课件2张PPT。 Wu Tao is a student of Ri Sheng High School. He is good at studies and always ready to help others.But he had to leave school last month. His father died and his mother was seriously ill in bed. The whole school was shocked and anxious about it.The students decided to help him out. Every teacher and student offered money to him. At weekends some students went to look after his mother by turn. With our help, Wu Tao has already return to school. Recently we made a survey of the people on physical training. Most of the people never have taken it. Over half of the people say they haven’t got enough time to do exercise. 34.9% of them complain that they don’t have places where they can relax and that there are not enough training facilities. 12.9% of the people feel that they live too far away from training centers. Some of them even don’t know how to train.
In my opinion, because of lack of physical training, many people are not in good health. People should realize the importance of it.