Unit 19 Language
I. 单元教学目标
技能目标GoalsRead magazine and newspaper articlesTalk about language and language learning.Listen and learn how to show sympathy in dialogues.Listen to dialogues. Use listening strategies to identify different English accents.Write a formal letter.Study noun clauses.
II. 目标语言
功 能 句 式 1. Polite requestWould it be possible... Could you... I’m sorry but, ...I was wondering if...Do you think I could... Will you be.... I prefer not...I’m afraid...Is it all right if... If you’d like, ...Could you possibly... I wonder if....2. Show sympathyWhat a shame!I bet you were.Oh, no!That’s terrible!Me, too!
词 汇 四会词汇output, fluency, accuracy, punctuation, royal, nationwide, thankful, constitution, liberty, thrill, jungle, cafeteria, fold, decade, trend, absence, theory, acquisition, attain, surround, curriculum, adequate, medium, ensure, accelerate, target, enlarge, guarantee, adjust, inform, theft, cream, razor, mate, brochure, cab, relative, congratulate, explicit, upwards, upper, unconscious, rigid, tight, resemble, transparent, unrest, merely, purchase, negotiate, outline, ambiguous, offence, approval, bent, applicant, certificate, competence, diploma, provided, register, candidate, cheers, diagram, caption, booth, barber, barbershop, bingo, fasten, globe, haircut, regulation, steward, stewardess, amateur, sincerely, embarrass, punctual, directory, personnel, academy认读词汇input, global, dedication, dedicated, manual, announcement, eyebrow, registration, marketing, overview, bet词组mother tongue, the Statue of Liberty, for ages, on purpose, I bet, Academy of Arts4.重点词汇fluency, accuracy, nationwide, thankful, thrill, jungle, cafeteria, fold, decade, trend, absence, acquisition, attain, surround, curriculum, adequate, medium, ensure, accelerate, target, enlarge, guarantee, adjust, inform, theft, congratulate, unconscious, resemble, unrest, merely, purchase, outline, ambiguous, offence, approval, bent, applicant, certificate, competence, diploma, provided, register, candidate, cheers, diagram, caption, booth, fasten, amateur, sincerely, embarrass, punctual, mother tongue, the Statue of Liberty, for ages, on purpose, I bet
结构 Noun Clausessubject clauseobject clausepredicative clauseappositive clauseImpersonal report structureIt is / was hoped/ expected/believed/ known/ realized... that...
重 点句子 It was predicted as early as 1700s that English would one day be the global language.....Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more transparent as though we can lie with words, it is not as easy to do so with our bodies.It is/was hoped/ realized/ believed /acknowledged that...
III. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元以语言学习为话题,学习语言的目的是为了更好的交流。随着世界经济一体化,英语在人们的交流中占据了越来越重要的位置。本单元通过读听说写系列活动谈论了世界语言——英语和无声语言——身体语言。本单元的课文及练习的设计全部围绕本单元话题——沟通交流。本单元通过学习语言学习,世界上不同种类的英语,身体语言,网上交流的利与弊等文章介绍了现实生活中不同文化背景的人们的都可以用英语沟通交流。文章内容贴近生活,具有时代感,是中学生非常感兴趣的话题。听说写练习的设计,贴近现实生活,具有实用性。通过课堂上的系列训练,学生能够使用得体的英语与来自不同文化背景的人进行交流 。通过本单元的学习,让学生了解作为世界语言的英语,同样存在着地域差异,不论讲哪种英语,沟通交流是目的,只要人们相互理解,哪种英语都不重要。同时提醒学生语言是活的,每天都在发展变化,所以应该鼓励学生通过多种途径接触不同的英语,只有这样,才能避免交流中的误会和尴尬。本单元的设计完全体现了本套教材的特点:设计语言技能训练时突出技能,语言知识的操练是在模拟真实的语言环境下进行。语法和词汇及句型的学习,全部通过语言环境习得,让学生通过具体的语言环境总结出语法规则,增加了语言学习的趣味性。
1.1 In this unit you will... 介绍了本单元的学习目标,让学生了解本单元的话题和内容,明确了学习方向。
1.2 Warm –up 通过一系列的听说活动,激发学生的兴趣,为本单元的学习奠定良好的基础。听说的内容涉及学习英语的最好方法、英语的使用范围(把英语作为第一语言的国家、作为第二语言的国家以及作为外语的国家)不同种类的英语(辨别不同口音)以及身体语言。
1.3 Lesson 1 Language learning介绍了英语学习的方法以及语法——名词性从句。在学习课文之前要求学生就英语学习对人的前途是否重要以及学好英语是否困难等问题加以讨论,这些问题旨在调动学生学习的主动性,引导学生学会思考问题。通过课文的学习,学生们可以了解英语学习的现状及如何学好英语的建议。在此基础上引导学生对怎样学好英语进行讨论。课文后附有词汇和语法练习题。练习题的设计完全体现了本套教材的特点——在语言环境中学习词汇和语法。学生能够学得轻松,印象深刻。
1.4 Lesson 2 Varieties of English通过一系列的听说练习让学生了解并感受不同种类的英语,提高他们与来自不同的文化背景的人的沟通能力。并且学会有礼貌地提出请求。
1.5 Lesson 3 Body Language介绍了日常生活中经常使用的沟通方式——身体语言。身体语言指非词语性的身体符号。包括目光与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、姿势与外貌、身体间的空间距离等。我们在与人交流沟通时,即使不说话,可以凭借对方的身体语言来探索他内心的秘密,对方也同样可以通过身体语言了解到我们的真实想法。通过学习课文,帮助同学们了解相同的身体语言,在不同的国家或地区,表达的意义可能会不同。只有了解了这些,在交流过程中才能避免误会。同时文章指出微笑是世界上通用的身体语言,作者鼓励人们尽可能的大胆使用。有了微笑,每个人都能更成功地同其它文化背景的人打交道。课文后附有Read to learn和Vocabulary练习题。Read to learn介绍了阅读技巧——段落与标题。Vocabulary部分通过不同题型和方式练习对比词汇的用法。
1.6 Communication Workshop通过对一封信中口语化的表达方式进行改错,介绍了正式信函的书写方法。通过听说写练习,学会对别人的不幸遭遇表示同情。
1.7 Language Awareness 4 在具体语言环境中学习一些固定句型。本课的教学目标是要求学生在读一篇非常有趣的文章Lonesome Male of the Galapagos 时,掌握It is/was hoped/realized/ believed /acknowledged that...句型。此部分语言知识的学习再次体现了本套教材的特色——在语言环境中学语言,使语言学习生动化,趣味化。
1.8 Culture Corner 文章介绍了不同种类的英语。文章指出越来越多的人在学习使用英语,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言。英语已经成为了世界语言。文章介绍了把英语作为第一语言的国家、作为第二语言的国家以及作为外语的国家。文章还介绍了British English, American English, Canadian English, Australian English和New Zealand English的起源。
1.9 Bulletin Board读三篇随笔后,要求学生思考怎样才能学好英语,在英语学习中自己曾使用过那些学习策略,然后写出来和同学分享。
1.10 Unit Diary要求学生对本单元的学习情况做出总结,发现学习中存在问题,找出解决办法,提高学习效率。
2. 教材重组
2.1 将In this unit you will... ,Warm-up和Culture Corner放在一起上一节“热身课”。让学生了解本单元的学习目标,讨论学习英语的最好方法,了解一下学生对英语的使用范围的认知程度,让学生感受不同口音的英语。讨论一些肢体语言。为本单元的课文学习打下基础。
2.2 把Lesson 1 Language Learning和后面的Vocabulary放在一起上一节阅读课。
2.3 把Lesson 1 Language Learning中的GRAMMAR Noun Clauses和Language Power 的Lesson 1 Language Learning整合在一起上一节“语法课”。
2.4根据Lesson 2 Varieties of English Ex1-8内容上一节“听说课”。
2.5将Lesson 2 Varieties of English Ex9-12和Language Power Lesson 2 Varieties of English放在一起,上一节“综合课”。通过本课时的学习,要求学生掌握礼貌用语,学会有礼貌地提出请求。
2.6将Lesson 3 Body Language 和后面的Read to learn放在一起上一节阅读课。
2.7将Lesson 3 Body Language 后面的Vocabulary和Language Power 放在一起上一节词汇语法课。
2.8根据Communication Workshop的Writing和后面的Talkback内容上一节上一节写作课。
2. 9将Communication Workshop后面的Listening, Speaking 和Ellipsis放在一起上一节“听说课”。
2.10根据Language Awareness 4内容上一节上一节语言知识学习课。
2.11根据Check your progress内容上一节“综合课”。
2.12 要求学生课下根据Bulletin Board和Unit Diary提示,完成本单元的自我评价。
3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用12课时教完)
1st Period Warm-up & Culture Corner
2nd Period Lesson 1 Language Learning (I)
3rd Period Lesson 1 Language Learning (II)
4th Period Lesson 2 Varieties of English (I)
5th Period Lesson 2 Varieties of English (II)
6th Period Lesson 3 Body Language (I)
7th Period Lesson 3 Body Language (II)
8th Period Communication Workshop (I)
9th Period Communication Workshop (II)
10th Period Language Awareness
11th Period Check your progress
12th Period Bulletin Board
IV. 分课时教案
The First Period Warm -up& Culture Corner
Teaching goals教学目标
1. Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
output, fluency, accuracy, punctuation, royal, nationwide, thankful, constitution, liberty, thrill, jungle, cafeteria, fold, mother tongue
2. Ability goals能力目标
Help students to learn Unit objectives and get students thinking and talking about what is the best for learning a foreign language.
Learn about the status of the English language all over the world and how it started in different English -speaking countries.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
Stimulate students’ interest and get them prepared for what they will be studying in the unit.
Teaching important points教学重点
Unit objectives and warm-up.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to motivate students and get them thinking actively and speaking freely.
Teaching methods教学方法
Discussing, listening& reading
Teaching aids教具准备
The multimedia computer
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I In this unit you will…
Deal with In this unit you will….
First ask students to read Unit objectives, which is a clear direction to learning Unit 19. Ask them to think about which of the objectives will be most important for their individual learning.
T: Good morning /afternoon, class!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /Ms…
T: As usual, before we start a new unit, what shall we do
Ss: Learn the unit objectives.
T: What are the objectives in Unit 19 (Show the unit objectives on the PowerPoint and color the language skills. Ask students to pay more attention to the colored words. Or ask students to read the unit objectives on Page 5 together and they should pay more attention to the words in blue.) Please discuss which of the objectives is most important to you.
After discussing the unit objectives, go on with Warm-up.
Step II Warm –up (Ex 1 , 2 &5)
Deal with warm-up.
The warm-up page introduces students to the unit topic. It prepares them by focusing on key lexical areas and involves them through listening and personalization activities Warm-up activities will get students thinking and talking about the topic- Language.
Deal with Ex1.
First play some video clips and ask students to discuss what is best for learning a foreign language.
T: Now let’s watch some video clips and discuss what is best for learning a foreign language.
S1: In the first video clip, some people are memorizing words in dictionaries. Some of my classmates also learn English in this way. It is effective, but I don’t like this method. I think it is boring. I prefer to learn English by listening to English songs.
S2: In the second video clip, some students are learning English by watching English TV programmes. I think it is a good way. I often watch English DVDs and English TV programmes. My English has improved greatly.
T: What about the third one
S3: Some foreigners are learning Chinese in Beijing. They are in Ding Guangquan’s house. Some of them can play crosstalk very well.
T: And how can they speak Chinese so fluently
S4: They are living in China, where they are surrounded by Chinese. They have many chances to hear and speak Chinese.
S5: If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better live in the country where the foreign language is used as your mother tongue.
T: Good! But the chances that we have the opportunity to live in the foreign country are small. So we have to rely on what we can learn at school. Even in our own country we can create a good foreign language environment. We can listen to English radio programmes, watch English TV programmes, read English newspapers and magazines, surf the Internet, and chat online with people from different countries and so on. Now I have another question to ask.
Deal with Ex 2 (Key Words)
T: Why do people learn a foreign language
Ss: To communicate with people from other countries.
T: What is the most widely used language in the world
Ss: English.
T: Quite right! English is becoming the common language of millions of people worldwide, helping speakers of many different languages communicate. And why are more and more Chinese learning English
S6: One reason is that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.
S7: Another reason is that the growth of international companies and the great advances in communications have made English learning very popular.
T: Good answer! What are the four language skills
Ss: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
T: Good! Reading and listening are two basic language skills, which will prepare you to speak and write. Please look at the following picture, which shows a simple way to think about how to learn English. It is what people who are good at English do:
It's simple: English goes in, and English comes out, changed into your own stories, ideas and opinions. Look at the Key Words and match them to the language skills they are related with.
Then show the Key Words on the PowerPoint. Ask students to match the Key Words to the language skills they are related with.
Check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers:
listening: input, accuracy, accent
speaking: output, accuracy, fluency, accent
reading: input, accuracy, punctuation
writing: output, accuracy, punctuation, fluency
Deal with Ex 5.
Show some gestures on the PowerPoint and ask students to tell their meanings.
T: Besides language, body language also plays an important role in communication. Body language is often used without our realizing it so that we can make ourselves understood. To express welcome, we smile and shake hands. To express goodbye, we wave our hands. To express yes, we nod and we shake our head to mean no. Now please look at the following gestures and guess what message they communicate.
S1: It means ‘well-done’ in China.
T: What about in Japan
S2: It means No.1 in Japan.
S3: It means “great” or “good job” in the USA.
T: What about this gesture
S4: It means OK in China.
S5: It means money in Japan.
T: From the above, we learn that some gestures have the same meaning in different countries while others don’t. Please work in groups and discuss what messages the body language in Ex 5 on Page 5 conveys. Three minutes later, we will check the answers.
Students are given three minutes to discuss the body language in Ex 5. Three minutes later check the answers with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
1. to encourage or congratulate
2. to congratulate/ to show that something is well-done/ to comfort someone in sorrow
3. to greet people or show one’s love
4. to show anger, disagreement or nervousness
Step III Culture corner & Ex3-4 in Warm-up
Ask students to look through the article and learn about the status of the English language all over the world and how it started in different English -speaking countries. Then deal with Ex2-3 in Warm-up.
T: As the development of global communication, a language has become the world language. Can you guess what language it is
Ss: English.
T: Quite true. Now look at the map of world, you will find how widely English is being used as an official language. (Show the following map on the PowerPoint.)
countries where English is the first and often only language of most people
countries where besides English as a native language there is at least one other significant native tongue
countries where English is not native, only official language
T: Would you like to learn more about English Please look through the article in Culture Corner on page 16. After you read the article, do Ex2 Warm-up on page 5 and the post reading exercises on page 16. After you finish the exercises, check the answers with your group members.
Students are given five minutes to read the article and five minutes to do the exercises. Students will name some English-speaking countries and classify them according to the groups and match the dates with the events. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Suggested answers to Ex2 in Warm-up on page 5
English as a first language: Britain, the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Jamaica, South Africa
English as a second language: India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, Philippines and Sri Lanka.
English as a foreign language: Sweden, the Netherlands, Thailand, Japan
Deal with Ex3 in Warm-up.
Ask students to identify different accents.
T: From the article English Around the World we learn people from many different countries speak English. Do you think they speak the same English
Ss: Of course not. Different people speak English with a different accent.
T: After learning about some information on English, let’s hear recordings of six different people. They come from the following countries: America, Australia, China, France, Britain and Germany. Please identify who is who by their accents. First please discuss what the country names remind you so that you can get the clues which suggest the answers.
Students are given three minutes to discuss the countries. Then play the recording for students to listen. If necessary, play the recording again so that they can identify the speakers’ accents. Check the answers during the break between two speakers.
Step IV Homework
Go over the vocabulary in Unit 19.
Make a survey on how students learn English.
The Second Period Lesson 1 Language learning (I)
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
decade, trend, absence, theory, acquisition, attain, surround, curriculum, adequate, medium, ensure, accelerate, target, enlarge, guarantee, adjust, inform, theft,
b. 重点句型
It was predicted as early as 1700s that English would one day be the global language.....
2.Aility goals 能力目标
Learn the best way to learn a foreign language well.
3.Learning ability goals学能目标
By reading an article about language learning help students to learn how to learn English well. Encourage students to be active learners.
Teaching important points教学重点
Encourage student to think actively and get involved in class activities. Help students become active learners.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
How to learn English well.
Teaching methods教学方法
Listening, reading, discussing
Teaching aids 教具准备
Teaching procedures & ways 过程与方式
Step I Leading in
In this procedure students will have plenty of opportunities to express themselves on how to learn English well. Begin the lesson by asking students to discuss the questions in Before you start
T: Good morning /afternoon, class!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /Ms…
T: Class begins. What class are we having
Ss: An English class.
T: How many English classes do we have every week
Ss: Five.
T: That is to say English is a very important subject at school. Yesterday we learned that around 400 million speakers of English as a first language. How many people speak English as a second language
Ss: Many more millions.
T: What about as a foreign language
Ss: English is the most widely studied foreign language in the world.
T: Then why do so many people learn English Do you think learning English is important for your future
Step II Before you start
Discuss the two questions in Before you start.
T: Ok, discuss the two questions in Before you start on page 6. Work in groups please.
While students are discussing the two questions, Teacher should walk around the classroom and give necessary help when needed.
Several minutes later, ask students to present their answers. Show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint.
Suggested answers to Ex1 on page 6
1. Various reasons can be acceptable. Yes, Learning English well will help me to be admitted by a famous university. /Yes. I would like to work in an international company. There are many international companies in China. If you want to work in an international company, English is a must. / Yes. Because I am fond of traveling and I would like to travel around the world and English is a world language. So I must learn English well.
2. Various answers can be acceptable. Yes, it is very difficult to learn English well. Because we don’t have many chances to use what we learned in class. As time goes on, we will forget most of what we‘ve learned. / No, because there are many English recourses that we can make best use of to learn English. Learning English nowadays is no longer as difficult as it used to be.
Step III Read to learn
Deal with the reading part.
T: Yesterday I asked you to make a survey on how students learn English. Now I’d like you to report the result.
S1: Most students like to do multiple choice tests. Because they think they will get good marks in the coming NMET if they practice such exercises a lot.
S2: Some students do like English. They like to sing English songs, see English movies, watch English TV programmes and even chat online in English with people from different countries.
S3: Some students think a good dictionary and a grammar book are enough for them to learn English well. They try to memorize all the vocabulary in the dictionary and all the grammar rules. They think good marks in tests show that they are learning English well.
T: From your survey we can see different people have their own ways of learning English. English is something you do: you listen and read, and then you write and speak. It is very important to understand all the grammar rules, but then you must learn what to do with them in real life, and do it. Your good or bad grades on multiple-choice tests are no measure of your English ability. Then how can you learn English well Please skim the text and find the answers.
Ask students to skim the text and then finish Ex2 on page 6. Students may discuss the questions in groups.
T: Look through the questions first. Then skim the text to find the answers.
Then check the answers with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
1. The growth of international companies and the great advances in communications have made more and more people decide to learn English. In today’s world, English holds the key to a brighter future and a world of possibilities.
2. To get surrounded by the foreign language.
3. Make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English conveyed to the students through various mediums. This can take the form of reading and listening materials which must be of the highest quality.
4. 15 minutes of extra-curricula study. You can do many things. For example enlarge your vocabulary, listen to an English song, and watch TV news or your favorite DVDs.
Ask students to scan the recommendations and deal with Ex3 on page 6.
T: Please scan the recommendations in the text and say if the statements in Ex3 are true or false. Three minutes later we will check the answers.
Step III Explanation
During this procedure Teacher will play the tape for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, Teacher will explain the text and deal with language problems.
T: After doing the comprehension of the text, let’s deal with some difficult language focuses. Now I will play the tape for you. Please make a mark where you have difficulties.
After listening to the tape, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the difficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text on page 112.
T: Do you have any difficulties with the text?
S1: Could you please explain the sentence to us:It was predicted as early as 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.
T: We can understand it like this: In1700s people predicated that English would be widely used all over the world one day in the future and this has become true. ‘that English would one day be the global language’ is a subject clause. The pronoun ‘that’ in the latter part of the sentence ‘that has proved to be the case in the last few decades’ refers to ‘the fact that English would one day be the global language’. It is/ was predicted that- clause is a very useful pattern and in the Grammar period we will learn it in details and do some practice. Do you have any other questions
S2: No.
T: There are many useful phrases in the text. Please sum up the phrases and then we will analyze the text.
Step IV Practice
Deal with Ex 5 on page 7. Ask students to do the exercises individually. While doing the exercises, remind students that they should pay attention to the correct form of the given words. Make necessary changes where needed. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step V Analyzing the text
Help students analyze the structure of the text. Ask students to discuss in groups and later each group will speak out their opinions. After this, show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint.
T: OK. Let’s read the text again. Please look at the structure of the text. You are given 5 minutes.
T: Please stop here. I’m glad you thought actively and had a heated discussion. What is its writing style
Ss: This text is an expository writing.
T: What is the topic of the text What is the text about
S1: Language learning.
S2: The text introduces how to learn English well.
S3: If you want to learn English well, you have to be an active learner.
T: Quite good. How many parts consist of the article What’s the main idea of each part
S4: In my opinion the article is made up of three parts. From the first paragraph we can learn the fact that English has become the global language. From the next two paragraphs we can learn that most of us rely on an adequate amount of input of English in the classroom. And the rest of the text gives us some recommendations on how to do outside the classroom.
T: Well done!
If students have different opinions, Teacher may help them analyze the text.
Show the following on the PowerPoint.
Part1 (the first paragraph) English has become the global language.
Part2 (Para.2-3) An adequate amount of input of English in the classroom will help most of people to learn English well.
Part3 (Para.4-5) Recommendations on how to do outside the classroom.
T: After learning the experts’ recommendations, let’s discuss what can help you learn English well. Please make your voice heard and get involved in the discussion. After the discussion, please write your suggestions on a piece of paper and put it on your bulletin board so that you can share your ideas with the whole class.
Step VI Discussion
Divide the students into different groups and discuss the questions of Ex 3 on page 6. They are given several minutes to discuss. Each member is encouraged to think actively and participate in the discussion. Make sure all the students have their own opinions. Every group should have their secretary to write down the discussion. Then each group should pin the suggestions on the bulletin board so that everyone can read them and learn about others’ good way of learning a language.
T: Please work in groups and express yourself freely. Because everyone has his or her own practical way to learn English, please share your ideas with your group members.
A sample of the discussion
A: I think learning English requires practice. So we should practice more and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
B: It is quite right. Just like swimming, only by listening and reading can we speak and write English.
C: I couldn’t agree more. The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.”
D: I think the Internet is perfect for language learning. You can have a rich input of English from the internet. You can even make e-pals with native English speakers. You can voice chat with them. Of course you can also write emails in English. On the internet English will be your first language and this will help develop the habit of thinking in English.
E: To me music is a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn though is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.
F: I am addicted to English. I love the language, and I love using it. I like writing English sentences, speaking English to native speakers, reading books and the Web, watching American movies, and so on. I like the intellectual challenge of using a foreign language. When I learn something new about English, I feel I'm getting better and more powerful.
T: That’s wonderful. You need to keep in mind why you are learning English. If you have fun when learning English, surely you will learn English well or I may say surely you will get head with your English. Good luck to your English learning.
Step VII Homework
Pick out the noun clause in the text.
The Third Period Lesson 1 Language Learning (1I)
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language目标语言
Learn the Grammar--- Noun forms
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable students to use the noun clauses freely.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
By practising enable students to use noun clauses freely.
Teaching important points教学重点
Grammar summary
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to use them properly in communication.
Teaching methods教学方法
Explaining and practising
Teaching aids教具准备
The Multi-computer
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Revision
Ask students to pick out the noun clauses used in the text. Then tell students Noun Clauses consist of Subject Clause, Object Clause, Predicative Clause and Appositive Clause.
Step II Grammar
Deal with Ex 6 on page 7. From this exercise students will have a better understanding of the function of noun clauses. Then read Grammar Summary 1, page 100. After reading Grammar Summary 1, put emphasis on the following. (Show the following on the PowerPoint.)
1. The subordinators in noun clauses are called noun clause markers. Here is a list of the noun clause markers:
if, whether
Wh-words: how, what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, why
Wh-ever words: however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever, whomever
2. Except for that, noun clause markers cannot be omitted. Only that can be omitted, but it cannot be omitted if it is used in a subject and appositive clause.
Billy’s friends didn’t know that he couldn’t swim.
Billy’s friends didn’t know he couldn’t swim.
Billy’s mistake was that he refused to take lessons.
Billy’s mistake was he refused to take lessons.
That Billy jumped off the pier surprised everyone.
not correct:
* Billy jumped off the pier surprised everyone.
3. Remember! Use statement word order in wh- and if-whether noun clauses.
* Do you know what time is it (Question word order: is it)
Do you know what time it is (Statement word order: it is)
not correct:
* Everybody wondered where did Billy go. (Question word order: did Billy go)
Everybody wondered where Billy went. (Statement word order: Billy went)
4. Sequence of tenses in sentences containing noun clauses:
When the main verb (the verb in the independent clause) is present, the verb in the noun clause can be in different tenses.
When the main verb (the verb in the independent clause) is past, the verb in the noun clause is
past if its action/state is at the same time
He thought that Mary was taking the exam then.
past perfect if its action/state is earlier
He thought that George had taken the exam the day before.
If the action/state of the noun clause continues in the present (that is, at the time the writer is writing the sentence) or if the noun clause expresses a general truth or fact, the simple present tense can be used even if the main verb is past.
We learned that English is not easy.
The boys knew that the sun rises in the east.
Step III Noun Clauses in Songs
T: Now you are clear about the grammar rule. You like singing songs very much, don’t you The
following sentences are taken from the lyrics of some current songs. Find and underline the noun clauses in these lyrics. There are a total of 20 noun clauses. First please work individually. Then compare your answers with your group members.
Show the following on the PowerPoint or print it out as a handout.
1. "Now I'm convinced the whole day long that all I learn is always wrong, and things are true that I forget, but no one taught that to me yet." (Phish/Character Zero)
"And I don't want the world to see me `cause I don't think that they'd understand. Well, everything's made to be broken. I just want you to know who I am." (Goo-Goo Dolls/Iris)
"What we've learned here is love tastes bitter when it's gone." (Matchbox 20/Shame)
"Now the drugs don't work; they just make you worse, but I know I'll see your face again." (The Verve/The Drugs Don't Work)
"What I really wanna say I can't define. What I need is love, but my soul will have to wait ‘til I get back and find a Heina of my own. Daddy's gonna love one and all. I feel the break, and I got to live it out. I swear that I really wanna know. What I really wanna say is I got mine, and I'll make it. Yes, I'm comin' up. Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him he best go run and hide. Daddy's got a new .45." (Sublime/Santeria)
“‘What I wanna do is have a little fun before I die,’ says the man next me out of nowhere, apropos of nothing. He says his name’s William, but I’m sure he’s Bill or Billy, Mac or Buddy. He’s plain ugly to me, and I wonder [if he’s ever had a day of fun in his whole life." (Sheryl Crow/All I Wanna Do)
After students compare their answers, show the answers on the powerpiont..
Noun Clauses in Songs
"Now I'm convinced the whole day long [that {all I learn} is always wrong], and [things are true that I forget], but no one taught that to me yet." (Phish/Character Zero)
(Note: This one's really difficult. Deep structure is something like "I'm convinced that things that I forget are true." Here, "things that I forget" is an adjective clause.)
"And I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think [that they'd understand]. Well, everything's made to be broken. I just want you to know [who I am]." (Goo-Goo Dolls/Iris)
"[What we've learned here] is [love tastes bitter when it's gone]." (Matchbox 20/Shame)
(Note: "When it's gone" is an adverb clause.)
"Now the drugs don't work; they just make you worse, but I know [I'll see your face again]." (The Verve/The Drugs Don't Work)
"[What I really wanna say] I can't define. [What I need] is love, but my soul will have to wait ‘til I get back and find a Heina of my own. Daddy's gonna love one and all. I feel the break, and I got to live it out. I swear [that I really wanna know]. [What I really wanna say] is [I got mine], and [I'll make it]. Yes, I'm comin' up. Tell Sanchito [that if he knows {what is good for him}] he best go run and hide. Daddy's got a new .45." (Sublime/Santeria)
“[‘What I wanna do] is have a little fun before I die,’ says the man next me out of nowhere, apropos of nothing. He says [his name’s William], but I’m sure [he’s Bill or Billy, Mac or Buddy]. He’s plain ugly to me, and I wonder [if he’s ever had a day of fun in his whole life.]" (Sheryl Crow/All I Wanna Do)
Step IV Practice
Deal with grammar Ex 7-8 on page 7. Students should do the exercises individually first, then check the answers with the whole class. When dealing with Ex8, students may try different ways to rewrite the sentences using noun clauses. Students should first work individually, then check their answers with other group members.
Deal with the grammar Ex 1-3 on page 52 and Ex 5 on page 53 in the same way.
Step V Explanation
Deal with logical subject “it”. Show the following patterns on the PowerPoint. Ask students to pay attention to the Chinese translation. Then ask students to do Ex 4 on Page 52. After they rewrite the sentences, ask them to translate the sentences into Chinese.
由it 引导的几个经典句式,翻译时根据上下文可以添加一些不确定的主语。如:有人、人们、大家、我们、以及据… 等。
It will be said that … 有人会说……
It was told that … 有人曾说……
It is generally considered that … 人们普遍认为……
It is hoped that … 人们希望……
It is well-known that… 大家知道(众所周知)……
It is believed that… 有人相信……
It is reported that … 据报导……
It is supposed that … 据推测……
It is assumed that … 人们认为……
It can be seen from this that... 由此可见……
It is sometimes asked that 人们有时会问……
It is generally agreed that 人们通常认为……
It is suggested that 有人建议……
It is recommended that 有人推荐……
It is well known that 大家知道(众所周知)……
It is estimated that 据估计……
It is predicted that 据预测……
It is found that 据发现……
It is said that 据说……
It is claimed that ... (他们)宣称...
Step VI Discussion
Ask students to work in pairs and talk about how technology will be able to help language learning in the future using noun clauses. Students should be given some time to think about what technology will be used in language learning. Encourage them to use their imaginations.
T: After doing the grammar exercises, let’s come back to the topic- language learning. Use your imaginations and try to think about what technology will be used in language learning. Then work in pairs and describe how technology will be able to help language learning in the future.
A sample of the discussion
A: It has been predicted that mobile phones will provide English learning programs by 2030.
B: Then it will be very convenient for people to learn English, for a mobile phone is much easier to carry. Computer companies have told us that robots will replace teachers.
A: Amazing! Robot teachers won’t get angry with students, I bet. Then what’s the robots’ language?
B: Of course English. English will be the global language. Everyone can speak English in the world.
A: How can it be possible
B: It is predicted that the Internet will have taught everyone to speak English by 2050.
A: The idea that the Internet will have taught English to everyone in the world by 2050 is amazing.
Step VII Homework
Go over the grammar in Unit 19.
Write Ex 6 on page 53 in their exercise-books.
Finish Ex 5 &7 on page53.
The Forth Period Lesson 2 Varieties of English (I)
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target Language目标语言
cream, razor, mate, brochure, cab, relative, catch on, for ages
2.Aility goals 能力目标
Enable students to identify different English accents and develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
By practising enable students to identify different English accents and develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries.
Teaching important points教学重点
How to identify different English accents and develop awareness of different English expressions in different countries
Teaching difficult points教学难点
How to identify different English accents
Teaching methods教学方法
Listening, speaking
Teaching aids 教具准备
Teaching procedures & ways 过程与方式
Step I Revision
Check the homework.
Ask some students to make some sentences using noun clauses.
Step II Before you start
After the revision, go on with Before you start on page 8. Exercises in this part will help students prepare for listening.
T: As we know, English is spoken widely all over the world Can you name some of the countries where English is the native language
Ss: Britain, the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Jamaica, South Africa
T: Do you think all these English speakers sound the same
Ss: Of course not.
T: While there are certainly many more varieties of English, the two varieties of English most widely found in print and taught around the world are British and American. But there are of course many other varieties of English. Scotland, Ireland, South Asia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, West Africa, the Caribbean, South Africa all have their own regional variations of English. These varieties have their own ways of pronouncing words, their own special vocabulary and even their own grammatical rules. It is true there are some differences between American English and British English. For example words ending in –or (American) –our (British) color, colour, humor, humour, flavor, flavour etc. Words ending in –ize (American) –ise (British) recognize, recognise, patronize, patronise etc. Probably the major differences between British and American English lie in the choice of vocabulary. For example Americans go to movie while British go and see a film. The differences in the spoken language are greater. For example, Americans say dance [], and in southern England they say []. In American they pronounce not []; in southern England they say []. Ok, you will learn more varieties in the following exercises. Now let’s come to Ex2. Please work in pairs to match the British English words with the American English ones in the list.
Suggested answers to Ex2:
flat/ apartment, film/ movie, post/ mail, rubbish/ garbage, underground/ subway, vacation/ holiday
Step III Listening Strategies: Identifying different English accents
The listening strategies will help students build listening skills and get thoroughly prepared. Before listening, ask students to read and discuss Listening Strategies on page 8. From the listening strategies students will learn how to identify different English accents.
Step IV Listen to learn
Deal with Ex 3.
Before playing the recording, Teacher asks students to look through the questions first. According to the questions, students may make a prediction to the listening materials. Play again if necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Suggested answer to Ex 4
Maybe he has been learning and using British English. He has never heard any other’s English accent.
Deal with Ex 5
Before listening to the recording of Ex 5, ask students to recall the difference in the American English and British pronunciation of the sound []. While listening they should concentrate on the sound [].
Deal with Ex 6
While doing Ex 6, students should concentrate on the sound [] so that they can tell Australian English from British English.
Deal with Ex 7
Play the recording for students to identify the speakers’ different accents and decide where they come from. Play the recording again and pause after each speaker for students to write down the words which have been pronounced differently with American, British or Australian accents. Check the answers and ask students to share the rules that they have noticed for the accent of each country.
Step V Homework
Sum up the differences of Varieties of English.
Do Ex 4 and exercises in Prepositions on page 55.
The Fifth Period Lesson 2 Varieties of English (II)
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target Language目标语言
Polite request
Would it be possible...
Could you...
I’m sorry but, ...
I was wondering if...
Do you think I could...
Will you be....
I prefer not...
I’m afraid...
Is it all right if...
If you’d like, ...
Could you possibly...
I wonder if...
2.Aility goals 能力目标
Enable students to identify situations and people.
Enable students to make polite requests and form the habit of using polite language.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
By practising polite language enable students to form the habit of being polite to others.
Teaching important points教学重点
How to make polite requests
Teaching difficult points教学难点
How to get students think in English and use polite English when communicating with foreigners.
Teaching methods教学方法
Listening, speaking, explaining
Teaching aids 教具准备
Teaching procedures & ways 过程与方式
Step I Revision
Go over varieties of English and check the homework.
Ex 4 helps students learn to use vocabulary in context. Exercises in Prepositions on page 55 will build up prepositions of positions and preposition of order.
Step II Listening Strategies: Identifying situations and people
The listening strategies will help students build listening skills and get thoroughly prepared. Before listening, ask students to read and discuss Listening Strategies on page 9. From the listening strategies students will learn how to identify situations and people.
Step III Listening
Deal with Ex 9.
It is vital to establish the context before starting to listen. Ask students to discuss the context and make students aware they are going to listen to the Canadian travel dialogues. Before listening they may make some predictions. Teacher should list and explain the key words, which make the listening easier. Ask students to use the Strategies to choose the correct alternative for each dialogue. While listening, get students to concentrate on what they have understood, even if only a few words. Point out, in English, some words seem “disappear”, but the meaning can often be guessed by the context words, which are stressed and are easier to hear.
T: Yesterday we learned to identify different English accents. Now we are going to identify situations and people. The listening strategies will help build our listening skills. Let’s learn the listening strategies.
Ask students to read and discuss the strategies.
T: We will use the strategies to do Ex 9. In Ex 9 we will listen to the Canadian travel dialogues. Please read through the questions and alternative answers. You may make some predictions. Then I will play the recording for you. While listening, please concentrate on what you have understood, even if only a few words. Don’t worry about the others. In English, some words seem “disappear”, but the meaning can often be guessed by the context words, which are stressed and are easier to hear.
If necessary, play the recording twice. While checking the answers, play the recording again and pause after each situation.
Function File
Ask students to read through the function file and see if they can match any of the expressions with the gaps.
Deal with Ex 10.
Play the recording for students to complete the gaps and see if their guesses are correct. Ask individuals to read out the sentences. While reading, ask them pay attention to the intonation.
T: Now let’s listen to the dialogues again and complete the Function File.
After checking the answers, ask students if the expressions are direct and not very polite or indirect and polite. Play the recording again for students to listen particularly to the intonation of the expressions.
Deal with Ex11.
Part 1
Play the recording for students to identify if the requests are polite and indirect or too direct and possible rude. Ask students to repeat the polite ones. Students should pay attention to the intonation.
Part 2
Play the recording first for students to listen. Then play again for students to repeat. Students should pay particular attention to the intonation.
Step IV Practice
Deal with exercises in Language power Lesson 2 varieties of English.
Deal with Ex1 on page 54.
Ask students to match the two parts of the request individually then check the answers with the whole class.
Deal with Ex2 on page 54.
Ask students to rewrite the dialogues in pairs using more polite language. Then ask pair students to read out their answers. Then teacher shows the suggested answers on the powerpoint and explain the polite language.
Step V Speaking Strategies
Read out the strategies to the class. Ask students to use polite language and polite intonation when making requests. Remind them that smiling has a high success rate and they should use it often.
Step VI Speaking
Deal with Ex12 on page 9.
Students work in pairs. Give each student time to look at their role card. Teacher goes around the classroom to monitor the activity. Before students begin the dialogue, make sure students get their ideas clear. It is not necessary to write down everything they are going to say. Encourage students to perform in front of the class.
Step VII Practice
Deal with Ex3 on page 54.
Ask students to write suitable requests for permission. Then compare the answers with his/ her partner’s. When checking the answers with the whole class, ask students to read in pairs.
Step IV Homework
Make a dialogue to ask permission using polite language.
The Sixth Period Lesson 3 Body Language (I)
Teaching goals教学目标
1. Target language目标语言:
a. 重点词汇和短语
congratulate, explicit, upwards, upper, unconscious, rigid, tight, resemble, transparent, unrest, merely, purchase, negotiate, outline, ambiguous, offence, approval, bent, on purpose
b. 重点句型
Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more transparent as though we can lie with words, it is not as easy to do so with our bodies.
2. 能力目标
Help students to learn about reading strategies for summarizing the main ideas of paragraph with headings.
Help students to learn body language often communicates one’s attitudes and feelings.
3. 学能目标
Help students to learn body language plays an important role in communication
Teaching important points教学重点
Reading strategies for summarizing the main ideas of paragraph.
Body language often communicates one’s attitudes and feelings.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to summarizing the main ideas of paragraph.
Teaching methods教学方法
Task-based teaching method
Teaching aids教具准备
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Leading in
T: T: Good morning /afternoon, class!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /Ms…
T: Who would like to say something on how to learn English well
S1:Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible
S2:Do Exercises and Take Tests
S3:Watch English Films and Television
S4: Surround Yourself with English
T: Good. Please keep in mind we learn English to communicate with people in real life. Besides the language, there is one common language in every country all over the world. All the people, old and young, men and women, must use it. It’s everybody’s second language. It’s easy to understand, although you don’t hear it.
Ss: Body language.
Step II Before you start
Deal with Before you start.
Show the photos on the powerpoint. Ask students to figure out what kind of language the people are using to communicate. Then ask students to talk about the various gestures, facial expressions and body movements they often use to communicate. Encourage students to contribute examples of body language—gestures and facial expressions that communicate ideas and feelings without the use of words.
T: What is Body Language
S1: People use gestures, body movements or facial expressions to communicate instead of words. T: Quite right! Body Language is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter with another human being. Please look at the photos and guess their feelings. His or her body language tells you their true feelings. Between 60-80% of our message is communicated through our Body Language, only 7-10% is attributable to the actual words of a conversation. Please discuss in groups what feelings their body language communicates.
After discussing the expressions and gestures in the pictures, ask some students to contribute examples of body language—gestures and facial expressions and the rest of class will guess what feelings and attitudes the gestures and facial expressions communicate.
T: Now I’d like some of you to use body language to communicate your ideas and feelings. Who would like to be the first one
Step III Reading Strategies
Read to learn
Before dealing with reading, ask students to read the reading strategies individually and Teachers explains it.
T: In this class we are going to learn Lesson 3 Body Language. Before reading the article Body Language Speaks for Itself, let’s learn the reading strategies for summarizing the main ideas of paragraphs with headings: Paragraphs and Headings. Please read it aloud.
After learning the reading strategies, ask students to skim the text and do Ex3 on Page 11.
Step IV Reading
Deal with Ex3.
Ask students to work individually, reading the text and using the strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. Six minutes later check the answers with the whole class.
Deal with Ex 4.
Ask students to read the text carefully and judge the statements are true or false. Students may compare their answers to the other group members. Then check the answers with the whole class.
T: From the text we learn what body language is. Please remember learning a foreign language requires more than knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar, idioms and informal expressions. It also requires awareness of its gestures and facial expressions. Of course we cannot always be sure that our interpretation of facial expressions is accurate. Body language is not always the same everywhere. There are cultural, regional, and individual differences in how we communicate what we think and feel with our bodies. But smiling is the universal body language. So don’t be afraid to use it.
Step V Explanation
During this procedure Teacher will play the tape for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, Teacher will explain the text and deal with language problems.
T: Now we will deal with some difficult language focuses. Now I will play the tape for you .Please make a mark where you have difficulties.
After listening to the tape, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the difficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text on page 113.
T: Do you have any difficulties with the text?
S1:Could you please explain the sentence to us:Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more transparent as though we can lie with words, it is not as easy to do so with our bodies.
T: As we know, body language can be unconscious. If you tell a lie, your body language will reveal your secret. Body language can help us decide whether a person is telling the truth or not.
Do you have any other questions
Ss: No.
T: If you don’t have any other questions, please sum up the phrases and useful expressions in the text. Then we will deal with the vocabulary exercises.
Step VI Practice
Deal with Ex 5 on page 5.
Ask students to read aloud the given words in Ex 5 to make sure students know their meanings. Then ask student to do the exercises individually. Three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.
Deal with Ex 1 on page 56. Ask students to look through the passage first, and then complete the passage individually. Compare their answers to the other group members. Teacher checks the answers with the whole class.
Step VII The Improvised Role Plays
Divide the class into small groups. Ask the groups to create a role play that involves ONLY body language and NO talking. The group can pick any scene and characters it wants. Encourage the group NOT to over-plan the role play. Instead, suggest that they pick a scene, define the characters in the scene, and think of a few possibilities for events that might occur in the scene. Then * IMPROVISE * within that general structure. This makes for a much more spontaneous and interesting role play than the more rigid alternative of carefully scripting all the action.
Each group takes its turn at improvising its scene in front of the whole class. A group may "set up" the role play by telling the class where the scene is taking place and who is in the scene. Another interesting and fun alternative is for the group to provide NO introduction to the role play. The class can then guess what is happening in the scene. After each role play, the class discusses what they believe was happening in the scene based on what they saw in the body language. What are the personalities of the people, their relationships with each other, the issues affecting the group, etc.
T: Now I’d like you to work in groups and create a role play that involves ONLY body language and NO talking. Each group will take its turn at improvising its scene in front of the whole class. A group may "set up" the role play by telling the class where the scene is taking place and who is in the scene or providing NO introduction to the role play. The class can then guess what is happening in the scene. After each role play, the rest of the class discuss what was happening in the scene based on what you saw in the body language, what are the personalities of the people, their relationships with each other, the issues affecting the group, etc. The following shows some ways of greeting people in Asia. You may refer to it.
A Few of the Ways to Say Hello in Asia
Country Gesture
China a nod or bow
Hong Kong (older Chinese) clasp hands together at throat level and nod
India palms together as though praying and bend or nod, called namaste
Indonesia say selamat, which means peace
Japan bow from the waist, palms on thighs, heels together
Korea a slight bow and handshake (right hand in one or both hands)
Malaysia both hands touch other person's hands, then are brought back to the breast, called salame gesture
Philippines a limp handshake
Sri Lanka place palms together under chin and bow slightly
Thailand place palms together, elbows down, and bow head slightly, called wai
In Malaysia people greet each other by saying “Where are you going ” Because it is not really a question, the polite response is “Just for a walk.”
Step V Homework
Observe some people. Notice signs of visual, auditory, kinesthetic accessing in their body language.
Contrast between the body language in China and that in the US.
The Seventh Period Lesson 3 Body Language (II)
Teaching goals教学目标
1. Target language目标语言:
a. 重点词汇和短语
Words used for comparison and contrast: similar to, also, as well, both, like, same, likewise, too, unlike, whereas, however, while, differ from, on the other hand, but
Phrasal verbs: break into, keep in touch with, team up with, hand over, pay for, rely on, catch up with, focus on, compare to
2. 能力目标: Practise using words for comparison and contrast.
3. 学能目标: Help students to learn to use words for comparison and contrast.
Teaching important points教学重点
Words used for comparison and contrast and the phrasal verbs.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to use words for comparison and contrast and the phrasal verbs freely.
Teaching methods教学方法
Task-based teaching method
Teaching aids教具准备
Multi-computer, a good dictionary
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Revision
T: T: Good morning /afternoon, class!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /Ms…
T: Yesterday I asked you to contrast between the body language in China and that in the US.
Now I will divide you into two groups: Chinese group and American group. You are going to communicate with each other using body language, for you can not make yourself understood in your native language. Please remember that body language is not the same everywhere. There are both cultural, regional, and individual differences in how we communicate what we think and feel with our bodies. You may use the information you‘ve got or the following as your reference.
(Print out the following as handout)
I am tired. Pressing the palms together and resting the head on the back of the hand while closing the eyes as if sleeping.
I am hungry. patting the stomach with the hands
After eating, I am full. taking the hand and making a circular motion over the stomach.
I am thirsty. Using the hand and making a circular motion over the stomach.
I am cold, or it's cozy or a sign of eager anticipation. rubbing the hands together.
Greetings hand shake
Farewells raise the hand and with the full, open palm wave the hand back and forth raise the hand and with a full, open palm wave the hand up and down at the wrist.
Beckoning raise the hand, with the index finger, raised about head high or a little higher raise the hand and with the full, open palm wave the hand back and forth to attract attention; curl the index finger in and out
O.K. Thumb and forefinger making a circle.
Good Job Thumbs up
"Victory" or "peace" holding the index and middle fingers upright
goal, touchdown, victory, or surrender upraised arms
defensive, disagree folded arms
aggression, resistance, impatience, or anger standing with the hands of the hips bowed outward (arms akimbo)
praise and appreciation hand-clapping or applause
Affection , friendship with children hand holding
anger, resentment, or opposition shaking the fist
"hand loose" or "relax" holding thumb and little finger extended
American Sign Language for "I love you." lifting the hand up, palm out, and extending the thumb, forefinger, and little finger.
Congratulations high five
suicide hand cuts across the throat
"choke." performed badly American Red Cross for "I am choking." hand to the throat
Impatience hand cuts across the top of the head
"you have a telephone call." with a fist, extended the thumb and little finger widely holding it up to the ear.
Hitchhiking, Basebell meaning "Out." make a fist with thumb up and making a sweeping motion.
Waving Goodbye extend the hand outward, palm down, fingers spread, and then bobbing the whole hand up and down.
Money rubbing the thumb and forefinger together
pointing extend the hand with the index finger
"No, no, don't do that." waggling the forefinger back and forth
Good luck crossing the fingers
get someone's attention, music snapping the fingers
Yes nodding the head up and down
No shaking the head side to side
thinking or confused or skeptical scratching the head
shows attentiveness, listening direct eye contact
sharing a secret or flirtatious winking with one eye
Flirtatious gesture by men eyebrow flash(raising the eyebrows)
incredulity or amazement rolling the eyes
I can't hear you cupping the ear
someone or something is crazy rotating the forefinger (index) around in front of the ear
disgust or What's that smell Wrinkling the nose
smells bad or stinks holding the nose with thumb and forefinger
Approval whistling
disapproval hiss and boo
rude, crude, insulting spitting
tiredness or boredom yawning
derision sticking out the tongue
contemplation, I am thinking chin stroke, tapping the head with forefinger
Step II Words for comparison and contrast
Deal with Ex 6. Ask students to read out the given words and then figure out which of the expressions are used for comparison and which are used for contrast. Three minutes later, show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint.
T: Just now we compare the body language in China with that In the US. In this class we are going to learn words for comparison and contrast. Please read the words in Ex 6 and work in groups to figure out which of the expressions are used for comparison and which are used for contrast.
After checking the answers, ask three students to read out the three sentences.
Step III Speaking
Deal with Ex 7.
Read out the instructions and the example. Explain to the students how to answer the questions with the expressions in the bracket. Then ask students to work in pairs and answer the questions with the expressions in the brackets by referring back to the relevant parts of the text. Several minutes later, check the answers by having individually answer the questions.
Suggested answers:
2. Unlike in American, a circle made with fingers doesn’t mean everything is fine in Germany. It can cause offence.
3. Smiling which receives universal approval has the same meaning all over the world.
Step IV Lesson 3 in Language power
Deal with Ex 2 &3.
Ex 2&3 are about prefixes. The prefixes will show students how to form opposites of adjectives and verbs. The exercises are designed in an inductive approach. While doing Ex 2, Teacher can encourage students to discuss how the opposites are formed and then work out the rules. Students can compare the rules they summarized to the ones in Ex 3. When doing Ex 3, encourage students to use a good dictionary.
T: After we learned words for comparison and contrast, let’s come to Lesson 3 in Language power. First please look at Ex 2. What are you asked to do in Ex 2
Ss: To write the opposites of the words in brackets.
T: Please read the first sentence together.
(After students read it)
T: What part of speech is ‘patient’ And how is its opposite formed
Ss: Adjective. By adding a prefix ‘im-‘.
T: What about ‘agree’
Ss: It is a verb. If we add a prefix ‘dis-‘, we get its opposite.
T: Quite good! Now you are given 5 minutes to finish the exercises and then summarize the rules. After you have finished, you can compare yours to