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Unit
Whose
toy
is
this?
教案
一、教学内容:
单词plane/
ship/
ball
/car
/shoes/
teddy
bear及句型:
Whose
toy
is
this
It’s
…
二、教学目标:
1.
能听懂、会说出单词plane/
ship/
ball
/car
/shoes/
teddy
bear
2.
能听懂、会说句子Whose
toy
is
this
It’s
…并能熟练运用。
三、教学重点与难点:
1.重点:掌握句型并能熟练运用
2.难点:掌握句型、单词,注意发音的准确
四、教学过程:
Step
1:
Warming
up
.热身活动
(请切换到全镜头)
T:
Hello,
boys
and
girls.
I'm
Miss
Zhu.
Glad
to
meet
you
.
Let's
do
some
actions.
(我真的很不错),以鼓励同学们每天都有个好心情。
Step
2:
导入:
(请切换到教师)
出示一些实物,如玩具飞机
小汽车,小船,玩具熊,球等,询问同学这些都是谁的,引出单词whose/mine/hers/his,
然后领读单词。
Step
3:
learn
new
words:
(请切换到学生和大屏幕)
look
at
some
pictures,
and
learn
new
words:
plane/
ship/
ball
/car
/shoes/
teddy
bear.
Read
the
words
after
teacher
again
21世纪教育网版权所有
and
again,
and
let
students
spell
the
words
together,
then
practice.在学习单词的过程中,我会加个小游戏比如“大小声”和一些比赛的内容来提高学生学习单词的积极性。21教育网
Step
4.
practice
(请切换到全镜头)
Practise
the
word:
Guessing
Is
it…
Step
Missing
words
(请切换到全镜头)
操练生词:让学生看着图片,迅速准确的说出单词,并说出少了那个图片。
Step
Learn
some
sentences:
(请切换到到大屏幕)
Whose
ball
is
this
这是谁的球?
It’s
my
ball.
It’s
mine
它是我的球。它是我的
Whose
toy
ship
is
this
这是谁的玩具轮船?
It’s
Li
Xiao’s.
It’s
his.
它是李晓的。它是他的
Whose
toy
car
is
this
这是谁的玩具汽车?
It’s
Amy’s.
It’s
hers.它是艾米的。它是她的。
Whose
teddy
bear
is
this
这是谁的玩具熊?
It’s
Zhou
Lin’s.
It’s
his.
它是周林的。它是他的。
Read
the
sentences
after
teacher
again
and
again.
Then
practice.
Step
practice
(请切换到学生和大屏幕)
Can
you
make
some
sentences
Look
at
the
pictures
and
say
the
sentences
quickly,
one
by
one.
Step
Sum
up
(请切换到全镜头)
What
did
you
learn
today
Step
Homework
(请切换到大屏幕)
Make
the
dialogue
with
your
partner
and
try
to
memorize
the
new
words.
And
give
students
one
word:
天生我才必有用,天才出于勤奋。
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