高三上(第十册)Module 4 The magic of Film全模块教案[上学期]


名称 高三上(第十册)Module 4 The magic of Film全模块教案[上学期]
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2006-10-22 01:14:00



外研英语高三上(第十册)Module 4 The magic of Film
I. 模块教学目标
技能目标Skill GoalsRead to know about the Oscars and the history of films and understand the writing styles. Learn to talk about films.Learn to use the words did, other, more, with, been, ask.Learn to make a presentation about the students’ favorite film.
功 能 句 式 Describing events… is an adventure / romantic / horror / a family film / a musicalThe film is set in….at the time of…The story begins in …… is a .. person who…Writing about a film sceneMy favorite scene is a scene from….It’s a scene in which…It’s the scene when…The scene is very dramatic / sad / exciting / romantic.It’s brilliant / fantastic / great scene.
词 汇 1. 四会词汇 cameraman, symbolic, spectacle, glamorous, viewer, gown, limousine, photographer, journalist, intention, scriptwriter, vote for, statue, peer, publicity, superficially, furthermore, demanding, musical, suspense, animated, potential, animation, realism, lifelike, toast, blockbuster, mark, centenary, stage, erect, shoot, screen, feature, documentary, usher, mainstream, consolidate, new-found, milestone, regain, setback, mistreat, lawful, restore, degrade2. 词组 vote for, in weight, cut off, look back, tend to
语 法 1.Review the uses of Did, Other, More2.Review the uses of With, Been, Ask
重 点 句 子 1. The Oscars seem such a modern occasion that it is surprising to think that the Awards began as long ago as 1927. P442…. but because people think it is time he or she got an award. P453. It was not until 1995 that animation became truly exciting again. P504. In 2005, a total of 55 cinemas were constructed with 272 new screens, adding to the existing 2,668 screens in 1,243 cinemas; … P545. We were not lawful nor were we just in what we did. P55
III. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本模块以电影为主题, 由奥斯卡奖导入,学生阅读、回顾、讨论中外电影发展的历史、现状和未来趋势同时,可以对奥斯卡---这一电影界举足轻重的世界级奖项从来历、宗旨和意义等方面有更深刻的认识;了解并展望二十年代起始于美国、深受观众喜爱,的动画片的发展;较全面地的认识和了解中国电影发展的百年历史和它在世界电影艺术中的地位和贡献、对人类精神文明的传承以及在国内外文化交流中所发挥的重要作用。在学习中要求学生运用所学的语言知识和技能,通过听电影故事和影评、讨论电影专业人士所负责任和工作特点、解读奥斯卡的历史和象征意义、写出自己最喜爱的电影故事等各种语言学习方式,去了解一些优秀电影深刻的思想意义和对人类道德的影响,体味奥斯卡颁奖典礼壮观绚丽的场面背后无数影人的艰辛努力、拼搏和奋斗、讲述电影中的英雄故事和所获得的榜样力量。本模块将思想教育和对英语语言知识技能的学习和运用巧妙融入最受学生欢迎的热门话题之一——电影以及奥斯卡奖项,使学生在听、说、读、写等语言实践的同时,感受到电影的魅力和它带来的精神享受、道德洗礼和人格震撼。
1. 1 INTRODUCTION 共设计了四项活动。Activity 1要求学生以双人活动形式根据所给图片问答问题。Activity 2则要求学生用所给的电影词汇填空,完成一篇短文。短文的语言设计要求学生根据对电影专业人士工作特点和责任的描述猜词,有一定难度。Activities 3&4 要求用Activity 2中的有关信息回答Activity 1涉及到的问题并进行讨论。整个活动是三步曲---直观,深入,展开,设计巧妙,构思独到,为本模块以后关于movie这一话题的进一步学习作好了铺垫。
1. 2 READING AND VOCABULARY (1) 包括一篇阅读文和相关的六项活动。Activity 1要求学生在阅读课文并从所给的7个句子中为每个自然段选取合适的首句。这一活动的目的是培养学生在阅读中学习语言的连贯、上下文内容的合理衔接以及找出段落的中心句等方面的阅读理解能力和写作能力。Activities 2-4的任务是让学生在阅读课文之后,根据课文回答问题,旨在检测学生的阅读效果。Activities 5&6设计了词汇检测练习,要求学生按照已给出的词义解释找出相应的词汇,训练学生得到用英语解词和思考的能力。
1. 3 LANGUAGE IN USE (1) 的主要任务是复习Did, Other 和More的用法。其中设计了①回答问题以复习该词的常用结构,②该词与其句法功能连线,③选词填空等活动来复习和总结这些词的用法。练习设计内容全面充分。
1. 4 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY 包括五项活动。Activity 1要求学生先根据电影剧情简介和评论片断判断电影名称,考察他们的英文电影常识,再听电影剧情介绍和影评判断正误。Activity 2设计了根据词义选词填空,用以考察学生对听力材料中关键词的理解,而Activity 3则要求学生根据所听内容完成句子,来考察学生的听力效果。最后两个部分是这组听力练习的深入和扩展,要求学生以对话的形式来呈现自己对影评的看法和通过三部电影的得到的启示。听力材料所涉及的电影是最受观众喜爱的经典影片《音乐之声》、《指环王》和《勇敢的心》,这将是最令学生激动,也是训练学生听力最有效的时刻。
1. 5 LANGUAGE IN USE (2) 设计的五项活动在要求学生用填词、回答问题、将句子与词的句法功能连线等方式复习With, Been 和Ask的用法的同时,加强了对学生正确使用这些词汇、和根据句子总结语法结构等方面能力的训练和培养。
1. 6 READING AND VOCABULARY (2) 共设计了七个部分的活动。Activity 1要求学生阅读一篇有关卡通简史的短文,并根据内容解释区分普通卡通片和电脑制作的卡通片。文章回顾了从二十年代Walt Disney创作的第一部卡通动画片起,到九十年代因电脑技术的运用,卡通动画成为最激动人心,最有发展前景的事业,语言简练,热点度高,知识性强。随后Activities 2-5所设计的不同练习方式训练学生的阅读和语言学习能力。Activity 6 要求学生比较阅读The Oscars—Superficial Spectacle 和A Brief History of Cartoon,分析理解两篇文章作者的写作目的, 强化学生的英语思维和语言训练,升华学生对课文思想意义的理解。Activity 7则设计了双人活动,让学生谈论自己最喜爱的卡通电影,题目设置富有极强的吸引力和交流性。
1. 7 PRESENTATION SKILLS 是提纲写作和语言表达的综合训练,要求学生通过读影评范例《音乐之声》,按Activities 1-3提出的要求找出写作线索,再按Activities 4 - 5的语言表达要点指导,提纲挈领地写出一部电影的类别、背景、情节和主人公,最后声情并茂地把这个电影故事讲述出来。任务中给出了详细的语言示范,为学生的语言实践打开了通道。教师还可以指导学生先写出完整的影评,再让学生表述;也可根据学生的能力和对电影的了解程度,加入电影海报设计、电影剧情介绍、在网上发帖子发表简短的电影评论或交谈感想等趣味性和实用性较强的活动。
1. 8 READING PRACTICE这一部分以阅读为中心,围绕一篇题为Chinese Cinema Toasts 100 Years,回顾了中国电影的百年历史,展示了中国电影业的现状和发展前景, 让学生了解中国电影的发展;设计了读前问题、根据课文题目猜测内容、谈论文中许多数据的意义、选择最佳答案、讨论中外电影的不同收视热点六项任务。该练习设计全面、灵活、富有弹性,适用于各个层面的学生,并且再一次突出了本模块的主题——了解和学习电影.
1. 9 CULTURAL CORNER 是一篇很好的泛读文章。向学生介绍了世界著名美国电影演员马龙·白兰度的一段轶事。1973年他因出演《教父》获得奥斯卡金奖时拒绝领奖,而改由一位印第安女孩代为出席并发表讲话,以此表示他对美国印第安人在影视中受到歧视的抗议。通过阅读可使学生了解到在辉煌的金奖下存在着的不公正和不平等, 帮助学生树立正确的电影欣赏观。
1. 10 TASK的主要任务是通过所设计的步骤指导学生学会介绍自己最喜爱的电影。这是一个学生最感兴趣、最热门的话题,所设计的四个步骤层次清晰,信息点明确、具体,为学生顺利进行活动提供了有效的帮助。在活动中,教师可以指导学生先收集信息,再按照这四个步骤整理成文,最后进行口语表达,把写作训练和口语训练结合起来。
2. 教材重组
2. 1 第一部分INTRODUCTION主要训练学生以电影为主题的口语表达能力;第四部分LISTENING AND VOCABULARY和Workbook 中Page 113的Listening 是本模块的主要听力训练 部分;将这几部分整合在一起,可作为一节任务型的 "听说课"。Page 111的Reading and speaking可作为本课时的作业。
2. 2 READING AND VOCABULARY (1) 中的六项活动和课文The Oscars — Superficial Spectacle 是一个整体,设计成一节"阅读课(1)"。而第八部分READING PRACTICE中的阅读材料Chinese Cinema Toasts 100 Years恰好和课文阅读材料形成中外电影的比照,可作为后续阅读或作业,使这一课时完整、充实。
2. 3 P47和P49的LANGUAGE IN USE (1) & (2),Workbook P109的Language in use和是同一类的词汇学习和练习,整合起来是一节完整的"语言实践课"。P110的Vocabulary可以作为本课时的作业。
2. 4 本模块中的第六部分READING AND VOCABULARY (2) 共有七项活动和一篇阅读材料A Brief History of Cartoons, 可与第九部分CULTURAL CORNER整合在一起,设计成"阅读课(2)"。
2. 5 P52的第七部分PRECENTATION SKILLS, P56的第十部分TASK和Workbook P114的 Writing and speaking可整合成一节综合课。
3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用5课时完成)
1st period Speaking & Listening
2nd period Reading (I)
3rd period Language in use
4th period Reading (II)
5th period Presentation
Ⅳ. 分课时教
The First Period Speaking & Listening
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language目标语言:
cameraman, actors, actress, audience, director, excellence, interpret, praise, producer, responsible, scriptwriter, tend to, musical, suspense, accurate, anger, Austrian, evil, fantasy, superb, visual, wartime
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to listen to and talk about films.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help the students to listen to talk about films.
Teaching important points教学重点
Lead the students to talk about films.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
Enable the students to listen to films.
Teaching methods教学方法
Talking, listening and pair work.
Teaching aids教具准备
A computer and a projector.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方法
Step I Homework checking and introduction
1. Homework checking
T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls!
Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!
T: Do you still remember what I told you to do last period
S: Yes! Find some information about four important awards.
T: Have you done that
S: Yes!
T: Good. Let’s see what you have found about them.
Show the following pictures to the students.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
T: Who’d like to say something about them
S: The first one is the Golden Globe Awards of America, which was founded since 1943, and held by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. It is one of the most important awards in the American films. And it sets up 24 sorts of awards.
S: I know something about the second one. It is Jinji Award in China, which was founded in 1981, the cock-year in Chinese lunar year and held by Chinese Movie Artist Association. It sets up more than 20 sorts of awards and many experts of filmmaking, film artists and film reviewers vote for the winners.
S: The statue in the shape of a beautiful girl with a flower held high up the head is Hundred Flowers Film Award to the most popular films and the actors and actresses in China. Five kinds of the rewards have been set with 500,000 -- 700,000 votes in resent years. It has the largest population for its voting in mainland of China.
S: Everyone knows that the last picture is the most famous Academy Awards or Oscars. It began at 1927 and is the greatest and the longest rewards for films, which is awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science in order to improve the art of film. The ones who get great successes in films may receive it. The golden statue is a knight, made of solid bronze, about 13.5 inches high, holding a sword and standing upon a reel of film.
2. Lead in
T: Well done! You know so much about them! And they are rewards for excellent films, right
S: Yes!
T: That’s it! And can you tell me which one is the most famous worldwide
S: Oscars!
T: Yeah! And what do you know about it
Encourage the students to answer the question from the following aspects, which will be helpful for them to do the following activities.
1. titles of Academy Award
2. famous movie stars, directors, films…
3. when and where it is held
4: symbolic sets: like the red carpet, golden statue…

3. Activity 1
T: Great! You know so much about it! And I think it’s a piece of cake for you to answer the following questions. Now work in pairs and finish Activity 1. The words in the box may help you.
Students can answer the questions refer to the following clues:
1. Who are in the pictures
2. How does he / she look like
3. What is he / she doing
4. What may his / her profession be
5. Where may this occasion be
6. Are there any typical things
7. What other things can be seen in the picture (camera, reporter…)

Two minutes later ask the students to show their opinions.
Sample dialogue:
Sa: Look! What is happening in these photos
Sb: A beautiful girl is holding a golden statue. It is the Oscar golden statue. So she must be a movie star receiving her rewards.
Sa: Who’s the man next to her
Sb: He may be the director or producer of the film she played in.
Sa: What is the occasion
Sb: The glamorous movie star is walking on the famous red carpet with a lot of people around her. The scene is quite spectacle. So I think maybe it is the Academy Awards ceremony.
Sa: Why do you say the red carpet is famous
Sb: The red carpet is used for receiving VIPs at the Academy Awards ceremony. Once a year, a large gathering of famous film stars walk on the red carpet to show themselves to the audience around the world through the media. So the red carpet is very famous and has become another word for the Oscars ceremony.
T: Beautiful! These glamorous movie stars, directors excite us so much. And do you now other professions in a film team
Students may list some of that, and then lead them to do Activity 2.
4. Activity 2
T: Good! Let’s do Activity 2 and see other professions. And also you can get the answer to the first question in Activity 3.
Give them enough time to complete the short passage and then ask some of them to read the completed passage and then check the answers together.
5. Activity 3
T: Now you have known that the success of a film depends on the efforts of a whole team of people, not a single actor or actress. So, these people also should be rewarded, right
S: Yes!
T: Can you think of the titles of four of the top Academy Awards
S: Certainly! I know they have awards of Best Picture ( http: / / www.filmsite.org / bestpics.html ), Best Director ( http: / / www.filmsite.org / bestdirs.html" \l "1 ), Best Actor ( http: / / www.filmsite.org / bestactor.html ), Best Actress ( http: / / www.filmsite.org / bestactress.html ), Best Supporting Actor ( http: / / www.filmsite.org / bestsuppactor.html ) and Best Supporting Actress ( http: / / www.filmsite.org / bestsuppactress.html ), and so on.
T: Very good! You named six! You know much about the Oscars!
6. Activity 4
T: You see, so many kinds of professions in film industry. Which one is the most important in your opinion Now work in pairs and complete Activity 4.
Sample dialogue
1: Sa: I put actors and actresses first. Because of their performance, the audience can appreciate the film and find out the deep meaning of the film. The audiences absorb in their wonderful performances and are encouraged by the spirits of hero. If a film has no good actors or actress, it won’t be loved by audience, nor can it make high box office.
Sb: I don’t think so. I think the producer is the most important, who has to find money for the coming out of the film. Without them, the best script has to be put aside, saying nothing of films or actors and actresses. You know, there would be no film without money.
2: Sa: In my opinion, the director should be put first because their job is to interpret the script, develop the potential of the actors and actresses. If there were no good directors, there would be no good films for people to enjoy. You see, at the ceremony of the Awards, the top actors or actress always appears together with their directors, to whom people are full of thanks and respect.
Sb: But I think the cameraman should be put first. Although there are scriptwriters, producers, actors, actresses and directors, people still wouldn’t see a film if there was no cameraman. And the more excellent the cameraman is, the more wonderful film we can see.
Step II Listening I (P48 Activities1-5)
Get the students to do Activities 1-5 on Page 48 to help them talk about their opinions about films.
T: Till now, we have talked so much about the film and the Oscar. So what classic films do you know that won the Oscars
Encourage the students to say the films they have known or already seen. And recommend these classic films to the other students.
T: Wonderful! On Page 48, there are three classic films. Let’s see whether you know them or not.
Get the students to do Activity 1and also help them learn some sentence structures to help them to talk about films:
After that, play the tape for them to check the answers. Then ask the students to do Activities 3&4 and check the answers together.
T: Have you ever seen those films
S: Yes. / Only some of them. / …
T: Well, they are wonderful films. So I hope you can enjoy them sometime, OK
Ask the students who have seen these films.
T: What have you learnt about them
Get students to do Activity 5 in group of four.
Sample dialogue 1---The Sound of Music
Sa: The Sound of Music shapes a group of lively persons with different characters, telling us a real story full of understanding and love. Free and beautiful Maria and the lovely children, their courage of fighting Nazi and seeking freedom have moved the people all over the world. Its interesting story, nice music, warm favor and pure laugh make it the most successful music film with the highest box office.
Sb: Yes. The story is so perfect that it encourages one and another generation. Its beautiful music is still sung in the world and the film has been translated into more than 30 languages and is shown in different countries in the world till today. Without fail, the film and its excellent music will be the rarest art work of human beings forever.
Sa: In 1966, the film received 8 nominations and 5 awards. They are Best Film, Best Director, Best Music, Best Sound and Best Edit.
Sb: And it was voted as one of the 10 Greatest Films in America. The significance of the film now has become far beyond the box office.
Sample dialogue 2--- Braveheart
Sa: Have you seen the film Braveheart
Sb: Yes. I saw it twice.
Sa: What do you think about it
Sb: Great! I think it is one of the greatest films that are worthy of seeing. The hero William Wallace in the film is a real man and I was deeply shaken by his fearless expression and the wisdom in his eyes. I want to be a man like him.
Sa: Wonderful! Tell me about the story of the film.
Sb: Braveheart is an exciting battle epic about William Wallace, the legendary Scots warrior. At the end of 13th century, the old king died, English wanted to annex(并吞) Scotland, when William Wallace came back homeland and led his nation into a fierce battle against the English. But later, he was betrayed and was killed by his enemy. Before his death, his shout “Freedom” made all the people shaken and tearing.
Sa: Well, it moved me. You say it is a history movie
Sb: Yes. The film takes a heavy, sad and resentful history subject, shows the historical event of Scottish Uprising on the screen and wins the name of great epic film with its grand and vast vigor.
Sa: Tell me more about its style, characteristic and some other information.
Sb: You can see mountains, forest and villages of Scotland in the film and the music is beautiful too. The sad bagpipe is telling you miserable life of Scottish, making you feel a real history. Everyone who has seen the film says that it is the best and the milk of human kindness patriotism film.
Sa: Who made the great film
Sb: It is Mel Gibson, Hollywood famous film man, who writes, directs and performs by himself. He himself plays the role of the hero William Wallace in the film. So while the film shows people a vast historical picture-volume, it shows people a hero of creating a wonder of film, too.
Sa: How great! Does it gain any rewards, such as Oscars
Sb: Certainly it got! In 1995, the movie field was almost covered by Braveheart totally and it got 5 great rewards altogether including Best Film, Best Director, Best photography, Best Music and
Best Making-up.
Sa: I can’t wait to see it!
Sb: I have a DVD. You may go to my house to fetch it after class.
Sa: Great!
Sample dialogue 3---The Lord of the Rings
Sa: I heard that once all three films of The Lord of the Rings were shown in Beijing together. It would take about eight hours to see all the three films from the very beginning to the end and the tickets were expensive, but people showed so great interesting about them that they bought food and drink to see the films for a whole day and they said it was “cool” to see the epically films in this way.
Sb: That’s true. In 1954, J.R.R Tolkien published the first volume of his magical trilogy The Lord of the Rings---The Fellowship of The Ring. From than on, the magical story of The Lord of the Rings made the world people unfold imaginary wings. In 2001 it was put on the film screen for the first time and showed people a brave adventure on the Middle Earth, telling us the story of a fight between kindness and evil.
Sa: Do you know the other two films of The Lord of the Rings
Sb: Yes. They are The Two Towers and The Return of the King.
Sa: What about the screen situation
Sb: Peter Jackson is the director of the films and high computer technology is used to present people a magical world. The fantastic New Zealand view looks like a fairyland. The films are of the magical sutra in the west and it expresses the author’s thought to humanity and the expectation to trueness.
Sa: What wonderful films they are!
Step III Listening II
Get the students to do Activities 10 -12 on Page 113 in the workbook
T: Now turn to P113 and look at Activity 10. Have you seen the following films
Ss: Yes! / No! / Just Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire…
T: Well, next, try to match the films with the names of the characters in the box.
Later check the answers together.
S: Frodo and Gollum are the characters in The Lord of the Ring. Lord and the Emperor are in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Annakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi are the characters in the Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith.
T: Good! Now listen to the passage and number the films in the order they are mentioned.
Play the tape for the Ss to listen. After that, ask them to check their answers to Activity 10 and then, manage the Ss to deal with Activity 12, choosing the best way to complete the sentences.
Step IV Homework
T: You have done very well in class. Homework for today: P111, Reading and speaking.
1) Read the passage on P112 and finish the exercises in Activity 7, 8 and 9.
2) Sum up the main idea of each paragraph as well as the passage’s.
Next period, I’ll check your homework. Goodbye everyone!
Ss: Goodbye, sir / madam.
The Second Period Reading (I)
Teaching goals教学目标
1. Target language目标语言:
a. 重点词汇和短语
symbolic, spectacle, glamorous, viewer, gown, limousine, photographer, journalist, intention, scriptwriter, vote for, statue, peer, publicity, superficially, furthermore, demanding, vote for, in weight, cut off
b. 重点句子
The Oscars seems such a modern occasion that it is surprising to think that the Awards began as long as 1927.
…,but because people think it is time he or she got an award.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable students to further understand the Oscar and talk about the films.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help students learn to analysis the writing style and talk about the films.
Teaching important points 教学重点
Teach students to talk about films.
Teaching difficult point 教学难点
Help students understand the writing style of the text.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Fast-reading, careful-reading, practicing and summarizing
Teaching aid 教具准备
A recorder, a projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Homework checking and revision
Check students their homework to have a revision of what they have learned about talking about film.
T: How is it going
S: Fine!
T: So, how about your homework
S: We have finished that.
T: Now I’ll check it.
Sample answers for Activity 8 and sample dialogues for Activity 9
1. They brought his films to the attention of the west, and succeeded in creating a new audience for Chinese cinema.
2. It shows he loves photography very much and at that time he was too poor to afford a camera.
3. Because it was his first film and was a great success, making a base for him to be a most successful and international acclaimed film director.
4. The extraordinary visual beauty of Zhang’s films made filmgoers fascinated and the heroines in his stories are importance.
5. Zhang Yimou thought that he could do what he liked and maybe he could realize his childhood dream.
6. It was told in a completely different modern style.
7. His preparations for a film are so detailed. He discusses everything in detail with every single person involved in the film before he starts a project. When filming starts, everyone understands what is wanted.
8. This maybe one of the keys to Zhang’s success as a filmmaker. And he has many more years of successful filmmaking before him.
Sample dialogues 1
Sa: Have you seen any of Zhang Yimou’s films
Sb: Yes.
Sa: Which ones have you seen
Sb: I have seen Red Sorghum and Hero.
Sa: What were they about
Sb: Red Sorghum told a love story in old days and the resisting to invaders, while Hero is a martial arts film, telling a story that a true hero would sacrifice himself for love and country events.
Sa: What do you think of the films
Sb: Red Sorghum was the first film going out of the country and getting international rewards. It admired humanity and paid a tribute to the ethos. But in some way, it showed the poorest side in our country to the world, which made me, as well as many people, unhappy and even angry. I think Hero is better. Though it had no complex story, it showed people a spirit of real hero. The scenes in the film were very spectacular and the color was wonderful.
Sample dialogues 2
Sa: Have you seen any of Zhang Yimou’s films
Sb: No. Not any.
Sa: While, have you seen some other films
Sb: Certainly I have.
Sa: Can you tell me whose films you like
Sb: A world without thieves, which was directed by Feng Xiaogang.
Sa: Oh. But why do you like this film
Sb: This was a scenario film, describing a world full of thieves under the topic of “without thieves”. But Shagen’s simpleness and kindness made thieves shame, uncovering the conscience and kind natures of human beings. The film also showed an aspiration for a pure and “without thieves” world. I love the simple folkway(社会习俗) at the screen place, too.
StepⅡReading (I) and lead in
Show students the following pictures about the Oscars to have a view of the Oscar’s spectacle and then lead them to the reading material.
T: Have you ever seen the Oscar live
S: Yes! / No!
T: Well, look at these pictures and talk about it.
Show students the following pictures
HYPERLINK "http://images./imgres imgurl=http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/christina/photos/napa/Oscars.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/christina/Napa.html&h=682&w=909&sz=123&hl=zh-CN&start=14&tbnid=heAs0cdGF6562M:&tbnh=110&tbnw=147&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2BOscars%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26lr%3D%26newwindow%3D1" \t "_blank" INCLUDEPICTURE "http://images./images q=tbn:heAs0cdGF6562M:http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/christina/photos/napa/Oscars.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET HYPERLINK "http://images./imgres imgurl=http://www.oscars.org/78academyawards/misc/images/telecast.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.oscars.org/78academyawards/index.html&h=218&w=300&sz=24&hl=zh-CN&start=19&tbnid=ckCNSvAB_HnwcM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2BOscars%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26lr%3D%26newwindow%3D1" \t "_blank" INCLUDEPICTURE "http://images./images q=tbn:ckCNSvAB_HnwcM:http://www.oscars.org/78academyawards/misc/images/telecast.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET HYPERLINK "http://images./imgres imgurl=http://www./archives/jake_gyllenhaal130.jpe&imgrefurl=http://www./archives/2005_02.php&h=400&w=266&sz=47&hl=zh-CN&start=3&tbnid=4YUJ4Q4RTVSoIM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=82&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2BOscars%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26lr%3D%26newwindow%3D1" \t "_blank" INCLUDEPICTURE "http://images./images q=tbn:4YUJ4Q4RTVSoIM:http://www./archives/jake_gyllenhaal130.jpe" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Encourage the students to give their opinions from the following aspects:
The golden statue, glamorous movie stars / directors, red carpet, luxurious evening gown, a large gathering of the reporters / media / audience…
T: Great! So how do you think about it
S: Great! / Splendorous! / Exciting! …
T: Well done! These pictures make you feel great, splendorous, exciting, that means it is the spectacle of the Oscar. Got it
S: Yes!
T: Now look at the title on Page 44. What’s it
S: The Oscars---Superficial Spectacle
T: Is the Oscars a true Spectacle
T: Next, read the passage and find the answer.
Get the students to read the passage and help them to better understand the passage by doing exercises, explaining, and analyzing.
1. Fast-reading
Get the students to do Activities 1&3 to get the basic information of the text.
Sample answers:
To Activity 1: 1. d 2. f 3. g 4. b 5. a 6. e 7. c
To Activity 3: abbbc
2. Careful-reading (Activities 2,4,5,6)
Get the students to carefully read the passage to learn some details.
T: Well, next, read the passage carefully and discuss the questions in Activity 2 in pairs, clear
S: Yes.
Give the students enough time to do this, and also encourage them to give the specific reasons for their answers by consulting the context and the dictionary. After that, check the answers together.
Sample answers:
1. meeting (gathering is a meeting of a group of people; meeting is an organized event at which people gather to talk and decide things; while group only refers to several people or things that are all together in the same place.)
2. TV reviewer refers to those who write about / make comments on plays, performance, TV programs, etc. in a newspaper or magazine.
3. Supporting actor or actress is the one who plays a small part in a play or movie and is of the secondary importance.
4. Mental illness refers to illness relating to mind.
5. No.
6. No.
7. Depth means things that give a lot of important details about a subject. It is may make the audience laugh but thought-provoking.
8. The author holds a negative attitude towards the Oscars.
9. It is something exciting that you watch.
Then the teacher will manage the Ss to do Activities 5&6, and then check the answers.
Get the students to read the passage again to finish Activity 4 in pairs to get further understanding.
Sample answers:
1. He means that the Oscars is just superficial spectacle and has no depth.
2. As is put in the first paragraph, so many people watch the Oscars because they are a fascinating opportunity to observe how stars behave as “real people” rather than as the characters they play on screen.
3. The stars behave like “real people” in the following ways: first, the actors and actresses appear in their own clothes. Second, they can talk without referring to the scripts. Next, they are themselves and not the characters in the films.
4. Because it is the highest award that their industry has to give. It can bring respect of their peers to the actors, actresses, directors and scriptwriters. And it can make the producers earn a lot of money.
5. People win Oscars for different reasons: the film producers spend a lot of money on publicity; people think it is time for he or she got an award; the actor plays a man who has a disability.
6. It is demanding and difficult for a normal person to play a man with disability.
7. People tend to like big, expensive films that are superficially interesting but have no real depth.
8. In the writer’s opinion, for the audience the Oscars are only an occasion to see their favorite stars and they can enjoy themselves at the same time. But to those working in the film industry, it is the highest award. To actors, actresses, directors and scriptwriters, winning an Oscar means the respect of the peers.
9. Yes. Every excellent one in different departments of film industry should get their Oscars.
Encourage the students to have different ideas.
Help the students to analyze the author’s writing style.
T: And this question just reflects the title, “The Oscars —superficial spectacles ” That is to say, they are not only superficial spectacles, to the people working in the film industry; they are hard work, arduous sweat, team work and struggling for their career. Now to the last question, were any of your award titles (in Q2, Activity3, Introduction) correct
Ss: Yes. Every excellent one in different departments of film industry should get their Oscars.
Step III Reading (II)
Get the students to read the passage on Page 53 and complete Activities 1&2.
T: Well, we have talked so much about the Oscars and its classic films. You know so much about it. How about the Chinese films How much do you know about it
T: Well, this question is too general. So, let’s start like this:
Show students the questions in Activity 1 on the PowerPoint and then ask them to discuss in pairs. Later ask some of them to show their dialogues.
Sample dialogue:
Sa: Which is the best Chinese film you have seen
Sb: Hero, I think.
Sa: Who are the actors and the director
Sb: The director of the film is Zhang Yimou and Liang Chaowei, Zhang Manyu, Zhen Zidan, Li Lianjie and Zhang Ziyi act the leading roles.
Sa: When was it made
Sb: It was made in 2002.
Sa: And what is it about
Sb: It tells a story of a true hero who sacrificed himself for love and country event. The film achieved great success in the West in 2004, showing at more than 1,000 cinemas across America. What’s your idea about Chinese films
Sa: I think the top one should be Kekexili: Mountain Patrol (可可西里), which was made in 2004.
Sb: Oh Who’s the director and who are starred
Sa: Lu Chuan directed the film and a group of good actors joined in the screen such as Duo ( http: / / / name / 6691 / ) Jiebu, Zhang ( http: / / / name / 6223 / ) Lei, Ma Zhanlin, and so on.
Sb: But what is it about
Sa: It is an adventure film, telling a story of human struggling for survives in the extremity during the fighting of hunting and protecting Tibetan antelopes. The story happens in Kekexili in the middle if Tibet, based on a real one. This is a film about life and belief, caring for human being and nature. It’s not only a film but also life and a fighting. So I think it’s really the best film.
T: Well done! Look at the title of the passage on P54. Guess which Chinese films it will speak about.
S: Chinese Cinema Toasts 100 Years. I think the passage may talk about the 100-year history of Chinese films. There are so many good films during the 100 years. It’s too difficult to say which Chinese films it will speak about.
S: If It refers to story films, there may be Tunnel Warfare(地道战), A world without thieves(天下无贼), Charging out Amazon(冲出亚马逊), Kekexili: Mountain Patrol (可可西里)……
S: If it speaks about martial actions, Hero (英雄), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(卧虎藏龙) The Myth (神话), Fearless (霍元甲), Shaolin Temple(少林寺)… …must be included.
S: If it talks to cartoons, there are must be Uproar in Heaven(大闹天宫), Nezha Conquers the Dragon King(哪吒闹海), the Lotus Lamp(宝莲灯)… …
S: The music films there should be Third Sister Liu(刘三姐), Ashima(阿诗玛), Five Golden Flowers(五朵金花)… …
T: Great! You know much about Chinese films! When you have read the passage, you’ll get the answer.
Step IV Homework
T: Homework for today: Read the passage to check your answers and complete Activities 3-6 on P53, especially Activity 6. And tomorrow, I will check all of your work. That’s all for today. Good-bye everyone!
Ss: Good-bye, Sir/ Madam!
The Third Period Language in Use
Teaching Goals教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
give an interview, run for, other than, be pleased with, as a result of, be used for, ask for, come out, did, other, more, with, been, ask
b. 重点句子
1. He did a lot for the film industry during his lifetime.
2. The other man standing next to him is a famous film director.
3. There are more journalists at the Academy Awards this year.
4. The director was pleased with the actor’s performance.
5. All the special effects have been done on a computer.
6. They asked me for my opinion of the movie.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to analyze and use the words: did, other, more, with, been, ask properly
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to learn to analyze and use these words properly.
Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点
Usage of did, other, more, with, been, ask.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Analyzing, summarizing, practicing and pair work.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
Step I Homework checking and revision
Check students their answers to Activities 3-6 on Page 49.
T: Good morning /afternoon everyone!
S: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!
T: Have you finished your homework
S: Yes!
T: OK, next, let’s check the answers together.
Sample answers for Activity 3:
1. In 1905, Chinese film art was born in southern Beijing.
2. China has turned out a total of 26,300 films since 1905.
3. On the international front, 18Chinese home-made films won 32 awards in 24 international festivals in the year 2005.
4. An epic love story Hero reaped 1.45 billion yuan (US$180million) in box office revenue.
5. In 2005, a total of 55 cinemas were constructed.
6. The US film giant, Warner Brothers, declared its intention to open 170 new digital cinemas in China by the end of 2007.
Sample dialogue for Activity 6:
Sa: What is the appeal of Hollywood films
Sb: It’s hard to make a quick answer. Hollywood has all sorts of films and each kind has its own characteristics. For example, the martial films are shaking, brave and bleeding; the magical films are fantastic and strange, the cartoons are lovely and colorful, full of imagination; the action films are adventurous and thrilling, and so on. Most of its films make people exacting with instruction. I think maybe it’s why Hollywood films attract people most.
Sa: What is the appeal of Chinese films
Sb: In my opinion, the most popular Chinese films maybe the Kong-fu films (the martial arts films). Chinese Kong-fu has many schools and intensive theory with quick, agile and exacting actions With Cheng Long, Li Lianjie joining in Hollywood, more and more foreigners get to know Chinese gong-fu and they are interested in Chinese martial arts films very much.
Sa: Why is Hero an international blockbuster
Sb: I think on one side, Hero showed Chinese martial arts films with a great moral level, telling a story that a true hero would sacrifice himself for love and country events. On the other side, the scenes in the film were very spectacular. The fighting actions were designed lively and vividly and the color was wonderful.
Sa: Which other Chinese films are likely to appeal to international audiences
Sb: I think. A world without thieves will be likely to appeal to international audiences. First, the topic is attractive. How nice the world will be if there was no thief any longer. Then, focus on this topic, the film tells the audience a melting (感人的)story. The hero Shagen’s simpleness and kindness made some thieves feel ashamed and help him avoid being stolen. At last, the film showed an aspiration for a pure and without thief’s world, uncovering the conscience and kind natures of human beings.
Step II Language in use (I)
Get students to do exercises on Pages 47 & 49.
Step III Language in use (II)
Get the students to do exercises on Pages 109 & 110
The teacher can check the Ss’ work in different ways such as asking them to read the sentences one by one, doing pair work, reading the passages in class or just checking the answers together and ask them to review the exercises by themselves.
Step IV Homework
T: We’ve practiced more enough in this period. Homework for today: P110 exercise 6: Explain the difference between these words. Please write down the explanations to each pair of the words and make a sentence with each one in your homework books. In next period I’ll ask someone to describe these differences in the front. You can use the dictionaries for help. Goodbye everyone!
S: Goodbye Sir /Madame!
The Fourth Period Reading (II)
Teaching Goals教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
animated, potential, animation, realism, lifelike, mistreat, lawful, restore, degrade, falter, be in, live up to
…, it was not until 1995 that animation became truly exciting again.
We were not lawful nor were we just in what we did. For them, we do not have to restore these people; we do not live up to some agreements, because it is given to us by virtue of our power to attack the rights of others, to take their property, to take their lives.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to talk about the animated films.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标:
Help the students learn to talk about the animated films
Teaching important points 教学重点
Teach the student how to find out the main idea of a passage.
Teaching difficult point教学难点
Encourage the students to talk about their favorite cartoons grasping main idea.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Reading, discussing and pair work.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A recorder, a projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
Step I Homework checking and revision
Check the answers to exercise 6 on Page 110.
T: Good morning /afternoon everyone!
S: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!
T: Yesterday I asked you to do exercise 6 on Page P110. Have you done that
S: Yes!
T: Good! Please come to the Bb to report to the class. Volunteers
Sample answers:
1. decade & century
A decade means a period of ten years or a group or series of ten, while a century means a period of 100 years or a group of 100 things.
E.g. (1) Our country will have greater improvement in next decade.
(2) Great changes have taken place in China in the twentieth century.
2. fact & fantasy
Fact means a real event but fantasy means the creative imagination.
E.g. (1) We want to know the fact of the accident.
(2) We live in a real world not in a fantasy.
3. episode & series
Episode means an incident or event that is part of a progression or a larger sequence. Series means a number of objects or events arranged or coming one after the other in succession.
E.g. (1) South Africa may remain one of history's most tragic episodes.
(2) A series of visits is arranged for us.
4. librarian & library
Librarian is a person who is a specialist in library work, while library is a place in which books, magazines, newspapers, and so on, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.
E.g. (1) My sister is a librarian in Beijing Library.
(2) There is a free library for us students in our school.
5. praise & criticism
Praise is an expression of approval, commendation, or admiration. Criticism is an act of blame.
E.g. (1) He won praises for his bravery.
(2) These two criticisms provide a good starting point.
6. cameraman & photographer
Cameraman is a man who operates a movie or television camera. Photographer is a man who takes photos for others.
E.g. (1) we mustn’t forget the cameraman when we see a film.
(2) The photographer asked her to pose in different ways when taking pictures.
T: Well done!
StepII Reading I
P50-51 Activities 1-7
T: Look at the pictures on the top of the page. Can you recognize in what films they come from
S: Yes. The first one is from Mickey Mouse.
S: And the second one is from Donald Duck.
S: The third one is Bunny.
S: I know the last one. It’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
T: Right! Can you guess what we are going to learn
S: Cartoons!
Get the students to read the passage and complete Activities 2-5.
T: Now please read the passage and then explain the following question:
Show students the following question:
What’s the difference between ordinary cartoons and cartoons which use Computer Generated Animation (CGA)
Three minutes later,
T: Who can tell us the answer
S: We can find the answer in the last paragraph. The technique uses computers to create the images instead of using drawings by hands. The result is a much greater realism. The creatures are astonishingly lifelike.
T: Very good! And you know, the passage has four paragraphs. Now, read it carefully again and discuss in pairs to get the main ideas of each part!
Give students enough time to do that, the teacher walk around the students and give them a hand.
T: Who’d like to tell us your idea about the four paragraphs
S: Let’s me try. In the first Para, the writer mainly tells us the principle of animated films and the start time: 1914.
S: The second Para of the passage introduces the fist man to make cartoons: Walt Disney.
S: The third Para looks back early cartoons produced by Disney such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and the success they got.
S: The last Para tells us that animation has became truly exciting since 1995, taking Toy Story as the example to show CGA brings great improvement to cartoons.
T: Wonderful work! Now look at the summary of the passage on the screen to check your idea of each Para, writing them down in your notebooks. (Show the screen to the class)
Para Main idea
1 Animated films started in about 1914 and the principle was simple and remains the same today.
2 Walt Disney was the fist man to understand the potential of cartoons and made it.
3 Disney produced his first cartoon film Mickey Mouse in 1928, then some others such as, Donald Duck and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with huge success.
4 CGA brings great improvement to animated films, making the creatures in the films much more lifelike.
T: Next, Let’s see Activity 2, read the sentences from the passage and answer the questions in pairs.
Sample answers:
1. A series of drawings are photographed by a camera. Each drawing is slightly different, with the result that when the drawings are played back rapidly, one after another, there seems to be movement in the drawings.
2. The word made.
3. About the normal length.
4. Yes, they were. Films such as Bambi, Pinocchio and Lady and the Tramp, made in those years, are still loved by children today.
5. A person draws it.
6. Yes. A lifelike picture, model etc. looks exactly like a real person or things.
Then manage the Ss to do the exercises in Activities 3, 5, 6, 7. After that, ask some pairs or groups to report their answers in class.
Sample answers to Activity 4:
1. Animated films first began to appear round about 1914.
2. Disney produced his first Mickey Mouse film, called Plane Crazy in 1928.
3. In 1937, Disney produced his first full-length cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
4. The 1940s and 1950s were a golden age for animated films. Films such as Bambi, Pinocchio and Lady and the Tramp, made in those years, are still loved by children today.
5. It was not until 1995 that animation became truly exciting again.
6. CGA technique produced wonderful films such as Shrek in 2001.
Sample answers to Activity 5:
1. People use a camera to photograph a series of drawings. Each drawing is slightly different. When the drawings are played back rapidly one after another, there seems to be movement in the drawings.
2. They were animal stories about creatures such as ducks and mice.
3. Because in the stories these animals behaved like naughty human children. You know children are always lovely.
4. The creatures made by computers are astonishingly lifelike.
5. The technique of Computer Generated Animation can produce more wonderful films, which make adults enjoy as much as children.
6. Besides Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, there are also Bambi, Pinocchio, Lady and the Tramp, and so on.
After the students get familiar with the detailed information, ask them to do Activities 6&7 to have a further understanding of the passage.
Sample dialogue for Activity 6:
Sa: What is the aim of the passage about cartoons Where might you find it
Sb: Its aim is to introduce people the history of cartoons. And we can find it from the title----A Brief History of Cartoons.
Sa: What is the aim of the passage about the Oscars
Sb: Its aim is to talk something about the Oscars and also express the author’s opinion..
Sa: In what way are the writers’ aims in both passages the same
Sb: In both passages, the writers aim to introduce people one side of film industry, including their histories and the present situations.
Sa: In what way are their aims different
Sb: In the Oscars passage, the writer wants to make people know other things behind the superficial spectacle. While in the cartoon passage, the writer describes the development course of cartoons directly from the past till now.
Sa: Which passage do you enjoy better Explain why.
Sb: I enjoy the passage about cartoons better because cartoon is my interesting topic and the writing style is simple and clear. It’s easy to understand and I can get the information by fast reading.
Sa: But I enjoy the passage about Oscars because it’s deeper. It leads you to see the essential through the appearance of Oscars’ superficial spectacle, leaving you thinking and tasting.
Activity 6 is designed for comparing the writing aims of the two passages. After the students finish this activity, help them to summarize their opinions with a form like this:
The Oscars Cartoons
Writing aim Introduce people the Oscars Introduce a brief history of cartoons
The same aims Introduce people one side of film industry, including their histories and thepresent situations.
Different aims Make people think of some essential behind the superficial spectacle Describes the development course of cartoons directly from the past till now
Why you enjoy 1.interesting topic 2.easy to understand 1.see essential through appearance2.deeper, make you think
Sample dialogue for Activity 7:
Sa: Do you like cartoons
Sb: Yes. I like them very much. The creatures in cartoons are lovely and vivid.
Sc: I agree with you. Sometimes you’ll be moved and even shed tears.
Sa: What cartoon have you enjoyed Can you tell us about it
Sb: Certainly. I enjoyed Corpse Bride(僵尸新娘) last year. It’s about a bride who was killed in her first married day. When she meets with a husband, Victor, she comes back to life and falls in love with him. Later, she leads him to the place ruled by corpses. Victor finds corpses enjoying their happy life there as the living people in the real world and starts to like the place.
Sc: Oh, it seems a comedy about love, family and fantasy.
Sb: Yes. What cartoon do you like best
Sc: I like Cars(赛车总动员) very much.
Sa: Tell us the story, please.
Sc: Annual Boston Cup car racing attracts many good players. Lightning McQueen decides to join the racing. On his way to the race, he gets to know Mater and they become friends. After they watch a section of exciting car racing together in the small town, McQueen vows to realize his dream in the race. During his staying in the town, McQueen knows Sally, Dr. Hudson and many car friends. Staying with them, McQueen realizes that there are more important things for one to seeking for in one’s life, not only the champion.
Sb: The story is very good. What about you, A
Sa: Just like you two, I love cartoons. And my favorite is Ice Age(冰川时代), which tells an adventure story.
Sc: Tell us more.
Sa: Ice Age is the story of prehistoric animals and a human baby. A mammoth named Manfred, a sloth named Sid, a long toothed tiger named Diego, the three animals form a team to protect a baby that they are trying to seek back its’ father. On their way, Diego always wants to do some bad things now and then and they meet with a lot of dangers and extremities. During struggling in the hard circumstance and experiencing many adventures, they realize that it’s very important that everyone should help and depend on each other for survive. At last, they get through the exciting and fantastic adventure travel, sending the baby back to its father.
Ss: Ah! It's a wonderful story!
Step III Reading II
Lead in
T: Great! Your favorite cartoons are full of warmth, friendship, love, and persistence. These are positive things! And I think that must encourage you so much, right
S: Yes!
T: However, things are not always so ideal and perfect. And if you want to uncover the dark side of something, it must be very difficult. But there are still some people who are brave enough to do so. Do you want to know who he is
S: Yes!
T: Well, look at a picture, and tell me who he is.
Show Picture 1 on the screen:
HYPERLINK "http://www./vod/1076.htm" \t "_top"
(1) (2)
S: He’s Marlon Brando, a world-famous American film star!
T: Great! Do you know more about him
S: He was nominated for Oscar many times and got a Best Actor Oscar in the film On the Waterfront (在水边) in 1954. In 1972, he was starred in the film The Godfather(教父), and his performance is so perfect that he was awarded a Best Actor Oscar again.
T: Very good! You must a fan of Brando.
Get the students to read the passage.
Show picture 2 on the PowerPoint
T: And this is the poster of the film The Godfather. But do you know what his most striking thing is after he won the Oscar
Ss: No.
T: Please turn to Page 83, read the introduction about Marlon Brando and tell me what happened after he was awarded a Best Actor Oscar.
Two minutes later, ask some questions like follows
T: Finished
S: Yes!
T: Well, tell me the answer.
S: He did not go to receive his award.
T: What did he do then
S: He sent a young woman dressed in Native American costume to speak for him.
T: But why did Brando do like that
S: The woman named Sacheen Littlefeather said that Brando refused to accept the award because of the treatment of American Indians by the film industry.
T: What’s the attitude of the audience
S: The audience was so angry that Littlefeather was not allowed to complete the speech.
T: So no one new the full content of the speech at last, did it
S: No. She gave the full speech afterwards to journalists.
T: Next, look at your books and listen to the speech and then talk about the questions at the top of the page in groups of four, clear
S: Yes!
Five minutes later.
T: In what way has America mistreated American Indians according to the speech
S: I think the question should be answered from tow different sides. On one side, American Indians were murdered, lied to and cheated out of their land, however the history was twisted. On the other side, they were described as savage, hostile and evil in films, which Brando thought America degraded the Indian.
T: Wonderful! And can you think of group of people who are not shown in a good way in film Can you explain why
S: In some American films we cam find that black people were often described as ill- mannered or low quality persons such as thieves, vagrants, robbers and so on. I think it’s a kind of racial discrimination.
T: Do you agree with him / her
S: Yes, I agree. And the struggles against the racial discrimination have never stopped, and the situation has greatly changed these years.
T: It seems that you all have a deep thought about the problem. I think Brando’s speech was written very well with deep thought, moved words, refined sentences and clear aim, full of sympathy and responsibility. Well, read through the passage again, discuss and find out a proper title for it.
Sample answer:
I don’t think I can accept the award.
Step IV Homework
T: In the speech we can find many beautiful sentences. Please put them into Chinese.
Then ask the students to underline the following sentences on their books.
1. We were not lawful nor were we just in what we did. For them, we do not have to restore these people; we do not have to live up to some agreements, because it is given to us by virtue of our power to attack the rights of others, to take their property, to take their lives.
2. Perhaps at this movement you are saying to yourself, what has this got to do with the Academy Awards I think the answer is that the motion picture community has been as responsible as any for degrading the Indian, describing him as savage, hostile, and evil.
3. So I, as a number of this profession, do not feel that I can as a citizen of the United States accept an award here tonight.
The Fifth Period Presentation
Teaching Goals 教学目标
1.Target Language 目标语言
popular, brilliant, breathtaking, be nominated for, grow to love, be strict with, plot,
It came out in 2003…
It has a historical background…
The main character is a man who…
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the Ss learn to make a good presentation about their favorite films.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the Ss learn how to make a good presentation about their favorite films.
Teaching important points教学重点
Get the students to know how to tell a film story.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Teach the students to learn to make a good presentation about their favorite films.
Teaching methods教学方法
Demonstrating and group work.
Teaching aids教具准备
A projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Homework checking and revision
T: Good morning / afternoon everyone!
S: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!
T: Now please show your homework to the class.
S: Yes, I’d like to.
Ask some student to read aloud their translations and give necessary guides and corrections. Lead them to the proper understanding of the sentences.
Sample answers:
1.我们没有依法办事,所做的事情也不公正。对于他们, 我们不必恢复他们的地位,也不必信守和约,因为我们有能力用强权去侵犯他人的权利,抢掠他人的财产,剥夺他人的生命。
2.可能此刻你正在自言自语,这跟奥斯卡有什么关系呢? 我认为答案是:举办这项活动的团体和侮辱印第安民族、把他描写成野蛮、敌对、邪恶的任何人一样负有责任。
StepⅡTelling the story of a film
Get the students to learn the presentation skills of telling the story of a film.
Lead in.
T: Do your have your favorite films
S: Yes!
T: Me, too! When I meet a great film, I always want to share it with my friends. How about you
S: The same!
T: Great! Today, we’ll learn how to tell the story of a film in English. And you can share your favorite films with your friends in English.
Reading and discussing
Get the students to read the passage and answer the questions given and help them to learn how to tell the story of a film.
T: Well, let’s take the passage on P48 as an example. First read it and answer the first questions.
Give the students enough time to do that. Then check the answers.
T: Well, who’d like to answer the questions
S: It’s The Sound of Music.
T: Wonderful! How about the next question
S: It won Best Film, Best Director, Best Music, Best Sound and Best Edit.
S: And the film is based on a real story in Austria during the Nazis.
S: Its beautiful music is still sung in the world and the film has been translated into more than 30 languages and is shown on in different countries in the world till today.
S: And it was voted as one of the “10 Greatest Films” in America. The significance of the film now has become far beyond the box office.
T: Good! Look through the passage again and tell me what you need to tell a story

S: Time, plot, place, character…
T: That’ it! Next, do Activities 2&3… Who can give the answers
S: 1965, in the late1930s, before, soon, eventually.
T: Say something about 1965.
S: It says that the film was made in 1965. It won five Oscars and was nominated for nine.
T: So 1965 is the time that the film was made. What about 1930s
S: The film is set in Salzburg in Austria in the late 1930s, just before the Second World War. Oh I see, in the late 1930s is the time about the background of the film story happened.
T: Yes! Next question
S: It is one of the most popular musicals in the history of film.
It won five Oscars, but it should have won all nine it was nominated for.
The songs in the film are brilliant, and the scenery of the Austrian mountains is breathtaking.
T: Very good! These are necessary in your story telling. Something else
S: Plot and the characters!
T: That’s it! Next, let’s see how to describe events.
Show students the chart in Activity 5.Help students to learn the sentence patterns to describe events.
Get students to practice telling their favorite stories of films.
T: Now talk about your favorite film following the steps:
Show the following steps.
1. Make notes about it following the steps above.
2. Filling the form with the information of your story of a film.
3. Practicing telling it in groups of four.
4. And then tell a story of a film.
Give students enough time to prepare and the ask some of them to present their stories of films. And also ask them to notice the tips at the bottom of the Page 52.
Sample presentation:
The story of the film: Braveheart
Tell a story of a film Braveheart
Time of the film made, the awards In 1995, won five Oscars, great epic film.
Type of the film Battle epic.
Setting of the time, society… At the end of 13th century, Scotland.
Plot At the end of 13th century…But later…Before his death…
Characters William Wallace is a brave man who fights for his nation for the freedom.
Sample presentation:
In 1995, the movie field was almost covered by Braveheart totally and it got 5 great rewards altogether including Best Film, Best Director, Best photography, Best Music and Best Making-up, winning the name of “great epic film” with its grand and vast vigor.
Braveheart is an exciting battle epic about William Wallace, the legendary Scots warrior. At the end of 13th century, the old king died, English wanted to annex Scotland. William Wallace came back homeland and led his nation into a fierce battle against the English. But later, he was betrayed and was killed by his enemy. Before his death, his shout “Freedom” made all the people shaken and tearing. In the film you can see mountains, forest and villages of Scotland and the music is beautiful too. The sad bagpipe is telling you miserable life of Scottish, making you feel a real history.
Mel Gibson, Hollywood famous film man, writes, directs and plays the role of the hero William Wallace in the film by himself. While the film shows people a vast historical picture-volume, it shows people a hero of creating a wonder of film, too.
Step III Presentation
Get the students to learn and making a presentation about their favorite films.
T: Just now we’ve learned to tell the story of a film. But if you want to tell others your own idea about a film, you’ve to learn how to write a film review. P56, please. According to the four steps given, we can reach the aim. Let’s take Hero for example, and do it together. Look at the screen.
Writing guide Hero
introduction Who directed /When it came out / Who starred/ Whether receive Oscar
plot Take place… / Has a … background
characters Main character…
Why you like The actor plays…superbly / The acting is … / It’s a …story…
Show students the above chart, encourage them to discuss and give their answers. And then show them the following chart to help them to present their favourite films.
Writing guide Example of writing: Hero
introduction Who directedWhen it came out Who starredWhether receive Oscar Zhang Yimou In 2002Li Lianjie and Zhang ZiyiAchieved great success in the West
plot Take place…Has a … background In Qin Dynasty A historical background
characters Main character… knight-errant
Why you like The actor plays…superblyThe acting is …It’s a … story… Superb, excellent Wonderful Extremely moving and has a real depth
T: According to the information in the form, we can make a presentation about the film Hero as follows:
The teacher may also ask some students to try to make the presentation.
Sample presentation:
The film Hero came out in 2002 and the director was Zhang Yimou. Zhang starred Li Lianjie and Zhang Ziyi as leading roles, making the film achieve great success in the West in 2004, showing at more than 1,000 cinemas across America.
The story takes place in Qin Dynasty in ancient times. The knight-errant named Wu-ming (played by Li Lianjie) plans to kill Emperor Qin and gets the best change with the help of Ru-yue (played by Zhang Ziyi) and the other two. But when he knows the fact that Emperor Qin has a great plan of uniting the whole country to avoid chaos caused by war, he drops in.
It is a marital arts film, telling a story of a true hero who sacrificed himself for love and country event. In Hero the spectacle is very superbly and grand with the bright color comparing: white, red and black. The acting of the knight-errant is quick and wonderful. It is an extremely moving story and has a real depth.
T: Very good job you’ve done! Now please make a presentation of the film you like best. You can work with the ones who have the same idea as you to collect enough information, following the way we just did. Then, I will ask some of you to present your favorite film, clear
S: Yes!
Ask the students to quickly find other students that enjoy the same film, and form their own group. And then give them enough time to do that, walk around and give them a hand if necessary.
Sample presentation:
Writing guide Forrest Gump
introduction Who directedWhen it came out Who starredWhether receive Oscar Robert ZemeckisIn 1994Tom HanksWon six Oscars
plot Take place…Has a … background 1950s~80sAlabama of America
characters Main character… Forest Gump has a low IQ, a simple and honest brain with hyper-speed legs.
Why you like The actor plays…superblyThe acting is …It’s a …story… perfect, excellent vividly Encouragement and has a real depth
Forrest Gump, coming out in 1994, was directed by Robert Zemeckis. The main character Forrest Gump, who