unit 1-unit 4 language points(浙江省温州市龙湾区)


名称 unit 1-unit 4 language points(浙江省温州市龙湾区)
格式 rar
文件大小 14.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(新课程标准)
科目 英语
更新时间 2007-09-20 18:17:00



Unit1 That must be a record
1.set ( up) a record 创记录
beak/beat/cut a record破记录
Keep/hold a record 保持记录
make a record 录制唱片
2. settle an argument about 处理一个争论
3. ever since 从那以后
4. be sent in to sth. 被收入到…
6 set down 写下;停车
7 keep track of 与。。保持联系;
lose track of 失去联系
8 be put into 被放入;被翻译成
9 reach a length of … 长达…
10 with an area of… 面积达…
11 stand out 突出,明显;站出来
12 next to 仅次于;相邻
13 be diagnosed with 被诊断患…
14 in a row 连续不断地/一个接一个
in rows 成排,成行
15 in the first place 开始,起初
16. make for 向…前进/有助于
17. be suitable for 对…合适
18. apply for 申请
apply to 应用…到…
applied science 应用科学
19. a world record holder世界纪录拥有者
e up with 想出;提出
21. as a/the result of/due to因为,由于
as a result 结果
22. win the bid for the28thOlympic Games
23. be fascinated to do 被迷住
24. burst into cheers=burst out cheering
25. head down to /for 前往;驶往
26. sb/sth be familiar to sb …为某人所熟知
sb be familiar with sth/sb 某人熟知…
27. be willing to do sth. 乐于做…
28. center on/upon 以….为中心
29. concentrate on /devote oneself to
Unit 2 Crossing limits
1.take possession of 占领,占有
in possession of 某人占有,拥有
in the possession of 某物/某人被某人占有
2. in the name of sb/sth 以…的名义,代表
by the name of 名叫
3.masses of 大量的
a mass of sand/snow 一堆/团/块
4. be rich/poor in 富含/缺乏
5.do research on / into / 进行调查
6. dig up 挖掘
7. risk one’s life to do sth 冒丧失生命之险做某事
8.be equipped with 用…装备,配备
1.the Silk Road 丝绸之路
2. search for sea routes 搜寻海路
2. form the foundation for mankind’s greatest endeavour 形成人们努力(探索世界)的基础
3.inspire sb to do鼓舞某人做某事
4.long before= long ago 很久以前
before long= soon 不久以后
6. have contacts with 与某人有联系
7. find one’s way over land 找到陆上的路
make one’s way 到…地方去
feel one’s way 摸索前进
fight one’s way 杀出一条路
8.in exchange for 与……交换
9.develop into 发展成…
10.lead to 促进,导致
11.be taken prisoner 被抓
12.make voyages to 航行到…
13. reach out 拓展,伸出
14.date from=date back to 追溯到
15. be ripe for sth. 对…成熟了
16.reach the height of power到达了繁盛时期
17.treasure fleets 宝船队
18. on voyages of exploration 从事探险航行
19. under the command of …在…的领导之下
20.set sail (to / from / for) 起航
21.send a message to sb. 送信
22.open embassies 设立使馆
23.in return(for ) 作为回报
24.a symbolic meaning 象征意义
25.trade with 与…交易
26. made an expedition 进行探险
27. base A on B A以B为基础
Language Study
1. a large sum of money一大笔钱
2.*Three Gorges Dam 三峡大坝
3. bring up 抚养;提出(议题);呕吐
4. in all 总共;总计
5. present sb. with sth. 向某人呈献某物
6. show respect to / have respect for 表示尊敬
7. contribute to 贡献,参与
8. with a population of 有。。。人口
9. pay off one’s debt 还清债务
10. be at one’s busiest 在最繁忙时
Integrating skills
1.at such high altitudes 在如此高的海拔高度
2.be not without risk 不无风险
3.apart from 除……之外
4.adjust to these extreme conditions
5.a couple of days 几天
6.act as guides 充当向导
7.make them ideal companions
8.rely on 依靠 ,信靠
9.be up against 面对,对抗
10.refer to sth/sb as 认为某人某物。。。
11.run out (of) (没有被动形式)=be used up 用尽
12.make technological advances in…
13.make it 做成功,达成
make it to +地点 到达某地
14.succeed in doing 成功做某事
15.in one’s attempt to do 尝试做某事
16.on one’s return一返回
17.be praised as national heroes
Unit 3 The land down under
1 go on one’s trip 去旅行
go for a trip / make a trip / take a trip
2 stay safe 确保安全
3 give sb. some advice on/about 就…方面给某人建议
4. plan a 10-day trip to 制定去…的10日游
5.go bush walking/walkabout/cycling/surfing
6. warn sb. of sth. 提醒某人…
7. be native to 原产与
8. be made up of / consist of 由…组成
9. be surrounded by 被…包围
10. stand for 代表
11.be used to do sth 被用来做。。。
be used to doing sth 习惯做。。
used to do sth 过去常常做。
12.People 当“民族”时,是可数名词
13.fellow Australian 澳大利亚同胞
14.claim sth for sb 声称某物归某人
to do sth 宣称,要求做某事
that 从句
15.make it impossible for sb to do sth 不可能做某事
16.be chosen as 被选为……
17. be harmful to 对……有害
18. as a consequence (of) 作为(……的)结果
19. resemble in … 在…….方面像……
20. take away from sb. 从…拿走;带走
21. have a strong influence on(upon)
22. suffer from 受…煎熬;痛苦
23. transform… into 把……改变成
24. benefit from 受益于
25. change one’s attitude toward(s) 改变对…态度
26. improve one’s living conditions 改善人的生活状况
27. differ from/differ…from… 与……的区别
differ with/from sb
differ over/on /about sth
differ in 在某方面不同
28. get away from … 离开;躲开
29. set foot on 踏上
30.break out 爆发(没有被动形式)
Integrating skills
31. be connected to/with 与…连在一起
32. be separated from 与…分隔
33. lay eggs 生蛋;孵卵
lie lied lied lying 说谎
lie lay lain lying 位于,躺
lay laid laid laying 下蛋,放置
34. feed…on (with) 给(人或物)食物
feed on 以…为主食
35. give birth to 出生
36. keep out (of) 遮挡; 使……在外
37. round up 集合在一起
38. depending on 取决于;视…而定
39. all the year round 终年
40. on an open fire 在篝火上
41. at / on weekends 在周末
42. in a logical order 按逻辑顺序
43. have access to water 接近水;有水喝;
倍数的表达方式:(1) 倍数+as +adj./adv.(原级) +as
(2) 倍数+adj.(比较级) +than
(3) 倍数+n.(比较的尺度大小等名词,如:age, length, width, height) +of
(4) 倍数+that/those of
Unit 4 Green World
1. a bunch of flowers 一束花

1. a branch of medicine 医学的分支
2. make attempts to do sth 尝试做某事
3. classify…into…把…分类成…
group … into /in 把…分类
4. be based on 以…为依据
5. at first sight 第一眼
6. develop a lifelong friendship with sb
7. be born into / of a life of privilege
8. have an appetite for knowledge
9. lead a cosy life 过着舒适的生活
10. appoint sb as…任命某人为…
11. take … on an expedition to…
12. on the three-year voyage 在三年的航海中
13. be calculated to do sth
14. look out for 小心,留意
15. on a large scale 大规模的
16. involve sb in (doing ) sth
17. accumulate a great deal of knowledge
18. experiment with doing sth 试做某事
19. promote sb to sth 提升某人
20. procedure for sth 手续,步骤
21. a group activity 集体活动
22. supply sb with sth / supply sth to sb
provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb
offer sth to sb / offer sb sth
language study
1. put together ( = accumulate) enough money 积累足够的钱
2. living expenses 生活费用
3. open a bank account 开银行帐户
4. have a strong desire for …
5. pass away 去世
6. at one’s own expense
7. as a reward for 作为…的报酬
8. name after 以…命名

Integrating skills
1. in one’s youth 某人年轻时期
2. deserve special attention 值得特别关注
3. pass on from one generation to the next
4. bring …back in view 重新认识
5. adapt to … 适应…
6. be of equal importance 同样重要
7. in detail 详细地