课件12张PPT。Unit 3 In my school bag
cupHere’s your cup.
towelHere’s your towel.
drinkHere’s your drink.stickerHere’s your sticker.Here are your stickers.Here’s your cup.Here are your cups.Here’s your towel.Here are your towels.Here’s your sticker.Here’s are your stickers.Homework1. Listen to the tape three times.
2.Copybook P9.
The 4th Period
一、Task objectives
Review the words and expressions and their usages.
二、Key points:
What's in the...? There's a ... or There are ...s.
三、Content:Part F;G
四、Teaching steps:
Part F. Play the game.
1, Review the words and expressions
2, Divide the class into groups of four. Tell the pupils to empty one of their group members' schoolbags and fill it with different quantities of various objects. They must know the English names for each of the objects. Make sure the pupils understand that they should not put exactly the same number of objects in the bag as shown on page 17. The groups then exchange bags.
3,Each pupil in the group takes a turn putting their hand in the bag and guessin'g what is inside it. They must not look inside the bag. The group leader asks What's in the bag.The others reply in turn
There's a ... or There are ...s. The group leader makes a list of the objects they guess.
4, When everyone has had a turn and the group thinks that it has guessed all the objects in the bag, the pupils take out the objects and check their list making sentences about what is really in the bag. The group with the most correct answers and which used English the most while playing the game wins.
PartG. Listen, do and chant.
1 Play the Pupil's Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the chant. Then read each line of the chant and ask the pupils to say them after you. Play the cassette again and ask the pupils to chant along.
2 Point to the boy in each picture and show the pupils how to make the gestures. Ask the pupils to scream at the end for fun if you wish.
3 Ask the pupils to listen again, join in the chant and do the appropriate actions for each verse.
Post-task stage
Put a box on your desk. Blindfold willing pupils. Quietly put a number of the same kind of object into the box, Ask the blindfolded pupils What's in the box?Then help them put their hands in the box. They should try to count the objects in the box and tell you There's a ... or There are (number) ...s.
五、Homework:Workbook exercises.
Unit 3 In my school bag
Task objectives
Understand simple questions
Ask questions to find out information
Use English to communicate with others when doing tasks
Recognize basic words in familiar contexts
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
Here’s your...! Here are your
What’s in your...? There’s a . There are two
A Look and say.
Teaching steps
Step I Greetings
Step II Warm-up and revision
Step Ⅲ Presentation
1 Put a drink, a towel, a cup, some stickers, a pencil case, a book and a ruler into a pupil’s bag. The pencil case should have two rubbers and three pencils in it.
2 Open the bag and take out the ruler and the book and put them on the desk. Hand these items to different pupils saying Here’s your book. Here’s your ruler, etc. Then take out the pencil case, open it and do the same with the pencils, pens and rubbers in it saying Here are your pencils. Here are your rubbers, etc.
3 Shake and feel the bag to show there are still some things inside. Take out the drink, towel, cup and stickers and hand them to different pupils one by one saying Here’s your drink. Here are your stickers, etc. Ask the pupils to echo you.
4 Play the pupil’s book cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Continue play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
5 Then point to the characters and ask the pupils to say the words in their speech bubbles.
Step Ⅳ Practice
1 Go to the pupils you have given the items to and prompt them to say Here’s your drink. Here are your pencils, etc., as they give the items back to you.
2 Ask the pupils to role-play the scene in groups of three, first, by reading the speech bubbles, ant then, by making sentences about the things they can see in the picture.
Step Ⅴ Play a game
Play a memory game using real objects or a picture. Put the four new objects and six to ten other 1 known items on a tray. Give the pupils one minute to look at and memorize which objects are on the tray. Then cover the tray. Ask the pupils to tell you what items were on the tray using Here’s your,... Here are your ... Write a list on the board. When the pupils cannot remember any more items, check on the tray.
Step Ⅵ Sum up
Step Ⅶ Homework
Shiling Primary school
Zhang xiao ye What’s in your school bag? There is…………
There’s a cupThere’s a bookWhat’s in your pencil case There are There are towelsThere are pencils There are drinks