课件47张PPT。Module 6
The Maple Leaf Country
QQ:249178459加拿大的枫树加拿大地图 渥太华多伦多温哥华主要城市加拿大简介加拿大国旗 加拿大国旗,通常英文叫做枫叶旗(Maple Leaf Flag),呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。旗面中间为白色正方形,内有一片11个角的红色枫树叶;两侧为两个相等的红色竖长方形。白色正方形代表加拿大辽阔的国土,加拿大很大面积的国土全年积雪期在100天以上,故用白色表示;两个红色竖长方形分别代表太平洋和大西洋,因加拿大西濒太平洋、东临大西洋;红枫叶代表全体加拿大人民,加拿大素有“枫叶之国”的美誉,枫树是该国的国树,枫叶是加拿大民族的象征。加拿大国徽国徽: 1921年制定,图案中间为盾形,盾面下部为一枝三片枫叶;上部的四组图案分别为:三头金色的狮子,一头直立的红狮,一把竖琴和三朵百合花,分别象征加拿大在历史上与英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和法国之间的联系。盾徽之上有一头狮子举着一片红枫叶,既是加拿大民族的象征,也表示对第一次世界大战期间加拿大的牺牲者的悼念。狮子之上为一顶金色的王冠,象征英女王是加拿大的国家元首。盾形左侧的狮子举着一面联合王国的国旗,右侧的独角兽举着一面原法国的百合花旗。底端的绶带上用拉丁文写着“从海洋到海洋”,表示加拿大的地理位置——西濒太平洋,东临大西洋。加拿大简介
国家政要:总督阿德里安娜·克拉克森 (Adrienne Clarkson) ,1999年10月任职;总理保罗·马丁(Paul Martin),2004年7月宣誓就职。
加拿大境内多枫树,每到秋天,满山遍野的枫叶或呈橘黄,或显嫣红,宛如一堆堆燃烧的篝火,因此加拿大有“枫叶之国”的美誉。加拿大国旗上的枫叶代表了加拿大人对枫叶的钟爱。 人口:3149.95万(2002年)。其中,英裔居民占42%,法裔居民约占26.7%,其他欧洲人后裔占13%,土著居民(印第安人、米提人和因纽特人)约占3%,其余为亚洲、拉美、非洲裔等。其中华裔人口已占加拿大总人口的3.5%,成为加拿大最大的少数族裔,即白种人和原住民以外的最大族裔。华裔人口中25%的人是在加拿大本土出生的,其余大部分来自中国大陆、香港和台湾。英语和法语同为官方语言。居民中信奉天主教的占47.3%,信基督教新教的占41.2%。
与中国关系:中加两国人民的友谊源远流长。据历史记载,加拿大和中国的贸易往来始于1780年,到了18世纪末,广州的丝绸、杭州的茶叶和景德镇的瓷器就远销加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚的皮毛和木材也运销中国。中国民主革命的先驱孙中山先生曾三次到过加拿大的温哥华。加拿大援助中国抗日的伟大国际主义战士白求恩大夫率领医疗队于1938年来到中国的抗日斗争前线,为中国人民的解放事业贡献了自己宝贵的生命。自1970年10月13日,中加两国建交以来。双边关系发展顺利,友好交流频繁,经贸发展迅速。2003年10月,加拿大总理克雷蒂安应邀对中国进行正式访问。2003年12月,温家宝总理对加拿大进行正式访问。2005年1月,加拿大总理马丁对中国进行正式访问,两国发表联合声明。 温哥华
居民人种中有着许多来自世界各地的移民,不论是何种种族,在当地不会有人觉得你是外国人,或许是由于来自世界各地的移民群居于此,让温哥华居民懂得什么是和谐包容,因此观光客对温哥华的第一印象多半是“亲切”。这个连续好几年被选为世界上最适合居住的城市,到底魅力何在?让我们先认识温哥华,然后再发现温哥华。 由地理位置来看,温哥华市中心指的是隔开英吉利海湾、伯纳内湾及连接史坦利公园半岛之间的地带。和纽约、旧金山等大城市比起来,温哥华市中心显然小了一些,不过也因如此,各景点相近,市区观光便利。罗伯森街是温哥华市中心逛街的好去处。沿街两侧商店从拿大当地土产,到国际知名精品店一应俱全,此外,逛累了、逛饿了,途中也有许多咖啡厅、各式餐厅,让人吃饱喝足,继续游览。 盖士镇可说是温哥华的发源地,由于其历史价值,使得现今整个盖士镇社区为历史维护区,宛如19世纪初拓荒时代的街道、建筑,外加许多个性小店,使得盖士镇成为温哥华市区观光的必游景点。由盖士镇往下走,当看到中华门牌楼,就进入中国城的范围。一些中国南北杂货、药材行、餐厅等林立,除了华人会来此用餐之外,当地居民也很喜欢到此逛街、吃饭。位于市中心东侧的耶尔镇为新兴社区,走的是高消费路线,街道不似市中心繁华,不过到温哥华旅游,倒值得前去体会不同风情。 温哥华岛地图,奥克湾位于维多利亚市旁边,是出海观察怪物的地点。 在加拿大和美国的边境线西部,有一个叫做温哥华岛的小岛,它隶属于加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省,省会就是我们熟悉的温哥华,在温哥华岛以南地区,有一种非常出名的海怪出没,其实千百年来,美洲印第安人的切诺基部落中就流传着大海蛇的神话,在二十世纪二十年代,这种神秘动物终于有了正式的记录,当时称其为“海巫”。尽管至今没有实物证据证明温哥华岛怪兽的存在,但是关于它的目击报道却数不胜数,而且目击者中不乏严谨之士和高层人员。1932年8月,维多利亚省立图书馆官员F·W·凯普看见了它,第二年10月,不列颠哥伦比亚立法会议员、著名大律师W·H·兰利也见到了怪兽。甚至连在萨斯喀切温省(Saskatchewan)最高皇家法院担任法官超过三十年的詹姆斯·托马斯·布朗先生也宣称他在不足150码的距离看见了那只海怪。Reading and Vocabulary(1)P72-73
Vancouver-the Symbol of Multicultural Canada
multicultural adj. 多种文化的, 融有多种文化的
Part1:About Vancouver
Vancouver is one of the most culturally and racially diverse cities in Canada and the world.
⑴.cultural adj.文化的
⑵.racially adv.按人种, 人种上
⑶.diverse adj.不同的, 变化多的
1.People have been living in the area of modern
Vancouver for more than 10,000 years.
2.The original inhabitants, the First Nations people,
lived in villages of large wooden houses. 3.Each family set up a totem pole near their house.
totem n.图腾(原始民族崇奉为自已祖先的动[植]物,
如鹿、狼、龟等), 标识, 徽章.
1.First Nations people were skilful craftspeople who
made tools, ornaments and carvings from copper,
stone, bone and wood.
⑴.skilful adj.巧妙的, 技术好的
⑵.craftspeople=craftsperson n.(不分性别用语)工匠,
⑶.ornament n.装饰物, 教堂用品 vt.装饰, 修饰
⑷.carving n.雕刻品, 雕刻
⑸.copper n.铜, 警察
2.There was plenty to eat.3.The ocean was full of salmon, shellfish, seal and
porpoise and on land, there were plenty of dear,
bears and goats and lots of wild fruit.
⑴.salmon n.[鱼]鲑鱼, 大麻哈鱼, 鲜肉色
⑵.shellfish n.贝, 甲壳类动物
⑶.seal n.海豹, 海豹毛皮
⑷.porpoise n.[动]海豚, 小鲸
1.Europeans arrived in the area in the 1700s.
2.There is evidence that the different ethnic groups
were able to live in harmony, maybe because there
was plenty of food and land for everyone.
ethnic adj.人种的, 种族的, 异教徒的
harmony n.协调, 融洽 live in harmony 和睦相处Par.5
1.Modern Vancouvers is clean, colourful and friendly
city and its residents are proud to tell you that it is
one of the few cities in the world where you can go
skiing in the mountains and windsurfing in the
sea-on the same day!
⑴.colourful adj.富色彩的, 华美的
⑵.resident n.居民 adj.居住的, 常驻的
⑶.windsurfing n. 〈体〉帆板运动
1.With a population of nearly two million, the city is a
Canada’s fastest-growing metropolis.
⑴.fast-growing adj.迅速成长的,迅速发展的
⑵.metropolis n.首都,主要都市,都会,大主教教区,大城市2.As the nation’s gateway to the pacific Rim, it is a
magnet for visitors and new citizens from all parts
of Asia.
⑴.gateway n.门, 通路, 网关
⑵.rim n.边, 轮缘, 蓝框
⑶.Magnet n.磁铁[体, 石];有吸引力的人[物]
Dalian is a magnet for tourists.
1.In April 2004, Dyane Adam, the Canadian
Commissioner of Official Languages made a
speech during a visit to Vancouver.
commissioner n.委员, 专员
2.This is part of what she said.Par.8
1. “In the last 15 years, Vancouver has seen
dramatic waves of immigration that have changed
the face of your city in exciting ways: in art,
architecture and fashion, for example.”
⑴.dramatic adj
①.戏剧的;有关戏剧的 ;
a dramatic scene 富于戏剧性的场面
a dramatic woman 一位引人注目的女子
⑵.fashion n.样子, 方式, 流行, 风尚, 时样Par.9
1. “A visitor can see these changes by just looking
at your city’s restaurants, where a fusion of many
national cuisines is suddenly creating a new global
⑴.fusion n. ①.熔化,熔解
1).the fusion of metals 各种金属的熔合
2).This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types
of metal.
1).a fusion of interests 利益的结合
2).This series of symphony is a fusion of several
different styles of music. (喻)
⑵.cuisine n.厨房; 烹调法, 烹饪; 菜肴Par.10
1. “Vancouver’s success at mixing so many global
cuisines is success at mixing so many nations into
one city:46% of the adults in Vancouver and its
suburbs were born outside Canada, and minorities
now form over 25% of your city’s population.”
minority n.少数, 少数民族Par.11
1.“You have the third biggest Chinatown in the world,
not to mention a prosperous Little India and a
Little Italy, as well as fast-growing South
American, East Indian and Japanese communities,
to name only a few.
⑴.not to mention adv.更不用说;不必提及
⑵.prosperous adj.繁荣的,兴隆的,昌盛的;茂盛的,顺利的
①.a prosperous year 兴旺的一年
②.a prosperous business 兴旺的事业
③.prosperous leaves茂盛的树叶
④.prosperous weather for growing wheat
有利于小麦生长的天气2.And you have a growing French-speaking
community n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一
致, 共同体, (生物)群落
3.And of course you have the country’s third largest
First Nations population.”
First Nations population is an expression which refers to the original inhabitants of Canada, sometimes called Indians.
1. “Canada is a microcosm of the world, where all
cultures and languages are represented.
⑴.microcosm n. 微观世界(宇宙);(人类、社会等的)缩影
⑵.represent vt
This painting represents a storm. 这幅画描绘暴风雨。②.代表
We chose a committee to represent us.
These stones represent armies.
He represented himself as a philosopher.
2.And Vancouver is one of the key reasons why
Canada is now seen as a world leader in
multiculturalism and diversity.”
①.multidimensional adj.多面的, 多维的
②.multiculturalism n.多元文化论
③.diversity n.差异, 多样性Part2:The Chinese in Vancouver
1.There has been a Chinese community in
Vancouver for more than 200 years.
2. At the beginning of the 19th century, the
population of Vancouver was only 2,000, of which
350 were Chinese.
3.Now the number of Chinese residents in the city is
1. There are three major Chinese newspapers, plus
two radio stations and two television channels
which broadcast in Chinese.
plus prep. 加上 adj.正的, 加的2. Vancouver’s Chinatown is the largest in Canada
and the second largest in North America (after San
Chinatown n.<美>唐人街
San Francisco n.旧金山(美国加利福尼亚西部港市)
1.Chinatown is situated around the Chinese Cultural
Center (CCC).
2.Behind the CCC is the Dr Sun Yat-sen Chinese
Park and Garden.
3.The garden, which took a year to complete, cost
more than five million dollars to build and opened
in 1986.4.It was the first full-scale classical Chinese garden
ever built outside China.
⑴.full-scale adj.
a full-scale war 全面战争
He's writing a full-scale history of 19th century
a full-scale attack 全力攻打
⑵.classical adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的
①.classical music 古典音乐
②.classical school 古典(经济) 学派
③.a classical scholar 精通古典文学艺术的学者
④.classical silk【纺】优级生丝5.It was built by a team of 52 experts from the city of
Suzhou, who used the ancient techniques of the
original classical garden designers.
original adj.最初的, 原始的, 独创的, 新颖的n.原物, 原作Reading and Vocabulary(2)P78
1.Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery,
is a world best-selling novel, one of the most
famous books ever written by a Canadian.
best-selling adj.最畅销的, 最红的
2.The heroine, 11-year-old Anne Shirley, is a
talkative orphan with a positive attitude to life and
a huge imagination.
⑴.talkative adj.健谈的, 爱讲话的, 多嘴的
⑵.orphan n.孤儿, 失去生母的幼小动物
⑶.imagination n.想象, 空想, 想象的事物, 想象力, 听觉3.She is also incapable of giving a simple answer to
a simple question, as you can see from the
following extract.
⑴.incapable adj.无能的,没有用的;无法...的,不会...的(of)
①.incapable of driving cars 不会开车
②.be drunk and incapable 醉烂如泥, 酩酊大醉
③.An employer cannot afford to hire incapable
⑵.be incapable of v.不能
4.Anne is being questioned by Marilla Cuthbert, the
woman that she is going to live with.Par.2
1. “Tell me what you know about yourself.”
2. “Oh, what I know about myself isn’t really worth
telling,” said Anne eagerly.
⑴.worth adj, prep 值…的;价值…的; 值得…的
①.a car worth $20000 价值2万美元的一辆小汽车
②.How much is this bicycle worth? It's worth £50.
③.It isn't worth waiting for him. 不值得等他。
①.for all one is worth 尽力;用全力;拼命
②.for what it's worth 不管怎样;不妨
③.worth it 值得;有益注意下面结构:
1.be worth+ n. 或doing 值得… …
①.It is worth£500. 它值五百镑。
②.It's not worth the paper it's printed on.
③.It's worth seeing [hearing, reading]
值得一看[一听, 一读]
2.It is worth while to do(doing)值得… …
①.It is worth while visiting [to visit] the place.
②.It is worth while to discuss [discussing] the
3.be worthy of n.(to be done或being done)
①.a man worthy of praise [to be praised]
②.This book is worthy of being read [to be read].
这本书值得一读。3.“If you’ll only let me tell you what I imagine about
myself, you’ll think it ever so much more
1.“No, I don’t want any of your imaginings. Just you
stick to the facts. Begin at the beginning.
stick to
⑴.坚持(真理等), 坚持干(某事)
⑵.坚守; 遵循, 跟着...走, 按...做[讲]
⑶.忠于(某人), 和...长期保持友爱, 互相支持
2. Where were you born and how old are you?”Par.4
1. “I was eleven last march,” said Anne.
2.“And I was born in Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia.
Bolingbroke 博林布鲁克
Nova Scotia 新斯科舍(加拿大东南部的一个省)
3. My father’s name was Walter Shirley, and he was a
teacher in the Bolingbroke High School.
4. My mother’s name was Bertha Shirley.
5. Aren’t Walter and Bertha lovely names?
6. I’m so glad my parents had nice names.”
1. “I guess it doesn’t matter what a person’s name is
as long as he behaves himself,” said Marilla.
as long as只要,在...的时候 behave yourself行为规矩些Par.6
1. “Well, I don’t know.” Anne looked thoughtful.
thoughtful adj. 深思的, 有思想性的, 体贴的, 关切的
2. “I read in a book once that a rose by any other
name would smell as sweet, but I’ve never been
able to believe it.
3. I don’t believe a rose would be as nice if it was
called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.
thistle n.【植】蓟, 蓟属植物.
蓟主要为菊科 蓟属,飞廉属或 大翅蓟属的众多草本植物,长有刺状叶和由刺状苞片围绕的五颜六色的花头.
skunk n.[动]臭鼬, 臭鼬皮, 讨厌鬼
臭鼬一种体形小,大部分食肉的东半球 臭鼬属及相关种属的哺乳动物,生有浓密的尾巴和带有白色斑点的黑毛,在受惊或遇到危险时从肛门附近的生殖器中射出一种恶臭的油状液体.
cabbage n.[植]甘蓝, 卷心菜4.Well, my mother was a teacher in the High School,
too, but when she married father she gave up
teaching, of course.
5. A husband was enough responsibility.
responsibility n.责任, 职责
6. They went to live in a little yellow house in
7. I’ve never seen that house, but I’ve imagined it
thousands of times.
8.I think it must have had honeysuckle over the
palor window and lilacs in front yard and lilies of
the valley just inside the gate.
⑴.honeysuckle n.[植]忍冬, 金银花
忍冬:一种 忍冬属的灌木或藤本植物,有对生叶,芳香的
常成对的管状花和小浆果⑵.parlor n.客厅, 会客室, 店营业室, 业务室 adj.客厅的
⑶.lilac n.[植]丁香(尤指西洋丁花)紫丁香, 丁香花, 淡紫色
丁香花:属植物一种丁香属 紫香花植物,尤指 西洋醒香,
⑷.lily n.百合, 百合花, 睡莲, 洁白的东西, 纯洁的人
adj.洁白的, 纯洁的 Lily 莉莉(女子名)
百合:一种 百合属植物,开各色花,通常为喇叭状花朵
9. I was born in the house.
10.I was so scrawny and tiny and nothing but eyes,
but people tell me that mother thought I was
perfectly beautiful.”
scrawny adj. 瘦脊的, 骨瘦如柴的11. I’m glad she was satisfied with me anyhow, I
would feel so sad if I thought I was a
disappointment to her-because she didn’t live
very long after that, you see.
⑴.be satisfied with vt. 对...表示满意,满足于
⑵.anyhow adv.无论如何, 总之
①.It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out.
②.Well, anyhow, I got into the room.
③.Anyhow I must finish this job today.
无论如何,我今天要完成这件事。12.She died of fever when I was just three months
13.I do wish she’d lived long enough for me to
remember calling her mother.
14.I think it would be so sweet to say ‘mother’,
don’t you?
15.And father died four days afterwards from fever,
⑴.die of 因某病而死
The old man died of cancer last year.
⑵.die from (病以外)因某事而死
Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.
每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。⑶.die for 为了...而死
To die for the people is a glorious death!
⑷.die down 渐弱,消退没劲了;平静了
The winds died down. 风渐渐平息了。
⑸.die off 相继死亡种群突然急剧的衰减
Rabbits were dying off in that county.
⑹.die out 灭绝完全的灭亡;灭绝
tribes and tribal customs that died out centuries
16.That left me an orphan and nobody wanted me.”课件13张PPT。Module 7
1.The thing about Ayers Rock, or Uluru as the
Aborigines call it, is that by the time you finally
get there you are already a little sick of it.
be sick of v. 厌恶, 厌倦2.Even when you are a thousand miles from it, you
can’t go a day in Australia without seeing it four or
five or six times-on postcards, on travel agents’
posters, on the cover of souvenir picture books
and as you get nearer the rock, the frequency of
exposure increases.
⑴.postcard n.明信片, 风景明信片
⑵.agent n.代理(商)
⑶.poster n.海报
⑷.souvenir n.纪念品
⑸.frequency n.频率, 周率, 发生次数
⑹.exposure n.暴露, 揭露, 暴光, 揭发, 揭露3.So you are aware, as you drive to the park
entrance and pay the ambitiously high admission
fee of $15 a head and follow the approach road
around, that you have driven 250 miles from Alice
Springs to look at a large, insert, loaf-shaped object
that you have seen photographically portrayed a
thousand times already.
aware adj. 知道的;明白的
①.I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。
②.We were quite aware (of) how you would
respond to our terms.
③.He doesn't seem to be aware of the coldness of
their attitude towards his appeal.
他好象没有意识到大家对他呼吁,态度冷淡。④.The principal didn't seem to be aware that there
should have been so much dispute about the
⑴.be aware of 知道, 意识到
⑵.become aware of 发觉, 注意到
ambitiously adv.雄心勃勃地
admission n.允许进入
insert vt.插入, 嵌入 n.插入物
loaf n.一条面包
portray v.描绘4.In consequence, your mood as you approach this
famous monolith is restrained, unenthusiastic-
pessimistic even.
in consequence=as a result;consequently.结果;因此
monolith n.独块巨石, 整体塑制品
restrained adj.受限制的, 拘谨的, 有限的
unenthusiastic adj.不热心的,缺乏热情的
pessimistic adj.悲观的, 厌世的
1.And then you see it, and you are instantly
instantly adv.立即地, 即刻地
transfix vt. [喻](恐怖等) 把(人)吓得不能动弹; 使大吃一
惊, 使麻木2. There, in the middle of an imposing emptiness,
stands an eminence of exceptional grandeur, 1,250
feet high, a mile and a half long, five and a half
miles around, less red than photographs have led
you to expect but more arresting than you could
ever have supposed.
⑴.imposing adj.使人难忘的, 壮丽的
⑵.emptiness n.空虚, 无知
⑶.eminence n.出众, 显赫, 崇高
⑷.exceptional adj.例外的, 异常的
⑸.grandeur n.庄严, 伟大
⑹.arresting adj.引人注意的, 可观的3.It is not that Uluru is bigger than you had
supposed or more perfectly formed or in any way
different from the impression you had created in
your mind, but the very opposite.
in any way adv.以任何方式
4.It is exactly what you expected it to be.
5.You know it in a way that has nothing to do with
calendars and the covers of souvenir books.
have nothing to do with v.与...无关
6.Your knowledge of this rock is based on
something much more ancient.7.In some odd way that you don’t understand and
can’t begin to explain, you feel a strange familiarity
with it.
odd adj.奇数的,单数的,单只的,不成对的,带零头的,余的
familiarity n.熟悉, 通晓, 亲密, 熟悉, 精通
8.Somewhere deep down inside you, a fragment of
primitive memory, a tiny piece of DNA, is faintly
stirred by it.
⑴.fragment n.碎片, 断片, 片段
⑵.primitive adj.原始的, 远古的, 粗糙的, 简单的
⑶.faintly adv.微弱地, 朦胧地, 模糊地
⑷.stir n.轰动, 搅动, 监牢
vt.动, 移动, 摇动, 激起, 搅和, 惹起
vi.走动, 传播, 流行9.Somehow you feel certain that this large hypnotic
presence has importance to you at the species
⑴.somehow adv.不知何故
⑵.hypnotic adj.催眠的, 易被催眠的 n.催眠药
⑶.presence n.出席, 到场, 存在
⑷.species n.种类, (原)核素 n.[律]式样 n.[宗]圣餐物
⑸.level n.水平, 水平面, 水准, 标准, 级别Par.3
1.The other thought that strikes you- struck me
anyway-is that Uluru is not just a very splendid
and mighty monolith, but also an extremely
distinctive one.’
⑴.anyway adv.无论如何, 总之
⑵.splendid adj.壮丽的, 辉煌的, 极好的
⑶.mighty n.有势力的人
adj.有势力的, 强大的, 有力的
adv.很, 极, 非常
⑷.monolith n.独块巨石, 整体塑制品
⑸.distinctive adj.与众不同的, 有特色的2.More than this, it is very possibly the most
immediately recognisable natural object on earth.
3.I’m suggesting nothing here, but I will say that if
you were an intergalactic traveller who had broken
down in our solar system, the obvious direction to
rescuers would be: Go to the third planet and fly
around till you see the big red rock. You can’t miss
⑴.intergalactic adj.[天]银河间的;〈天〉星系际的
⑵.break down v.毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 停顿, 倒塌, 垮掉, ⑶.solar system 太阳系 ⑷.rescuer n.救助者
Adapted and abridged(削减的, 删节的)from the following travel website:
C. associated adj.联合的, 关联的
5. distinctive adj.与众不同的, 有特色的
8. The tone(语气, 气氛)of the passage is ______.
A. enthusiastic adj.热心的, 热情的
B. chatty 轻松的; 充满了轻松的、不正式的谈话或者以此为风格的
C. matter-of-fact adj.事实的;切合实际的, 平常的,平铺直叙的或不带
D. serious serious adj.严肃的, 认真的, 严重的
A Digital Life
digital adj.数字的, 数位的, 手指的n.数字, 数字式
1.Five computers sit in Yan Nuo’s bedroom and his
mobile phone and pocket PC constantly ring,
keeping him running to schedule.
⑴.sit 平放或放置:
Dishes were sitting on a shelf. 盘子平放在架子上
⑵.pocket n.衣袋, 口袋, 钱, 财
adj.袖珍的, 小型的
⑶.constantly adv.不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地
⑷.schedule n.时间表, 进度表 v.确定时间2.People may think this 18-year-old spends all day
long in front of the computer and don’t get out of
house much.
all day long =the whole day 整天
3.But look a little closer and you’ll see that this
Senior 3 computer expert has some impressive
international connections.
⑴.impressive adj.重大的, 给人深刻印象的, 感人的
⑵.connection n.连接, 关系, 接线, 线路, 亲戚
1.Yan is just back from a trip to Denmark where he
met senior Microsoft officials to advise them on
their latest software developments.
⑴.a trip to… 去…旅游 ⑵.pay a visit to … 去…参观
⑶.senior adj.年长的, 资格较老的, 地位较高的, 高级的
⑷.Microsoft n.美国微软公司2.Although he still goes to Shantou Jinshan High
School, Yan often gives speeches to university
students on computer software.
3.Last April he flew to Seattle, US, for a meeting at
Microsoft’s head office.
⑴.Seattle n.西雅图
⑵.head office n.总公司
1.In 2003 he became Microsoft’s youngest Most
Valuable Professional (MVP) in Asia.
⑴.valuable adj.贵重的, 有价值的, 颇有价值的
⑵.professional n.自由职业者, 专业人员, 职业运动员
adj.专业的, 职业的2.MVP is a title awarded by the software giant to
people who volunteer their help to computer users
on the Internet.
⑴.title n.头衔, 名称, 标题, 冠军, 资格, 字幕, 权利, 扉页
vt.赋予头衔, 加标题于
adj.标题的, 用作书名的
⑵.giant n.巨人, 大力士, 巨大的动物或植物, 伟人, 天才
adj.庞大的, 巨大的
3.He earned this award by answering over 2,000
emails about computer problems in 2003.
4.He has continued to provide non-profit technology
support to Microsoft software users this year.
non-profit adj.非营利的Par.4
1.Despite being busy with schoolwork, Yan spends
up to three hours a day working on his computers.
despite prep.不管;不顾;即使
Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.
①.die of despite 抱恨而死, 冤死
②.in sb.'s despite [古]不顾某人劝告; 尽管某人做出努力
③.despite all that 尽管如此 (in)
④.despite of ... 不顾, 尽管, 任凭
2.“I work out my schedule every night.
work out v.可以解决, 设计出, 作出, 计算出, 消耗完3.My mobile phone and pocket PC tell me what to do
every hour.
PC n.[计]个人计算机(Personal Computer的缩写)
[军] Patrol Car, 巡逻车
4.Tha’s my digital life,” smiled Yan Nuo.
1.Although some might think Yan has no time to
relax, he is quite happy and says he also likes to
go bowling and read.
2.He can afford to relax.
afford vt
He can afford an apartment. 他能买得起一套住房。 ⑵.经受得住;承担得起
①.Can you afford $12000 for the house?
②.I can't afford three weeks away from work.
③.If we could afford it, we'd like to go abroad for
our holidays.
①.The transaction afforded him a good profit.
②.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay
such large salaries.
3.While his classmates work long hours and worry
about where they will go to university, Yan already
has two offers from American universities.
3.He is still waiting to hear back from
MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
1.“Unlike most teenagers, Yan makes detailed plans
for everything in advance.
⑴.detailed adj.
①.详细的, 明细的
a detailed account 详细的叙述
②.千头万绪的, 错综复杂的
a detailed problem 一个千头万绪的问题
⑵.in advance ①.预先
You must pay for the book in advance.
②.(常与of连用)在…之前2.He has clear targets and never wastes time,” said
Yan’s teacher.
target n.目标, 对象, 靶子
1.Yan got his own computer at nine.
2.From that time he fell in love with the machine and
began to study it and has never looked back.
never looked back(有指在某事之后)越来越成功。
He borrowed 10,000 yuan to start his restaurant
and never looked back.
Never offer to teach fish to swim.
1.At 16 he became a certificated software engineer
and programmer.
⑴.certificated adj. 有证书的;有执照的
a certificated nurse 有证书的护士
⑵.programmer n.程序师, 程序规划员
2.His first book Windows XP Beginner’s Guide and
FAQs was published in June.
FAQs 常见问题解答
guide n.指南, 领路人, 导游者, 向导, 引导者,
vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵
3.He is planning to published another book in China
and around the world this year.
4.He also writes for the Microsoft China Community
1.While many teenagers play computer games that
allow them to dream of opening their own
companies and becoming a millionaire, Yan is
already a long way ahead of the others down that
ahead of 在…之前;超过
Our company is ahead of other makers of spare
parts for the airplane.
get ahead 胜过,超过Part2
What Do the Parents and Teachers Think?
1.Many parents have bought their children their own
computers, hoping that they will use them sensibly
for their schoolwork and have the latest skills.
sensibly adv.明显地, 敏感地, 聪明地
2.Schools teach information technology as an
essential part of the school curriculum.
⑴.essential adj.
①.Food is essential to life.
②.Her most essential quality is kindness.
她最主要的品质是厚道。③.It is essential for us to try to decide whether
television is a blessing or a curse.
④.What is the essential difference between these
two economic systems?
essential oils 香精油
n.本质, 实质, 要素, 要点
⑵.curriculum n. 课程; 全部课程
①.high school curriculum中学课程
②.curriculum schedule课程表
3.But is this a good idea? 4.Although computers are an essential part of
modern life, some people feel they have a
lot of disadvantages.
5.Do teenagers have a balanced life or are
computers turning them into “geeks” who no
longer take exercise or even know how to have a
6.Wang Ying, a parent from Beijing, is worried.
7.“My kid spends all his evenings on the computer
and he has no other interests.
8.I don’t think it’s healthy,” she says.Par.2
1.Other parents agree.
2.For some children computer games can become
an obsession.
obsession n. 分心, 分神, 着魔; 执意; 积念; 迷念;
①.be under an obsession of 在思想[情感]上被...缠住
②.suffer from an obsession 耿耿于怀
3.Zhang Lin from Chongqing gave this warning:
warning n.警告, 预告, 通知, 预兆Par.3
1.“In the newspaper there was this story about an
Internet cafe which some kids burned down,
because they were furious at being turned away.
⑴.café n.咖啡馆, 小餐馆
Internet café 网吧
⑵.burn down 烧为平地, 火力减弱
⑶.furious adj.狂怒的, 狂暴的, 激烈的, 热烈兴奋的,
⑷.turn away 不准...入内,走开,转过脸,解雇, 避免, 防止
2.They had been refused permission to enter and
continued the game they had been playing for
days and were about to win.”Par.4
1.Li Yong, a worried school teacher from Guangzhou
agrees that young people are spending too long on
their computers.
2.He also warned of the dangers of “chatting” to
people one doesn’t know over the Internet.
warn vt
⑴.(常与of, against连用)警告;提醒;告诫
She warned me of the dangerous road, so I
crossed it carefully.
The whistle warned visitors that the ship was
ready to sail.
⑶.warn off 告诫(某人)离开,告诫(某人)不得靠近3.“I strongly recommend that the government ban
all Internet cafes as so many teenagers are
wasting their time on games and Internet chatting
which have nothing to do with their schoolwork.
4.Some students stay away from school, or even run
away from home to meet their ‘friend’ in a virtual
chat room.
⑴.stay away from school 旷课
⑵.run away 跑开;逃走;离家出走,尤指私奔;(马等)惊跑
⑶.virtual adj.虚拟的
5.The Internet cafe is evil.”
evil n. 邪恶, 不幸, 罪恶
adj. 邪恶的, 带来麻烦的, 不幸的, 有害的, 诽谤的Par.5
1.On the other hand, Yan Nuo can be seen as good
example to other teenagers as he puts his
enthusiasm for computers to good use.
enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物
2.They help him organise his schoolwork and he is
learning a future career as well.
as well
He mentioned other matters as well.
I might as well go.我最好还是去
3.“I wish my son would be a bit more like Yan
Nuo…” says James Green from London.Reading and Vocabulary(2)P64
Caught in the web
be caught in (the rain, a trap) 遇(雨), 陷入(圈套)
1.From doctors in Singapore to bankers in Finland
and coastguards in Britain, the name Sven
Jaschan means trouble.
2.It was this 18-year-old German boy who invented a
deadly computer programme that made their
machines turn off.
3.His Sasser “worm” attacked computer systems
through the Internet, slowing down emergency
services, as well as postal and banking services in
dozens of countries.
1.However, it seems that Jaschan didn’t mean to
cause headaches for millions of personal
computer users.
1).mean vt. (meant,meant)
⑴....意思, 作...解释
⑵.意指; 意味着
⑶.意欲, 打算
⑷.预定, 指定, 计划
⑸.有价值, 有重要性
⑹.引起, 造成
①.What do you mean by saying that?
②.What does that word mean? (=What is meant by that word?)
那个词作什么解释?③.I mean this one, not that one.
我指的是这个, 不是那个。
④.Money means nothing to her. 她视金钱如粪土。
⑤.Health means everything. 健康就是一切。
⑥.I mean business. 我是当真的。
⑦.He means you no harm. 他无意伤害你。
⑧.He did not mean to go. 他没打算去。
⑨.He means this house for his daughter.
⑩.This was meant for a joke. 这是笑话。
⑾.He was meant for [to be] a doctor.
⑿.Your friendship means a great deal to me.
⒀.Friction means heat. 摩擦生热。习惯用语:
⑴.by all means 当然;当然可以
⑵.by any means 用尽各种可能的办法;无论如何
He is not by any means an easy opponent.
⑶.by means of 使用;由于
They succeeded by means of patience and
⑷.by no means 并没有;绝不
This remark by no means should be taken lightly.
⑸.be meant to 必须;得要
You are meant to leave a tip. 你得留下小费。
2).headache n. 头痛, 令人头痛之事2.According to reports, the shy boy may have been
trying to help his mother’s struggling computer
according to
①.He lives according to her means
②.According to my watch it is 10 o'clock.
①.Pay is according to quality 依照质量付费
②.according to Ford 取决于福特Par.3
1.After he was arrested on May 7, Jaschan told the
police that he was trying to write an anti-virus
programme that would fight viruses such as
doom n.厄运, 毁灭, 死亡, 世末日
2.But in the end, he gave in to pressure from his
schoolmates and produced a more dangerous
give in v.投降, 屈服, 让步Par.4
1.Peer pressure is one of the reasons why many
teenagers write viruses, according to American
computer security researcher Sarah Gordon, who
is a world expert on the psychology of virus
1.“Teenagers often become virus writers because
they see creating such programmes as a technical
challenge”, she said
see…as 把…看作;当作
①.Many saw her as a world leader.
②.I don’t see him as a teacher. 我不把他当老师待。
technical adj.技术的, 技术上的, 技巧方面的Par.6
1. Few professional programmes would share the
view that writing a virus is difficult.
2. But for a teenagers just becoming familiar with
computers, simply finding a virus writing kit and
creating a working programme is a challenge.
⑴.but for 要不是;如果没有
But for my brother's help, I would not have finished.
但注意此句的“but for” 并无此意
⑵.be familiar with 熟悉, 通晓, 精通
be familiar to 为…所熟悉
make oneself familiar with
同...好[熟悉]起来; 同...亲近起来
⑶.kit n.成套工具, 用具包, 工具箱, 成套用具3.Meanwhile,others produce viruses as an act of
protest, using them to make a political point or ask
questions about the freedom of information.
⑴.meanwhile=meantime n.其间, 其时 adv.其间
⑵.protest n.抗议,主张, 断言v.主张, 断言抗议, 拒付
⑶.point n.论点;要点;含义;寓意
①.I don't see your point. 我不懂你的意思。
②.I don't see the point of waiting for her, she is
probably not coming.
我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了。4.Whatever their reasons, most of these teenagers
have no idea what they are doing can affect the
wider world.
have (no) idea
What time is it? I have no idea. 几点了?我不知道。
I had no idea about that. 对那件事我没有印象了。
I've had an idea. We could play football!
1. “They do not connect the impact of what they do
on a computer with the impact on another person,”
impact n.碰撞, 冲击, 冲突, 影响, 效果
vt.挤入, 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响2.Gordon said. “However, once they realise that it
can have an impact on other people, most of them
grow out of it and stop.”
grow out of 的意思是“(因长大)而丢弃”
1.If they get caught, though, the punishment can be
2. Jaschan has just graduated from vocational
school and dreamed of going to college.
vocational adj.职业(上)的; 行业的, 业务的
①.a vocational school 职业学校
②.vocational diseases 职业病
③.vocational studies 业务学习
④.vocational work 业务工作3. Now he will have to pay for his actions-and this
could mean up to five years in prison.
⑴.pay for 为 ...付钱 (为某种过失)付出代价, 受到惩罚
①.He paid £5 for the book. 他买这本书花了五英镑。
②.He paid dearly for his careless slip.
⑵.pay in [into] (把钱)存入(银行) ; 捐款
⑶.pay off 还清债务; 发清薪水解雇
⑷.pay back 归还债务; 报复
①.Can you lend me some money?
- I can pay you back tomorrow.
②.I'll pay him back for his insults.
Adapted(改编) from Caught in the web,21st century teens senior edition, Issue((报刊等)期、号)129