Project
Making
a
reference
book
【设计思想】
本单元话题是“彼此了解”,PROJECT部分介绍了世界各地不同的文化和习俗,紧扣本单元话题,学生选择一个地方并研究这个地方独特的人土风情,并展示给大家。本节课侧重于文章的理解和语言点的讲解,可以将学生的活动提前布置,课堂直接展示。
【教学目标】
了解四个不同地区的少数民族的文化和习俗;掌握关键词组,单词用法
【重点难点】
教学重点:结合图片展示,让学生了解四个少数民族的文化、习俗,及时掌握句子中的语言点。
教学难点:课堂容量大,学生要在一节课的时间内理解文章和掌握知识点,可能的话需展示自己的作品。
【教学环节】
Paragraph
字词理解1.____________________________________给某人做…的机会
2.for
oneself
_________________
of
oneself
_________________
by
oneself
_________________
be
oneself
_________________
make
oneself
at
home
_________________
3.
way
of
life
生活方式
(:lifestyle)
Tour
---Inuit
Experience
1.Fill
the
table
ethnic
group
in
which
country
what
to
eat
where/how
to
live
what
to
wear
celebration
activities
belief
2.Language
points
move
around
gather
food
gathering
take
part
infeast
swap
account
believe
in
get
the
chance
to
do…
move
around/about_________________
gather:
vt.
________
vi.____________
gathering
n.
集会,聚会
老师把小学生们聚集在她周围
____________________________________
火车离站时,
速度逐渐加快
____________________________________
我花了一个星期才鼓气起勇气说不
____________________________________
Dark
clouds
are
gathering
____________________________________
crowd
gathered
to
hear
her
speech
____________________________________
swap:
v.
交换
swapped/swapped
swap
sth.
with
sb.
___________
swap
(sb.)
sth.
for
sth_____________
account
n.
__________________________
on
account
of
sth.
:
because
of
sth.
_________
on
no
account
_________
take
into
account/consideration
__________
on
one’s
own
account
_________
account
for
___________
他对这个疑犯的新动向做了详细的描述。
__________________________________________
账目表明我们支出多于收入
__________________________________________
雇员们决不允许在办公室打私人电话
__________________________________________
我要你说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途.
__________________________________________
女孩子占学生的百分之六十__________________________________________
Tour
2---Aborigine
Adventure
1.Fill
the
table
ethnic
group
in
which
country
what
to
eat
where/how
to
live
what
to
wear
celebration
activities
belief
2.Language
points
a
trip
to…
a
three-day
stay
based
on
spirit
make
rules/laws
go
on
hunt
for
get
to
learn
abou
musical
instrument
hunt
animals
spirit
n.
________(pl)
_______;_______________
这些队员有很强的团队精神
_____________________________
最近我情绪高昂/低落
_____________________________
hunt
for
_____________
Tour
3---Mysterious
Maoris
1.Fill
the
table
ethnic
group
in
which
country
what
to
eat
where/how
to
live
what
to
wear
celebration
activities
belief
2.Language
points
home
to
the
Maori
tribe
be
rich
in
song,
dance…
believe
in
many
godsmeet
with
join
in
a
dance
called
Haka
go
night
fishing
be
home
to
是..的所在地(大本营/根据地/发源地)
Tour
4---Native
American
Indian
Adventure
1.Fill
the
table
ethnic
group
in
which
country
what
to
eat
where/how
to
live
what
to
wear
celebration
activities
belief
2.Language
points
belong
to
be
known
as
live
in
a
flat
area
of
land
have
power
overbe
designed
to…
roast
over
an
open
fire
belong
to
_______belonging(s)
_________________
power____________________________
The
ship
was
helpless
against
the
power
of
the
storm.
have
power
over
__________________
within/in
one’s
power
___________________
No
one
has
power
over
your
life
except
yourself.
___________________
I’ll
do
everything
in
my
power
to
help
you
.
___________________
It’s
not
within
my
power
to
help
you.
___________________
=beyond
my
power
powerful
adj.
___________________
这个总统比首相权力大___________________
powerless
adj.
无权的
这些村民们无力反抗武装入侵者___________________
比较:
power/strength
/
force/
energy
roast
(v./adj.)
烤,烘焙
roast
a
chicken/some
potatoes
roast
beef
烤牛肉
We
are
going
to
lie
in
the
sun
and
roast
for
hours.
roasted
(adj.)
烤过的
roasting
(adj.)
极热的,炎热的
It’s
roasting
today./
The
weather
is
very
hot.