Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C(课件+教案+练习)


名称 Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C(课件+教案+练习)
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文件大小 31.6MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-11-11 18:12:22


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《Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part C 》教案
1. 知识与技能
(1)学生能理解并表演Story time的小故事。
(3)学生能学习本课时的语法:There be句型表示“某地有某物”的用法,“There is + 单数名词 + 在某地”或者“There are + 复数名词 + 在某地”。
2. 过程与方法
3. 情感态度和价值观
1. 学生掌握本课时的语法:There be句型表示“某地有某物”的用法,“There is + 单
数名词 + 在某地”或者“There are + 复数名词 + 在某地”。
2. 学生能理解并表演Story time的小故事。
1. 学生能用英语准确表达物体的方位
2. 学生能在语境中准确地运用There be句型。
一、Warming up and Revision
1. Greetings.
师生间进行简单的英语问候。如:Good morning. How are you 等。
2. Play a game—Challenge your memory
3. Free talk.
师生间结合本单元的话题:There is a big bed.来展开对话,自由地复习本单元的重点词汇和句型:There be。21cnjy.com
1. Let’s check
(1)Listen and tick or cross
A. 让学生逐一看图,描述图片内容,熟悉听力任务。
B. 教师播放录音,学生听录音完成Listen and tick or cross 练习。
C. 再次播放录音,然后师生核对答案,让学生复述关键词。
(2)Listen again and write
A. 教师呈现文本,让学生阅读,并猜测所填的单词。
B. 教师播放录音,学生听录音填写所缺单词。
C. 师生核对答案,出示听力文本,学生齐读文本一次。
2. Let’s wrap it up
(1)教师呈现Match and write的图片,学生描述图片的内容。
(3)教师引导学生总结There be句型中be动词和名词单复数的搭配原则。
3. Story time
(1)教师出示图片1,提问Q1: What do you see in the picture Q2: Where is the can
(2)教师提问:Q1: Who can help the can go home Q2: Where is his home 并播放动画。学生看完动画后选择回答问题。21教育网
(3)教师播放图1-3动画,提出问题:A naughty bear kicks the can. Where is the can now
学生看完动画后回答问题。He flies ______ Rabbit and Monkey.
(4)教师引导学生观察图4和阅读文本,提出问题: Where is the can now
学生阅读文本后回答问题:It is _______ two fish.
(5)教师引导学生观察图5,提出问题: Where is the can now
学生阅读文本后回答问题:It is in Zoom’s hand.
(6)解读文本,突破重难点。如:I’m busy. poor, We’re late for school. Here comes a can. Let’s give it to Zoom. 21世纪教育网版权所有
(7) 听录音,跟读。模仿语音语调。
(8) 齐读文章。
(9)Role play角色扮演。
1. 速读下列句子。将本课时的重点句型以小游戏的形式呈现,巩固知识点。
2. 根据易拉罐回家的过程,正确排列图片。
3. 完成相应的课堂练习。
句型There be和介词in front of, above, beside, behind的用法。I’m busy. poor, We’re late for school. Here comes a can. Let’s give it to Zoom.的意思等。21·cn·jy·com
五、 Homework
1. 模仿并表演Story time。
2. 完成练习册中的相关练习。
Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part C
There is a cat / water bottle / clock …
There are pictures / plants …
in front of, above, beside, behind
I’m busy.
We’re late for school.
Here comes a can.
Let’s give it to Zoom.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 2 页 (共 4 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧
《Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part C 》练习
1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. _________________
4. _______________ 5. ________________ 6. _________________
7._______________ 8. ________________ 9. __________________
10. ________________
1. Kate is ________ America. Now she is ________ Beijing.21cnjy.com
2. I can’t sit ________ Sarah. She is so tall. I can’t see the blackboard.21·cn·jy·com
3. — Are these cakes _______ me
— No, they aren’t.
4. — What’s this ________ English
— It’s a watch.
5. — Who’s that boy _______ blue
— He is Mike.
6. It’s time _______ get up. I often get up _______ six.www.21-cn-jy.com
7. Who’s _______ duty today
8. Lucy is studying _______ the classroom.
9. Put ______ your shoes, please. It is time ________ PE class.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
10. I often do my homework _______ the afternoon.
( )1. I like playing ________ football. John likes playing ______ piano.2-1-c-n-j-y
A. the, / B. /, the C. the, the 21·世纪*教育网
( )2. ________ spring, I can fly kites ______ the weekend.  21*cnjy*com
A. On, in B. In, on C. At, on【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
( )3. — Where is the ball
— It is _______ the house, _______ the door.【版权所有:21教育】
A. behind, in B. after, behind C. in, behind 21教育名师原创作品
( )4. There _______ some pictures on the wall.
A. is B. are C. am21*cnjy*com
( )5. My father has _______ orange car.
A. an B. a C. the
( )6. There _______ a small clock on the desk.
A. is B. are C. am
( )7. There _______ some water in the red bottle.
A. am B. are C. is
( )8. Mike is behind me. I am _______ Mike.
A. near B. in front of C. above
( )9. There _______ a table, a TV and two sofa in the living room.
A. is B. are C. am【出处:21教育名师】
( )10. There _______ three apples, a pear and a watermelon on the desk.
A. is B. are C. am
1. water, bottle, the, door, the, is, behind (.) www-2-1-cnjy-com
2. are, many, in, bag, clothes, my (.)
3. are, there, clocks, two, my, house, in (.)
4. in, a, and, there, the, picture, is, table, a, bedroom (.) 2·1·c·n·j·y
5. like, you, do, my, room ( )
《Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part C》答案
一、1. bike 2. clock 3. plant 4. photo 5. water bottle 6. above 7. behind
8. beside 9. between 10. in front of
二、1. from, in 2. behind 3. for 4. in 5. in 6. to, at 7. on 8. in
9. on, for 10. in
解析:1. be from 意为“来自……”,“in + 地点”表示“在……”。
2. 从后文的She is so tall. I can’t see the blackboard.可知“我不能坐在后面”,填behind。
3. 英语中表示“给谁,为了谁”常用“for”。
4. in English意为“用英语说”。
5. “穿…..颜色的”用 in + 颜色。
6. “It is time + to + 动词或动词词组”表示“该做某事了”;具体的时间前用at。
7. on duty意为“值日”。
8. 表示“在……里面”用in。
9. put on意为“穿上”;“It is time + for + 名词或名词性短语”表示“该做某事了”。
10. in the afternoon意为“下午”,类似用法还有:in the morning, in the evening。
三、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
解析:1. 英语中,球类前不加冠词,乐器前加定冠词the,故选B。
2. 在季节前用介词in,on the weekend意为“在周末”,故选B。
3. 根据句意,“在房子里”用in,“在门后”用behind,故选C。
4. 在There be结构中,be动词的形式根据“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单复数决定。pictures是可数名词复数,be用复数are,故选B。
5. 该题考查不定冠词的用法,orange是以元音音素开头的,用an,故选A。
6. 在There be结构中,be动词的形式根据“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单复数决定。a clock是可数名词单数,be用复数is,故选A。
7. 在There be结构中,be动词的形式根据“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单复数决定。water是不可数名词,be用单数is,故选C。
8. 该题考查介词的意思,根据两者的对应关系,前部分用behind,后部分用in front of,故选B。21世纪教育网版权所有
9. 在There be结构中,be动词的形式根据“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单复数决定。a table是可数名词单数,be用复数is,故选A。
10. 在There be结构中,be动词的形式根据“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单复数决定。three apples是可数名词复数,be用复数are,故选B。
四、1. The water bottle is behind the door.
2. Many clothes are in my bag.
3. There are two clocks in my house.
4. There is a picture and a table in the bedroom. / 21教育网
There is a table and a picture in the bedroom.
5. Do you like my room
in, on, to, at, from, behind, for
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 3 页 (共 5 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网(共32张PPT)
Unit 5 There is a big bed.
Part C
Challenge your memory!
Free talk
T: Boys and girls, what’s in your bedroom
S1: There is a clock in my bed room.
S2: There are some books in my bed room.
S3: There is / are …
Talk about your bedroom
Let's check
What’s in the room Listen and tick or cross.

T: What’s in the picture
Ss: There is …
There are …

Listen again and write.
1. There is a _________ on the desk.
2. There are two ________ above the desk.
Listening text.
Wu Yifan: In my room there is a desk. On the desk there
is a plant. Above the desk there are two photos.
Beside the desk there is a bed.
Let's wrap it up
What can you see in the picture
I can see …
There is
There are
in front of
the table
Match and write
There is a cat in front of the table.
There is a cat in front of the table.
There be句型表示“有”的意思。be动词的形式根据
“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单
当名词是单数或者是不可数名词时,be 动词用单数 is。
There be的用法:
There is a water bottle in front of the table.
There is a clock in front of the table.
is a cat
is a water bottle
is a clock
There is some milk in the bottle.
There are two photos above the table.
当该名词是复数形式时,be 动词用复数 are。
There be的用法:
There are two plants behind the table.
are two photos
are two plants
There be句型表示“有”的意思。be动词的形式根据
“就近原则”来决定,即根据be 后的第一个名词的单
There are many books in the room.
Complete the sentences.
1. There is a cat in front of the table.
2. There is ______________________ .
3. There are ____________________.
a clock beside the table
two photos on the table
A bird, a bear and a can.
Story time
It is on the grass.
Q1: What do you see in the picture
Q2: Where is the can
can 作名词时意为“易拉罐”。
grass 意为“草、草地”。
1. Who can help the can go home A. Bird. B. Zoom.
2. Where is the can’s home A. The lake. B. The trash bin (垃圾箱).
Watch and circle.
A naughty bear kicks the can. Where is the can now
Watch and answer.
He flies ______ Rabbit and Monkey.
Read and answer
Where is the can now
It falls _________ two fish.
Read and answer
Where is the can now
It is in Zoom’s hand.
其英文是Recyclable garbage。
I’m busy.
He is busy with his work. 他忙于他的工作。
busy 意为“忙碌的、热闹的”,其常用的短语为:be busy with,忙于做某事。如:
Look at that poor can.
poor 意为“可怜的、贫穷的”。如:
They are poor. They can’t buy the car.
We’re late for school.
We’ll be late for the meeting.
be late for 意为“迟到、晚了”,如:
Here comes a can.
该句子是倒装句。其正常语序是:A can comes here.
There comes the train. 火车来了。
Let’s give it to Zoom.
give sth. to sb.意为“给某人某物”,其同义结构是“give sb sth”。如:
Let’s give Zoom the can.
Give him a watch.
= Give a watch to him.
Listen and imitate (听音模仿)
Role play
Read the dialogue. 合作朗读。
2. Role play the dialogue.
Can you help me
I want to go home.
I’m busy.
Look at that poor can.
We’re late for school.
Here comes a can.
Let’s give it to Zoom.
Home, sweet home.
排 序
一、用 “There is ” 或“there are” 填空。
1. ______ ______ a pencil and a ruler on the desk.
2. ______ ______ some books on the shelf.
3. ______ ______ many clothes in the bag.
4. ______ ______ a TV in the living room.
5. ______ ______ a clock and two pictures on the wall.
6. ______ ______ some water in the glass.
There is
There are
There are
There is
There is
There is
1. I’m busy. A.我们上学要迟到了。
2. We’re late for school. B. 我很忙。
3. Here comes a can. C. 让我们把它给Zoom吧。
4. Look at that poor can. D. 这有个罐。
5. Let’s give it to Zoom. E. 看那个可怜的罐。
Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part C
There is a cat / water bottle / clock …
There are pictures / plants …
in front of, above, beside, behind
I’m busy.
We’re late for school.
Here comes a can.
Let’s give it to Zoom.
1. 模仿并表演Story time。
2. 完成练习册中的相关练习。
Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part C
There is a cat / water bottle / clock …
There are pictures / plants …
in front of, above, beside, behind
I’m busy.
We’re late for school.
Here comes a can.
Let’s give it to Zoom.