Numbers 1-10 课件+教案


名称 Numbers 1-10 课件+教案
格式 zip
文件大小 2.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 接力版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-11-05 16:07:17


复习Numbers 1-10 教学设计
要求学生掌握数字1-10 。
要求学生能运用数字1-10在句型“How many?”,“How old are you?, I am …”中进行对话。
重点:问数量How many?
难点:问年龄How old are you? I am …old are you?, I am …”中进行对话。
活动1【导入】接力版小学英语三年级上册 复习Numbers 1-10
Step 1 Warming up
1.出示动物园图,T:“Look! What’s this? Ok. Today we will go to
the zoo.”
2.出示门票,T:“But we have no ticket. Look, our friend Panpan can help us. He says:‘Finish the 3 task,? you can get the ticket.’”
Task1: Count from1-10
Task2: Count from 10-1
Task 3: Chant?
拿到门票,T:“Let’s go to the zoo.”。
活动2【讲授】接力版小学英语三年级上册复习Numbers 1-10
Step 2 Presentation
出示动物园图,T: Look, there are many many animals. Let’s have a look what are they and how many they are. 出现汉堡包,T:I have five hamburgers, If you can finish 1 task, you can get 1 hamburger. Ok? 看图说数字。
T: How many?
Ss: Four.
Ask and answer with your partner.(学生用自己制作的数字卡片进行问答。
活动3【活动】接力版小学英语三年级上册复习Numbers 1-10
Let’s chant.
? How many? How many???? One, one, one.
How many? How many???? Two, two, two.
How many? How many???? Three, three, three.??????????????????????????????????????????
How many? How many???? Four, four, four.????????????????????? ??????????????????????
How many? How many???? Five, five, five.??????????????????????????????????????????
??????????? One, two, three, four, five.
学生利用卡片改编chant. Game: What’s missing?
活动4【练习】接力版小学英语三年级上册复习Numbers 1-10
Step 3 Consolidation
出现朋友Cubby. T: This is my friend, Cubby. Today is his birthday. Look, he has a birthday party with the animals. Do you know how old is he? Let me ask him. T:Hello, Cubby. How old are you?出现6根蜡烛的蛋糕,引导学生回答:I am six. 同法问其他几只小动物并回答。 小组练习问答
?????? A: How old are you?
?????? B: I am _____.
出现一个蛋糕,T:I will give Cubby a gift. Look, it’s a cake. Let’s put the candles on it. 学生完成计算算式,然后插上蜡烛。 插满蜡烛后,全班齐唱生日歌。 小动物们忘记自己的家了,请大家来帮帮忙,师读号数,生写数字,然后检查,帮助小动物们回家。
活动5【测试】接力版小学英语三年级上册复习Numbers 1-10
Protect animal duty of everyone. 保护动物人人有责
Love wild animal , from now. 爱动物,从现在开始
活动6【作业】接力版小学英语三年级上册复习Numbers 1-10
Step 4 Homework
1.Count from one- ten.
2.Use “How many?” and “How old are you?” to talk
with your classmates.
课件51张PPT。复习Numbers 1-10
接力版小学英语三年级上册Finish the 3 task,
you can get the ticket.
(完成任务,你就能得到门票。)Task 1Let's count
from 1-10Let's count
from 10-1Task 2Let's chantTask 3Let’s go to the zoo.ABDCFEGIJHfourHow many?threeHow many?oneHow many?How many?fiveHow many?sixtwoHow many?How many?eightHow many?sevenHow many?tenHow many?nineAsk and answerA:How many ?
B:______.How many? How many? One, one, one.
How many? How many? Two, two, two.
How many? How many? Three, three, three.

How many? How many? Four, four, four.

How many? How many? Five, five, five.

One, two, three, four, five.Let’s chantWhat's missing?onetwothreefourseveneighttenninefivesixWhat's missing?CubbyHow old are you?I am _____.sixHow old are you?I am _____.oneHow old are you?I am _____.eightHow old are you?I am _____.fiveHow old are you?I am _____.nineHow old are you?I am _______.sevenHow old are you?I am _______.Talk in your group+=+=+=andistwo+=onetwofour+=+=sixthreesevenandisfourthreetenfour_=fiveonethreeone_=_=sixfourtwominusisLet's sing429137238365527 Protect animal duty of everyone.
Love wild animal , from now.
Homework1.Count from one- ten.
2.Use “How many?” and “How
old are you?” to talk with your
classmates.Thank you!