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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2008-10-10 21:23:00



Part1: teaching material
1 status and functions
This module is about Fantasy Literature, the listening, and speaking and reading parts are all around this topic. After these parts, the students have an general idea of fantasy stories. This writing part is the output of the vocabulary, grammar and reading. So writing is very important in this module.
2 teaching aims and demands
⑴ knowledge objects
a. Use the words and phrases of this module to express the story.
b. Use the past tenses and adverbial clauses with –ing form to finish a short passage.
⑵ ability objects
a. Stimulate the students to conceive and write a simple fantasy story.
b. Train the students to make a simple description of a favorite novel.
⑶ moral objects
Language has close relationship with culture. By teaching, I want to widen the students’ knowledge and develop their culture taste of the fantasy literature.
3 important points and difficult points
Important points: The use of past tenses and adverbial clauses with –ing form
Difficult points: How to design a simple fantasy story .
Part 2 : Teaching method
The principles of choosing the method:
1. In choosing the teaching method, we must pay special attention to the principle that students are always the center of the study. Teachers are just the directors, like the coach in a sports team.
2. Use the 3 steps writing methods: pre-writing, writing and post-writing to lead the Ss to follow the teaching pace.
3. Cooperation is very important for the Ss both in school and out of school. The partners can develop at the same time.
Because of the three principles mentioned above, I will have the students do the most work in class. What’s more, I’ll stimulate them to turn to their classmates to express, discuss and solve the problems they encounter in writing.
Part 3: Learning method
Language is not only knowledge, but also a skill. Skills can only be grasped through practice. Practice makes perfect. Writing skills can only be gained by practice a lot. In this part, I’ll help the students to develop the following skills:
1. How to use the past tenses and adverbial clauses with –ing form.
2. How to design a simple fantasy writing.
Part 4: Teaching Procedure
Step1: Revision 4′
In this step, I’ll ask the students to do some words games to review the words and phrases.
Step 2: Lead –in 4′
Ask two students to make a simple description of Harry Potter.
(the students’ first attempt to describe a story)
Step 3: Pre-writing 2′
Ask a student to read the start of the fantasy story on the book and ask a student to translate it.
Step4 : Writing
⑴ Give the students 5 minutes to use their imagination to design a simple structure of the following story. 5′
(stimulate the students to use their imagination)
⑵ Ask 4 students to read out their story designs . 4′
(encourage the other Ss to imagine)
⑶ Give them 4 questions and ask 4 students to answer on the blackboard with the past tenses and v-ing form. 3′
(point out the questions they should answer in a description and practise the past tense and adverbial clause with v-ing)
Questions: Where did the young man go
What did he want to do with the ring
Did he have problems because of the ring
What happened to the young man
⑷ Check these answers and attract the attention to the tense and adverbial clauses with –ing form. 3′
⑸ Give the students 5 minutes to fulfill their simple design . 5′
Step 5 Post-writing
⑴Ask the students to check their passage with the partners and pick out the mistakes . 5′
(stimulate the Ss to cooperate with the others and practise the grammar)
⑵ Ask a student to read out his passage. 3′
Step 6 Summary
Sum up the important points of writing a simple story: the clear structure, the tenses, the grammar, the verb forms. 3′
(the last attempt to solve the difficult points)
step 7 Homework
Fulfill their composition and add more details.