Unit 5 Canada – “The True North” 教案


名称 Unit 5 Canada – “The True North” 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(新课程标准)
科目 英语
更新时间 2010-02-14 00:37:00



Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”
本单元是围绕两位女孩李黛予和刘倩的加拿大之旅展开的, 通过他们的途中见闻向我们展示了加拿大的一些基本概况, 包括它的地理位置、面积、地貌、主要城市、生态环境、风土人情以及该国的多元文化。通过学习本单元,使学生对加拿大有更多的了解;此外,还要学会使用地图,学会方向与位置的表达法以及学习名词性从句中同位语从句的用法。
Warming Up部分提供了一个关于加拿大概况的小测试,目的是激活学生已有的知识,为进入本单元的学习作好准备。
Reading部分以游记的形式,记述了李黛予和刘倩去加拿大看她们的表兄妹的途中见闻, 沿着从西向东的旅游路线向我们介绍了加拿大的面积、地貌、城市、人口、生态环境等。两位女孩在旅途中看到了自然美景及野生动物,文章还提到了加拿大的自然资源,介绍虽然不是详述,但涉及面较宽,使学生对加拿大的美丽、富饶、幅员辽阔、地广人稀等特征有了更深的了解。学生可以通过学习课文,掌握新的词汇句型和游记的写法,提高学生的阅读能力。
Learning about Language部分首先通过构词法的学习扩大学生的词汇量并培养学生的词汇生成能力。使用课文中的词汇和信息编对话和填空,旨在提高学生活用词汇的能力。语法部分是通过从阅读课文中找例句然后采用造句的练习形式教同位语从句。
Using Language部分综合训练听说读写的能力。听与写,听与说的有机结合在一起,使学生进一步了解有关加拿大的知识---居民和语言。阅读部分继续加拿大之旅:从多伦多到蒙特利尔,充分展示了异域文化风情。写作部分要求以报告的形式写旅游见闻,要求学生掌握旅游报告的写作手法。
Summing Up部分要求学生就内容、词汇和结构三个方面进行归纳,对本单元所学知识进行概括和总结。
第一课时 精读课
将 Warming Up 部分与 Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending 部分以及Learning about Language中的Exercise 4 Making up a dialogue放在同一课时教学,设计成一节精读课。
第二课时 泛读课
将Using Language 中的Reading and writing和Workbook 中的Fun reading 设计成一节泛读课。
第三课时 语言学习课
将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful words and expressions(Exercises1-3)及Workbook (WB)中的Using words and expressions 放在一起教学,上一节以语言点学习为主的语言学习课。将Workbook 中的 Reading task阅读文章布置为课外阅读作业。
第四课时 语言学习课
将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures和Workbook 中的Using structures 结合在一起,设计成一节以语法教学为主的语言学习课。
第五课时 语言运用课
将Using Language中的Listening and writing, speaking 以及Workbook 中的Listening task,Speaking task, Talking结合在一起,设计成一节以听和说为主的语言运用课,重点是培养学生的听说技能。
第六课时 语言运用课
将WB 中的 Listening及自设写作题目 “中国简介”设计成一节以听和写为主的语言运用课,培养学生的语言运用能力。
第一课时 精读课
第一步 引入话题 ( Warming Up )
1. The teacher raises the topic --- travel by asking the students some questions:
Do you like to go sightseeing What is the longest trip you have ever taken
What’s the best city in China for sightseeing in your opinion
What country will you want to go for sightseeing if you have enough money
2. Give them a suggestion about where to go by showing some pictures of Canada and make them interested in the places and eager to find out what places they are.
3. Give them the answer by showing the students the maple flag and a map of Canada.
4. Find out what the students have known about Canada by filling the form.
Full country name Canada
Location _______North America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean on the_______, North Pacific Ocean on the_______, and the Arctic Ocean on the_______, the United States on the _____
Total area/ size about 9,984,670 k㎡
Population about 32,270,500(July,2005)
Capital city Ottawa
The leader of the country Prime Minister
Languages English, French,
Climate varies from temperate in south to subarctic and arctic in north
Natural resources forests, fishing, water, wildlife, coal, natural gas…
Geographical features mountains, lakes, rivers, prairie
National animal beaver
Answer key: northern east west north south
第二步: 预测文章的内容 ( Pre-reading )(个人自由发言)
1. Ask the students to give a brief introduction about Canada by looking at the map and then try to use three words to describe the country.
(Such information can be included as location, climate, cities, physical features, natural resources.)
2. What do you expect to see in Canada if you have a chance to take a trip to Canada
3. Look at the title of this unit and ask students to guess why the title is given as Canada---“The True North” and imagine what topics will be talked about in the passage.
4. Ask one or two students to give their opinions.
1.Give students 5 minutes, and ask them to scan or skim for the answers to the following questions:
① What is the main idea of the passage
② Why is the title given as Canada--- “The True North”
③ Which topics in the form in Warming Up are mentioned in the text
Suggested answers:
① The passage is about a trip of two girls, and it tells us some information about Canada.
② Because the two girls took a trip across Canada by taking the cross-Canada train called “The True North”.
③ name, size, natural resources, population,geographical features.
2.Give students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions:
(Before students read the passage, tell them that attention should be paid to the hints of the main places mentioned in the text.)
Answer the questions in complete sentences. (Comprehending 1 on page 35)
① Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast
② What is the continent they are crossing
③ Why do many people want to live in Vancouver
④ What happens at the Calgary Stampede
⑤ Where does wheat grow in Canada
⑥ Look at the map of Canada. Why would ships be able to reach the center of Canada
3. The following sentences are not true. Write sentences with correct information. Tell Your partner where you found them. (Comprehending 2 on page 35)
① The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.
② Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.
③ You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.
④ The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.
⑤ Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.
第四步: 攻克理解重难点 (小组合作学习; 小组竞赛)
1. Ask students to go over the passage and find out their own difficult points in reading. Then discuss in groups of four trying to solve the problems together.
2. The four teams try to find some difficult points of the text and take turns to ask the other teams to solve these problems.
3. The teacher offers help at last if necessary.
4. The teacher can get them to paraphrase some sentences and check their understanding.
1 Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.
2 Most Canadians live within 320 kilometers of the USA border, and in fact, the population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million.
3 That idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.
第五步: 口语训练(采取双人活动进行讨论、复述和编对话)
1. Ask the students to use three words to describe Canada and explain the reason according to what they have read in the text.
Suggested answer: big ; empty; beautiful;
(It is the second biggest country in the world; The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.; The population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million; You will see mountains and pass thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities.)
2. Have the students circle the places mentioned in the text and then draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada on the map on page 33. Retell what they saw and what they heard at those places..
Ask students to exchange their opinions in groups of two and then ask some students to report .
3. Make up a dialogue between Li Daiyu and Liu Qian (Exercise 4 in Learning about Language on page 36 )
The students are encouraged to act out the dialogue in front of the class.
第六步: 作业布置
1. Go over the text, and try to get a better understanding of the text.
2. Underline the useful expressions, especially the phrases in the text.
3. Recite the new words (from multicultural to port )
第二课时 泛读课
1. Have a dictation. The teacher reads some sentences with new words or phrases in them.
1 They were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast.
2 It is the second biggest city, which is surrounded by mountains on the north.
3 After settling down in their seats, they looked out of the windows at the wild scenery.
4 Most Canadians live within 320 kilometres of the USA border.
2. Remind students of what they have learnt in Reading.
第二步 引入话题
Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw lots of beautiful scenery when traveling in Canada. Last night the train that they were taking rushed across the top of Lake Superior. Which is the next city it runs towards
第三步: 预测文章的内容
Look at the title of the passage “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL and predict what the passage is mainly about.
1.Give students 5 minutes, and ask them to scan or skim for the answers to the following questions:
① What is the main idea of the passage
② How many parts is the text divided into and what’s the main idea of each part
Parts Paragraphs Main ideas
Suggested answers:
① The passage is about their trip to Toronto and Montreal and it gives us further information about Canada.
② Part1 (Paragraphs1-5) At noon, they arrived in Toronto and visited many places.
Part2 (Paragraph 6) The next morning they got to Montreal and spent one day there.
Part3 (Paragraphs 7) The trip from Toronto to Montreal ended. At night they left by train.
2.Give students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the questions about the passage.
(Questions on page 39)
① How do we know it is fall in Canada
② Which direction is the train going from Toronto
③ Why did the girls go to Old Montreal
④ What three things show us that Montreal is a French city
3. Fill in the blanks.
They went on a _______ of _______, the most _______ and ______ city in Canada. They went up the tall _______ and saw the misty cloud that rose from _________. And then they visited ________ and had dinner in _______, where they could get good Cantonese food. The next morning they arrived in _______, a city which has a _______ culture.
Suggested answers: tour, Toronto, wealthy, biggest, CN Tower, the great Niagara Falls, the covered stadium, downtown Chinatown, Montreal, French
第五步: 攻克理解重难点 (小组合作学习)
1. Ask students to go over the passage and find out their own difficult points in reading. Then discuss in groups of four trying to solve the problems together.
1. The teacher offers help at last if necessary.
2. The teacher can give them some sentences to paraphrase and check their understanding.
1 They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of Toronto.
2 In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose form the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.
第六步: 角色扮演 听说训练(双人活动)
1. Ask the students to finish the reports in pairs. One is to deal with Li Daiyu’s Report which is about what they saw in Canada, while the other is to do with Liu Qian’s Report related to what they heard in Canada.
2. The two students exchange the information in the form of asking and answering questions. The listener writes down what he or she is told.
The students are encouraged to act out the dialogue in front of the class.
把Page 39的Writing 改为双人的听说训练。一个学生负责完成Li Daiyu’s Report,写出在加拿大的所见,另一个完成Liu Qian’s Report,写出所闻。然后采取问答式,将对方告知的信息写下来。
第七步: 诗歌欣赏
1. It is a poem of love for the natural world which the native people of Canada live in. Read the poem on page 75 on their own and then follow the tape trying to imitate it and appreciate it. Pay attention to the rhythm.
2. Are there some things in your life that make your “heart soar” (Share your experiences with your partner.)
Guess the meanings of the new words from the context if necessary.
fragrance : n. sweet or pleasing smell.
faintness : n. being weak and not clear.
summit : n. highest point, top.
salmon: n. large fish, valued for food.
soar : v. fly or go up high in the air.
第八步: 作业布置
1. Go over the text, and underline the useful words and expressions.
2. Recite the new words (from figure to broad).
3. Finish Exercise 1 in Using words and expressions on page 70.
第三课时 语言学习课(1)语言点
1. Have a dictation. The teacher reads some sentences with new words in them
1 In the distance, they could see the broad river.
2 They went on a tour of Beijing, a wealthy city in China.
3 He went downtown to buy what he wanted.
4 The water was seen flowing into the sea.
2. Check the homework: Exercise 1 in Using Words and Expressions on page 70.
Answer key: 1.airplane 2. border 3. downtown 4. continent 5. cowboy 6. Dawn 7. frost 8. minister 9. goat 10. official 11. maple 12. speed 13. surrounds 14. wealthy
第二步: 词汇复习
Finish Exercise 2 in Learning about Language on page 36 as quickly as possible.
After finishing it, discuss in pairs and then check the answers with class.
Answer key:
Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text
to a great degree extremely
have a natural ability for have a gift for
stop talking or doing something in an excited way settle down
the area where the land meets the sea coast
to be all around someone or something surround
a place where water is calm and ship can be safe harbor
think about a problem until you find the answer figure out
town with a harbor port
inside a certain area within
第三步: 语言点(1) 构词
1. Ask students to observe the words with the explanations in the form and then draw a conclusion..
2. Fill in the form according to the information given to you.
words meanings words meanings
multi-colored made of many colors forward(s) to the front
multi-channel having many channels eastward(s) to the east
multi-form existing in many forms inward(s) to the inside
multi-national including many nations towards in a direction to
① having many stories ⑥ to the back
multi-media ② ⑦ to the outside
③ made of many tracks northwards ⑧
④ ⑤ ⑨ ⑩
Suggested answers:
① multi-story ② using many media ③ multi-track ④ multifunction ⑤ having many functions ⑥backwards ⑦ outwards ⑧ to the north ⑨ westward(s) ⑩ to the west
Sum up: You can put the prefix multi- in front of many words to give them the meaning of “many”. The suffix -ward(s) has the meaning of “in a direction”.
(Instruct the students to read LEARNING TIP on page 40.)
第四步: 语言点(2) 词组归纳(介词副词填空)
⑴ ______ the distance
⑵ ______ far as
⑶ go ______
⑷ go ______ the province
⑸ be (go) ______ a trip to
⑹ ______ dawn
⑺ ______ the south side of the lake
⑻ ______ the airport
⑼ leave ______
⑽ ______ the harbor
⑾ ______ size
⑿ look ______ ______ the window ______ the wild scenery
Suggested answers:
⑴ in ⑵ as ⑶ downtown/ eastward ⑷ through ⑸ on
⑹ at ⑺ on ⑻ at ⑼ for ⑽ in ⑾ in ⑿ out ;of; at
Read the sentences and then sum up the usage of each phrase.
第五步: 语言点(3) rather than
Simon would beg in the street rather than get money in such a dishonest way.
I’ll have a lemonade rather than a coke.
He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper.
Sum up: rather than +n. / do / doing 与其(某人/某物);不愿;不要
第六步: 语言点(4) as far as
Sarah has read as far as the fourth volume.
I walked as far as the foot of the mountain.
As far as I can remember, they were all poets.
Sum up: 直到所提到之处为止/ 据…
第七步: 语言点(5) not… until
The noise didn’t stop until midnight.
The children won’t come back until it is dark.
Not until it is dark will the children come back.
Sum up: 直到…才,常与表瞬间动词连用;not until 放句首,主句部分倒装。
第八步: 语言运用练习(1)
1. Let students do Ex 3 in Learning about Language on page36; Question the students the meanings of those new words before doing it and check the answers together at last.
Complete the sentences with the given words and expressions: figure out; within; a gift for; surrounded; harbor; border; settled down; extremely; as far as; tour; downtown; slightly
Answer key:
①figure out ②harbor ③within ④border
⑤a gift ⑥settled down ⑦surrounded ⑧extremely
第九步: 语言运用练习(2)
1. Let students do Ex 2 in Using words and expressions on page 70.
2. Ask some students to write down their sentences on the blackboard.
3. Check the answers with the students. Different ways of translation are encouraged.
第十步: 语言运用练习(3)(采用游戏和竞赛形式进行小组活动)
Have the students do Ex 3 in Using words and expressions on page 71 in groups of four. Make sentences with the given expressions and then join the sentences to form a story or make up a new story. Finally the best story will win a prize.
第十一步: 自我反思与归纳 (SUMMING UP)
1. Write down what you have learned about Canada.
2. From this unit you have also learned
Useful verbs:
Useful nouns:
Useful adjectives and adverbs:
Other expressions:
1. Review the attributive clause, noun clauses by referring to Grammar on pages 94-95.
2. Read IQALUIT--- THE FROZEN TOWN on page 73 and fill in the chart on page 74.
3. 小组合作--- discuss in groups of four, make a chart and prepare a speech on the comparisons between the Chinese city and Iqaluit. (PROJECT on page 75)
第四课时 语言学习课(2) 语法----同位语从句
1. Check the homework: Reading task in Workbook on page 74 by showing the students the answer key
and making them know how well they did.
Encourage the students to help each other to find information that they may have missed on the previous reading if needed.
Suggested answer:
Points in the passage What Beth thought Information in the passage
The temperature Cold, but not too cold Very cold, -35degrees average in winter
How to travel By dogsled By snowmobile
Holidays Too cold for holidays Tourists like ice fishing and photographing polar bears
How people live In ice houses In warm houses
What the Inuit do Hunt animals Have businesses
Daylight hours Light in daytime Dark in winter day; light in summer night
2. Let some groups give a speech on the comparisons between the Chinese city and Iqaluit and share their views with others.
第二步: 语言学习--- 同位语从句
1. Ask students to do Exercise 1 in Discovering useful structures on page 37.
2. Finish Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures on page 37
3. Observe the sentences in the exercises and then draw a conclusion..
Sum up: 同位语从句一般跟在某些名词(如fact, idea, news, promise等)的后面,用以说明或解释前面的名词,引导同位语的连词常用that。
第三步: 语言运用练习(1)
Let students do Ex 1 in Using structures on page 71.
When finishing it, discuss with the partner and then check with the class.
第四步: 语言运用练习(2)
1. Have students do Ex 2 in Using structures on page 71.
2. Ask two students to write down their emails on the blackboard and then encourage the others to make some changes in their work if necessary.
3. Exchange the work in groups of four, help each other to correct the mistakes and meanwhile try to appreciate the good sentences written by others.
4. Choose the best one in each group and read it out in class.
第五步: 语言运用练习(3)(通过开放性的题目,以竞赛形式进行小组活动,巩固同位语从句。)
1. Translate the sentences with the appositive clauses.
① 毫无疑问他宁愿睡觉也不愿意去市中心逛街。
② 这么小的孩子居然解出了这道题,这个事实使我们很惊讶。
3 她留下口信她已经在加拿大定居。
2 Give them 5 minutes to make up as many appositive clauses as possible.
第六步: 语言运用练习(4)(通过开放性的题目,以竞赛形式进行小组活动,复习名词性从句。)
Fill in the blanks with noun clauses.
⑴ ______________________ makes no difference.
⑵ Do you know _____________________.
⑶ My question is ______________________.
⑷ The fact _____________________ is clear.
⑸ Next comes the question _____________________.
Suggested answers:
① There is no doubt that he would sleep rather than go shopping downtown.
② The fact that such a little boy had figured out the problem surprised us.
4 She left a message that she had settled down in Canada.
⑴ Who will be elected headmaster makes no difference.
⑵ Do you know how they crossed the whole continent
⑶ My question is whether she will go on a tour of Guangzhou.
⑷ The fact that women can work as well as men is clear.
⑸ Next comes the question what you want to put in the box.
第七步: 自我反思与小组归纳
1. Compare the two sentences and find the differences between the attributive clause and the appositive clause.
The news that they won the match is true.
The news that they told me yesterday is true.
Sum up: ①定语从句对先行词起修饰限制作用;同位语从句具体说明它前面的名词内容。
② that在定语从句中担任句子成分; that在同位语从句中不担任句子成分,不可省。
1. Review the attributive clause, noun clauses.
2. 小组合作 --- Writing task on page 74.
Look at a map of China, discuss in groups of six and then make a decision which route you will take, from south to north or from east to west and finally find the interesting places in your route. Every one is responsible for making a plan for one or two days.
第五课时 语言运用课(1)听说训练
第一步: 作业检查:
Ask one or two groups to talk about their plans for a trip in China.
第二步: 听力训练1 Listening P37 ( 双人活动 )
1. 问题引入:What may a culture of a country include
Why do we say Canada is a multicultural country
2. Ask them to read the sentences fast to find out the listening point before they listen to the tape.
3. Listen to the tape to get the general idea.
4. Play the tape and let students fill in the blanks. The teacher can pause when necessary.
5. Have the students exchange the information in pairs.
6. Let students have the correct answers.
7. Play the tape again if needed.
第三步 讨论 Speaking P38 ( 小组活动 )
Discuss the following questions with the partners.
1. Which official language in Canada do you think most people speak Why do you think so
2. Why do you think the Chinese language is growing so fast in Canada
3. It is not easy to know what a Canadian is, is it Why
第四步: 听力训练2 Listening Task P72 ( 双人活动 )
1. 预测内容:Look at the form and find out the listening points .
2. Listen to the introduction to Oscar Peterson only once and fill in the blanks separately.
One student writes down the answers to “about hometown”, “about job” and “about plays with”; the other writes down the answers to “kind of music , “about number of recordings and CDs” and about “plays with”.
3. Exchange the answers in groups.
4. Let students have the correct answers.
5. Listen to the tape again.
其余两个表格也以相同方法操作:分解表格内容 分任务完成
第五步: 角色扮演 Talking P69 (双人活动)
1. Give students the following situation:
Suppose you want to take a trip to a distant place in China, ask your partner where it is and how to get there.
2. Show them a map of China to make it easier for them to find a place to go to.
3. Make up a conversation in pairs using some questions and useful expressions of Direction and Position listed on page 70.
4. Exchange the roles to make sure both of them have chances to ask and answer.
5. Share the conversation with the class.
第六步: 作业布置: 自我反思与小组合作
1. Finish Checking Yourself on page 75.
把Checking Yourself 中的第2个问题“Can you tell some differences between China and Canada What are they ” 转换为小组合作填表格,使之条理化,也为写作服务。
Items Same as China Different from China
Natural resources
第六课时 语言运用课(2) 听力与写作训练
1. Ask some groups to tell what ideas they put in the form.
Suggested answer:
Items Same as China Different from China
Size Large land Six time areas
Weather Weather is different from area to area, long and hard winter in the north No places as hot as south China
Language Different people speak different languages Canada has two official languages, smaller population
Natural resources Much coal, oil, gas and other resources Much fresh water, a lot of forests
rivers Many rivers and lakes World famous rivers and lakes
第二步: 听力获取信息: Listening P69
建议把这部分的练习适当取舍, 并增加填空练习, 为写作做好句型的积累和铺垫。
1. Ask students to listen to the whole listening material and then deal with True or False
① China covers 5,500 kilometers from north to south.
② The Gobi Desert is like the grasslands in Canada.
③ China has long rivers and many lakes as well as busy port cities on the Pacific Ocean.
④ China has the second longest river in the world。
2. Listen to paragraphs2-3 again and complete the sentences according to what you hear.
China is a large country, ______ many provinces and regions. It is about 9,561,000 square kilometers______, and 5,000 kilometers ______ east to west. China ______ mountains and highlands in the west ______ many rivers have their sources.
Answer key: 1. T; F; T; F; 2. with; in area; from; has; where
第三步: 写作训练 :
假如你是王力,你的加拿大笔友Jack来信要你谈谈中国的基本情况, 请你根据图表所提供的信息写一封回信。
国别 地理位置 面积 人口 气候 民族和语言 自然资源
中华人民共和国 亚洲东部 960万平方公里;东西五千公里 13亿 各地不同 56个,不同民族语言不同 许多大江湖泊,煤,石油
One Possible Version:
Dear Jack,
I’m glad to hear from you. You wanted to know something about China in your letter and now I’m writing to tell you.
The full name of my country is the People’s Republic of China, which lies in the east of Asia. It is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in area, and 5,000 kilometers from east to west. It is so large a country that the weather is different from area to area.
China has the largest population in the world with 1.3billion. There are 56 nationalities all together and they all have their own languages. Like Canada, China also has many great rivers and lakes and it is rich in coal, natural gas, oil.
Would you please tell me something about the nationalities in your country next time
I’ m looking forward to your letter.
Wang Li
第四步: 作业布置
Get some pictures and information about Canada on the internet to know more about it.
1. 每节课所设定的教学目标是有所侧重的,如:在最后一节听力和写作为主的语言运用课中,听力内容的选取和题目的设计都是为写作服务的,它只是写作前的“热身”活动,所以不应花太多时间,以免喧宾夺主。
2. 鉴于每单元都有大量的新单词,单靠堂上是无法消化的,因此对单词的学习可以采取分期分批分重点学习和反复再现的方式以达到记忆和巩固的目的。为了顺利完成阅读与语言点的学习,把单词分2-3次,并分为重点、次重点和非重点三批要求学生分步自学完成。
3. 为了使双人活动及小组活动更有效,任务设计要符合学生的实际水平,难易要适中。最好能提供一些必要的依据及材料,让学生有的放矢。而且要给与足够的时间以保证活动的质量。
4. 每节课的设计都应包含语言运用的环节,即使是语言点和语法教学为主的课型。
5. 作业的布置应该是明确的和细化的,因为它直接关系到学生学习的效果以及次日的教学内容的顺利进行。
6. 充分发挥学生的主体作用,鼓励他们在网上获取所需知识。
The life of Dawn Fraser
time events
in 1937 56
57 She was stopped from swimming for a year and a half.
58 She won the gold medal in the 100 meters free-style for the first time at the Olympic Games.
in 1960 59
60 The world record which is less than one minute for the women100 meters free-style was set.
假定你是李文,你班的同学决定在本周六(9月8日)下午6点30分在张梅家(光明路25号)聚会。 现由你用英语写一封便函给你们的大学同学Sam, 邀请他参加聚会,告诉他聚会的时间并按下图所画路线告诉Sam怎样去张梅家。
No.3 Bus
Guangming Road