Unit
Where
is
the
library?
教案
1教学目标
语言知识目标
(1)能听懂并会说短语:go
straight
,
turn
left
,turn
right
,
close
by
,
over
there
,
not
far
away
(2)能听懂并会说句型:The
library
is
on
the
second
floor.
语言技能与目标
(1)
能根据图片说出短语。
(2)能设置的情景进行简单的英语交流。
情感态度目标
(1)进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。
(2)
培养学生积极主动参与活动,乐于模仿,敢于开口的精神。
(3)
培养学生为人热情,乐于助人的品质。
(4)
继续培养学生在日常生活中使用文明礼貌语言的习惯。
2学情分析
这一节课是本单元的核心内容,它具体介绍了如何有礼貌地向人问路及指明方向。学生在四年级已学过
bookstore,
supermarket
,
mall,
park
,
beach,等表地点的名词,因此在教学中可采用以旧带呈现新的教学内容,体现循序渐进,由易到难的原则。
3重点难点
运用目标语,准确流利的向他人问路及指明方向;
准确运用所学短语指明方向。
4教学过程
4.1教学活动
活动1【讲授】library
(一)
Warm
up
Greetings
Revision
and
lead-in
T:
What’s
this
Ps:
It’s
a
library
T:
What
s
shape
is
it
Ps:
It’s
a
round.
T:
Do
you
like
it
Ps:
Yes,
like
it.
It’s
funny.
同上,再一一显示zoo
,
bookstore
,
supermarket
,
mall,
park
,
beach
。
T:
Boys
and
girls,
now
if
you
are
in
a
school
,you’re
going
to
the
library
.But
you
don’t
now
the
way
.
What
should
you
do
Ps:
We
should
ask
the
way
to
the
library.
T:
Yes,
you’re
right
.we
should
ask
the
way
to
the
library
politely(由于本课的对话牵涉到许多这样的地点名词,因此学生对它们的熟练程度直接影响到对话练习能否顺利进行,避免了对话练习时对这些词的复习,节约了时间,由复习引入新课也自然贴切。)
(二)
Presentation
T:
If
you
are
going
to
the
library.
You
should
ask
politely
like
this:
Excuse
me
.Which
is
the
way
to
the
library
把句子领读3遍。
T:
If
you
are
going
to
the
park
,you
should
ask
......
Ps:
Excuse
me
.which
is
the
way
to
the
park
Like
this,drill
this
structure
by
using
beach
,
zoo
,
supermarket
,Shopping
mall,
bookstore(充分的句型练习,突出重点,为下面的对话练习做好铺垫。)
a.
T:
then,
how
to
answer
this
question
Ps:
don’t
know.
T:
now
let’s
study
some
new
expressions.
Look
at
these
signs(屏幕显示指示图画)
T:
What’s
the
meaning
of
this
sign
(出示第一张图画提问。可用中文解释一下这句话)
Ps:
直走。
领读
go
straight
三遍。
Then
teach
the
pupils
the
other
two
expressions
like
this.
(turn
left
,
turn
right
)
b.
Sing
a
song
with
actions
(多媒体放出音乐并显示动画。学生通过做动作唱歌很快就会掌握这三个短语。)
c.
"快闪法”操练短语,老师快速出示指示图画,学生迅速说出短语。
d.
The
teacher
give
orders,
the
pupils
act
.(通过b,
c,
d
三步的操练,突破了难点。)
a.
now,
let
us
look
at
the
pictures
(屏幕上显示一幅有许多街道,地点的图画,还有Jon和王明。)
S:
Excuse
me,
which
is
the
way
to
the
library
Where
is
Jon
going
S:
He
is
going
to
the
library.
T:
Is
it
far
away
(复习far
away,很远的)
:No,
it
is
not
far
away.(帮助学生回答。显示not
far
away
.)
T:
Yes,
it
is
not
far
away.
It
is
close
by
.It
is
over
there.
(显示:close
by附近。over
there
在那里)
T:
Now,
look
at
the
picture.
If
Mr.
Tan
is
here
.Which
is
the
way
to
the
bookstore
(屏幕显示老师所在位置。)
S:
Go
straight,Then
turn
right.
T:
Is
it
far
away
S:
No,
it
is
not
.It
is
close
by.
c.
Like
this
make
another
two
dialogues.
d.
Listen
to
the
tape
about
the
text,
Read
after
it.
Then
answer
the
questions:
How
can
the
pat
get
to
the
zoo
Is
the
library
far
away
(三)
Drill
Divide
pupil
into
group,
two
a
group,
Require
each
group
to
draw
a
city
map.
Then
make
a
dialogue
like
above,
one
ask,
another
answer,
then
exchange.
(四)
Practice
a.
Role
play
Ask
four
pairs
to
the
plat
form
to
act
according
to
their
city
map,
Praise
the
pairs
which
can
finish
the
task.
(通过角色表演,完成对话,体验成功,增强自信,激发兴趣。)
b
,Have
a
match:
Who
is
the
best
guide
Chose
one
pupil
from
each
team,
then
answer
the
question
from
one
on
the
seen
one
after
one:
Excuse
me,
which
is
the
way
to
the.....
(Each
time
one
is
at
the
different
place.)
At
last,
choose
the
best
guide.
c,
The
teacher
hand
out
the
cards
with
place
words
to
the
pupil
at
different
place
.these
pupil
put
up
the
cards
in
their
seats
,Then
hand
out
the
same
cards
to
the
others
pupil
.the
pupil
who
get
the
cards
ask
the
way
freely.
(
这三步通过设置不同情景,提高了学生用英语沟通的能力。)
五Consolidation
Finish
the
exercises
in
Activity
Book.
课例研修心得:1
本课采用情景教学法,课堂中尽可能多的设置了不同语境,培养学生在生活中灵活准确的使用英语交流的能力,从而突出了重点。
(1)
通过课件设置情境,让学生一目了然明白老师的意图进行操练。
(2)
让学生拿着地点卡片在教室设置情境,学生可以身临其境地进行操练和表演。
采用歌曲配动作形式操练,指明方向短语,使学生迅速理解并掌握它们,从而突破了难点。
采用小组合作学习法
让学生两人一组进行制作城市方位图,然后操练,锻炼了学生的动手能力,保证了每个学生参与操练,提高了学生合作学习的能力。
通过任务型教学法,让学生体验成功的喜悦,从而变得更加自信,对应于学习更有兴趣。
采用活动比赛:Who
is
the
best
guide
激发了学生的学习兴趣,锻炼了学生口语交际能力。
总之,通过改进的教学设计,学生上课较有兴趣,更大胆,更积极参与教学活动,活动手册检测效果很好,绝大部分学生能掌握本课内容。当然,教学是一个不断进步的过程,今后我将更好的设计课堂教学,提高学生学习效率,我会勤于学习,勇于实践,乐于反思,和我的学生共同进步。