Module 5 Ethnic Culture
Part One Teaching Design
第一部分 教学设计
话题介绍 本模块主题是“少数民族文化”。
Period 1 Introduction 云南各民族丰富多彩的风俗民情,是一个活的历史博物馆。每一个民族的衣、食、住、行及婚恋、礼仪、语言文字、禁忌、审美,莫不结撰为个性鲜明的文化链;纳西族的东巴文化、大理的白族文化、傣族的贝页文化、彝族的贝玛文化…,泼水节、刀杆节、插花节、火把节、木鼓节、三月节…本单元主要介绍了云南省的丽江古城、纳西族和白族的文化。
Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary(1) Reading 中的Simon Walefield’s Yunnan Diary, 选取了几则英文日记,通过外国人的所见所闻,介绍了漓江古城和纳西族的风情文化。在阅读的过程中,能正确理解阅读文章;能正确理解并运用过去分词做状语;在阅读中根据文字表面意思对其深层含义做出正确合理的推断。
Period3 Grammar(1) Grammar v-ed form as adverbial 主要是探讨非谓语动词的用法,过去分词做状语。非谓语动词是高中英语教学的一个难点。
Period 4 Grammar(2) 课本63页的语法项目主要是讨论了几个重要的短语的用法。
Period 5 Reading and Vocabulary (2) The Bai Ethnic Group是一篇说明文,向我们介绍了白族的风俗文化。在阅读的过程中应该有意识的比较白族和前面的纳西族的异同。
Period 6 Reading Practice No Problem 讲述了作者的一次特别的经历,词汇量较大,在阅读中应注意体会结合上下文正确推断单词的意思。
Period 7 Cultural Corner 在这一节中我们了解两种不同的文化,在阅读的过程中比较它们的相同点。正确客观地了解不同民族的文化风俗,增强不同民族之间的团结互助、共同发展意识。
Period 1 Introduction
To learn something about the Yunnan Province
To master the new words in the introduction
To practise talking about ethnic culture
Step 1: Warming up by a discussion
In this module, we will talk about ethnic culture. As we all know, there are so many minorities, for example, the province of Yunnan is one home to many ethnic minorities. How much do you know about Yunnan Province
“Yunnan” this word refers to “the South of Clouds”, it sounds beautiful and it is really a beautiful place. Let me tell you something about this wonderful land.
Yunnan, located in the Southwest China, has a vast territory, magnificent mountains and rivers, and abundant natural resources. With an area of 390,000 square kilometers, Yunnan is the eighth largest province in China. It is an inland province, with Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the east, Tibet Autonomous Region in the northwest, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the southwest. Outside China, Yunnan borders on Burma in the west; Vietnam and Laos in the south. With a long borderline, is the main passageway connecting China with the Southeast Asian nations.
In Yunnan, there are more than 6000 rivers which belong to 6 river-systems and 37 lakes with an area of over 1 square kilometer can be seen here, boasting a large number of plateau lakes. For example, the Dianchi Lake was called the bright pearl of Plateau. There are 700 hot springs as well, all of which attract lots of friends all over the world.
According to our Chinese culture, a perfect place should consist of both the waterscape and the mountain. Yunnan’s mountains are also famous, including the Yulong Xueshan Mountain in Lijiang, which was regarded as one of the key scenic spots at state level. The mountains and rivers in Yunnan are both very superb landscape.
Besides the landscape here, the climate in Yunnan is pleasant. As we all know Kunming is called the Spring City that’s because it’s always warm as in spring. The feature of Yunnan Climate is that it has little difference in the seasonal temperature but considerable difference of temperature in a day. In general, the weather is favorable throughout the year, cool in summer and warm in winter, which makes Yunnan a favorable resort all the year round.
Step 2: Reading the information in the box
Open your textbooks, and turn to page 57. Let’s look at Activity 1. Work in pairs. Say what you know about the province of Yunnan. Use the words in the box and the fact file to help you.
border capital ethnic minority province region share Tibet
Name Yunnan(meaning beautiful clouds in the south)
Location most south-western province
Geography everything from mountains and lakes to rainforests
Size 394,000 square kilometers
Population about 42 million in 2003
Rare animals golden monkey, Asian elephant
Plants home to half of all China’s plant species
People home to 25 ethnic minorities, most diverse region of China
Capital city Kunming
Natural wonders Stone Forest, Tiger Leaping Gorge, first bend of Yangtze River
Read through the words in the box together and repeat them chorally and individually.
Read through the fact file individually and try to understand everything. Now boys and girls, do it please.
Step 3: Describing what the Dai girl is wearing in the picture
Period 2 Reading and vocabulary
● To learn something about the Naxi ethnic group and Lijiang
● To practice the reading skills
● To master the important words and expressions in the passage
Step 1: Warming up by brief Introduction of Lijiang
Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the “Roof of the World”. It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation. Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Xueshan Mountain) (玉龙雪山) and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge(虎跳峡); the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake(泸沽湖), the cultural cradle of the “Matriarchy”of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang.
Lijiang Town is officially called “Dayan Town”—— “Dayan” literally means a “great ink stab”, a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China. The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the “Dong Ba Culture” seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique. All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.
Step 2: Before you read
Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.
Step 3: While you read
1. Now read the text loudly please. While you are reading the passage, please underline the new words and phrases and pay attention to the usage of them.
2. Complete the following form according to the information you’ve got in the text.
Date Para. Main ideas Details Simon’s feeling
For reference
Date Para. Main ideas Details Simon’s feeling
April 20th 1 Yunnan’s landscape and the introduction of Lijiang Yunnan’s landscape varied, it’s very tropical in the south and there are mountains in the north. The old town of Lijiang is on the side of a mountain and opposite Yulong Xueshan Mountain. The sky is clear blue. It’s the most beautiful.
2 A bird’s eye view of the town of Lijiang Seen from above, the old town is a maze of canals. There are little bridges and tiny cobbled streets. Three rivers run through the city and wherever you go, you hear the sound of rushing water. Cars are not allowed in the old town. And there are many wooden and stone houses. You feel you are walking back into the past.
April 23rd 3 Naxi culture Women run the Naxi society and until recently Naxi women inherited all property.The Naxi still wear traditional costume-the women wear blue blouses and trousers covered by a blue or black apron. Their culture is fascinating.
4 Naxi language and the legendary origin of Naxi The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still in use and is over 1000 years old. The Naxi believe that they came from a creature called Tabu, who helped them hatch from magic eggs. Reading the translations of the Naxi poems is fascinating.
April 25th 5 Naxi music The music was passed from generation to generation without change. Simon watched a performance of the Naxi Orchestra. Sometimes the instruments sounded like women crying, or trees bending under snow. Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them.
April 29th 6 The last day in the town of Lijiang There is only one day left before traveling to Kunming and then flying back to Simon’s home. “My stay here has been unforgettable and I really don’t want to leave.” “However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same. All equal.”
Step 4: After you read
Next let us do the exercises on page 58.
Find words in the passage which mean:
1) a type of writing that uses pictures
2) to be born from an egg
3) something you can’t forget
4) many small streets that are easy to get lost in
5) a man who is polite and behaves well
6) including many different kinds of things
7) control
8) a road surface made from many small round stones
For reference1) hieroglyphic 2) hatch 3) unforgettable 4) maze 5) gentleman 6) varied 7) run 8) cobbled
Answer the questions:
1) In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied
2) Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang
3) In what way are Naxi women unuaual
4) What is unusual about the Naxi language
5) How do the Naxi believe their people started
6) Why is Naxi music famous
7) In what way does Simon say that people are all the same
For reference1) The south is tropical and the north is mountains.2) Because there is a maze of small streets.3) They are unusual because they run Naxi society. It is usually the men who run societies.4) The language is the only language still used which is written in hieroglyphics.5) They believe that they hatched from magic eggs helped by a creature called Tabu.6) Because it has been passed on orally for eight centuries.7) Because, regardless of ethnicity, we all need to laugh, cry and love.
Choose the correct answers
1. The old town Lijiang is _____.
(a) on the side of Yulong Xueshan Mountain (b) opposite Yulong Xueshan Mountain (c) covered with snow
2. Naxi women ______.
(a) used to inherit all property (b) inherit all property (c) have always inherited property
3. The old man who Simon met ______.
(a) had made translations of Naxi poems (b) read Naxi poems to Simon (c) was very lively
4. The Naxi language ________.
(a) is still spoken today (b) is not spoken any more (c) is almost 1,000 years today
5. The Naxi men who played in the orchestra ______.
(a) were all very old (b) played instruments that sounded sad (c) played music that had not changed for centuries
6. Simon now realizes that ______.
(a) people are equal (b) we are all very different (c) love and friendship are very important
For reference 1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a)
Period 3 Grammar (1) -- v-ed form as adverbials
●To learn about the v-ed form as adverbials
Step 1: 过去分词作状语
1. 过去分词作状语过去分词作状语表示被动的和完成的动作.
(1) Written in a hurry, this article was not so good! 因为写得匆忙,这篇文章不是很好.
【注意】written 为过去分词作状语,表示这篇文章是被写的,而且已经被写. 值得注意的是,有些过去分词因来源于系表结构,作状语时不表被动而表主动.这样的过去分词及短语常见的有: lost (迷路); seated (坐); hidden (躲); stationed (驻扎); lost / absorbed in (沉溺于); born (出身于); dressed in (穿着); tired of (厌烦).
(2) Lost / Absorbed in deep thought, he didn't hear the sound.因为沉溺于思考之中,所以他没听到那个声音.
2. 过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为主句的主语,此时应注意人称一致.
(1) Given another hour, I can also work out this problem.
再给我一个小时,我也能解这道题.(given 为过去分词作状语,它的逻辑主语为主句主语 I ,即 I 被再给一个小时.)
(2)_ Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful to us.
从山顶看城市,城市显得更漂亮.(seen 为过去分词作状语,表"被看",由语境可知,它的逻辑主语必须是城市,而不是"我们",因为"我们"应主动看城市.)
(1) The signal given, the bus started. 信号一发出,汽车就开动了.(the signal 是 given 的逻辑主语,因此主句主语 the bus 就不是given 的逻辑主语.
(2) Her head held high, she went by. 她把头昂得高高地从这儿走了过去.(her head 是 held high 的逻辑主语,因此主句主语 she 就不再是held high 的逻辑主语.)
3. 过去分词作状语来源于状语从句.
(1) Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了. (caught in a heavy rain 为过去分词短语作原因状语,它来源于原因状语从句 Because he was caught in a heavy rain.)
(2)_Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快.( grown in rich soil 为过去分词作条件状语,它来源于条件状语从句 If these seeds are grown in rich soil.
When given a medical examination, you should keep calm. 当你做体格检查时要保持镇定.
4. 过去分词作状语的位置.过去分词可放在主句前作句首状语,后面有逗号与主句隔开;也可放在主句后面,前面有逗号与主句隔开.
He stood there silently, moved to tears. = Moved to tears, he stood there silently. 他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶.
Step 2: Read the sentences and underline the V-ed forms
(a) Spoken by fewer and fewer people these days, the Naxi language may disappear in the future. (because)
(b) Seen from above, the old town is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny streets. (when)
(c) Passed from father to son, the music has not changed for eight centuries. (because)
(d) Looked at from a distance, the Xishan Hills resemble a sleeping beauty. (when)
(e) Completely rebuilt, the town would not be so interesting. (if)
Step 3: Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given above
For reference(b) When it is seen from above, the old town is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny streets.(c) Because it is passed from father to son, the music has not changed for eight centuries.(d) When they are looked at from a distance, the Xishan Hills resemble a sleeping woman.(e) If it were completely rebuilt, the town would not be so interesting.
Step 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box
know give invite lose visit
1) When _____ in spring, the hills are covered with flowers.
2) _______ as one of the loveliest places in China, Yunnan is now visited by many tourists.
3) _______ in the tiny streets, we decided to ask for help.
4) _______ into a Naxi home, you should accept with pleasure.
5) If _______ something you don’t want to eat, just refuse politely.
For reference1) visited 2) Known 3) Lost 4) Invited 5) given
Step 5: Write complete sentences with the correct form of the words
1. discover/ only recently/ old town/ be/ still very quiet
2. visit/ large numbers/ tourists/ old town/ can get very crowded
3. build/ side/ mountain/ village/ be /very attractive
4. cook/ traditional way/ food/ be delicious
For reference1. Discovered only recently, the old town is still very quiet.2. When visited by large numbers of tourists, the old town can get very crowded.3. Built on the side of a mountain, the village is very attractive.4. When cooked in the traditional way, the food is delicious.
Period 4 Grammar (2) -- phrasal verbs
●To learn the usage of some phrasal verbs
Step 1: General introduction
The grammar items in this unit focus on phrasal verbs. You will learn that a phrasal verb is made up of a verb plus an adverb or a preposition. You will also learn some rules to use phrasal verbs. You are expected to apply what you have learnt to practical use by finishing a conversation and a word game.
Step 2: Explanation:
1. Look at the following pare them and tell the part of speech of each underlined word.
He looked around and saw nothing.
She is looking after the old lady carefully.
In the two sentences, around is an adverb while after is a preposition.
She was so ill that it seemed unlikely that she would pull through.
He has gone through a difficult time recently.
Here the first through is an adverb while the second through is a preposition. So we know an adverb or a preposition is used to make up a phrasal verb.
2. Try to understand the meaning of the phrasal verb ‘make out’. Many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. Do you know the meanings of the phrasal verbs in the following sentences
1) His accent gives him away as a southerner.
2) He gave away most of his money to charity.
3) They gave away their last chance of winning the match.
4) The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.
5) She took me in completely with her story.
6) He was homeless, so we took him in.
7) Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
8) I hope you’re taking in what I’m saying.
9) S he pays the bills by taking in washing.
Keys:(1)出卖,泄露秘密 (2)赠送 (3)送掉,放弃 (4)颁发 (5)欺骗(6) 收容 (7) 吸收 (8)理解 (9)在家承接(活计等)
高考链接1.We’re trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we ________ your number incorrectly.(2006浙江)A. looked up B. took down C. worked out D. brought about
2. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it ____ shopping and eating.(2006天津)
A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to
3. The computer system _____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.(2006辽宁)
A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in
4. -The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.
-Don’t worry. We have already ____ two thirds of it.(2006四川)
A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away
5. She______ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.(2006福建)
A. picked out B. made out C. made up D. picked up
6. With no one to _____in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.(2006陕西)
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn to
7. It's already 10 o'clock I wonder how it _______ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.(2006湖南)
A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up
8. The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now _____the matter. (2006湖北)
A. getting through B. working out C. looking into D. watching over
9. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ______scenes of my childhood.(2006湖北)
A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in
10. Although the wind has ______, the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.(2006湖北)
A. turned up B. gone back C. died down D. blown out
11. After he retired from office, Rogers ____ painting for a while, but soon lost interest. (2006山东)
A. took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up
12. I was still sleeping when the fire ______ , and then it spread quickly.(2006广东)
A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out
Keys: 1-5 BDABD 6-10 DBCAC 11-12 AA
Step 3: Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings
1. I didn’t come across any tigers….
2. ….the Dai people make up one third of the population.
3. Oh, yes, the Dai people, I’ve heard of them.
4. So go on about your trip.
5. A Dai family put us up in their home for a week.
6. I really fell for the place.
7. I’ll think it over.
(a) fall in love with
(b) meet or find, when you are not expecting it
(c) continue
(d) let someone stay in your home
(e) consider
(f) be a certain part of something
(g) know about
For reference 1. (b) 2. (f) 3. (g) 4. (c) 5. (d)
Step 4: Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in Activity 1
1. If you _____ a good book on Yunnan when you’re in the bookshop, can you buy it for me
2. I’ll ____ your suggestions but I’m not sure I agree with them.
3. A friend of mine went to Yunnan and ____ a Dai woman. They’re married now.
4. I know a lot about the Dai people but I’ve never _____ that custom.
5. An old man offered to ___ us ____ in his house.
6. Non-Han people ____ nearly 30% of Yunnan’s population.
7. I’m so interested in what you’re saying. Please _____.
For reference1. come across 2. think over 3. fell for 4. heard of 5. put us up 6. make up 7. go on
Period 5 Reading and Vocabulary (2)
● To get some idea about the Bai ethnic group
● To draw out useful information from the text
Step 1: Warming up by reading a passage about the Bai ethnic group.
Hello, everyone, we have known something about the ancient town of Lijiang and the history of the Naxi ethnic group. Today we’ll go on with our study. We’ll learn something about the Bai ethnic group.Archaeological finds from Canger and Haimenkou show that the Erhai area was inhabited as early as the Neolithic Age, and artifacts of the period indicate that the people of the region used stone tools, engaged in farming, livestock rearing, fishing and hunting, and dwelt in caves. Possibly, they began to use bronze knives and swords and other metal tools about 2,000 years ago.The people in the Erhai area developed closer ties with the Han majority in inland provinces in the Qin and Han dynasties. In 109 BC the Western Han Dynasty set up county administrations and moved a large number of Han people to this border area. These people brought more advanced production techniques and iron tools, contributing to the economic development of the area. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the farming there had reached a level close to that of the central plains.Bai aristocrats backed by the Tang court unified the people of the Erhai area and established the Nanzhao regime of Yis and Bais. Its first chief, Piluoge, was granted the title of King of Yunnan by a Tang emperor.Slaves were used to do heavy labor; whole “free” peasants were subject to heavy taxation and forced to render various services including conscription into the army. Some of them, who lost their land, were made slaves.The Nanzhao regime lasted for 250 years. During that period of time, while maintaining a good relationship with the central government, the rulers cruelly oppressed the slaves and mercilessly plundered other ethnic nationalities through warfare. Productivity was thus seriously harmed. This caused slave rebellions and uprisings. Nanzhao’s power came to an end in the year 902. Then a regime based on a feudal lord system, known as the Kingdom of Dali, was established. The kingdom adopted a series of measures such as abolishing exorbitant taxes and removing conservative ministers. As a result, social productivity was restored.The kingdom lasted for over 300 years as a tributary to the Song Dynasty court. It sent warhorses, handicrafts and precious medicines to the court, and in return received science and technology, as well as books in the Han language. Economic and cultural exchanges with the Hans contributed greatly to the development of this border area.The kingdom was conquered by the Mongols in the 13th century, and the Yuan Dynasty rule was established there. The Mongols designated Yuan a province while establishing Dali and Heqing as prefectures. In order to strengthen their control over Dali, the Yuan rulers offered former chieftains official posts and granted their families hereditary privileges. Though land was mainly concentrated in the hands of the local aristocracy at that time, the feudal lord system began to give way to landlord system.The Ming Dynasty took power from the Yuan rulers in 1381. The Ming court removed local chieftains and replaced them with court officials. This kind of reform resulted in the weakening of the political and economic privileges of the local lords, brought freedom to the slaves and raised the enthusiasm of the peasants for farming. Those Bais and Hans who had emigrated were encouraged to return, while Hans from other areas were persuaded to settle there. This measure accelerated the development of the landlord economy of Bai society.In addition to the continuation of the Ming policy of dispatching officials from the central government, the Qing court also appointed local officials and chieftains to rule over the Bais. Some Bai people in remote areas still suffered feudal exploitation and oppression at the time of liberation.
Step 2: Before you read
Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling and then review what we have learnt in the reading.
Step 3: While you read
1. While you are reading the passage, pay attention to the usage of new words and phrases.
2. The following form will help you to understand the text.
item details item details
Population 2 million and 90% of them live in Yunnan Staple food pork, rice and wheat
Native region the Erhai region of Yunnan Architecture a style of traditional Chinese architecture, and build halls used as community centres
Main city Dali Clothes prefer the colour white, and Bai women wear white and red costumes, while the men wear white shirts and long wide trousers
Language their own dialect and Chinese Culture an opera-combining music and danceBai tea ceremony, in which tea is served 3 times
Crops rice, wheat, beans, and cotton Festival the most well-known festival—the Torch Festival
Step 4: After you read
Now you have read the passage and please complete the sentences on page 66.
For reference1. Chinese is mostly spoken today/ they mostly speak Chinese today.2. rice, wheat, beans and cotton3. traditional Chinese architecture4. Yunhe halls5. white, and white and red6. singing and dancing7. the Bai tea ceremony8. have a good luck
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
1. There is very little industry here. It is mostly an agricultural region.2. He took a torch and lit it.3. The Chinese script is much more difficult to learn than the spoken language.4. The opera always ends with a very interesting ceremony.5. Is maize a crop that is grown in the province 6. In many regions, people live by fishing and farming.
Period 6 Reading Practice
● To learn experience from the story No Problem
● To observe and master the use of new words and important phrases
Step 1: Warming up by telling the main idea of the passage
Today we will read a short newspaper report.
Two Englishmen got a flat tyre in the middle of the jungle last week. They didn’t know what to do, as they were a long way from habitation. A local woman found them and took them to her home for tea. Some time later a young man arrived. He had a mobile phone and they called the garage. They took twenty minutes to come.
Next let’s learn it in detail.
Step 2: Before you read
First let us read the new words in the passage.
hammer; foolish; lame; hop; tyre; firm; jungle; soul; in the distance; ox; spear; garment; sleeve; necklace; jewellery; set off; arch; rigid; framework; fasten; loose; fibre; corn; spade; tool; chick; rooster; fold; adjust; furnish; mat; teapot; bare; waist; widow; nephew; garage; awkward; pierce; rainbow
Step 3: While you read
While you are reading, think about what is the writer’s intention.
(a) to describe a meeting between travelers and villagers in the jungle.
(b) to draw attention to the dangers of traveling in the jungle.
(c) to describe life in a remote village in the jungle.
(d) to show in an amusing way how mobile phones can be found in the most isolated places.
Step 4: After you read
Turn to page 68 and finish Activity 4 and 5.
For reference 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c)
Complete the sentences in your own words. (Activity 5.)
For reference1. The region they were traveling through was remote because they had driven for ten hours without seeing anyone.2. The old woman was a local because she was wearing traditional clothes.3. The writer didn’t speak her language because he spoke to her in English.4. The man in the photo was probably her son or nephew because he was too young to be her husband.5. The man suggested they wait by the car because the people from the garage were coming in twenty minutes.
Period 7 Cultural Corner
● To learn something about native American and Australian Aborigines
● To observe and learn the usage of some important words while reading
Step 1: Revision
We have known something about the Chinese ethnic minorities. (the Naxi ethnic group, the Bai ethnic group and the Jinuo ethnic group) Can you tell something about these ethnic groups
Then have a discussion about these ethnic groups, the similarities and differences among the three ethnic groups. Today we’ll learn something about the Native Americans and Australia Americans.
Step 2: Before you read
Before you read the passage, turn to page 69 and look at the question.
For reference1. They both moved from Asia to where they now live. Both groups were hunter-gatherers. The populations of both groups decreased after the arrival of western colonist.
Step 3: While you read
While you are reading the passage you can think about the questions.
Step 4: After you read
Next you can discuss the questions with you partner. Look up the words that you don’t know in the dictionary, and then copy them to your notebook.
Part Two Teaching Resources
第二部分 教学资源
Section 1 Background Readings for Module 5 Ethnic Culture
1. The Jinuo Ethnic Group: The Jinuo Ethnic Group is made up of around 18,000 people who live in the Jinghong area of Yunnan. Their language is a Chinese-Tibetan language with no written script, but they mostly speak Chinese today. They live by farming, and fishing, and they grow mainly rice, maize and tea. Rice and maize, along with beans, are their staple foods; they eat three meals a day, with lunch being taken on their farmland. They live in large houses made of bamboo on mountain slopes. About 20 or 30 families live on the upper floor of the same house, keeping their animals on the ground floor. The women wear colorful jackets and short black skirts, while the men wear a short white jacket and white or blue trousers. They are known as good singers and dancers, and the drum is a very important instrument for them. In December they have a special Sun-drum Dance, when older people play a special drum and others dance around drum.
2. Ethnic Minorities in the UK: Immigration from countries which were former British colonies means that there are many other ethnic groups in the UK. These are the figures from the 2001 censsus (published 2003). Total UK population: 58,789,194. Ethnic groups: White: 92.1%, Mixed: 1.2%, Asian/Asian British: 4.0%, Black/Black British: 1.8%, Chinese: 0.4%, other: 0.6%.
3. Naxi: ( http: / / / EnpPubImg / 20040109 / xinsrc_c00a3e6bc1d44e5f95198c2ad887a3bb.jpg" \t "_blank ) ( http: / / / EnpPubImg / 20040109 / xinsrc_6d8a93605e6b4a86ba7ca4309d3fc60d.jpg" \t "_blank )With a population of about 278009 (as of 1990), the Naxi ethnic group mainly live in concentrated communities in the Naxi Autonomous County of Lijiang in the Yunnan Province, and the rest are scattered throughout the neighboring counties in Yunnan Province, as well as Yanyuan, Yanbian and Muli counties in Sichuan Province. There is also a small number living in the Mangkang County in the Tibet Autonomous Region.
The Naxi ethnic minority has its own language which belongs to the Yi branch of Tibeto-Burman Austronesian of the Chinese-Tibetan Phylum. The ancient Naxi people created pictographic characters called the “Dongba” script and a syllabic writing known as the “Geba” script. However, they were difficult to master, and in 1957 the government helped the Naxi design an alphabetic script. Due to close contact with the Han people over the past several hundred years, the Naxi people also use the oral and written Chinese to communicate.
According to historical documents, the forefathers of the Naxi people were closely related to a tribe called “Maoniu Yi” in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), “Mosha Yi” in the Jin Dynasty (265-420) and “Moxie Yi” in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The Naxis also had a number of other names. In 1278, the Yuan Dynasty established Lijiang Prefecture representing the imperial court in Yunnan Province. After the founding of the PRC in 1949, following consultation with the ethnic minority, it agreed upon the official name of Naxi ethnic minority.
Agriculture is the main occupation of the Naxi people, together with stockbreeding and handicraft industry. The banks of the Jinsha River are heavily forested, and Yulong Mountain is known at home and abroad as a “flora storehouse”. The extensive dense forests contain Chinese fir, Korean pine, Yunnan pine and other valuable trees, as well as many varieties of herbs.
Naxi literature is rich in form and content. The Dongba script created in the seventh century by the Naxi people is the only pictographic characters extant in the world. The Dongba Scripture, a religious work written in the pictographic script, describes the various aspects of life of the Naxi people during their long transition from slavery to feudalism. It is extremely important for the study of Naxi literature, history and religion.
Most Naxi people were followers of the Dongba religion, which is a form of Shamanism. Lamaism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity only have limited access to the Lijiang area.
The traditional festivals include the Farm-Tool Fair in January, the God of the Rain Festival in March, and the Mule and Horse Fair in July. There are also the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival and the Torch Festival -- all being the same as those of the Hans.
4. 丽江
丽江坝子, 云南特有民族纳西族的主要聚居地,它是滇西北最大的高原盆地,面积近200平方公里,海拔2400米左右。丽江县城大研镇就坐落在坝子的中央。人们通常说的丽江古城,就是大研镇的中心,在1997年12月4日它被联合国列入世界文化遗产名单,成为一座世界文化名城。
为什么叫“丽江”呢? “丽江”一名,始于元朝至元十三年(1276年)设置行政区丽江路。《元史·地理志》说:“路因江名。”就是说,“丽江”地名的由来最早起源于金沙江的别称“丽水”。金沙江就是长江上游,因产金沙得名。但为什么金沙江又称“丽水”、“丽江”呢?史书上的主要说法是金沙江源于青藏高原犁牛石,而称犁水,即犁田的犁,山水的水。昆明大观楼长联作者孙髯翁就在《金沙江》诗中写道:“劈开蕃域斧无痕,流出犁牛向丽奔”。蕃域即今藏族先民吐蕃居住区。后因犁、丽声音相近而异写为丽水、丽江。
Section 2 The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences from Module 5 Ethnic Culture
1.The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5500-metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow.古城依山而建,对面是海拔5500米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。
its peak covered with snow独立主格结构作伴随状语。可以看作是省略了with的独立主格结构。以下就这一结构举些例子来说明。
1) (with)+n.+n. The workforce is made up of 400 workers, (with) most of them women.
2) (with)+n.+adj. The street wet and slippery, we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully.
3) (with)+n.+adv. The meeting over, we returned to the classroom.
4) (with)+n.+prep.-phrase The old man sat on the chair, with a pipe in his mouth/pipe in mouth. (当介词后的名词表示身体的某个部位时,可省略修饰成分)
5) (with)+n.+to do/to be done (表示将来动作) The sports meeting to be held next week, we must get ready for it.
6) (with)+n.+doing/being done(表示正在进行)/having done(强调动作已经完成)
It being sunny, the children went to the park.
Time permitting, we’ll visit the park.
The guests having left, she began to clean the room.
7) (with)+n.+done/having been done(被动关系,强调动作完成后的状态) Her glasses broken, she couldn’t see the words on the blackboard.
对比选择:1.___little time left, you’d better walk as fast as possible. A. Being B. There being C. It being D. There is2. As ___ no time left, you’d better walk as fast as possible. A. Being B. There being C. It being D. There isKeys: 1-2 BD
2.Today, Aborigines make up just over 1.5% of Australia’s population. 今天土著居民仅占澳大利亚人口总数的1.5%多一点。
make up “组成,构成”
make room for 为……. 让地方, make sentences with 用……造句, make a face or make faces 做鬼脸, make tea沏茶, make friends with 与……交朋友, make up编出,组成,构成, make a mistake出差错, make sure确保,确信, make a noise吵闹, make over 转让, be made into 被制成……, be made by 被……制成, be made in (在某年某地)制造, be made of由…制成, be made from 由……制成 (看不出原材料),
Section 3 Words and Expressions from Module 5 Ethnic Culture
ethnic adj.
1 of a national or racial group of people:
A question on ethnic origin was included in the census.
The factory’s workforce reflects the ethnic mix from which it draws its labour.
Conflicts between the different ethnic groups in the country exploded into civil war.
2 from a different race or interesting because characteristic of an ethnic group which is very different from those that are common in western culture:
ethnic food
ethnic costume
diverse adj.
varied or different:
Students from countries as diverse as Colombia and Lithuania use Cambridge textbooks when they learn English.
New York is a very culturally/ethnically diverse city.
people from diverse cultures
My interests are very diverse.
native adj.
1 [before noun] relating to or describing someone's country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place:
She returned to live and work in her native Japan.
She’s a native Californian.
2 describes plants and animals which grow naturally in a place, and have not been brought there from somewhere else:
Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of native flowering plants.
The horse is not native to America - it was introduced by the Spanish.
3 [before noun] relating to the first people to live in an area:
The Aborigines are the native inhabitants of Australia.
the native population
native customs and traditions
4 your native language/tongue the first language that you learn:
French is his native tongue.
5 [before noun] A native ability or characteristic is one that a person or thing has naturally and is part of their basic character:
his native wit
varied adj.
containing or changing between several different things or types:
a varied group of people
a lengthy and varied career
With its varied climate, the country attracts both winter and summer sports enthusiasts.
run v.
1 [I or T] to (cause to) operate:
Keep clear of the machines while they’re running.
The government took desperate measures to keep the economy running.
Do you know how to run this sort of machinery
The mechanic asked me to run (= switch on and allow to work) the engine for a minute.
They had the new computer system up and running (= working) within an hour.
We’ve run the computer program, but nothing happens.
We’re running (= doing) an experiment.
2 [T] to be in control of:
He’s been running a restaurant/his own company since he left school.
The local college runs (= provides) a course in self-defence.
a well-run/badly-run organization/business/course
3 [T] If you run a car, you own one, drive it and pay for the costs:
I can’t afford to run a car.
4 [T] to organize the way you live or work:
Some people run their lives according to the movements of the stars.
inherit v.
to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died:
Who will inherit the house when he dies
All her children will inherit equally.
She inherited a fortune from her father.
policies inherited from the previous administration
custom n.
a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time:
a local/ancient custom
[+ to infinitive] In my country, it’s the custom (for women) to get married in white.
splash v.
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] If a liquid splashes or if you splash a liquid, it falls on or hits sth. or someone:
Water was splashing from a hole in the roof.
Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.
She splashed her face with cold water.
She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon.
2 [I usually + adverb or preposition] to move in water so that drops of it go in all directions:
The kids were splashing (about/around) in the shallow end of the swimming pool.
n.1 an area of land, together with house and buildings, used for growing crops and/or keeping animals as a business:
a dairy/arable farm
farm animals
fresh farm produce
farm workers
2 a place where a particular type of animal is raised in large numbers to be sold:
a sheep/fish/mink farm
v. to use land for growing crops and/or raising animals as a business:
The Stamfords have farmed this land for over a hundred years.
lame adj.
(especially of animals) not able to walk correctly because of physical injury to or weakness in the legs or feet
The horse went lame.
firm adj.
1 well fixed in place or position:
The bridge provided a firm platform for the bungee jumpers.
2 fixed at the same level or opinion and not changing:
The government remains firm in its opposition to tax reform.
rigid adj.
stiff or fixed; not able to be bent, moved, changed or persuaded:
a rigid steel and concrete structure
I was rigid with (= stiff and unable to move because of) fear.
DISAPPROVING We were disappointed that they insisted on such a rigid interpretation of the rules.
fasten v.
1 to (cause sth. to) become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed:
Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.
This shirt fastens at the back.
2 fasten sth. on/to/together, etc. to fix one thing to another:
I fastened the sticker to the windscreen.
fold v.
1 [I or T] to bend sth., especially paper or cloth, so that one part of it lies on the other part, or to be able to be bent in this way:
I folded the letter (in half) and put it in an envelope.
He had a neatly folded handkerchief in his jacket pocket.
Will you help me to fold (up) the sheets
2 [T] to wrap:
She folded her baby in a blanket.
He folded his arms around her.
3 fold your arms to bring your arms close to your chest and hold them together
4 [T] to move a part of your body into a position where it is close to your body:
She sat with her legs folded under her.
adjust v.
1 to change sth. slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable:
If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.
As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.
2 to arrange your clothing to make yourself look tidy:
She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath and walked into the room.
furnish v.
1 to provide with furniture; to put furniture in:
They’ve furnished the room very simply.
2 to provide someone with sth.:
Furnished with maps, a compass and sandwiches, they set off for a day’s hiking.
awkward adj.
difficult to use, do, or deal with:
It’s an awkward corner to drive round, so take it slowly.
Some of the questions were rather awkward.
It was an awkward ascent, but we reached the top eventually.
[+ to infinitive] My car’s quite awkward to drive.
He’s an awkward customer (= a difficult person to deal with).
pierce v.
1 [I + adverb or preposition; T] to go into or through sth., making a hole in it using a sharp point:
The needle pierces the fabric four times a second.
I couldn’t wear these earrings because my ears aren’t pierced.
The gun fires a shell capable of piercing the armour of an enemy tank.
The hole they drilled pierces 6 km into the earth’s crust.
2 [T] (of a light, sound, etc.) to suddenly be seen or heard, despite darkness, noise, etc:
A few rays of sunlight pierced the smoke.
piercing adj.
1 going through or into sth.:
Troops have been issued with new armour-piercing anti-tank grenades.
FIGURATIVE We shivered in the piercing wind.
2 describes a sound that is high, loud and unpleasant:
piercing screams
3 a piercing criticism/question/remark, etc. a criticism/question/remark, etc. which is unpleasant or uncomfortable because it is strong or it makes you think about or discuss something which you would prefer not to:
She hadn’t really meant to lie, but their piercing questions had forced her to.
4 piercing eyes/look/gaze/glance, etc. used to describe when a person looks very carefully at someone or sth., especially when they are trying to discover sth., often making people feel uncomfortable:
Sherlock Holmes gave him a piercing glance.
FIGURATIVE He looked straight at me with his piercing blue eyes.经典时文背诵Family Structure of Miao:A typical “small family” in Miao society is considered to be two generations while three generations will be “standard small family”. However, the “small family” is widely seen in Miao society. When the sons divide and move out, the parents usually stay with the youngest son. Like most societies, the guy works outside while the girl maintains the housework. The girl should not take care of the business or affairs outside the house. Mostly, the husband will be the one that is taking care of these. However, when it comes to food, cloth, or children’s marriages, the wife is the one has the power. Then for harvest and working in the fields, both of them will work together mutually. Therefore, in a typical Miao “small family”, the status of a wife is basically on the same level as that of the husbands’. Most of the family wealth will be inherited by the sons. If the family doesn’t have any sons, then the wife has the right to inherit the wealth. After the death of the wife, it is split toward the husband’s brothers. If the family doesn’t have any kids, they can adopt their relatives or outsiders. Kids being adopted have the right to inherit the wealth. Moreover, sometimes, the wealth can be inherited by son in laws.
Next let’s look at the picture. What do you think of the little girl What do you think of her traditional costume
For reference: The little girl is dancing. She is wearing a brightly colored traditional costume. Her blouse is red. She has a silver belt and her skirt is also red.延长县中学教师教案编写首页
科目:English 教师: 编号:
课 题: Ethnic Culture 所属章节:Module 5 Book 7
授课班级: 授课时间:2009年 2 月 日 备课组长:D
教案共计 页 教案完成时间:2009年 2 月 13日 课时数:8
教 案 编 写 内 容
教学目的: 1. To Provide the Ss with the opportunity to talk about “Ethnic Culture” and let the Ss know the information about Ethnic Culture.2. To learn to deal with language difficulties in communication. 3. To Encourage Ss to think and talk in English through communicative tasks and provide Ss with chances of cooperation. 4. To Improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension6. Encourage the Ss to grasp the grammatical items7. To improve the Ss reading, listening, speaking and writing abilities.
教学重点:1. To improve the Ss reading, listening, speaking and writing abilities.2. Try to grasp the grammatical items.
教学难点及突破方法:How to make the students understand the reading passage better.
教学方法与教具:Task-based;Student-centered;Question-based1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn.2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.3. Question-based method while careful reading can help students understand what they’ve learned better.4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text and the multimedia the blackboard
Module 5 Ethnic Culture
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