Unit 4 What can you do? PB Let’s talk(优质课课件+教案+学案)


名称 Unit 4 What can you do? PB Let’s talk(优质课课件+教案+学案)
格式 zip
文件大小 17.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-11-17 15:41:54


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Unit 4 What can you do PB Let’s talk
听、读Let’s tal ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )k部分,小组分角色练习对话,学会运用核心句型Can you do…. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.谈论个人能否做某事。21世纪教育网版权所有
自学Let’s talk部分,结合文本信息,翻译下面的句子
1. 今天我们将学习武术。______________________________
2. 太好了!妙极了!_____________________
3. —你会烹饪吗?—是的,我会。 ______________________________________
—Can you do any kung fu, Oliver 你会武术吗,奥利弗?
—No, I can’t. 不,我不会。
—No, problem. I can help you. 没问题,我能帮你。
◆含有情态动词can的一般疑问句,其结 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )构为:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?上面问句的肯定回答为______________ 需要注意的是,答语中的人称代词应根据问句中的主语作相应的变化。21教育网
—______________________ on Sunday 星期天我可以看电视吗?
—Yes,_____ can. / No, ____can’t. 是的,可以。( 不,不可以。)
◆no problem的使用场合是:对 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )于别人的请求你认为能够做到,或者愿意帮忙别人,就可以说“No problem. ”意思是___________。21cnjy.com
此外,因帮忙别人对你说“Thank you.”,这种场合你也可以说“No problem.”,在这里,它就是________的意思。21·cn·jy·com
( )No, I can’t.
(1 )We’ll have an party on Friday afternoon.
( )I can sing an English song.
( )No problem. We all dance together(一起) and I can help you.www.21-cn-jy.com
( )Great!
( )Wonderful! Can you dance
( )What can you do for the party
any; the; can; problem; play
1. Can you _____ ping-pong
2. — What can you do for the party
—I ____ sing.
3. The girl is really clever. She can play____ erhu well.2·1·c·n·j·y
4. Can you see ____ pictures on the wall
5. —I can’t do any kung fu. Can you help me
—No _____.
1. I can play basketball. (就划线部分提问)
____ ____ you ____
2. He can do some kung fu. (变为否定句)
He ____ ____ ____ kung fu.
3. I can sing some Chinese songs. (改为一般疑问句)
____ you ____ ____ Chinese songs
4. Can Wu Yifan cook food (作否定回答)
____, ____ ____.
1. Today we’ll learn ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) some kung fu. 2. Wonderful! 3. —Can you cook —Yes, I can.
Yes, I can.
填一填:Can I watch TV; you; you; 没问题; 不用客气
二、1. play 2. can 3.the 4.any 5.problem
三、1. What can do 2.can’t do any 3.Can sing any 4. No, he can’t
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Unit 4 What can you do
PB Let’s talk
1. 听Let’s try部分对话录音,理解内容并完成听力任务。
2. 理解Let’s talk 对话大意,能够按照正确的语音、语调朗读对话。
3. 能够在情景中运用句型 Can you… Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 询问对方能否做什么并作答。21世纪教育网版权所有
能够在情景中运用句型Can you... Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
在对话中恰当运用表达赞扬和安慰的语言,如:Wonderful! No problem.
Step 1. Warm-up and review
1. Sing a song. PPT 播放歌曲What can you do 学生跟唱。
2. Sharp eyes. 幻灯片闪现表示活动的短语,学生快速读出,看谁反应快。
3. Pair work. 根据图片提示,两人一组复习句型 What can you do I can…
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
Step2. Presentation and practice
1. Lead-in
1) 幻灯片呈现图片,然后引出句子 I ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) can sing. I can draw cartoons. 引导学生说出相应的疑问句: Can you sing Can you draw cartoons 21cnjy.com
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
2)Ask and answer. 引导学生通过看图练习句型: Can you… Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
3) 进一步呈现明星图片,进行问答练习。
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
2. Let’s try
1) T: Can Mike do any ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) kung fu Listen and tick. 播放录音,学生根据所听内容在正确内容打钩。(根据班级情况可多听两次,引导学生提取关键信息。)www.21-cn-jy.com
2)Let’s read. 通读录音原文,理解文本意思,核对答案。
2. Let’s talk
1)呈现主情景图,提出问题学生讨论:Who are they What class are they having
2)Let’s watch. 观看视频,通过看、听、读等形式理解文本。
3) Choose or tick. 根据文本信息完成任务。
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
4)Look, listen and read. 分句跟读,要求学生边听边模仿。注意语音、语调和语气的模仿。21教育网
5) 知识点播any 的用法。
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
6)通过两个Fill in the blanks练习,对文本内容进一步梳理、理解和巩固。
7)Group work. 三人一组朗读并表演对话,分层次提成任务要求。
Step3. Consolidation and extension
1. Can you do it ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) 播放flash,在情景中学习运用句型 Can you… Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 同时熟悉活动规则。21·cn·jy·com
2. Ask and answer. 根据图片,两人之间进行问答练习。熟悉短语make a puppet /robot。
3. Chain game. 通过句子接龙游戏,运用句型Can you… Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
4. Summary. 课堂小结。
Step 4. Homework
1.听录音,按正确的语 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )音、语调跟读对话,并熟练朗读对话。
2.运用句型 Can you … 与同伴会话交流,不少于三组对话。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 1 页 (共 3 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网(共23张PPT)
Unit 4 What can you do
PB Let’s talk
Let’s sing
sing English songs
wash my clothes
draw cartoons
do some kung fu
play football
play the pipa
Sharp eyes
Pair work
A: What can you do
B: I can … and…
Can you sing
I can sing.
Can you draw cartoons
I can draw cartoons.
Can you… 你会……吗?
Can you ______________
Yes, I can.
/ No, I can’t.
play the pipa
play football
Ask and answer
Jacky Chen(成龙)
Can he do any kung fu
Yes, he can.
Can she sing English
Yes, she can.
Can she do any kung
No, she can’t.
Let’s try
Zhang Peng: We have a PE class at 2 o’clock.
Mike: Yes. It’s kung fu today. It’s
cool but I can’t do it. Can you
Zhang Peng: Yes, I can. I will help you!
Mike: Thanks.
Let’s read
Who are they
John, Oliver, Amy, Sarah and their teacher Mr Ma.
What class are they having
They are having a PE class.
Mr Ma
Let’s talk
Let’s watch
1. The students will learn(学习)_____.
2. John ( can / can’t) do kung fu.
3. Oliver ( can / can’t ) do kung fu.
A. English B. kung fu
Choose or tick
录音 课文句子
Mr Ma: Good afternoon, children. Today we'll learn some kung fu.
Children: Cool!
Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, John
John: Yes, I can.
Mr Ma: Wonderful!
Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, Oliver
Oliver: No, I can't.
Mr Ma: No problem. I can help you.
Look, listen and read
some 和 any 都可用来表示“一些”。
点 拨
some 常用于肯定句,any常用于疑问或否定句。例:
肯定句:I can do some kung fu.
否定句:I can’t do any kung fu.
疑问句:Can you do any kung fu
Mr Ma: Good afternoon, children. Today we'll _____ some kung fu.
Children: Cool!
Mr Ma: Can you do ______ kung fu, John
John: Yes, I ____.
Mr Ma: Wonderful!
Mr Ma: _____ you do any kung fu, Oliver
Oliver: No, I ______.
Mr Ma: _______. I can help you.
Fill in the blanks
No problem
Mr Ma: Good afternoon, children. Today ___________________.
Children: Cool!
Mr Ma: _____________________, John
John: Yes, I can.
Mr Ma: _________!
Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, Oliver
Oliver: ___________.
Mr Ma: No problem. _____________.
Fill in the blanks
we’ll learn some kung fu
Can you do any kung fu
No, I can’t
I can help you
三人一组练习Let’s talk部分对话
1. Read the dialogue.合作朗读。
2. Role play the dialogue.
3. Make a new dialogue and role play.编新对话并合作表演。
Group work
Can you do it
make a puppet
Can you ...
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Ask and answer
make a robot
Can you…
Yes, I can.
Can you…
No, I can’t. Can you…
Chain game
do some kung fu ; sing English songs; speak English; cook
make a puppet/robot/… sing the birthday song
小 结
Can you do any kung fu
speak English

Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
2.运用句型 Can you … 与同伴会话交流,不少于三组对话。