Module 3 Music Reading课堂教学设计(黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区)


名称 Module 3 Music Reading课堂教学设计(黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区)
格式 rar
文件大小 17.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2008-10-18 20:41:00



Book Two Module3 Music Reading课堂教学设计
1、 教材内容分析
2、 教学目标
1、明确和掌握一些新词汇如:album catchy complex genius impressed influence talent tune split up be famous as change…into of all time by the time be impressed with the rest of
2、理解时间状语从句 如:
1)、He started composing music when he was fire
2)、He learned to play the harpsicherd when he was four
3)、while he was stu a teenaqer Mozart was alneady a big star
1、Train the sudents speaking ability through individual pani werk and qrup work
2、Train the students reading skius by dealing with some reading autirties
3、Explanahens to make the students master some lanquage pomts
4、Fast neading to make the students qet the main idea of the passage
1、Encouraqe the students to talk about music as well as music instruments判断
2、Help the students make sense of the passaqe
3、Help the students to imporove their reading ability
1、Lead the stndents to talking in class artively
2、Deal with seme diffimlt lanpnage pomts
Request the students to love music and enrich their emotion
Teaching precedures
Step 1 warming up and leading in
Warming up by listening pieces of music and asking the students to listen and appreciate them then ask them some questions.
1.Do you like music
2..What is your favorite kind of music
3.Who is your favorite musician and who vourite composer
Step 2 Introduction
1.showing some piutures and discussing
I have some pictures here to show you (some pictures about instruments, famous bands,conductors composers ,singers etc.) when I present the pictures I will ask the students about the words that are related to them in order to consolidate the old words and learn some new words.
audience choir classical composer conductor drum erhu guitar instrument jazzmusician orchestra pop piano rock saophone violin
2.Read through the words in the activity one. Make sure the students understand what these words mean.
Then have the students work in pairs and complete the first activity they can ask and answer the questions with each other using the qestions offered in the text.
1. Which word means someone who writes music
2. which word means a group of people who sing together
3. Which instruments are used in pop and rock music
4. Which instruments are used in classical music
5. Which instruments are used in jazz
6. which instruments are used in trditional Chinese music
Step 3 pre-reading
1. Introduce some new words
Show the following new words from the text and ask the students to read them all together twice, correcting their pronunciation while they read each word.
court director genius harpsichord impressed lose
musical peasant piece(of music) singer successful symphony
talent teenager
Since you have got familiar with these words which are connected with music, I guess it will be not too difficult for you to get the main idea of this passage. Now, please read the passage quickly Today we are going to read a passage about 3 qreat musicnans who are all composers:Haydn Mozart and Bee thowen.Then how much do you know about Haydn Mozart and Bee thowen
Try to finish the form before reading the text
Birth place About his father About his achievements Relationship with the other two
And the three musicians mentioned in the passage also had friendship with each other if you want to know what indeed happened and how they whonq ht of ouh other we hawe to learn the text please open your books and turned to page 22
Step 3: Reading
1. Read the passage quickly and choose the best title.
A. Three Great Austrian Composers
B. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century
C. Three Great Child Composers
( Key: A)
2. Fast reading to get general understanding
Read the text again, and then think how many composers the text refers. (Three. ) So, how many parts do you think the text should be divided (Three again. )
Part1: paragraph 1and 2
Part1: paragraph 3,4and 5
Part1: paragraph 6,7and 8
3. Careful reading for some details
Read the passage again as carefully as you can and then answer the following questions.
1) Which of the composers were born in Austria
2) Which of the composers were born in Germany
3) Which of the composers had a good singing voice
4) Which of the composers died before his fortieth birthday
5) Which of the composers became dead
6) Which of the composers met each other
7) Which of the composers had fathers who were musicians
8) Which of the composers had a father who wasn’t a musician
4. Listen to the tape of the text and try to find which of the following words appear in the passage.
court director instrument traditional genius harpsichord impressed lose conductor musical audience peasant piece(of music) singer saxophone successful symphony jazz
talent teenager guitar
(Keys: court; director; genius; harpsichord; impressed; lose; musical; peasant; piece(of music) singer; successful; symphony; talent; teenager )
4. Detailed reading for more information
Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.
1) It was Haydn who changed the form of symphonies into long piece for large orchestra.
2) Haydn worked in eastern Austria for thirteen years.
3) Mozart composed 600 pieces of music.
4) Mozart was even a teenager when he played for the Empress of Austria.
5) It was Haydn who taught Beethoven how to play the piano.
6) Beethoven didn’t stop composing when he became deaf.
( Keys: 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6T)
Step4 Post reading
Discuss these questions with the class
1. Had you heard of any of these composers before you read the passage?
2. Is it important to know anything about calssical music
3. Is Chinese classical music defferent from European classical music If so,can you explain how
Step5 consolidation
Retelling the text in your own words
Step6 Homework
1. Try to instruct your favorite musician to your class orally.
2. Try to repeat the text.
3. Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessary.
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