本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com
Module
Unit
Chinese
people
invented
paper
教案
1教学目标
a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Chinese
people
invented
paper.
及单词invent,
paper,
important,
printing,
print.21世纪教育网版权所有
b.语言技能目标:能口头运用Chinese
people
invented
paper.
这类语句谈论人类过去的发明。21教育网
c.情感态度目标:使学生了解我国的古老发明,热爱我们的祖国。帮助学生建立爱科学的态度.
2学情分析
学生已经接触了用一般过去式谈论过去的事与行为。本课要求学生学会用英语谈论人类过去的发明是对前一课语法项目的巩固与扩展.四年级的学生,对我国及人类的过去发明已经有了初步的背景了解.
3重点难点
重点:
学习目标语句
Chinese
people
invented
paper.及单词invent,
paper,
important,
printing,
print.www.21-cn-jy.com
难点:能口头运用Chinese
people
invented
paper.
这类语句谈论人类过去的发明【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
4教学过程
活动1【导入】热身导入
教师通过着急的找手机的活动创设情境让学生感知important。通过“头脑风暴”让学生思考什么是对自己重要的,扩展运用important。
1、Where
is
my
cellphone
It’s
very
important
for
me.
can
phone
my
mother,
my
mother
is
very
important
for
me.21·世纪
教育网
2、What
is
important
for
you(in
our
lives)
活动2【讲授】新课讲授
Presentation
and
practice
1、老师通过抢答趣味操练newspaper,并为后面的Chinese/English
people
作铺垫。21cnjy.com
T:
Books
are
made
of
paper.
T:
Look,
some
important
news
on
this
paper.
Show
the
newspaper.
T:.猜报纸Game:
Chinese
or
English
newspaper.
2.读报纸,运用学生想要了解蔡伦的信息差导入重点句型
Chinese
people
invented
paper。www-2-1-cnjy-com
通过对发音的渗透,引导学生归纳以t结尾的词加ed的发音规则。
导入Cailun
T:
Who
is
he
What
do
you
know
about
him
导入invent发音
invtent
invented渗透发音ed/id/,
want—wanted
painted—painted
3.导入:Cailun
invented
paper.
Chinese
people
invented
paper.
Chinese
people
are
very
clever.
替换kites/chopsticks
People
invented
……。
以People
invented……。
展开讨论,降低难度,使学生在用中操练重点词句。避免机械操练。
4.谈论四大发明,导入printing
Chinese
people
invented
……
导入printing
5.
Let
me
print
sth
for
you.
黄金眼:What
did
they
print
通过用印泥印图片帮助学生理解print与draw,
paint的区别。21·cn·jy·com
黄金眼游戏,锻炼学生的观察记忆和合作能力。
Consolidation
and
extension
1.
Listen
and
find
out
the
word
“invented”
2.
Listen
and
repeat
the
sentences
with
“
invented
”2·1·c·n·j·y
3.
Read
and
finish
the
sentences.do
some
exercises
.
完成活动手册练习
通过阅读完成句子训练学生的读写能力,为段落写作做铺垫。
4.出示物品图片,自行车、电视、电话、丝绸、飞机…
T:
Who
invented
bicycles
导入Chinese
people
didn’t
invent
……。
T:
Guess
and
choose:
Which
thing
was
invented
by
Chinese
people
在游戏中帮助学生理解didn’t的意思。
本环节利用与学生之间的信息差,即操练句型又获取有关发明的知识,拓宽学生知识面。
T:
What
have
you
learn
today
让学生自己总结今天学到了什么
活动3【作业】作业及板书
Homework
Listen
to
the
tape
and
repeat
the
text.
Copy
the
sentences.
板书设计:
Unit
Chinese
people
invented
paper.
Chinese
people
invented
paper.
Print
printed
Chinese
people
didn’t
invent
……。
Invent
invented
21世纪教育网
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