Book IX Unit1 Breaking Records —Reading
【Learning aims】
1. To comprehend the text and know about Ashrita’s experience and challenge of breaking Guinness records by reading and retelling.
2. To be inspired by Ashrita’s spirits by voicing out your own feelings.
Lead in with an English speech about sports by a students.
Just now Ni shared his favorite sport. Besides these conventional sports, there are some other activities. Look at the pictures. Can you match the names with the pictures?
Yes. Picture 1 is pogo stick jumping, …Picture 6 is hula hooping.
There is a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinness records in all these activities. Want to know more about this man? Let’s read the passage. Aims of this class are 1…, 2….
TaskⅠ: Fast reading--Skim and scan the passage quickly and answer the following questions.
·Firstly read Para 1 and answer TaskⅠ1. 2.
Who is Ashrita Furman?
Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records.
2. When and why he entered the Guinness book of world records?
Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records.
(Great. Now we know “who, what, when, why”—the basic information of the text. )
· Now you skim the whole passage quickly, and get the main idea and the structure of the text.
3. What is the main idea of the text? Ashrita’s success and belief.
(Usually we can get the main idea of the passage in the first paragraph. That’s a skill for reading a passage. )
4. Divide the text into four parts and summarize the main idea of each part.
(To find out which paragraphs belong to the same part, you can summarize the main idea of each paragraph and find out those with the same theme. Normally they belong to the same part.)
TaskⅡ Careful reading - Read the text carefully and have a further understanding.
·1. Read Part 2 carefully and fill in the blanks.
Personal profile
Ashrita Furman
Main sports
in which he has
made Guinness
1. Hula hooping
2 ________________________ under water
3. performing _____________________ in a hot air balloon
4. Keeping a full bottle of milk on his head while he was walking
5. Standing ___________________________________________.
6. _______________along a road for 12 miles.
7. Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct_____
The qualities
required in these
1. Strength
2. Fitness
3. _____________
· Read Part 2 (Para 2-7) and answer the following questions.
Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978?
Because he?had?done?no?training before the marathon.?
Why did Ashrita believe he could accomplish anything after the bicycle marathon?
Because after the Marathon, he believed his body was just an instrument of the spirit, and there is no physical limitation.
4. Which of the following is not Ashrita’s beliefs?
A. There’s no limit to people’s physical abilities.
B. I’d like to think that I was a role model, and that people see my sport and say “Wow, I’d like to try that”.
C. The body is just an instrument of the spirit.
D. You can use your spirit to accomplish anything. B.
·Up to now, we’ve got much useful information about Ashrita in the passage. Here I have some specially sentences to share with you.Look at the sentences. I hope you can understand them, analyze them and imitate them if possible.
(1) Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita is outstanding.
(2) How Ashrita came to be a sportsman is an interesting story.
Who can translate them? What is the subject? The predicate? The predicative?
Can you create some sentences with the same structure?
…Good. To express ourselves, we should also apply some advanced sentences.
Task Ⅲ Summary—Retelling
·After reading the passage, we also need to make a short summary and comprehend the text overall. You can retell the passage by filling in the blanks. You can also challenge yourself—To make a summary in your own word.
Ashrita Furman is a sportsman______ attempts _______(break) records in very ____________ (imagine) events and in very interesting places, such as hula hooping in Australia. And by now, he has broken _____________(approximate) 93 Guinness records. Though these activities may cause __________(laugh) rather than respect, they require great strength and ________(fit) as well as _____________ (determine). However, Ashrita Furman used to be an unfit child. But later, ________ (urge) by his _____________ (spirit) leader, Sri Chimmoy, who believes that there is no limit to people’s physical _____________ (able), he stepped into the sports world and keeps trying to break records.
Having knowing about Ashrita’s challenge, I have a small video to share with you.
——Watch “Ticking Challenge” together.
That’s the challenge between two boys who have made many Guinness records. Now would you like to share your unforgettable experiences in Changle NO.2 Middle School with others?
Choice 1: As we all know, there is a 65 --kilometre hike every year in our school. It needs more excellent personality and challenges our will and physical abilities. Recall the cherish memories and share the greatest qualities it needs.
Choice2. Since 2014, there has been Guinness challenge competition in our school. Different sports are waiting for us. Have you ever joined them and what can we get from it?
Lessons we get from Ashrita and ourselves:
Actually it doesn’t matter whether we could break the Guinness records. But what do matter are the qualities we can get by participating in the challenges: physical quality, psychological quality, sense of Innovation, determination and perseverance of challenging ourselves. And I believe you’ve been inspired by the spirits.
Write down an essay about your favorite sport or activity.
1. the reasons you like it
2. the skills it needs
3. the challenges or spirits you get from it.
Book IX Unit1 Breaking Records -Reading
【Learning aims】
1. To comprehend the text and know about Ashrita’s experience and challenge of breaking Guinness records by reading and retelling.
2. To be inspired by Ashrita’s spirits by voicing out your own experiences and feelings.
I. Pre-reading
1. What’s your favorite sports? Why?
2. Do you know the names of these activities? Match the pictures and names.
II. While-reading
TaskⅠ: Fast reading--Skim and scan the passage quickly and answer the following questions.
1. Who is Ashrita Furman? _______________________________________________________
2. When and why he entered the Guinness book of world records?
3. What is the main idea of the text?
A. How Ashrita came to be a sportsman. B. Ashrita’s physical skills.
C. Ashrita’s success and belief. D. Guinness records Ashrita has broken.
4. Divide the text into four parts and match the main idea of each part.
Part1 ( ): Brief introduction
Part2 ( ): Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents.
Part3 ( ): How Ashrita came to be a sportsman.
Part4 ( ): What Ashrita’s belief is.
TaskⅡ Careful reading - Read the text carefully and have a further understanding.
1. Read Part 2 carefully and fill in the blanks.
Personal profile
Ashrita Furman
Main sports
in which he has
made Guinness
1. Hula hooping
2 ________________________ under water
3. performing _____________________ in a hot air balloon
4. Keeping a full bottle of milk on his head while he was walking
5. Standing ___________________________________________.
6. _______________along a road for 12 miles.
7. Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct_____
The qualities
required in these
1. Strength
2. Fitness
3. _____________
2. Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978?
3. Why did Ashrita believe he could accomplish anything after the bicycle marathon?
4. Which of the following is not Ashrita’s beliefs?
A. There’s no limit to people’s physical abilities.
B. I’d like to think that I was a role model, and that people see my sport and say “Wow, I’d like to try that”.
C. The body is just an instrument of the spirit.
D. You can use your spirit to accomplish anything.
5. Find out some difficult sentences in the text to analyze and appreciate them. Make some imitation if possible.
III. Post-reading
Fill in the blanks, retell the text and comprehend the text overall.
Ashrita Furman is a sportsman______ attempts _______(break) records in very ____________ (imagine) events and in very interesting places, such as hula hooping in Australia. And by now, he has broken _____________(approximate) 93 Guinness records. Though these activities may cause __________(laugh) rather than respect, they require great strength and ________(fit) as well as _____________ (determine). However, Ashrita Furman used to be an unfit child. But later, ________ (urge) by his _____________ (spirit) leader, Sri Chimmoy, who believes that there is no limit to people’s physical _____________ (able), he stepped into the sports world and keeps trying to break records.
IV. Promotion
After knowing about Ashrita’s challenge, would you like to share your unforgettable experiences in Changle NO.2 Middle School with others?
Choice 1: As we all know, there is a 65kms hiking every year in our school. It needs more excellent personality and challenges our will and physical abilities. Recall the cherish memories and share the greatest qualities it needs.
Choice2. Since 2014, there has been Guinness challenge competition in our school. Different sports are waiting for us. Have you ever joined them and what can we get from it?
65kms hiking Guinness challenge competition
2.本堂课使用多媒体教学,尤其是英文小视频“tickling challenge” 提供丰富的教学资源,调动了学生英语学习的积极性,为学生创设了良好的英语交际环境。
5. 注重分层教学,让不同的学生有适合自己的目标追求,课堂上全力以赴,体验收获和分享的喜悦。
1. 课堂上,自己要更加注重英语语言的打磨,尤其是环节之间过渡时的连贯性,争取让自己的语言简洁又富有感染力的同时,也很流畅地道,让学生都能听懂我说的英语。
2. 在阅读理解问题的设置上,可以从更深的层面提供些探究性的问题,多提供些机会让学生进行小组探究,效果会更理想。
3.大胆放手,给学生提供更多的展示机会,如,可以在retelling 和walk into life 环节,创设更多机会。