Unit 3 Seasons


名称 Unit 3 Seasons
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 深港版
科目 英语
更新时间 2009-03-31 19:43:00


Unit 3 Seasons
Task objectives
Understand simple questions in class
Interact more freely with others by using simple expressions and structures learned
Participate in simple games and role-plays
Provide information by using tables
Language focus
Where are you from? I’m from Changchun.
What’s the weather like there in winter? It’s very cold in winter. It often snows.
When do you want to go? I wan to go in summer.
Why? Because I can swim then.
Topic vocabulary
warm, cool, rain, snow, spring, summer, autumn, winter, often
Additional language
The ducks are going for a swim.
You’re not like us!
Now it is spring again.
Can I swim with you?
Yes, swim with us.
Throw-away words
Unit heading: Seasons
Sound and rhyme words: biker, diver, hiker
Rubrics: Then cut the symbols from page 79 and paste them in the chart on page 23. Ask four other students about their favorite seasons. Fill in the survey. Display your survey. Which is your favorite season?
Chant words: raindrops, leaves, fall, and snowmen
Period 1
Ask Wh-questions
Understand a series of instructions and act accordingly.
Interact with others by using simple expressions and structures learned
Language focus:
Master the new words and expressions.
Use the preposition ‘it’.
A. The children are looking at a website about weather. Make sentences bout the seasons and weather in different places. Listen, look and say.
Bring in pictures of different weather conditions in different parts of China.
Display the pictures of different weather conditions. Revise the words hot and cold to describe the air temperature with the pupils. Then tell the pupils It’s not always hot and cold. Sometimes it’s not very hot, and we say it’s warm. Sometimes it’s not very cold, and then we say it’s cool. Write the words on the board.
Teach the words rain and snow using the pictures, ask: What do we wear when it rains?
Ask the pupils to tell me the names of the months. Write the names of the four seasons on the board and write the names of the months under the appropriate seasons. Tell the pupils to repeat the seasons in order in which they come in the year.
Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the pupils to repeat after the cassette.
Show Transparency. Teach the pinyin spellings for the places in China on the map.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette or read the speech bubbles of the people on the page and ask the pupils to repeat them after me.
Point to the cities on the map and ask the pupils to make the sentences about the weather in those cities.
Tell the pupils to work in pairs and role-play the drills. Check the answers with the whole class.
More to do
The pupils take turns to make sentences about the weather in their city in each of the seasons.
Play a miming game with the class. Ask individual pupils to think of a season and to mime how they feel or what they do in that season. The rest of the class guesses which season it is.
Do Workbook P13. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and read the words in the box. Then ask the pupils to complete the sentences by writing the correct events in the blanks.
Copy the words and phrases in part A.
Copy Part A twice.
Listen to the tape.
Period 2
Understand simple questions in class.
Interact more freely with others by using simple expressions and structures learned.
Language focus:
Where are you from? / I’m from Changchun.
What’s the weather like there in winter? / It’s very cold in winter. It often snows.
B1. Tim and Pat are talking to some new students. Listen, say and act.
Bring in a map of China with the city names written in pinyin.
Show the pupils the map. Revise the names of the cities in the unit. Tell the pupils where I come from. Point to the place on the map. Write on the board.
T: I come from…
P: Where do you come from?
Open the window and revise the question: What’s the weather like?
Write the four seasons on the board and ask which months are in each to revise the four seasons.
Ask confident pupils What’s the weather like in … (city) in winter?
Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to the cities mentioned on the map.
Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after me. Practice the falling intonation for the question Where do you come from? I come from… What’s the weather like in ... (city) in winter? It often…
Divide the class into two large groups and ask them to role-play Pat, Tim and the new children. Repeat the activity and ask the groups to exchange roles.
Copy part B1 twice.
Make up a dialogue in groups of four.
Listen to and recite part A, B.
Period 3
Understand simple questions in class.
Participate in simple games and role-plays.
Language focus:
When do you want to go? / I want to go in summer.
Why? / Because I can swim then.
B2. The children are reading a poster. Listen, say and act.
Bring in holiday brochures or poster. Ask the pupils where they went on holiday.
Write a list of verb phrases on the board, e.g. Buy some food / get a book / send a letter / buy a pet / get some money / And the places where you can go to do these things in jumbled orders, i.e. a pet shop, a supermarket, a post office, a bank, a library. Ask the pupils to match the places and the things I can do there.
Using the list, ask the pupils: Why do we go to a supermarket?
P: Because we can buy food there.
Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to the poster and ask the pupils to read it silently. Ask the pupils When can you ride bikes? To check comprehension.
Play the tape and ask the pupils to repeat the sentences after the tape.
Ask the pupils to listen to the conversations once more.
Ask the pupils to work in groups of four. Each one chooses when they want to go and their reason for choosing that season.
B3. Koko and Pat are talking to a girl at the park. Listen and circle.
Tell the pupils that they are going to hear a conversation between Pat, Koko and a new girl. Ask the pupils to look at the choices in the girl’s thought bubbles. Review the cities, seasons and the activities shown.
Play the tape and tell the pupils to circle the information the girl gives.
Ask the pupils to listen to the conversation once more and to check their answers.
Ask the pupils to work in pairs to check their answers.
Copy part B2 twice.
Make up a dialogue in groups of four.
Listen to and recite part A, B.
Period 4
Understand C and act.
Language focus:
The ducks are going for a swim.
You not like us.
Now it is spring again.
Can I swim with you?
Yes, swim with us.
C. A story: The ugly baby duck.
Point to the duck and ask the pupils for the name in English. Ask what is inside the eggs. For better classes you may want to teach the word duckling, otherwise it is acceptable to say baby duck.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask pupils to say the sentences after the cassette.
Ask the pupils to look at picture 2. Ask the pupils Should the baby ducks talk like that to the ugly baby duck? The other baby ducks are rude. What should they be? to revise the words rude and polite from the previous unit.
D. Read the story again. Write the answers.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Show them where to write their answers.
Check the answers with the pupils.
Do Workbook P15
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
Ask the pupils to fill in the blanks according to what they hear on the tape.
Copy Part C twice.
Go over Unit 3.
Period 5
Interact with others by using simple expressions and structures learned.
Provide information by using tables.
Language focus:
Talk about what the weather is like in each season in part of China where they are from.
Say the sound “er” correctly.
E. Say the sound and the words.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.
Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem.
Ask them to listen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and the sound. Get the pupils to repeat the poem.
F. Do a survey.
Tell the pupils to work in pairs. They talk about what the weather is like in each season in the part of China where they are from. They make notes about the weather in different seasons in the chart on page23 by cutting the symbols from page79 and pasting them in the chart.
Let student work individually. Tell the pupils that they can get out of their seats to ask four other pupils about their favorite season and their reason for liking that season. They then fill in the survey on page 23.
Collate the result of the class survey by putting the names of the four seasons on the board and asking how many pupils like each season best.
Do Workbook P17.
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the questions. Tell them to complete the dialogues by choosing the correct words from the box.
G. Listen, write and chant.
Read the words in the first verse aloud with the pupils. Then ask the pupils to guess what John, Bob and Peter are going to do in the second and third verses.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the chant. Play the cassette again for the pupils to fill in the missing words.
H. Think about it!
Ask the pupils how they could find out the answers to this section. One strategy would be to guess, then to check their answers on the Internet. You can try www.glacier.rice.edu/invitation/1-seasons1.html. Antarctica has only two seasons — summer and winter, it is dark with little dark light.
Do Workbook P18
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the questions. Then tell them to fill in the blanks by choosing the correct words from the box.
Copy part F twice.
Recite new words and expressions of Unit 3.
Period 6
Revision of this unit.
Learn to do simple writing using appropriate models provided.
Language focus:
- Where do you want to go? I want to go to … (cities)
- When do you want to go there? I want to go there in … (seasons)
- What’s the weather like there in … (seasons)? It’s … and … (adj.)
- What can you do there in … (seasons)? I can … (action)
A. Warm-up activity.
Learn to say tongue twisters.
B. Presentation.
1. Review activities we may do at different time of a year, e.g. fly kites, ride bikes, make a snowman, swim, etc.
2. Show pictures of more activities through PowerPoint slides. Get the class repeat their names, such as play badminton, stay at home, swim in the sea, have a BBQ, have a picnic and go hiking.
3. Do a memory game with pupils of activities which are covered in step 1 and 2. Make it a group competition. The one who has all correct answers is the winner.
C. Talking task.
1. Show a map of China with four cities on it, i.e. Harbin, Shanghai, Chongqing and Taipei. Students are asked to choose a city to visit.
2. Click each city and have a look. Sentences that may be used here include:
- Where do you want to go? I want to go to … (cities)
- When do you want to go there? I want to go there in … (seasons)
- What’s the weather like there in … (seasons)? It’s … and … (adj.)
- What can you do there in … (seasons)? I can … (action)
Hints of words are also shown on the slide to support pupils’ interaction.
Free talking. Divide the whole class into groups of four. They choose their favourite city to visit.
D. Writing task.
1. Show a model of introductory writing as below. Words in red are replaceable.
2. Get the pupils complete this task, first orally, then in writing. Invite creative thinking.
Writing Model:
I’m from Shenzhen.
In spring, it’s warm and wet.
I can ride bikes here.
I can have a BBQ with my friends, too.
I like spring best.
How about you?
E. Learn more cultural things about seasons.
English proverbs:
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
A year’s plan starts with spring.
A good winter brings a good summer.
F. Homework. (Choose 1 from 2)
1. Write a paragraph describing your favourite season and what you do at that time.
2. Copy Part A, B1 and B2 once, and translate them into Chinese.

课件12张PPT。Unit 3
SeasonsPeriod 6 A shy little she said “shoo”
To a fly and a flee in a flue
  苍蝇 跳蚤  烟道;暖气管 Double bubble gum bubbles double.
双倍的  泡泡糖 吹泡泡 
Tongue Twistersplay badmintonstay at homeswim in the seahave a BBQ
烧 烤ride bikeshave a picnic
野餐go hiking 远足HarbinShanghaiTaipeiChongqingSpringMarch, April, Maywet warmride bikes, have a BBQ…TaipeiSummerswim, go boating 划船HotJune, July, Augustsummer holidayShanghaiAutumnSeptember, October, NovemberChongqingfly kites, go hiking…cool, dryMid-Autumn Day:
eat moon cakes
HarbinWinterDecember, January, Februarycoldski 滑雪, skate 滑冰make a snowmanI’m from .
In , it’s .
I can here.
I can with my friends, too.
I like best.
How about you? Shenzhenspringwarm and wetride bikeshave a BBQspring If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
--- 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
英?雪莱 (西风颂) A year's plan starts with spring.
一年之计在于春。 A good winter brings a good summer.
瑞雪兆丰年。Choose 1 option (二选一)
Write a paragraph describing your favorite season and what you do at that time.
Copy Part A, B1 and B2 once,and translate them into Chinese.
 抄写A, B1 和 B2一遍,并将其翻译成中文。 Homework: