高中英语模块五 Unit 13 People Warm-up 教案
In this unit you will…
☆Read a magazine article and a literature extract.
☆Talk a高考资源网bout people’s personalities; describe people and speculate about photographs.
☆Listen to a description of people, a class discussion and a dialogue.
☆Write a description of a person. 21世纪教育网
☆Learn and use Past Participles and modal verbs for speculation.
☆Add these words to the Key Words box.
beard, blond, curly, elderly, long, overweight, slim, wavy, wrinkles
Hair: bald, dark, fair, red, shoulder–length, straight, short blond, curly, long, wavy
HYPERLINK "http://www." HYPERLINK "http://www."
Age: in her/his (early/mid/late)teens/twenties/thirties, middle–aged elderly
HYPERLINK "http://www." \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=464330753&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=赵丽蓉&in=1" \t "_blank"
Special features: eyebrows, moustache, ponytail beard, wrinkles
HYPERLINK "http://www." \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=407853001&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=大胡子&in=29" \t "_blank"
General: good–looking, short, tall, well–built overweight, slim
HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=938808402&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=金在元&in=8" \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=167267503&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=蔡依林&in=1" \t "_blank"
Add more words to the lists.
☆Listen to the police description. Which people in the photo below are the police looking for
Tapescript 21世纪教育网
Announcer: Police are looking for four people in connection with a robbery. They were last seen in the London area. The first is a white man. He is quite tall with short, dark hair. He was last seen wearing a black baseball cap, a blue shirt and sunglasses. The second is a white man wearing glasses. He is bald and was last seen wearing a white shirt and holding books under his arm. The third is a black woman. She has short hair and was last seen wearing a black and white striped top with a gold chain around her neck. The fourth per son is an old white man. He has grey hair and a gray beard and was last seen wearing glasses with red frames and a blue, white and red checked shirt, If you see any of these people, please contact﹍
HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=336829503&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=刘德华&in=109" \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://www." \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=1076419702&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=张卫健&in=10" \t "_blank"
HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=262646650&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=周润发&in=43" \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://www." \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=737968251&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=赵文卓&in=28" \t "_blank"
HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=452144150&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=贾静雯&in=12" \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://www." \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=282608550&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=赵雅芝&in=145" \t "_blank"
HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=330566102&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=夏洛蒂&in=8" \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://www." \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "http://image./i ct=503316480&z=474670700&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=英格丽%20褒曼&in=17" \t "_blank"
☆Work in pairs. Take turns to describe people in the photos above. Your partner guesses who it is.
Example She’s got long blond hair and she’s smiling.
☆Writing 21世纪教育网
Try to describe one of your friends, then write it down in your exercise books.
blond hair
wavy hair
short hair
long hair
middle-aged woman
in his fifties
five-year- old girl
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