Unit 2 He invented this bicycle in 1893. 课件


名称 Unit 2 He invented this bicycle in 1893. 课件
格式 zip
文件大小 6.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-11-02 19:38:37



课件28张PPT。Module 4 Unit 2He invented this bicycle.oninunderin front ofbehindnext tobetweenSam It’s between the chairs. Where is it?pencilA: Where is the _______?
B: It’s between the ____ and the_____. pencilpenrulerbookonbesidebetweeninin front ofMaybe it’s ______ the desk .
underhouse sThe ______ is beside the house. It’s ___________the cat. mousein front of bicycleWho invented this bicycle? Look and choose1.Look at the man ______ the bicycle .
A. on B. between C. beside2.He invented this ______.
A. paper B. bicycle C. printing 3.He’s McMillan . He was from _____.
A. the UK B. China C. the US CBAcarLook at the man _______ the two cars .
He invented these ________.
He’s Ford . He was from _______.
betweencarsthe US repeatgroupRead Listen and repeat. Read the text in groups. look and readListen,repeat and find betweenseeteacherheadbreadclean I usually read books at home.weather eatsweaterclean eatread(v.) weather sweaterChineseread(pt.) I read books in the library yesterday.Look at the man ______ the chair .
He invented ________.
He’s Cai Lun. He was from ______.
onChinapaperLook at the man ________ the big stones.
He invented ________.
He’s Bi Sheng. He was from ______.
in front of printingChinaTips:national flag 国旗
discover 发现 discovered
2015年10月5日,中国药学家屠呦呦因为创制了新型抗疟药:青蒿素而荣获2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。song Listen and fill in the blanks!EnglishEnglishAmericanAmericanbicyclesbicyclesbicyclesbicyclescarscarscarscars Can you sing this new song?ABAB P16 1.classmatesLook at the man in the picture .
He invented gunpowder.
He was from China. 杨璨灿Look at the man in the picture .
He invented iphone.
He’s Jobs. He was from the US.
夏屹恒Look at the men on the plane. They invented this plane. They were Wright brothers. They were from the US.张孜闻chantinonundernext tobesidenearin front of behindbetweenPE classWhere was this boy? First he was ______ the two girls.besidebetweenin front ofLast he was ________ the two girls.
Then he was ______ the two girls. ABAB P16 2.onin front of betweenbesideschoolHe invented this umbrella.
This boy is from
my school. He’s in the 5th grade. He's 11 years old. He invented this umbrella.
Let’s learn to say! It’s a wonderful feeling to invent something that puts it back in the pool of human knowledge.
------- Steve Jobs 使用人类的已有知识来进行发明创造是一件很了不起的事情。
------- 乔布斯summary HomeworkPlease listen and repeat the dialogue three times.
Choose to do!
Please talk about
inventions with your partner.!