课件61张PPT。How many months are there in the year?
What is the first month of the year?
When is New Year’s Day?
What is the second month of the year?
When is the Spring Festival?Answer the questions:How many months are there in a year?There are twelve months in a year.What is the first month of the year?January is the first month of the year.When is New Year’s Day?What is the second month of the year?It’s on January 1st.February is the second month of the year.When is the Spring Festival?It’s usually in January or February.Unit 4 January is the first month.
Lesson 21firstsecondthirdfourthgreenpinkblueyellowfirstsecondthirdfourthsand 沙子grass 草firstsecondthirdfourthfirstsecondthirdfourthcountries 国家---country2 0 1 4 What can people see in March?
When is Tree Planting Day in China?
What do people do on that day?
What do people want to do?What can people see in March? People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere.到处、每个地方 In China , Tree Planting Day is on March 12th.When is Tree Planting Day in China? People plant trees on that day.What do people do on that day?They want to stop the sand on windy days and make the air clean.What do people want to do?空气刮风的 They want to make the country greener.What do people want to do?国家、故乡 They want to make the country greener.?longlongerpipe 水管talltallercrane 吊塔strongstrongertruck 卡车fastleopard 豹子fasterhigheagle 老鹰higher They want to make the country greener.更绿?2 0 1 4 Easter is in .Easter is always on a .For school children in America , the Easter holidays are .During Easter , children get .Easter is in .A: January or FebruaryB: March or AprilMarch or AprilEaster is always on a .A: SundayB: SaturdaySundayFor school children in America , the Easter holidays are .A: a month longB: a week longa week longDuring Easter , children get .A: colourful Easter eggsB: colourful Easter candiescolourful Easter eggsFinish the passage.
(补全短文) is the third month of the year. People can see and everywhere. In China , Tree Planting Day is on .Marchgreen treesgreen grassMarch 12thPeople on that day. They want to stop the on
days and make the clean. They want to make the country . windyplant treessandairgreener is the fourth month of the year. Easter is in or . It is always on a . AprilMarchAprilSundayFor school children in , the Easter holidays are a long. During Easter , children get .Americacolourful Easter eggsweek单项选择 is the third month of the year. A. January
B. February
C. MarchTree Planting Day is __ March 12th.A. in
B. at
C. onApril is the _ month of the year.A. fourth
B. forth
C. FourChildren get _ during Easter.A. money
B. books
C. colourful eggsPlanting trees to stop the ( ) on windy days.A. water
B. sand
C. snowMake the sentences.1.there,twelve,are,months,in,year,a(.)There are twelve months in a year.2.April,the,fourth,month,is(.)April is the fourth month.3.is,March,in,April,Easter,or(.)Easter is in March or April.4.Tree Planting Day,12th,on,March,is, in,China ( . )Tree Planting Day is on March 12th in China.5.photo,the,are,chiliren,a,taking(.)The children are taking a photo.阅 读 I like March very much. March is the third month of the year. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. Children can go out to play. Women's Day is on March 8th.In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. The students like planting trees on that day. They want to make the air clean. And they also want to make the country greener and beautiful. ( ) 1. March is the fourth month of the year.F I like March very much. March is the third month of the year. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. Children can go out to play. Women's Day is on March 8th.In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. The students like planting trees on that day. They want to make the air clean. And they also want to make the country greener and beautiful. ( ) 2. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere.T I like March very much. March is the third month of the year. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. Children can go out to play. Women's Day is on March 8th.In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. The students like planting trees on that day. They want to make the air clean. And they also want to make the country greener and beautiful. ( ) 3. Children don't like Tree Planting Day.F I like March very much. March is the third month of the year. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. Children can go out to play. Women's Day is on March 8th.In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. The students like planting trees on that day. They want to make the air clean. And they also want to make the country greener and beautiful. ( ) 4.Women's Day is also in March.T I like March very much. March is the third month of the year. People can see green trees and green grass everywhere. Children can go out to play. Women's Day is on March 8th.In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. The students like planting trees on that day. They want to make the air clean. And they also want to make the country greener and beautiful. ( ) 5. I don't like March.F 1979年全国人大常委会定把3月12日定为我国的植树节。把这一天定为植树节,一是为了纪念一贯重视和倡导植树造林的孙中山先生(3月12日是孙中山先生逝世纪念日)另外,3月12日刚好是惊蛰之后,春分之前,对全国来说,这时候植树是最适宜的。植树节的由来The trees are very important to us , let’s plant many trees and protect them. 树对我们非常重要,让我们种更多的树并好好保护它们吧!Homework 策划一次“保护校园树木”的活动,倡导大家爱护树木。