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Unit
Jobs
people
do
教案
1教学目标
To
grasp
how
to
ask
about
people’s
jobs.
To
know
the
main
idea
of
the
text
on
page
29.
To
cultivate
the
ability
of
introducing
varieties
of
jobs
people
do.
2学情分析
Students
are
familiar
with
the
topic
of
jobs.
They
are
able
to
briefly
introduce
several
jobs,
but
not
in
very
details.
In
this
course,
hope
they
will
cultivate
more
information
about
jobs
and
can
organize
the
information
into
an
article.21教育网
3重点难点
Questions:
What's
his
job
Some
detailed
information
about
jobs
of
a
secretary.21cnjy.com
4教学过程
活动1【导入】Pre-task
i.
Ask
and
answer
about
the
teacher’s
job.
To
warm
up
the
atmosphere
and
introduce
some
questions
on
jobs.
ii.
Make
some
dialogues
of
different
jobs.
(from
class
work
to
pair
work)
To
enhance
the
grasp
of
the
questions
and
introduce
several
new
jobs.
活动2【讲授】While-task
iii.
Learn
some
new
words
and
phrases:
neighbor,
answer
the
phone,
take
notes,
manager
To
get
prepared
for
the
following
text
learning.
iv.
Listen
to
the
text,
and
fill
in
the
blanks
on
the
worksheet.
To
practise
the
listening
skill
and
get
some
key
information
of
the
text.
v.
Read
the
text
aloud.
(the
whole
class
–
desk
mates
–
boys
and
girls)
To
naturally
recite
the
text
by
reading
it
over
and
over
again.
vi.
Answer
some
questions
in
complete
sentences.
To
use
complete
sentences
to
introduce
the
job
“secretary”
and
get
prepared
for
the
writing.
vii.
Fill
in
the
blanks
with
the
proper
forms
of
verbs.
To
correct
the
common
mistakes
on
verbs
and
get
prepared
for
the
writing.21世纪教育网版权所有
活动3【活动】Post-task
viii.
Summarize
the
questions
on
the
job
“secretary”
and
complete
the
writing
passage.
To
build
up
the
writing
structure
with
the
help
of
questions
and
provide
students
with
a
writing
example.
ix.
Ask
and
answer
some
other
jobs.
To
get
more
writing
materials.
x.
Brainstorm
another
job
and
write
about
it.
To
further
exercise
the
writing
on
jobs.
xi.
Correct
2-3
students’
writing
and
give
some
comments.
To
correct
some
writing
mistakes
and
give
some
advice.
活动4【作业】Assignment
i.
Read
the
text
on
page
three
times.
ii.
Correct
your
desk
mates’
writing
on
the
work
sheet.
iii.
Interview
one
of
your
relatives
and
write
about
his/her
job.
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