Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors(广东省韶关市)


名称 Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors(广东省韶关市)
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版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2007-09-08 16:49:00


The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors制作:何长江Module 2
The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
1.To improve the students’ reading skills.
2.To widen vocabulary.
3.To improve the students’ listening and
speaking ability.
4.To write a formal letter.
5.To learn and use grammars in this unit. The Qin Tomb
the Terracotta Warriors秦朝兵馬俑簡介 秦始皇於13歲即帝位,22歲親政,經17年的努力,統一了全國,在39歲時,建立了第一個統一中國的王朝。按古皇室體制,他於14歲時開始建造自己的陵墓,歷時37年,動用了七十二萬人,直到他五十歲去世時,陵墓都尚未完工。後來經歷二千二百多年時光的煙沒,成了一個不為人知的秘密。
從已出土的秦代工藝品中,可看出當時寫實的藝術風格,高超的冶金技術以及傳神的雕塑技藝。許多件經修復的兵馬俑,面容、神態各異,展現出秦代的壯盛軍容,參觀者無不嘆為觀止。秦兵马俑: 是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑。秦始皇陵位于今西安市临潼区东约5千米处,它南依骊山,北临渭水,地势险峻,环境优美。陵园规模宏大,陪葬品众多,像一座丰富的地下文物宝库。1974年在其东侧发现兵马俑坑,轰动了中国,震惊了世
界,是20世纪最伟大的考古发现之一。1978年,法国前总统希拉克参观后说:“世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。不看金字塔,不算到埃及;不看秦俑,不算到中国。”秦始皇兵马俑博物馆是建立在兵马俑坑原址上的遗址性博物馆,于1979年10月开馆。1987年12月,联合国教科文组织将秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑列入《世界遗产名录》。兵马俑是1974年春于陕西临潼县始皇墓东一点五公里的地方发现的。一共有三个大坑,总面积达两万多平方米,估计埋有秦俑八千余件。其中一号坑面积最大,达一万四千多平方米,现已挖出两千平方米,出土陶俑一千多件,陶马三十多匹,战车八乘。二号坑面积六千多平方米,出土战车八十九乘,骑兵俑二百多件,步兵俑六百多件。三号坑面积较小,仅五百二十平方米,内有驷马战车一乘,卫士俑六十八件,估计为这支地下大军的军帅指挥部。   秦始皇陵兵马俑生动地反映了秦朝兵强马壮的阵容,可以说是一幅威武雄壮的古代军事画卷。可能由于当时战事分工的不同和军阶的高低,这些武士俑中,有的身穿战袍,有的身穿销甲,有的骑在马上,有的站立马前,有的伫立攀弓,有的单腿跪射。他们的面部神态各不相同。有的头部低垂,若有所思;有的则忧心忡忡,凝视空茫,反映了远征将士思乡的心情。秦兵馬俑的出現 1974年3月29日八百里秦川苦旱無雨,位於秦始皇陵東側1.5公里的西楊村村民在驪山腳下柿樹園石灘上畫了一個不規則的圓圈,揮金厥打井,偏偏滴水不見,只有殘破的「瓦爺」從 土層中冒出,埋藏二千餘年的地下軍團終於又重見天日。這口井的位置還好開在一號兵馬俑坑的東南角。井口直徑有三公尺左右,一半挖在坑内,一半挖在坑外。世界八大奇蹟1.埃及的金字塔
兵馬俑博物館大廳專門的房間《秦陵兵馬俑》介紹「兵馬俑博物館」這些陶俑並不是一個模子裏出來的,而是一個一個地塑造而成的。專門的房間從它們的裝束、表情和手勢,就可以判斷出是官還是兵;是步兵還是馭手。介紹專門的房間內各類型的陶俑身高達一米九六。將軍俑體態表情姿勢巍然直立。凝神沉思,表露出一種堅毅威武的神情。中级军吏俑神態姿勢頭微微抬起,兩眼直視前方。意氣昂揚而又帶有幾分稚氣。武士俑課文串講有的穿靴,有的穿履. 有的握弓弩,有的持矛、戈等長兵器武士俑都是一號兵馬俑軍陣的步兵俑 姿態裝束身披鐵甲。右手拿長矛,左手按車。車士俑課文串講拉弓射箭。手勢姿態神情聚精會神。緊張而又沉著的臨戰姿態。跪射俑課文串講立射俑高一米七,身長兩米。馬個頭不大,腿較短。體態姿態雙耳直豎,雙眼前視,長嘴微張,四腿直立。戰馬俑課文串講秦陵銅車馬 铜车马1980年12月,在秦始皇陵西侧20米处发掘了两乘
自如,牵动辕衡,仍能载舆行驶。青銅矛青銅短劍青銅劍青銅矛銅鏃兵器弩金柄鐵箭 站在巨大的兵马俑坑前,威武雄壮的军阵,仿佛正从烟尘滚滚中迎面而来。精锐的前锋,排成3列横队,210个武士俑,身穿战袍,手持弓弩,背负箭囊。横队的后面紧跟着的是身穿铠甲的步兵、骑兵和战车组成的40路纵队。两侧和最后面,各有一列面朝外的武士俑,那是侧翼和后卫,是专为防止敌人截击和包抄而设的。整个兵马俑坑充满了临战气氛。 精锐的前锋,排成3列横队,210个武士俑,身穿战袍,手持弓弩,背负箭囊。 横队的后面紧跟着的是身穿铠甲的步兵、骑兵和战车组成的40路纵队。课件42张PPT。选修9
The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors广东省翁源县龙仙中学
QQ:249178459Module 2
The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
1.To improve the students’ reading skills.
2.To widen vocabulary.
3.To improve the students’ listening and
speaking ability.
4.To write a formal letter.
5.To learn and use grammars in this unit. The Qin Tomb
the Terracotta WarriorsReading And Vocabulary(1) P16
The Qin Tomb
the Terracotta Warriors
Explanations of the text (P30-31)
An Underground Army
一.Read the text carefully,then do Exercise4 on page30-31
二. Explanations of the text Part1
1.I’m tired and covered in dust.
tired adj 疲乏的,疲倦的;劳累的
1).I felt tired after work. 我下班之后很疲劳。
2).Tired as he was, Peter tried to finish all the
homework that day.
3).The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and
crept into their tent.
be tired of(感到)厌烦的,厌倦的
1).I'm tired of your conversation. 你的讲话我听腻了。
2).Everybody’s tired of your everlasting complaints!
大家对你喋喋不休的抱怨感到厌倦了。2.I’ve been digging all day and I’ll be doing the same
tomorrow-and the next day and the next.
3.Sounds awful, doesn’t it?
awful adj.可怕的, 威严的, <口>极度的, 糟糕的
1).an awful accident 一次可怕的事故
2).awful weather 恶劣的天气
3).That's an awful book. 那是一本很糟糕的书
4.But I’ve never had so much fun in my life.
5.Why? Because I’m an archaeology student from
London, England, and here I am in northwest
China’s Shanxi Province, 36 kilometers east of
archaeology n.考古学6.I’m working on one of the most famous
archaeological sites in the world.
work on 从事于, 致力于
7.Recognise the location?
location n.位置,场所,特特定区域
8.Yes, it’s where the Emperor Qin Shihuang, more
than 2,000 years ago, built an enormous tomb, and
where, in 1974, 7,400 terracotta Warriors made of
clay were discovered.
clay n.粘土,泥土,肉体,人体,似黏土的东西,陶土制的烟斗
9.What am I doing here?
10.I was chosen from about 600 students to come
and work here during the summer holidays. 11.Now you understand why I describe myself as
describe as v.描述为
1.As an archaeology student, I already knew
something about the Qin Tomb and the terracotta
2.Most Chinese children will be able to tell you the
Qin Shihuang was the emperor who first unified
China over 2,000 years ago.
unify vt.统一, 使成一体
3.He was a brilliant ruler, but he was also a cruel
man who killed thousands of people.
brilliant adj. 1).光辉的;辉煌的;灿烂的
a brilliant color 鲜明的颜色 2).卓越的; 令人羡慕的
a brilliant speaker 一位卓越的演说家
a brilliant artist 一位有才华的艺术家
4.When he became King of the state of Qin at
the age of 13, he immediately ordered
workers to construct and underground tomb
for him.
5.It took 700,000 workers 37 years to build the
tomb, which was said to contain great
面埋藏着大量得的珍宝.6.However, archaeologists believe it may have
robbed long ago.
rob vt. (robbed, robbing)
rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人的东西 ;剥夺, 使失去
1).I was robbed of my watch.我的手表被抢走了。
2).They robbed the bank of thousands of dollars.
3).The accident robbed him of his health.
注意:steal sth from sb
steal vi.偷东西, 做贼;偷偷地行窃, 溜;
(棒球中)偷垒;悄悄地动, 静静地流
1).steal sb. sth.为某人窃取某物2).steal sb.'s heart 巧妙地博取某人的欢心
3).steal a glance at sb. 偷看某人一眼
4).steal into the room 潜入房间
5).steal away 溜掉
6).Mist stole over the valley.
7).The years steal by. 岁月不知不觉地过去了。
8).The feeling steals upon me.
7.The actual entrance to the tomb has never been
found, nor has the tomb been opened.
8.There are rather worrying ancient
descriptions of crossbows hidden at the
tomb’s entrance.
crossbow n.石弓, 弩9.It’s said that if anyone steps across the entrance,
the crossbows will fire.
1.It’s interesting the way the terracotta warriors were
2.In 1974 some peasants were digging a well when
one of them dug up the head of a clay warriors.
dig up v.掘起, 挖出, 发现, 开垦
3.Can you imagine their astonishment?
4.When they found more clay soldiers,
archaeologists arrived from Beijing to investigate. 5.As the whole world knows, when the
archaeologists started digging, they found 6,000
clay warriors buried in an underground pit.
pit n.深坑, 深渊, 陷阱6.Eventually they also found Emperor Qin
Shihuang’s Tomb, located about 1.5 kilometers
away from the pit.
eventually adv.最后, 终于
locate (源自拉丁语 locare 设置) vt
(1).I cannot locate the shop. 我找不到这家商店。
(2).We located the shops and the post office as
soon as we moved into the town.
2).设置;住(在); [用被动态] 位于, 在
(1).The new building will be located in the center of
这座大楼将建在市中心。(2).The new hospital is to be located near your
college. 这所新医院将建在你们学院附近。
(3).Their factory is located at the foot of the
mountain. 他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。
7.In 1976 another pit was found, this one containing
another 1,400 warriors.
8.It seems that Emperor Qin Shihuang had ordered
the soldiers to be made in order to protect him in
the next life. I wonder if they were (of) any help?!
9.No one knows why the site was buried and
forgotten for so very long, but today, the site is
visited by tourist from all over the world.
10.As I’ve said, I feel so lucky working here.Part2
1.Undoubtedly, my greatest pleasure is being able to
enter the underground pits and see the soldiers.
undoubtedly adv 确实,无疑地,必定
1).There will undoubtedly be trouble with the unions
if the union leader is dismissed.
2.It’s so strange to see them standing there in
columns, all dressed and ready for battle.
看到他们排列整齐、全身披挂、准备战斗实在是很奇妙. column n. 列;[行]
3.They were made to look as real as possible and are
as tall as most soldiers today. 4.In the half light it’s easy to imagine that they are a
real army.
half adj.一半的, 不完全的, 半途的
half light 昏暗的灯光
5.The warriors carry weapons, and wear different
uniforms depending on their position in the army.
6.The uniforms were painted many different colours-
red, blue, green, yellow, brown.
7.Each soldier has a different facial expression, and
there are many different hairstyles and types of
hairstyle n.发型, 发式Par.2.
1.Constructing over7,400 warriors was the most
extraordinary achievement.
extraordinary adj
(1).a man of extraordinary strength
(2).Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the
nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace.
(3).What an extraordinary idea! 多么离奇的想法!
2).特别的 ; 临时的;额外的
(1).an extraordinary session 临时会议
2.All the soldiers were built using the same methods. 3.The legs were made of solid clay. 4.However, the other body parts were all made
separately and were hollow inside.
5.The different parts were then glued together.
6.The ears, nose, hair and other facial features were
then made and glued on.
3.Another interesting fact- the name of the man who
made each soldier is inscribed somewhere on the
4.Every time I see one of these names, I think of the
men who made these figures over 2,000 years ago. 5.They must have been very proud.
6.I am only here for six weeks before I return home,
but I too feel so proud to be connected in some
small way with Qin Shihuang’s great army.
不足道的方式跟秦始皇的大军有了某种联系而深感自豪 太...以至于不能,
1.all too 实在太[很]
2.all too soon 太快
3.but too true 不幸(是事实)
4.cannot ...too... 怎么...也不会过分, 越...越好
5.go too far 做[说]得过火
6.quite too 简直太...
7.none too 一点也不 ;不太
8.only too 非常, 极
9.rather too 稍微...了一点Read the following sentences and decide whether
they are true (T) or (F) according to the text.
1.The Underground Army was found in southeast
China’s Shaan’xi Province.
2.Qin Shi Huang was the Emperor who first unified
China over 2,000 years ago.
3.It was in 1974 that 7400 terracotta warriors were
4.All the warriors in the tomb are hot identical(同样的).
5.All the parts of the soldiers were made using the
same methods. FTFTFReading And Vocabulary(2) P36
Dragon Guided Tours
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday whole-day trip
1.The Great Wall of China, one of the great wonders
of the world, has a history of more than 2,000 years,
and is approximately 6,700 kilometers long.
approximately adv. = about,around 近似地, 大约
2.The Wall was originally built of bricks, stone, wood, grass and earth.
originally adv.最初, 原先3.In the 7th and 6th centuries BC, individual sections
were built by different states in order to protect
themselves from warrior tribes from the north.
individual n.个人, 个体 adj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的
tribe n.部落, 部族
4.The individual sections weren’t connected until the
Qin Dynasty.
5.Work continued through the different dynasties
and it was during the Ming Dynasty that the Wall
was built in its present form.
1.Unsurprisingly, there are many legends about the
wall. 2.One of the most famous tell the story of Meng
Jiannu and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass(关口).
3.The story took place during the Qin Dynasty. 4.MengJiangnu”s husband Fan Xiliang was forced to
work on the Great Wall.
5.When Meng Jiangnu did not get any news from her
husband, she set off to visit him.
set off
1).出发,启程 (= set out;set forth)
(1).One afternoon she set off (out) from the coast in
a small boat and was caught in a storm.
(2).The children set off for school. 孩子们上学去了。
2).使爆 炸,引起爆炸 (1)."As a traditional way to celebrate the new year,
setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by
most Chinese people."
The news set off a rush of activity.
This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well.
这个金色镜框把你的油画衬托得很美丽。6.On arriving there, she discovered that her
husband had died.
on doing 一---就---
On entering the room, she saw him.
7.She cried so long and so loudly that she caused
part of the Great Wall to collapse.
collapse n.倒塌, 崩溃, 失败, 虚脱
vi.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解, 失败, 病倒
1.The walk from Jinshanling to Simatai along the
Great Wall is unforgettable. 2.The walk will take about five hours (not including
lunch) and you will have a lot of time to stop and
admire the magnificent scenery and views.
magnificent adj 壮丽的;宽宏的;极好的
1).a magnificent voice 宏亮的声音
2).a magnificent ceremony 盛大的庆典
3).a magnificent house 豪华的住宅
4).The magnificent scene of the waterfall is a perfect
delight to the eye.
5).The magnificent view of the ancient pagoda (宝塔)
dissolved(溶解, 解散) in mist.
那古塔雄伟的景色在雾中消失了。3.Every 40 minutes we will take a 20-minutes break,
during which time your guide will give a short talk
on different aspects of the Wall, such as its history,
construction, legends etc.
aspect n. (样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面)
construction n.建筑, 建筑物, 解释, 造句
legend n.传说, 伟人传, 图例
4.Water, snachs and lunch will be provided by your
snack n.小吃, 快餐, 一份
5.Please wear good walking shoes and take sun
lotion n.洗液, 洗剂 sun lotion. 防晒油1.The ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan is still
remembered today, both for the love of his country
and for his beautiful poems.
remember vt. 记忆; 想起, 回忆起
记住, 牢记, 铭记
遗赠, 酬劳, 送礼
致意, 问候
纪念, 记录
1).remember of 记得..., 想起...
2).remember one to [unto] sb. 代向某人致意[问候]
3).remember oneself 恢复镇定; 仔细地想一想; 反省2.Wrongly believing that the poet was against him,
the King of Chu banished Qu Yuan from the capital.
banish vt. 流放, 驱逐, 消除
1).banish sb. from [out of] the country
2).banish (sth.) from memory 完全忘记
3).She was banished from China. 她被驱逐出中国。
3.Hundreds of people set out in boats, searching for
the body, but in vain.
1).set out v.出发, 开始, 启程
2).search for搜查, 搜索
3).in vain 徒然,枉然
(1).The police tried in vain to break up the protest
crowds. 警察企图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。(2).All our work was in vain. 我们所有的工作都白费了。
4.In memory of the poet, the Dragon Boat Festival is
still held every year on the anniversary of his death.
1).in memory of 纪念...
She wrote a poet in memory of her father
2).from memory 凭记忆
3).have a [no] memory of (不)记得
4).have a memory like a sieve (n.筛, 滤网) 记忆力极差
5).a head like a sieve健忘
6).have a memory like an elephant 记忆力特别好
7).to the best of one's memory 就记忆所及
8).to the memory of 献给...(作者书前纪念性题词)
9).bring back [call] to memory 使想起10).come to one’s memory 想起, 清醒过来
anniversary n.周年,周年纪念
We were married on 20 May 1964, so every year we have a party on our anniversary.
我们是1964年5月20日结婚的,因此我们每年在结婚周年纪念日都要办一个聚会。Translate the following into English.
(pay attention to the italics parts)
My grandfather is too old to take care of himself.Father regards me as his friend, not only his son.I have not finished my homework, nor has Tom.Each time I was in trouble, he would come to help me out.Eventually, he was tired of trying so hard.6.我还没来得及帮助他,他就已经挣扎着站起来了。
Translate the following into English, using proper future tense.
He had struggled to his feet before I could help him.It’s said that he has gone abroad.On arriving at the station, he called his mother.I’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow.I’ll study hard to keep up with my classmates.Are you going to have a discussion about it this afternoon?4.他就要启程去伦敦。
8.乌云密集,要下雨了。He is leaving for London.The train was about to start when an accident
happened.The children are to learn English next week.He is due to arrive in five days.Dark clouds are gathering, it is going to rain.Writing a letter
Skills building 1:The form of a letter
1.Begin like this:
Dear sir. / Madam
Dear Mr.______, Mrs.______, Ms._______.
2.Explain why you’re writing: I’m writing to ……
3.End like this:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes for you.
4.Sign and write your name: yours, Li Hua
Skills building 2:
If you are writing to a friend or a family member, it is all right to use informal language, contractions and ask personal questions.
If you are writing a formal letter, you must use thecorrect openings and endings and use formal vocabulary. Make sure you put your address on the top right-hand side, put the address of the person you are writing on the left-hand side.
1.Some sentences used for opening:
(1).Thank you for your letter of May 20th.
(1).Thank you for telling me about ……
(1).I’m very pleased to hear from you.
(1).I’m very happy to hear that everything goes well
with you.
(1).I have the pleasure to hear of your success.
(2).It’s my pleasure to ……
(3).It was good to hear from you and I shall be very
pleased to let you have the information you need.(4).It gives me great pleasure to receive your letter of ……
(5).Word can’t express my delight on hearing from
(6).I’m worry I’ve been so slow in answering your
(7).I apologize for not writing to you for a long time.
(8).I must apologize for my delay in answering your
Some sentences used for closing:
(1).Best wishes to you.
(2).Please give my regards to your parents.
(3).Please give my best wishes to ……
(4).Best wishes for your health and every happiness.
(5).With best/king/warmest regards to you and your
family.(6).Remember me to your parents
(7).Hope to hear from you soon.
(8).I’m waiting for your good news.
(9).I hope to receive your early reply.
(10).I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
A possible version to the task
(A letter to a friend)
Dear Mike,
I was very glad to receive your letter on May 4th. At your request, I’ll tell something about my school life.In senior 3 at school, I have six subjects: Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and P.E. Now, I’m busy preparing for college entrance exams. School hours usually begin at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. After class, we have sports, such as ball gamesand so on, or do some reading in the school library. Then I go home. This is my school life.
It’s spring now in Beijing. It’s really very beautiful, welcome to Beijing, Mike.
I’ll appreciate it if you can tell me something about your school life in your next letter. I’m looking forward to it.
With best regards.
Yours truly,
Li Ming
Read the letter on pave38 and plan a letter of application for the Job offered in the letter. Use the words and phrases we have learnt in this unit.Dear director,
I’m a fresher and my major is archaeology. I’m 18 years old, I’m very glad when I knew the news that you are inviting applications.
I am crazy about archaeology and I do hope I can get a chance to put what I have learnt at school into practice. I am quite healthy, and I’ll work hard if you offer me this chance no matter how hard the condition is. Luckily, I have been to Qin Tomb and terracotta warriors and have leant a lot about it. I was moved deeply by the wonder.
I do hope I can get this job. I will be grateful if you give me the chance.
I’m looking forward to getting your early reply.
Li Hua.Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part One: Teaching Design
第一部分: 教学设计
Period 1: Introduction and reading
(An Underground Army)
To improve the students’ reading skills.
To widen vocabulary.
To improve the students’ listening and speaking ability.
To write a formal letter.
To learn and use grammars in this unit.
Step 1: Warming up
1. Warming up by watching pictures
Watch these pictures and think about the following questions.
Have you ever been to Xi’an?
How much do you know about it?
What’s Xi’an famous for?
Have you ever heard lf Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an?
2.Warming up by discussing
Hello boys and girls, today we are going to learn a lesson about Terracotta Warriors, and now we’d like you to discuss the questions on P29, Part 1. (5 minis for students to discuss)
Q: Which emperor lf ancient China ordered these terracotta warriors to be made?
A: It was Qin Shi Huang who ordered these terracotta warriors to be made. He was the first emperor in China.
Q: Where were the terracotta warriors discovered?
A: They were found in northwest China’s Shaan’xi Province, 36 Kilometers east of Xi’an.
Q: What are the warriors doing?
A: They are standing these in columns and ready for battle.
Q: Are all the warriors identical?
A: No, they aren’t. They wear different uniforms painted many different colors and each has a different facial expression and there are many different hairstyles and types of caps.
Q: Why do you think the Emperor built the terracotta warriors?
A: It seems that Emperor Qin Shi Huang had ordered the soldiers to be made in order to protect him in the next life.
Warming up by guessing the meaning of the words
Read the following sentences and try to guess the meaning of the underlined words.
I’m interested in studying ancient things, so I choose archaeology as my major.
He is a solider and he looks more handsome in uniform.
Bamboo in a tall plant and is hollow inside.
Many scholars return when they finished their study abroad.
His eyes are his most striking feature.
Step 2: Pre-reading
Finish part 3 on P30.
Introduce some key new words.
Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with a proper word given in the box.
Germany was u__________ in 1871.
We cannot find the e__________ to the building.
What bind of h__________ do you like best?
Scientists are i__________ to find out the cause of the crash.
The book was i__________ ‘To Jane, with warmest regards.’
T__________ is a hole dug in the ground for a dead body.
He was b__________ from his homeland for life.
Please g__________ these two pieces of wood together.
(Keys: unified entrance hairstyle investigating inscribed Tomb banished glue)
Step 3: Reading
1. Leading-in
I believe everybody have got a lot of information about The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors. Now we are going to learn something more about them. Now I will give all of you several minutes to read the whole text and after reading, answer the following questions.
1)In which part of China is the underground tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang?
2) How and when were the Terracotta Warriors discovered?
3) Why was the author so proud and why did he describe himself as lucky?
2. Fast reading for the general ideas
Now read the first part of the text again and try to get the general idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph I: Where is the terracotta warriors and the writer’s feeling.
Paragraph II: Brief introduction of the Qin Tomb.
Paragraph III: How was the Qin Tomb discovered?
3. Detailed reading for information
Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true (T) or (F) according to the text.
The Underground Army was found in southeast China’s Shaan’xi Province.
Qin Shi Huang was the Emperor who first unified China over 2,000 years ago.
It was in 1974 that 7400 terracotta warriors were made.
All the warriors in the tomb are hot identical.
All the parts of the soldiers were made using the same methods.
(Keys: 1.F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F)
4. Finish Part5 and Part6 on P32.
5. Listen to the tape of the text and fill in the gaps.
I’m an ________ student from London, England.
In 1974, 7400 terracotta warriors made of ________ were discovered.
When he became king of the state of Qin at the age of 13, he immediately ordered workers to _______an underground tomb for him.
________they also found Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s Tomb.
Each soldier has a different ________, and there are many different hairstyles and types of caps.
(Keys: archaeology clay construct Eventually facial expression)
Step 4: Reading practice
Read the following passage and made the best choice to each problem.
An American scientist has found that many images of dinosaurs may be wrong. For years, pictures of the ancient creatures have shown their nose openings near the top of the head. The new study suggests the dinosaurs’ nostrils were just above mouth.
Dinosaurs used their nostrils to breathe, smell and control their body temperature. The new theory could help explain how the huge creatures were able to survive by using their sense of smell to find food, a mate and possible enemies.
Lawrence Witmer of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio led the study. The publication science reported his findings.
Many of the early dinosaur remains recovered by scientists were from huge creatures called sauropods. Scientist believed that sauropods must have lived in water because their bodies were so huge and their necks were so long.
Nostrils high on the head would have permitted the dinosaurs to breathe while partly under water. The discovery of a sauropod head in 1884 added support for this belief. The skull had a large hole at the top of the lead.
Professor Witmer says experts learned years later that sauropods generally were not sea creatures. But he says the earlier theory about nostril position was extended to other dinosaurs.
Only dinosaur bones have survived as fossil remains. Scientists have never recovered dinosaur remains of soft tissue. Scientists interested in the physical appearance of dinosaurs often study birds and animals similar to the ancient creatures. Professor Witmer examined forty-five kinds of birds, crocodiles and lizards that are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs. He noted the placement of soft tissue through hundreds of x-ray images and by cutting pieces of tissue. Soft tissue leaves markings on bone. Professor Witmer used this information to make a map of the likely position of soft tissue in the dinosaurs’ noses. He found that the birds and reptiles he studied share a common nostril position.
Professor Witmer found that the hole scientists once thought was a nostril in dinosaurs is just one part of the larger nasal passage. He found that the nostrils were rather forward and closer to mouth. He says this new nostril position was true for all dinosaurs.
There is this article position was true for all dinosaurs.
A. Biology textbook. B. Scientific report
C. Science fiction D. Essay
One advantage with Nostrils high on the head is to .
use sense of smell more efficiently
help them move fast and alert
enable them to find more food
help them live under water more easily
Which of the following may not be a reason why Professor Witmer studies crocodiles lizards in his experiments?
They are close relatives to dinosaurs.
Their soft tissues survive as fossil remains.
Their soft tissues have similar traits with dinosaurs.
He cannot find living dinosaurs.
What does “this information” (in paragraph 7) refer to?
A. Soft tissues. B. Bone.
C. Markings. D. Nose.
The word “passage” (Line 2, Para 8) means .
A. gate B. channel
C. cross D. paragraph
( Keys: BDBCB)
Step 5: Homework
Work in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions.
What do we learn about Emperor Qin Shi Huang from this passage?
What do we learn about his personality?
What do we learn about the writer?
What do we learn about his personality?
Would you like to work on this site for a period?
What would you enjoy? What would you dislike?
Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessary.
Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part One: Teaching Design
第一部分: 教学设计
Period 2: Grammar and usage
Step 1: General introduction
1.Warming up
Warming up by reading. Read the following sentences and pay much attention to that in each sentence.
----What’s that?
----It’s a book about the emperor who unified China.
The guide said that he would tell us more about Qin Shi Huang.
I think that he sounds an awful man.
It was said that he ordered he hundreds of scholars to be buried alive.
I’m glad that I came to visit the tomb.
The emperor that you’re think of was Qin Shi Huang’s son.
We use that every day. Sometimes that can be omitted, but sometimes can not.
can’t be omitted
That he is an engineer is true. That he said such a thing is funny.
The fact is that he did can’t be didn’t even take the exam.
The trouble is that you couldn’t come.
by one’s wish or one’s express astonished feeling
That I had never married.(要是我不曾结婚多好)
That he should do such a thing.(真没想到他竞会干出这种事)
attributive clause (used as subject)
Give me the book that has a blue cover.
appositive clause
Word came that Napoleon himself was come to inspect the army.
Can be omitted
object clause
It was where these had been a theater that they built a new modern school.
attributive clause(used as object)
I sold the best Jewel (that) I had.
attributive clause(equal to when)
We left the day (that = when) he arrived.
express the reason
We are glad (that) we have reaped another bumper harvest.
the NMET tests(1)(相关高考题):
Few pleasure can equal of a cool drink on a hot day.(NMET 99)
A. some B. any
C. that D. those
It is the ability to do the job matters not where you come from or what you are.(NMET 2000)
A. one B. that
C. what D. it
------He was nearly drowned once.
------When was ?
------ was in 1998 when he was in middle school. (NMET 2002)
A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This
It was not until nearly a month later I received the manager’s reply.(NMET 2005)
A. since B. when C. as D. that
------Did Jack come back early last night?
------Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock he arrived home. (2005 福建)
A. before B. when C. that D. until
------Is that the small town you often refer to?
------Right , Just the one _________ you know I used to work for yeas.
A. that B. which C. where D. what
If I can help________, I don’t like working late into the night.(NMET2006)
A. it B. that C. so D. them
( Keys: CBADBCA )
Summary about several patterns used to express predictions and plans or future arrangements.
Some words are often used in present continuous tense to express future actions. Please remember them.
Examples for reference:
He is coming back tomorrow.
They are leaving for HK next week.
Present tense to denote future arrangements.
My plane takes off at 8 o’clock.
It is Sunday tomorrow.
I am 20 years old next year.
Will can be used to express one’s will, imitation, requirement, and demand.
Don’t worry, I’ll help you. (will)
Will you come and stay with us? (invitation)
You’ll stay at home doing you lessons. (demand)
Be going to
I’m going to bay a new house next year. (plan)
Look at the dark clouds. It looks as if it is going to rain. (The subject judges something will happen subjectively)
be to do
You are to clean the blackboard. (demand)
The enemy is to be defected. (Something is sure to happen.)
be about to … when (The two actions nearly happen at the same time.)
I was about to leave home when the phone rang.
He was about to swim in the river when his father stopped him.
be due to
His book is due to be published in October. (prediction)
the NMET tests(2)(相关高考题):
----You’ve left the light on. (NMET 2000)
----Oh, so I have. ______and turn it off.
A. I’ll go B. I’ve gone C. I go D. I’m going
----When will you come to see me, Dad? ( 2003, 北京)
----I’ll go to see you when you ______the training course.
A. will have finished B. will finish
C. are finishing D. finish
Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will ______fresh for several days. (NMET 2003)
A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed
Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ______ advertisements showing happy families. (2004, 湖南)
A. will often B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen
The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ______ to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2004, 上海)
A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded
(Keys: A D B A D)
Step 2: Exercises for consolidation
Unless he ______ to help us, we shall lose the game.
A. promises B. will promise C. would promise D. had promised
If a man ______ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.
A. will B. is going to C. is to D. should
I don’t know when he ______ , but when he ______ I’ll speak to him.
A. will come; comes B. comes; comes
C. comes; will come D. will come; will come
There ______ an English evening next Saturday.
A. will have B. is to have C. is going to D. is going to be
5. When you ______ all the things, please let me know.
A. will finish to move B. finish to move
C. will finish moving D. have finished moving
(Keys: A C A DD)
Translate the following into English, using proper future tense.
I’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow.
I’ll study hard to keep up with my classmates.
Are you going to have a discussion about it this afternoon?
He is leaving for London.
The train was about to start when an accident happened.
The children are to learn English next week.
He is due to arrive in five days.
Dark clouds are gathering, it is going to rain.
Step 3: Homework
Read the letter on pave38 and plan a litter of application for the Job offered in the letter. Use the words and phrases we have learnt in this unit.
Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part One: Teaching Design
第一部分: 教学设计
Period 3: self-assessment
Step 1: Listening and speaking in everyday English given in this unit.
1. Speaking (page 34)
Now I’ll divide all the students in our class into two parts. Group A is for the idea that Qin Shi Huang was good for China and Group B is against. Several minutes for you to think and practice with your partners and make notes if necessary. Then let’s have a debate.
Cons (Group B)
Pros (Group A)
1. He is cruel.
2. He killed a lot of scholars.
3. He made a lot of workers make tomb for him.
1. He unified China.
2. He abolished the feudal system.
3. He instituted a series of new policies.
(The winner will be the group who give more reasons)
2. Fill in the blanks on page 35, part 5 and practise the dialogue.
3. Listen to the text once again and pay much attention to your pronunciation.
Step 2: Make multiple choices according to the language points we study in this unity.
Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, ________he studied very hard and was made chairman of the students’ Union. (2005 重庆)
A. during which time B. for which time
C. during whose time D. by that time
The students in our school each ________ an English dictionary.
A. have B. has C. had D. there are
One can’t be too careful, ________?
A. can they B. can’t he
C. can one D. can’t one
This project ________ considered thoroughly, and I’m sure it ________ finished on time.
A. must be; may be B. should be; can be
C. may be; must be D. cam be; should be
Why ________ you live in this small house when you could move into a much larger one?
A. can B. must C. should D. need
--------I think you should take more exercise if you want to keep fit.
-------- ________.
A. That’s Ok B. Thank you for your advice
C. It’s very kind of you to say so D. I don’t think so
--------It’s five years since I worked there.
-------- ________ ?
Have you worked here happily
How long will you work here
Where do you work now
Do you want to work here longer
When will you head ________ Beijing?
A. of B. off C. for D. to
Can you imagine such a sweet girl as her ________ so?
A. do B. to do C. did D. doing
The tsunami came unexpectedly ________ the tourists could leave the coast.
A. after B. which C. when D. before
________ they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them.
A. Why B. Whether C. That D. What
We have received information ________ Grant may have left the country.
A. when B. that C. which D. what
Alice stood in front of window, ________ she could watch her classmates playing football.
A. from there B. where C. from where D. there
When you visit a French family, you may chat for an hour or so, ________ not even a coffee or water is offered.
A. by this time B. by which time
C. during this time D. during which time
I was about to get into the bath _________ the telephone rang.
A. when B. while C. until D. before
If you are ________ about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.
A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious
I got sick and ________ of learning the ________ grammar rules and lifeless words.
A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored
C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring
It was not until 1972 ________ the war came to an end.
A. when B. that C. what D. which
It was the training that he has as a Youngman _________ led to his success.
A. that B. it C. who D. which
-------- ____________ Mr. Barton changed his mind to take part in the movement?
-------- After he listened to the speech by Mr. King.
A. When was that it B. When was it that
C. When was that D. When was it
(Keys: 1-5 A A C B B 6-10 B C C D D 11-15 C B C D A 16-20 D A B A B)
Step 3: Close test
Throughout history has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they ___21___. Yet, all living things still show the ___22___ of aging, which will eventually ___23___ death.
Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity (成熟), the cells of the body and the ___24__ they form do not fun_ction as well as they ___25___ in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less ___26___ against disease and is more ___27___ to have accidents.
A number of related causes may ___28___ aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not ___29___ when they die. As a person ages, __30____ of brain cells and muscle cells decreases, __31___body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the ____32__ cells may not be as workable or as capable ___33__ growth as those of a young person.
Another ___34___ in aging may be changes within the cells _35__. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known ___36___ with age and become less elastic(有弹性的). This is why the skin of old people wrinkles (形成皱纹) and ____37____. This is also the reason why old people ___38___ in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and ____39__ information that the cells need. Aging may affect this __40____ and change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.
A. would B. be used to C. used to D. used
A. fun_ction B. effect C. affect D. sign
A. lead in B. give in C. run into D. result in
A. hands B. feet C. heart D. organs
A. do B. has done C. did D. had done
A. energy B. protection C. vigor D. power
A. likely B. probable C. possible D. alike
A. attend to B. contribute to C. add to D. devote to
A. replaced B. reborn C. recovered D. surrendered
A. a number B. the amount C. the number D. a great deal
A. The others B. The other C. Another D. Other
A. old B. left C. new D. other
A. to B. for C. of D. in
A. factor B. effect C. reason D. element
A. for themselves B. of themselves C. themselves D. on their own
A. change B. to have changed C. to change D. to be changed
A. hangs loose B. hangs loosely C. is hanging loosely D. is hanging loose
A. increase B. shrink C. lengthen D. decrease
A. pass away B. pass off C. pass off D. pass on
A. improvement B. procession C. approach D. process
(Keys: 21-25 C B D D C 26-30 B A B A C 31-35 D C C A C 36-40 C A B D D)
Step 4: Translate the following into English.
Keys: (pay attention to the italics parts)
My grandfather is too old to take care of himself.
Father regards me as his friend, not only his son.
I have not finished my homework, nor has Tom.
Every 1 Each time I was in trouble, he would come to help me out.
Eventually, he tired of trying so hard.
He had struggled to his feet before I could help him.
It’s said that he has gone abroad.
On arriving at the station, he called his mother.
Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part Two: Teaching Resources
第二部分: 教学资源
Section 1: A text structure analysis of An Underground Army
1. Type of writing and summary of the text
Type of writing
This is a piece of descriptive writing
Main idea of the passage.
The terracotta warriors which lies in northwest China’s shaaxi Province was found in 1974. They were made by large number of workers ordered by Chinese the first Emperor—Qin Shi Huang.
Main idea of the 1st paragraph
The position of the terracotta warriors and the writer’s feeling
Main idea of the 2nd paragraph
Brief introduction of the Qin Tomb.
Main idea of the 3rd paragraph
The discovery of the Qin Tomb
2. A box graph of the text
3. A retold version to the text
The terracotta warriors lie in northwest China’s Shaaxi Province, 36 kilometers east of Xi’an. And I am very lucky to be chosen and work there.
Many workers are ordered to construct an underground tomb for Qin Shi Huang who first unified China over 2000 years ago.
In 1974 some peasants were digging a well when one of them dug up the head of a clay warrior. So the underground army were found, which including 7400warriors altogether.
The soldiers in the Tomb are different. They are wearing different uniforms and each has a different facial expression, and there are many different hairstyles and types of caps.
Each part of the warriors are made in different way. The legs were made of solid clay, the other body parts were made separately and were hollow inside. Then the different parts were glued together.
Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part Two: Teaching Resources
第二部分: 教学资源
Section 2: Background information
1. Emperor QinShihuang- The First Emperor in Chinese History
Many important men have crossed the Chinese historical stage during the last 5,000 years. One of the most important was to be known later as Emperor QinShihuang, the first emperor in Chinese history. Born the son of King ZhangXiang, the King of Qin, In the first month of the lunar year in 259 BC, he was first named ZhaoZheng and later his name was changed to YingZheng. YingZheng’s mother was a beautiful concubine of LvBuwei, the merchant who the king had met while he was hostage in the nearby State of Zhao, prior to ascending the throne. In 247 BC, when YingZheng was only 13 years old, his father died and he ascended the throne as the King of Qin. Being too young to handle the affairs of the State, LvBuwei served as his regent and the prime Minster, together with YingZheng's mother, the Queen, administered the State of Qin. At the age of 22,Yingzheng took over the reigns of the government himself. The first decision that he made was to put down a rebellion, which was led by LaoAi, a servant who had become intimate with the Queen. The following year, the young king removed his former regent. LvBuwei and exiled him to SiChuan where he later committed suicide. Having all of his own civil affairs in order. the king began the task of conquering the six other states. Beginning in 230 BC, the King of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei. Finally, in 221 BC, the King of Qin achieved his Victory and unified the Qin Empire. His territory extended from the sea in the south and east, LinTao In the west and finally to Mount Yin and the area of LiaoDong in the north. It was at this time, at the age of 39 that the King of Qin declared himself to be “QinShiHuangDi”, Emperor QinShihuang the first emperor of Qin. Feudal separation that had lasted since the Spring and Autumn Periods had finally come to an end. In order to consolidate his rule, Emperor Qin instituted a series of new policies. Probably his greatest contribution to the practice of government in China was his establishment of the centralized state and abolition of the feudal system. He divided the country into 36 prefectures that were further broken down into counties, townships, “Tings” and “Lis”. He appointed twelve ministers who helped him make decisions on state affairs. By appointing the ministers directly, Emperor Qin had all the powers of the State in his hands.
To further unify the country, Emperor Qin standardized the system of weight and measures, handwriting into small Seal Script and then went on to regulate the width of carriage axles to six feet. All these measures helped to establish a high centralization of politics, economy, military affairs and culture. In a further attempt to control and protect his ideological policies, Emperor Qin destroyed many ancient records and burned Confucian scholars to be killed by the Wei River and another 700 scholars buried alive at the foot of Mount Li.
In order to have the social situation under control, he spent a lot of time reading reports from all parts of the country. He even had the documents weighed (Writings were inscribed on bamboo or wood at that time) every morning and night, and would not rest till a certain weight had passed through his hands.
Ensuring the security of his new empire was a major concern of Emperor Qin. An imperial road network on an unprecedented scale was ordered to build and a highway was opened straight through Capital XianYang to the northern border. He used to have his five tours of inspection on such an imperial route to far-flung corners of his domain. Stone memorial tablets with inscriptions were erected wherever he went for leaving Emperor's merits and virtues, ordering his people to abide by the law of the State of Qin. Undoubtedly the First Emperor's greatest and most impressive achievement in the defensive walls previously built by different states in the Warring States Period. He appointed General MengTian as commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces who had already distinguished himself in subduing the Xiong-nu Tartars in the far north and northwest, with the task of building the wall. Thus came into the Great Wall of China, one of the wonders in the world. A huge labor force was organized to complete this construction. Moreover, Emperor Qin sent his army to guard five mountains in southern part of China and ordered the Lin Canal to construct. All these measures played such an active role in establishing a unified country-Qin State.
2.The Emperor Qin’s Terra-cotta Museum
It was on March 29,1974,when local farmers of XiYang Village, Ling Tong Country, were drilling a series of wells in search of water, pottery fragments and ancient bronze weapons were discovered? accidentally. The head of the village reported the news to the local government at once. The news aroused much attention from both local government and National Cultural Relics Bureau. With government approval, an archaeological team from Shaanxi Province arrived at the site on July 17,1974 and began their explorations and QinShihuang’s Terra-cotta Museum was opened to the public. By the time of the opening ceremony, archaeologists have excavated the area of 2,000 square meters in Pit 1 and some 1,087 terra-cotta warriors and horses were displayed there after restoration. The village which used to be never known by outside, usually quiet, became restless since then. The archaeological wonder discovered here came as a shock to the country as well as to the whole world.Following the discovery of Pit 1, pit 2 and Pit 3 were brought to light in April and May of 1976. Pit 3 was opened in 1989. Pit 2 started to be excavated in March 1994 and was opened in October the same while it was being excavated. Besides three pits, two sets of bronze chariots and horses discovered in the west of Emperor Qin’s Mausoleum in December in 1980 were on display in the museum after restoration.
In the last 20 years,the terra-cotta Museum has developed and become the largest on-site museum in China.The museum staff has increased.More and more valuable cultural relics have been unearthed successively.The archaeological research is fruitful. Pit 1 is a huge arch-domed steel structure, located at the center of the museum with an area of 16,000 square meters. The other two pits were built in Qin and area of 17,934 and 1,694 square meters respectively. The multiple exhibition halls lies to the east of Pit 2, covering a series of exhibits, such as two sets of bronze chariots and horses, the new findings from the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum, the history of the Museum and all kinds of temporary exhibits. These displays systematically depict the history of the Qin Dynasty from 221 BC-206 BC and ca help the views to have a better understanding on the Terra-cotta Warriors and horses. The south of Pit 1 is a circle vision hall. The movie inside lasts 20 minutes and provides vivid materials for telling the story of Emperor Qin and his Terra-cotta Army 2,200 years ago. The halls on the northwest of Pit 3, Which covers 4,282 square meters, are the multiple service halls where the visitors can have meal, do shopping and take a rest.
Emperor Qin’s Terra-cotta Museum is not only a treasure house where the tourists can learn history, culture and human civilization, but also a main scenic spot of Xi'an city. It can receive about 1.5 million tourists annually. Approximately 40 million visitors from home and abroad have visited the Museum within the last 20 years. Today “the eighth Wonder of the world” has almost become synonym of the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses In 1987, the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum was put on the list of the UNESCO as a world-class cultural heritage site. Now the Museum is well-known widely as a huge modern on-site museum and it is going to be one of the best in the world.
Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part Two: Teaching Resources
第二部分: 教学资源
Section 3: Words and expressions
Part 1: Some Key words to learn
send sb away, esp. out of the country, as a punishment.
He was banished from his homeland for life.
Drive (thoughts, etc) out of mind:
She banished all thoughts of a restful holiday from her mind.
n banishment: starter process of being banished
vt. come under the control of one central authority:
Is government becoming too centralized?
n. centralization
vt. build sth; put or fit together ;form; construct a factory
n. constructor: person who constructs things.
vt. formally announce sth; make known clearly: They declared what had been decided.
adj. declared: that sb has openly admitted to be such:
He’s a declared artiest.
n. declaration: formal announcement
vt. write (words, one’s name, etc) on or in sth, esp as a formal or permanent record: inscribe one’s name in a book.
n. inscription: words written on sth, cut in stone or stamped on a coin or medal.
enter (a country or territory ) with armed forces in order to attack, damage or occupy it;
Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army.
enter sth in large numbers, esp. so as to cause damage; crowd into: a city invaded by tourists
n. invader: person or thing that invades
vt. form sth into a single unit or make uniform:
Germany was unified in 1871.
adj. unified: England and Scotland so not have a unified legal system.
n. unification seeking the unification of Christian churches.
Part 2: Some expressions and patterns to learn.
be impressed by:
We were impressed by his courage.
What were you impressed by after visiting the museum?
be made of: / be made from / be made up of
This desk is made of wood.
As we know, steel is made from iron.
A mobile medical team which is made up of ten doctors serves the villagers recently.
dig up:
We dig up the tree by its roots.
protect from …:
This sun hat can protect you from burning by the sun.
The new law protects the young from committing a crim.
set off:
What time are you planning to set off tomorrow?
They set off for Shanghai this morning to attend an important conference.
It’s said that …: It’s said that he got the first place in the running race.
every time: / every moment / each time / each moment (作连词引导时间状语从句)
Every time I see him, he will always give me a deep impression.
Each time ( moment )I come across a new word in reading, I turn to my dictionary.
… before … :
It will be half a year before I come back.
It was not long before he got a good job after leaving school.
on + n. / doing: / as soon as...(一...就...)
On hearing the news, he overcomes with joy to jump.
= As soon as he heard the news, he overcame with joy to jump.
As soon as you get the invitation, call me immediately.
take a break: / have a break / have a rest
We have worked for a long time. Let’s take a break.
Now we stop working, have a tea break.
Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
Part One: Teaching Design
第一部分: 教学设计
Task: Writing a letter
Skills building 1:
The form of a letter
Begin like this: Dear sir. / Madam
Dear Mr.______, Mrs.______, Ms._______.
Explain why you’re writing: I’m writing to ……
End like this: I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes for you.
Sign and write your name: yours, Li Hua
Skills building 2:
If you are writing to a friend or a family member, it is all right to use informal language, contractions and ask personal questions.
If you are writing a formal litter, you must use the correct openings and endings and use formal vocabulary. Make sure you put your address on the top right-hand side, put the address of the person you are writing on the left-hand side.
Some sentences used for opening:
Thank you for your letter of May 20th.
Thank you for telling me about ……
I’m very pleased to hear from you.
I’m very happy to hear that everything goes well with you.
I have the pleasure to hear of your success.
It’s my pleasure to ……
It was good to hear from you and I shall be very pleased to let you have the information you need.
It gives me great pleasure to receive your letter of ……
Word can’t express my delight on hearing from you.
I’m worry I’ve been so slow in answering your letter.
I apologize for not writing to you for a long time.
I must apologize for my delay in answering your letter.
Some sentences used for closing:
Best wishes to you.
Please give my regards to your parents.
Please give my best wishes to ……
Best wishes for your health and every happiness.
With best/king/warmest regards to you and your family.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I’m waiting for your good news.
I hope to receive your early reply.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
A possible version to the task
(A letter to a friend)
Dear Mike,
I was very glad to receive your letter on May 4th. At your request, I’ll tell something about my school life.
In senior 3 at school, I have six subjects: Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and P.E. Now, I’m busy preparing for cottage entrance exams. School hours usually begin at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m. After class, we have sports, such as ball games and so on, or so some reading in the school library. Then I go home. This is my school life.
It’s spring now in Beijing. It’s really very beautiful, welcome to Beijing, Mike.
I’ll appreciate it if you can tell me something about your school life in your next letter. I’m looking forward to it.
With best regards.
Yours truly,
Li Ming