制作者:赵定翠 朱云棋 张文娟 林秀敏
Unit3 A taste of English humour 教案示例
1、 教学内容分析
本单元的中心话题是“感受英语幽默”。“幽默”一词一般有两层含义:一是指使某事物可笑或喜剧性的因素,二是指看出、欣赏或表达有趣的喜剧性事物的能力(the ability to understand and enjoy what is funny and makes people laugh)。“幽默”也可表示一种艺术手法,以轻松戏谑但又含有深刻意义的笑为其审美特征,表现为意识对审美对象所采取的内庄外谐的态度(the quality of causing amusement)。幽默的载体可以是以语言文字为主要表现形式的作品,也可以是视觉造型艺术或听觉艺术,或者是综合性艺术。幽默出现在不同的艺术载体中,其表现技巧各不相同。同样,不同地域和不同国家对幽默的理解、表现幽默的形式也不尽相同,但其实质却是一样:把缺陷和完美、荒唐和合理、愚笨和机敏等两极对立的属性不动声色地融为一体,在这种对立统一中,见其深刻的意义或自嘲的风貌。教学该单元时要让学生们认识到,因为中外文化的差异,人们对幽默的理解不同,表现“幽默”的方式也会
“热身”(Warming Up)和“读前”(Pre-reading)部分以问题和表格的形式启发学生去了解幽默,帮助学生理解“幽默”的内涵,并引导学生归纳其不同的幽默形式,对“幽默”的本质开展讨论。教师可在课前让学生自己去寻求答案,针对学生并不熟悉的幽默表现形式,教师也可在课上展示相关的资料片段,让学生有一定的感性认识。
“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分主要是通过各种练习让学生进行探究式的学习,自主领悟并归纳动词-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法,另外还涉及到本单元的词汇。
“语言运用”(Using Language)部分通过读、听、说、写,让同学对英语幽默的种种形式有进一步的了解,并学着讲和写英语幽默故事。
“小结”(Summing Up)部分让学生从话题、词汇和结构三个方面对本单元内容进行归纳总结。词汇部分的小结可以着重动词、名词、形容词和副词等。
“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分建议学生根据哪些标准选择合适的短篇小说,经常开展阅读,一方面可以培养语感,另一方面则可扩大英语词汇量。
(一)热身教学 几乎所有人都知道幽默,并且都喜欢享受幽默给人带来的乐趣,但几乎没有人会认真地思考过,幽默的形式是否一样。本单元在热身阶段就提出问题:幽默的形式究竟有哪几种;学生对于幽默又了解多少。因此,教师可于课前放一段Charlie Chaplin主演的影片片段,让学生通过观看影片,享受幽默带来的乐趣,并告诉学生这是一种幽默的形式。然后出示热身部分的图表,让学生进行思考和讨论,然后在他们对英语幽默有了一定了解的基础上,谈谈中国的幽默形式,同时让学生从中了解到中西文化的异同点。例如:
English humour Chinese humour
non-verbal pantomime(哑剧)(刘全和、刘全利)
mime and farce funny plays(陈佩斯、陈强、严顺开等)
verbal cross talk(马季、姜昆等)
jokes jokes
funny poems doggerel(打油诗)
中国幽默特有的形式:monodrama(独角戏)、cross talk(相声)、小品、双簧等。
(二)阅读教学 本文讲述的是以著名喜剧大师卓别林为代表的非言语的幽默。由于阅读前学生对幽默的各种形式有了一定的了解,在此基础上,教师可引导学生对文章进行整体理解。同时引发他们思考这样一个问题:本文讲述的是怎样一种幽默?这样可以使学生通过对文字、内容的体验、感悟和理解幽默的内涵,以达到强化学生语言意识。在学生了解文章大意之后,教师应充分利用课后练习(Note-making和词汇练习),尽量挖掘学生的学习潜能,让学生学会自主学习,自己解决在理解文章时遇到的困难及问题。例如:通过讨论、发现和猜测文中生词的意思。练习二中的第二题,学生通过细读课文,了解到卓别林所扮演的角色总是有决心、有勇气克服任何困难,从而猜出determination一词的含义。做这样的练习时,教师要给学生提供充分的思维时间和广阔的思维空间,指导学生通过对上下文,尤其是生词所处句子的理解,猜出生词的含义,使学生的学习潜能得以最大限度地发挥。
在学生对本文有了较全面而深人地理解后,教师适时引入其它的幽默形式。如:English jokes, funny stories等。让学生通过体验感悟,讲出每段对话或故事的幽默所在。不同的人对幽默的体验是不同的,教师应鼓励学生充分发挥主观能动性,提出自己的观点。除了书上提供的幽默外,教师可以指导学生上网查寻更多的幽默故事,让学生个体通过理解、体验感悟幽默的乐趣,再与其他同学分享这些幽默故事。
(三)词汇教学 教学本单元的一些单词和短语时,应针对学生的不同需要、不同层次、不同情况给予不同的指导和训练。教师可通过提问,适当培养学生根据语篇、语境猜词的能力。例如:Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin…?可先问学生,“如有人随意乱丢香蕉皮,可能会有什么后果?”自然会有学生猜到,若有人不留心踩上就会滑倒。由此,学生可猜出slide一词的含义。再如:He became famous for using a particular form of acting,…教师可先问学生,“卓别林的表演风格是怎样的?”;“是否他的穿着、拐杖、甚至他的走路姿势都与众不同?”由此,学生可猜出particular词的含义。同时,教师还可通过课后练习,训练学生根据词的解释到原文中找出相应的词。这样,既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,有可以培养学生的语言意识,积累语言经验,形成语感。
(四)语法教学 本单元的主要语法项目是动词-ing形式作定语、表语和宾语补足语的用法,同时还复习了动词-ing形式的其它用法。这是高中阶段较难的语法项目之一。教师在教授动词-ing形式作定语时,一定要善于引导学生了解定语的含义,例如:
1) A walking stick is a stick for walking.
2) A running car is a car that is running.
教师应该告诉学生动词-ing形式作前置定语时,既可以表示被修饰者的作用或功能也可以表示被修饰者的动作或状态。至于动词-ing形式作主语、表语、宾补等,则应让学生通过大量的练习巩固他们对这些用法的了解。如条件允许,教师应适当补充更多的练习或设置情境,让学生通过活动来习得这一语法项目。例如:给学生设置如下情境Last Sunday morning, your friend, Tommy,and you came to the park,…让学生经过充分地讨论和想象,用动词-ing形式的各种用法编一段合理的故事。这样,既为学生运用语言提供了素材,又突破了语言的层面,培养了学生的创新意识和思维能力,可谓是一举两得。
(五)听 本单元学生用书中的听力材料也是一则幽默故事。这则故事给我们带来的不仅仅是乐趣,同时也使我们轻松地学到了不为人们所熟知的生活常识。教师在处理这篇听力材料前,可先向学生提出一个与材料相关的问题,例如:Do you know what wine is made from 然后告诉学生,我们今天将要听一则无意酿酒的故事。让学生猜猜,用什么酿的?怎么酿出来的?让学生带着这些问题去听,既激发学生的兴趣,又提高了听的效率。
(六)说 学生经过阅读、讨论、听等环节的大量语言输人,语言的输出已不再困难。这时应引导学生将自己所知道的幽默故事经过整理,以两人一组或四人一组的形式互相讲述,再让合作者转述;或请部分学生上台向大家讲述自己所熟悉的幽默故事,让其他同学谈谈故事的幽默所在。总之,教师只要使用合适的方法,让学生有话可说,调动学生的积极性,就一定能提高学生说的能力。
(七)写 本单元着重指导学生如何编写故事。如:可以在写作中适当运用一些像first,then, next等的连接词。再如,可充分发挥集体的智慧,先由每个小组选择一个合适的话题,然后每个成员分别寻找有趣的细节,各自写成短文,再回到小组进行交流,相互间指出不足,提出有益的建议。最后可将一些好的、有意义的故事汇编成册。这样,既让学生在合作中取长补短,也让学生体会到成功的喜悦。
Teaching Plan for Unit 3
A Taste of English Humor
Talk about different types of humor;a taste of English humorLearn how to express one’s emotionsLearn the –ing form as the Predicative, Attributive and Object ComplementLearn to write humorous stories
话题 Different types of humor; a taste of English humor
词汇 四会词汇: slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular, entertain, entertaining, throughout,homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, boil, fortunate, snowstorm, chew, bottom, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing, pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense词组:be content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in, knock into
功能 情感 ( Emotion )I enjoy this very much because… It surprises me that…I laugh at that kind of thing because… I felt happy because…This is fun because… I’m pleased we were both amused at…How wonderful / surprising It’s amusing that…
语法 动词的-ing 形式作表语,定语和宾语补足语的用法Their job is “panning for gold”. That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin
1st Period Warming-up& Reading
2nd Period Using language ,listening ,speaking & writing
3rd Period Learning about language
4th Period Language points
5th Period Summary
The First Period Warming- up & Reading
Teaching aims: Enable students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor.
Key points: Help students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.
Difficult points: Help students know the differences between English and Chinese in humor.
Teaching aids: pictures
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Lead-in
Show some pictures to students, let them talk about the pictures and then ask them what they think of the pictures, whether they are funny or not.
Questions: 1) Do you know who these comedians are What makes them funny
2) Do you know other comedians who are funny in the same way
3) Have you seen any of these comedians or programmers What do you think of them
Step 2: Warming up
Task 1 Brain-storming
Ask students to name some types of humors they know. Write those they are not familiar with on the blackboard, then show some pictures and summarize.
Type of humor Example of English humor Chinese humor
Nonverbal Charlie Chaplin Pantomimes(哑剧)刘全和,刘全利
Mime and farce Mr. Bean Funny plays 陈佩斯,赵本山
Verbal jokes Play on words, usually Cross talk 马季, 姜昆
Funny stories Two lines Jokes
Funny poems Edward Lear Doggerel(打油诗)
Task 2 Talking
Ask students to talk about some funny stories in English or in Chinese .
Step 3 Reading
Teaching aims: Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor.
Key points: Help students divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.
Difficult points: Divide the paragraphs and give the main ideas.
Teaching aids: A recorder and a projector
Teaching procedure:
Task 1 Acting out
Ask students to present their jokes in class.
Task 2 Pre-reading
Give students some time to discuss. The purpose is to help students know that different people have different taste about humor. It is difficult to say which one is better or which one is worse.
Questions: (1) What do you like to laugh at
(2 ) What does humor mean Is humor always kind
Telling the truth —Why do you like to laugh at
I like to laugh at cartoons, for they’re lovely and fun.
(T: I like to laugh at fairy tales. They are amusing and interesting. There is a funny story said that : Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interest in his army, nor did he care to go to the theatre, or to drive about in his state coach, unless it was to display his new clothes. He had different robes for every single hour of the day.)
Task 3 Reading
The purpose of this reading is to introduce nonverbal humor. This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us what nonverbal humor means; what is Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.
1. Divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.
Part One: the first and the second paragraph
Part Two: the third and the fourth paragraph
Part Three: the last paragraph
2. Give the main idea of each part
The main idea of Part One: It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad, while the other can inspire people.
The main idea of Part Two: It tells us something about Charlie Chaplin’s acting style and how Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining.
The main idea of Part Three: it gives us a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.
3. Read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
Collocations from NONVERBAL HUMOUR
Slide on…, bump into…, round a corner, fall down…, in the road, see other people’s bad luck, at times, feel content with…, be worse off, astonish… with…, inspire…in sb., play a character, be born in poverty, become famous, use a particular form of acting, mime and farce, entertaining, silent movie, a charming character, be well known throughout the world, play a poor and homeless person, wear large trousers, carry a walking stick, a social failure, be loved by…, overcome difficulties, be unkind to …, make…entertaining, a sad situation, a boiled shoe, make… funny, use nonverbal humour, in the middle of the nineteenth century, discover gold, in search of…, rush there, pan for gold, wash… from…, in a pan of water, pick up…, be fortunate enough, be caught on the edge of…, in a snowstorm, in a small wooden house, have nothing to eat, boil a pair of leather shoes, sit down at a table, a drinking cup, pick out…, cut off…, treat… as if…, eat every mouthful with enjoyment, direct a movie, give… a special Oscar, one’s lifetime outstanding work, live one’s life in…,
4 .Read and transfer information
Read the text again to complete the table.
What is nonverbal humour
Who is Charlie Chaplin
How does he make a sad situation entertaining
What is the story of The Gold Rush
Facts about Oscar
A brief life history of Charlie Chaplin
5.Read and understand difficult sentences
As you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentences are difficult to understand. Now put your questions concerning the difficult points to the teacher.
6.Close down
1) Closing down by doing exercises
To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1and 2 on pages 18 and 19.
2) Closing down by watching a silent movie by Charlie Chaplin
Do you like watching movies Do you like humourous movies Now let’s watch a silent humourous movie by Charlie Chaplin. It’s Charlie Chaplin's first film: Making a LivingClosing down by reading about Charlie Chaplin
7. To end the period we shall read an article about Charlie Chaplin. Now look at the screen and read it aloud with me.
Charlie Chaplin (April 16, 1889 - December 25, 1977)Charlie Chaplin, who brought laughter to millions worldwide as the silent "Little Tramp" clown, had the type of deprived childhood that one would expect to find in a Dickens novel. Born in East Street, Walworth, London on 16 April, 1889, Charles Spencer Chaplin was the son of a music hall singer and his wife. Charlie Chaplin's parents divorced early in his life, with his father providing little to no support, either financial or otherwise, leaving his mother to support them as best she could. Chaplin's mother Hannah was the brightest spot in Charlie's childhood; formerly an actor on stage, she had lost her ability to perform, and managed to earn a subsistence living for herself, Charlie, and Charlie's older half-brother Sidney by sewing. She was an integral part of Charlie's young life, and he credited her with much of his success. Sadly, she slowly succumbed to mental illness, and by the time that Charlie was 7 years old, she was confined to an asylum; Charlie and Sidney were relegated to a workhouse (a government facility for orphaned and abandoned children) -- not for the last time. After 2 months, she was released, and the family was happily reunited, for a time. In later years, she was readmitted for an 8-month stretch later, during which time Charlie lived with his alcoholic father and stepmother, in a strained environment.
Step4 Discussion
Let students have a discussion about the text, then answer some questions.
Questions: (1) (1) What’s the author’s attitude to Charlie Charplin (D)
A. positive B. negative
C. serious D appreciative
The writer mentioned that Charplin’s character “little tramp” is charming and lovable, and he
won an Oscar for a lifetime of outstanding work, which proves that the writer likes Charplin and
appreciates his work.
(2)What should we learn from Charlie Chaplin
(3)What should we do to get success
Step 5 Practice
Finish the exercises on page 18, 19, it is a good time to consolidate the whole content of the text and the useful words and expressions from the text. It is easy for most students to finish. So leave students several minutes to finish and check the answers by showing them on the screen.
Step 6 Homework
Preview grammar by finishing Exercises 3, 4 on page 20, all the exercises on page 21.
The Second Period Using language ,listening , speaking &wring
Step 1 Using language
Task1 Reading on P22
The purpose of the reading is to introduce the kind of verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation. Then check the answer. After that, teachers can show some other jokes on the screen.
Joke 1:Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.Doctor: When did this happen Patient: When did what happen
Joke 2:Garcia: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone.Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank God.Garcia: Then I will pay the fees to God.
Task 2 Reading
1. How did Watson answer Holmes’ question
--I think of how short life is and how long the universe lasted.
--I think of how small I am and how vast the sky is.
--I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds.
2. What happened actually
Someone has stolen their tent.
Step 2 Listening
Teaching aims: Enable students to understand the humor in the listening material.
Key points: Train the students to get the key wards by reading the questions before listening.
Difficult points: Get the main idea from the listening materials while listening.
Teaching aids: A recorder
Teaching procedure:
1. Listening ( page 23 )
This is a funny story. Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan. Five days later, her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken. Later Mary came home and found all of her chickens were behaving strangely. What had happened Give students two chances to listen to the story. First, go through Exercise1 and 2 to know what are the things they will do while listening. After that teacher plays the tape for them to finish Exercise 1. The second listening is to check the answers. For Exercise 2, teacher should leave some time for students to discuss the question.
Questions: (1) Did you find this story funny Give the reason.
(2 ) What do you think of John’s behavior
2. Listening ( page 55 )
This is a story about a thief and a man. The situation is very interesting. Before listening, ask students what they would do if they find a thief in their home one day; whether they will be afraid of the thief and so on.
There are three steps for this listening. At first let students read the questions to make sure that they know what they should do in this listening. Next, play the tape for the first time to let students finish Exercise 1. Then play the tape again and let the students finish the questions in Exercise 2. After that, let the students check their answers with each other. At last, listen to the tape again, teacher can make a pause where there is an question to the question, in this way students can check all the answers.
3. Listening ( page 58 )
There are four exercises in this listening. The first one requests students to get the general idea of the material. The second one is to ask the students to know some details of the material. The third one is a question that asks the students to speculate the teacher’s feeling. And the last one is a good exercise, it gives the students another chance to practice their oral English.
Step 3 Talking
Task 1 Show students some pictures. Ask them to describe the pictures and explain what is happening, whether it is funny or not.
Task 2 Imagine you want to play a trick on someone, maybe an April Fool’s trick. Work with partners, think up a funny thing and share it with the class.
Task 3 Speaking and writing task
This is a chance for students to learn limericks. It has only five lines. Three of them are longer than the other two. The longer lines all rhyme with each other and the shorter ones rhyme with each other. When introducing the poems, teacher read them first, and let the students enjoy the beauty of the rhyme. And at the same time point out that there must be two sets of rhyming words in the same poem, so the students can grasp the main feature of the poem.
After reading, ask students to tell the rhyme of the first and the second poem. Let students read the poems several times and feel it. Find more limericks for students to enjoy.
Give students some instructions on how to write a poem, let them think of rhyming words before writing. They need two sets of rhyming words.
Step 4 Wring
Teaching aims: Help the students learn how to write funny stories using the target language and according to the writing steps.
Key points: Teach students to write according to the writing of the writing steps.
Difficult points: Help students make up a dialogue, using the target language.
Teaching aid: A projector
Teaching procedure:
Writing ( page 23 )
Give students some instructions on writing a funny story.
1) Writing down your story in a logical order.
2) For each of your story try to find the most interesting words you can to describe how you felt or what was happing.
3) Then write out your story using these interesting words.
4) Read through your story.
5) Then show it to your partner. Let him/ her suggest some new and exciting words.
6) Write out the story and put it into a class collection of stories.
Give students enough time to finish the task and give them enough help in the writing. Tell them to give the outline first, then finish the story.
Step 5 Homework
1) Finish Exercise 5 on Page 20.
2) Make a summary about what has been learnt in this unit.
3)Collect as many funny stories as possible, do some preparations for the writing in the next period.
The Third Period Learning about language
Teaching aims: Enable students to learn how to use the –ing form as the attribute, the object complement and the predicative.
Key points: Let students know the structures of the sentences with the –ing form
Difficult points: Help students to tell the –ing form as the predicative and the use of the present continuous tense.
Teaching aids: A computer
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision
I. Check homework: the exercises on page 20 and 21.
Turn to page 19 and do exercises No. 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5. Check your answers against your classmates’.
II. Learning about The –ing form as the Attributive
What is attributive It is something placed before the nouns to be modified: “red” is an attributive adjective in “a red apple”. “walking ” is also an attributive adjective in “a walking stick”.
The –ing form as the Attributive The –ing form作定语时表示该动作正在进行。单个The –ing form作定语通常放在被修饰词的前面. The –ing form短语作定语则放在被修饰词之后。如: The rising sun looks very beautiful. 冉冉升起的太阳看上去很美。 若被修饰词与The –ing form是被动关系时,须用The –ing form的被动式(being done)作定语。如: The song being broadcast is very popular with the young students. 正在播放的歌曲深受青年学生的欢迎。 注意The –ing form作定语与所修饰的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系,或表示作用与用途。如: Let sleeping dogs lie. 别招惹麻烦。(The –ing form相当于定语从句 which are sleeping) I think some sleeping pills may help you. 我想安眠药可以助你入睡。(The –ing form表示用途,相当于pills for sleeping)
Step 2. Word formation
Suffix Example
-able valuable lovable comfortable
-ing amusing misleading neighboring
-ful hopeful cheerful useful
-less endless homeless harmless
-ed excited interested moved
-ish Irish childish selfish
-ive active attractive expensive
-ate fortunate affectionate passionate
-ant important pleasant ignorant
-ly friendly orderly costly
There are ten suffixes in the chart. And there are some new words in it. But the purpose of showing this chart is to let students learn more about the adjective suffix.
Step 3. Discovering useful structures
Task 1. Revision
Have a revision about the –ing form used as the subject and object. Give students some sentences to translate:
(1) Talking to him is useless.
(2) Smoking does harm to your health.
(3) Walking is my sole exercise.
(4) Collecting stamps is my hobby.
(5) I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.
(6) He admitted taking the money.
(7) I couldn’t help laughing.
(8) Your coat needs washing.
Task 2. New usage of the –ing form
Ask students to look at the Exercises 4 on page 20. And then wake in pairs to finish the exercises.
Teacher checks the answers and give the explanations.
(1) A cooking pot: A pot that is used for cooking.
(2) A drinking horse: A horse that is drinking water.
(3) The man sitting on the sofa is a friend of my brother’s.
Here the –ing form are used as attribute.
(4) I saw the man sliding on a banner skin yesterday.
(5) Did you notice the man picking up that broken bottle and putting it in his bag
Hear the –ing form are used as object complement The structure of the sentence with an object complement is:
Subject + Predicate + Object + Object complement
(6) Her job is looking after babies.
(7) What he likes is playing chess after supper.
Here the –ing form are used as predictive. Pay attention to the differences between –ing form used as predicative and present continuous tense.
(1) Her hobby is painting.
(2) Her favorite sport is skiing.
(3) This was very disappointing.
(4) The test results are very discouraging.
(5) She was very pleasing in her appearance.
(6) His concern for his mother is very touching.
(7) The photograph is missing.
(8) The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized.
In the first two sentences, the –ing form is used to show the character of the subject. In the next four sentences the words of the –ing form are all about the feelings. In the last two sentences, the words of the –ing form show some states and qualities.
(9) It is snowing hard.
(10) She is teaching in a night school.
In these two sentences, the –ing form are used as the predicate in the present continuous tense.
Step 4. Using Structures
Turn to page 56. Look at the Using Structure. There are two exercises in this part. Exercise 1 is to let students correct some errors in the sentences. This is not an easy job for most students, because it needs other knowledge, besides what the students learned today. So better leave them more time to do this exercise. For exercise 2, let students finish it in a short time. With the help of the pictures, students can easily understand the meaning and correctly use the –ing form to finish the blanks. Teacher can check the answers in class.
Step 4. Homework
Finish all exercises on page 56.
The Fourth Period Language points
【名师点拨】pick up意为“拾起;拿起”。如:Unit3重点汇集
1. content
【课文原句】Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. (P17)
【名师点拨】content adj.意为“满足的;满意的”,be content to do意为“乐意去做某事”;be content with sb / sth意为“对某人或某事感到满意”,相当于be pleased with或be satisfied with。如:
I’m content to help you to set up a website on the Internet.
Those who are not content with the progress they have made will have greater success.
注:worse off是badly off的比较级,意思是“境况比……更差”;better off意为“境况比……好”。如:
To my surprise, I found his living conditions were much worse off than mine.
With the development of economy, more and more people are better off.
My explanation seemed to content him.
Now she began to live in peace and content.
We've discussed the unusual form of the book — now, what about the content
2. astonish
【课文原句】However, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing. (P17)
【名师点拨】astonish vt.意为“使大为吃惊;使惊异”,比surprise程度强,比shock程度弱。如:
I was astonished to hear that the professor had broken down because of his hard work.
I was astonished by how much she'd grown.
【知识拓展】(1) astonishing adj.意为“令人惊异的”。如:
The astonishing news made the world astonished, and a great many people expressed their opinions on the Internet.
(2) astonished adj.指(某人)处于惊异、吃惊状况,常用be astonished at sth。如:
He was astonished at what Tom had said and done.
(3) astonishment n.意为“惊讶”,可用to one’s astonishment表示“使某人吃惊的是”。如:
To my astonishment, she still remembered my birthday.
3. particular
【课文原句】He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. (P17)
【名师点拨】particular adj.意为“专指的;特别的;格外的;不寻常的”。be particular about / over sth意为“对某事很讲究 / 很挑剔”。in particular意为“特别地”。如:
There was nothing in the newspaper of particular importance.
I'm not particular about my clothes; I don't mind what I wear.
He talked about the ball games in general and talked about football in particular.
What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw
4. worn-out
【课文原句】He played a poor and homeless person, who wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick. (P18)
【名师点拨】worn-out adj.
(1) 意为“磨损的;损坏的;穿破的 (用坏的以至完全无用的)”。如:
Since your shoes are worn-out, why not buy another pair
(2) 意为“筋疲力尽的;耗尽的”,相当于be tired out。如:
He was worn-out after the long journey.
5. failure & overcome
【课文原句】This character was a social failure but he was loved by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were
unkind to him.(P18)
【名师点拨】(1) failure意为“失败”时,是不可数名词;意为“失败者;失败的事”时,是可数名词。如:
As we all know, failure is the mother of success.
At last, he was a great success, while she was a failure.
To our disappointment, the party turned out to be a failure.
(2) overcome v.意为“控制(感情);克服(困难);征服;战胜”,可用于to overcome difficulties / obstacles / problems / resistance等。如:
He made great efforts to overcome the difficulty.
They succeeded to overcome the tallest mountain in the world.
【知识拓展】fail还可作动词,意为“失败;不及格;无法做到”,可用fail to do sth或者fail in doing sth。如:
I failed to persuade him to give up smoking.
= I failed in persuading him to give up smoking.
6. in search of
【课文原句】The film is set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousands of people rushed there in search of it. (P18)
【名师点拨】in search of意为“寻找”。类似的词组有:in the/a/one’s search for/of,make a search for/of,在这三个短语中search是名词。如:
Today, many countryside people have rush to the city in search of good jobs.
The researchers are in their search for the animals which they want to experiment with.
注意:in search of 中of不可换用for。
【知识拓展】search还可以是作动词,意为“搜寻”,search 的宾语是寻找的东西所在的处所,即search someplace for sth,意为“搜查某地找……”。如:
They searched the building for the robber.
He searched his pockets for some change.
而search sb for sth意为“搜某人身以找到某物”。如:
He searched the boy for the lost pen.
search after/for = look for = hunt for意为“到处寻找”。如:
People who are searching after inner peace sometimes turn to religion.
7. pick up
【课文原句】They wash sand from the river in a pan of water, and expect to pick up gold, but they have been not fortunate enough to find any. (P18)
He picked up his hat and went out.
pick up还有其他意思:
(1) 在中途搭载承载(乘客、货物等)。如:
The bus stopped to pick up passengers.
(2) (偶然地)发现,得到,购买;学得,得到(知识、利益)。如:
I picked up the book in a lonely place.
She picked up French very quickly in France.
When you live in a country, you soon pick up the language.
(3) 恢复,使恢复。如:
I believe he will pick up by the seaside.
(4) 接收,收听(广播)。如:
It is easy to pick up the programme clearly through my radio.
【知识拓展】pick out意为“选好;选出;认出;看清楚”。如:
Have you picked out the movie you want to see
Can you pick out your brother out from that group of people
8. cut off
【课文原句Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating it as if it were the finest meat.(P18)
【名师点拨】cut off意为“切下来;剪下来”。如:
He cut off piece of cloth and wrapped the wound.
cut off还可译为“切断;停掉;使电话中断”。如:
They’ve cut off the water temporarily because they are repairing one of the main pipes.
It was dangerous that our food and water supply were cut off at that time.
We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.
Because I failed to pay the telephone bill, the telephone operator cut us off.
9.verbal a. verbal skill 运用语言的能力 I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement. 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。This is a verbal translation of the prose. 这是那篇散文的逐字直译。verbal forms 动词的形态
10.mime n. A mime is the representation of action, character or mood using only gestures and movements rather than words, or the actor in such a performance, specifically a mimic. To mime is also the term given to a singer who performs to a pre-recorded song and only pretends to sing live. It is usually limited to performances by Pop music artists.
In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, a mime is a farcical drama characterized by mimicry and ludicrous representations of characters, or the script for such a performance.
11.farce n. A farce is a comedy written for the stage, or a film, which aims to entertain the audience by means of unlikely and extravagant - yet often possible - situations, disguise and mistaken identity, verbal humour of varying degrees of sophistication, which may include puns and sexual innuendo, and a fast-paced plot whose speed usually increases even further towards the end of the play, often involving an elaborate chase scene. Broad physical humor, and deliberate absurdity or nonsense, are also commonly employed in farce.
12.poverty n. Poverty is any of a wide range of circumstances associated with need, hardship and lack of resources. For some, poverty is a subjective and comparative term; for others, it is moral and evaluative; and for others, scientifically established. The principal uses of the term include:
Descriptions of material need, including deprivation of essential goods and services, multiple deprivation, and patterns of deprivation over time.
Economic circumstances, describing a lack of wealth (usually understood as capital, money, material goods, or resources especially natural resources). The meaning of "sufficient" varies widely across the different political and economic areas of the world. In the European Union, poverty is also described in terms of "economic distance", or inequality.
Social relationships, including social exclusion, dependency, and the ability to live what is understood in a society as a "normal" life: for instance, to be capable of raising a healthy family, and especially educating children and participating in society.
A person living in the condition of poverty is said to be poor.
13.tramp n. A tramp is an itinerant who travels from place to place, traditionally tramping, that is, walking. While they may do odd jobs from time to time, tramps aren't looking for regular work and support themselves by other means i.e. begging or theft. This is in contrast to hobos who travel from place to place (often by stealing rides on freight trains) looking for work, or schnorrers, who travel from city to city begging. Both the terms tramp and hobo (and the distinction between them) were in common use between the 1880s and the 1940s, and were not limited to the Great Depression. Schnorrer is a Yiddish term. Like hobo and bum, tramp is somewhat archaic in American English usage, having been subsumed by the more euphemistic homeless person.
14.failure n. Failure in general refers to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective. It may be viewed as the opposite of success.
15.Oscar n. The Academy Awards, commonly known as The Oscars, are the most prominent film awards in the world. The Awards are granted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a professional honorary organization which as of 2003 had a voting membership of 5,816. Actors (with a membership of 1,311) make up the largest voting bloc. The most recent awards were the 77th Academy Awards.
16.fortune n. Fortune or fortune can refer to: Luck; Fortune magazine; The fortune Unix/Linux command; The name of a character from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, a member of Dead Cell.
The goddess of fortune is Fortuna (or Tyche).
17.sense n. & v. She has no sense of time. 她没有时间观念。Your brother has a good sense of humor. 你兄弟很有幽默感。He is free from any sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. 他很明智,退出了竞选。
The word here is used in its figurative sense. 此词在这儿取的是它的比喻意义。Anyone in his right senses wouldn't do that. 神智清醒的人都不会去干那种事。What's the sense of arguing with him 同他争论有什么用处呢 I sensed that I had made a serious mistake. 我意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。
The Fifth Period Summary
Teaching aims: 1) Learn to express the sentences that are connected with the positive and negative view of the same thing. 2) Make a summary about what has been learnt in this unit.
Key points: Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.
Difficult points: Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.
Teaching aids: A projector
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Revision
Check homework: Ask students to present their dialogue in class.
Step 2. Reading
This reading task gives us another joke. The title is “An April fool’s joke: The Noodle Harvest”. Ask students to read the sentence : “A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.” After reading, explain the meaning of the sentence. (The meaning is that the thing is the same, but the way to treat it is different between a fool and a wise man.)
Give students some time to read the passage, then answer some questions and retell the whole story.
Questions: 1) What do children usually do on April Fool’s Day
2) Why did people believe the programme Panorama
3) Do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodle trees was serious Give a reason..
4) What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true
Step 3. Project
Ask students to make their own collection of jokes, funny poems or short stories. They can be the ones that they enjoy in the books that they have read. Make sure they add either a joke, a funny poem or a funny short story of their own. Copy them into a book and display it in the class so that all your classmates can enjoy them.
Step 4. Summing up
This is a summary about what they have learned in the unit. Leave students some time to finish the frame. Then teacher give students a dictation about the useful words and expressions.
1. I enjoy this very much because….
2. I laugh at that kind of thing because…
3. This is fun because….
4. How wonderful / surprising!
5. It surprises me that…
6. I’m pleased we were both amused at…
7. I felt happy because…
8. It’s amusing that…
1. Word formation
2. The –ing form of the verb used as predicative, attribute and object complement.
1. Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a Conner, or filling down a hole in the end.
2. Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life…
3. He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce.
4. But he was lived by all who watched the film for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.
5. Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is boiled shoe.
6. He solved it by using nonverbal humor.
7. Their job is “panning for gold”.
8. This was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films.
Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attention to the use of the –ing form.
1. The two comedians performing on the stage are from Liaoning Province.
2. Who is the girl walking by the river.
3. The children playing the violin will give a performance next week.
4. The man with sunglass standing near the car is a cross talk artist.
5. The old lady talking to the children is a famous musician.
6. I saw a group of policemen coming out of a green jeep and running to the building.
7. I saw a dog carrying a piece of meat entering your garden.
8. I heard her singing a beautiful song at the party last night.
9. I got frightened when I saw a man playing with a snake in the park.
10. There were some boys shouting and crying under my window, so I could not fall asleep.
Step 5. Check yourself
1. Do you find it difficult to understand English humor Why
2. What role do you thing humor plays in your life
3. What language points have you learned in this unit
4. How well have you done in the exercises on the –ing form
5. Did you have any problems in understanding this unit How did you solve them
Step 6. Homework
Do some preparations for unit 4.
Part Two: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源)
1.A text structure analysis of NONVERBAL HUMOUR
I. Type of writing and summary of the idea
Type of writing This is a piece of describtive writing.
Main idea of the passage Charlie Chaplin astonishes us with the deep feelings he can inspire in us for a character he is playing.
Topic sentence of 1st paragraph Some humour can be cruel.
Topic sentence of 2nd paragraph Charlie Chaplin is such an actor as to astonish us with the deep feelings.
Topic sentence of 3rd paragraph How did Charlie Chaplin make a sad situation entertaining
Topic sentence of 4th paragraph The film of The Gold Rush is set in California.
Topic sentence of 5th paragraph Charlie Chaplin produced, directed, and wrote the movies he starred in.
II. A tree diagram of the text THEME PARKS —FUN AND MORE THAN FUN
III. A retold passage of the text
A possible version:
Sliding on a banana skin. Bumping into someone. Falling down a hole. These are some of the funny things we like to see other people doing. We feel content with ourselves because these other people are worse off than we are. And this feeling is so called “humour”.
Charlie Chaplin is a humourous actor. He astonishes us with humourous feelings he inspired in us. Born in poverty, he became famous by using a particular form of acting in entertaining silent movies. He was a charming character, being well known throughout the world. He played a poor and homeless person, wearing large trousers, carrying a walking stick. Be a social failure, he was, in the movies, loved by all the people. By overcoming difficulties, by being kind to people unkind to him, by making a sad situation entertaining, by eating a boiled shoe, Charlie Chaplin make us happy and excited. His use of nonverbal humour excellent in the film The Gold Runed in the middle of the nineteenth century in ,California where gold was dicovered. In search of gold people rushed there, panning for gold, washing gold from water in a pan of water, hoping to ipick up gold.
Such is Charlie Chaplin who produced, directed, and wrote movies that he starred in. He was given a special Oscar in 1972 for his lifetime outstanding work of bringing humour to us all.
VI. Biography of Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin was born Charles Spencer Chaplin in London, England on 16 April 1889. His parents, Charles Chaplin, Sr and Hannah Hill were music hall entertainers but separated shortly after Charlie was born, leaving Hannah to provide for her children. In 1896 when Hannah was no longer able to care for her children, Charlie and his brother Sydney were admitted to Lambeth Workhouse and later, Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children.
Charlie had already debuted in the music hall in 1894, when he had sung a song after his mother was taken hoarse.
1903-1906 Performs in Sherlock Holmes, as the newspaper boy Billy
1906-1907 The Casey Circus
1907-1910 Works with the Karno Pantomime Troupe
1910-1912 First tour of USA/Canada with Karno Troupe
1912-1913 Second tour of USA/Canada with Karno Troupe
May 1913 Accepts offer from Adam Kessel (who has interests in the Keystone Film Company) for $125/week
29 December 1913 Signs contract with Keystone
Jan/Feb 1914 Charlie Chaplin's first film: Making a Living
1914 Keystone films
Nov 1914 Signs with Essanay for $1,250/week to make 14 films during 1915
1915 Essanay films
27 Feb 1916 Signs with Mutual Film Corporation for $10,000/week plus $150,000 bonus
1916-1917 Mutual films
17 June 1917 Signs with First National Exhibitor's Circuit for $1,075,000/year
English jokes:
It was coming up to Christmas and Sammy asked his mum if he could have a new bike. So, she told him that the best idea would be to write to Santa Claus. But Sam, having just played a vital role in the school nativity play, said he would prefer to write to the baby Jesus. So his mum told him that would be fine.
Sam went to his room and wrote ' Dear Jesus, I have been a very good boy and would like to have a bike for Christmas.' But he wasn't very happy when he read it over. So he decided to try again and this time he wrote 'Dear Jesus, I'm a good boy most of the time and would like a bike for Christmas.' He read it back and wasn't happy with that one either. He tried a third version. 'Dear Jesus, I could be a good boy if I tried hard and especially if I had a new bike.' He read that one too, but he still wasn't satisfied.
So, he decided to go out for a walk while he thought about a better approach. After a short time he passed a house with a small statue of the Virgin Mary in the front garden. He crept in, stuffed the statue under his coat, hurried home and hid it under the bed. Then he wrote this letter. 'Dear Jesus, If you want to see your mother again, you'd better send me a new bike.'
A Car For Christmas
Danny had recently passed his driving test and decided to ask his clergyman father if there was any chance of him getting a car for Christmas, which was yet some months away. 'Okay.' said his father 'I tell you what I'll do. If you can get your 'A' level grades up to 'A's and 'B's, study your bible and get your hair cut, I'll consider the matter very seriously.'
A couple of months later Danny went back to his father who said 'I'm really impressed by your commitment to your studies. Your grades are excellent and the work you have put into your bible studies is very encouraging. However, I have to say I'm very disappointed that you haven't had your hair cut yet.
Danny was a smart young man who was never lost for an answer. 'Look dad. In the course of my bible studies I've noticed in the illustrations that Moses, John the Baptist, Samson and even Jesus had long hair.' 'Yes. I'm aware of that...' replied his father '... but did you also notice they walked wherever they went '
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Humours being cruel
(para 1)
Charlie Chaplin astonishing us with the deep feelings
(para 2)
The film of The Gold Rush set in California where gold was discovered
(para 4)
Charlie Chaplin making a sad situation entertaining
(para 3)
Charlie Chaplin producing, directing, and writing the movies he starred in
(para 5)
Unit 3
A taste of English Humor