book9 Unit 1, breaking records warming up & reading


名称 book9 Unit 1, breaking records warming up & reading
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文件大小 4.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(新课程标准)
科目 英语
更新时间 2008-08-19 11:21:00



课件35张PPT。 Unit 1 Breaking Records the 29th
Olympic Games to be the winners to break recordsPre-readinghurdlingboxingboxingvolleyballtable tennisswimmingweight-lifting windsurfinghurdlinghigh-low barsgymnastics
体 操conventional sports
hula hooping pogo stick jumpingdoing jumping jackssomersaultingstanding on a Swiss balldoing lungesunconventional sports The Guinness Book of Records Ashrita Furman He has broken many Guinness records in unconventional sporting activities.Balancing a Pool Cue on Finger doing Lunges Milk Bottle Balancing on Head Staying Balanced At StonehengeQuickly glance through the text. Tick the topics about Ashrita that the author does NOT cover.
□ physical skills needed for events
□ number of records broken
□ his family life
□ kinds of records broken
□ why he became a sportsman□ countries he likes best
□ place and date of birth
□ his occupation
□ his education
□ his first Guinness recordPart1
part4(para1)(para2-7)(para8-11)(para12-13)Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness Records.Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents.How Ashrita came to be a sportsman.What Ashrita’s belief is.Brief introductionAchievements Growth experienceSpiritual motivation achievementsHula hooping Pogo stick jumping under waterDeep knee bends in a hot air balloon Keep a full bottle of milk on the head Stand on top of a 75cm Swiss ballsomersaultinglunges (Strength (fitness(determination)(the fine neck adjustments)(concentration, sense of balance)(dizziness, extreme tiredness, pain) Why did Ashrita become a sportsman?
Because he was a sport talent.
Because he was interested in sports.
Because he was influenced by one of his teacher Sri Chinmoy’s beliefs.
Because he wanted to become a strong man.What was the teacher’s belief? It is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. There is no limit to people’s physical abilities.
Which of the following proverbs can paraphrase(解释) the belief “The road is always ahead of you”?
A. Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.
B. All roads lead to Rome. 
C. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
D.The early bird catches the worm.
Now read the story more carefully and answer the following questions in groups.
Reading 1. Where do you think Ashrita lives?
Possibly in New York.2. How old do you think he is ?
He was 16 in the early 1970s so he
would be in his late 40s now.3. Has he broken records in all seven
Yes.4. When did he first come across the
Guinness Book of World Records?
When he was a child.5. A. What are some of the physical
difficulties he has experienced when
walking with a bottle of milk on his
The fine neck adjustments are
needed.B. What are some of the physical
difficulties he has experienced when
standing on top of a Swiss ball?
It takes a lot of concentration and a
great sense of balance to stay on top
even though his legs may start shaking.
平衡感C. What are some of the physical
difficulties he has experienced
when somersaulting?
He has to overcome
dizziness, extreme tiredness
and pain.D. What are some of the physical
difficulties he has experienced when
doing gymnastically correct lunges?
Lunges are extremely hard on his
6.Which one of Sri Chinmoy’s beliefs led
Ashrita to attempting records?
The belief that there is no limit to
people’s physical abilities. 7.Why was it amazing that Ashrita came
third in the bicycle marathon in 1978?
He won the third place even though he
had done no training.没有限制8. Why did Ashrita believe he could
accomplish anything after the bicycle
Because he came to the understanding
that his body was just an instrument
of the spirit and that he seemed to be
able to use his spirit to accomplish
anything.同位语从句,说明understanding 的内容第二个同位语从句的内容。而且必须保留连接词that9.What happens in an event that
prevents Ashrita from giving up?
He goes deep within himself and
connects with his soul and his teacher.10. Do you think that the events that
Ashrita participates in are childish?
Why or why not?
In my opinion, they are not childish,
because they require an enormous
amount of strength and fitness as
well as determination in reality.Discussion
Here are some of Ashrita’s
beliefs. In groups, discuss
whether you agree with
them or not.
1.There is no limit to people’s physical
2.The body is just an instrument of the
3. You can use your spirit to
accomplish anything.
4. There is only one perfect road. It is
ahead of you, always ahead of you.