title 《新目标英语》八年级上册Unit 1:How often do you exercise (Section A 1a ---1c )
授课者:张静 迁西县尹庄中学
Three dimen-sional goals Knowledge Objects: tudents can use “always usually often sometimes hardly ever never…”and some daily phrases:watch TV go shopping read books exercise and so on. Sentences Objects: 1.What do you usually do on weekends 2.I often go to the movies. 3.What does she do on weekends ? 4. She often goes to the movies.Ability Objects: learn to express some activities out of class, To train students’ ability of communication.
Teaching methods:1.Apply different kinds of teaching methods: 1) task-based teaching approach 2)the cognitive approach 3)the oral approachLearning methods guidance:1)Autonomous learning and cooperative investigation 2)let students work in pairs 3)students learn by doings
Emotions and values: students can make the description, cultivate the good personal traits and the spirit of loving motherland.
Teaching Key Points: What do you usually do on weekends I often go to the movies.
Teaching Difficulties: 第三人称单数谓语动词在此核心句型中的运用
Teaching means: multi-media, computer, record
Teaching procedures:
Teachers activities Students activities Practice and improve
Step1 Warm-up activities (1) Do it T:Read books. / Do homework!/ Draw pictures/ Look at the blackboardT: run / stop / stand up / sit down.(2) Do as I do.I read books on weekends.I run on weekends.I do my homework on weekends.Step 2 Revision and presentation(1)T:“What do you usually do on weekends ” (write on Bb) (2)Teacher takes out the cards: watch TV、read books 、exercise 、clean、skateboard、 play basketball、wash clothes、go shopping、 go to movies. (3)play games:“ What’s missing ” Step 3 Pattern drill and dialogue(1)teacher takes out the cards and asks: “What do you usually do on weekends ”(2)Task one “Find my group members.”ActivityName3)Teacher ask students to point to each picture , ask and answer in pairs . “What ’s the boy/girl doing ” “He/She is reading .” Check the answers on the blackboard Step 4 Presentation and drill(1)T:“ Now let’s see my activities on weekends. (屏幕上出现各项活动的图片并介绍。) I always read books at 6:00 in the morning. Then I usually run at 6:30. I often clean my house in the afternoon. Sometimes I watch TV, but I never watch TV too much. I hardly ever go to the movies.(2)points: always(100%) usually(80%) often (30-50%) hardly ever(5%) sometimes(20%) never(0%)teacher leads then to read the adv.(3)make the sentences: with the pictures and asks: What do you do on weekends (4)Task Two: Making cards Step 5 Practice and drill (1)Play the recording the first time . Play the recording a second time . Point to the pictures . T: Listen to the conversation and write the letter of one activity (a through e )after the word in the list .(1b) (2)acktivities: A:What do you do on weekends B: I often read books.C: What does she do D: She often reads books/ (3) Task three: Do a survey “What does she /he do on weekends ”NameActivityHow oftenStep 6 HomeworkMake a conversation “What do you usually do after school ” in groups.Collect some information about your favorite teacher with your partners ,such as his or her personality , hobby , eating habit and so on . Then introduce this teacher to us . Students do following the teacherStudents do following by the teacher’s wordsS: I usually …… on weekends.Students learn to read (students first read the words once, next they read the words which the teacher points,)Students answer: I usually …on weekends.Students fill in the blanks in time, next go and ask the others in order to find the one who is similar to him or her,at last ask them to write down the name. Students look at the picture on the book ,name each activity .students to correct their own activities.(1a Students read and translate all the sentences Students read and remember Students make the sentences by using the adv. For example: I usually run.Students work in pairs“What do you do on weekends ”Students only listen .Students do the listening part Students answer the questions and do the dialogues in groups freely by using the pictures. 屏幕上出现一张一个女孩读书的图片,教师提问:What does she do on weekends 再点击图片出现副词often 引导学生回答 She often reads books.
教学板书设计: Unit 1. How often do you exercise 1a-----1cA:What do you usually do on weekends B:I often go to the movies.
教学反思:教学策略:根据本课时的特点,我安排了六个环节,第一个环节让学生按老师的指令做动作来调整学生的精神状态,同时又复习了一些动词,为新课做知识上的准备;在第二个环节中,通过复习旧句型“What do you usually do on weekends ”,引出了七年级曾学过的频率副词usually和一些动词短语,减轻学生学习新课的难度;第三环节,通过完成课本Activity 1a和Task 1来加强说和写的能力的培养;第四环节出现了本课时的重点,因为句型已掌握熟练,这些重点内容——新频率副词的使用,也迎刃而解,再通过Task Two: Making cards这一有趣的活动来加深理解;第五环节,是我在教学中的扩展和延伸,在完成课本Activity 1b和Task3的过程中,把学生们学习一般现在时态的难点,用对比的方式清楚地呈现给学生,使学生充分感知和理解,使学生在交际中对语言的认识得到升华。在第六环节中,我安排了编对话活动来加强听说能力的培养,第二题是一个开放性的作业,在锻炼学生的综合语言运用能力的同时,又让他们学会合作与交流。在本课的整个教学过程中,教学重点内容(1c)贯穿始终,这是在教学实际中对教材的调整,由于本课教材没有涉及到一般现在时态的单三形式,而它又是中学生学习英语易疏忽的问题,所以我在本课做了补充。