

名称 unit13(河北省邢台市)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2007-10-25 21:19:00


课件7张PPT。Unit 13 The mystery of the moonstone Who gave the Moonstone to Rachel and why he gave it to her?
Why wasn’t Rachel’s birthday a success?
Why did Sergeant Cuff believe that the garment with the paint stain belonged to the thief? Read the text to make a list of the people and the reason why Sergeant Cuff suspected that they might have stolen the Moonstone. Suspect Reason for Suspicion
The Indians
Dr Candy
They followed the Moonstone
around the world waiting for an
opportunity to take it back to India. He might have stolen the Moonstone as
revenge for loss of face, because Rachel
turned down his proposal of marriage. As with Godfrey, he lost face because of the quarrelling with Franklin. Rosanna
She might have taken the diamond either from force of habit, for she was a thief before Rachel’s mother gave her a job or cause a disagreement between Rachel and Franklin. Perhaps she had debts that needed to be paid. He gave the detective as much assistance as he can.
His enthusiasm was the reason why he was suspected, because it was not his business. Find the phrases from the text.1.in order to return an injury.
2.careful not to hurt or bring inconvenience to others. _____________________
3.to do some things in a certain way from always having done so in the past.
__________________ 4. show the possibility of sth having happened in the past. ______________________
5. give up smoking _______________considerate towards sbin an act of revenge:(from/out of)force of habitas revenge for loss of facemight/may have donequit smoking6.过着悲惨孤独的生活
7 把他的坏运传给—
8 爱着---
9 把---别到—上
10 变的不对
11 开处方
12 过夜
13 忙着干某事到深夜
14 执意不让---询问关于---
15 想揭开谜团
16 尽可能大的帮助
17 未干的油漆上的擦痕
18 沾有污迹的衣服live/lead a sad. lonely life pass on/down his bad fortune to be in love with fasten – to go wrongwrite sb. a prescription for some medicinestay the night be busy in doing-- late at nightbe stubborn in resisting one’s enquiries about---want the mystery to be solved as much assistance as he can a smear in the wet paintthe stained garment1. His move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with her.
2. Franklin’s reply that doctors just guess which drug they should recommend, makes Dr Candy extremely angry.
3. Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery to be solved.
4. Whoever is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes.
5. As the story develops, we discover some secrets about people at the house that night, and the reasons why they might have stolen the diamond.行动;走棋,一着;措施;步骤达到—程度Set
1. He set his hand on my shoulder.
2. Please set the table for dinner.
3. Have you set the time for the meeting?
4. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
5. He set a diamond in a ring.
He set a ring with a diamond.
6. set----free
The sudden noise set the dog barking.
The sight of her set his heart beating faster.
I have set myself to finish the job by the end of the month.
7.set a new world record
Set out /off/up /about 课件18张PPT。 Unint13
The Mystery
Of the Moonstone The novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848…(p112 para1)
1) be set in 以……为背景(常用被动语态)
eg: The novel is set in 18th century Paris.
2) set in(疾病,不利天气)来临而且持续
eg: Winter/The rainy season has set in.
It set in to snow in the evening.2.The diamond was cursed and the man lived a sad,lonely life without friends or family.(p112,para1)
eg:The rider cursed his unwilling horse.
2)curse sb. for(doing)sth.”为…咒骂某人“
The old woman cursed the little boy for his bad manners.
3)be cursed with “因…而苦恼/而受害”
He is cursed with his lazy son.3. Franklin,who is a smoker,is very considerate towards Rachel.(P112,para2)
1)considerate adj.考虑周到的,体贴的,为他人着想的.
be considerate of/to/towards sb. 还可以构成
It is considerate of someone to do sth.句型
He is considerate of/to/toward old people.
A good boss is one who is considerate
towards his employees.
It is considerate of you to turn down the
radio while I was asleep.
2) considerable adj. 相当多的,相当大
eg: I bought the car at considerable expense.
3) considering prep.&conj. 考虑到, 就…而言
Considering he’s only just started, he knows
quite a lot about it.
Considering (that) he did not study, he did
well on the test.
4) take … into consideration考虑…,斟酌…,
We must take the weather into consideration
first when climbing mountains.4.All the guests are astonished by its size and
rare beauty.(P112,para3)
1)astonish:surprise sb.greatly使某人惊讶,吃惊
It astonished sb that clause……让某人很吃惊
sb. astonished to do sth. 对干某事感到惊讶
The news astonished everyone.
He was astonished to hear he had got the job.
2)astonished: adj. very surprised (通常作表语)
be / feel astonished at / by sth.
eg:She looked astonished when she heard the
news. 3) astonishing: very surprising 使人惊讶的
eg:There were an astonishing number of
applicants for the job.
It is astonishing that… …实在惊人
It is astonishing that he should have done
that work so early.他这么早就完成了工作…
4) astonishment n. great surprise.
in astonishment 吃惊地,惊讶地
to one’s astonishment 令某人吃惊的是
be filled with astonishment 感到十分吃惊
express astonishment (that) 对…感到惊讶
He looked at me in astonishment.
She was filled with astonishment at the sight.5.I was convinced that she had taken her own diamond.(P115,para1)
1)convince:vt 使人信服,使人确信
convince sb. (of sth.) / that
It took many hours to convince me his guilt.
I was convinced that you were here.
What convinced you to vote for them?
The doctor convinced me to stop smoking.6.If you can guess who committed the
crime,then you are a better detective
than the famous Sergeant Cuff.
(1)commit 做,犯;通常指做不合法的,错误的事.
commit murder/suicide/theft…
(2)commit sb./sth.to sth.
commit a man to prison
commit a patient to hospital
(3)commit sb./oneself to sth./doing sth
向某人保证.---make a commitment Exercises:
1.The Chinese film,____ Tang Dynasty,
is well received by many foreign
A.is set in B.setting in
C.set in D.be set in
2.It’s ____ of you not to smoke with
guests present.
A.considerable B.considerate
C.considering D.considered CB3.__ no one has thought of this before.
A. I astonish that
B. I am astonishing
C. It astonishes me that
D. It is astonished that
4.I find it quite___ that none of
you likes play.
A.astonished B.astonishment
C.astonishing D.astonish
 CC5.__, it had completely disappeared.
A.To my astonishment B.Astonishing
C.Being astonished D.Astonished
6.It was hard to __ you that we could not afford a new car. A. persuade B. suggest C. convince D. advise
AC8.I ___ that we were doing the right thing. A.was believed B.was convinced C.was no doubt D.persuaded
9.You’ve done very well, ___ the adverse circumstances. A. to consider B.considering C. considered D.having consideredBB10.As a Chinese saying goes, it is never
too late to ___ for a man.
A.revenge B.revenge others
C.revenge oneself
D.revenge for oneself
11.By a strange ___ we happened to be
traveling on the same train.
A.coincidence B.coherence
C.incidence D.coincide CA(B.coherence n. 连贯性,一致性
D.coincide v. 同时发生;相符,相似)12. I have been making some ___
about it.
A.inquiry B.inquiries
C.inquire D.enquire
13.The meeting is beginning at 8
o’clock. ___let’s make some prepara-
tions for it.
A.At the same time B.Meanwhile
C.While D.DuringBB
=meantime/ in the meantime
在此期间14.Those who suffer depression are
likely to ___ suicide.
A.do B.make C.take D.commit
15.___from this point of view, the
question will be of great importance.
A.Considered B.Considering
C.Consider D.To considerDA
如果从这个角度去考虑…16.If you won’t listen to me, you will
pay a high ___ for what you’ve done.
A.cost B.price C.salary D.wage
17.If you buy more than ten, they
knock 20 pence off ___.(2004)
A.a price B.price
C.the price D.prices
18.---Where will they meet?
---They are ___ to meet in Beijing.
A.suggested B.hoped
C.engaged D.insistedBCC19.This film is very wonderful ___ a
few dialogues.
A.except B.but
C.besides D.except for
20.The discovery of new evidence led
to ___.(2003上海)
A.the thief having caught
B.catch the thief
C.the thief being caught
D.the thief to be caughtDC课件17张PPT。Unit13
The mystery of the moonstone
Wilkie Collins was born into an artist’s family in 1824 and died in 1889.
In his lifetime, he wrote 25 novels, more than 50 short stories, at least 15 plays. Wilkie Collins was a close friend of Charles Dickens’. He was a superstar of Victorian fiction. Now he isalso being given critical and popular attention. His detective stories are famous for the unexpected suspense. His novel The Moonstone is considered as the first detective story in the history of England. Pre-reading:
What do you already know about the story The Moonstone?How many main characters in the novel? Who are they?

Something about the MoonstoneGet the main idea of each paragraph:
Para 1:
Para 2:
Para 3:
Para 4:
Para 5:
sth about the moonstonesome information about Rachelthe tension and strange things caused by the moonstonesth happened at Rachel’s birthday partyThe Moonstone is missing and Sergeant Cuff’s discoveringPara 6:
Para 7:
Para 8:
Para 9:
Para 10:
the 1st suspect
the 2nd suspect
the 3rd suspect
the 4th suspect
Sergeant’s vital cluePost-reading:
1. Rachel’s birthday party was not a success. Why not? Several arguments and strange things happened: Godfrey proposed marriage to Rachel and was turned down, Franklin argued with Mr. Candy, and Indian entertainers arrived but gave poor entertainment. The passage also suggests a reason why the party was not successful might be the bad luck of the Moonstone.
2. Why did Sergeant Cuff think Franklin might have stolen the diamond?He is enthusiastic to help the investigation even though this makes Rechel very angry. Is he covering up hid guilt?Decide true or false:
The man who stole the Moonstone left it to his sister’s daughter because he loved her very much.
Godfrey was under suspicious for stealing the diamond because Rachel refused his marriage .
Sergeant Cuff has one vital clue_ the stained garment .
Franklin’s being love with Rachel made Dr Candy angry for Dr Candy loved her deeply.
Rosanna may have taken the diamond to please Franklin who had heavy debts.
F TFFF language points:
The novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848, but the story really began 50 years earlier.

a.The book is set in France in the eighteenth century.
The film is set in the gold rush.
b. The gentleman set the cup to his lips elegantly.
c. Please set the table for dinner.
d. Have you set the time for the meeting?
The students of our school often go home to see their parents and have rests at a set time.
e. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
f. He set a diamond in a ring.--put--Put into order for use--fix--fixed--go down--fix…firmly into..2. The diamond was cursed and the man lived a sad, lonely life without friends or family.
# When the person failed, he was always cursing (at) his bad fate.# be cursed with 因...而受害_________ his bad health, he couldn’t get the job.Cursed withbe under a curse ( suffer as the result of a curse)Their tribe is under a curse.3. When he died he left the Moonstone to his sister’s daughter, Rachel, in an act of revenge, passing on his bad fortune to her. ( para1)
# It is an act of kindness to help a blind. an act of cruelty/ an act of war / an act of mercy# Hamlet revenged his dead father.
I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in revenge she tore up my school work.do sth. in/ out of revenge for 报复性地/出于报复做某事Rachel
Dr Candy
Sergeant Cuff
Indian entertainersTranslate the following:
1. His move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with Rachel.2. Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone’s bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happened during the rest of the evening?3. Franklin’s reply that doctors just guess which drug they should recommend, makes Dr Candy extremely angry.4. Whoever is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes.4. Franklin, who is a smoker, is considerate towards Rachel.# 老师是体谅学生的。Teachers are considerate towards students.# 在我睡觉的时候你不弹钢琴,真是考虑得周到。 It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.consider/ consideration/ considerable/ consideringHe bought his car at a _________ expense.
She’s very active, _________ her age.
When marking Tom’s exam papers, the teacher took Tom’s long illness into__________.
They ________ themselves very important.5. But from the moment Rachel fastens it to her dress, things start going wrong.( para 3)
He went grey with worry.
Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.go blind/ mad/ wild…# How’s everything going?
# The story goes that a king loved new clothes…# They used to go hungry.# Is your watch going?6.Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery to be solved.Chinese fans love Yao Ming to the degree that they will try to watch any match that Yao Ming competes in.to a degree/ to the highest degree/ to a high degree
to what degreeHe is careful to a degree/ to a high~/ to the highest ~.
To what degree are you interested in English?到何种程度That’s all.
Thank you!课件23张PPT。The Mystery Of the Moonstone Unit 13Blank-filling:The Moonstone that was once stolen from an Indian is given to Rachel Verinder. She receives the stone as a gift and does not realize that it has been to her in an act of by her uncle, got the Moonstone by means of murder and .The jewel also brings luck. From the moment Rachel to her dress,things start going wrong. First Godfrey asks Rachel to marry him at the party, but she .Over dinner, Franklin with Dr Candy. Finally some Indians offer to the guests, but they are not skilled and behave . passedrevengetheftbadfastensdeclinesquarrelsentertainstrangelyThen, the stone on the very night when it is given to Rachel, though. by the loss of such a jewel, Rachel’s mother Sergeant Cuff, a famous London detective to the theft. At first he the Indians. He finds out that they are not real entertainers,but followers of the moon god. They are waiting for an to take the diamond back to Indian. Then he wonders whether Dr Candy or Godfrey the moonstone as revenge for the of face.He also suspects the servants,Rachel and Franklin, but that is just .He is not sure who stole the diamond.
disappearsTroubledvaluablehiresinvestigatesuspectsreligiousopportunitytooklosssuspicionThe novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848… (p112 para1)
1) be set in 以……为背景(常用被动语态)
Eg. 1) The novel is set in France in the 18th
2)The film is set in the gold rush.
2) set in (疾病,坏天气)来临而且持续
Eg.1) Winter/The rainy season has set in.
2) It set in to snow in the evening.Reading 2.The diamond was cursed and the man lived a sad,lonely life without friends or family. (p112,para1)
Eg. The rider cursed his unwilling horse.
2)curse sb. for (doing) sth. 为…咒骂某人
Eg. The old woman cursed the little boy for his
bad manners.
3)be cursed with “因…而苦恼/而受苦”
Eg.1) He is cursed with his lazy son.
2) She was cursed with stammer all her life.3. Franklin,who is a smoker,is very considerate towards Rachel. (P112,para2)
1) considerate adj.
be considerate of/to/towards sb.
It is considerate of someone to do sth.
Eg.1) He is considerate of/to/toward old people.
2) A good boss is one who is considerate
towards his employees.
3) It is considerate of you to turn down the
radio while I was asleep.
2) considerable adj. 相当多的,相当大
Eg. I bought the car at considerable expense.
3) considering prep.&conj. 考虑到, 就…而言
Eg.1) Considering he’s only just started, he knows
quite a lot about it.
2) Considering (that) he did not study, he did
well on the test.
4) take … into consideration 考虑…,斟酌…
Eg. We must take the weather into consideration
first when climbing mountains.5. Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone`s
bad luck that causes the tension and
strange things that happen during the
rest of the evening?
晚上发生了紧张而奇异的情况吗?1) 本句的句式结构为强调句型的一般疑问句,被强调部分是coincidence 和the Moonstone`s bad luck; 第二个that引导的定语从句修饰先行词the tension and strange things.4. astonish 见《优化设计》p1172) coincidence n. 巧合;巧合的事
常见用法有: by coincidence 碰巧
What a coincidence…! …真巧!
Eg. What a coincidence that I was in Paris
at the same time as you! [考例]
It can`t be a(n) that four jewelry
stores were robbed in one night.
coincidence B. accident
C. incident D. chanceA.coincidence6.Rachel is stubborn in resisting his
enquiries about the Moonstone to the
degree that she makes it seem as if she
does not want the mystery to be solved.
Rachel 执意不让他询问月亮宝石的事情,她是如此
固执以致于让人感觉到她好像不想揭开这个谜团。to…degree 达到…程度
Eg.1) He was interested in his work to such a
degree that he thought about nothing else.
2) Chinese fans love Yao Ming to the degree
that they will try to watch any match that
Yao Ming competes in.7.Whoever is guilty must have a stain on
his or her clothes.
1)这是一个主语从句。whoever ,whomever可引导
名词性从句和状语从句;而no matter who只能
引导状从; who ever中ever加强语气。
Eg. 1)________ has done it will be punished.
2) I’ll give the prize to __________ I’ll find
3) _____________________has done it he
will be punished.
4) _____________ has done? Please explain
it to me.Whoever whomeverNo matter who/WhoeverWho ever2) guilty adj.有罪的,犯…罪的
be guilty of +n.
be guilty of/about doing sth.
Eg. 1) He was found guilty.
2) The boys were guilty of theft.
3) I feel guilty of/about having told a lie.
4) a guilty man
a guilty deed 罪行
8.I was convinced that she had taken her own diamond. (P115,para1)
1)convince vt 使人信服,使人确信
convince sb. (of sth.) / that
Eg.1) It took many hours to convince me of his
2) I was convinced that you were here.
Eg.1) What convinced you to vote for them?
2) The doctor convinced me to stop smoking.Integrating skills9.If you can guess who committed the crime,
then you are a better detective than the
famous Sergeant Cuff.
(1)commit 做,犯;通常指做不合法的,错误的事.
commit a murder/a theft/suicide…
(2)commit sb. /sth. to sth.
commit a man to prison
commit a patient to hospital10. turn out 见英语周报 Note.4
11. have no choice but to do sth.
见英语周报 Note.51.The Chinese film,____ Tang Dynasty,
is well received by many foreign
A.is set in B.setting in
C.set in D.be set in
2.It’s ____ of you not to smoke with
guests present.
A.considerable B.considerate
C.considering D.considered CBExercises:3.__ no one has thought of this before.
A. I astonish that
B. I am astonishing
C. It astonishes me that
D. It is astonished that
4.I find it quite___ that none of
you likes play.
A.astonished B.astonishment
C.astonishing D.astonish
 CC5.__, it had completely disappeared.
A.To my astonishment B.Astonishing
C.Being astonished D.Astonished
6.It was hard to __ you that we could not afford a new car. A. persuade B. suggest C. convince D. advise
AC7.I ___ that we were doing the right thing. A.was believed B.was convinced C.was no doubt D.persuaded
8.You’ve done very well, ___ the adverse circumstances(逆境). A. to consider B.considering C. considered D.having consideredBB9.As a Chinese saying goes, it is never
too late to ___ for a man.
A.revenge B.revenge others
C.revenge oneself
D.revenge for oneself
10.By a strange ___ we happened to be
traveling on the same train.
A.coincidence B.coherence
C.incidence D.coincide CA(B.coherence n. 连贯性,一致性
D.coincide v. 同时发生;相符,相似)11. I have been making some ___
about it.
A.inquiry B.inquiries
C.inquire D.enquire
12.The meeting is beginning at 8
o’clock. ___let’s make some prepara-
tions for it.
A.At the same time B.Meanwhile
C.While D.DuringBB
=meantime/ in the meantime
在此期间13.Those who suffer depression are
likely to ___ suicide.
A.do B.make C.take D.commit
14.___from this point of view, the
question will be of great importance.
A.Considered B.Considering
C.Consider D.To considerDA
如果从这个角度去考虑…15.If you won’t listen to me, you will
pay a high ___ for what you’ve done.
A.cost B.price C.salary D.wage
16.If you buy more than ten, they
knock 20 pence off ___.(2004)
A.a price B.price
C.the price D.prices
17.---Where will they meet?
---They are ___ to meet in Beijing.
A.suggested B.hoped
C.engaged D.insistedBCC18.This film is very wonderful ___ a
few dialogues.
A.except B.but
C.besides D.except for
19.The discovery of new evidence led
to ___.(2003上海)
A.the thief having caught
B.catch the thief
C.the thief being caught
D.the thief to be caughtDC课件28张PPT。Unit 13
The Mystery
Of the MoonstoneWarming upAnswer the following question:
By whom was the novel The Moonstone written?Wilkie Collins, one of the first writers of detective novels in Britain.Background InformationWilkie Collins
(1824 – 1889) Wilkie Collins wrote 27 novels, more than 50 short stories and at least 15 plays. As a close friend of Charles Dickens, Collins was one of the best known, best loved, and, for a time, best paid. Now, Collins is being given more critical and popular attention. Almost all his books are in print, he is studied widely, and new film and television plays of his books have been made. Nevertheless, there is still much to be discovered about this superstar of Victorian fiction.Collins’ masterpiece: The MoonstoneWilkie CollinsThe MoonstoneThe Moonstone(1)The Moonstone is a huge yellow diamond that was once part of a statue of the moon god in India.An Englishman stole the diamond, and left it to his sister’s daughter, Rachel, as a gift for
her 18th birthday.(2)(3)Before her birthday party, Rachel’s friend Franklin painted a door in her sitting room with flowers and birds.(4)All the guests are astonished by its size and rare beauty. But from the moment Rachel fastens it to her dress, things start going wrong.(5)Over dinner, Franklin has a quarrel with Dr Candy, the local doctor, about prescription and medicine. (6)One of the guests, Godfrey, asks Rachel to marry him, but she declines.Some Indians come to the house offering to entertain the guests, but they are not very skilled and behave strangely.(7)At the end of the party everyone leaves except for Franklin and Godfrey, who are staying the night.(8)(9)Before going to bed, Rachel puts the diamond in the drawer of a cupboard in her sitting room, but the following morning it is gone.(10)Rachel’s mother hires the famous detective Sergeant Cuff to investigate the theft.Cuff suspects almost everyone: the Indians, the servants, Godfrey, Candy, Franklin, and even Rachel herself.(11)At last the thief was found and the secrete of the theft was discovered.(12)So who do you think stole the Moonstone? Listening A Which people in the picture are talking?Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1 Rachel and a male dinner guest, pictured as an old man with beard.
Rosanna and an older servant. Both on the far right of the picture.
Two male guests at the party. One is Franklin(brown coat and blue bow tie), the other is a doctor (grey coat and glass)B What are they talking about?Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1 Rachel’s diamond, a gift for her birthday.
Rosanna’s feelings of love for Franklin Blake.
Franklin’s trouble sleeping since he gave up smoking and the opinion of the doctor.C What advice is given?Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1 Don’t take the diamond to India; be careful about safety; put it in a safe box at the bank.
Stop dreaming. He could not marry Rosanna because she is a servant. He also seems to have feelings for Rachel.
Go to see a doctor and get some medicine.Speaking Situation 1
One day of Rachel’s birthday, one of the guests, Godfrey, ask her to marry him. Rachel refuses. Act out the conversation between them.Think about: Godfrey’s feeling for Rachel; reason why he thinks they will be happy as husband and wife; the reasons Rachel may give for refusing him; and how Godfrey feels when she turns him downSituation 2
After the party Rachel puts the Moonstone in a cupboard, but the next morning it is missing.
How do the characters in the story react?
Act out the situation.Think about: how Rachel feels about losing her diamond; what the other characters say to comfort her; what suggestions and advice they may give her; and who may be the thiefThank You课件13张PPT。垃圾食品
开某人的玩笑Junk foodOught toPlenty ofKeep up withMake a choiceNow and thenDress upIn one’s opinionPlay a trick on sb.10. 欺骗,摄取
11. 缺乏……
12. 保持健康
13. 减肥
14. 对……有害
15. 小心,警惕
16. 换句话说
17. 与……交朋友
18. 对……有好处Take inBe short ofKeep fitOn a diet/ lose weightBe harmful toBe careful aboutIn other wordsMake friends withBe good for19. 下车
20. 适用于
21. 故意地
22. 和……一样好
23. 要求得到某物
24. 为……做准备
25. 在……方面有共同之处Get offGo forOn purposeAs well asAsk for Be prepared forHave sth. In common1. allow的用法:1). Allow doing sth. 容许做某事2). Allow sb. to do sth. 容许某人做某事
sb. be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事3). Allow sb. sth. = allow sth. to sb. 同意给予某人某物 My father doesn’t allow _____ computer games; he even doesn’t allow me _____ TV before I finish my homework
A. playing; to watch B. playing; watching
C. To play; to watch D. to play; watching2. conflict 的用法1). Come into conflict with 和……冲突2). In conflict with …… 同……相冲突、有矛盾3). conflict with 和……冲突In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the ___ in personality.
A. contract B. contrast C. connection D. conflict4). Conflict, fight, struggle “战斗,斗争”
conflict, 由于严重不一致, 而引起抵触或冲突
fight, 原意为“打战”, 指任何形式的斗争,特别强调“短兵相接”
struggle, 本义是“挣扎”,指克服某种困难,以达到某种目的。3. Amount 的用法相关短语a large/ small amount of
Large amounts of
A great deal of A large / small number of A great / good manyA large quantity of Large quantities of Lots/ a lot of + 不可数名词+ 可数名词复数+可数名词复数
不可数名词n. 数,数量 v. 达到,合计 amount to 达到,合计,相当,It took ______ people as well as ______ time to build the Pyramid
A. a large number of; a great many
B. a great many; a large amount of
C. a great many of; large amounts of
D. a large mount of; a great deal of4. Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was. 选择吃什么不像以前那么简单了。Choosing what to do 为v-ing做主语,谓语动词用单数。
As easy as是形容词同级比较。This football match is as wonderful as that I saw I Beijing Workers’ Stadium.这场比赛与我在北京工人体育场看的那场比赛一样精彩。He speaks English well indeed, but of course not ____ a native speaker. A. As fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently thanAs …as 结构中,第一个as为副词,第二as个为连词。否定句中也可以用so…as…5. Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life. Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in lifeHere comes the train.
Not until 10 o’clock will the library open.
At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.火车过来了。直到10点,图书馆才开门。在任何时候,任何情况下,中国绝对不首先使用核武器Only when the war was over _____ to his hometown.
A. did the soldier return B. the young soldier returned C. returned the young soldier D. The young soldier did return.6. And 或or 构成的短语
More and more
More or less
Sooner or later
Now and then
Day and night
Time and again
By and by越来越多少有点,或多或少迟早时而,不时日日夜夜地,夜以继日一再,屡次不久,不一会儿We all write ______________ ,even when there’s not much to say.now and then含 to 构成的不定式短语
Be able to
In order to
Have to
Prefer to
Used to
Agree to
So as to能,会为了不得不宁愿,更喜欢过去常常
同意做某事The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _____ get out.
A. had to B. would C. used to D. was able to为了7. 含of 的介词短语For fear of
Instead of
In case of
In front of
In search of
At the beginning of
Because of
At the age of
As a result of惟恐,为……起见代替,而不是假设,以防在……前面寻找起初,开始因为在……的岁数时作为……的结果7. 含of 的介词短语At the head of
At the end of
At the foot of
At the bottom of
At the top of在……的最前头在……的结尾在……的脚下,到……的尽头在……的底下在……的顶部He got to the station early, ______ missing his train. A. because of B. instead of
C. for fear of D. in search of