课件29张PPT。In the classroom7Module 3 Places and activitiesOxford EnglishPeriod 2Blackboard, blackboard.
Clean the blackboard.
Door, door.
Close the door.
Open the door.
Window, window
Look at the window.
It’s very clean.Say a rhyme Look at the _______. Clean the _______. Close the _______. Open the _______.Quick responseClose the door please , . close the door Please Think and say …, please. Please … S1: Look at the…,please.
Close/Open the …, please.
Clean the …, please.
S2: Please…
1. Open the box, please. Please open the box. 2. Clean the window, please. Please clean the window. Try to sayOpen the window Joe , . open the windowThink and say …, . , … . S1: ***, … or …, *** S2: (act) 1. Look at the blackboard, Peter. Peter, look at the blackboard. 2. Close the door, Kitty. Kitty, close the door. Think and sayClose the door, please.Yes, Miss Fang.Look at the blackboard, please.Please clean the blackboard, Kitty.OK.Open the door, please.Yes, Miss Fang.Thank you, Peter._____________, please._________, Miss Fang.Say and act_________________, please.Say and act_________.Please _____________, Kitty.Say and act_____________, please._________, Miss Fang.________, Peter.Say and actMmmouthm-o-u-t-hClose your mouth.
Shh~ Be quiet!Open your mouth.
Aha~ I can sing!Nnnosen-o-s-e
a big nose
a small nose
What is it?What is it?trunknosehamburgerdesktrunkumberllaPeterBettyMikecloseopenbigNancydoorRead and circleAt homeDinner timeA birthday partyIn the classroomTry to sayListen! The bell is ringing. Please_________, Ben and Kitty.______, Mum.类似的敲门图片,背景为客厅
At homeTry to sayDinner timeDinner is ready.
_________ the table, Peter.Try to say________, Mum.__________ the cake! How nice! It’s a strawberry cake._________ the present, Judy.Thank you, Lucy and Lily.A birthday partyTry to sayIn the classroom教师自行加入需要的情景图。
It’s raining now. Please ____________._______, Miss/Mr _____.________.Try to sayHomework1 Copy the words and sentences.
late please the
Close the door, please. Yes, Miss Fang.
Look at the blackboard, please. OK.
Please clean the blackboard, Kitty.
Thank you, Peter.
2 Copy the letters.
Mm Nn
3 Listen and read Page 34.