必修1 黄金词块记忆


名称 必修1 黄金词块记忆
格式 rar
文件大小 9.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(新课程标准)
科目 英语
更新时间 2008-11-02 12:08:00



Unit 1 book 1
1、使人平静下来:calm down sb 2、找人修自行车: get the bike repaired 3、经历: go through
4、期中考试: mid-term exam 5、期末考试: end-of-term exam 6、抢走某人的钱物: rob sb of sth 7、什么也不说: without saying anything 8、关心,挂念: concern about 9、总计达到: add up to 10、加起来: add up 11、动身,引爆: set off 12、开办工厂: set up factories
13、骗走某人的钱物: cheat sb of sth 14、开办工厂: set up factories 15、记下,登记下来: put down 16、提醒某人某事: remind sb of sth 17、向某人寻求意见: ask sb for advice 18、穿过: go through 19、听从某人的意见: follow sb’s advice 20、躲藏: hide away 21、酷爱: be crazy about 22、和某人一起分享: share with sb 23、入党:Join the party 24、面对面地: face to face 25、开会: attend a meeting 26、上课: attend classes 27、信不信由你 believe it or not
28、根据,按照: according to 29、几个: a couple of 30、为……付款: pay for 31、付款: pay the bill
Unit 2 book 1
32、没有标准英语这回事: there is no such thing as standard English. 33、起作用: play a part in
34、找到差别:find the differences 35、识别出其他人的方言: recognize its dialects
36、现在 at present 37、问题被提出 question come up 38、来到某地 come up to sp
39、走上前来 come up to sb 40、走上前去 go up to sb
41、官方语言 official language 42、母语 native language
43、第二语言 second language 44、外语 foreign language
45、现代英语 modern english 46、建立在。。。的基础上 be based on
47、丰富词汇量 enrich vocabulary 48、讲英语的国家 English-speaking country
49、口语 oral English 50、在那时 at that time
51、在这天 on this day 52、在那晚 at that night
53、在那天早晨 on that morning 54、在早晨 in the moning
55、在那段时间里 during that time 56、事实上 in fact
57、不声不响的 with a step with little sound 58、不假思索的 without a second thought
Unit 3 book 1
59、宁可运动 prefer to doing exercise 60、在A与B中宁可选A prefer A to B
61、早晨锻炼有三大好处 There are three advantages in morning exercise.
62、乘飞机去北京旅游有三大坏处 There are three disadvantages in taking a plane to Beijing.
63、在日常生活中 in daily life 64、利用好时间 make good use of time
65、湄公河流经很多的国家River Mekong flows through many countries
66、自上中学以来 ever since middle school 67、山地自行车 mountain bike
68、说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth 69、长大 grow up
70、使他们在骑自行车方面感兴趣。Make him interested in riding a bicycle
71、大学毕业后 after graduating 72、我喜爱我的姐姐 I am in fond of my sisiter.
Her words suggested that she had lost confidence about this job.
She advised that everyone of us take a bottle of water with us before leaving.
75、他坚持说是他自己做的家庭作业。He insisted that he did the homework by himself.
76、不拘小节 don’t care about details 77、give in屈服、投降 78、放弃 give up
79、没什么能改变他的决定。Nothing could change his mind.
80、一次有趣的经历 an interesting experience 81、一位产生兴趣的老师 an interested teacher
82、下定决心做某事 make up one’s mind to do sth
83、像往常一样6点起床。Get up at 6 as usual 84、搭帐篷 put up tents
Unit 4 book 1
85、发生occur, it occur to me that… 86、happen, an accident happened
87、break out, a big fire broke out 88、take place school meeting will take place
89、立刻,马上 right away 90、不在意 take no notice of 91、重视 think highly of
92、看不起 look down apon 93、好像 as if 94、世界末日到了 the world is at an end.
95、处于一片废墟之中 lay in ruins 97、救援人员 rescue workers
Two-thirds of the people who died or were injured in the earthquake.
99、成千上万的人 hundreds of thousands of people
100、为幸存者建避难所 build shelters for survivors
101、一个令人恐惧的夜晚 a frightening night 被震惊的人们 the shocked people 大量的房屋 a number of houses 102、筹集资金 collect/raise money
103、被吓坏的猪 the frightened pig 104、赢得比赛 won the match/game/compitition
105、我们以你为荣 I am proud of you.
106、为纪念在地震中死去的人们 to honour those who died in the earthquake.
107、灾区 disaster-hit areas 记下、写下 set/put down 108、指 refer to
109、在地震中死去的人的数量 the nunmber of people who died in the earthquake.
Unit 5 book 1
110、为国捐躯 died for the country 111、死于癌症 die of cancer
112、死于事故 die from the accident 113、溺水而死 die by drown
114、与敌人作斗争 fight against the enemy 115、为穷人作斗争 fight for the poor
116、事实上 as a matter of fact 117、向某人求助 turn to sb
118、乐意做某事 be willing to do sth 119、建立一个机构 found an organization
120、为做、、、而自豪 be poud of doing sth 121、建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth
122、继续做某事 continue to do sth/continue doing sth 123、失去信心 lose heart
124、有麻烦 in trouble 125、制造麻烦 make trouble
126、死亡 die off 127、灭绝 die out 128、很想去北京旅游 be dying to travel in Beijing
129、炸毁大楼 blow up buildings 130、吹倒 blow down 131、吹灭 blow out
132、给某人提供(帮助、衣服、钱、指导)offer (clothes, help, money, guidance) to sb
133、在学习方面提供帮助 offer help on my study
134、在、、、方面很大方 be generous with money
135、对、、、很感激 be grateful to sb
136、实现上大学的梦想 achieve one’s dream of going to the university
137、梦想成为电影明星 dream of being a movie star
138、学费 school fee 139、交通费 transpot fare 140、担心 worry about
141、越来越多的人会失业 more and more people will be out of work
142、对未来充满希望 be hopeful about future 143、用一种和平的方法 in a peaceful way
144、发行专辑 release an album 145、被释放 be released
146、赢得诺贝尔和平奖 won the Nobel Peace Prize