高一第一册Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案3合1[上学期]


名称 高一第一册Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案3合1[上学期]
格式 rar
文件大小 19.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2006-09-16 18:48:00


外研版英语高一第一册Module 3 My First Ride on a Train
Teaching aims:
Enabling the students to:
1) know more about the writer’s ride on a train
2) grasp the language points in the passage
Teaching steps:
Step I:
Ask some students to retell the text using their own words. Correct the mistakes if any.
Ask the students to work in pairs to describe a journey. Say how old they were, where they went, who they went with and how they traveled, etc. They can use the text as a model.
Step II:
Ask one or two to report their partners’ trips to the rest of the class.
Step III:
Ask the students to read the passage again and try to underline where they have difficulty understanding.
Step IV:
Deal with the language points:
1. distance n. space in between
1) in the distance / at a distance
Trees should not be planted close together but at a distance.
He had disappeared in the distance before I could greet him.
2. abandoned adj.
1) abandoned farms/ abandoned land/ abandoned car/ abandoned baby…
2) abandon vt. (go away without intending to return, not want any more=desert)
abandon one’s family/ country/ friend/ post/ a ship
He abandoned his house to the new comers.
Don’t just abandon yourself to a life of pleasure.
3) abandon vt. (give up)
abandon one’s hope/ a habit / a plan/ a project/ a scheme
Because of the crowd trouble, the match was abandoned
3. desert n & v
1) n [c, u] in the desert/ a desert island/ desert land
2) vt. go away without intending to return = abandon
desert a house/ a village/ one’s wife and children
4. exhausted adj.
1) very tired
He was totally exhausted after the long ride through the desert.
2) exhaust. vt. make a person or an animal very tired.
use sth up completely
make empty.
The long cycle ride exhausted her.
exhaust one’s patience/ strength/ money
exhaust a well/ one’s pocket
5. supply v & n
1) v. give sb sth. which is needed , provide sb. with sth.
supply sth. to / for sb.
supply sb. with sth.
The company supplies us with electricity and gas.
2) provide sth. for sb. / provide sb. with sth./ provide sb. sth.
3) [u] n. supplying or being supplied
[c] n. thing that is supplied, stock or store of things provided or available
food supplies / water supplies
Helicopters dropped supplies (of food and clothing) to the villagers.
4) a supply of / supplies of
in short supply
6. allow vt. & vi.
1) permit sb to do or let sth happen
sth .
allow sb. to do sth.
doing sth.
sb .+ adv
They are not allowed to smoke in the office.
They don’t allow smoking in the hospital.
The doctor allowed him up for two hours only, for he is still in poor health.
2) Let sb. have sth.
allow sb. money/ freedom/ a rest/ time…
He allowed his students two hours for playing football each week.
7. refer to
1) turn to sb/ sth for information
refer to books/ dictionary
2) mention or speak of
The expert referred to at the meeting is Dr. Li.
3) be relevant to sb. / concern sb.
The discipline refers only to soldiers.
The new law only refers to the camels used for delivering food.
4) reference [u] n
for reference / reference books
8. more than one
More than one visitor likes the scenery here.
9. on the coast ~ off the coast.
Soon the ships appeared off the coast.
There are some hills on the coast and you can see some islands off the coast.
10. for the first/ last/ next… few …
11. be short for.
WTO is short for the World Trade Organization.
be short of = lack
Though they are short of money, his parents managed to send him to college.
12. play with
play with fire / water / toys…
play basketball / sports / the piano/ computer games / sports…
13. in the 1920s / in the 1920’s
in the 20’s / 20s
in one’s 20s
14. at a speed over 400 kilometers per hour
at a / the speed of 1000 meters a second.
at full / top / high speed
at the top of one’s speed
with speed / with great speed.
Step V:
Make some sentences with the language points learned in this period.外研版英语高一第一册Module 3 My First Ride on a Train
Teaching aims:
Enabling the students to:
1) know more about the means of transport
2) grasp the main idea of the passage in Reading and vocabulary
Teaching steps:
I. List the vehicles with the students.
Gather as many vehicles as possible from students. Write them down.
II. Ask the students to fill in the table below.
where to travel vehicles
on roads taxis, bicycles, motorbikes, buses, cars, tractors, trucks…
on rails trams, trains…
on water ferries, ships, boats, rafts(筏子), canoes(独木舟)…
in the air helicopters, planes, aeroplanes, spaceships, rockets…
for long distance planes, train, ships
III. Match the verbs with the means of transport in activity 1.
Try to fill in the form below.
verbs vehicles
get on bus, train, tram, bicycle, motorbike, ferry, plane
get off
get into taxi, helicopter,
get out of
ride (vt) bicycle, motorbike,
drive (vt) taxi, train, bus,
take off (vi) plane, helicopter
land (vi)
IV. Turn to page 22.
Look at the three pictures. Where do you think they were taken Australia.
Answer the questions about Australia.
1. Do you know how many people live there
About 20 million.
2. Do you know the name of the capital city
3. Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast
On the east/ southeast coast.
4. What do you think the central part of the country is like
5. What Australian animals do you know about
Koala bear, duck-billed platypus, kangaroo, dingo…
Activity 2. Match some of the words with these definitions.
1. an area of land where it is always dry
2. valuable stones diamonds
3. people who travel on a train, bus or plane.
4. you find this on beaches
5. white or grey things made of water in the sky
6. where plants grow soil/ fields/ farms
V. Come to the text.
First listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions:
1. How old is the writer 18
2. When was a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem passed In 1925
3. What’s the passage about
Travelling to the central part of Australia.
Now read the passage and try to find the main idea of each paragraph.
Para 1:Information about the writer and her train ride.
Para 2: What the writer saw on the train.
Para 3: What the writer did on the train
Para 4: Why is the train called the Ghan
Para 5: The use of camels.
Para 6: What happened to the camels.
VI. Read the passage and try to grasp more about it.
If there is time left, ask some more questions.
VII. Homework:
Try to say something about the writer’s first ride on a train.外研版英语高一第一册Module 3 My First Ride on a Train
Teaching aims:
Enabling the students to
1. know about the fastest train in the world.
2. review some language points learned in this module.
Teaching steps:
1. Ask some student to say something about Alice Thompson’s ride on a train. Ask them to say as much as possible.
2. Alice Thompson traveled on a train. Do you know the speed of an ordinary train Less than 200 kilometres an hour.
Do you want to know a train about two times faster Yes.
Ok, today we are going to learn about such a train—The Maglev. Look at the picture on page 29. This is the Transrapid Maglev in China. Now listen to the tape and try to find the answers to the following questions:
1.) How long does it take the Maglev to complete the 30-minute journey
In 8 minutes.
2.) Where does it run between
Between Shanghai’s Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai.
Now read the passage and answer the questions on page 29.
1) What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train
It is faster, less noisy and uses less energy.
2) What are the advantages of traveling on a Maglev train
You travel very quickly and quietly. The train uses less energy.
3. Check the answers together.
4. Language points:
1) the opening ceremony of the train service
2) reach a speed of
At a speed of
At full / top speed
With great/ all speed
3) a new world record speed for a train
5. Read the passage again and try to translate it into Chinese.
6. So much for the passage. Now we are to review some language points learned in this module.
1) supply sth. to / for sb.
supply sb. with sth.
The school supplies us with three meals a day.
2) 事故发生后,人们只找到了一个受了惊吓的孩子。
After the accident, people found only a frightened child.
3) 别再提那件事了。
Don’t refer to the matter again.
4) CIA是美国中央情报局的缩写。
CIA is short for Central Intelligence Agency.