in
the
years
that
followed)
a
well
dressed
woman(意同a
woman
who
is
dressed
well)
a
car
parked
at
the
gate(意同a
car
which
was
parked
at
the
gate)
点评:两人小组活动提高了他们的兴趣,同时也是任务型教学的有效形式。
Step
4:
The
Simple
Past
Tense
1.
Do
the
exercise
on
Page
2.
Summary:
与一般过去时连用的时间状语包括:recently,
during
the
day,
one
night,
a
long
time
ago,
until
the
1920’s,
for
many
years
等。
E.g.
Recently
had
may
first
ride
on
a
long-distance
train.
The
Afghans
and
their
camels
did
this
until
the
1920s.
For
many
years,
trained
camels
carried
food
and
other
supplies.
点评:一般过去时的基本用法初中已总结过,在此补充有关的新知识:与一般过去连用的时间状语。
Step
5:
Exercise
1.
The
Olympic
Games,___
in
B.C.
did
not
include
women
players
until
1912.
A.
first
played
B.
to
be
first
played
C.
first
playing
D.
to
be
first
playing
2.
The
first
textbooks
_____
for
teaching
English
as
a
foreign
language
came
out
in
the
16th
century.
A.having
written
be
written
C.being
written
D.written
3.
Most
of
the
people
_________
to
the
party
were
famous
scientists.
A.
invited
B.
to
invite
C.
being
invited
D.
inviting
4.
The
television
is
a
__________
machine.
A.
newly-inventing
B.
newly-invented
C.
newly-invent
D.
newly-invention
5.
We
have
visited
the
temple
____
from
the
14th
century
and
the
big
clock
____
years
ago.
A.
dates;
built
B.
dated;
building
C.
dating;
built
D.
to
date;
building
6.
Tom
looked
at
Jenny,
tears
filling
his
eyes,
and
shouted
out
the
words____
in
his
heart
for
years.
A.
having
been
hidden
B.
be
hidden
C.
hidden
D.
hiding
7.
If
a
solution
____
the
rivers
against
pollution
is
found,
then
our
living
surroundings
will
be
improved.
A.
to
protect
B.
protecting
C.
to
protecting
D.
protect
8.
Your
idea
surprised
me,
it
is
a(n)
________.
A.
idea
surprised
B.
surprised
idea
C.
surprising
idea
D.
idea
surprising
9.
There
was
a
terrible
noise
_________
the
sudden
burst
of
light.
A.
followed
B.
following
C.
to
be
following
D.
being
following
10.
Reading
is
an
experience
quite
different
from
watching
there
are
pictures
______
in
your
mind
instead
of
before
your
eyes.
A.
to
form
B.
form
C.
forming
D.
having
formed
六、课后反思
这堂课基本完成了教学任务,学生反映良好,热情高涨,重点突出。尽管课堂容量稍大,没有给学生足够的巩固时间,但基本上完成了教学各级目标,并做到了分层教学,层层深入,循序渐进。本节课采用分---整的形式,使整堂课条理较清晰,调动了学生积极性,锻炼学生自主探究能力,提高了学生自主学习能力。
七、总体点评
本节课是由动词-ed形式作定语、定语的位置、-ed作定语和-ing作定语的区别三个由简入深的语法现象组成,每个又包括Lead-in,
explanation
and
exercise三大步组成,从而贯彻了语法教学观察,发现,讨论,归纳,巩固,运用的几个步骤。教学设计层层入深,基本达到了和谐高效课堂的目的。